Getting started


This package is on PyPI:

pip install caption-contest-data

Running this command will not download any data, only the scripts required to get the data. Then, the API can be imported into Python as shown in the demo below.


All dependencies are managed with pip. This includes the packages scipy, pandas and requests.

An optional dependency required to get the responses (i.e. through responses) is

Brief demo

Let’s read in the data from contest 553:

>>> import caption_contest_data as ccd
>>> df = ccd.summary(553)
>>> df.head()
   rank  funny  ...  contest                                            caption
0     1     87  ...      553                      I'd like to see other people.
1     2     74  ...      553  I know that look, you're not going to let this...
2     3     63  ...      553                      I'd like to see other people.
3     4     54  ...      553  What a delightful coincidence. I'm also recent...
4     5     61  ...      553              Maybe his second week will go better.

[5 rows x 9 columns]

Let’s look at the funniest caption:

>>> df.iloc[0]
rank                                          1
funny                                        87
somewhat_funny                               84
unfunny                                     157
count                                       328
score                                   1.78659
precision                             0.0462131
contest                                     553
caption           I'd like to see other people.
Name: 0, dtype: object

What are the funniest captions?

>>> pprint(df.caption[:5].tolist())
["I'd like to see other people.",
 "I know that look, you're not going to let this go.",
 "I'd like to see other people.",
 "What a delightful coincidence. I'm also recently single.",
 'Maybe his second week will go better.']

These are all captions for this comic:

This URL is available through the meta function:

>>> ccd.metadata(553)
{'comic': '',
 'num_responses': 547090,
 'num_captions': 6996,
 'funniest_caption': "I'd like to see other people.",
 'example_query': ''}