How do ratings behave after users have seen many captions?

This notebook looks at the “vote decay” of users. The New Yorker caption contest organizer, Bob Mankoff, has received many emails like the one below (name/personal details left out for anonymity)

Here’s my issue.

First time I encounter something, I might say it’s funny.

Then it comes back in many forms over and over and it’s no longer funny and I wish I could go back to the first one and say it’s not funny.

But it’s funny, and then I can’t decide whether to credit everyone with funny or keep hitting unfunny. What I really like to find out is who submitted it first, but often it’s slightly different and there may be a best version. Auggh!

How should we do this???

We can investigate this: we have all the data at hand. We record the timestamp, participant ID and their rating for a given caption. So let’s see how votes go after a user has seen \(n\) captions!

%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'seaborn')
import caption_contest_data as ccd

Reading in data

Let’s read in the data. As the last column can contain a non-escaped comma, we have to fix that before doing any analysis.

Note that two versions of this notebook exist (the previous notebook can be found in 43bc5d). This highlights some of the differences required to read in the earlier datasets.

contest = 540

responses = ccd.responses(contest)

alg_label network_delay participant_uid response_time target target_id target_reward timestamp_query_generated label contest filename
0 RandomSampling 0.094617 d43d742e06d25413ea83b2572248c2_hn5JVUAQmZ6YOgB... 5.051 Don't worry. You are safe with me. 360 1 2016-10-11 18:06:45.916540 unfunny 540 540-responses.csv
1 RandomSampling 0.099862 d43d742e06d25413ea83b2572248c2_hn5JVUAQmZ6YOgB... 5.884 I promise, all pre-existing conditions will no... 2104 1 2016-10-11 18:06:51.124120 unfunny 540 540-responses.csv
2 RandomSampling 0.089427 d43d742e06d25413ea83b2572248c2_hn5JVUAQmZ6YOgB... 2.103 You and me make a great combination Doc! 4206 1 2016-10-11 18:06:57.181677 unfunny 540 540-responses.csv
3 RandomSampling 0.087867 d43d742e06d25413ea83b2572248c2_hn5JVUAQmZ6YOgB... 4.746 Zika? No, you're safe. 412 1 2016-10-11 18:06:59.441917 unfunny 540 540-responses.csv
4 RandomSampling 0.089464 d43d742e06d25413ea83b2572248c2_hn5JVUAQmZ6YOgB... 15.780 Click ... to the right; click... to the left. ... 4415 1 2016-10-11 18:07:04.330232 unfunny 540 540-responses.csv

Seeing how many captions a user has seen

This is the workhorse of the notebook: it sees how many captions one participant has seen. I sorted by timestamp (and with an actual timestamp, not a str) to collect the ratings in the order a user has seen. I do not assume that only one user answers at a time.

last_id = None
i = 0
num_responses = []
captions_seen = []
responses = responses.sort_values(by='timestamp_query_generated')
# responses = responses[0:1000]  # debug
captions_seen_by = {}
captions_seen = []
for _, response in responses.iterrows():
    id_, rating = response['participant_uid'], response['target_reward']
    if id_ not in captions_seen_by:
        captions_seen_by[id_] = 0
    captions_seen_by[id_] += 1
    captions_seen += [captions_seen_by[id_]]
    num_responses += [i]
responses['number of captions seen'] = captions_seen
alg_label network_delay participant_uid response_time target target_id target_reward timestamp_query_generated label contest filename number of captions seen
252687 RandomSampling 0.071828 d43d742e06d25413ea83b2572248c2_EKjDKfTX9LNM2MT... 4.557 You probably wouldn't even be here if you had ... 1490 1 2016-10-10 17:21:45.573372 unfunny 540 540-responses.csv 1
252688 RandomSampling 0.076773 d43d742e06d25413ea83b2572248c2_EKjDKfTX9LNM2MT... 14.824 I guess I don't need to apologize for my cold ... 2883 1 2016-10-10 17:21:50.381564 unfunny 540 540-responses.csv 2
252689 RandomSampling 0.142236 d43d742e06d25413ea83b2572248c2_EKjDKfTX9LNM2MT... 4.752 I'm sorry but your tumblers are dry, your pett... 3923 1 2016-10-10 17:22:05.504520 unfunny 540 540-responses.csv 3
252690 RandomSampling 0.070380 d43d742e06d25413ea83b2572248c2_EKjDKfTX9LNM2MT... 3.380 New and improved provider reimbursement under ... 271 1 2016-10-10 17:22:10.584019 unfunny 540 540-responses.csv 4
252691 RandomSampling 0.068067 d43d742e06d25413ea83b2572248c2_EKjDKfTX9LNM2MT... 2.258 Try a more balanced diet . . . your acid test ... 3686 1 2016-10-10 17:22:14.221277 unfunny 540 540-responses.csv 5

Viewing the data

Now let’s format the data to view it. We can view the data in two ways: as we only have three rating values, we can view the probability of a person rating 1, 2 or 3, and can also view the mean.

In this, we rely on pd.pivot_table. This can take DataFrame that looks like a list of dictionaries and compute aggfunc (by default np.mean) for all items that contain common keys (indicated by index and columns). It’s similar to Excel’s pivot table functionality.

Probability of rating {1, 2, 3}

def prob(x):
    n = len(x)
    ret = {'n': n}
    ret.update({name: np.sum(x == i) for name, i in [('unfunny', 1),
                                                  ('somewhat funny', 2),
                                                  ('funny', 3)]})
    return ret

probs = responses.pivot_table(index='number of captions seen',
                              columns='alg_label', values='target_reward',
alg_label RandomSampling
number of captions seen
1 {'n': 8076, 'unfunny': 5154, 'somewhat funny':...
2 {'n': 7663, 'unfunny': 5319, 'somewhat funny':...
3 {'n': 7390, 'unfunny': 5208, 'somewhat funny':...
4 {'n': 7142, 'unfunny': 5045, 'somewhat funny':...
5 {'n': 6915, 'unfunny': 4968, 'somewhat funny':...
d = {label: dict(probs[label]) for label in ['RandomSampling']}
for label in d.keys():
    for n in d[label].keys():
        if d[label][n] is None:
        for rating in ['unfunny', 'somewhat funny', 'funny']:
            d[label][n][rating] = d[label][n][rating] / d[label][n]['n']
df = pd.DataFrame(d['RandomSampling']).T
df = pd.concat({'RandomSampling': df}, axis=1)
n unfunny somewhat funny funny
1 8076.0 0.638187 0.273774 0.088039
2 7663.0 0.694115 0.235808 0.070077
3 7390.0 0.704736 0.217321 0.077943
4 7142.0 0.706385 0.221367 0.072249
5 6915.0 0.718438 0.201446 0.080116

fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4), ncols=2)

alg = "RandomSampling"
show = df[alg].copy()
show["captions seen"] = show.index

for y in ["funny", "somewhat funny", "unfunny"]:
    show.plot(x="captions seen", y=y, ax=axs[0])
show.plot(x="captions seen", y="n", ax=axs[1])

for ax in axs:
    ax.set_xlim(0, 100)
    ax.grid(linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)

(0, 100)
(0, 100)

def plot(alg):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
    ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
    df[alg][['unfunny', 'somewhat funny', 'funny']].plot(ax=ax)
    plt.xlim(0, 100)
    plt.title('{} ratings\nfor contest {}'.format(alg, contest))
    plt.ylabel('Probability of rating')
    plt.xlabel('Number of captions seen')
    plt.grid(linestyle="--", alpha=0.6)

    ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
    df[alg]['n'].plot(ax=ax, logy=False)
    plt.ylabel('Number of users')
    plt.xlabel('Number of captions seen, $n$')
    plt.title('Number of users that have\nseen $n$ captions')
    plt.xlim(0, 100)
    plt.grid(linestyle="--", alpha=0.6)

for alg in ['RandomSampling']:
    fig = plot(alg)
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