Contest #791



The winning captions

These captions are chosen by The New Yorker.

  1. “It’s got an indoor tree.”
  2. “Don’t you ever feel like they wanted a bigger dog?”
  3. “I'm part Great Dane.”

Name Value
Submission deadline 2022-02-20T22:03:00.000Z
Voting started -
Voting ended 2022-03-06T22:04:00.000Z
Finalists announced 2022-02-28T22:04:00.000Z
Magazine(s) announcing finalists issued March 7, 2022
Number of captions 7266
Number of responses 910349
Number of participants -


In this table, the "mean" means the empirically measured average funniness score when the "unfunny", "somewhat funny" and "funny" receive a funniness score of 1, 2, 3 respectively. "Precison" is the standard error of the mean, the standard deviation of the mean estimate. With that, a caption with an empirical mean μ and precision σ has true mean in the range [μ - 2σ, μ + 2σ] with 95% probability by the 68-95-99.7 rule assuming the responses are indepedent and identically distributed.

Rank Caption Mean Precision Total votes "Unfunny" votes "Somewhat funny" votes "Funny" votes
0 I’m pretty sure I wasn’t their first choice. 1.9466 0.01326 3671 1288 1291 1092
1 And the acoustics make me sound like a German shepherd. 1.8867 0.01424 3002 1103 1136 763
2 They’ll eventually figure out I’m full grown. 1.8825 0.01301 3668 1393 1323 952
3 Wait until you see my water bowl. It has a deep end. 1.8604 0.01430 3016 1169 1099 748
4 I might have exaggerated my height a bit on the rescue paperwork. 1.8497 0.01630 2222 848 860 514
5 Yes, it is--but at least the Trump logo is gone. 1.8441 0.01546 2777 1172 866 739
6 The bathroom is still outside. 1.8413 0.01236 4096 1660 1428 1008
7 Look at what I'm able to afford just by leaving California! 1.8362 0.01277 3902 1617 1309 976
8 I wasn't going to spring for an indoor tree, but then I thought, "Who's a good boy?" 1.8331 0.01352 3529 1488 1147 894
9 It's a bitch to heat. No offense. 1.8330 0.01780 1964 802 688 474
10 The acoustics make me sound ferocious. 1.8117 0.01463 2788 1144 1025 619
11 Remember that Great Dane I met at the dog park? Things have been moving pretty fast. 1.8057 0.01334 3583 1557 1165 861
12 You know what they say: choose your house for the dog you want to be. 1.7683 0.01303 3488 1530 1236 722
13 Not to brag...but you should see the size of my fire hydrant 1.7584 0.01578 2417 1090 821 506
14 One of these days I'm going to meet a Great Dane at a bar and she's gonna say "Let's go to your place." 1.7554 0.01402 3115 1427 1023 665
15 Don’t you ever feel like they wanted a bigger dog? 1.7544 0.01441 2679 1157 1024 498
16 Great Danish architecture. 1.7532 0.01949 1617 745 526 346
17 I wanted something with a big-dog feel without the fat-cat vibe. 1.7458 0.01286 3564 1622 1228 714
18 I’m finding it very difficult to live up to their expectations. 1.7454 0.01478 2636 1180 947 509
19 I’ve always loved Great Danish architecture. 1.7451 0.01390 3017 1362 1062 593
20 Dad's a giraffe. I'm adopted. 1.7377 0.01390 3202 1520 1002 680
21 You just have to stick your nose in the right butts 1.7343 0.01843 1833 881 559 393
22 It intimidates the mailman. 1.7341 0.01236 3629 1625 1349 655
23 I'm a very good boy. 1.7333 0.01196 4428 2155 1302 971
24 Just wait ‘til you see the drinking toilet. 1.7290 0.01321 3306 1523 1156 627
25 They thought a "Beware of the Dog" sign lacked impact. 1.7287 0.01273 3413 1532 1275 606
26 It’s Great Dane space at Chihuahua prices! 1.7285 0.01285 3433 1565 1235 633
27 I'm subletting from a Great Dane. 1.7232 0.01886 1521 680 582 259
28 I’m just so over the tiny house movement 1.7225 0.01432 2796 1297 978 521
29 All mine, but on occasion my owner has to sleep in it. 1.7210 0.01577 2226 1013 821 392
30 Now, everybody fears the ‘Beware of Dog’ sign. 1.7206 0.01390 3006 1410 1026 570
31 Sure, the high ceilings are nice, but you’ve got to see the indoor hydrant. 1.7201 0.01298 3312 1519 1201 591
32 I got a great deal after the Great Dane moved out. 1.7183 0.01366 2847 1270 1109 468
33 My roommate is a giraffeadoodle 1.7142 0.01481 2904 1464 811 629
34 It's for when my owner's in the doghouse too. 1.7111 0.01515 2499 1182 857 460
35 It feels like you’re compensating for something. 1.7095 0.01460 2613 1217 938 458
36 It’s got an indoor tree. 1.7092 0.01524 2655 1316 795 544
37 We've just moved in; I'm afraid there's not much to smell yet." 1.7022 0.01553 2327 1109 806 412
38 I get a sneaky suspicion we’re getting a bigger dog! 1.7021 0.01497 2350 1081 893 376
39 My father is a giraffadoodle. 1.6938 0.01888 1718 877 495 346
40 The Danes moved out about a month ago. 1.6927 0.01667 1933 907 713 313
41 The Mastiff will see you. 1.6900 0.01776 1826 896 600 330
42 You looked taller in your profile. 1.6900 0.02968 658 324 214 120
43 His wife sends him out here a lot. 1.6874 0.01884 1657 827 521 309
44 How much bigger do they think you’ll get? 1.6865 0.02084 1228 580 453 195
45 You can really get more bang for your bark outside of the city. 1.6841 0.01773 1678 791 626 261
46 I forgot to tell the contractor that the measurements were in metric. 1.6816 0.01848 1649 810 554 285
47 Did you have any trouble finding the place? 1.6796 0.01876 1548 749 546 253
48 Yeah, I've been seeing this Great Dane. 1.6783 0.01854 1579 766 556 257
49 They thought I would grow into it 1.6770 0.01833 1480 684 590 206
50 Everyone kept saying that the house had great bones. 1.6742 0.02002 1412 704 464 244
51 It's big enough for when the husband gets sent here.... 1.6716 0.02030 1419 724 437 258
52 Lucky dog? Trust me, it gets real crowded when I have to share it with my owner's husband 1.6708 0.02009 1367 676 465 226
53 It still smells of giraffe but I got it for a song. 1.6662 0.02677 791 400 255 136
54 I got caught peeing on the carpet, so they sent me to the big house. 1.6654 0.02079 1279 648 419 212
55 He told me I was the best dog ever. I said, "Prove it! 1.6648 0.02113 1274 647 407 220
56 I'm a sucker for Great Danish modern." 1.6629 0.02124 1240 626 406 208
57 Online purchase? 1.6605 0.03099 595 305 187 103
58 This is how the canine 1% live 1.6587 0.02192 1172 598 376 198
59 I was told it belonged to a big, red movie star, but that’s as much as I know. 1.6579 0.02191 1146 578 382 186
60 I’m house sitting for the Giraffes. They’re away on safari. 1.6564 0.02285 1135 598 329 208
61 It’s great! I bark and it barks back! 1.6527 0.02306 1048 537 338 173
62 The design school is Bow-wowhaus. 1.6525 0.02478 941 492 284 165
63 Yes. I am in a mixed marriage. She's a giraffe. 1.6503 0.02406 975 505 306 164
64 Bauhaus. 1.6460 0.02398 969 502 308 159
65 Ironically, it has very low overhead. 1.6456 0.02348 965 498 318 149
66 Wait till you see the hydrant out back ! 1.6446 0.02486 965 520 268 177
67 In this market, if you want it, you better pee on it fast. 1.6400 0.02516 900 484 259 157
68 It's a small lot so we built up. 1.6388 0.02344 922 460 335 127
69 Yeah, I love being Jeff Bezo's dog. 1.6342 0.02602 853 462 243 148
70 It has FOUR fire hydrants! 1.6328 0.02576 877 475 249 153
71 This is our human door and we have a cat door in the back 1.6327 0.02507 833 427 285 121
72 Mr. Trump told Forbes it's a classy parking garage worth millions and told the City it's just a tall dog house. 1.6325 0.02749 819 459 202 158
73 My therapist thinks I’m compensating for the surgery. 1.6286 0.02699 797 434 225 138
74 It was meant for a dachshund, but the plans got turned on their side. 1.6274 0.02665 781 416 240 125
75 It makes it much easier to drag in the mailman 1.6255 0.02696 761 406 234 121
76 After I got neutered, perhaps I overcompensated. 1.6242 0.02696 745 394 237 114
77 They foreclosed on a Great Dane so I got the place for a steal! 1.6235 0.02572 818 440 249 129
78 So my agent said, "Buy the doghouse for the dog you want to be, not just the dog you are." 1.6233 0.02730 791 438 213 140
79 That Big Red Dog defaulted on his loan. You interested? 1.6207 0.02595 783 411 258 114
80 Let's just say I didn't get all this by being a "good boy." 1.6194 0.02974 712 413 158 141
81 I heard you were seeing a Great Dane, but I never expected this. 1.6189 0.02650 753 397 246 110
82 You get a lot more house for the money out here,but I do miss the city hydrants. 1.6156 0.02713 757 412 224 121
83 I had to beg, roll over, and fetch to afford it. 1.6147 0.02627 750 394 251 105
84 This is SO COOL!!! We’re going to be Great Danes when we grow up!!! 1.6135 0.02666 753 403 238 112
85 It’s a Frank Lloyd Wrong. 1.6124 0.02979 663 373 174 116
86 Clifford was an awful husband, but at least I got the house. 1.6117 0.03038 649 369 163 117
87 House-Sitting for Marmaduke. 1.6117 0.02776 667 351 224 92
88 The best part.... you should see my dog dish. 1.6116 0.02668 708 369 245 94
89 You should see their house. 1.6098 0.02780 656 344 224 88
90 I’m getting the carpet stained Monday. 1.6091 0.03085 637 366 154 117
91 Yes, I’m in the doghouse, but you get so much more space in the suburbs.” 1.6077 0.02736 673 353 231 89
92 My master is in the "doghouse" so often, he invested in this great upgrade. 1.6036 0.02800 676 377 198 101
93 Does this doghouse make my butt look smaller? 1.6026 0.02976 609 336 182 91
94 I was a bad boy, so they sent me to the Big House. 1.6025 0.03013 629 354 171 104
95 It's where I see myself in five years. 1.6020 0.02905 598 317 202 79
96 Apparently, I've been a good boy! 1.6020 0.02866 598 313 210 75
97 I'm subletting from a Mastiff. 1.6017 0.02898 605 322 202 81
98 I’m starting to think I won’t grow into it. 1.6006 0.02797 626 328 220 78
99 Did you come to try out the trampoline? 1.6000 0.03099 555 303 171 81
100 You won’t believe the acoustics. 1.5993 0.02825 599 317 208 74
101 There is no "Clifford" here. Why do you ask? 1.5979 0.03002 562 309 176 77
102 It's from a yard sale at Buckingham Palace. 1.5975 0.03061 569 312 174 83
103 Bought it from some big red dog 1.5962 0.02921 639 355 187 97
104 I said I wanted a big woof and something was lost in translation. 1.5944 0.03310 535 309 134 92
105 It's got a raised roof for when my master has to spend the night 1.5942 0.03188 552 312 152 88
106 I was planning on a tiny house, but when the realtor asked "who's a good dog?" I realized I deserved going big. 1.5932 0.02748 590 345 163 81
107 After I won best of show, everything changed. 1.5908 0.03166 501 270 166 65
108 It looked smaller online. 1.5904 0.02855 542 283 202 57
109 There's a false stigma around being in the dog house. To be honest, I've never had it better! 1.5897 0.02990 546 291 188 67
110 My parents were optimistic. 1.5894 0.03038 548 297 179 72
111 Now my human doesn't haven't to crawl in when he does something stupid. 1.5893 0.03111 577 328 158 91
112 I'm renting it from a great dane. 1.5872 0.02940 596 327 188 81
113 And it's got good bones! 1.5868 0.03243 501 283 145 73
114 My parents are Great Danes, but I am adopted. 1.5866 0.03130 566 343 124 97
115 Technically it's only one story tall. Learned that one from Trump. 1.5859 0.03178 512 282 160 70
116 My owner plays in the NBA. 1.5842 0.03273 505 285 145 75
117 I’m planning on getting a human. 1.5841 0.03329 517 300 132 85
118 My owner likes to visit. 1.5767 0.03085 541 302 166 73
119 I thought you would be taller. 1.5764 0.03371 458 257 138 63
120 There's even room to swing a cat! 1.5748 0.03321 515 302 130 83
121 I would have preferred Midcentury Modern, but my wife likes Bow-wow Haus. 1.5733 0.03461 450 258 126 66
122 You get so much more in New Jersey. 1.5728 0.03240 508 290 145 73
123 Would you mind putting on shoes before you come in? 1.5724 0.03569 435 253 115 67
124 They call it Bow-wow haus. 1.5720 0.03484 465 273 118 74
125 I was getting tired of letting them out all the time so I decided it was time to add a human door 1.5717 0.03330 502 293 131 78
126 It’s Great Dane living at a Schnauzer price. 1.5714 0.03281 490 279 142 69
127 Wait 'till you see the water dish. 1.5692 0.03128 506 281 162 63
128 Remember when being in the doghouse was a bad thing? 1.5686 0.03231 452 246 155 51
129 This is what happens when you don't measure twice. 1.5679 0.03453 442 253 127 62
130 I wasn't their first choice. 1.5676 0.03456 444 255 126 63
131 This is what the doghouse looks like in Dubai. 1.5664 0.03409 429 240 135 54
132 I kept the house when Clifford and I divorced. 1.5653 0.03629 444 268 101 75
133 Plus we can swim in the water bowl. 1.5646 0.03297 480 275 139 66
134 You should see the toilet we get to drink out of ! 1.5625 0.03596 400 229 117 54
135 My shrink says I'm compensating for neutering trauma. 1.5616 0.03707 406 241 102 63
136 I wanted something that says “Beware of Dog” without saying “Beware of Dog.” 1.5613 0.03448 465 275 119 71
137 They're talking about rescuing a giraffe 1.5578 0.03487 398 223 128 47
138 I begged and begged until I got my cathedral ceiling. 1.5568 0.03264 458 258 145 55
139 Their first pet was a giraffe. 1.5566 0.03539 424 248 116 60
140 I'm not their first dog. 1.5558 0.03579 403 233 116 54
141 My human often ends up here." 1.5542 0.03571 424 251 111 62
142 Human accessibility" is a new code requirement 1.5536 0.03372 457 266 129 62
143 The shelter told them I was a Great Dane puppy. 1.5530 0.03766 349 199 107 43
144 The acoustics are perfect for frenzied yapping. 1.5495 0.03734 384 228 101 55
145 Name’s Napoleon. Welcome to my complex. 1.5495 0.03716 384 227 103 54
146 Yeah. The contractor was a Great Dane. Nice guy, but... 1.5494 0.03396 435 254 125 56
147 It has good bones. 1.5494 0.03411 435 262 114 59
148 The cat is livid. 1.5488 0.03518 410 238 119 53
149 DNA said I was an Irish wolfhound 1.5483 0.03516 383 218 121 44
150 I know, that's what I love most about having a giraffe as a roommate. 1.5480 0.03539 427 254 112 61
151 The best part about this place is the indoor tree. 1.5471 0.03481 435 268 101 66
152 I bought it from a guy named Clifford. 1.5461 0.03630 401 238 107 56
153 It compensates for being neutered. 1.5450 0.03809 378 231 89 58
154 They figure this will make the "beware of the dog" sign more convincing. 1.5434 0.03496 403 233 121 49
155 It has the height, but stylistically it's same old, same old. 1.5433 0.03531 381 217 121 43
156 Yes my husband is Danish, why do you ask? 1.5429 0.03505 420 253 109 58
157 This way, my human can go in and out whenever they want. 1.5423 0.03763 378 227 97 54
158 Wait till you see the fire hydrants. 1.5415 0.03630 386 227 109 50
159 It sends a message. 1.5408 0.03994 368 231 75 62
160 I'm part Great Dane. 1.5406 0.04167 357 230 61 66
161 I’m housesitting for the Mastiffs. 1.5406 0.03469 431 256 117 58
162 You should see the fire hydrant. 1.5401 0.03601 374 216 114 44
163 It's bit bigger than we need, but the acoustics are great for our midnight howling club. 1.5383 0.03487 379 224 112 43
164 My owner gets sent here a lot. 1.5377 0.03610 385 238 91 55
165 I thought you’d be bigger. 1.5366 0.03881 328 192 96 40
166 My owner left me a million dollars and this is Manhattan, after all. 1.5340 0.03918 324 191 93 40
167 Let's just say I was a very good boy. 1.5333 0.04028 330 201 82 47
168 I know,but they are concerned I might have a small dog complex. 1.5331 0.03629 362 213 107 42
169 Come on in and bark with me. The acoustics are amazing. 1.5326 0.03673 383 230 102 51
170 The builder asked me which feature I wanted to stand out the most, and I said 'roof, roof, roof.' 1.5317 0.04058 363 233 67 63
171 For once, I just wanted to do something for me. 1.5309 0.03802 356 214 95 47
172 My owner and his wife fight a lot. 1.5309 0.03904 356 219 85 52
173 Call me an optimist. 1.5304 0.03739 345 202 103 40
174 Gotta love Great Danish design 1.5301 0.03838 349 210 93 46
175 I bought it from Marmaduke. 1.5294 0.03683 374 224 102 48
176 It's not a home for the bones I currently have, it's a home for the bones I plan to have. 1.5292 0.03778 359 216 96 47
177 Wait until you hear yourself bark in here. 1.5292 0.03836 325 190 98 37
178 Just wait until you see the bones. 1.5285 0.04019 316 190 85 41
179 just in case we have tall children 1.5284 0.03550 352 200 118 34
180 Wait until you see the doghouse! 1.5283 0.03999 318 191 86 41
181 You should see the dog house! 1.5279 0.03827 358 218 91 49
182 Wait until you see the fire hydrant in the bathroom. 1.5278 0.03791 360 218 94 48
183 Yeah, but you should see the size of the fire hydrant. 1.5262 0.03686 363 216 103 44
184 One bedroom ranch. Cathedral ceilings. Open floor plan. And the best obedience school in the city is only one block away. 1.5260 0.03710 346 203 104 39
185 Check it out: when I bark in here, a phantom dog barks right after me, every single time. 1.5256 0.03557 312 199 76 36
186 It's not just Danish design - it's Great Danish! 1.5249 0.03632 381 229 104 48
187 Apparently, I will grow into it. 1.5242 0.03620 330 187 113 30
188 You're much shorter than your profile picture. 1.5241 0.03678 353 208 105 40
189 'I found it on AirB&B. The Giraffe is away all month.' 1.5241 0.05271 187 114 48 25
190 You’ve gotta come in and bark. You won’t believe how it sounds! 1.5227 0.03952 331 202 85 44
191 Married 20 years. I don’t tell her she’s a giraffe, and she doesn’t tell me I’m not a great, shaggy bison. 1.5220 0.03952 341 211 82 48
192 It’s always about the dog you WANT to be, rather than the one you are today. 1.5211 0.03754 332 195 101 36
193 If you have to ask, you can't afford it. 1.5210 0.04194 286 173 77 36
194 My girlfriend is a giraffe. 1.5205 0.03871 365 229 82 54
195 I'm having a heck of a time marking my territory. 1.5172 0.04064 290 173 84 33
196 You should see the food bowl. 1.5171 0.03724 350 210 99 41
197 Burying bones will get you nowhere. Flipping ostentatious real estate, that's the future. 1.5163 0.03710 368 225 96 47
198 They added a dog door, so this was the least I could do. 1.5159 0.03989 314 191 84 39
199 I told the realtor I wanted a starter home with room to grow. 1.5158 0.03682 316 183 104 29
200 It's a nice neighborhood. Schools are great. But good luck replacing a light bulb. 1.5140 0.03678 356 214 101 41
201 And when you bark it's like surround sound! 1.5138 0.03772 327 194 98 35
202 Wait 'til you see the hydrant in the back! 1.5127 0.03964 314 191 85 38
203 Nah, I’m just house sitting for a giraffe. 1.5126 0.04051 318 198 77 43
204 … and then the market crashed, and no more talk about a Great Dane. 1.5118 0.03730 338 202 99 37
205 Its an upscale neighborhood. You should see the fire hydrants! 1.5090 0.04121 279 174 73 31
206 I’m not sure whether to love it or list it. 1.5088 0.04169 283 173 76 34
207 Come on in. Watch your head. 1.5080 0.04000 313 193 81 39
208 You looked taller on Tinder 1.5052 0.04084 291 178 79 34
209 This is Texas, I wouldn't call it excess 1.5051 0.03927 295 176 89 30
210 Some babe called Melania had it built for her husband but he didn't want it! 1.5035 0.04344 288 185 61 42
211 The Cathedral ceilings look great but it's a real bitch to heat! 1.5033 0.03945 302 183 86 33
212 I still can't carry sticks through the door. 1.5019 0.04356 267 167 66 34
213 The vaulted ceilings take bouncy ball play to another level 1.5018 0.04146 271 164 78 29
214 It turns out that the cartoonist can't draw a giraffe. 1.5018 0.04370 271 171 64 36
215 Yeah, I specifically asked for the high woof 1.5000 0.04458 264 168 60 36
216 It looks big from outside, but it's only a one bedroom. 1.4985 0.03714 325 195 98 32
217 Who’s the big dog now? 1.4982 0.03996 285 172 84 29
218 It's not designed for the dog I am; it's designed for the dog I hope to be some day. 1.4982 0.04311 281 179 64 38
219 I know a guy who can replace the lightbulbs 1.4981 0.04214 265 162 74 29
220 I was a good boy. 1.4981 0.04311 257 158 70 29
221 They said I would grow into it 1.4980 0.04148 249 147 80 22
222 Nothing says “Top Dog” like a grand entrance. 1.4980 0.04353 245 149 70 26
223 It's ours for a week -- the giraffes are on vacation. 1.4964 0.04377 278 179 60 39
224 Are you the chandelier repair guy? 1.4963 0.04414 270 173 60 37
225 The food's gotten a lot better since the master moved in. 1.4961 0.04269 256 159 68 29
226 It was one of those HGTV doghouse remodel shows. 1.4959 0.04327 244 148 71 25
227 It's for when my Great Dane girlfriend comes to visit. 1.4954 0.03847 327 203 86 38
228 I installed a human door." 1.4947 0.04399 281 183 57 41
229 I have so much room now, I'm thinking of getting a cat. 1.4945 0.04275 271 170 68 33
230 Apparently we are puppies. 1.4934 0.04574 229 142 61 26
231 It scares the hell out of burglars 1.4926 0.04295 272 172 66 34
232 Yes, it was built in the '80s. Why do you ask? 1.4913 0.04066 287 178 77 32
233 Told you that you get a lot more room in the suburbs. 1.4904 0.04121 261 158 78 25
234 Someone let the big dogs out. 1.4899 0.04089 296 187 73 36
235 You just get so much more room in Brooklyn. 1.4882 0.04454 254 162 60 32
236 My owner likes to sleep over sometimes. 1.4880 0.04435 250 158 62 30
237 ‘Just bought it from some dog named Clifford. 1.4880 0.03997 250 159 65 26
238 I know it looks ridiculous, but my boy friend is a Great Dane. 1.4870 0.04363 269 173 61 35
239 It's called Great Danish Modern! 1.4864 0.04380 257 163 63 31
240 I love her, but she's a giraffe. 1.4862 0.04151 290 185 69 36
241 I identify as a Great Dane. 1.4846 0.04575 260 172 50 38
242 The Airbnb listing did mention it was owner friendly. 1.4846 0.04251 227 135 74 18
243 It's my dream home. In my dreams, I'm an Irish Wolfhound. 1.4843 0.04127 254 154 77 23
244 I have been a really good dog. 1.4836 0.04164 275 173 71 31
245 It looked smaller on the website 1.4829 0.04026 263 159 81 23
246 I know it's Jersey, but where else can we afford these ceilings? 1.4822 0.04323 253 162 62 29
247 They say "in the doghouse" like it's a bad thing... 1.4820 0.04224 278 178 66 34
248 Fortunately, local zoning here permits McDoghouses 1.4816 0.04351 245 153 66 26
249 You really know how to make an entrance! 1.4816 0.04273 245 151 70 24
250 My owner spends more time here than me ! 1.4815 0.04377 243 152 65 26
251 If anyone asks, we're giraffes. 1.4811 0.04292 264 174 56 34
252 I didn't even know what a vaulted ceiling was. I just said "Sure!" 1.4810 0.04458 237 149 62 26
253 Ya, it’s a fine dog house, but my owner spends a lot of time in here 1.4806 0.03690 283 175 85 23
254 Who's a big dog now? 1.4805 0.04177 256 158 73 25
255 I told you it was a high rise! 1.4798 0.04706 223 143 53 27
256 It’s unleashed consumerism. 1.4781 0.04161 251 154 74 23
257 It cost me a leg and a leg. 1.4775 0.04220 222 136 66 19
258 I hope he’s not too sad when he realizes I’m full grown. 1.4773 0.04291 264 169 64 31
259 My owner said I would grow into it, but I don't think he knows I'm a miniature Daschund. 1.4770 0.04309 239 148 68 23
260 I'm in the doghouse, but at least it has cathedral ceilings. 1.4766 0.04478 214 131 64 19
261 It’s called an outhouse. More room than my doghouse and I like the aromatherapy. 1.4766 0.04566 235 151 56 28
262 It's all good now but we had a hell of a time getting it through the planning department. 1.4762 0.04149 252 155 74 23
263 Rent-controlled, from an elderly giraffe who moved to assisted living. 1.4762 0.03893 252 174 49 29
264 It's a bit of a commute, but I love the cathedral ceilings. 1.4762 0.03988 273 168 80 25
265 Did I mention I'm seeing a Giraffadoodle? 1.4758 0.04297 269 174 62 33
266 Well, Hal, I suppose we’re all compensating for something. 1.4747 0.04034 257 164 67 26
267 HGTV was just here for “Little Dogs, Big Houses.’ 1.4746 0.04430 236 152 59 25
268 My brother is a Great Dane. 1.4739 0.04075 268 167 75 26
269 It's all about curb appeal these days. 1.4737 0.04247 247 154 69 24
270 You know, when you're a small dog, acoustics are everything! 1.4730 0.04408 222 137 65 20
271 How do you change the light bulbs 1.4730 0.04589 222 141 57 24
272 My owner built it for when he’s in the dog house. 1.4728 0.04468 239 153 59 27
273 Check out the human-door I just installed 1.4725 0.03850 273 170 80 23
274 Have you cleaned dog houses before? 1.4725 0.04605 218 138 57 23
275 It's 6 beds, 4 1/2 fire hydrants, but wait 'til you see the drinking bidet. 1.4724 0.04124 254 159 71 24
276 Wish I could see the look on the Great Dane I traded houses with on Airbnb. 1.4723 0.04398 271 180 54 37
277 My human's wife suggested it because he's here so often. 1.4719 0.04254 267 172 64 31
278 It's a lot to maintain, but it's got great bones. 1.4717 0.04795 212 137 50 25
279 Let's list it and see what it can fetch. 1.4716 0.04486 229 145 60 24
280 My dad’s a Great Dane, but I get my height from my Chihuahua mom. 1.4715 0.04336 246 156 64 26
281 Yeah, it's specially made to keep that dang Snoopy from sleeping on top of it. 1.4706 0.04885 204 134 45 25
282 We've been here since my owner's wife caught him cheating. 1.4706 0.04402 255 166 58 31
283 Oh, I've been a VERY good boy. 1.4706 0.04521 238 154 56 28
284 My door is always open. 1.4696 0.04128 247 152 74 21
285 It's a sublet from a Great Dane 1.4695 0.04211 262 167 67 28
286 Seriously? We have to offer over the asking price and it doesn't even have a door? 1.4694 0.04655 196 121 58 17
287 I'm planning for growth. 1.4679 0.04196 218 138 61 19
288 He's danish, why? 1.4678 0.04428 233 155 50 28
289 Don't worry, the big guy won't be home for awhile. 1.4675 0.04371 231 145 64 22
290 My Dad is a Saint Bernard. He likes cathedral ceilings. 1.4667 0.04780 210 136 50 24
291 The big guy’s gone — let’s take a jacuzzi in his water bowl!! 1.4664 0.04616 223 144 54 25
292 You should see my dog bowl. 1.4656 0.04321 247 158 63 26
293 I thought you'd be taller. 1.4655 0.04357 232 146 64 22
294 Man, changing light bulbs is a nightmare. 1.4654 0.04572 217 138 57 22
295 I never thought I’d fall in love with a Great Dane, either. Want to meet her? 1.4652 0.04512 230 148 57 25
296 The original owner was a giraffe. 1.4649 0.04206 271 176 64 31
297 I'm in a bit over my head, but I love it. 1.4648 0.04682 213 137 53 23
298 Does this house make me look tall? 1.4646 0.04103 254 168 60 26
299 We can grow into it. 1.4644 0.04014 267 167 76 24
300 I identify as a giraffe. 1.4640 0.04675 222 145 51 26
301 Just in case I find a big bone. 1.4636 0.04526 220 140 58 22
302 Yeah, my breeders lied 1.4633 0.04174 259 165 68 26
303 It’s not a dog house, it’s a canine cathedral. 1.4632 0.04497 231 151 54 26
304 Bought it from the giraffe when Toys R Us folded. 1.4630 0.04680 216 140 52 24
305 Well, you marry a great dane… 1.4626 0.04522 214 135 59 20
306 It’s another Trump project, so tacky. 1.4622 0.04584 225 146 54 25
307 Mom says we're getting a pet giraffe for Christmas. 1.4619 0.04682 210 135 53 22
308 I think they have much bigger expectations of me. 1.4609 0.04339 230 145 64 21
309 The last owner was a Great Dane. You should see the walk-in closet 1.4609 0.04425 230 147 60 23
310 It costs a fortune to heat but it’s close to the park. 1.4608 0.04428 217 136 62 19
311 I like cathedral ceilings, 1.4597 0.04616 211 135 55 21
312 My girlfriend's a Borzoi. 1.4596 0.04356 235 150 62 23
313 Is it? Or are we small? 1.4592 0.04467 233 151 57 25
314 I like tall bitches. 1.4587 0.04184 242 152 69 21
315 It used to be a dog-church. 1.4581 0.04423 227 147 57 23
316 Compensating for what, exactly? 1.4581 0.04428 203 125 63 15
317 It IS nice, but costs a fortune to heat. 1.4579 0.04422 214 134 62 18
318 Someone’s definitely compensating 1.4578 0.04222 225 139 69 17
319 I miss her too, son. No, we didn't always see eye-to-eye, but your mother was a real Great Dane. 1.4578 0.04495 225 145 57 23
320 Clifford will be home any minute. 1.4575 0.04550 212 135 57 20
321 Yeah, last year I decided to identify as a giraffe. 1.4574 0.04525 223 144 56 23
322 It’s Bow-haus. 1.4571 0.04728 210 137 50 23
323 I know it's more house than I need, but a Great Dane offered me a great deal. 1.4567 0.04663 208 134 53 21
324 I’m gonna AirB&B it 1.4566 0.04051 219 139 65 15
325 You get so much more for your money in the 'burbs. 1.4563 0.04329 252 165 59 28
326 It's a bitch to heat... no offense intended. 1.4563 0.04989 206 139 40 27
327 This house has good bones. 1.4550 0.04493 222 143 57 22
328 The architect of this house also designed Trump's ties. 1.4545 0.04617 231 154 49 28
329 Wow, you have enough room to swing a cat in here. 1.4545 0.04545 209 133 57 19
330 Thanks, but they still call it the dog house. 1.4531 0.04774 192 123 51 18
331 The kennel went condo so I moved into this high rise. It rents mutt to mutt, no leashes, no owners" 1.4522 0.04378 230 148 60 22
332 I guess I just see myself as a big dog 1.4521 0.04396 219 139 61 19
333 It’s good to be in the doghouse when you’re rich. 1.4518 0.04406 228 152 52 24
334 We're smaller than the last guard dog, but twice as annoying. 1.4505 0.04773 182 115 52 15
335 They downsized from the Mastiff. 1.4505 0.04327 202 131 53 17
336 The style is Mid-Century Mastiff. 1.4505 0.04625 222 147 50 25
337 They expect me to grow into it. 1.4503 0.04554 191 119 58 14
338 They ordered it in dog-inches. 1.4502 0.04562 211 136 55 20
339 I told you no one reads what is actually in the Build Back Better bill 1.4500 0.05360 180 123 33 24
340 I understand the previous tenant was from Denmark. 1.4497 0.05054 189 126 41 22
341 Buying a mansion seemed frivolous until the market took off. 1.4493 0.04310 207 128 65 14
342 Technically yes, but it doesn't feel like a doghouse. 1.4487 0.04280 234 150 63 21
343 My father was Danish. 1.4486 0.04749 185 120 48 17
344 We're planning for evolution. 1.4483 0.04894 203 136 43 24
345 Sorry, Clifford doesn't live here anymore 1.4483 0.04638 203 131 53 19
346 His last rescue was a giraffe 1.4480 0.04550 221 145 53 23
347 Sure it seems silly now, but my fiancee was a Great Dane and she called off the wedding. 1.4480 0.04412 221 142 59 20
348 I know . . . but, it has good bones. 1.4479 0.04884 192 126 46 20
349 This new model accommodates both good boys and bad husbands. 1.4479 0.05049 192 129 40 23
350 Too much? 1.4478 0.04453 201 126 60 15
351 He truly was a Great Dane 1.4474 0.04533 228 151 52 25
352 But burglars don’t know that. 1.4473 0.04198 237 157 59 21
353 I got in on the Chewy IPO. 1.4471 0.04454 208 132 59 17
354 It's got great bones. 1.4471 0.04805 208 139 45 24
355 Welcome to the Napoleon Complex. 1.4468 0.04959 188 124 44 20
356 It's just large enough to hold the mailman. 1.4466 0.04840 206 143 37 26
357 My owner originally wanted a Giraffe, but his wife put her foot down... 1.4466 0.04484 206 131 58 17
358 This was the only Airbnb that permitted dogs. 1.4461 0.04724 204 134 49 21
359 Yes, Gerald was definitely overcompensating for you know what when he built our house. 1.4461 0.04461 204 129 59 16
360 This little thing? It's my Pied-à-Terrier. 1.4460 0.04767 213 143 45 25
361 The entry is nice, but wait till you see what great bones it has. 1.4455 0.04564 220 145 52 23
362 Well, since my master has been staying out here every other weekend - it only made sense. 1.4450 0.04957 191 127 43 21
363 I'm house-sitting for my neighbour, the Great Dane. 1.4433 0.04474 203 129 58 16
364 The Danes just have a great sense of design. 1.4432 0.05132 185 125 38 22
365 This is my Dad's house. He was a Great Dane. 1.4430 0.04268 228 146 63 19
366 My owner had big plans for me. 1.4426 0.04686 183 119 49 15
367 Boy, you weren’t kidding when you said you had made it to the big house 1.4423 0.04754 208 139 46 23
368 It's a high rise. I don't know its purpose 1.4421 0.04566 190 120 56 14
369 I got a rollover mortgage. 1.4420 0.04457 224 147 55 22
370 Clifford? Yeah, he had to be re-homed. 1.4420 0.04502 224 148 53 23
371 My girlfriend is a Great Dane. 1.4419 0.04545 215 143 50 22
372 This is a house for the dog I want to be. 1.4415 0.04898 188 124 45 19
373 Yeah, you could say I was the runt of the litter. 1.4413 0.04718 213 143 46 24
374 I just stay out of sight and GROWL LIKE HELL! 1.4409 0.04651 220 151 43 26
375 Sorry, the tree is for customers only. There’s a hydrant near Starbucks. 1.4409 0.04570 186 117 56 13
376 When you date a camel, you have to compromise, mom. 1.4406 0.04703 202 137 43 22
377 Welcome to Mar-a-Doggo. 1.4400 0.04683 200 131 50 19
378 The giraffe moved uptown, I got lucky. 1.4389 0.04453 221 155 41 25
379 The square footage is low, but the high ceiling really opens up the space. 1.4387 0.04540 212 139 53 20
380 It’s a bitch to change the lightbulbs. 1.4387 0.04415 212 143 46 22
381 All I know is I was adopted by some guy named "Shaq". 1.4378 0.05242 185 128 33 24
382 It's a sublet. The Great Dane is off playing Hamlet. 1.4378 0.04894 185 122 45 18
383 It's a 30 year mortgage. But in dog years, it's a steal! 1.4375 0.04652 208 138 49 21
384 Two floors three bedrooms two bath and all I had to do was sit! 1.4372 0.05170 183 125 36 22
385 It's because our paws were so big when we were puppies. 1.4372 0.04871 183 120 46 17
386 I have a huge bark. 1.4369 0.04003 222 141 67 14
387 My owner has trouble with metric conversions. 1.4359 0.05394 156 104 36 16
388 I need room to grow 1.4356 0.04848 163 103 49 11
389 It says 'BEWARE OF DOG' better than any damn sign 1.4356 0.04303 225 154 48 23
390 Yeah, I know these Great Dane homes can feel overwhelming, but you should see the food bowls! 1.4348 0.04766 207 140 44 23
391 Their last dog was a horse. 1.4346 0.04838 191 127 45 19
392 We plan to downsize this year. 1.4343 0.04433 198 126 58 14
393 Of course, all our furniture is Great Danish modern 1.4343 0.04713 198 131 48 19
394 She's a Great Dane, and I'm a social climber. 1.4335 0.04576 203 133 52 18
395 Contractors, amiright? 1.4333 0.05112 180 122 38 20
396 It’s got good bones. 1.4327 0.04230 208 131 64 13
397 I had the air rights 1.4327 0.04548 208 137 52 19
398 When I bark in here I sound much bigger. 1.4326 0.04703 178 114 51 13
399 Luckily I never met the prior owner. 1.4326 0.04966 178 118 43 17
400 It has a private hydrant. 1.4326 0.05215 178 122 35 21
401 Yea, I misread the dimensions on the IKEA website 1.4324 0.04526 222 149 50 23
402 Only a 15-minute run into the city, built-in squeaky toy storage space and, with ceilings this high, you can actually swing a cat in here. 1.4324 0.04788 222 155 38 29
403 Yes, it's expensive to maintain but I really like the wow factor. 1.4320 0.04781 206 140 43 23
404 This really puts the "wow" back in Bauhaus. 1.4312 0.04492 218 145 52 21
405 Cathedral ceiling inspired by the design of Westminster Abbey Kennel Club. 1.4309 0.04582 181 115 54 12
406 First trip to Dallas? 1.4306 0.04844 216 151 37 28
407 We built the place around a tree so we'd never have to go outside. 1.4305 0.04419 223 148 54 21
408 Yup, they got divorced, and I got the house! 1.4299 0.04493 221 148 51 22
409 Come on in. It's so cool, when you bark someone always barks back. 1.4294 0.05063 170 113 41 16
410 Got it cheap from a Giraffe who's visa had expired. 1.4293 0.04722 184 120 49 15
411 Of course, it's from Costco. 1.4286 0.04946 182 122 42 18
412 I'm sorry, the Big Dog is in a meeting. Would you like to wait? 1.4286 0.04632 196 129 50 17
413 The fire hydrant is gold plated. 1.4278 0.04966 187 127 40 20
414 I see what you mean by 'high overhead.' 1.4277 0.05387 173 121 30 22
415 I'm running with the big dogs now. 1.4272 0.04417 206 134 56 16
416 Giraffe broke his lease. 1.4271 0.04757 192 128 46 18
417 Wait ‘til you see my food bowl! 1.4261 0.04406 230 155 52 23
418 Ya, it's really more space than I need. 1.4258 0.05411 155 105 34 16
419 They sent me to the Big House for peeing on the carpet! 1.4257 0.04997 202 142 34 26
420 Yeah, the view is great but it costs a fortune to heat. 1.4256 0.04472 195 128 52 15
421 Who says paw size reflects tail size? 1.4255 0.04709 188 124 48 16
422 I heard them say we’re getting a giant pastry! No wait, a Great Danish! 1.4250 0.04508 200 131 53 16
423 Why do you think I moved to New Jersey? 1.4241 0.04714 191 127 47 17
424 Marking that hedge fund was the best thing I ever did. 1.4241 0.04942 191 131 39 21
425 When he's not in the dog house the place is all mine. 1.4241 0.05181 158 105 39 14
426 I call it the “Bark de Triomphe.” 1.4239 0.05139 184 128 34 22
427 I just got tired of the whole tiny house thing. 1.4239 0.05081 184 127 36 21
428 It was owned by a Great Dane who only lived here on Sundays. 1.4238 0.04510 210 140 51 19
429 It’s the new Trump Tower 1.4235 0.05060 196 138 33 25
430 No, it's still a 1 bed, zero bath like the rest I've shown you, but look at the square footage! 1.4228 0.05056 149 96 43 10
431 It seems I've been a very good boy. 1.4221 0.04632 199 133 48 18
432 Sam, we don’t have doghouses anymore. Now we have canine lofts. 1.4220 0.04438 218 146 52 20
433 Now I don’t really mind being in the dog house 1.4208 0.04473 202 133 53 16
434 I had it built for my expectations. 1.4208 0.04528 202 134 51 17
435 Wait til you see the toilet. 1.4208 0.04635 202 136 47 19
436 The Real Housedogs of Beverly Hills: Episode 1 1.4205 0.04996 176 119 40 17
437 Overcompensating? Why would you say that? 1.4200 0.04503 200 132 52 16
438 It was originally a Sentry hut at Buckingham Palace. 1.4198 0.05160 162 109 38 15
439 It's the only way I could get the piano in. 1.4198 0.05160 162 109 38 15
440 I’d ask you in but my wife’s in heat. 1.4194 0.05037 186 129 36 21
441 I'm expecting a growth spurt any time now. 1.4192 0.03961 198 134 51 13
442 I got the Great Dane model because it says ‘rich’ but not ‘new money.’ 1.4192 0.04977 167 111 42 14
443 The former dog was a giraffe. 1.4192 0.05259 167 115 34 18
444 Do you want the short story or the tall tale? 1.4190 0.05361 179 128 27 24
445 I let my master stay here when he's in the dog house. 1.4187 0.04974 160 105 43 12
446 The horse I rode in on. 1.4187 0.05053 160 106 41 13
447 I'm dating a giraffe... she sleeps over sometimes. 1.4184 0.04566 196 130 50 16
448 Yeah, but it gets a little drafty. 1.4183 0.05047 153 100 42 11
449 I have a thing for Great Danes. 1.4181 0.04843 177 118 44 15
450 Wow, you noticed Yes, it is a high rise! 1.4178 0.04460 213 143 51 19
451 I call it 'Paws-a-Largo' 1.4176 0.04468 170 120 36 14
452 I got it at Costco. 1.4172 0.05508 151 104 31 16
453 I may sublet to a larger dog. 1.4171 0.04658 187 124 48 15
454 Like I always say, go big or go home." 1.4167 0.04451 192 130 45 15
455 You get a lot more house for your money out here. 1.4167 0.04703 204 139 43 21
456 I bit off more than I could chew. 1.4162 0.04824 197 136 40 21
457 The real estate agent said it was the best house he could fetch. 1.4162 0.04851 173 115 44 14
458 You can't come in without a mask 1.4161 0.05180 161 109 37 15
459 Your bark is about to meet acoustics. 1.4157 0.04535 166 105 53 8
460 I keep dreaming I wake up as a Great Dane. 1.4155 0.03995 219 158 41 19
461 The giraffe really needed to offload this property fast. 1.4151 0.04668 212 147 42 23
462 You get so much more home for the money out here in the suburbs. 1.4151 0.04320 212 140 56 16
463 You should see the size of the hydrant. 1.4144 0.04827 181 122 43 16
464 I picked it up cheap from a Great Dane. 1.4144 0.04633 181 119 49 13
465 Don't you think you are way over your head? 1.4142 0.04858 169 112 44 13
466 Well, if it isn't my old arch rival. 1.4140 0.05350 157 108 33 16
467 Construction was cheap but the overhead is outrageous. 1.4140 0.04915 186 128 39 19
468 I like to call it the Bark de Triomphe. 1.4136 0.05154 162 110 37 15
469 If you don't bark for cathedral ceilings, you don't get cathedral ceilings. 1.4134 0.05055 179 124 36 19
470 The realtor says it's more doghouse than we need right now, but we'll grow into it. 1.4133 0.04675 196 133 45 18
471 No, I'm the runt. Why do you ask? 1.4130 0.04832 184 125 42 17
472 The elephant in the room was in fact a giraffe. 1.4126 0.04666 206 142 43 21
473 I plan to do a lot of entertaining. 1.4124 0.04348 177 112 57 8
474 Jeff Bezos. Who is your owner? 1.4121 0.05085 165 112 38 15
475 The last owner was a chihuahua with a Napoleon complex. 1.4118 0.05047 170 116 38 16
476 Just what you are looking for,open concept and cathedral ceilings. 1.4118 0.05115 170 117 36 17
477 My old one made me look fat. 1.4115 0.04412 209 140 52 17
478 It just says "New York!" 1.4112 0.04766 197 136 41 20
479 Dunno, but I overheard something about their late pet giraffe. 1.4110 0.03909 146 99 40 7
480 You'd be surprised at how little closet space it has. 1.4108 0.04560 185 122 50 13
481 The overhead is high, but the rent is cheap. 1.4107 0.05159 168 116 35 17
482 It used to belong to Snoop. 1.4107 0.04874 168 112 43 13
483 He's been going through some phallic overcompensation issues since he got me fixed. 1.4105 0.04778 190 130 42 18
484 It’s still a dog’s life, just with more head room. 1.4101 0.05481 139 94 33 12
485 The big dog is out at the moment. 1.4098 0.04785 183 124 43 16
486 My ego bought it. 1.4097 0.05611 144 100 29 15
487 Cmon in! Did you have trouble finding the place? 1.4096 0.04763 166 109 46 11
488 I made partner 1.4096 0.05273 166 116 32 18
489 I guess one could say I’ve been a very good boy” 1.4094 0.04950 149 97 43 9
490 I married a Dane. 1.4093 0.04836 193 134 39 20
491 We'll grow into it. 1.4088 0.05339 137 91 36 10
492 Wait til you see the giant drinking toilet. 1.4088 0.05727 137 95 28 14
493 I also have a big bone and balls. 1.4082 0.04440 196 130 52 14
494 I always wanted to be the big dog on the block. 1.4078 0.04593 179 118 49 12
495 Bill went to Costco. 1.4072 0.04964 167 113 40 14
496 I’m house sitting for the McWolfhounds while they’re on vacation in Ireland! 1.4071 0.05450 140 95 33 12
497 All I had to do was pee on the couch. 1.4070 0.05199 172 121 32 19
498 I need you to make some muddy paw prints on the ceiling, Barkelangelo. 1.4068 0.04487 177 122 42 13
499 I have small dog complex. 1.4068 0.04628 177 117 48 12
500 The previous owner was a Great Dane. 1.4067 0.05014 150 104 35 11
501 Comes with free off-street barking. 1.4064 0.04709 187 127 44 16
502 Dad's a Jack Russel and Mom wanted a house where he can't hit the ceiling. 1.4062 0.05193 160 110 35 15
503 There was supposed to be a doggy door, but, you know…the supply chain. 1.4061 0.04931 165 111 41 13
504 My master spends about as much time in the dog house as I do. 1.4056 0.04773 180 122 43 15
505 Now I wish we hadn't chewed on the blueprints. 1.4049 0.05339 163 115 30 18
506 The former resident was my owner's husband. 1.4049 0.05339 163 115 30 18
507 For the last time, Clifford only needs one little bitch. 1.4045 0.05004 178 124 36 18
508 Replacing the lightbulbs is a bitch 1.4044 0.05657 136 94 29 13
509 I'm now walked by drone. 1.4041 0.05462 146 101 31 14
510 It's karma. In my last life I was a big fish in a small pond. 1.4038 0.05207 156 107 35 14
511 A mastiff fell behind on the mortgage. 1.4036 0.04756 166 110 45 11
512 I’m house sitting for Clifford. 1.4032 0.04723 186 127 43 16
513 It's a style we call the B'arc de Triomph. 1.4030 0.05814 134 94 26 14
514 My mother-in-law is a Great Dane. 1.4029 0.04707 206 145 39 22
515 My owner used to have a giraffe. It died. 1.4024 0.05241 164 115 32 17
516 My significant other is a bird dog. 1.4024 0.04917 169 115 40 14
517 He renovated after all those times his wife sent him here 1.4023 0.05019 174 121 36 17
518 I might have "little dog" issues. 1.4022 0.04435 184 129 41 14
519 It was never clear that the plans were in meters. 1.4020 0.04667 199 138 42 19
520 The last owner was a giraffe. 1.4020 0.04149 199 129 60 10
521 It even came with an indoor fire hydrant! 1.4020 0.04257 204 140 50 14
522 Dream BIG my friend and you too could be living on Bark Avenue! 1.4013 0.05180 157 108 35 14
523 It's not so bad being in the doghouse anymore. 1.4012 0.04753 162 107 45 10
524 It's a bitch-magnet! 1.4011 0.04956 177 123 37 17
525 I call it Trump's Dog's Tower. 1.4010 0.04810 197 139 37 21
526 You get a lot more dog house for the money outside the city. 1.4000 0.04567 180 120 48 12
527 I love the high ceilings, but it's a bitch to heat. 1.4000 0.04996 175 122 36 17
528 they said go big or go home 1.4000 0.05181 150 102 36 12
529 My DNA testing came back as part Great Dane. 1.4000 0.04721 155 101 46 8
530 I see you’re in the big house 1.4000 0.04930 175 121 38 16
531 I got it cheap from a Great Dane. 1.4000 0.04848 165 111 42 12
532 My realtor says the tiny house thing is over. 1.3987 0.04937 153 105 38 10
533 I never thought I’d like New Jersey, but look at the space I can get! 1.3986 0.05229 148 101 35 12
534 When the giraffes moved out, I thought, 'Why remodel?' 1.3986 0.05170 143 101 31 11
535 I've been dating a Great Dane. 1.3978 0.04745 181 124 42 15
536 My mistress built if for her husband, but she lets me use it. 1.3977 0.05102 176 125 32 19
537 We better scram before the dog they built this for returns! 1.3977 0.04907 176 122 38 16
538 With them working from home all the time, I needed the extra space. 1.3976 0.05118 166 116 34 16
539 What’s the heating bill like? 1.3975 0.04768 161 107 44 10
540 I need the room. The husband sleeps here at least once a month. 1.3971 0.05837 136 97 24 15
541 Bro, you should see the size of my barkalounger. 1.3969 0.05701 131 91 28 12
542 When you marry a giraffe you have to compromise on some things 1.3967 0.04689 184 126 43 15
543 I'm planning to get leg extensions. 1.3966 0.04740 174 118 43 13
544 The lady had the contractor add the extra height since the man is typically in the doghouse. 1.3963 0.05162 164 115 33 16
545 My humans wanted me to have a McMansion, too. 1.3962 0.05355 159 113 29 17
546 I got it in a short sale. 1.3961 0.05081 154 105 37 12
547 It's smaller on the inside 1.3958 0.05235 144 98 35 11
548 Wait until you see the size of the hydrant! 1.3958 0.05594 144 102 27 15
549 I think you’re living beyond your means! 1.3957 0.04572 187 130 43 14
550 With this view and the excellent schools I think we list it for at least 4 million. 1.3957 0.05921 139 101 21 17
551 ...because my ex was a Great Dane. And please don't ask the next question 1.3956 0.04974 182 129 34 19
552 When you got it - - flaunt it! 1.3955 0.04614 177 119 46 12
553 You wouldn’t believe how often my master is in the doghouse. 1.3953 0.05438 129 87 33 9
554 We renovated with an open floor plan. 1.3952 0.04876 167 114 40 13
555 I've decided to live large! 1.3949 0.05250 157 110 32 15
556 I take it you’ve just adopted a very tall human. 1.3949 0.05250 157 110 32 15
557 It was a steal. We got it from a Great Dane. 1.3935 0.05055 155 106 37 12
558 It's a house we can grow into 1.3935 0.04886 155 104 41 10
559 I'm not running away again anytime soon 1.3933 0.04308 178 124 43 11
560 A dog's home is his castle. 1.3931 0.04824 145 95 43 7
561 The seller was a Great Dane. 1.3931 0.04755 173 118 42 13
562 Yep, this one checks all the boxes: grand entryway, treat cellar, and it's a four-bed/three-hydrant. 1.3929 0.05238 140 95 35 10
563 This model is called "Citizen Canine" 1.3927 0.04502 191 130 47 14
564 We wanted a place with room to grow. 1.3926 0.05267 135 91 35 9
565 Now I be runnin' with the Big Dawgs. 1.3926 0.04943 135 88 41 6
566 I'm pretty sure my owner is overcompensating for something. 1.3922 0.05014 153 106 34 12
567 My husband's a great dane. 1.3920 0.05031 176 125 33 18
568 You should see the size of the treats! 1.3920 0.04833 176 122 39 15
569 The Church of St. Bernard 1.3918 0.04933 171 119 37 15
570 We can finally have people over for dinner. 1.3916 0.05064 143 96 38 9
571 I finally got the council to roll over on zoning laws 1.3916 0.04817 166 115 38 13
572 Yeah, she sent him out here so many times and he got tired of crawling. 1.3913 0.04840 161 112 37 12
573 The previous owners kept their humans in here. 1.3913 0.05372 161 116 27 18
574 My Mother's a Great Dane. They clearly misjudged who the father was. 1.3910 0.05029 156 107 37 12
575 I’m house sitting for a giraffe. 1.3907 0.05396 151 107 29 15
576 I share it with my owner when his wife is mad at him" 1.3902 0.05081 164 115 34 15
577 Welcome to the home of high expectations. 1.3901 0.04097 182 128 44 10
578 Grandpa was a Great Dane, but it’s rent-controlled, so…. 1.3901 0.04844 182 128 37 17
579 It’s an I. M. Shar Pei. 1.3901 0.05674 141 101 25 15
580 According to my owner, it's Bowhaus. 1.3901 0.05584 141 100 27 14
581 Haven't seen a mail carrier in weeks. 1.3899 0.05196 159 112 32 15
582 I bought bit coins thinking it was food and I made a fortune. 1.3897 0.05441 136 94 31 11
583 My humans read Architectural Digest 1.3896 0.04049 154 110 34 10
584 The Acoustics are amazing, you can hear my bark half way across town. 1.3896 0.04988 154 105 38 11
585 The giraffe died. 1.3895 0.05113 172 123 31 18
586 Wait ‘til you see our pet giraffe! 1.3892 0.04718 167 113 43 11
587 I think we're adopted and mom is a horse. 1.3886 0.04780 175 121 40 14
588 Is Clifford home? 1.3885 0.05163 157 110 33 14
589 I’ve seen the future. It’s vertical. 1.3885 0.05640 139 99 26 14
590 I’m thinking it may be time to downsize. 1.3882 0.04807 170 117 40 13
591 If you work it right you can get a big stick in. 1.3881 0.05392 134 92 32 10
592 Ya gotta have dreams. 1.3881 0.05071 134 89 38 7
593 Welcome brother. The sermon is just about to start. 1.3880 0.04760 183 128 39 16
594 I don't mind being in the dog house 1.3879 0.04832 165 113 40 12
595 Compensating for what? 1.3879 0.04982 165 120 29 16
596 My sense is that my dog house was initially built for her ex-husband. 1.3879 0.04908 165 114 38 13
597 Oh, you thought my ad said high-pitched woof? 1.3878 0.05327 147 103 31 13
598 I really like the vaulted ceilings. 1.3876 0.04654 178 125 40 13
599 The doctor said I'll grow into it. 1.3876 0.05426 129 88 32 9
600 Are you here about the elevator? 1.3871 0.05368 155 111 28 16
601 Now the doghouse isn't such a bad place to be. 1.3871 0.05209 155 109 32 14
602 You'll scare the stamps right out of the mailman with the acoustics in this place. 1.3869 0.04845 168 116 39 13
603 Did you have trouble finding the place? 1.3869 0.05206 137 93 35 9
604 Now master won't have to crawl in when he gets sent here. 1.3867 0.04360 181 135 28 18
605 You should come check out the ball room. 1.3866 0.05352 119 79 34 6
606 It's just ten square feet on my tax return. 1.3865 0.05099 163 115 33 15
607 My owner's into McMansions 1.3865 0.04793 163 114 38 11
608 I wanted an open concept. 1.3864 0.05446 132 91 31 10
609 I jumped on Dogecoin early. 1.3864 0.04826 176 123 38 15
610 The acoustics are amazing! 1.3861 0.04728 158 106 43 9
611 Furnishing it will be tricky! 1.3860 0.04675 171 117 39 13
612 And we got a great deal because whoever made this house is an idiot. 1.3860 0.05063 171 122 32 17
613 You really can swing a cat in here. 1.3858 0.05814 127 90 25 12
614 This is my reward for being such a good boy. 1.3856 0.05005 153 105 37 11
615 No, no, it's great. Just too bad about being on the Jersey side. 1.3855 0.04732 166 113 42 11
616 It helps my posture. 1.3852 0.05562 135 95 28 12
617 My owner likes to make a big entrance 1.3851 0.04989 161 112 36 13
618 Giraffes. Best Dogbnb hosts ever. 1.3846 0.04894 169 118 37 14
619 We had to increase the door size because my owner seems to spend a lot of time in the doghouse lately! 1.3846 0.05101 156 109 34 13
620 Come on in and meet my big brother! 1.3846 0.04678 156 104 44 8
621 Looks like your New Year's resolution to start cutting back didn't last long." 1.3842 0.03912 190 130 52 8
622 What do you mean, pretentious? It's aspirational. 1.3841 0.04923 164 114 37 13
623 We wanted a sense of spaciousness without increasing the footprint. 1.3841 0.05135 151 107 30 13
624 I feel I've got time to grow into it. 1.3832 0.04632 167 113 44 10
625 I run with the big dogs. 1.3831 0.03821 154 106 42 6
626 We rented it from a Dane who went back home for a visit and now is stuck there thanks to Covid travel restrictions! 1.3831 0.05063 154 107 35 12
627 Say why you like about the Dane’s, they are great architect’s” 1.3831 0.05063 154 107 35 12
628 It gives 'In the doghouse' a whole different meaning, right? 1.3830 0.05049 141 98 33 10
629 Who should I say is calling? 1.3828 0.05776 128 91 25 12
630 It's roomy but we're still not allowed to pee inside 1.3827 0.04964 162 113 36 13
631 I see you traded up. 1.3827 0.04964 162 113 36 13
632 You’ve gotta fake alpha til you make alpha. 1.3826 0.05738 115 79 28 8
633 You sounded taller on 1.3826 0.05311 149 108 26 15
634 I have self-esteem issues. 1.3817 0.04442 186 127 47 12
635 Two words: cathedral ceiling. 1.3813 0.05345 139 97 31 11
636 Once you move out of the city, you can get a lot more house. 1.3813 0.05441 139 98 29 12
637 My new roommate's name is Shaq! 1.3813 0.04764 160 109 41 10
638 It’s really changed the gestalt, don’t you think? 1.3810 0.04344 126 88 33 5
639 My master spends more time here than I do. 1.3806 0.04952 155 107 37 11
640 where's your mask? 1.3805 0.05666 113 77 29 7
641 I'm just trying to keep up with the Daneses 1.3803 0.05630 142 103 24 15
642 Careful, don't hit your head. 1.3801 0.04775 171 119 39 13
643 Compensate? Compensate for what? 1.3800 0.04885 150 102 39 9
644 It was a tall order. 1.3798 0.05300 129 88 33 8
645 It's got 4 hydrants on the first floor alone! 1.3797 0.04886 158 109 38 11
646 Yea, we got it on foreclosure from a Great Dane. 1.3796 0.05194 137 94 34 9
647 Don’t worry, they say I’ll grow into it. 1.3796 0.05090 137 93 36 8
648 They want thieves to think they have a big guard dog! 1.3793 0.05185 145 101 33 11
649 The real estate agent says it's got great bones. 1.3793 0.05277 145 102 31 12
650 Wait until they find out I’m not a Great Dane puppy. 1.3788 0.05539 132 93 28 11
651 It's a sublet. 1.3787 0.05028 169 121 32 16
652 Why so surprised? You're in Texas, you know. 1.3786 0.04911 140 94 39 7
653 Do you remember that kid who never did his homework? I sued him for slander. 1.3784 0.05458 148 107 26 15
654 The house has a great cathedral ceiling and an open floor plan for running and barking. 1.3782 0.04668 156 105 43 8
655 Should we worry that the original dog might come back? 1.3780 0.04838 164 114 38 12
656 We're planning on growing our litter. 1.3780 0.05235 127 86 34 7
657 I got a 'human' door so that he can enter and exit at will 1.3780 0.05693 127 90 26 11
658 … you know, for resale 1.3779 0.04753 172 120 39 13
659 Now you yodel. 1.3779 0.04753 172 120 39 13
660 I got it cheap when Clifford's movie bombed. 1.3778 0.05137 135 94 32 9
661 This is what happens when they use the ruff measurements. 1.3778 0.05348 135 94 31 10
662 The Pandemic was good to me. 1.3776 0.05138 143 99 34 10
663 As long as you don't mind the kind of psychological intensity that goes with 18th Century Neapolitan Art, it's a great sublet. 1.3775 0.04674 151 101 43 7
664 I bought it the minute my agent said it had great bones. 1.3772 0.05209 167 122 27 18
665 C'mon in. And watch your head. 1.3772 0.04700 167 115 41 11
666 I know it’s big but my husband is a Great Dane 1.3772 0.04622 167 114 43 10
667 He built it this big because he's often in the dog house. 1.3771 0.04764 175 123 38 14
668 It's not the size of the dog in the house but the size of the house for the dog. 1.3770 0.06085 122 89 20 13
669 You sold Wordle for how much? 1.3769 0.05806 130 94 23 13
670 Yes, Clifford used to live here. No, I don't know him. 1.3769 0.05702 130 96 22 12
671 It's a masters' door, they can come and go as they please. 1.3767 0.05424 146 105 27 14
672 On Etsy no one knows I'm not a Great Dane. 1.3761 0.05943 109 76 25 8
673 It's almost impossible to find something of this size in the City. 1.3760 0.05526 125 87 29 9
674 My owner is an architect 1.3759 0.05505 133 94 28 11
675 Architecturally the high ceilings are great, but the heating bills are a bitch 1.3759 0.05185 133 91 34 8
676 They wanted a Great Dane. I'm going to be a WONDERFUL Dane! 1.3759 0.05471 141 101 27 13
677 I stained the glass myself. 1.3759 0.05424 141 103 24 14
678 Watch your head. Ha, ha. 1.3759 0.04986 141 96 37 8
679 So that stupid giraffe finally leave? 1.3759 0.05377 141 100 29 12
680 The previous occupant only used it whenever a woman was upset with him. 1.3758 0.05082 149 104 34 11
681 We’re allowing room for growth. 1.3758 0.04992 149 103 36 10
682 Do you have an elevator? 1.3758 0.04807 149 101 40 8
683 He’s visiting family in Denmark and I’ve got the whole place to myself. 1.3750 0.04898 128 89 32 7
684 And I hardly knew the giraffe who left it to me in her will. 1.3750 0.05434 128 89 30 9
685 I should not have used that French architect and his fancy metric system. 1.3750 0.04917 160 112 36 12
686 Never build your future upon a relationship with a giraffe! 1.3750 0.05476 144 104 26 14
687 'The rent is through the woof. " 1.3750 0.05183 168 123 27 18
688 The square footage is small but the high ceiling makes up for it. 1.3742 0.04942 155 108 36 11
689 And I'm thinking of renovating this to high rise apartments. 1.3741 0.05479 147 107 25 15
690 I just hope for your sake the previous resident doesn't return. 1.3741 0.05801 139 103 20 16
691 She’s a giraffe. 1.3735 0.04790 166 116 38 12
692 ‘Wow, so Bitcoin huh?’ 1.3734 0.04958 158 111 35 12
693 Wanna hear my bark echo? 1.3733 0.05142 150 106 32 12
694 I got it for a song. The Great Danes moved to the suburbs when COVID-19 broke out. 1.3732 0.05156 142 99 33 10
695 Proof of vaccination? 1.3732 0.05530 142 103 25 14
696 I'll need to see your vaccination card. 1.3731 0.05367 134 94 30 10
697 You should see the basement. 1.3730 0.05373 126 87 31 8
698 The landlord says he might be spending some time here. 1.3724 0.04985 145 100 36 9
699 See? I told you we could get this house if we identified as giraffes. 1.3723 0.05483 137 98 27 12
700 Yes, the vaulted ceiling are a "wow factor" but the thing that sold me on the house was the walk in shoe closet. 1.3723 0.05076 137 94 35 8
701 You think this is big, you should see my bone. 1.3722 0.04922 180 131 31 18
702 C'mon in - Shaq's cool with my having friends over. 1.3720 0.04670 164 123 25 16
703 You get a lot more for your money in the suburbs" 1.3719 0.05645 121 85 27 9
704 My door is bigger than my bite. 1.3716 0.05008 148 103 35 10
705 You get a lot more room in the suburbs. 1.3714 0.05104 140 97 34 9
706 You should hear the acoustics in here. 1.3712 0.05091 132 90 35 7
707 The acoustics are great! 1.3709 0.05114 151 107 32 12
708 Yeah it's great and easy access to the mailman. 1.3701 0.04693 154 109 33 11
709 Want to meet my cat? 1.3701 0.04509 154 103 45 6
710 It's not the size of the dog around the house; it's the size of the house around the dog. 1.3701 0.05788 127 92 23 12
711 Of course we didn't build it ourselves. The previous human owner was always in trouble with his wife. 1.3701 0.05220 127 87 33 7
712 It was originally built for a Great Dane named Max Headroom. 1.3699 0.04613 173 130 27 16
713 It’s pronounced “foy YAY” 1.3692 0.05793 130 95 22 13
714 I’m the runt of the family. 1.3692 0.05253 130 90 32 8
715 Chip and Joanna really get us dogs. 1.3692 0.05583 130 93 26 11
716 Rent controlled, but too much overhead. 1.3688 0.05270 141 100 30 11
717 I listed myself as "A great Dane' on my profile. 1.3688 0.05459 141 102 26 13
718 Well, it works for my Christmas tree. 1.3687 0.05064 160 115 31 14
719 Gives "you're in the doghouse now" a totally new meaning. 1.3687 0.04907 160 113 35 12
720 Now I like being in the dog house. 1.3684 0.05594 133 96 25 12
721 It's Early Greyhound Revival. 1.3684 0.05594 133 96 25 12
722 Wait till you see were the cat sleeps. 1.3684 0.04757 171 121 37 13
723 My new lady friend is a Great Dane! 1.3681 0.04814 182 132 33 17
724 I won it in a poker game 1.3681 0.05097 144 101 33 10
725 Glad to see you! I would bark, but acoustics here are terrible. 1.3680 0.05271 125 86 32 7
726 It's not really for me. My human gets sent out here to sleep. A lot. He anticipated this when he bought it. 1.3678 0.04769 174 124 36 14
727 When you bark in here, the echo is incredible . 1.3677 0.04931 155 109 35 11
728 I call it a doghedral ceiling. 1.3676 0.05404 136 97 28 11
729 It could happen … 1.3675 0.05642 117 82 27 8
730 It's amazing how much I saved once I started bringing bones to work rather than buying them there. 1.3675 0.04780 166 117 37 12
731 Yes, but I have a big personality, especially when I'm a bad boy. 1.3671 0.04781 158 110 38 10
732 My owner is in the NBA ,and has been in the doghouse a few times. 1.3671 0.05028 158 113 32 13
733 I was good at kissing ass. 1.3671 0.05107 158 114 30 14
734 It was featured in Postmodern Doghouse Digest. 1.3670 0.05779 109 76 26 7
735 It's old, but it has great bones. 1.3667 0.04862 150 104 37 9
736 They call them Great Danish Arches. 1.3667 0.04953 150 105 35 10
737 A dog walks into a house. Why the long door? 1.3664 0.05441 131 93 28 10
738 She ordered for Master...snores loud. Me? I sleep in the house. 1.3664 0.05332 131 92 30 9
739 Just wait until you hear the doorbell. 1.3664 0.05548 131 94 26 11
740 Ever since Fifi fell for that wolfhound, her doghouse designs have lost all sense of proportion. 1.3664 0.05220 131 91 32 8
741 I’m going to kick out all of the old dogs, divide the space into almost unlivable small rooms, and then rent them out at above market rates to silly pups. 1.3662 0.05426 142 103 26 13
742 My owner is constantly getting sent here. 1.3661 0.05528 112 77 29 6
743 The acoustics are incredible! 1.3660 0.04706 153 105 40 8
744 They tell me I'll grow into it. 1.3659 0.05569 123 87 27 9
745 I have a hunch we'll have a human roommate from time to time. 1.3657 0.05248 134 96 28 10
746 The realtor said I should purchase one I'll grow into 1.3654 0.04600 156 109 38 9
747 Livin’ the dream, Jerry. 1.3652 0.05966 115 83 22 10
748 The advantages of marrying an Irish Wolhound 1.3651 0.04860 126 86 35 5
749 It was once owned by Marmaduke 1.3651 0.05238 126 87 32 7
750 Actually, I love the cathedral ceilings. 1.3651 0.05115 126 86 34 6
751 He wanted a Great Dane. 1.3650 0.05371 137 98 28 11
752 It's the only way we could get the chandelier to fit. 1.3650 0.05167 137 96 32 9
753 It's a bitch to heat. 1.3650 0.05167 137 98 29 10
754 I'm house-sitting for the big dog. 1.3649 0.04996 148 104 34 10
755 Sorry, I found this place first. And I've already peed on it. 1.3649 0.05087 148 105 32 11
756 Mine’s bigger than yours. 1.3649 0.05176 148 106 30 12
757 The prior owner was a giraffe, but once I walked in the front door, it just screamed “me.” 1.3649 0.05176 148 106 30 12
758 You think the house is big, wait till you see the size of the squirrels! 1.3643 0.05385 140 101 27 12
759 Seems like more space than I need, but I suppose in this real estate market it's a great investment! 1.3643 0.04988 140 97 35 8
760 It's still just a one bed/no bath but the views are amazing. 1.3642 0.04856 162 115 35 12
761 It's a house exchange for a month, though I'm not sure how much fun they're having. 1.3636 0.05298 132 93 30 9
762 Welcome to Our Lady of the Tramp Cathedral. 1.3636 0.05394 143 104 26 13
763 I heard you were sent to the big house. 1.3636 0.05197 154 112 28 14
764 It scares the hell out of the neighbor's cat--so long as I stay inside. 1.3636 0.05278 154 113 26 15
765 It's what humans call a McDoghouse. 1.3636 0.05113 143 101 32 10
766 The landlord's a giraffe. 1.3636 0.04816 143 98 38 7
767 My owner kept saying he was “in the dog house,” but I never thought he’d actually move in. 1.3636 0.05113 143 101 32 10
768 You should see the pet door. 1.3630 0.04547 146 108 27 11
769 I don't know, it has a very high overhead. 1.3630 0.05525 135 98 25 12
770 I've been dating this Great Dane. 1.3630 0.05109 135 94 33 8
771 Watch your head. 1.3623 0.05137 138 97 32 9
772 It’s very nice, but I’m concerned that whoever lives here might return. 1.3623 0.05437 138 100 26 12
773 It's a human door; so Dave can come in and out as he pleases. 1.3621 0.06048 116 85 20 11
774 The wife wanted something that would impress the neighborhood. 1.3620 0.05136 163 120 27 16
775 We finally have a place where we can put that big chandelier. 1.3618 0.04718 152 110 32 10
776 You should see the portions. 1.3617 0.05160 141 100 31 10
777 May I ask who is calling? 1.3617 0.05061 141 99 33 9
778 I chose to love it rather than list it. 1.3611 0.05179 144 103 30 11
779 It's the work of an emerging barkitecht. 1.3611 0.05271 144 104 28 12
780 It was supposed to be in centimetres 1.3609 0.05000 169 124 29 16
781 The last occupant suffered from claustrophobia and insisted on high ceilings. 1.3609 0.04930 133 91 36 6
782 I just kept barking until he left! 1.3609 0.05101 133 95 29 9
783 Just wait until I show you the hydrant. 1.3607 0.05710 122 88 24 10
784 I’m telling ya Fred, buy the house for the dog you want to be 1.3607 0.05710 122 88 24 10
785 I'm just not ready to downsize. 1.3607 0.04947 122 82 36 4
786 I am not “compensating for something”, why do you ask? 1.3603 0.05078 136 95 33 8
787 C’mon in, my friend Jack, the giraffe, is letting me use the place while he’s on vacation in Detroit. 1.3603 0.05490 136 99 25 12
788 You’re gonna freak when you see how big my bone is. 1.3600 0.05836 125 92 21 12
789 Wait'll you see the toilet bowl! 1.3600 0.05131 125 86 33 6
790 Even I get Mies van der Rohe. And I'm a dog. 1.3600 0.05495 125 89 27 9
791 Getting inside is easy as long as you don’t carry a long stick in your mouth. 1.3600 0.05495 125 89 27 9
792 He's definitely my best friend now. 1.3597 0.04898 139 96 36 7
793 The acoustics are to die for. 1.3597 0.04898 139 96 36 7
794 I stopped being his best friend and became his manager. 1.3597 0.04452 139 97 36 6
795 You’ll love the elevator! 1.3596 0.05861 114 82 23 9
796 I'm not a tiny house kind of dog. 1.3595 0.04311 153 107 39 7
797 You get more house out here in the suburbs. 1.3595 0.04693 153 106 39 8
798 Same architect as Mar y Lago. It’s designed to fit your ego. 1.3592 0.05321 142 103 27 12
799 " Yep, higher ceilings really do make it feel more spacious! " 1.3592 0.05031 142 100 33 9
800 It used to belong to a big red dog ... 1.3590 0.05753 117 87 20 10
801 I was the first of my breed to invest in bitcoin 1.3590 0.04893 156 111 34 11
802 The previous home owner was an Irish Wolfhound 1.3590 0.05073 117 86 24 7
803 When Rex and I split up, I got the house. 1.3588 0.05317 131 93 29 9
804 whatever you do, don't mention her neck. 1.3588 0.05741 131 97 21 13
805 I am the runt of the litter. 1.3588 0.05317 131 93 29 9
806 His last pet was a giraffe." 1.3588 0.05533 131 95 25 11
807 Mid-life crisis? 1.3588 0.04732 131 88 39 4
808 The growth hormones are supposed to kick in any day now! 1.3583 0.05525 120 85 27 8
809 There's just something aspirational about high ceilings. 1.3583 0.05131 120 84 30 6
810 Good news, the Great Dane just moved out. 1.3583 0.05397 120 84 29 7
811 Sorry. Wilt is out for a walk. 1.3582 0.04666 134 95 32 7
812 I friggin love Austin, if this were in California… 1.3581 0.04983 148 105 33 10
813 It's a little tall, but it has good bones. 1.3581 0.04890 148 104 35 9
814 Yeah a Great Dane used to live here… 1.3580 0.04602 162 113 40 9
815 Costco 1.3577 0.05431 123 87 28 8
816 I'll never hire that contractor again. 1.3577 0.05307 123 86 30 7
817 We wanted something that we could grow into. 1.3577 0.05153 137 97 31 9
818 The house just feels so big without you here. 1.3577 0.05153 137 105 20 12
819 The prior owner was a Great Dane. 1.3571 0.04934 154 110 33 11
820 I told you not to go with the Great Dane architect. 1.3566 0.04801 143 99 37 7
821 My mistress had it built for my master. 1.3566 0.05100 143 102 31 10
822 Yes, the Great Dane is out for the day and it's paaaarty time! 1.3566 0.05481 129 93 26 10
823 Mind if I use your fire hydrant? 1.3566 0.05138 129 90 32 7
824 In Jersey you can get a lot more house. 1.3566 0.05481 129 93 26 10
825 Either I'm a really good boy or he screwed up the measurements 1.3565 0.05195 115 81 28 6
826 Occasionally I like to wear big hats. 1.3565 0.05550 115 81 27 7
827 What’s an aspect ratio” 1.3564 0.06066 101 72 22 7
828 Welcome to Texas, Fido! 1.3562 0.05271 160 120 23 17
829 I was looking for a small studio, then this loft opened up. 1.3562 0.04803 160 114 35 11
830 How long are you in the big house for? 1.3562 0.04931 146 105 31 10
831 Does this door make me look short? 1.3561 0.05173 132 93 31 8
832 Now you know why I follow the obits in the Times. 1.3558 0.05452 104 73 26 5
833 At least he built me this before losing all his money in crypto. 1.3557 0.05393 149 111 23 15
834 All are welcome. 1.3556 0.05511 135 99 24 12
835 My owner's in the doghouse. 1.3554 0.03964 166 122 33 9
836 It's my way of telling the cat to go to hell. 1.3554 0.05487 121 86 27 8
837 It was featured in Barkitecturial Digest 1.3551 0.05224 138 99 29 10
838 Sorry I'm dating a Great Dane now. 1.3548 0.04992 155 112 31 12
839 You never know where love will take you. The new missus is a giraffe. 1.3548 0.05515 124 89 26 9
840 My master's overcompensating for something. 1.3546 0.05526 141 105 22 14
841 Got this new place from a Great Dane. 1.3543 0.05423 127 91 27 9
842 Trampoline! 1.3542 0.04974 144 105 29 10
843 No, it's not overdone. You should see me when my tail's up! 1.3542 0.04671 144 99 39 6
844 The fire hydrant fit perfectly through. 1.3540 0.04571 161 114 36 10
845 It's pre-war. 1.3540 0.05886 113 82 22 9
846 My owners said I'll grow into it. 1.3538 0.04615 130 87 40 3
847 It's got a biscuit bar, too! 1.3534 0.05511 116 82 27 7
848 It's a two-bedroom three-wee-wee pad 1.3534 0.06030 116 86 19 11
849 Mr. and Mrs. Giraffe were the previous owners. 1.3534 0.05028 133 92 33 7
850 The previous owners were Great Danes. 1.3529 0.05476 136 100 24 12
851 They really do loan to anyone these days. 1.3529 0.04954 136 95 34 7
852 And I only had to go $10,000 above the asking price. 1.3529 0.04954 136 95 34 7
853 Sure, I paid a pretty penny for it but I still have to pee outside 1.3529 0.04843 136 94 36 6
854 My Master is always in the doghouse, and got tired of bumping his head. 1.3526 0.04881 156 112 33 11
855 You don't want to mess with my dad. 1.3525 0.05092 139 99 31 9
856 I've got one word for you: Crypto 1.3525 0.05324 122 86 29 7
857 I decided that if I had to live with them it would be on my terms. 1.3521 0.04379 142 106 30 6
858 You appreciate the extra ventilation when you're in heat. 1.3521 0.05492 142 106 22 14
859 My owner is always in trouble 1.3520 0.05359 125 89 28 8
860 I'm selling it for a guy called Clifford. He moved to Hollywood 1.3520 0.05478 125 90 26 9
861 My wife sends me to the doghouse so often, I figured -- might as well be comfortable! 1.3519 0.04673 162 115 37 10
862 If he also overbuilds the water bowl we'll have our own swimming pool. 1.3517 0.05135 145 105 29 11
863 The style is Great Danish modern. 1.3514 0.05527 111 78 27 6
864 It smells a little like a giraffe. 1.3514 0.05673 111 79 25 7
865 He’s in the Doghouse Again 1.3511 0.05410 131 95 26 10
866 Let's just say, the class-action suit turned out nicely. 1.3510 0.04901 151 108 33 10
867 When I walk through with my tail up it will make perfect sense 1.3506 0.04746 154 109 36 9
868 Being in the doghouse is a lot easier than it used to be. 1.3504 0.05472 117 83 27 7
869 Yeah, but I can't help but feel impostor syndrome. 1.3500 0.06093 100 72 21 7
870 I was hoping you'd be taller. 1.3500 0.05752 100 69 25 5
871 I’m still growing. 1.3495 0.05292 103 70 30 3
872 The fire hydrant is really tall in this bathroom. 1.3494 0.04429 166 116 42 8
873 I share the leash with a Great Dane. 1.3490 0.04755 149 105 36 8
874 They call it a "McDoghouse" 1.3490 0.04609 149 111 27 11
875 We need to downsize... 1.3490 0.04658 149 104 38 7
876 It's perfect for working on my Frisbee jumps." 1.3490 0.04658 149 104 38 7
877 Vaulted ceilings double the resale price. 1.3488 0.05121 129 91 31 7
878 We're adopting a giraffe. 1.3488 0.05574 129 95 23 11
879 I identify as an Irish wolfhound. 1.3487 0.05302 152 114 23 15
880 My dogglerganger! I knew this day would come. 1.3483 0.03920 178 127 44 7
881 And the commute is minimal! 1.3482 0.05486 112 79 27 6
882 Maybe I’m just a small dog with a big house. 1.3481 0.04855 135 94 35 6
883 I'm all about making a big entrance. 1.3481 0.05185 135 97 29 9
884 They think I'm still a puppy. 1.3481 0.05291 135 98 27 10
885 I know it seems a bit over-the-top but my wife is a Great Dane! 1.3481 0.05496 135 100 23 12
886 I’m out of the doghouse and into the penthouse. 1.3481 0.05291 135 98 27 10
887 It's very nice, but what do we do when he comes back? 1.3481 0.04829 158 117 29 12
888 If this is being in the doghouse, hey I’m fine with it!” 1.3475 0.05131 141 102 29 10
889 May I see your vaccination card,please. 1.3475 0.05325 141 104 25 12
890 To be honest, he's in here more than I am. 1.3475 0.05565 118 85 25 8
891 Sure, it’s got high ceilings, but it’s still just an overpriced studio apartment. 1.3472 0.04860 144 105 31 8
892 It gets me a lot of 2nd dates 1.3472 0.04759 144 101 36 7
893 I'm just house sitting for Marmaduke. 1.3472 0.05245 144 106 26 12
894 Yeah... came on the market when that Big Red Dog, Clifford, decided to downsize. 1.3469 0.04889 147 105 33 9
895 Hey, have you seen Clifford? 1.3465 0.05405 127 92 26 9
896 My human is always in trouble with his mate. 1.3464 0.04758 153 109 35 9
897 This Clifford you keep going on about better show up after all this. 1.3459 0.05447 133 98 24 11
898 You’ll grow into it. 1.3458 0.05804 107 77 23 7
899 Best part is it makes the cat really jealous. 1.3458 0.05650 107 76 25 6
900 Welcome, your highness 1.3456 0.04937 136 96 33 7
901 Apparently Clifford was behind on his mortgage payments 1.3455 0.05980 110 81 20 9
902 You’ll be okay. The aroma helps calm the agoraphobia. 1.3455 0.05546 110 78 26 6
903 And with the high ceilings, it will be cooler during the dog days of summer." 1.3453 0.04972 139 99 32 8
904 They had high hopes for me. 1.3451 0.05446 113 80 27 6
905 Donald Trump built it. He knew he'd wind up in the doghouse but wanted to go big. 1.3448 0.05757 116 85 22 9
906 I was tired of going through a doggy door 1.3448 0.05490 116 83 26 7
907 No. It's doghedral ceiling. 1.3446 0.05138 148 109 27 12
908 I've finally made it to the Big House! 1.3446 0.05047 148 108 29 11
909 My lease is for seven dog years, one year free 1.3446 0.04955 148 107 31 10
910 Lots of room for growth! 1.3445 0.05395 119 85 27 7
911 A Great Dane was the prior owner. I know it makes no sense but the location is awesome. 1.3443 0.05175 122 86 30 6
912 In my mind, I'm a Great Dane. 1.3443 0.05793 122 91 20 11
913 My husband is a Great Dane, why do you ask? 1.3440 0.05218 125 89 29 7
914 They’re called cathedral ceilings. My owner says dog spelled backwards is important or something. 1.3440 0.05218 125 89 29 7
915 I think when he built the dog house he measured once but cut twice 1.3440 0.05460 125 91 25 9
916 With six bathrooms, there’s almost no need to go outside anymore. 1.3440 0.05691 125 93 21 11
917 When he bent over to bag it up there was a lottery ticket on the ground . . . 1.3433 0.05201 134 97 28 9
918 Its not the size of dog in the house... 1.3433 0.05308 134 98 26 10
919 I was rescued by an architect. 1.3431 0.06460 102 77 15 10
920 This is where all dogma originates. 1.3431 0.05992 102 74 21 7
921 I'm planning ahead for when I get my RV. 1.3431 0.04908 137 97 33 7
922 I'm going to call it Mar-a-Lago . 1.3429 0.05046 140 101 30 9
923 Sure it’s pricy but you gotta love the high ceilings. 1.3427 0.04873 143 102 33 8
924 Yes, my master knows him and calls my doghouse Mar-a-Bow-Wow 1.3426 0.06052 108 80 19 9
925 I've always wanted to live in a high-rise. 1.3423 0.05198 111 77 30 4
926 Trust me, high ceilings really do make the place feel more spacious. 1.3423 0.05108 149 110 27 12
927 Dr de Chirico says we get the growth hormone tomorrow.” 1.3423 0.04928 149 108 31 10
928 He says it’s nicer than sleeping on the couch. 1.3423 0.04835 149 107 33 9
929 We plan to have a large family. 1.3421 0.03379 152 110 38 4
930 It seemed smaller in the photos. 1.3415 0.05394 123 89 26 8
931 A bit more house than we need but it's got great bones. 1.3415 0.05516 123 90 24 9
932 Perhaps they where expecting a different kind of dog. 1.3415 0.05269 123 88 28 7
933 I think their last dog was a Great Dane. 1.3413 0.04668 126 91 29 6
934 you wouldn't believe the acoustics 1.3413 0.05653 126 94 21 11
935 As-is sale from a Borzoi 1.3411 0.05103 129 92 30 7
936 It's really great when you're bringing home the Christmas tree. 1.3411 0.04470 129 87 40 2
937 This one’s for the husband. I use it when he’s not in it. 1.3409 0.05139 132 95 29 8
938 The only downside is that our “best friends” visit. 1.3409 0.05139 132 95 29 8
939 Don’t ask Trump to build your doghouse. 1.3409 0.05139 132 95 29 8
940 You sure get a lot more house for your money out of the city. 1.3409 0.04789 132 92 35 5
941 Apparently they had a Great Dane before me 1.3409 0.05139 132 95 29 8
942 Must be a pain to heat this place. 1.3406 0.04878 138 98 33 7
943 Mom says I’ll grow into it. 1.3404 0.04809 141 100 34 7
944 Well, I used to be taller. 1.3403 0.05041 144 108 25 11
945 If my husband finds out about us, you're going to be in big trouble. 1.3400 0.05545 100 70 26 4
946 I really hope the Knicks accept our invitation for the housewarming party. 1.3396 0.04356 159 114 38 7
947 Best pet door ever. 1.3396 0.05343 106 74 28 4
948 In the burbs we call this a high rise. 1.3394 0.05409 109 77 27 5
949 I just love your cathedral ceilings. 1.3393 0.05314 112 79 28 5
950 The McDoghouse came with McMansion 1.3393 0.05609 112 81 24 7
951 Didn't they teach you the proper way we change the guard here? 1.3391 0.05508 115 83 25 7
952 I thought I was taller. 1.3391 0.05645 115 84 23 8
953 When you’re a bad boy, you get sent to the big house. 1.3390 0.05674 118 87 22 9
954 Room for one more? 1.3388 0.04775 121 88 27 6
955 My father was a Great Dane. 1.3388 0.05449 121 88 25 8
956 I share it with the Big Guy. The wife puts him in the dog house at least once a week. 1.3388 0.05190 121 86 29 6
957 Well after they started working from home, I thought I could use the extra space. 1.3388 0.05574 121 89 23 9
958 Well I Bought it from a Wolf Hound. 1.3388 0.05574 121 89 23 9
959 We moved for the better obedience schools 1.3388 0.05574 121 89 23 9
960 Had to. I'm dating a Great Dane ! 1.3388 0.05055 121 85 31 5
961 Welcome to Texas! 1.3387 0.05478 124 91 24 9
962 My wife’s a show dog. 1.3387 0.05478 124 91 24 9
963 We're expecting. 1.3386 0.05150 127 91 29 7
964 The realtor threw me a bone. 1.3386 0.04901 127 89 33 5
965 I upgraded. 1.3386 0.05387 127 93 25 9
966 It makes the 'beware of dog' sign more intimidating this way. 1.3386 0.04901 127 89 33 5
967 Just think: we can now have our parents and their enormous expectations visit for get-togethers". 1.3386 0.05270 127 92 27 8
968 Truth be told, I miss my old studio. 1.3386 0.05150 127 91 29 7
969 I know, right? Clifford used to live here! 1.3385 0.05186 130 94 28 8
970 It only had to be owner-occupied for the first year. 1.3385 0.05186 130 94 28 8
971 A skylight seemed ostentatious. 1.3385 0.05186 130 94 28 8
972 My owner used the word aspirational. 1.3383 0.05217 133 97 27 9
973 You know, I think my human suspected he’d be spending lots of time here. 1.3383 0.05431 133 99 23 11
974 Why yes, my owner IS a douchebag 1.3383 0.05431 133 99 23 11
975 You should seecthe fire hydrant out back! 1.3382 0.05344 136 101 24 11
976 I'm sorry. They haven't put in the fire hydrants yet. 1.3381 0.05262 139 103 25 11
977 Yeah, my owner sleeps in here often enough that he figured it was worth it." 1.3379 0.04817 145 104 33 8
978 My boyfriend’s a great dane so we had to figure something out. 1.3379 0.04915 145 105 31 9
979 I brought home the bacon. 1.3378 0.04653 148 105 36 7
980 It is built by a Saint Bernard who insisted on a cathedral ceiling 1.3378 0.05123 148 110 26 12
981 The basketball team comes over for pizza after a win. 1.3373 0.04320 166 120 38 8
982 This is the pet entrance. You should see the house. 1.3371 0.06381 89 65 18 6
983 You just gotta know whose leg to hump. 1.3371 0.06177 89 64 20 5
984 Look Jeff all we did was make a commercial together. There's no reason to suspect that the Clydesdale and I have anything serious going on. 1.3367 0.06313 98 73 17 8
985 This was my master's before the divorce. 1.3365 0.06203 104 78 17 9
986 No, I’m not overcompensating. 1.3365 0.05569 104 74 25 5
987 The portico and columns are on the way from Greece but have been delayed by supply chain issues. 1.3364 0.06221 107 81 16 10
988 Wanna see my pet giraffe? 1.3364 0.05930 107 79 20 8
989 They wanted a great Dane but I was the only rescue left. 1.3364 0.05780 107 78 22 7
990 Want to start with the buffet or the big screen? 1.3364 0.06077 107 80 18 9
991 Just a modest pied a terrier. 1.3364 0.05522 110 79 25 6
992 We need a bigger dog. 1.3364 0.05048 110 76 31 3
993 I knew when the agent said twelve foot ceilings, I was in. 1.3363 0.05423 113 81 26 6
994 I’ve heard that “accessibility” is a big deal these days. 1.3363 0.05423 113 81 26 6
995 Energy efficient, laundry room, hardwood floors, walk-in closet, eat-in kitchen and 2 car garage but the bathrooms are all still outdoors. 1.3363 0.05275 113 80 28 5
996 If the New Yorker Caption Contest isn’t going to bother trying, than neither am I. 1.3362 0.05670 116 88 18 10
997 My wife's Danish, Great Danish. 1.3361 0.05633 119 88 22 9
998 Wait til you see my dog bed. 1.3361 0.05284 122 88 27 7
999 Boy, are they gonna be angry in a few months when they discover I'm not really a Great Dane. 1.3361 0.05535 122 90 23 9
1000 It's scientifically proven to promote higher thought. 1.3361 0.05535 122 90 23 9
1001 Sometimes my master needs to join me. 1.3361 0.05284 122 88 27 7
1002 I got a great deal from the Great Dane. 1.3360 0.05441 125 92 24 9
1003 Our daughter married a greyhound. 1.3360 0.05673 125 94 20 11
1004 I thought, why not go big AND go home. 1.3359 0.05577 128 96 21 11
1005 It's my monument to Dog. 1.3359 0.05351 128 94 25 9
1006 Customized for when my owner has to visit me... 1.3359 0.04335 128 91 33 4
1007 I call it Mar-a-Dawg-o. 1.3358 0.05396 134 100 23 11
1008 I'm dating that basketball playing dog. 1.3358 0.05209 137 101 26 10
1009 Does this house make my bark too small? 1.3358 0.05209 137 101 26 10
1010 Can you believe it's called a tiny home? 1.3357 0.05152 143 106 26 11
1011 I am making a statement. 1.3357 0.04957 143 104 30 9
1012 It's all in the bark,my friend. 1.3357 0.05055 143 105 28 10
1013 My owner doesn’t know fractions. 1.3333 0.04623 144 102 36 6
1014 It used to belong to my Great Dane. 1.3333 0.05248 123 89 27 7
1015 Yeah, I didn't know De Chorico painted dogs, either 1.3333 0.05671 96 68 24 4
1016 Wait until you see the upstairs addition. 1.3333 0.05847 105 77 21 7
1017 Fake it till you make it, dude. 1.3333 0.06421 99 75 15 9
1018 Next, I'm asking for a personal chef. 1.3333 0.05237 114 81 28 5
1019 Makes it easier when his wife sends him here. 1.3333 0.05120 132 96 28 8
1020 It might not be perfect but I still say Romanesque is superior to Bauhaus. 1.3333 0.05328 111 79 27 5
1021 The former tenant was a giraffe . 1.3333 0.05429 129 96 23 10
1022 C'mon in. I've got the place to myself - family is out playing basketball. 1.3333 0.06009 117 92 12 13
1023 Give it time! We'll grow into it. 1.3333 0.04709 120 90 23 7
1024 Yeah, now I pee all over the rugs and furniture just so they send me to the dog house. 1.3333 0.06152 105 79 17 9
1025 I've been sent to the big house... 1.3333 0.05383 114 82 26 6
1026 Dood, do your own research! Airbnb. Unmet demand. Giraffes. 1.3333 0.04762 147 106 33 8
1027 They have high expectations 1.3333 0.05424 108 77 26 5
1028 The indoor pool is called a toilet. 1.3333 0.05788 93 66 23 4
1029 I think we can agree, van der Rohe did not understand the first thing about dogs. 1.3333 0.05204 120 86 28 6
1030 Full moon tonight, so stick around. The acoustics are perfect. 1.3333 0.05966 102 75 20 7
1031 Parkside and eight foot ceilings! 1.3333 0.05932 114 86 18 10
1032 I lied and told them I'm Clifford's cousin 1.3333 0.06091 99 73 19 7
1033 It's late-century Philip Johnson. 1.3333 0.05067 120 85 30 5
1034 Wait to you see the feeding bowl!! 1.3333 0.04543 153 109 37 7
1035 Right? Check out that hydrant across the street. 1.3333 0.04859 147 107 31 9
1036 I figure if I have to be domesticated, I might as well go all out. 1.3333 0.04702 117 82 32 3
1037 My housemate is a llama. 1.3333 0.05088 102 70 30 2
1038 The scale and simplicity are great. But if you're looking for a cozy, homey ambiance, this won't be your cup of tea." 1.3333 0.05404 126 93 24 9
1039 'Wait'll you see the fire hydrant!' 1.3333 0.05177 138 102 26 10
1040 It's the Great Danish architectural style. 1.3333 0.05496 123 91 23 9
1041 It helps me think that I am a big dog. 1.3333 0.05734 108 79 22 7
1042 Perfect for my trampoline! 1.3333 0.05099 141 104 27 10
1043 My ex was a doberman. 1.3333 0.04796 162 120 30 12
1044 The next cartoon should be better. 1.3333 0.05838 120 91 18 11
1045 But you said you wanted high ceilings. 1.3333 0.05581 108 78 24 6
1046 Better than a beware of dog sign. 1.3333 0.05466 120 88 24 8
1047 Do you have room for a litter? 1.3333 0.05172 111 78 29 4
1048 I fell in love with cathedral ceilings on “House Hunters” 1.3333 0.05067 120 85 30 5
1049 Drafty, but Clifford was so desperate to sublet. 1.3333 0.05539 129 97 21 11
1050 I think my human is going through a rough patch. 1.3333 0.05285 126 92 26 8
1051 I'm into tall bitches. 1.3333 0.05285 126 92 26 8
1052 Can you bust me out of the big house? 1.3310 0.04868 142 105 28 9
1053 Our blended family includes several Great Danes... 1.3309 0.04722 139 101 31 7
1054 Got a sweet deal on this when the Great Danes went back to Europe. 1.3308 0.04975 133 99 25 8
1055 Really? You and Marmaduke are expecting? 1.3308 0.05307 133 99 24 10
1056 I'm hoping to get lucky with that Great Dane down the street. 1.3308 0.04975 133 96 30 7
1057 It’s a peopledoor. 1.3307 0.05483 127 95 22 10
1058 The cathedral ceilings will amplify your bark beautifully. 1.3307 0.05250 127 93 26 8
1059 I still keep a pee-à-terre in the city. 1.3307 0.05250 127 93 26 8
1060 Once I convinced the Great Dane that the cat was a delicacy, the rest was easy. 1.3306 0.05919 124 96 15 13
1061 Wait till you see the cat ! 1.3306 0.05808 124 95 17 12
1062 Nah....I'm just renting. The owner's visiting relatives in Denmark. 1.3306 0.05458 124 92 23 9
1063 Can I drop anything on the floor for you to eat? 1.3306 0.04678 121 88 27 5
1064 His previous service animal was a giraffe. 1.3306 0.05168 121 87 28 6
1065 I got real good a deal on it. The previous owner moved back to Denmark. 1.3306 0.05299 121 88 26 7
1066 It gets good light but the heating bill is sky high. 1.3305 0.05254 118 85 27 6
1067 Fifi has a beehive. 1.3304 0.05485 115 84 24 7
1068 They're worried. I heard them say my father is a Great Dane. 1.3304 0.05485 115 84 24 7
1069 Ah, no worries. He's still up at fat camp in the Poconos." -Will Hunter, Plymouth, M 1.3304 0.05866 112 84 19 9
1070 "In my family, growth spurts hit real quick!..." 1.3304 0.05866 112 84 19 9
1071 There's gotta be a story here. 1.3303 0.05690 109 80 22 7
1072 You looked taller on your profile picture! 1.3303 0.05981 109 82 18 9
1073 Thank you, but we already have a magazine subscription we don't read. 1.3303 0.05690 109 80 22 7
1074 Air rights? My lawyer said to leverage my unused potential. 1.3302 0.05482 106 76 25 5
1075 It’s 5-bedrooms 0-bathrooms. 1.3301 0.05586 103 74 24 5
1076 yeah,it's a bit embarrassing 1.3300 0.05695 100 72 23 5
1077 I can't wait to start digging up the yard 'cos whatever this guy buried had to be huge! 1.3299 0.06341 97 73 16 8
1078 We have got to stop meeting like this. 1.3294 0.05891 85 60 22 3
1079 This place used to be owned by giraffes who split up during the pandemic. 1.3285 0.05493 137 104 19 13
1080 This way we won't have to move when we become Great Danes. 1.3285 0.04760 137 98 33 6
1081 The agent says it’s Great Danish architecture. 1.3285 0.04646 137 97 35 5
1082 I view it as an amazing growth opportunity. 1.3284 0.05482 134 102 20 12
1083 Fake it till you make it. 1.3284 0.05056 134 98 28 8
1084 Waiting for Giraffe 1.3282 0.04900 131 94 31 6
1085 Let’s keep looking. This just doesn’t fit our lifestyle. 1.3281 0.04785 128 95 25 7
1087 Thanks to the new job we were able to upgrade. 1.3280 0.04721 125 90 30 5
1088 Tiny houses are for schmucks. 1.3279 0.05390 122 90 24 8
1089 You know, I can never remember whether this arch style is Classical Roman or Byzantine 1.3277 0.05079 119 85 29 5
1090 This is the house that Dogecoin built. 1.3277 0.05217 119 86 27 6
1091 I got it for a steal from the giraffe. 1.3277 0.05980 119 92 15 12
1092 The spider, the weed, yourself? Think big. We all grow beyond our expectations. 1.3277 0.05217 119 86 27 6
1093 Once I convinced them to sell me the air rights, the rest was easy. 1.3276 0.05162 116 83 28 5
1094 Welcome to my pied-à-terrier. 1.3276 0.05714 116 87 20 9
1095 I've been dating a mastiff. I think he might be the one. 1.3274 0.05097 113 80 29 4
1096 New money, right? 1.3273 0.05342 110 79 26 5
1097 There are definate flaws, but it has good bones. 1.3273 0.05184 110 78 28 4
1098 I bought this home with Dogcoin not Dogecoin. 1.3273 0.05646 110 81 22 7
1099 …but the heating bills are awful 1.3273 0.05496 110 80 24 6
1100 And all the flooring is custom designed newspapers. 1.3271 0.05905 107 80 19 8
1101 Now that the kids are grown we’re thinking if downsizing. 1.3269 0.05868 104 77 20 7
1102 The next time we go to Wonderland we are NOT drinking with Alice. 1.3267 0.05648 101 73 23 5
1103 Those big dogs—they don’t live as long 1.3267 0.06151 101 76 17 8
1104 When everyone else was chasing their tails, I was chasing the dollar. 1.3265 0.05761 98 71 22 5
1105 It's my new pawed-a-terre. 1.3265 0.05384 98 69 26 3
1106 Now I'm ready to run with the big dogs 1.3265 0.05576 98 70 24 4
1107 Dude! You should see the size of the fire hydrant in this place. 1.3265 0.05941 98 72 20 6
1108 Yes, it's show-offy and useless, but so am I! 1.3261 0.04842 138 106 24 8
1109 Wait till you see my water bowl! 1.3259 0.05133 135 100 26 9
1110 Fun fact, Clifford was the original owner. 1.3259 0.05133 135 100 26 9
1111 When the Big Dog is ready to come home, you gotta be prepared! 1.3258 0.06143 89 65 19 5
1112 Downsizing is overrated. 1.3258 0.04498 132 92 37 3
1113 I'm subletting from Clifford. 1.3256 0.05834 86 61 22 3
1114 Yeah, I bought this place from a Great Dane. 1.3254 0.04890 126 90 31 5
1115 My new master plays in the NBA. 1.3254 0.05143 126 92 27 7
1116 I like this one, but don't you have anything bigger? 1.3254 0.04483 126 90 33 3
1117 I hope to help others overcome the stigma of being in the doghouse. 1.3254 0.04758 126 89 33 4
1118 It's spacious, if unfurnished. 1.3254 0.05501 126 95 21 10
1119 You just get a lot more dog house for your money out here. 1.3252 0.05227 123 90 26 7
1120 This guy has massive overhead. 1.3252 0.04689 123 89 30 3
1121 Because the Jones’ dog got one. 1.3252 0.05476 123 92 22 9
1122 I got it cheap from a giraffe who moved back to Savannah. 1.3252 0.05476 123 92 22 9
1123 I may have exaggerated on my resume. 1.3252 0.04965 123 88 30 5
1124 My last boyfriend was a Great Dane. 1.3252 0.04471 123 87 33 3
1125 My ex is a Great Dane. 1.3250 0.05181 120 87 27 6
1126 Did Trump build this? 1.3250 0.05936 120 93 15 12
1127 No, I am not compensating for something. 1.3250 0.05314 120 88 25 7
1128 It feels so empty since my giraffe left. 1.3250 0.05444 120 89 23 8
1129 I'm planning to grow into it... 1.3248 0.05406 117 86 24 7
1130 In my mind I fully fill this door 1.3248 0.05406 117 86 24 7
1131 My owner always says I think I'm bigger than I am. 1.3248 0.05126 117 84 28 5
1132 The acoustics are better for barking from home. 1.3247 0.05120 154 118 22 14
1133 Welcome to our barking jam! The acoustics in this place are killer! 1.3246 0.05359 114 83 25 6
1134 Wait here. I'll see if I'm in. 1.3246 0.05212 114 82 27 5
1135 Sorry, Max. It's just a one bedroom. 1.3246 0.05502 114 84 23 7
1136 I see you couldn't decide between minimalism and good old ostentation. 1.3246 0.05502 114 84 23 7
1137 I rent to humans a lot. 1.3246 0.04744 114 79 33 2
1138 This used to be Big Bird’s house. 1.3243 0.05454 111 81 24 6
1139 Well, he's in here so often, this just made sense. 1.3241 0.04882 145 107 29 9
1140 Well, you know how I’ve always loved cathedral ceilings. 1.3241 0.05397 108 78 25 5
1141 The prior owner was a giraffe. 1.3241 0.05555 108 79 23 6
1142 My "master" used dog feet. So it's 7 times taller. Duh. 1.3239 0.04952 142 105 28 9
1143 …Just planning for growth 1.3238 0.05820 105 78 20 7
1144 Yeah, the planning board was fine with the design height—just don’t think about asking them to zone something multi-litter 1.3238 0.06127 105 80 16 9
1145 One of my humans is always in the doghouse. 1.3237 0.05025 139 103 27 9
1146 Any higher and I would need to add flying buttresses. 1.3235 0.05243 102 72 27 3
1147 I bought it from Trump 1.3235 0.05938 102 76 19 7
1148 It's rent controlled. 1.3235 0.06099 102 77 17 8
1149 Just one of the perks of being the Lakers' mascot." 1.3231 0.05262 130 97 24 9
1150 My owner is always one to make a big entrance 1.3231 0.05147 130 96 26 8
1151 Let's take a swim in the water dish! 1.3231 0.05030 130 95 28 7
1152 Of course it’s necessary, my wife is a giraffe. 1.3231 0.05262 130 97 24 9
1153 Wanna shoot some hoops? 1.3229 0.06369 96 73 15 8
1154 I know nobody wants these McMansions anymore, but I love it. 1.3228 0.04858 127 91 31 5
1155 I hear the kibble is really good here in Rome 1.3228 0.04593 127 99 21 7
1156 May I fancy you for a bone? 1.3228 0.05463 127 96 21 10
1157 Living here inspires me to reach my full potential. 1.3226 0.05953 93 68 20 5
1158 "If you need to use the fireplug go through the foyer and take a left." 1.3226 0.05332 93 65 26 2
1159 Apart from a small hitch with a bridge in Rotterdam, the delivery went well. 1.3226 0.04838 155 116 28 11
1160 If you please, sir, I want to see the Wizard right away. 1.3226 0.06146 93 69 18 6
1161 Yeah, I always enjoy house-sitting for Clifford. 1.3226 0.05191 124 91 26 7
1162 Clifford said I could stay here until he gets back from Hollywood. 1.3223 0.05532 121 91 21 9
1163 I'm a giraffe-a-doodle. 1.3223 0.05277 121 89 25 7
1164 How many dogs does it take to change a lightbulb? 1.3223 0.05532 121 91 21 9
1165 It's for the owner. He's in the doghouse all the time. 1.3223 0.05532 121 91 21 9
1166 Image is everything! 1.3221 0.04392 149 112 31 6
1167 They bought me on a zoom call so I put my paws near the screen to make them appear huge. 1.3220 0.05630 118 89 20 9
1168 My housemate is a fence-jumper -- he'll be back in a day or two. 1.3220 0.05367 118 87 24 7
1169 We need to leave before Scooby Do get's back! 1.3220 0.05757 118 90 18 10
1170 Remember- to impress people today, it’s not the size of the dog in the doghouse, it’s the size of the doghouse over the dog! 1.3220 0.05367 118 87 24 7
1171 Is Marmaduke home? 1.3220 0.05500 118 88 22 8
1172 I don't really need it, but it helps the resale value. 1.3220 0.05230 118 86 26 6
1173 I know they’re compensating for something, but I don’t care. 1.3217 0.05461 115 85 23 7
1174 Plus we''ll have room to grow 1.3217 0.05319 115 84 25 6
1175 You get so much more for your money outside of the city. 1.3217 0.05174 115 83 27 5
1176 I was married to a giraffe. I got the house in the divorce settlement. 1.3217 0.05733 115 87 19 9
1177 These government regulations on accessibility may be going a bit far. 1.3214 0.05842 112 85 18 9
1178 It's even got its own fire hydrant! 1.3214 0.05560 112 83 22 7
1179 The seller said I'd grow into it. 1.3214 0.05262 112 81 26 5
1180 We can make a killing converting this place into multi-canine housing 1.3214 0.05262 112 81 26 5
1181 It's a fixer upper. 1.3214 0.04675 140 101 33 6
1182 It came with their new McMansion. 1.3211 0.05812 109 82 19 8
1183 I’m not quite ready to downsize yet. 1.3211 0.05512 109 80 23 6
1184 A bit ostentatious, I'll admit. But, the realtor said it was practically guaranteed to put her in heat. 1.3209 0.05146 134 100 25 9
1185 My owner built it. He spends more time in here than I do. 1.3206 0.05227 131 98 24 9
1186 You’re definitely ALPHA ! 1.3206 0.04503 131 97 28 6
1187 The mailman is gonna soil himself. 1.3204 0.05724 103 76 21 6
1188 I did it just to spite my neighbor’s view of the city. 1.3203 0.05195 128 95 25 8
1189 Yeah, the previous owner was a Great Dane. 1.3203 0.04697 128 91 33 4
1190 And I owe it all to crypto. 1.3203 0.05075 128 94 27 7
1191 It's a foreclosure previously owned by a Great Dane. 1.3203 0.05539 128 98 19 11
1192 Welcome to my humble abode. 1.3200 0.05279 125 93 24 8
1193 Our realtor says it has "good bones". 1.3200 0.05664 100 73 22 5
1194 They've gone from 'Let's fix the doghouse' to 'Let's flip the doghouse.' 1.3200 0.05029 125 91 28 6
1195 Wait until you see the size of the water bowl! 1.3200 0.05518 125 95 20 10
1196 I am sorry sir but Master Rover is otherwise engaged. 1.3200 0.05156 125 92 26 7
1197 My owner calls it Notre Dog. 1.3200 0.05279 125 93 24 8
1198 I went for the open concept. 1.3197 0.05368 122 91 23 8
1199 I'm glad you came. I really want to talk about the elephant in the room. 1.3196 0.05589 97 70 23 4
1200 I think it’s my reward for peeing on everything. 1.3196 0.06139 97 73 17 7
1201 We love the Bowhaus influence. 1.3193 0.05328 119 88 24 7
1202 It has a fire hydrant on both floors. 1.3193 0.05193 119 87 26 6
1203 The contractor convinced me to build up instead of out. 1.3193 0.05328 119 88 24 7
1204 Sorry, Dane doesn't live here anymore. 1.3191 0.06090 94 70 18 6
1205 You know you've made it when you have cathedral ceilings. 1.3190 0.05137 116 84 27 5
1206 The assembly plans were in metric. 1.3190 0.05421 116 86 23 7
1207 Can I show you my loft? 1.3188 0.04540 138 103 28 7
1208 My partner is the "Long" and I'm the "Short." This is our home that we call "It." 1.3187 0.06420 91 69 15 7
1209 Bigger than my bite, but it’s got great bones. 1.3186 0.05659 113 85 20 8
1210 Being in the dog house isn't so bad. 1.3185 0.05004 135 100 27 8
1211 Clifford couldn’t make the payments. 1.3185 0.05428 135 104 19 12
1212 The acoustics really make my bark sound fierce. 1.3182 0.04991 110 78 29 3
1213 You're a lot smaller than the last time I saw you, Clifford! 1.3182 0.04848 132 99 26 7
1214 We worked it out so I get the couch during the week and the owner sleeps here on weekends. 1.3182 0.05314 110 80 25 5
1215 Oh, I was expecting Clifford. 1.3182 0.05766 110 83 19 8
1216 You are right, everything is a mcmansion these days 1.3182 0.04727 132 95 32 5
1217 It's $14,000 a month to rent, with an option to mark your territory." 1.3182 0.04727 132 95 32 5
1218 Now I bunk with the giraffe. 1.3182 0.05766 110 83 19 8
1219 Wait until you see my car 1.3182 0.05766 110 83 19 8
1220 You want to visit my awesome fire hydrant? 1.3182 0.05766 110 83 19 8
1221 The salesperson said it's always better to buy a little more house than you need! 1.3182 0.05249 88 61 26 1
1222 the bark to sound amplification is unreal... 1.3178 0.05727 107 80 20 7
1223 No, he moved back to Denmark. 1.3178 0.05879 107 81 18 8
1224's a long story. 1.3175 0.05480 126 96 20 10
1225 I heard that size matters! 1.3175 0.04867 126 91 30 5
1226 Gosh ! You are a nice looking dude ! 1.3173 0.05997 104 81 14 9
1227 The prior owner was a Saint Bernard. 1.3173 0.06151 104 80 15 9
1228 Who doesn't like high ceilings? 1.3173 0.05677 104 79 18 7
1229 My tower trumps the other guy's. 1.3172 0.04612 145 112 23 10
1230 I don’t care that it used to be an outhouse. It’s all about… location, location, location. 1.3171 0.05204 123 91 25 7
1231 Elias! Welcome to chateau bow wow. 1.3171 0.04663 123 87 33 3
1232 I'll bet you didn't no my father was a Great Dane. 1.3171 0.04941 123 89 29 5
1233 This was built for a really big dog or a very small husband. 1.3169 0.05132 142 108 23 11
1234 I used to fetch sticks. Now I fetch two hundred dollars a night for the room. 1.3168 0.05437 101 73 24 4
1235 I’ve just never felt at home here. 1.3167 0.04877 120 86 30 4
1236 Talk about pressure! 1.3163 0.06085 98 74 17 7
1237 ‘Everyone said it was a mistake dating a giraffe, but we’re making it work…” 1.3163 0.06583 98 77 11 10
1238 it's my cousin's place, the Great Dane side of the family 1.3163 0.05349 98 70 25 3
1239 I'm a lucky dog. 1.3162 0.05100 117 85 27 5
1240 The Aspect Ratio was off but I kept it anyway. 1.3162 0.04802 117 85 28 4
1241 No, Fritz. Not Bauhaus. BauWOWhaus! 1.3162 0.05381 117 87 23 7
1242 This is just my pied-à-terre 1.3162 0.05381 117 87 23 7
1243 You should see the size of the toilet bowl! 1.3158 0.05333 114 84 24 6
1244 This is nothing. The cat's scratching post has an FAA-required red light on top. 1.3158 0.05033 114 82 28 4
1245 Nice, but I would have preferred more lateral space. 1.3158 0.05269 133 101 22 10
1246 Their last dog was a lot taller. 1.3158 0.05616 114 86 20 8
1247 Yea...I wish only prices of the houses to be rising high. 1.3158 0.05847 95 70 20 5
1248 The high ceilings are a great acoustic for howling. 1.3158 0.05333 114 84 24 6
1249 My roommate is a wolfhound 1.3154 0.04576 149 109 33 7
1250 I heard the last owner was a little husky. 1.3154 0.04765 130 94 31 5
1251 I bought from a dog named Clifford, why? 1.3154 0.05354 130 99 21 10
1252 I like the open concept and the vaulted ceilings, but there's just so much area to cover when marking my territory. 1.3154 0.04888 130 95 29 6
1253 Yeah, it's one of the perks of having an owner in constant fear of joining me. 1.3153 0.05721 111 84 19 8
1254 You could be the first to mark in this one. 1.3153 0.05862 111 85 17 9
1255 yeah, minor 3-D printer error 1.3153 0.04954 111 81 26 4
1256 My master was always in the doghouse anyway, so he figured “what the heck.” 1.3153 0.05427 111 82 23 6
1257 I got it for a song from a horse in a hurry to move out of the city. 1.3152 0.06359 92 70 15 7
1258 Bitcoin! 1.3150 0.05208 127 95 24 8
1259 We bought from a Great's got lots of headroom! 1.3150 0.05208 127 95 24 8
1260 Are you sure that mastiff friend of yours is also enjoying the house swap? 1.3150 0.05087 127 94 26 7
1261 This area is zoned for high rises. 1.3148 0.05368 108 79 24 5
1262 I’m afraid to go back there. 1.3148 0.05831 108 82 18 8
1263 They used to have horses. 1.3148 0.05204 108 78 26 4
1264 That wolfhound sold it cheap. 1.3148 0.05204 108 78 26 4
1265 I'll give you a tour if you promise not to pee on the furniture. 1.3148 0.06121 108 84 14 10
1266 Previous owner was a Great Dane who left behind a bunch of great smells 1.3145 0.05039 124 91 27 6
1267 I'm sure I'll need to buy a ceiling fan. 1.3143 0.05296 105 76 25 4
1268 I thought they’d dance when I said: “raise the roof!” 1.3143 0.05948 105 80 17 8
1269 It's more house than we need, but I think we should take it. 1.3143 0.04871 140 104 28 8
1270 My Human has been spending more time in here lately... 1.3140 0.04984 121 88 28 5
1271 I'm house-sitting for the giraffe 1.3140 0.05253 121 90 24 7
1272 The howling acoustics are to die for. 1.3139 0.04605 137 99 33 5
1273 Dammit Dad, stop calling it a Fotomat! What's a Fotomat? 1.3137 0.05742 102 76 20 6
1274 Yep, got sent up to the big house. 1.3137 0.05908 102 77 18 7
1275 It's a complete waste of space. 1.3137 0.05742 102 76 20 6
1276 My energy costs are through the roof 1.3137 0.05393 102 74 24 4
1277 Welcome to the Trump Doghouse - I'll see if my master is around. 1.3136 0.05734 118 91 17 10
1278 The Big Dog Will See You Now… 1.3134 0.04903 134 99 28 7
1279 Come meet my pet Great Dane. 1.3134 0.05126 134 101 24 9
1280 Every dog has his day spa. 1.3133 0.06164 83 61 18 4
1281 Bark softly and carry a big stick 1.3131 0.05106 99 70 27 2
1282 Build the door for the stick you want not the stick you have 1.3131 0.05858 99 74 19 6
1283 And we're having a fresco painted on the ceiling. 1.3131 0.05858 99 74 19 6
1284 It was an outhouse before the renovation. 1.3131 0.06031 99 75 17 7
1285 It was my owner's idea to get a big doghouse. He has to spend a lot of time here. 1.3130 0.05435 115 86 22 7
1286 I got a good price for it from the old cemetery. 1.3125 0.06162 96 73 16 7
1287 I thought the measurements were in dog feet. 1.3125 0.06337 96 74 14 8
1288 It’s to impress the bitches. 1.3125 0.05953 112 87 15 10
1289 They're encouraging me to grow. 1.3125 0.05386 112 83 23 6
1290 I know, but I need the space. 1.3125 0.04803 128 93 30 5
1291 - What happened to your house? - Inflation. 1.3120 0.05257 125 94 23 8
1292 My owner is into status symbols. 1.3120 0.05195 125 96 20 9
1293 Welcome to the Chihua Majal... 1.3119 0.05483 109 81 22 6
1294 Trust me. We'll grow into it. 1.3118 0.05917 93 69 19 5
1295 You should see the hamster cage they own. 1.3115 0.05085 122 90 26 6
1296 My wife is expecting a lot of puppies. 1.3115 0.05216 122 91 24 7
1297 I won the lottery 1.3113 0.05423 106 78 23 5
1298 I’d like you to meet my owner Kevin Durant. 1.3113 0.05423 106 78 23 5
1299 This keeping up with the Giraffe's is bordering on the ridiculous. 1.3113 0.05586 106 79 21 6
1300 If you can't run with the big dogs, move into their house when they're running. 1.3113 0.05586 106 79 21 6
1301 They told me they were sending me up to the big house. 1.3113 0.05586 106 79 21 6
1302 I figure we’ll grow into it. 1.3113 0.05744 106 80 19 7
1303 It's by I. M. Shar-Pei 1.3113 0.05744 106 80 19 7
1304 It looked different on paper 1.3111 0.05837 90 66 20 4
1305 I designed it so my humans can come and go without bothering me.” 1.3111 0.06047 90 67 18 5
1306 Of course we just call it a "house" 1.3111 0.06047 90 67 18 5
1307 My wife is a giraffe. 1.3111 0.05619 90 65 22 3
1308 Well, I'm pretty tall when I stand on my adorableness. 1.3111 0.04639 135 103 26 6
1309 It's actually an ostrich house. He got it on sale. 1.3111 0.05201 135 103 22 10
1310 My wife is a Great Dane. 1.3109 0.05167 119 88 25 6
1311 Rusty, when you said High Rise, I had no idea you were serious. 1.3109 0.05692 119 92 17 10
1312 Winning the lottery hasn’t changed me a bit. Wanna chase some Porsches? 1.3109 0.05566 119 91 19 9
1313 Clifford doesn’t live here anymore. 1.3109 0.04884 119 86 29 4
1314 It was built for a chihuahua that rides a unicycle in the circus. 1.3107 0.05349 103 75 24 4
1315 Can you believe it? My partner tells me I'm compensating for something. 1.3107 0.05694 103 77 20 6
1316 It’s nice, but there’s no barking anywhere nearby. 1.3107 0.05694 103 77 20 6
1317 Welcome to the big house. 1.3106 0.05060 132 99 25 8
1318 Remember, don't say anything about his ears. 1.3106 0.05060 132 99 25 8
1319 Ya, it's a bit of overkill but we wanted to make a statement. 1.3103 0.05965 87 64 19 4
1320 Grandma & grandpa says I'll grow into it. 1.3103 0.05110 116 85 26 5
1321 Yes, but it's got a huge entrance fee. 1.3103 0.04807 116 83 30 3
1322 Most of my friends are Great Danes. I wanted them to feel welcome. 1.3101 0.05019 129 96 26 7
1323 Dating a giraffe has its perks. 1.3100 0.05631 100 73 21 5
1324 It's my nod to the Bow Wow House movement. 1.3100 0.05631 100 74 21 5
1325 I figured 'Why not a Dogthedral? 1.3100 0.05979 100 76 17 7
1326 I call it “Mara Doggo.” 1.3100 0.05449 100 73 23 4
1327 My architect studied with Snoopy 1.3100 0.05979 100 76 17 7
1328 We're puppies. We'll grow into it. 1.3099 0.05016 142 108 24 10
1329 It was once owned by Andre the Giant Schnauzer. 1.3095 0.06770 84 65 12 7
1330 the acoustics are so great,my bowWows! 1.3095 0.05221 126 95 23 8
1331 It's got lots of storage space and priced to sell. 1.3095 0.05098 126 94 25 7
1332 well this sure changes that old adage of being in the dog house 1.3095 0.06101 84 62 18 4
1333 NFTs, my friend. NFTs. 1.3095 0.03978 126 96 27 3
1334 We've always wanted high ceilings. 1.3095 0.05221 126 95 23 8
1335 American design with Danish dimensions. 1.3093 0.06106 97 74 16 7
1336 So, I didn't know you lived in a high-rise. 1.3093 0.05554 97 71 22 4
1337 Has to be a cash deal. Everyone wants out of the city. 1.3091 0.05441 110 82 22 6
1338 All he got was the dog bowl. 1.3091 0.05883 110 85 16 9
1339 My human sometimes spends the night. 1.3091 0.05441 110 82 22 6
1340 So you like the big open door plan? 1.3091 0.05285 110 81 24 5
1341 Is that asking price based on a Trump estimation or an IRS investigation? 1.3091 0.05883 110 85 16 9
1342 I hear size matters in New York 1.3091 0.05285 110 81 24 5
1343 They said it was a tiny home. 1.3091 0.05285 110 81 24 5
1344 Let's just say, I've seen some things I wasn't meant to see.... 1.3089 0.05180 123 92 24 7
1345 Yeah, the cathedral entrance is a bit much. 1.3089 0.05049 123 91 26 6
1346 I like the space, but it is hell changing a ceiling light. 1.3089 0.05049 123 91 26 6
1347 Is this a mirror? 1.3088 0.05061 136 103 24 9
1348 Sure it's ground floor, but it's got really high ceilings. 1.3085 0.06055 94 71 17 6
1349 It's not a doghouse, it's THE doghouse. 1.3085 0.06055 94 71 17 6
1350 It's for when Master has to join us 1.3084 0.05379 107 79 23 5
1351 If you like this, you need to see my dog bowl. 1.3084 0.05041 107 77 27 3
1352 I don’t plan on staying forever, just until I outgrow it 1.3084 0.05379 107 79 23 5
1353 I've always had a phenomenally high arch. 1.3084 0.05379 107 79 23 5
1354 How many square paws? 1.3083 0.05397 120 91 21 8
1355 Housing lottery. Can you believe it? 1.3083 0.05131 120 89 25 6
1356 It’s a tall tail 1.3083 0.04992 120 88 27 5
1357 You get so much more square footage for the same money here in Hoboken. 1.3083 0.05265 120 90 23 7
1358 I really wanted something I could grow into. 1.3083 0.05131 120 89 25 6
1359 I was spending so much time in the doghouse, I figured I'd remodel. 1.3083 0.04359 133 97 32 4
1360 Yeah, Bob's in the doghouse often enough that he decided to renovate. 1.3077 0.05479 104 77 22 5
1361 She kept the house, he got the giraffe. 1.3077 0.05355 117 88 22 7
1362 Maybe we'll grow into it? 1.3077 0.04925 117 85 28 4
1363 My name is Doggy Trump. 1.3077 0.05479 104 77 22 5
1364 I lied about my height on the application! 1.3077 0.06190 91 69 16 6
1365 They've turned up the vertical -- but we still have the horizontal. 1.3077 0.05491 117 89 20 8
1366 You are correct, I am "The Big Dog." 1.3077 0.05647 104 78 20 6
1367 He still ducks to exit. 1.3077 0.05990 91 68 18 5
1368 Little dog, big attitude 1.3077 0.05110 91 64 26 1
1369 We’re planning on a large litter… 1.3077 0.05216 117 87 24 6
1370 Yeah, the previous owner outgrew it. 1.3077 0.04925 117 85 28 4
1371 Move over little dog, the tall, skinny dog is moving in. 1.3070 0.05449 114 86 21 7
1372 This is what happens when you're really good at fetching. 1.3070 0.05449 114 86 21 7
1373 My master usually joins me in the doghouse on a regular basis! 1.3070 0.05449 114 86 21 7
1374 Getting the zoning variance took forever 1.3070 0.05305 114 85 23 6
1375 It was the cathedral ceilings that sold me. 1.3070 0.05305 114 85 23 6
1376 One pill makes you larger And one pill makes you small, And the ones that mother gives you Don't do anything at all. 1.3070 0.05449 114 86 21 7
1377 The specs got lost in translation. 1.3069 0.05583 101 75 21 5
1378 Three squares and a bed, but I miss the fire hydrants. 1.3069 0.05403 101 74 23 4
1379 The ceiling height is great, just wish there were a few more windows. 1.3069 0.05403 101 74 23 4
1380 My owner said he designed it for those nights when my mommy is mad at him. 1.3066 0.05029 137 104 24 9
1381 It has a small footprint, but it feels spacious. 1.3065 0.04746 124 90 30 4
1382 This leaves me lots of room for growth. 1.3065 0.04882 124 91 28 5
1383 All I said was 'roof,' and,well,the next thing I know... 1.3063 0.05548 111 84 20 7
1384 I know it’s bigger than we need but with today’s low interest rates, how could we go wrong? 1.3063 0.05399 111 83 22 6
1385 Apparently the last owner was some big celebrity. 1.3063 0.05399 111 83 22 6
1386 Being married to a Great Dane has its advantages. 1.3063 0.05399 111 83 22 6
1387 I don't even know what we are, let alone if we will need something this big. 1.3063 0.05086 111 81 26 4
1388 If they built it, we will grow! 1.3061 0.06223 98 76 14 8
1389 According to my realtor, it's a dog loft. 1.3060 0.04994 134 101 25 8
1390 And just wait until you see my new kitchen - no cabinets, all the food is right on the floor. 1.3059 0.06487 85 65 14 6
1391 It's not the loneliness... it's the emptiness 1.3059 0.06487 85 65 14 6
1392 I’m here just to water the plants! 1.3059 0.06040 85 63 18 4
1393 Well,they built a McMansion so I got a McDoghouse. 1.3059 0.06268 85 64 16 5
1394 The architect was Mies van der Ruff but the interior is bow-haus. 1.3059 0.05803 85 62 20 3
1395 It was built by a Danish guy. 1.3059 0.05803 85 62 20 3
1396 In this area, if you want more space, you have to go vertical. 1.3058 0.05228 121 91 23 7
1397 I'll go get my hat. 1.3058 0.05228 121 91 23 7
1398 My owner stays here when his girlfriend shouts. 1.3058 0.05228 121 91 23 7
1399 You should see the newspaper! 1.3058 0.04958 121 89 27 5
1400 Why yes, my last name is Bezos! 1.3056 0.05337 108 80 23 5
1401 It's a dog meet dog world. 1.3056 0.05652 108 82 19 7
1402 So,I says to the previous tenant, you think you’re pretty great, Dane, don’t you? 1.3056 0.05337 108 80 23 5
1403 It was designed by Mies van der Ruff. 1.3053 0.05810 95 71 19 5
1404 This is bigger than both of us. 1.3053 0.05810 95 71 19 5
1405 Sometimes our owners fight; one always ends up in the doghouse. 1.3051 0.05178 118 88 24 6
1406 It’s designed with my owner in mind, he spends more time in here than I do. 1.3050 0.04925 141 107 25 9
1407 Confession doesn't start for another hour. 1.3049 0.06420 82 62 15 5
1408 I told you to invest in Dogecoin ! 1.3048 0.05600 105 79 20 6
1409 My owner in named Wilt Chamberlain 1.3048 0.05761 105 80 18 7
1410 I shrank in the wash. 1.3048 0.05600 105 79 20 6
1411 You can imagine how difficult it is to special order a doggie door. 1.3048 0.04903 105 75 28 2
1412 The guy before me was a giraffe. 1.3047 0.05150 128 100 19 9
1413 As a small dog yourself, and a fellow descendant of wolves, you know we all think we're big dogs inside. 1.3047 0.05150 128 97 23 8
1414 Lebron likes to fill my water dish personally. 1.3047 0.05150 128 97 23 8
1415 Wait 'til you see *their* house! 1.3043 0.05934 92 69 18 5
1416 I turned out to be the world's smallest Great Dane. 1.3043 0.05119 115 85 25 5
1417 Wait 'til you see the trampoline! 1.3043 0.05296 92 66 24 2
1418 The overhead is surprisingly low. 1.3043 0.05517 92 67 22 3
1419 Like it? It's been my pet project for years. 1.3043 0.06324 92 71 14 7
1420 Don’t worry, the place grows on you. 1.3043 0.04890 138 104 26 8
1421 I share with her husband from time to time. 1.3043 0.05729 92 68 20 4
1422 If you see Spot, run. 1.3040 0.05233 125 95 22 8
1423 Yeah, but precious little closet space. 1.3040 0.05233 125 95 22 8
1424 Maybe if you gave up belly rubs you could get one too 1.3040 0.04849 125 92 28 5
1425 My husband thinks he's a giraffe. 1.3040 0.04980 125 93 26 6
1426 If you like the high, vaulted ceilings, you should see the bone cellar. 1.3040 0.04980 125 93 26 6
1427 This is my aspirational doghouse. 1.3039 0.05536 102 76 21 5
1428 On the Petfinder website, I said I was a newborn Mastiff. 1.3039 0.05536 102 76 21 5
1429 I bought it from the Baskerville estate. 1.3039 0.05877 102 78 17 7
1430 Yup. Ventilation. Good guess. 1.3039 0.05174 102 74 25 3
1431 We moved in after the Borzoi's left. 1.3039 0.05174 102 74 25 3
1432 Yeah, it’s pre-war dog house. 1.3039 0.04784 102 72 29 1
1433 The views are so so, but I love the high ceilings 1.3039 0.05536 102 76 21 5
1434 Conspicuous consumption! It's contagious. 1.3037 0.04734 135 100 29 6
1435 Yeah, you can get a bigger house in the suburbs, but the commute’s a killer. 1.3036 0.05357 112 84 22 6
1436 Open concept. 1.3036 0.05505 112 85 20 7
1437 There have been supply chain issues with Marvin Windows and Doors. 1.3034 0.06472 89 69 13 7
1438 I'm dog house sitting for Clifford. 1.3034 0.06667 89 70 11 8
1439 My butt's really big. 1.3033 0.05569 122 95 17 10
1440 You will grow in to it. 1.3033 0.05320 122 93 21 8
1441 I time share with a Great Dane. 1.3033 0.05569 122 95 17 10
1442 We needed the frisbee space. 1.3033 0.04923 122 90 27 5
1443 If you really want to mark your territory, I say make a statement. 1.3030 0.05644 99 74 20 5
1444 The latest "Accessibility Laws" now include giraffes! 1.3030 0.05037 132 100 24 8
1445 Did you find our house on Arf BnB? 1.3030 0.05824 99 75 18 6
1446 Just chew on their socks and they let you stay here. 1.3030 0.05824 99 75 18 6
1447 High ceilings are necessary to compensate only having a one room house. 1.3030 0.04426 132 95 34 3
1448 My master ends up in the doghouse so often, I decided I needed a bigger place 1.3030 0.05998 99 76 16 7
1449 The high ceilings give me a sense of enormous importance. 1.3030 0.05266 99 72 24 3
1450 Wait till you see the dog bowl! 1.3030 0.05262 132 102 20 10
1451 Got a great deal from a Great Dane 1.3030 0.05151 132 101 22 9
1452 Come on in and check out my new chandelier. 1.3028 0.04058 142 110 25 7
1453 Snoop asked us to raise the roof 1.3028 0.05756 109 83 17 8
1454 I just filed my "Why I'm Leaving New York" column. 1.3028 0.05756 109 84 17 8
1455 This redefines what being in the doghouse means" 1.3028 0.05295 109 81 23 5
1456 I wanted my new place to have lots of natural light. 1.3028 0.04964 109 79 27 3
1457 If you bark, it barks back. 1.3026 0.06218 76 56 17 3
1458 Howling echoes are perfect! 1.3025 0.05141 119 89 23 6
1459 When you’re small you gotta think big 1.3023 0.05459 129 101 17 11
1460 I suppose we will grow into it 1.3023 0.05747 86 63 20 3
1461 I feel bigger than I feel the same? 1.3022 0.04410 139 101 34 4
1462 It’s bau wow haus. 1.3021 0.05946 96 73 17 6
1463 I'm the big dog now 1.3021 0.06127 96 74 15 7
1464 Fifi and I love tall ceilings. 1.3021 0.05758 96 72 19 5
1465 Trust me, you want to get thrown in the dog house. 1.3021 0.05565 96 71 21 4
1466 What can I say — it’s been a good seven years. 1.3021 0.05155 96 69 25 2
1467 Eat the other side of Alice’s mushroom. 1.3021 0.05565 96 71 21 4
1468 Lairbnb. 1.3021 0.05155 96 69 25 2
1469 Trying to live up to expectations 1.3021 0.05364 96 70 23 3
1470 It's Danish. 1.3019 0.05714 106 81 18 7
1471 What, no sniff good night? 1.3017 0.05226 116 87 23 6
1472 I bought it just before the Bitcoin crash. 1.3017 0.05081 116 86 25 5
1473 They said it was the Taj Mahal of dog houses. 1.3015 0.04931 136 103 25 8
1474 It's more house than I need, but this entry just spoke to me. 1.3012 0.06117 83 62 17 4
1475 In the metaverse you can be any size you want. 1.3012 0.05872 83 61 19 3
1476 I know it looks big but mom says I'll grow into it 1.3011 0.05467 93 68 22 3
1477 Stay inside, bark on the microphone, then just watch them run. 1.3011 0.05879 93 70 18 5
1478 They said I'd grow into it. 1.3010 0.05661 103 78 19 6
1479 It's a bitch to heat, unless you have a bitch *in* heat. 1.3010 0.05827 103 79 17 7
1480 I had to get a zoning waiver. 1.3010 0.05038 103 77 22 4
1481 dawg! some crib you got here 1.3010 0.05132 103 75 25 3
1482 Wait 'til you see the inside - it's a one-bedroom, four-fire hydrant loft. 1.3010 0.05827 103 79 17 7
1483 There's no going back once you've experienced the grandeur of cathedral ceilings. 1.3010 0.05490 103 77 21 5
1484 Would you care to come in and see my itchings?" 1.3009 0.05745 113 88 16 9
1485 Tell me more about this cousin from Texas 1.3009 0.05881 113 89 14 10
1486 My mom said we'd grow into it. 1.3000 0.04822 120 90 23 5
1487 Things are looking up. 1.3000 0.04822 120 88 28 4
1488 For dinner tonight: Kibbles & Bitcoins. 1.3000 0.04749 120 90 25 5
1489 I'm not embarrassed to invite my friends over since we moved to the penthouse. 1.3000 0.05347 90 65 23 2
1490 Are they trying to make us look small? 1.3000 0.05108 90 64 25 1
1491 Someday my prince will come. 1.3000 0.05025 100 72 26 2
1492 Betty White bought it for me. 1.3000 0.05239 120 91 22 7
1493 Our architect was a supremacist with leanings towards delusions of grandeur 1.3000 0.05254 110 82 23 5
1494 Go big or go home! Why not both? 1.3000 0.05855 110 86 15 9
1495 Moving out of the city was the best thing I ever did. 1.3000 0.05563 110 84 19 7
1496 Being in the doghouse isn’t that bad 1.3000 0.05239 120 91 22 7
1497 The former occupant was often her last husband. 1.3000 0.05371 120 92 20 8
1498 It looked smaller on StreetEasy. 1.3000 0.06007 90 68 17 5
1499 It costs a fortune to heat, but you know Rover: he's always got to keep up with the Browns. 1.3000 0.05239 120 91 22 7
1500 I have to host my owner on most nights. 1.2992 0.05513 127 100 16 11
1501 He's in here so often, she figured we might as well resize the doorway. 1.2992 0.04784 127 96 25 6
1502 You should see the supper dish 1.2991 0.05328 117 89 21 7
1503 You should smell the inside! 1.2991 0.05598 117 91 17 9
1504 Yeah, my new roommate is a Great Dane. 1.2991 0.04743 117 85 29 3
1505 The guy I'm replacing was a sentry boxer. 1.2991 0.05598 117 91 17 9
1506 Now I see why you spend so much time in the doghouse. 1.2991 0.05347 107 80 22 5
1507 I know it's weird, but wait until you meet my house mate. 1.2991 0.05347 107 80 22 5
1508 Keeping up with the Rexes ain’t easy 1.2991 0.05510 107 81 20 6
1509 I told her, "I'm in the doghouse," as if it were a bad thing. 1.2991 0.05510 107 81 20 6
1510 Yeah, that spoiled bitch got my bone collection, but I got to keep the doghouse, so voilà! 1.2991 0.05667 107 82 18 7
1511 'Your father can't possibly be a Great Dane, your father can't possibly be a Great Dane.' I am so tired of hearing it. Maybe NOW they'll believe me. 1.2990 0.05516 97 72 21 4
1512 My 'bite-coin' investment really took off last year. 1.2990 0.05707 97 73 19 5
1513 The architect is French. 1.2990 0.05892 97 74 17 6
1514 The furniture isn't in yet so there's ton's of space for us to chase our tails. 1.2990 0.05707 97 73 19 5
1515 I know the roofing is a little odd, but this was the only house for leash. 1.2990 0.06581 97 78 9 10
1516 My giraffe loves it! 1.2990 0.05707 97 73 19 5
1517 It's more space than I need. 1.2990 0.05707 97 73 19 5
1518 I'm just waiting for the trampoline 1.2990 0.05516 97 72 21 4
1519 I’m hoping to grow into it. 1.2989 0.05921 87 65 18 4
1520 I call it 'Hump Tower.' 1.2989 0.06356 87 67 14 6
1521 They deliver my Costco fire hydrant in the morning. 1.2984 0.04856 124 92 27 5
1522 Having Shaq as an owner does have its perqs. 1.2984 0.05119 124 94 23 7
1523 No, silly, it’s not an outhouse…there’s no door. 1.2984 0.04856 124 92 27 5
1524 I heard a Great Dane is moving in with us. 1.2984 0.05245 124 95 21 8
1525 I'm renting out the spare room to a Great Dane. 1.2984 0.04856 124 92 27 5
1526 They gave me a raise 1.2984 0.04856 124 92 27 5
1527 You should see my hat! 1.2982 0.05276 114 86 22 6
1528 See what I mean Eddy? this place is screaming for a nice clerestory window! 1.2982 0.05421 114 87 20 7
1529 It's just a more acceptable way of showing dominance these days. 1.2981 0.05271 104 77 23 4
1530 Sure, it's got a nice view of the dog park but it's a pain when the elevator goes out. 1.2981 0.05445 104 78 21 5
1531 Some dogs are more equal than others. 1.2981 0.05271 104 77 23 4
1532 It has 12-feet ceilings and a private entrance, but unfortunately the landlord doesn’t allow pets. 1.2981 0.05445 104 78 21 5
1533 You can’t appreciate the vaulted ceiling until you’re on the trampoline. 1.2981 0.05778 104 80 17 7
1534 Build for the Dog you want to be, not the Dog you are 1.2981 0.05445 104 78 21 5
1535 2400 square feet and two hydrants. 1.2981 0.05271 104 77 23 4
1536 …and I got a great deal because the previous owner had to move back to Africa. 1.2979 0.05625 94 70 20 4
1537 The high ceilings help with my depression - or maybe it's just the worm medicine. 1.2976 0.06511 84 65 13 6
1538 We needed room for the fire hydrant. 1.2976 0.06511 84 65 13 6
1539 You can come in but I can't promise you that my wife won't eat you. 1.2975 0.05202 121 92 22 7
1540 I just love the cathedral ceiling and the open architecture concept 1.2975 0.04930 121 92 23 6
1541 Nicest one on the block, I'm told. If you're gonna run with the big dogs... 1.2973 0.05214 111 83 23 5
1542 Just wait til you see their toilet bowls. 1.2973 0.05214 111 83 23 5
1543 Clifford just moved out. 1.2973 0.05808 111 87 15 9
1544 Come on in! I've got the place to myself for the weekend. 1.2973 0.05054 111 82 25 4
1545 I only date tall guys" 1.2973 0.05368 111 84 21 6
1546 As my real estate agent said, "You can never have too much house". 1.2970 0.05548 101 76 20 5
1547 The realtor described this as ‘something to grow into’. 1.2970 0.05179 101 74 24 3
1548 The DHOA is giving me hell. 1.2970 0.05548 101 76 20 5
1549 This is what happens when you can find the instructions in every language except your own. 1.2970 0.05724 101 77 18 6
1550 I’m just waiting for my growth spurt. 1.2970 0.04984 101 73 26 2
1551 Yes I know Don -- it's called a Barn Conversion 1.2970 0.05894 101 78 16 7
1552 Wait, I have 1.2970 0.05367 101 75 22 4
1553 they promised me this for being a pandemic puppy! 1.2970 0.05894 101 78 16 7
1554 I broke my old leash. 1.2970 0.05367 101 75 22 4
1555 I bought the larger unit which comes with hydrants and trees. 1.2969 0.05245 128 99 20 9
1556 They had a great dane before me. 1.2967 0.05949 91 69 17 5
1557 I know what you're going to say. It's too much house. 1.2967 0.05949 91 69 17 5
1558 The previous owner was a Great Dane. I got a ladder for the water bowl and converted it to a swimming pool. I'm adding an open loft here, and then I'm gonna flip the whole place while it's still a seller's market. 1.2967 0.05741 91 68 19 4
1559 It gives me perspective. 1.2967 0.05062 91 65 25 1
1560 Technically, it’s only 300 square feet. 1.2966 0.05008 118 88 25 5
1561 In case you were wondering, I'm married to a Great Dane! 1.2966 0.05424 118 91 19 8
1562 Sublet. 1.2966 0.05424 118 91 19 8
1563 I don't want to offend any Great Danes. 1.2966 0.05008 118 88 25 5
1564 When I’m not here, my owners rent it out as an airbnb. 1.2963 0.05622 108 83 18 7
1565 I used to have roommates, but someone let the dogs out 1.2963 0.06677 81 63 12 6
1566 It's for the husband. 1.2963 0.05139 108 80 24 4
1567 I leave a small footprint without getting into the tiny house fad. 1.2963 0.05465 108 82 20 6
1568 There's enough room to swing a cat 1.2963 0.05773 108 84 16 8
1569 Of course it's pre-war. 1.2960 0.04687 125 92 29 4
1570 My bark is worse than my height. 1.2957 0.05089 115 86 24 5
1571 Just imagine how much this would cost if it was in Manhattan! 1.2957 0.05089 115 86 24 5
1572 Yeah, the ol' ball and chain is mad at me, but Home Depot is really stepping up the game with these quarantine home renovation projects. 1.2957 0.04779 115 86 25 4
1573 You're not Clifford. 1.2957 0.05236 115 87 22 6
1574 And where's the golden fire hydrant that orange man said came with this dump? 1.2957 0.05380 115 88 20 7
1575 Because my big house makes the "Beware of Dog" sign scarier. 1.2955 0.05399 88 64 22 2
1576 After I saw "Citizen Kane" I just HAD to have this place. 1.2955 0.05863 88 66 18 4
1577 Perception is reality my friend. 1.2955 0.06497 88 69 12 7
1578 I'm applying for the guide dog job. 1.2955 0.06082 88 67 16 5
1579 This was the most ostentatious display of wealth my owners could afford while the market’s down. 1.2955 0.04898 132 100 25 7
1580 It belonged to the former president. 1.2955 0.06082 88 67 16 5
1581 Clifford's a good friend... he wouldn't mind me showing you around. 1.2955 0.05636 88 65 20 3
1582 It's roomy and you can jump on the beds. 1.2952 0.05400 105 79 21 5
1583 My human practically lives in the doghouse 1.2952 0.04673 105 75 29 1
1584 My new partner is a Great Dane. 1.2952 0.05228 105 78 23 4
1585 Come back later. The Board still hasn't decided. 1.2952 0.05050 105 77 25 3
1586 Do they think we are Great Danes 1.2951 0.05294 122 94 20 8
1587 Welcome to the Paws Mahal! 1.2951 0.05165 122 93 22 7
1588 Thank you. It was the home of Shaquille O'Neil's Irish Wolfhound. 1.2947 0.05157 95 69 24 2
1589 Watch your head as you step inside. 1.2947 0.05574 95 71 20 4
1590 It’s a bit sparse. I bit off more than I can chew. 1.2947 0.04935 95 68 26 1
1591 I became obsessed with status and joined the bark side. 1.2947 0.05370 95 70 22 3
1592 I heard, 'Go big or go home' and I thought, why not both? 1.2946 0.05476 112 86 19 7
1593 The McMansion market is ridiculously inflated right now. Let's cash out while we can! 1.2946 0.05327 112 85 21 6
1594 It has to fit my master who is in here a lot. 1.2946 0.05174 112 84 23 5
1595 It was all fun and games until we got to obedience school, 1.2946 0.05016 112 83 25 4
1596 You Boosted? 1.2946 0.05327 112 85 21 6
1597 They always threatened to send me to the big house. 1.2941 0.05322 102 76 22 4
1598 I'm expecting a growth spurt. 1.2941 0.06007 102 80 14 8
1599 It's my ambition to be the Tall Dog in these parts! 1.2941 0.05322 102 76 22 4
1600 Bought it from a tall dog who needed the cash to defend a bunch of paternity suits 1.2941 0.05113 119 90 23 6
1601 He's spending a lot of time here now, so he remodeled. 1.2941 0.05250 119 91 21 7
1602 Nothing but the Best for my sweetheart 1.2937 0.05048 126 96 23 7
1603 They heard my bark before they saw me. 1.2936 0.04929 109 80 26 3
1604 It's more like a pied-a-turd." 1.2936 0.05422 109 83 20 6
1605 Clifford’s at the city pound again, so we’ve got the whole house to ourselves this weekend. 1.2936 0.05576 109 84 18 7
1606 I was going to flip it, but I ended up falling hard for the vaulted ceiling. 1.2936 0.05576 109 84 18 7
1607 Their pet giraffe didn't work out. 1.2936 0.05576 109 84 18 7
1608 He intended it for a St. Bernard, but she says it fits my ego. 1.2936 0.05576 109 84 18 7
1609 My fiancee is a greyhound. 1.2936 0.04929 109 80 26 3
1610 My human spends a lot of time in the Dog House 1.2936 0.05263 109 82 22 5
1611 We're stepping up in the world but we're still not eating people food. 1.2936 0.05873 109 86 14 9
1612 Life isn't easy for a chihuahuadoodle. 1.2935 0.06093 92 71 15 6
1613 You can come in, but please don’t drag your butt on the floor. 1.2935 0.05473 92 68 21 3
1614 It's not a duplex, it's a "how can I give my neighbor dog an inferiority complex". 1.2935 0.05893 92 70 17 5
1615 The previous owner had humans. 1.2935 0.05893 92 70 17 5
1616 Welcome to the big house, bitch! 1.2931 0.05613 116 91 16 9
1617 The Master will see you now. 1.2931 0.05051 116 87 24 5
1618 It's for when I get my back up. 1.2929 0.05607 99 75 19 5
1619 This is nothing. My owner’s turtle has an indoor olympic-sized pool. 1.2929 0.05964 99 77 15 7
1620 You wouldn't believe the size of the toilet bowl. 1.2929 0.05227 99 73 23 3
1621 I told the architect I really wanted something that spoke to my insecurities 1.2929 0.05420 99 74 21 4
1622 I know.....can you believe it started out as a dog crate fixer upper? 1.2929 0.05788 99 76 17 6
1623 Everyone on my wife's side of the family is tall. 1.2929 0.05026 99 74 22 3
1624 It has an incredible view of all the best bushes in the park. 1.2929 0.05788 99 76 17 6
1625 It keeps the cats away! 1.2927 0.04997 123 93 24 6
1626 You really do get more space in the suburbs 1.2927 0.04861 123 92 26 5
1627 I kept the contractor on a leash. 1.2927 0.04579 123 90 30 3
1628 Clifford? Yeah he runs this Airbnb. 1.2927 0.05881 82 61 18 3
1629 I like the high ceilings, but heating it is a bitch. No offense. 1.2925 0.05356 106 80 21 5
1630 You asked for high ceilings 1.2925 0.05186 106 79 23 4
1631 A bit austere, yes, but considered the pinnacle of Bow-wow-wow-haus design. 1.2925 0.05356 106 80 21 5
1632 Sometimes the doghouse ain't so bad. 1.2921 0.06022 89 68 16 5
1633 I love my new home, but wait till you see the stick I have to fetch 1.2921 0.06432 89 70 12 7
1634 I told you Dogecoin was gonna buy me a new house 1.2921 0.06022 89 68 16 5
1635 Come in and see my tree. 1.2921 0.06022 89 68 16 5
1636 Woofers welcome--this place has great acoustics. 1.2921 0.06022 89 68 16 5
1637 The only drawback is that there is no place to walk my human. 1.2920 0.05134 113 85 23 5
1638 When the realtor said it had "impressive square footage," I kind of assumed she meant horizontally. 1.2920 0.05134 113 84 23 5
1639 Your renovations really open the place up! 1.2920 0.05286 113 86 21 6
1640 Had it designed to allow my Irish Wolfhound cousins to visit. 1.2920 0.05286 113 85 21 6
1641 Duke took the stilts and ran off with the circus. 1.2917 0.05322 96 71 22 3
1642 The previous owner left a bunch of red fur everywhere. 1.2917 0.05719 96 73 18 5
1643 That Doggie-coin crypto currency idea of yours really paid off! 1.2917 0.05719 96 73 18 5
1644 I like to make a big entrance. 1.2917 0.05908 96 74 16 6
1645 Wanna see my obelisk collection? 1.2917 0.05524 96 72 20 4
1646 Have you been boinking that great dane again? 1.2913 0.05257 127 99 19 9
1647 It's not the size of the dog in the house 1.2913 0.05455 103 78 20 5
1648 I'm subletting from a Great Dane who's wintering in Europe this year. 1.2913 0.05094 103 76 24 3
1649 I’m finally living the high life. 1.2913 0.05278 103 77 22 4
1650 My in-laws are giraffes 1.2913 0.05955 103 81 14 8
1651 The improved acoustics let my howling keep awake the entire city. 1.2913 0.05627 103 79 18 6
1652 Out there I’m just a chihuahua. But in here I’m King Leopold van Huahuachi, Supreme Commander and Lord of the Manor. 1.2911 0.06534 79 61 13 5
1653 I like how you repurposed the tissue box. 1.2911 0.06777 79 62 11 6
1654 She's always sending him to the dog house, so he raised the roof. 1.2910 0.05171 134 105 19 10
1655 My girlfriend's a Russian Wolfhound. 1.2909 0.05059 110 82 24 4
1656 Well done, Jeff. A big screen TV makes life bearable when you are in the doghouse. 1.2909 0.05222 110 83 22 5
1657 Everything is larger than life in Trump world! 1.2909 0.05059 110 82 24 4
1658 Care to try out my telephone pole? 1.2909 0.05222 110 83 22 5
1659 On the weekend rate we provide a complimentary, inside water bowl and bones buried in all the usual places. 1.2909 0.05379 110 84 20 6
1660 Going up was cheaper than going out..... 1.2907 0.06378 86 67 13 6
1661 I guess I've just been a very good boy. 1.2907 0.06589 86 68 11 7
1662 We’re having the Humans over! 1.2907 0.06159 86 66 15 5
1663 Come check out the indoor trampoline! 1.2907 0.05196 86 62 23 1
1664 I was an early investor in Dogecoin. 1.2906 0.05014 117 88 24 5
1665 They told the contractor I’m still growing. 1.2906 0.04711 117 86 28 3
1666 Love your cathedral ceiling’ 1.2906 0.05437 117 91 18 8
1667 I have a large extended family. 1.2903 0.05423 93 69 21 3
1668 Yes, I'm an outdoor dog. But I also enjoy the indoor lifestyle. 1.2900 0.06079 100 79 13 8
1669 We're thinking of downsizing. 1.2900 0.04984 100 73 25 2
1670 you don't ask, you don't get. 1.2900 0.05559 100 79 15 6
1671 In a few years, this will be ocean-front property! 1.2900 0.05738 100 77 17 6
1672 I see you have a big house, need a roommate? 1.2900 0.04984 100 73 25 2
1673 It's all about the chandelier. 1.2900 0.05559 100 76 19 5
1674 I know I was a disappointment to them. 1.2900 0.05911 100 78 15 7
1675 You should see the bathrooms! 1.2900 0.05559 100 76 19 5
1676 I would have been happy with a rancher but Bernard insisted on high ceilings. 1.2900 0.05559 100 76 19 5
1677 You absolute HAVE to see the chandeliers. 1.2897 0.05313 107 81 21 5
1678 Wait until you see the fire hydrant! 1.2897 0.05313 107 81 21 5
1679 What it lacks in comfort, it makes up for with something called Status. 1.2897 0.05313 107 81 21 5
1680 When I grow up I'm going to be a Great Dane. 1.2897 0.04970 107 79 25 3
1681 You can come in now, the wife let him back in the house” 1.2897 0.05477 107 82 19 6
1682 Snoop Dog said to raise the roof. 1.2897 0.05477 107 82 19 6
1683 When you win the lottery, the first thing you do is buy a big house. 1.2895 0.05246 114 87 21 6
1684 We can get a much taller Christmas tree this year! 1.2895 0.05246 114 87 21 6
1685 You think this is big, you should see the real estate taxes! 1.2895 0.05096 114 86 23 5
1686 It's called 'the crime fighter.' The high ceiling makes your bark sound bigger than your bite. Cool, huh? 1.2895 0.05096 114 86 23 5
1687 The vaulted ceiling were a real treat! 1.2895 0.04941 114 85 25 4
1688 I had to! My human kept banging his head on the old one... 1.2895 0.05869 76 56 18 2
1689 Sorry, the giraffe's not home. 1.2895 0.05246 114 87 21 6
1690 The zoning laws are full of loopholes. 1.2893 0.05174 121 93 21 7
1691 Bones just taste better when you carry them vertical. 1.2893 0.04901 121 91 25 5
1692 They're calling it an English Gothic, but seems more Great Dane to me. 1.2893 0.05559 121 96 15 10
1693 Better ventilation. 1.2892 0.05292 83 60 22 1
1694 You need to check the y-axis setting on the 3d printer. 1.2892 0.06068 83 63 16 4
1695 With the quintuplets on the way, Gladys and I decided we needed more space. 1.2889 0.05529 90 67 20 3
1696 I'm just the house sitter but it beats sniffing dog ass in Tribeca. 1.2889 0.05529 90 67 20 3
1697 My owner is “in the Dog House” so often, he upsized ! 1.2889 0.05751 90 68 18 4
1698 And besides high ceilings, it has granite countertops! 1.2889 0.06170 90 70 14 6
1699 I know we wanted to live in a high rise, but this is insane 1.2889 0.04567 135 101 29 5
1700 Do you ever wonder if it’s more dog house than you need? 1.2887 0.05475 97 73 20 4
1701 I like it. There's room to grow. 1.2887 0.05475 97 73 20 4
1702 Selling this house will be a tall order 1.2887 0.05276 97 72 22 3
1703 My human's partner makes him stay in here a lot. 1.2887 0.05668 97 74 18 5
1704 It's an optical illusion. Donald said make it look big for the banks and small for the tax guy. 1.2887 0.05855 97 75 16 6
1705 He says it's for me but he's spent almost the entire pandemic in here. Crying mostly. 1.2887 0.05668 97 74 18 5
1706 I am used to the metric system. 1.2885 0.04864 104 81 18 5
1707 Yeah, the views are great. But changing lightbulbs is a b*tch. 1.2885 0.05579 104 80 18 6
1708 Sorry, I can’t let you in without a rabies shot but you’re free enjoy our patio. 1.2885 0.05579 104 80 18 6
1709 Wait till you see the bone. 1.2885 0.05579 104 80 18 6
1710 I needed the extra space for my Calder. 1.2885 0.05744 104 81 16 7
1711 Watch your head big dog. 1.2885 0.05234 104 78 22 4
1712 I call it a “human door” 1.2883 0.05488 111 86 18 7
1713 It's really so much more convenient than opening it every time my human wants to go out. 1.2883 0.05337 111 85 20 6
1714 You’ve come a long way since our days in the pound. 1.2881 0.05260 118 91 20 7
1715 I know, I know. But the acoustics are amazing. 1.2881 0.04830 118 88 26 4
1716 Sure it's just a doghouse, but it makes me feel like the Pope. 1.2881 0.05121 118 90 22 6
1717 I'll sign a one year leash. 1.2877 0.06609 73 56 13 4
1718 I think it’s for bad husbands. 1.2875 0.06212 80 61 15 4
1719 I'm thinking about downsizing. 1.2874 0.05642 87 65 19 3
1720 Size matters! 1.2874 0.05874 87 66 17 4
1721 It was awfully nice of Clifford to include me in his will. 1.2874 0.05400 87 64 21 2
1722 He went back to Denmark. 1.2874 0.05874 87 66 17 4
1723 It's not the size of the dog in the dog house, but the size of the dog house the dog is living in. 1.2874 0.05400 87 64 21 2
1724 Oh, I hadn't noticed. 1.2872 0.05374 94 70 21 3
1725 This one should keep the roof Snoopy-free. 1.2872 0.05784 94 72 17 5
1726 I am taking Growth Hormones. 1.2872 0.05583 94 71 19 4
1727 It's for a reality show. 1.2872 0.05978 94 73 15 6
1728 Between me and my ego, there's no room for you. 1.2872 0.06167 94 74 13 7
1729 Should I have my house this re-stuccoed, or would that be overkill? 1.2872 0.05784 94 72 17 5
1730 It was this or an overpriced, unnecessary sports car. 1.2872 0.06167 94 74 13 7
1731 The design is art dogo. 1.2871 0.05688 101 78 17 6
1732 Shaq gets sent here a lot! 1.2871 0.05328 101 76 21 4
1733 Imagine all the giraffe parties we can host 1.2871 0.06026 101 80 13 8
1734 OK, so, I am an Emotional Support Pet for the Knicks. Does that explain it? 1.2870 0.05432 108 83 19 6
1735 I still have to go outside to pee. 1.2870 0.05271 108 82 21 5
1736 Come on in, we’ll be fine as long as we’re gone before he gets home. 1.2870 0.05271 108 82 21 5
1737 I’m telling you — it’s not oversized, it has big bones. 1.2870 0.05271 108 82 21 5
1738 "That's odd, it's listed as a low-overhead rental." 1.2870 0.05206 115 88 21 6
1739 The Greyhound who designed it fell on ruff times. 1.2870 0.05206 115 88 21 6
1740 I built this for my fiancé -- she's a St. Bernard. 1.2870 0.05350 115 89 19 7
1741 Right before the divorce, he built it for just us. 1.2869 0.05004 122 93 23 6
1742 Have you seen the cute little human house in the back yard? 1.2868 0.04946 129 99 23 7
1743 It's a split-level doghouse that I share with a giraffe. 1.2857 0.05230 98 73 22 3
1744 I'm a rescue -- their great dane died. 1.2857 0.05696 105 82 16 7
1745 I know I’m a Dachshund but he thinks I’ll grow into it! He’s made a Mastiff mistake.. 1.2857 0.05802 98 76 16 6
1746 I’m thinking about putting in an elevator 1.2857 0.05427 98 74 20 4
1747 Wait till you hear the pipe organ. 1.2857 0.06005 84 64 16 4
1748 What was that line right after " one pill makes you larger...."? 1.2857 0.05182 133 105 18 10
1749 Thanks. But the property taxes are killer. 1.2857 0.05477 91 68 20 3
1750 It's actually a duplex. Upstairs neighbors are birds 1.2857 0.05696 91 69 18 4
1751 It just started to grow on me 1.2857 0.05279 105 82 17 6
1752 Of course I didn't earn this. I inherited it like all the other lucky dogs. 1.2857 0.05141 112 85 22 5
1753 It's for my human. Convenient, right? 1.2857 0.04648 112 82 28 2
1754 My partner's a GreatDane 1.2857 0.04941 119 90 24 5
1755 I prefer to think of it as aspirational. 1.2857 0.04982 112 84 24 4
1756 And this is the servant's entrance. 1.2857 0.05365 105 80 20 5
1757 I traded up. 1.2857 0.05230 98 73 22 3
1758 Yeah, the previous owner was in the movies, but they wouldn't disclose his identity. 1.2857 0.04734 112 88 15 6
1759 You should see the crown molding 1.2857 0.06366 77 59 14 4
1760 It’s a sublet from the Dane family. 1.2857 0.05365 105 80 20 5
1761 Ten foot ceilings are so 2020. 1.2857 0.05855 105 83 14 8
1762 No I am not a dog with a tall tail. 1.2857 0.05012 105 78 24 3
1763 All in all,I'd rather be in the old dog house. 1.2857 0.05696 91 69 18 4
1764 It was originally built for master, who keeps finding himself in the dog house! 1.2857 0.05533 105 81 18 6
1765 You won’t believe the size of the bed. 1.2857 0.04920 105 82 18 5
1766 Yeah, hard to keep rain out but, man, when the sun comes through the door... 1.2857 0.05295 112 86 20 6
1767 Check out the new doghouse my owner built during quarantine! 1.2857 0.05507 84 62 20 2
1768 My parents thought I'd be taller 1.2857 0.05618 98 75 18 5
1769 I understand the design instruction included: "allow for Gaffes in your details!" 1.2857 0.05191 105 79 22 4
1770 But in 210 dog years, it'll be all ours! 1.2857 0.05733 112 89 14 9
1771 Andre the giant used to live here. 1.2857 0.05906 91 69 16 5
1772 And with my work-from-home stipend, I gave myself a treat. 1.2857 0.05618 98 75 18 5
1773 His father is a Dobermann 1.2857 0.06110 91 71 14 6
1774 Wait until you see the fire hydrants out here! 1.2857 0.06005 84 64 16 4
1775 It was easy. I just barked less and wagged more. 1.2857 0.05477 91 68 20 3
1776 For tax purposes, it's really tiny. But it's even bigger if I need a loan. 1.2857 0.04941 119 90 24 5
1777 You should see the people house. 1.2857 0.05906 91 70 16 5
1778 Next upgrade will be a toilet for drinking water on demand. 1.2846 0.04399 123 90 31 2
1779 I can’t afford any furniture yet! 1.2846 0.04692 123 92 27 4
1780 Unlike most dogs, I understand psychology. 1.2846 0.05101 123 95 21 7
1781 That’s a lot of overhead to carry in today’s market. 1.2845 0.04631 116 91 20 5
1782 I do have a pretty high ruff! 1.2844 0.05229 109 83 21 5
1783 It's growing on me. 1.2844 0.05389 109 84 19 6
1784 That's what she said. 1.2844 0.05389 109 84 19 6
1785 Do you have a moment to talk about the church of Jesus Christ and latter-day dogs? 1.2844 0.05842 109 87 13 9
1786 And get this….it’s rent controlled. 1.2844 0.05389 109 84 19 6
1787 C'mon in,Lulu. My hubby,Great Dane,is in the back. 1.2843 0.05283 102 77 21 4
1788 No joke? A basketball court?? 1.2843 0.05639 102 79 17 6
1789 We wanted to be the smallest house in a better neighborhood, but it’s a tough market. 1.2843 0.05283 102 77 21 4
1790 My family believes even a dog should have an open concept home. 1.2843 0.05639 102 79 17 6
1791 I got the tall model so I could attract a tall model. 1.2843 0.05096 102 76 23 3
1792 I'm more of a backdoor fan. 1.2842 0.05325 95 71 21 3
1793 Yeah it’s nice, but they still won’t let us in the house. 1.2842 0.05325 95 71 21 3
1794 Told you a big bark pays off in the end. 1.2842 0.05325 95 71 21 3
1795 The only downside is it echoes when I bark. 1.2842 0.05731 95 73 17 5
1796 Oh, I'm just house sitting. The real owner is a Russian olibark. 1.2842 0.05923 95 74 15 6
1797 Mom warned me there would be growth spurts. 1.2842 0.05731 95 73 17 5
1798 I’m putting my Clifford poster on the back wall. 1.2842 0.05111 95 70 23 2
1799 It’s a mixed marriage. My husband’s a giraffe. 1.2842 0.06290 95 76 11 8
1800 I don't really need the extra space, but I don't have to hang out at those proletarian dog parks anymore. 1.2842 0.05532 95 72 19 4
1801 Thanks. The high ceilings really sold me. 1.2841 0.05348 88 65 21 2
1802 My very own highrise! 1.2840 0.05889 81 61 17 3
1803 And there's plenty of room for a treadmill. 1.2840 0.06145 81 62 15 4
1804 Don’t let the cat know I got the better end of the deal! 1.2838 0.06241 74 56 15 3
1805 The human needs to fit in here sometimes, too. 1.2835 0.04860 127 97 24 6
1806 I really love the 12’ ceilings 1.2833 0.04457 120 88 30 2
1807 It's drafty, but you smell everything. 1.2833 0.05317 120 94 18 8
1808 In my other life I used to be a Great Dane. 1.2833 0.05046 120 92 22 6
1809 They were hoping for an Afghan 1.2833 0.05183 120 93 20 7
1810 Its open concept 1.2832 0.05254 113 87 20 6
1811 Who can explain the mind of humans? 1.2832 0.05254 113 87 20 6
1812 Affordable? Yes! 1.2832 0.05102 113 86 22 5
1813 Wait until you see the size of the toilet bowl! 1.2830 0.05149 106 80 22 4
1814 He thought I was bigger, he didnt read the details online. 1.2830 0.05321 106 81 20 5
1815 I raised the woof to a whole new level. Ventilation y’know. 1.2830 0.05648 106 83 16 7
1816 I’m hoping to attract an Irish Wolfhound. 1.2830 0.04972 106 79 24 3
1817 Bow. Wow. 1.2830 0.05648 106 83 16 7
1818 I converted to Catholicism . 1.2830 0.05487 106 82 18 6
1819 Sure,but,I’m gonna flip it for the upscale market. 1.2830 0.05648 106 83 16 7
1820 Really provides the wall space I need to hang my cat art”. 1.2830 0.05321 106 81 20 5
1821 ‘’You won’t believe who needs a security animal.” 1.2828 0.04771 99 72 26 1
1822 The previous owners were Danish 1.2828 0.05750 99 77 16 6
1823 We moved out of the city for the space, so we figured, why not live a little? 1.2826 0.06434 92 74 10 8
1824 I know it's not much, but it has plenty of head room 1.2826 0.05202 92 68 22 2
1825 It's the latest in open concept. 1.2826 0.05850 92 71 16 5
1826 I was fine with the old one." 1.2826 0.05642 92 70 18 4
1827 Trump built it 1.2826 0.05426 92 74 13 5
1828 I often have sleepovers when my Humans have a spat. 1.2826 0.05850 92 71 16 5
1829 come on in and grab a bowl of beer before the big game … oh, and wait ‘til you see my new 75 inch tv 1.2824 0.04758 131 100 25 6
1830 It has the open concept we've always wanted." 1.2824 0.04372 131 97 31 3
1831 Long story, but I've started seeing a mastiff. 1.2824 0.05189 85 62 22 1
1832 I told the bank it was worth $1 million but I carry it at $100 on my tax return. 1.2824 0.06175 85 66 14 5
1833 The builder specializes in cathedrals 1.2823 0.05317 124 98 17 9
1834 I guess I just thought you meant you were in jail 1.2823 0.05317 124 98 17 9
1835 The neighbors hate it. 1.2821 0.04677 117 87 27 3
1836 I've got an artistic cat coming in from the East Village to recreate the Sistine Chapel. 1.2821 0.05741 78 58 18 2
1837 The vaulted ceilings make it seem so spacious! 1.2821 0.05543 117 93 15 9
1838 My first husband was a Great Dane 1.2821 0.05128 117 90 21 6
1839 Dream big, lucky! 1.2821 0.06554 78 61 12 5
1840 These days, best I could find on the market was a place for an Afghan Hound. 1.2821 0.04677 117 89 24 4
1841 Well sure, the heating bills are sky high, but it's so close to the city! 1.2821 0.04517 117 86 29 2
1842 And did you see my water dish? It has a diving board! 1.2821 0.05741 78 58 18 2
1843 Come on in. Look around. It's sort of Marmaduke Meets The Arc de Triomph. 1.2818 0.05346 110 87 16 7
1844 The former owner was a Great Dane,but I think we can make it work. 1.2818 0.05649 110 87 15 8
1845 I rented it from a Great Dane. 1.2818 0.04855 110 82 25 3
1846 Doggy Realty describes this as a repurposed Knicks locker room, 1.2817 0.06401 71 54 14 3
1847 It's a high-ceiling single so I also built a loft! 1.2817 0.06079 71 53 16 2
1848 Because it’s tall and narrow, it will be easy to flip. 1.2816 0.05239 103 78 21 4
1849 They fail to realize that I'm a minimalist. 1.2816 0.04959 103 79 20 4
1850 We’re thinking about downsizing now that all the pups are out of the house. 1.2816 0.05054 103 77 23 3
1851 When it’s big dog time, fake it ’til you make it. 1.2816 0.05054 103 77 23 3
1852 ‘Got room for one more?’’ 1.2816 0.05239 103 78 21 4
1853 You and I both know the whole tiny house thing is overrated. 1.2816 0.05921 103 82 13 7
1854 That’s right; my dad’s Clifford the Tall Thin Dog. 1.2816 0.05590 103 80 17 6
1855 Sure we'll miss the restaurants, but look at this ceiling height! 1.2816 0.05054 103 77 23 3
1856 They're gonna replace me with a giraffe. 1.2812 0.05278 96 72 21 3
1857 I guess my great uncle built it, he's Danish, you know? 1.2812 0.05868 96 75 15 6
1858 Let’s get out of here. We do not want to here when he gets back. 1.2812 0.05868 96 75 15 6
1859 It suits my big-dog attitude. 1.2812 0.04698 128 97 26 5
1860 It's a dog market. 1.2812 0.04953 128 99 22 7
1861 The experts call it ‘Doberman envy.’ 1.2812 0.05278 96 72 21 3
1862 wait until you see the penthouse 1.2812 0.05868 96 75 15 6
1863 Everything was great until the giraffe moved in. 1.2810 0.05010 121 93 22 6
1864 Wanna check out the new TV? 1.2809 0.05759 89 68 17 4
1865 My stilts are back in the corner. 1.2809 0.05297 89 66 21 2
1866 We were inspired by the neighborhood's high-rise aesthetic. 1.2807 0.05063 114 87 22 5
1867 Doghouse style never goes out of fashion 1.2807 0.05503 114 90 16 8
1868 I heard a rumor that we will grow into it. 1.2805 0.06079 82 63 15 4
1869 What do you expect when your owner is an architect? 1.2805 0.06079 82 63 15 4
1870 Because I'm a good dog. 1.2805 0.05285 82 60 21 1
1871 Dog House membership card, please. 1.2805 0.06079 82 63 15 4
1872 You should see my water bowl. 1.2804 0.05108 107 81 22 4
1873 From my Great-Aunt Amelia's estate,actually; it's a pre-war. 1.2804 0.05108 107 81 22 4
1874 You can sleep upstairs. 1.2804 0.05108 107 81 22 4
1875 I got a great deal on it from a highly motivated Greyhound. 1.2800 0.04899 125 96 23 6
1876 How’s life in the giraffe house? 1.2800 0.05333 100 75 20 4
1877 The in-laws are staying 1.2800 0.04940 100 74 24 2
1878 I asked fora place with a great room, not a Great Dane room. 1.2800 0.05333 100 76 20 4
1879 It’s just one of those things you get used to when you date a giraffe 1.2800 0.06990 75 60 9 6
1880 What do you mean I have a little dog complex? 1.2800 0.05333 100 76 20 4
1881 I am preparing for my species reassignment surgery 1.2797 0.05231 118 92 19 7
1882 My first husband was taller then you. 1.2796 0.05993 93 73 14 6
1883 Thanks for coming. Let me show you where I want the chandelier… 1.2796 0.05590 93 71 18 4
1884 I have a very large ego. 1.2796 0.05590 93 71 18 4
1885 I guess every dog really does have his day. 1.2796 0.05154 93 69 22 2
1886 My last girlfriend was tall. 1.2793 0.05147 111 85 21 5
1887 I'm loving this open floor plan. 1.2793 0.04985 111 84 23 4
1888 I may be small but I am still scary. 1.2793 0.05147 111 85 21 5
1889 Charley, the big one of us that walks on his back legs didn't come in to work today. 1.2793 0.05456 111 87 17 7
1890 Come, let's worship our God. 1.2793 0.05456 111 87 17 7
1891 Watch your head on the way in. 1.2791 0.06111 86 67 14 5
1892 Yup, they're getting a great dane. 1.2791 0.05139 86 63 22 1
1893 Yes my owner has a spaceship too. 1.2791 0.05646 86 65 18 3
1894 Live like the dog you WANT to be! 1.2791 0.05398 86 64 20 2
1895 I had the blade removed when I imported it from France. 1.2791 0.04666 129 107 14 8
1896 I said ‘great view’ and ‘Danish Modern’. My realtor heard ‘Great Dane’. 1.2791 0.06331 86 68 12 6
1897 I know. I know. The vaulted ceiling makes me feel so small. 1.2788 0.05195 104 79 21 4
1898 Farting is just hot air and it rises, brilliant eh!? 1.2788 0.05543 104 83 14 7
1899 He has a bit of a Napoleon complex, but he's sweet. 1.2788 0.05195 104 79 21 4
1900 Remember our old place when we could never reciprocate and have the Dobermans over? 1.2787 0.04836 122 93 24 5
1901 My wife wanted high ceilings. 1.2787 0.05109 122 95 20 7
1902 He’s not here. 1.2786 0.04541 140 107 27 6
1903 You think I’m tall…you should see my boyfriend… 1.2785 0.05679 79 59 18 2
1904 Welcome to Notre Dog cathedral. 1.2785 0.06480 79 62 12 5
1905 I get tired just thinking about cleaning it 1.2784 0.04690 97 73 22 2
1906 Giraffs, of course. 1.2784 0.05815 97 76 15 6
1907 I'm feeling good...ya know what they say, Eight is the new Seven! 1.2784 0.05433 97 74 19 4
1908 The entrance was just right until everyone wanted miniatures of my breed. 1.2784 0.05433 97 74 19 4
1909 I sure am glad I misunderstood the judge when he said I was going to "The Big House." 1.2784 0.05231 97 73 21 3
1910 The previous owner got too big for this place. 1.2784 0.05231 97 73 21 3
1911 Big house. Small bark. 1.2784 0.05231 97 73 21 3
1912 Remember how I said your bark was bigger than your bite? 1.2784 0.05815 97 76 15 6
1913 Yeah, it's a bit drafty, but check out my heated tile floors, bitch. 1.2778 0.05235 108 83 20 5
1914 Sure, it’s big, but is it us? 1.2778 0.05918 90 70 15 5
1915 Someone will just build a bigger one.... 1.2778 0.05556 108 85 16 7
1916 With my new place I can have visitors of all heights. 1.2778 0.03926 126 99 21 4
1917 I told them I was a Great Dane. Party’s at 7.” -Alison K. Burns, Salisbury Massachusett 1.2778 0.05480 90 68 19 3
1918 By the time it was done we couldn’t afford a door. 1.2778 0.05247 90 67 21 2
1919 And you should see the fire hydrant! 1.2778 0.05703 90 69 17 4
1920 The interest rates were so low and the realtor said I could afford it. 1.2778 0.04429 108 86 17 5
1921 My advice to you is never be owned by an architect. 1.2778 0.04865 126 97 23 6
1922 No more “watch your head!” 1.2778 0.05703 90 69 17 4
1923 What the...? 1.2778 0.05556 108 85 16 7
1924 Seems we need to dress for dinner. 1.2778 0.05918 90 70 15 5
1925 My human stays a lot. 1.2778 0.05004 90 66 23 1
1926 It's the servant's entrance. 1.2778 0.06626 72 56 12 4
1927 Room to grow. 1.2778 0.05067 108 82 22 4
1928 I found it on Zillo 1.2778 0.04713 108 80 26 2
1929 Adopted a rescue. You never know how tall they’ll get. 1.2778 0.05556 108 85 16 7
1930 I’m hoping to hook up with a Great Dane. 1.2773 0.05192 119 93 19 7
1931 When you belong to a billionaire, being confined to the doghouse isn't so bad. 1.2773 0.04611 119 89 27 3
1932 Why the long facade? 1.2772 0.06153 101 82 10 9
1933 What do you mean, a “McMansion”!? 1.2772 0.05650 101 79 16 6
1934 In this city, the only thing you can do is build up! 1.2772 0.05472 101 78 18 5
1935 Yeah, it's spacious but I've got a bone to pick with the realtor. 1.2772 0.05288 101 77 20 4
1936 Working from home's great, but the squirrels are a real distraction. 1.2772 0.04476 101 73 28 0
1937 Yeah, I could donate to the shelter, but you only live once. 1.2771 0.05231 83 61 21 1
1938 Seriously I have no idea why in the Doghouse has a negative connotation. 1.2771 0.06255 83 65 13 5
1939 This model has cathedral ceilings. 1.2769 0.04370 130 99 27 4
1940 I told you, everything's bigger in texas. 1.2768 0.04947 112 85 23 4
1941 I found it on Craigslist. It used to belong to a Great Dane. 1.2768 0.04610 112 83 27 2
1942 Well, Rex…my fetchin’ days are over now. 1.2768 0.04781 112 84 25 3
1943 My wife's family are Saint Bernards. 1.2768 0.05262 112 87 19 6
1944 Originally it was a posh guesthouse, but it went to the dogs. 1.2766 0.05741 94 73 16 5
1945 I'm from a long line of Great Danes. 1.2766 0.05538 94 72 18 4
1946 You should see his neckties. 1.2766 0.05538 94 72 18 4
1947 It also has to fit her husband. 1.2766 0.05538 94 72 18 4
1948 It has an open floor plan, cathedral ceiling, and the bathroom affords spectacular views of the city. 1.2766 0.06126 94 75 12 7
1949 You know, you always can get more space for your money if you move further out of midtown…no bones about it. 1.2764 0.05328 123 98 16 9
1950 You should see my food dish. 1.2764 0.04802 123 94 24 5
1951 I own the air rights,too. 1.2763 0.06098 76 58 15 3
1952 My father was an Irish Wolfhound." 1.2763 0.05803 76 57 17 2
1953 they call it neoclassical 1.2762 0.04784 105 78 25 2
1954 It’s a natural mistake, but the giraffe family lives next door. 1.2762 0.05496 105 82 17 6
1955 He's still in Denmark... 1.2762 0.04784 105 78 25 2
1956 Do you thinking adding a transom would be too much? 1.2759 0.05824 87 67 16 4
1957 The size compensates for my tiny tail. 1.2759 0.04987 116 89 22 5
1958 I'm subletting it from an Irish Wolfhound. 1.2759 0.06266 87 69 12 6
1959 It’s a comforting space, but it does have a draft. 1.2759 0.04987 116 89 22 5
1960 It use to be a Trump Tower 1.2759 0.05590 87 66 18 3
1961 There were supply chain issues with the dog house, so they just got me a regular house. 1.2759 0.06266 87 69 12 6
1962 I made a killing on crypto and cashed out just in time. 1.2759 0.06266 87 69 12 6
1963 Great for the entertaining, but I am worried about the commute. 1.2759 0.04534 87 67 18 2
1964 I feel like I finally have a dog HOME. 1.2759 0.05590 87 66 18 3
1965 I had to. Otherwise, I couldn't get the TV inside. 1.2755 0.05762 98 77 15 6
1966 The smaller one was cozier, but it no longer fit the neighborhood. 1.2755 0.04979 98 75 20 3
1967 It’s all about looking like you’ll get big. 1.2755 0.05385 98 75 19 4
1968 My boyfriend is a mastiff. 1.2755 0.05186 98 74 21 3
1969 It's to accommodate my human. He seems to really get into that 'man's best friend' scenario. 1.2755 0.05186 98 74 21 3
1970 The permits came through! I'm converting it into condos. 1.2755 0.05186 98 74 21 3
1971 The dog house is big enough for our dad since he's out here all the time. 1.2755 0.04763 98 72 25 1
1972 Now they're allowing high rises in the suburbs... 1.2755 0.05577 98 76 17 5
1973 It's drafty. 1.2752 0.05193 109 84 20 5
1974 My ex is a Great Dane. I got the house. 1.2752 0.05662 109 87 14 8
1975 You see hun, I don’t mind being in the doghouse. 1.2752 0.04676 109 81 26 2
1976 Yes. Everyone in New York City lives in a high end designer apartment. 1.2750 0.06156 80 62 14 4
1977 This is what happens when the court awards shared custody. 1.2750 0.05893 80 61 16 3
1978 You think this place is big... Wait'll you meet my new boyfriend! 1.2750 0.05618 80 60 18 2
1979 You should see my Hamptons house 1.2750 0.05893 80 61 16 3
1980 The cathedral ceilings make it a bitch-pardon the expression -to heat. 1.2750 0.05893 80 61 16 3
1981 Clifford and I broke up, but it’s too expensive to renovate again at this point. 1.2750 0.05153 120 94 19 7
1982 I'm betting big on Bauhaus. 1.2747 0.05428 91 69 19 3
1983 Don't you love this large entryway; it lets in so many smells! 1.2747 0.05649 91 70 17 4
1984 Rent is cheaper on this side of the river. 1.2747 0.05198 91 68 21 2
1985 It was built in the 1980's. 1.2747 0.05428 91 69 19 3
1986 Nice high ceilings and Western exposure! 1.2746 0.04596 142 110 25 7
1987 What makes you think there's an elephant in the room we're not talking about? 1.2745 0.05424 102 79 18 5
1988 I'm going to be a big boy. A big big boy. 1.2745 0.05424 102 79 18 5
1989 This one even has a bidet ! 1.2745 0.05242 102 78 20 4
1990 It’s a bit drafty, but we love it. 1.2745 0.05771 102 81 14 7
1991 Do you mind wiping your ass on the carpet before you come in? 1.2745 0.05601 102 80 16 6
1992 The place is all mine, until the giraffe gets back from Fort Lauderdale. 1.2743 0.04989 113 89 18 6
1993 Some say it's the size of the fight in the dog, I say it's the size of the dog house. 1.2743 0.04575 113 84 27 2
1994 Yeah, you have to book way in advance, Clifford's an Airbnb super host now. 1.2742 0.05164 124 98 18 8
1995 While the giraffe's away, the dogs will play! 1.2740 0.06830 73 58 10 5
1996 I bet you didn't know this used to be Clifford's place. 1.2740 0.06248 73 55 14 3
1997 It's an investment property. 1.2740 0.06546 73 57 12 4
1998 It's roomy with that open concept design... 1.2738 0.05952 84 65 15 4
1999 When I joined the Queen’s Guard, they let me keep the house, but they wouldn’t let me wear the hat. 1.2738 0.05952 84 65 15 4
2000 Ever made it with a giraffe? 1.2738 0.05449 84 63 19 2
2001 My dog! Welcome to the big house 1.2738 0.05952 84 65 15 4
2002 It’s a 30-year mortgage, but in dog years. 1.2737 0.06068 95 76 12 7
2003 My owner works in tech. 1.2737 0.05881 95 75 14 6
2004 …and it’s “runt” controlled 1.2737 0.05487 95 73 18 4
2005 I can’t believe it either! 1.2737 0.05687 95 74 16 5
2006 The sky's the limit! Well, that and the electric fence. 1.2737 0.04836 95 72 21 2
2007 I bought it because I could 1.2737 0.05687 95 74 16 5
2008 Come on in. The Big Dog is not here. 1.2737 0.05279 95 72 20 3
2009 We got lucky, the previous owner needed to move to Baskerville 1.2737 0.05687 95 74 16 5
2010 I’ve been sniffing around crypto for awhile now. 1.2736 0.05283 106 82 19 5
2011 It has a deterrent effect. 1.2736 0.04931 106 80 23 3
2012 It's a German design; Bau-Wau Haus. 1.2736 0.05283 106 82 19 5
2013 They said something about the dog you want not the dog you have. 1.2736 0.05110 106 81 21 4
2014 I'm suing for fraud. They calculated the square footage as height times length. 1.2736 0.05613 106 84 15 7
2015 They said dogecoin was a joke—well, I'm the one laughing now. 1.2736 0.05925 106 86 11 9
2016 I figure a vaulted door and ceiling gives the place some class. 1.2736 0.04351 106 80 25 1
2017 Turns out I'm one sixty-fourth Great Dane, so I qualified. 1.2736 0.05110 106 81 21 4
2018 It’s been great but the landlord says I can’t break the leash. 1.2736 0.05110 106 81 21 4
2019 Yes, that's true, I am in the circus. I'm a stilt walker. 1.2735 0.05096 117 91 20 6
2020 My master is nouveau riche 1.2727 0.04979 121 94 21 6
2021 Would you like to come in for a nightkibble? 1.2727 0.05311 110 86 18 6
2022 Tiny homes are so yesterday, wouldn't you agree? 1.2727 0.05535 88 67 18 3
2023 High ceilings, great light, and you'll love the open floor plan. 1.2727 0.05151 110 85 20 5
2024 Dad's an Irish Wolfhound. Mom was a chihuahua. She's dead now. 1.2727 0.04979 121 94 21 6
2025 If perception is reality, I'm golden. 1.2727 0.06203 88 70 12 6
2026 Now that the remodeling is done, I'm not sure if I will "love it" or "list it". 1.2727 0.05140 99 75 21 3
2027 I have a big dog complex. 1.2727 0.06203 88 70 12 6
2028 When the master's wife designed it she knew he'd often be in it. 1.2727 0.06306 77 60 13 4
2029 Turns out I barked up the right tree. 1.2727 0.05527 99 77 17 5
2030 They say it’s good for the resale value. 1.2727 0.05140 99 75 21 3
2031 You get more bang for your buck in Jersey! 1.2727 0.05527 99 77 17 5
2032 I have to share it with the husband. 1.2727 0.05710 99 78 15 6
2033 As I told my lawyer, it was my number one ask. 1.2727 0.05535 88 67 18 3
2034 Wait until you see the closet! 1.2727 0.05535 88 67 18 3
2035 What's more, the school district is great but the property taxes are a killer. 1.2727 0.04817 110 83 24 3
2036 Don't bump your head! Welcome to Sarcasm Night. 1.2727 0.05294 88 66 20 2
2037 We stockpiled enough kibbles in here to get through two World Wars. 1.2727 0.04987 110 84 22 4
2038 vaccination card please! 1.2727 0.05311 110 86 18 6
2039 The high ceiling amplifies the sound of my barking. 1.2727 0.05294 88 66 20 2
2040 Sure it's the right size, just look at these paws! 1.2721 0.04947 136 108 19 9
2041 First, I think you should adjust your VR headset. 1.2719 0.04871 114 87 23 4
2042 There is only one previous owner, it was recently renovated, and the open floor plan means it will really hold its resale value 1.2719 0.05028 114 88 21 5
2043 He says it's big enough for his fridge and a waterbed. 1.2718 0.05198 103 79 20 4
2044 Too much liability in barking and biting. Now we intimidate. 1.2718 0.04818 103 77 24 2
2045 I think he must be planning to sleep in my house for the foreseeable future. 1.2718 0.05106 103 83 14 6
2046 The neighbors call it a McDog House, but they're just sore about losing a little bit of their view. 1.2718 0.05198 103 79 20 4
2047 I got it almost for free. It belonged to a giraffe but in this part of Manhattan they’ve all been gone a long time. 1.2718 0.05012 103 78 22 3
2048 Apparently, the blueprint legend read "one dog foot = seven human feet." 1.2717 0.06007 92 73 13 6
2049 You know, if you just start making kibble at home, you could afford one too. 1.2717 0.05150 92 69 21 2
2050 Just because I'm in the dog house, doesn't mean I can't enjoy it! 1.2717 0.05804 92 72 15 5
2051 For one thing, she's tall. 1.2717 0.05150 92 69 21 2
2052 It's nice to finally have a place that's as big as I think I am. 1.2717 0.05150 92 69 21 2
2053 Yup, got a crazy deal from this Giraffe that had to get out of the city. 1.2717 0.05701 92 74 12 6
2054 Going up? 1.2717 0.05804 92 72 15 5
2055 It used to be Clifford’s. 1.2716 0.06089 81 63 14 4
2056 So, what am I supposed to do about this crippling sense of inadequacy? 1.2716 0.05274 81 60 20 1
2057 So this is the doghouse one of my humans sometimes gets sent to, but it has Xbox, beer, a putting green, and a framed picture of me. 1.2716 0.06337 81 64 12 5
2058 I told you they would buy a giraffe.... 1.2713 0.04891 129 101 21 7
2059 Bitcoin turned out to be the right play. 1.2713 0.04766 129 100 23 6
2060 It’s more house than we need but the bats hanging from the ceiling will give us something to bark at. 1.2710 0.05405 107 84 17 6
2061 I am part of a growth hormone study 1.2708 0.05826 96 76 14 6
2062 You have been served with an Encroachment Permit for blocking your neighbour's city view 1.2708 0.05017 96 72 22 2
2063 Hey, dawg, life's all about living large. 1.2708 0.05231 96 73 20 3
2064 I’m over the whole minimalist thing. 1.2708 0.05437 96 74 18 4
2065 I inherited this place from my uncle who was an Irish Wolfhound. 1.2708 0.05437 96 74 18 4
2066 Just wait till you see the fire hydrant out back! 1.2706 0.05128 85 63 21 1
2067 I feel like it's a home I can really grow into. 1.2706 0.05128 85 63 21 1
2068 This is what build back better means. 1.2706 0.05394 85 64 19 2
2069 Hi! I'm the new scentry. 1.2706 0.06124 85 67 13 5
2070 It was weird. The Doberman just moved out. Mine now! 1.2703 0.05269 111 87 18 6
2071 Uptown now, are you Buster? 1.2703 0.05111 111 86 20 5
2072 The previous owner was a giraffe. 1.2703 0.04605 111 83 26 2
2073 Yes, I'm living with an ostrich, and mother won't visit. 1.2703 0.04948 111 88 18 5
2074 Clifford should be back any minute now. 1.2703 0.04948 111 85 22 4
2075 My Dad plays basketball professionally. 1.2703 0.05269 111 87 18 6
2076 This isn't your dad's doghouse. 1.2703 0.06467 74 58 12 4
2077 We were lucky to find a place where we could watch the Puppy Bowl our new 85" TV. 1.2703 0.05190 111 89 15 7
2078 Thanks. It's gothic. 1.2703 0.06174 74 57 14 3
2079 High rise 1.2700 0.05478 100 78 17 5
2080 You can’t beat pre-war construction. 1.2700 0.05291 100 77 19 4
2081 Now you know what that GEICO gecko feels like. 1.2700 0.05291 100 77 19 4
2082 You know what they say about dogs with big doghouses. 1.2700 0.05096 100 76 21 3
2083 I don't think size should matter 1.2700 0.05096 100 76 21 3
2084 Aspirational. 1.2700 0.04894 100 75 23 2
2085 dog party 1.2700 0.05291 100 77 19 4
2086 I'm afraid my human is looking for a bigger dog. 1.2700 0.05478 100 78 17 5
2087 You won’t believe the overhead on this place 1.2698 0.05335 126 102 14 10
2088 It was either Philip Johnson or Frank Gehry. 1.2697 0.05709 89 69 16 4
2089 I'm not ready to downsize yet. 1.2697 0.05243 89 67 20 2
2090 He was in the doghouse more often than not so they made some upgrades. 1.2697 0.05481 89 68 18 3
2091 You should hear how the high ceiling amplifies my incessant barking at nothing. 1.2697 0.05709 89 69 16 4
2092 I told you, man. You should get into crypto. 1.2697 0.06140 89 71 12 6
2093 My portfolio did well during COVID. 1.2697 0.05929 89 70 14 5
2094 Far cry from that tiny apartment,huh? 1.2697 0.06140 89 71 12 6
2095 Let’s just say I fetched the wrong thing. 1.2692 0.06496 78 62 11 5
2096 My walker comes in to wake me in the morning. 1.2692 0.05962 78 60 15 3
2097 The stained glass window just didn't work in the old place. 1.2692 0.05155 104 80 20 4
2098 What the previous occupant had in stature, I have in charm. 1.2692 0.06235 78 61 13 4
2099 And the elevator even opens directly into my apartment. 1.2692 0.05962 78 60 15 3
2100 My owner plays basketball. 1.2692 0.06235 78 61 13 4
2101 You know, high-rise living may not be for me, after all. 1.2692 0.05676 78 59 17 2
2102 I don't know about you, but I don't think I'll get this tall? 1.2692 0.05374 78 58 19 1
2103 The tiny house thing didn't really work out 1.2692 0.05672 104 83 14 7
2104 I've been housesitting for Clifford. Yeah, yeah, the big red guy. 1.2692 0.04970 104 79 22 3
2105 Hey, dig my new McMan-Chien! 1.2688 0.05542 93 72 17 4
2106 My door is always open. Let me help. 1.2688 0.05327 93 71 19 3
2107 I used light colors to make it look more open and inviting. 1.2688 0.05749 93 73 15 5
2108 The additional wall space does wonders for the bladder. 1.2688 0.05749 93 73 15 5
2109 The previous owner was a Great Dane but I got it for a good price. 1.2688 0.05103 93 70 21 2
2110 What did you expect? I bought it from a giraffe. 1.2688 0.05949 93 74 13 6
2111 I got this condo cheap from Jeffery when Toys ‘R’ Us went bankrupt! 1.2688 0.05103 93 70 21 2
2112 I knew you had a thing for that Great Dane! 1.2688 0.05749 93 73 15 5
2113 I'd invite you in for a nightcap but I've only got water. 1.2685 0.05197 108 84 19 5
2114 It gives me room to grow. 1.2685 0.05028 108 83 21 4
2115 It fits my bark 1.2685 0.05197 108 84 19 5
2116 The super said the previous tenant was a Great Dane. 1.2685 0.04853 108 82 23 3
2117 We wanted I.M. Pei but had to settle for Home Depot… 1.2685 0.05361 108 85 17 6
2118 I just bought it. I'm finally off my leash. 1.2685 0.05520 108 86 15 7
2119 Listen Bro, we won't always have to look up to dad. 1.2685 0.04853 108 82 23 3
2120 They figure I'll grow into it. 1.2683 0.04770 123 95 23 5
2121 So get this, my owner doesn't understand idioms, is a great carpenter, and doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut. 1.2683 0.05768 82 63 16 3
2122 I know, it’s a bit much, but the market these days…it was too good to pass up. 1.2683 0.05768 82 63 16 3
2123 So how are you liking Clifford's air bnb? 1.2683 0.06023 82 64 14 4
2124 My owner is a YIMBY. 1.2683 0.05768 82 63 16 3
2125 It's a simple case of perception, I don't have to bark as loud anymore. 1.2683 0.05501 82 62 18 2
2126 It’s all about indoor-outdoor living. 1.2680 0.05584 97 76 16 5
2127 My owner calls it a McMansion. I call it ridiculous. 1.2680 0.05185 97 74 20 3
2128 My human has the loft bedroom. 1.2680 0.05584 97 75 16 5
2129 She told me size matters and I didn't believe her, so she put me in this doghouse. 1.2680 0.05956 97 78 12 7
2130 Ehh…you’ll grow into it! 1.2680 0.05185 97 74 20 3
2131 I have heard that you make quite an entrance. 1.2680 0.05185 97 74 20 3
2132 Sorry, the Big Dog isn't here. 1.2680 0.05185 97 74 20 3
2133 It's nice but it does not have indoor plumbimg. 1.2680 0.05388 97 75 18 4
2134 Think big or go home. 1.2680 0.05584 97 76 16 5
2135 And it has really great bones! 1.2680 0.05956 97 78 12 7
2136 Would you mind taking off your shoes before coming inside? 1.2679 0.05071 112 87 20 5
2137 I finally realized it’s not about who you are, but the image you want to project. 1.2679 0.04743 112 85 24 3
2138 He’s a giraffe…’s positively SCANDALOUS. And the necking, well - endless. 1.2679 0.05071 112 87 20 5
2139 That nice Mrs. Goldberg from down the street left me a bundle in her will". 1.2679 0.05379 112 89 16 7
2140 I have nothing to hide. 1.2679 0.05071 112 87 20 5
2141 In a world of growth hormones, you can't think too big. 1.2679 0.04743 112 85 24 3
2142 It was designed by a committee. 1.2676 0.06004 71 54 15 2
2143 The secret was my all-cash offer. 1.2674 0.05591 86 66 17 3
2144 And who shall I say is calling? 1.2674 0.06060 86 68 13 5
2145 You'll never get vaulted ceilings in an apartment. 1.2674 0.05341 86 65 19 2
2146 The plumbing is non-existent, but it does have potential. 1.2674 0.05591 86 66 17 3
2147 You're in big trouble now, just Wait until your father gets home!!! 1.2674 0.05341 86 65 19 2
2148 The sign said “giraffe wanted”, so I fudged my CV a little. 1.2673 0.04749 101 78 20 3
2149 I'm telling you. Buy Dogecoin. 1.2673 0.05245 101 78 19 4
2150 Living with a giraffe has its benefits 1.2673 0.05610 101 80 15 6
2151 We hired a Great architect from Copenhagen. 1.2673 0.05245 101 78 19 4
2152 Well,you know Agnes,Bill IS a Great Dane...... 1.2673 0.05245 101 78 19 4
2153 Yes,I got it in a giraffe foreclosure" 1.2672 0.05246 116 92 17 7
2154 I often have to share this space with the husband. 1.2672 0.04640 116 88 25 3
2155 We bought it from a lovely giraffe family, but anyone can appreciate all the light and headroom. 1.2672 0.04798 116 89 23 4
2156 Is this a giraffe house?? 1.2667 0.05870 90 71 14 5
2157 It’s pre-war; I love the high ceilings. 1.2667 0.05458 105 83 16 6
2158 I’m a sucker for cathedral ceilings… 1.2667 0.05428 90 69 18 3
2159 The former owner was Trump's chihuahua! 1.2667 0.05112 105 81 20 4
2160 Scares off my arch-enemies. 1.2667 0.05428 90 69 18 3
2161 I always knew I would be top dog 1.2667 0.05193 90 68 20 2
2162 Smoking or non?? 1.2667 0.05428 90 69 18 3
2163 I dunno, the price is right, but it still smells like a Twinkie 1.2667 0.05653 90 70 16 4
2164 We rented it from a Giraffe. It's a great deal if you consider the volume. 1.2667 0.05122 120 95 18 7
2165 So much for shopping at the Buckingham Palace yard sale. 1.2667 0.05428 90 69 18 3
2166 Just one overarching concern about the new place. 1.2667 0.05112 105 81 20 4
2167 The elevators are just to your left. 1.2667 0.05653 90 70 16 4
2168 It's a bit bigger than it looked on Zillow. 1.2667 0.05112 105 81 20 4
2169 Wow! Talk about great Danish architecture! 1.2667 0.06079 90 72 12 6
2170 I deserve this. 1.2667 0.05112 105 81 20 4
2171 It makes a statement. 1.2667 0.06391 75 59 12 4
2172 When I asked for a six-foot door, I meant six of my feet. 1.2667 0.05870 90 71 14 5
2173 And wait until you see the giant hydrant in the bathroom! 1.2667 0.05428 90 69 18 3
2174 It ain't the Taj Mahal but it'll do. 1.2667 0.05624 105 84 14 7
2175 And there's a mirror over the bed. 1.2667 0.05624 105 84 14 7
2176 Her husband built it. He’ stays over pretty often. 1.2667 0.05870 90 71 14 5
2177 My human says that size matters. 1.2667 0.05870 90 71 14 5
2178 If you're going to live here, my only rule is no pets" 1.2667 0.06391 75 59 12 4
2179 I'm putting an ad in for a tall, thin dog. 1.2667 0.05288 105 82 18 5
2180 Guess who's coming to dinner. 1.2667 0.05653 90 70 16 4
2181 We added a human door last week, and they go in and out all day long. 1.2667 0.05799 75 57 16 2
2182 You say delusions of grandeur, I say make no small plans. 1.2667 0.06102 75 58 14 3
2183 The is the adjustable mortgage in human years or dog years Max?” 1.2661 0.05475 109 87 15 7
2184 There's an escalator. 1.2661 0.05317 109 86 17 6
2185 Both of my parents are large-boned 1.2661 0.04814 109 83 23 3
2186 Cathedral ceilings make your bark really worse than your bite 1.2661 0.04634 109 82 25 2
2187 The bitch wanted high ceilings. 1.2660 0.05695 94 74 15 5
2188 With growth spurts, one never knows. Better play it safe. 1.2660 0.05278 94 72 19 3
2189 My daddy's bigger than your daddy. 1.2660 0.06083 94 76 11 7
2190 No Francine, I'm not compensating. 1.2658 0.05614 79 60 17 2
2191 The extra space is nice but are we really suburb dogs? 1.2658 0.05317 79 59 19 1
2192 The former occupant was an Irish Wolfhound. 1.2658 0.05896 79 61 15 3
2193 It was advertised as a high-rise and in this fierce housing market I bought it sight unseen. 1.2658 0.06165 79 62 13 4
2194 You should see the vacation kennel. 1.2658 0.06165 79 62 13 4
2195 Clifford asked me to house-sit. 1.2656 0.04503 128 98 26 4
2196 During the pandemic, with all of us home, we found the walls closing in on us. So yeah, BIG move! 1.2655 0.04707 113 86 24 3
2197 Love the burbs, I shared a tiny unit with 7 other pooches over in the city. 1.2653 0.05340 98 76 18 4
2198 My owners are into floor-to-ceiling everything…. 1.2653 0.05139 98 75 20 3
2199 It's cool in the summer but a b*h to heat in the winter. 1.2653 0.05340 98 76 18 4
2200 I chose a place with a high entry way. You looked taller and thinner on Tinder. 1.2653 0.05901 98 79 12 7
2201 Yah, I'm just a pup, but wait 'til ya see my Dad 1.2653 0.05720 98 78 14 6
2202 Yeah Mat was spending a lot of time in the dog house so he made some renovations 1.2653 0.05533 98 77 16 5
2203 Their last dog was a springer spaniel. 1.2653 0.05720 98 78 14 6
2204 My electricity bill is through the woof. 1.2651 0.05707 83 64 16 3
2205 They finally splurged for the upgrade. 1.2651 0.05959 83 65 14 4
2206 I hate bumping my head. 1.2651 0.05707 83 64 16 3
2207 It's a prewar great dane. 1.2651 0.06201 83 66 12 5
2208 I'm high minded. 1.2651 0.06201 83 66 12 5
2209 We're just puppies...We'll grow into our dog house. 1.2651 0.06201 83 66 12 5
2210 It needs some work, but it has good bones. 1.2651 0.06201 83 66 12 5
2211 Ultimately it's not the size of the dog in the house that counts, my friend, it's the size of the house that the dog is in. 1.2651 0.06201 83 66 12 5
2212 Well, I like hats. 1.2651 0.05959 83 65 14 4
2213 I love it because of the acoustics. 1.2650 0.04763 117 90 23 4
2214 It was originally built for a Great Dane who panic-moved when the pandemic hit. 1.2647 0.05783 68 51 16 1
2215 So who was the previous owner? 1.2647 0.05200 102 79 19 4
2216 Why yes, their old dog was from Denmark. 1.2647 0.05561 102 81 15 6
2217 No, you're actually very different from the breed I usually date." 1.2647 0.05009 102 78 21 3
2218 It needs a little work but it's got great bones. 1.2647 0.05561 102 81 15 6
2219 I'm counting on a growth spurt. 1.2647 0.05009 102 78 21 3
2220 We love the high ceilings. The previous owner was a Great Dane. 1.2644 0.05535 87 67 17 3
2221 It may not be practical, but I couldn't resist the "WOW!" factor. 1.2644 0.05288 87 66 19 2
2222 My pack leader is girafferdoodle. 1.2644 0.06217 87 70 11 6
2223 This is only the service entrance. 1.2644 0.05535 87 67 17 3
2224 ... and an ADU in the back 1.2644 0.06217 87 70 11 6
2225 Former resident was a giraffe. 1.2642 0.05412 106 84 16 6
2226 I inherited the place from my Uncle Whippet. 1.2642 0.05412 106 84 16 6
2227 It's actually my owner's, but he lets me house-sit when his wife isn't sending him here. 1.2642 0.04889 106 81 22 3
2228 The high ceilings are what sold me! 1.2642 0.04889 106 81 22 3
2229 I am a trust fund baby 1.2642 0.05244 106 83 18 5
2230 Honey, I shrunk the dogs. 1.2642 0.05069 106 82 20 4
2231 ...So I quit my job at the airport, started selling NFTs full time and never looked back. 1.2642 0.04796 106 83 19 4
2232 Yes, but he's housebroken and he doesn't eat much. 1.2640 0.04839 125 98 21 6
2233 We got a great price when the giraffes defaulted on their mortgage 1.2640 0.04839 125 98 21 6
2234 I was thinking about getting a big hat. 1.2637 0.05813 91 72 14 5
2235 The previous owner is a great guy – a Dane. 1.2637 0.05376 91 70 18 3
2236 It's lavish, but it's home. 1.2637 0.05813 91 72 14 5
2237 But then we thought, what's the point of owning air rights if you don't use them. 1.2636 0.05274 110 87 17 6
2238 You gotta get yourself adopted by a yuppie couple who are both 31, and it's clear that they're just putting off having a kid. They'll buy you whatever the fuck you want, because you're not even really a dog to them. They think you're, like, a person. 1.2636 0.05114 110 86 19 5
2239 And then I told him, "there's no point in a collar when I don't even have a door!" 1.2636 0.05274 110 87 17 6
2240 Her attorney was a real pitbull, but at least I have four-foot ceilings and a view of the park. 1.2636 0.05114 110 86 19 5
2241 I had to keep up with the skyscraper aesthetic. 1.2632 0.05229 95 73 19 3
2242 What makes you think my wife is a giraffe? 1.2632 0.06025 95 77 11 7
2243 I know, but I've never felt safer! 1.2632 0.05733 76 58 16 2
2244 Clifford lives here 1.2632 0.05229 95 73 19 3
2245 I hear these tiny homes are all the rage 1.2632 0.05229 95 73 19 3
2246 Yes, I've heard lots about the previous owner. 1.2632 0.05837 95 76 13 6
2247 You’ll love it. It has 5,000 sq. paws, and two and a half fire hydrants. 1.2632 0.05837 95 76 13 6
2248 I'm just housesitting 'til the Big Guy gets home. 1.2632 0.06316 76 60 12 4
2249 They don’t call the neighborhood Canine Heights for nothing. 1.2632 0.06588 76 61 10 5
2250 Go big, and go home. 1.2632 0.05733 76 58 16 2
2251 It's not the size of the dog in the house. It's the size of the house the dog's in. 1.2632 0.05439 95 74 17 4
2252 There's room for a big litter. 1.2632 0.05439 95 74 17 4
2253 We're in the big house now. 1.2632 0.05011 95 72 21 2
2254 The cathedral ceilings make the whole place look bigger. 1.2627 0.05167 118 94 17 7
2255 WHERE DO I PEE 1.2627 0.04878 118 92 21 5
2256 I'm not sure, but I may be a Great Dane puppy. 1.2626 0.05292 99 77 18 4
2257 I sublet it from Clifford. 1.2626 0.05668 99 79 14 6
2258 We're living large these days. 1.2626 0.04445 99 73 26 0
2259 It was a real steal, I bought it off some dog named Clifford. 1.2626 0.05668 99 79 14 6
2260 We’re looking to downsize. 1.2626 0.04887 99 75 22 2
2261 Sometimes a doorway is just a doorway. 1.2626 0.05292 99 77 18 4
2262 Welcome to my McDoghouse. 1.2625 0.05260 80 63 15 2
2263 You can negotiate anything, if you use the right shoe. 1.2625 0.05831 80 62 15 3
2264 I may be paranoid, but it appears they may be getting another dog. 1.2625 0.06595 80 65 9 6
2265 It's so I can get my yacht out. 1.2625 0.06350 80 64 11 5
2266 The new house features a spacious howl-way.' 1.2625 0.06096 80 63 13 4
2267 Yeah, we’re downsizing. 1.2625 0.06350 80 64 11 5
2268 My butt is really tall. 1.2625 0.05831 80 62 15 3
2269 Clifford's not home yet. 1.2625 0.05831 80 62 15 3
2270 Doghouses are now considered infrastructure. 1.2625 0.04950 80 59 21 0
2271 'Measure twice, cut once' 1.2625 0.05260 80 60 19 1
2272 My Master stays here whenever my Mistress is ‘in high dudgeon’ — so maybe it’s an egalitarian thing. 1.2623 0.04911 122 96 20 6
2273 A gift from Elon Musk. 1.2621 0.05155 103 80 19 4
2274 I don't have much of a bark or a bite, but I have one heck of doorway. 1.2621 0.04967 103 79 21 3
2275 You should see the size of the cat's litter box 1.2621 0.05337 103 81 17 5
2276 The vaulted ceiling only cost me 30 licks and 87 tail wags. 1.2621 0.05512 103 82 15 6
2277 I needed room for my book collection. 1.2621 0.05682 103 83 13 7
2278 Our Mama is a really "Big Mama" 1.2621 0.05155 103 80 19 4
2279 I can't wait until the big dogs see this. 1.2621 0.05337 103 81 17 5
2280 Let’s sign the lease … lofts are hard to come by in this neighbourhood. 1.2621 0.05155 103 80 19 4
2281 I'm in the doghouse, Manhattan style 1.2621 0.05155 103 80 19 4
2282 She asked for a dollhouse, but I'll take it! 1.2621 0.05337 103 81 17 5
2283 Now I can run with the big dogs!" 1.2619 0.05648 84 65 16 3
2284 My parents always said to buy more house than you need. 1.2619 0.05648 84 65 16 3
2285 The Incredible Hulkdog's House 1.2619 0.05648 84 65 16 3
2286 Finally get a place on my own, and suddenly everyone whose butt I once sniffed wants to move in? 1.2619 0.05896 84 66 14 4
2287 YOU try living with a giraffe! 1.2619 0.05648 84 65 16 3
2288 I guess there’s some perks to being hit with ‘Shrink Ray That Only Works on Dogs’ after all. 1.2619 0.05648 84 65 16 3
2289 Dog years math. Our builder multiplied the specs by a factor of seven. 1.2619 0.06586 84 69 8 7
2290 And it comes with a pair of gold food and water bowls! 1.2619 0.05115 84 63 20 1
2291 Yes, high ceilings do make the home feel more spacious. 1.2619 0.05388 84 64 18 2
2292 You get a lot more for your money in Jersey 1.2617 0.05200 107 84 18 5
2293 You're right, I heard that double-height ceilings are "so out". 1.2617 0.05367 107 85 16 6
2294 Yeah they thought I was a great dane 1.2617 0.04664 107 81 24 2
2295 Rent is only $7,456/month 1.2617 0.05028 107 83 20 4
2296 Wait 'til you see the all white kitchen. 1.2617 0.05529 107 86 14 7
2297 I think will will compensate for my small bark. 1.2617 0.05028 107 83 20 4
2298 Trust me, it was worth the barking! 1.2614 0.05480 88 68 17 3
2299 The prior occupant was a Great Dane. 1.2614 0.05236 88 67 19 2
2300 After the giraffe, they decided to go smaller. 1.2614 0.05713 88 69 15 4
2301 You should see the other half of my body. 1.2614 0.05236 88 67 19 2
2302 I don't know. There's just something about these high ceilings. 1.2614 0.05480 88 68 17 3
2303 Danish architecture is great isn't it? 1.2614 0.05236 88 67 19 2
2304 The jacuzzi out back sold us. 1.2613 0.05073 111 87 19 5
2305 You should see the penthouse! 1.2613 0.05232 111 88 17 6
2306 I don’t think this is what they meant by “raise the roof” 1.2613 0.05073 111 87 19 5
2307 When you said it was a high-rise, I was expecting something else.... 1.2609 0.05096 92 70 20 2
2308 When his wife gets mad at him we share it! 1.2609 0.05253 115 92 16 7
2309 I figured if I am going to be in the doghouse I might as well be comfortable. 1.2609 0.04797 115 89 22 4
2310 I can tell by the look on your face that you deserve an explanation of how it IS congruent with my Giving Pledge. Come on in and I’ll show you around…. 1.2609 0.05325 92 71 18 3
2311 I got the house in the divorce 1.2609 0.05545 92 72 16 4
2312 We’re a mixed family. My mom’s a giraffe. 1.2609 0.05325 92 73 15 4
2313 We really need to get our furniture put in. 1.2609 0.05960 92 74 12 6
2314 Do you like singing doo-wop? The echo in here is amazing! 1.2609 0.05960 92 74 12 6
2315 You gotta be an impostor, to become a stakeholder 1.2609 0.05325 92 71 18 3
2316 My owner got rich off crypto and upgraded my doggy house. 1.2609 0.05096 92 70 20 2
2317 You can get more house in the suburbs. 1.2609 0.05096 92 72 17 3
2318 You were right to go all in on dogecoin. 1.2609 0.05096 92 70 20 2
2319 When in New York, do as the New Yorkers Do. 1.2609 0.05756 92 73 14 5
2320 The cathedral ceilings more than make up for the single fire hydrant. 1.2609 0.05325 92 71 18 3
2321 I have never lived ina high rise before. 1.2605 0.05128 119 95 17 7
2322 The property taxes are killing me. 1.2604 0.05389 96 75 17 4
2323 I told them I was a great dang dog, not a Great Dane. 1.2604 0.05782 96 77 13 6
2324 Yeah, but it has great loft space. 1.2604 0.05589 96 76 15 5
2325 Now we can have the big family you've always wanted! 1.2604 0.05389 96 75 17 4
2326 I don't see what's so bad about the doghouse 1.2604 0.05182 96 74 19 3
2327 One never knows when a basketball player might be dropping by. 1.2604 0.05389 96 75 17 4
2328 My architect was a Great Dane. 1.2604 0.04966 96 73 21 2
2329 When I get my hackles up, I get ‘em way up. 1.2604 0.05782 96 77 13 6
2330 It's not a doghouse, it's a she-shed. 1.2604 0.05182 96 74 19 3
2331 It's good for my ego. 1.2604 0.05182 96 74 19 3
2332 No longer ruffing it, huh? 1.2604 0.04966 96 73 21 2
2333 It's for when I'm up on my hind legs. 1.2604 0.05182 96 74 19 3
2334 the archetect was an egocentric afghan hound! 1.2604 0.05589 96 76 15 5
2335 I’ve always wanted one with cathedral ceilings. 1.2604 0.04252 96 75 19 2
2336 ONLY IN NEW YORK! 1.2604 0.05389 96 75 17 4
2337 So the swiss guard says "Get the hell out of here" So I took him down. 1.2603 0.06177 73 57 13 3
2338 It's for when my master gets in trouble. 1.2603 0.06177 73 57 13 3
2339 Yeah, my owner has issues 1.2602 0.04876 123 97 20 6
2340 My owner expects me to grow a lot. 1.2600 0.04845 100 76 22 2
2341 Welcome to the Hamptons. 1.2600 0.05435 100 79 16 5
2342 Hi, I’m FIDO BEZOS 1.2600 0.05435 100 79 16 5
2343 It is not as easy as you’d think to be Elon Musk‘s dog. 1.2600 0.05617 100 80 14 6
2344 No barkers fee baby” 1.2600 0.05435 100 79 16 5
2345 C'mon, let's take the elevator to the Beagle's Nest. 1.2600 0.05245 100 78 18 4
2346 This place is really the perfect "forever home." 1.2600 0.05245 100 78 18 4
2347 My designer said high ceilings will make the room look larger. 1.2600 0.05435 100 79 16 5
2348 No! My name is NOT Clifford. 1.2600 0.05049 100 77 20 3
2349 And the best part is not wearing that bearskin hat. 1.2600 0.05794 100 81 12 7
2350 It was worth the wait to find a place with high ceilings in this neighborhood 1.2600 0.05794 100 81 12 7
2351 I just said it was a bitch to heat, and the whole neighborhood showed up! 1.2600 0.05049 100 77 20 3
2352 So that's it really. Ah, one more thing - the bathroom is shared. 1.2600 0.04845 100 76 22 2
2353 They’re planning on breeding me with a Great Dane. 1.2597 0.05963 77 60 14 3
2354 No, actually you’re very different from the breed I usually date. 1.2597 0.05359 77 58 18 1
2355 I still don't understand why you insisted on getting the house from Clifford in the divorce. 1.2596 0.05291 104 84 14 6
2356 I love the grand foyer! 1.2596 0.05112 104 81 19 4
2357 Yeah, they opened up a new pound in the neighbourhood. It really drove down the price. 1.2596 0.05291 104 82 17 5
2358 My roommate's a Great Dane. 1.2593 0.05493 81 62 17 2
2359 I think the previous owner was a Great Dane. 1.2593 0.05768 81 63 14 3
2360 Never thought I’d live in a high rise… 1.2593 0.05768 81 63 15 3
2361 It was Snoopy's idea! 1.2593 0.05768 81 63 15 3
2362 Wait ‘till you see the fire hydrant they installed. 1.2593 0.06029 81 64 13 4
2363 I know… the door is still on back order 1.2593 0.05493 81 62 17 2
2364 Welcome to my new home!" "You sound different." "It came with a high woof." 1.2593 0.04810 108 83 22 3
2365 Establishing a career in the Security Field has an enormous upside. 1.2593 0.05493 81 62 17 2
2366 He's always compensating. 1.2593 0.05768 81 63 15 3
2367 Next time you follow a DIY tutorial don't forget the conversion between inches and centimetres 1.2593 0.05493 81 62 17 2
2368 I'm expected to grow 1.2589 0.05190 112 89 17 6
2369 My wife got upset with me when i called her a bitch, so now i'm in the "peoplehouse" 1.2589 0.05033 112 88 19 5
2370 All the mice at school make fun of us 'cause we look like dogs. 1.2588 0.05589 85 66 16 3
2371 I bought this house with my stimulus check. 1.2588 0.05589 85 66 16 3
2372 Wait 'til you see the pool on the penthouse! 1.2588 0.05333 85 65 18 2
2373 Yeah, but in the old place I could walk to the hydrant. 1.2588 0.05589 85 66 16 3
2374 -Welcome to Runt's Complex. 1.2588 0.05063 85 64 20 1
2375 The echo makes my bark way worse than my bite. 1.2588 0.05835 85 67 14 4
2376 no place like home, eh? 1.2588 0.04779 85 63 22 0
2377 I would ask you to stay but I don't think I have room. 1.2588 0.05589 85 66 16 3
2378 We're a top ten experience on AirBnB. 1.2588 0.05589 85 66 16 3
2379 Let’s make it quick. If Clifford catches us, I’ll really be in the doghouse. 1.2586 0.05212 116 93 16 7
2380 Being Elon Musk's dog has it's perks. 1.2586 0.04761 116 90 22 4
2381 I moved in before the housing market crashed. 1.2584 0.05426 89 69 17 3
2382 We are High Church and here, Dog is spelled backwards. 1.2584 0.05426 89 69 17 3
2383 This could be you in the Metaverse 1.2584 0.05426 89 69 17 3
2384 It's true..I bought it in the 80's! 1.2584 0.05426 89 69 17 3
2385 I'm not the big dog, but I'm in the big house, and since this is Manhattan, that's enough. 1.2584 0.05185 89 68 19 2
2386 When I post a pic of this place on tinderdog, they just assume! 1.2584 0.05656 89 70 15 4
2387 I look at my small paws and I think I won't grow into it, but my people say they won't fall for that slick sales pitch again ... 1.2583 0.04659 120 93 23 4
2388 No walks. They just clean the place out yearly. 1.2581 0.05048 93 71 20 2
2389 I like to think of it as my cathedral. 1.2581 0.05275 93 72 18 3
2390 I'm not built for this. 1.2581 0.04811 93 70 22 1
2391 It's expensive to heat, but the acoustics are great! 1.2581 0.05275 93 72 18 3
2392 There’s no toilet paper 1.2581 0.05701 93 74 14 5
2393 Yes, he will rent it to us and fix the doorway. 1.2581 0.05275 93 72 18 3
2394 Now that the last of our litter has moved out I think we should downsize. 1.2577 0.05135 97 75 19 3
2395 No, but we have an opening for a Great Dane. 1.2577 0.05135 97 75 19 3
2396 I'm an online purchase, supposed to be an Irish Wolfhound 1.2577 0.05340 97 76 17 4
2397 The vaulted ceilings make me feel small, but I'm really a big boy. 1.2577 0.05135 97 75 19 3
2398 'I like it that I can have my Great Dane friend over for a snack." 1.2577 0.05135 97 75 19 3
2399 That's incredible. How did you know the previous owner was named Clifford? 1.2577 0.04922 97 74 21 2
2400 It's a Phillip Johnson. 1.2577 0.05340 97 76 17 4
2401 A LOT of corner to pee on Dude. 1.2577 0.04922 97 74 21 2
2402 The Builder Asked Me What Design Scheme I Had In Mind For My Chateau...And I Said Well Actually I Have A Strong Inclination For Old Fashioned Doggy Style ! 1.2577 0.05135 97 75 19 3
2403 Apparently he's really into tall hats. 1.2577 0.04922 97 74 21 2
2404 Sorry man. I've been renting your bed out to Karen's husband since last Tuesday. 1.2577 0.05135 97 75 19 3
2405 The previous tenant was a Great Dane.” 1.2576 0.06933 66 53 9 4
2406 My human did the metric conversion backward. 1.2574 0.05743 101 82 12 7
2407 Even in this market, they practically give away old airship hangars. 1.2574 0.05387 101 80 16 5
2408 On my father's side we are descended from Great Danes. 1.2574 0.04804 101 79 19 3
2409 And I don't have to worry about any noise from upstairs neighbors! 1.2574 0.04804 101 77 22 2
2410 Aren't you a little worried about who the house might belong to? 1.2574 0.05006 101 78 20 3
2411 Small footprint but great vertical storage. 1.2574 0.05006 101 78 20 3
2412 Dad is a Great Dane. Mom was a chihuahua. It didn't last. 1.2574 0.05567 101 81 14 6
2413 Would you mind changing the battery in the smoke detector? 1.2571 0.07248 70 58 6 6
2414 We just love it. It's "Great Danish" design which is distinguished by an extra tall entrance. 1.2571 0.04885 105 81 21 3
2415 I married a giraffe. 1.2571 0.05418 105 84 15 6
2416 We were going to move out of town,but my humans decided to renovate instead. How's the pandemic treating YOU? 1.2571 0.05585 105 85 13 7
2417 You should see the country house. 1.2571 0.05069 105 82 19 4
2418 Don't always trust Airbnb. 1.2571 0.05069 105 82 19 4
2419 Giacometti made it for me. 1.2571 0.04885 105 83 18 4
2420 My owners changed their minds about adopting a giraffe. 1.2569 0.05438 109 88 14 7
2421 We call it "Doghenge". 1.2569 0.04947 109 85 20 4
2422 Come on in and yes, you can bring your giraffe friend. 1.2569 0.05279 109 87 16 6
2423 Last night she still said it wasn't big enough. 1.2569 0.05592 109 89 12 8
2424 I honestly can't complain since I hooked up with that great Dane. 1.2569 0.05438 109 88 14 7
2425 Just to make it easier for the master to come and cuddle with me 1.2569 0.05116 109 86 18 5
2426 The previous owners were giraffes. 1.2568 0.06399 74 59 11 4
2427 Hey,is Clifford here? 1.2568 0.05463 74 56 17 1
2428 I designed this entrance for my arch nemesis. 1.2566 0.04833 113 88 21 4
2429 No view, but you'll love the high ceilings! 1.2566 0.04993 113 89 19 5
2430 I agree it’s the height of elegance. 1.2566 0.04833 113 88 21 4
2431 You really need to get into the crypto market. 1.2564 0.06171 78 62 12 4
2432 We’re non-denominational.” 1.2564 0.05300 78 59 18 1
2433 Yes it's expensive to heat but I married an Afghan. 1.2564 0.05895 78 61 14 3
2434 We can afford a bigger house here in the suburbs. 1.2564 0.04403 117 89 26 2
2435 My dad, The Dane, said I'd grow into it. 1.2564 0.05895 78 61 14 3
2436 In the doghouse" takes on a whole new meaning, doesn't it 1.2564 0.05895 78 61 14 3
2437 Okay, I'll bite. 1.2564 0.06435 78 63 10 5
2438 I got a great deal from an Irish Wolfhound who moved back home 1.2562 0.04914 121 96 19 6
2439 My father was considered an eccentric dog but now Moorish Revival is having something of a comeback so who's laughing now? 1.2561 0.05706 82 64 15 3
2440 Have to say it's better than being a big fish in a small pond. 1.2561 0.05435 82 63 17 2
2441 I’ve shrunk in my old age. 1.2561 0.05151 82 62 19 1
2442 “My DNA report says that I am 98% Great Dane.” 1.2561 0.05964 82 65 13 4
2443 It offered a nice balance. Expensive, yet non-claustrophobic. 1.2561 0.06211 82 66 11 5
2444 It's got a sleeping loft. 1.2561 0.05706 82 64 15 3
2445 Yeah, but I got it cheap, from a Great Dane. 1.2561 0.05964 82 65 13 4
2446 Less a dog house, more a dog home 1.2561 0.05435 82 63 17 2
2447 return before entry 1.2561 0.05435 82 63 17 2
2448 You have to give me first shot at the door if the owner turns up 1.2558 0.05013 86 65 20 1
2449 Way overpriced, but it's zoned for condos. 1.2558 0.06006 86 69 12 5
2450 Go on, bark. It's got great acoustics. 1.2558 0.05532 86 67 16 3
2451 sorry Joe can't go out sniffing the grass tight now gotta feed my new giraffe Sophie 1.2558 0.05279 86 66 18 2
2452 I wish I was taller. 1.2558 0.05279 86 66 18 2
2453 My owner joins me regularly. 1.2558 0.05279 86 66 18 2
2454 My master is frequently in the doghouse, so he went for something spacious! 1.2558 0.05774 86 68 14 4
2455 Nice house but wait until you see my big bone. 1.2558 0.06446 86 71 8 7
2456 Wait till you see my bowl. 1.2558 0.05013 86 65 20 1
2457 The acoustics for my late-night howling are amazing! 1.2556 0.05135 90 69 19 2
2458 This is nothing, Wait until I show you the Peloton dog walk! 1.2556 0.05600 90 71 15 4
2459 It's big now but my realtor said that looking at my puppy skin I'd grow into the space. 1.2556 0.05819 90 72 13 5
2460 It’s the outdoor, indoor, outdoors feel of it that sealed the deal 1.2556 0.05373 90 70 17 3
2461 See darling, we were right to leave the city. With such a big space we’ll finally be able to adopt the human you always wanted! 1.2556 0.05135 90 69 19 2
2462 It’s in case he happens to get on his wife’s bad side. 1.2556 0.05819 90 72 13 5
2463 You’re Shorter than me! 1.2556 0.05135 90 69 19 2
2464 They know it's over-compensation, but it still works. 1.2555 0.04399 137 107 25 5
2465 Yep, it’s true Charlie. My owner has adopted a Great Dane. 1.2553 0.05647 94 75 14 5
2466 It already has 10 cash offers above asking price. 1.2553 0.05440 94 74 16 4
2467 This door is nothing. Wait until you see the size of the fire hydrant out back. 1.2553 0.05440 94 74 16 4
2468 You have some big shoes to fill. 1.2553 0.05440 94 73 16 4
2469 Blink twice fast if you're not a reflection. 1.2551 0.04658 98 74 23 1
2470 They say high ceilings are a real selling point these days. 1.2551 0.05292 98 77 17 4
2471 When they said They wanted a guard, I’m pretty sure they meant the kind that’s at Buckingham Palace 1.2551 0.05292 98 77 17 4
2472 The vaulted ceilings make it seem very spacious, not to mention Hamlet, our great dane, feels right at home! 1.2551 0.05487 98 78 15 5
2473 No, let's go play outside! 1.2551 0.05292 98 77 17 4
2474 Sure, the perks of a dog and pony show are nice......but have you ever tried to sleep next to a snoring pony? 1.2549 0.05340 102 81 16 5
2475 How’s the complex, Napoleon? 1.2549 0.05518 102 82 14 6
2476 Yes, it's drafty, but it scares the bejesus out of the mail carrier 1.2549 0.04963 102 79 20 3
2477 It may take some time for us to evolve, but at least we have a high ceiling. 1.2549 0.05155 102 80 18 4
2478 I've been thinking about reducing my carbon pawprint. 1.2549 0.04963 102 79 20 3
2479 The best part is it comes with my very own master bedroom! 1.2547 0.05537 106 86 13 7
2480 Yeah the cathedral ceilings really give it a nice sense of space. 1.2547 0.05372 106 85 15 6
2481 Dad's a Great Dane. 1.2547 0.04845 106 82 21 3
2482 I like it for the not so subtle innuendo. 1.2547 0.04655 106 81 23 2
2483 It's a converted tool shed. 1.2547 0.05537 106 86 13 7
2484 Yeah, well I needed a place where I didn’t have to ask myself - should I wear stilts today? 1.2547 0.05202 106 84 17 5
2485 It's all about image! 1.2547 0.04458 106 85 17 4
2486 My husband is an Irish wolfhound. 1.2545 0.04734 110 85 22 3
2487 I just kept digging. 1.2545 0.05074 110 87 18 5
2488 It's a cross between a regular door and the Arc de Triomphe. 1.2545 0.05236 110 88 16 6
2489 In Westport,everything is a MacMansion 1.2545 0.05236 110 88 16 6
2490 It may be a doghouse, but at least it's got high ceilings. 1.2544 0.04460 114 87 25 2
2491 There's plenty of room now that Clifford the Big Red Dog moved out 1.2541 0.04737 122 96 21 5
2492 I get to use it whenever she lets him sleep inside. 1.2538 0.04673 130 103 21 6
2493 I'm gonna nab one of those bones at the Smithsonian. 1.2535 0.06254 71 56 12 3
2494 Back in the penthouse again? 1.2535 0.06254 71 56 12 3
2495 DUUUUUUDE. 1.2533 0.06031 75 59 13 3
2496 l can’t wait to meet your big sister! 1.2533 0.06031 75 59 13 3
2497 We're going to need a smaller house. 1.2533 0.05724 75 58 15 2
2498 They used to have a giraffe. 1.2533 0.05724 75 58 15 2
2499 The door’s tall cause I’m taking it raw from a wolfhound. 1.2532 0.05544 79 61 16 2
2500 "So, jealous much?" 1.2532 0.05544 79 61 16 2
2501 It only has one room but it is FULL of Chicken McNuggets. 1.2532 0.05544 79 61 16 2
2502 sorry, she's not home. 1.2532 0.06361 79 64 10 5
2503 My owner has an edifice complex. 1.2532 0.06101 79 63 12 4
2504 Welcome in.. watch your head! 1.2532 0.05243 79 60 18 1
2505 Jeff Bezos handled the shipping. 1.2530 0.05645 83 65 15 3
2506 The cathedral ceiling is one of the best features. 1.2530 0.05378 83 64 17 2
2507 When I heard you'd be sent up to the Big House I had a completely different idea. 1.2530 0.05899 83 66 13 4
2508 We needed a bigger place now that we're both working from home. 1.2530 0.05378 83 64 17 2
2509 What did you do now? 1.2530 0.05645 83 65 15 3
2510 It’s the mirror scene from the Marx brother’s movie. Get it? 1.2530 0.05899 83 66 13 4
2511 Nutcracker tryouts are starting. Ready? 1.2530 0.05899 83 66 13 4
2512 My owner can bunk with me when he’s in trouble with the wife.” 1.2530 0.05378 83 64 17 2
2513 Looks like master has solved the problem of where to house the giraffe. 1.2530 0.06143 83 67 11 5
2514 Despite the large overhead, it's arfully nice. 1.2530 0.05899 83 66 13 4
2515 It's all about one-upsdogship. 1.2530 0.05645 83 65 15 3
2516 I invested in a new dog food and became a home owner. 1.2530 0.06143 83 67 11 5
2517 We got it before they raised interest rates! 1.2530 0.05899 83 66 13 4
2518 Hello MTV, and welcome to my crib. 1.2530 0.05645 83 65 15 3
2519 " It reminds me of a deChirco painting. 1.2530 0.05098 83 63 19 1
2520 If you don't worry about cleaning up or paying taxes, you can go as big as you want. 1.2529 0.05226 87 67 18 2
2521 Wow, talk about high rise living! 1.2529 0.05476 87 68 16 3
2522 Preparing for my growth spurt. 1.2529 0.04964 87 66 20 1
2523 I hired an architect. 1.2529 0.06165 87 71 10 6
2524 "Don't worry - it's still going to have a doggie-door" 1.2529 0.05226 87 67 18 2
2525 I wanted a tiny house. 1.2529 0.05226 87 67 18 2
2526 I love it, but buying furniture the right size is a major problem. 1.2529 0.05476 87 68 16 3
2527 I just think it's too big for us, Ed. . 1.2529 0.06165 87 71 10 6
2528 Is this the Big House? It’s not quite what I expected. 1.2529 0.04687 87 65 22 0
2529 Agnes, now that the pups are out of the house, I’m thinking we downsize. 1.2529 0.05476 87 68 16 3
2530 The archbishop will see you now. 1.2529 0.04542 87 67 19 1
2531 I saw you're dating Helen now that you bought the new condo--she's a Great Dame! 1.2529 0.05944 87 70 12 5
2532 I'm just house sitting until Clifford gets back from Bermuda. 1.2527 0.05546 91 72 15 4
2533 I wanted that big dog vibe. 1.2527 0.05762 91 73 13 5
2534 There was a misunderstanding about the dog door 1.2527 0.05321 91 71 17 3
2535 The door is for my big brother. 1.2527 0.04840 91 69 21 1
2536 The last occupant was a wolfhound. 1.2527 0.05086 91 70 19 2
2537 I got a deal on air rights. 1.2527 0.05086 91 70 19 2
2538 It's giving up usable space for a sense of space. 1.2527 0.05321 91 71 17 3
2539 Hey Rosco, tell Kareem to meet us at the court at three, OK? 1.2527 0.05086 91 70 19 2
2540 Oh, he's bigger than ever since the halftime show. 1.2527 0.05086 91 72 16 3
2541 The giraffe’s lease and the rent control expired and I was first on the waiting list. 1.2527 0.05086 91 70 19 2
2542 Finally, a house that fits my complex. 1.2527 0.05762 91 73 13 5
2543 All house, no kibble. 1.2527 0.05546 91 72 15 4
2544 You know,this house is big enough for the both of us! 1.2527 0.04840 91 69 21 1
2545 Architects have a mind of their own. 1.2527 0.05086 91 70 19 2
2546 We are a tale of two capybaras and two cities. 1.2527 0.05321 91 71 17 3
2547 It's not always LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION 1.2526 0.04482 95 71 24 0
2548 'They're hoping I'll grow into it." 1.2526 0.05790 95 77 12 6
2549 I was going to invite Jennifer Lawrence, then I remembered I’m a dog. 1.2526 0.05389 95 75 16 4
2550 The giraffes didn’t get along with the lions across the street. 1.2526 0.05177 95 74 18 3
2551 I just need to install the door so my owner can go outside. 1.2526 0.04956 95 73 20 2
2552 I'd come in and visit if I wasn't so afraid of heights." 1.2526 0.05389 95 75 16 4
2553 And they always said that size doesn't matter! 1.2526 0.05389 95 75 16 4
2554 So what--now you're living on billionaire's row? 1.2526 0.05389 95 75 16 4
2555 What do you think? I got my humans to raise the woof. 1.2525 0.05245 99 78 17 3
2556 Who knew how lucrative the "Canine Tax Credit" would be 1.2525 0.05245 99 78 17 4
2557 I don’t know, I guess it’s some kind of joke about my “Napoleon Complex”… 1.2525 0.04836 99 76 21 2
2558 Because we can't go out as much these days, they built me a bigger house. 1.2525 0.05438 99 79 15 5
2559 Designed for a Dane. 1.2525 0.05245 99 78 17 4
2560 This is going to be a bitch to heat. 1.2525 0.05438 99 79 15 5
2561 Her family wasn't sure a giraffe-dog relationship would work out, but actually we've had no problems at all. 1.2524 0.04921 103 80 20 3
2562 We bought it because my husband and I just loved the high vaulted doors and the brass fireplugs in every room. 1.2524 0.04723 103 79 22 2
2563 I got a great rate on Airedalebnb. 1.2524 0.05293 103 82 16 5
2564 My owner sometimes stays over. 1.2524 0.05110 103 81 18 4
2565 It’s been updated by my owner for additional work from home space. 1.2524 0.05110 103 81 18 4
2566 Rex has taken in a couple rescue gorillas. 1.2524 0.04723 103 79 22 2
2567 OK, so it's a hole in the wall with luxury headroom. 1.2524 0.05293 103 82 16 4
2568 My human’s an optimist. 1.2524 0.04921 103 80 20 3
2569 It's not so bad, but sometimes my owners wife makes him sleep out here. 1.2523 0.05327 107 86 15 6
2570 Prices across the river are dirt cheap 1.2523 0.04423 107 81 25 1
2571 It’s definitely a place you can grow into. 1.2523 0.04805 107 83 21 3
2572 It doesn't look like much, but once we put newspapers on the floor... 1.2523 0.04985 107 84 19 4
2573 He insists stove pipe hats are coming back. 1.2523 0.05159 107 85 17 5
2574 I actually asked to go to the dog house this time! 1.2523 0.05159 107 85 17 5
2575 Either my owner plans on being in a lot more trouble with the missus, or I'm finally going to grow into my ego. 1.2523 0.05034 111 88 18 5
2576 The developer got a concession on the building height. 1.2523 0.04868 111 87 20 4
2577 The ceilings may be 'cathedral', but the food is from hell. 1.2523 0.04697 111 86 22 3
2578 They say I'll get there. 1.2523 0.04519 111 85 24 2
2579 The missus is a giraffe 1.2522 0.04916 115 91 19 5
2580 It's not much, but it'll do 1.2522 0.04759 115 90 21 4
2581 Like the song--one pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small. 1.2521 0.04952 119 95 18 6
2582 The neighborhood's great, it's close to parks and its' even got this convenient servants entrance. 1.2521 0.04952 119 95 18 6
2583 We finally got an upgrade. 1.2521 0.03997 119 93 24 2
2584 The cathedral ceiling is everything I ever wanted! 1.2500 0.05764 80 63 14 3
2585 It's a sweet deal, but my housemate thinks he's a World War I flying ace. 1.2500 0.05248 104 83 16 5
2586 Clifford will be home in a few minutes. You better go. 1.2500 0.05130 96 75 18 3
2587 It’s not about square footage anymore. It’s about volume! 1.2500 0.05690 68 52 15 1
2588 It was built for the previous owner by his wife. 1.2500 0.05339 96 76 16 4
2589 Oh hey Rick , your wife's mad at you too? Come on in. 1.2500 0.03386 108 88 18 2
2590 They say I'll grow into it. 1.2500 0.04578 100 79 19 2
2591 Everything is bigger in Texas. 1.2500 0.04911 96 74 20 2
2592 It’s designed to deter burglars. 1.2500 0.05851 72 56 14 2
2593 Looks like you'll be having periodic human company! 1.2500 0.05130 96 75 18 3
2594 I run a little mega church for pups on the weekend. 1.2500 0.05705 92 74 13 5
2595 I see you are in the dog house again… 1.2500 0.04911 96 74 20 2
2596 Come in and let us pray. 1.2500 0.05705 92 74 13 5
2597 It was great with the litter of nine, but now it feels like too much house. 1.2500 0.05130 96 75 18 3
2598 Time for changing of the guard? 1.2500 0.04795 92 70 21 1
2599 It costs a fortune to heat, but come on in and howl with me a little and you'll see why it's worth it. 1.2500 0.04911 96 74 20 2
2600 Would you believe my mom is a Great Dane but my dad is Dachshund!? She says she slept through it. 1.2500 0.04911 96 74 20 2
2601 Wait ‘til you see the indoor fire hydrant! 1.2500 0.05585 84 66 15 3
2602 Man, you're reallly in the dog house 1.2500 0.04683 96 73 22 1
2603 Plus, it's rent-stabilized. 1.2500 0.05851 72 56 14 2
2604 My stepmother is a girrafe.. 1.2500 0.06077 84 68 11 5
2605 This was featured on the House of the Rich and Famous, it belongs to my uncle Scooby. 1.2500 0.05764 80 63 14 3
2606 Finally! Enough headroom! 1.2500 0.04944 108 85 19 4
2607 The mortgage is huge but Rex's face makes it worth it 1.2500 0.05130 96 75 18 3
2608 They had me at “cathedral ceiling.” 1.2500 0.05837 84 67 13 4
2609 So, what is a giraffe-a-doodle, anyway? 1.2500 0.06523 76 62 9 5
2610 I got it so I could run with the big dogs. 1.2500 0.05186 80 61 18 1
2611 I’m thinking of downsizing. 1.2500 0.04994 112 89 18 5
2612 Like my new place? I got the deal of a lifetime from a giraffe who was retiring and moving to Maui. 1.2500 0.05483 80 62 16 2
2613 I was sentenced to the big house. 1.2500 0.05306 112 91 14 7
2614 ”Did you see,that food bowl was so big” “I’m calling off work tonight! 1.2500 0.05421 88 69 16 3
2615 'Higher,' 'hire,' 'Hi, Er!'. What's the difference? I heard HIGHER!! 1.2500 0.05541 96 77 14 5
2616 It's the same square footage but it seems much larger. 1.2500 0.05270 92 72 17 3
2617 I have a thing about giraffes... 1.2500 0.04911 96 74 20 2
2618 My owner’s spouse has been in here more often than usual, so we made some renovations. 1.2500 0.05046 84 64 19 1
2619 I told you I was moving up in the world! No more little doggy doors for me! 1.2500 0.05130 96 75 18 3
2620 How did you know my owner is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? 1.2500 0.04830 112 88 20 4
2621 A Van Gogh? Paugh! I have the whole Uffizi Gallery in here 1.2500 0.06309 84 69 9 6
2622 All my followers need to see me in a large house now that I'm an influencer. 1.2500 0.05421 88 69 16 3
2623 My realtor advised buying space I could grow into. 1.2500 0.05421 88 69 16 3
2624 You'd be surprised what you can afford on this side of the Hudson. 1.2500 0.05492 92 73 15 4
2625 Fits in with the skyline and the acoustics are to die for. 1.2500 0.05421 88 69 16 3
2626 Housing Prices Isn't What it Used to Be! 1.2500 0.05960 76 60 13 3
2627 Well Hank, all I can say is never hire a Great Dane as an architect. 1.2500 0.05658 76 59 15 2
2628 My step-father was a bear 1.2500 0.06415 68 54 11 3
2629 Yes, I'm the top dog now! 1.2500 0.06077 84 68 11 5
2630 At least I can leave the house with my stilts on now 1.2500 0.05130 96 75 18 3
2631 They say they built this for me, and I just play along. 1.2500 0.05038 92 71 19 2
2632 The original owner was a giraffe, but we got a great deal. 1.2500 0.05421 88 69 16 3
2633 It's a little fixer-upper we bought from the Great Danes. 1.2500 0.05198 100 79 17 4
2634 It's drafty and uncomfortable, but it's fabulous for Instagram. 1.2500 0.04879 104 81 20 3
2635 I think the previous owners were giraffes. 1.2500 0.05658 76 59 15 2
2636 Well, the DNA kit said I was 10% woolly mammoth. 1.2500 0.05270 92 72 17 3
2637 We bought it as a fixer-upper, but the bones are good! 1.2500 0.05270 92 72 17 3
2638 Inspiring cathedral ceiling but a little short on facilities because the HOA won't let me have the tree I want. 1.2500 0.05883 88 71 12 5
2639 They named me Clifford and are crossing their fingers. 1.2500 0.05764 80 63 14 3
2640 Clifford drove a hard bargain! 1.2500 0.05752 100 82 11 7
2641 barc...barc barc barc 1.2500 0.05705 92 74 13 5
2642 Welcome to the Chruch of Dog 1.2500 0.05752 100 82 11 7
2643 I know you worried about what it would cost to heat the place, but we just put on a big door with a little flap and the high ceiling won't matter anymore. 1.2500 0.04539 92 69 23 0
2644 Clifford was going through a rough divorce, I got this thing for a steal 1.2500 0.06248 76 61 11 4
2645 I’d rather have a giraffe instead of a cat. 1.2500 0.05130 96 75 18 3
2646 You were right, the bones at this joint are to die for! 1.2500 0.04561 116 93 19 4
2647 Buckingham Palace yard sale.... 1.2500 0.05541 96 77 14 5
2648 It's to scare the other doggies. 1.2500 0.05492 92 73 15 4
2649 They were expecting that I'd grow into a bigger dog. 1.2500 0.04379 124 96 25 3
2650 I’m starting to suspect the dog house wasn’t over sized with me in mind. 1.2500 0.04911 96 74 20 2
2651 A bit of a fixer upper, but it's got good bones. 1.2500 0.05270 92 72 17 3
2652 Got your mask? 1.2500 0.04795 92 70 21 1
2653 My biological dad is a Great Dane . 1.2500 0.05893 64 49 14 1
2654 It's admittedly a small floor plan, but the high ceilings really help give it an open feeling... 1.2500 0.05152 112 90 16 6
2655 Yep, he did a great job. Sometimes he even sleeps in here with me. 1.2500 0.05270 92 72 17 3
2656 It's dual purpose, my owner's husband had it custom made. 1.2500 0.05483 80 62 16 2
2657 Where's Clifford? 1.2500 0.06289 80 65 10 5
2658 It might be too much of a good thing... 1.2500 0.05657 88 70 14 4
2659 We went for an open floor plan. 1.2500 0.05270 92 72 17 3
2660 You can't come in yet. Barkerangelo is still working on the ceiling. 1.2500 0.05339 96 76 16 4
2661 It's just easier for my occasional overnight guest. 1.2500 0.04916 88 67 20 1
2662 My human is having his mid-life crisis. 1.2500 0.05130 96 75 18 3
2663 I was sold on the Room-to-Grow Promise. 1.2479 0.04435 121 94 24 3
2664 The previous owner was a big red star of books, movies and TV. 1.2478 0.04624 113 88 22 3
2665 Are you kidding? Of course, I installed a generator! 1.2478 0.04792 113 89 20 4
2666 "My owner's last dog was a Great Dane. 1.2478 0.04792 113 89 20 4
2667 When old Mrs. Potheridge left me her fortune, I didn't know what else to do with it! 1.2477 0.05239 109 88 15 6
2668 Now that all of the pups have left, the bitch wants to downsize. 1.2477 0.04904 109 86 19 4
2669 I don’t care if you think it’s gaudy, bitches love it. 1.2477 0.05554 109 90 11 8
2670 Well, they had just come back from that trip to Rome. 1.2476 0.05376 105 85 14 6
2671 Don't you just love the high ceiling! 1.2476 0.04838 105 82 20 3
2672 Had to make room for my best friend. 1.2476 0.05203 105 84 16 5
2673 I didn't complain, but the ostrich must be livid. 1.2476 0.04838 105 82 20 3
2674 Hello! I’m your neighborhood influencer! 1.2476 0.05024 105 83 18 4
2675 It was designed by Virginia Woof 1.2476 0.05203 105 84 16 5
2676 Well, I know, but they got it on sale at Home Deopot. 1.2476 0.05024 105 83 18 4
2677 THEY USED A SKYSCRAPER ARCHITECT. 1.2476 0.05203 105 84 16 5
2678 You'll love the high ceiling and open concept 1.2475 0.04956 101 79 19 3
2679 He's always in the doghouse and this is better for his back. 1.2475 0.05341 101 81 15 5
2680 Wish me luck. Tomorrow I'm going to propose to the giraffe. 1.2475 0.04956 101 79 19 3
2681 I had no idea dog houses came with high ceilings. 1.2475 0.04956 101 79 19 3
2682 Take a whiff of this entry way.. 1.2475 0.05152 101 80 17 4
2683 Here's the 1 million tennis ball mansion I was talking about 1.2475 0.04956 101 79 19 3
2684 I sent him to the dog house yesterday... but I need his opposable thumbs 1.2475 0.05341 101 81 15 5
2685 The pediatrician told Mom I'll probably still have a growth spurt. 1.2475 0.04752 101 78 21 2
2686 It makes you sound like a Rothweiler! 1.2474 0.05490 97 78 14 5
2687 I'm looking for a chandelier. 1.2474 0.05290 97 77 16 4
2688 The skylight will be nice for when it’s raining cats and humans. 1.2474 0.05490 97 78 14 5
2689 They think I'm a Great Dane puppy! I'm actually a Chihuahua! 1.2474 0.05682 97 79 12 6
2690 I have high-in-the-sky-apple pie hopes. 1.2474 0.05290 97 77 16 4
2691 It’s all about managing expectations. 1.2474 0.05290 97 77 16 4
2692 I lucked out buying it. It was a short sale. 1.2474 0.05490 97 78 14 5
2693 Want to come out and play? 1.2474 0.05083 97 76 18 3
2694 Spacious Pad,Tiny Footprint 1.2474 0.04867 97 75 20 2
2695 We just had a litter of twelve, so we needed the extra space. 1.2474 0.04642 97 74 22 1
2696 Welcome to God's... ooops, I mean Dog's House. 1.2473 0.05220 93 73 17 3
2697 They said it was a ‘one owner’ but failed to mention…’greyhound’. 1.2473 0.04751 93 71 21 1
2698 I'm planning on having a large family! 1.2473 0.04751 93 71 21 1
2699 We're expecting a Boy, and we're naming him Reacher! 1.2473 0.05220 93 73 17 3
2700 I didn't know the constructors used the metric system. 1.2473 0.05853 93 76 11 6
2701 I would advise you to order your door ASAP,since the lead times keep increasing. 1.2473 0.05650 93 75 13 5
2702 Yea, he's out here a lot. 1.2473 0.05650 93 75 13 5
2703 There are still a few seats close to the altar 1.2473 0.04991 93 72 19 2
2704 They built it in dog yards 1.2472 0.05367 89 70 16 3
2705 Do you like the high archway? I got the idea from Doghouse Digest. 1.2472 0.05600 89 71 14 4
2706 You know my parents always wanted a McMansion 1.2472 0.05367 89 70 15 3
2707 I'm big into crypto. 1.2472 0.06247 89 74 8 7
2708 I love the place but heat loss is horrific 1.2472 0.05367 89 70 16 3
2709 He really wanted a giraffe. 1.2472 0.05600 89 71 14 4
2710 I think it's time for us to Dogsize... 1.2472 0.05367 89 70 16 3
2711 So much for dreaming big! 1.2472 0.05124 89 69 18 2
2712 Mi castle es tu castle 1.2471 0.04995 85 65 19 1
2713 The giraffe guard is taking his break. 1.2471 0.05775 85 68 13 4
2714 Public housing, no amenities. 1.2471 0.05527 85 67 15 3
2715 It’s the first dogsion of its kind. 1.2471 0.06013 85 69 11 5
2716 Don't you love my new doggy door? 1.2471 0.05268 85 66 17 2
2717 I think it's time you downsized! 1.2471 0.04995 85 65 19 1
2718 What? 1.2471 0.05775 85 68 13 4
2719 A few years back I invested in Dogecoin. 1.2471 0.05775 85 68 13 4
2720 My dad's a bit of a Neapolitan Mastiff traditionalist. He has to meet every single date I ever go on. 1.2471 0.05775 85 68 13 4
2721 This dog house has great bones and a new woof. Bark at me if you want to make an offer. 1.2471 0.05775 85 68 13 4
2722 Sadly it allows my master easy access. I liked the old one better when he had to get on his hands and knees to enter. 1.2471 0.05527 85 67 15 3
2723 My owners forgot I was a miniature doodle. 1.2471 0.06013 85 69 11 5
2724 It's so much bigger than a Dog House because it's a George Booth 1.2471 0.06013 85 69 11 5
2725 It's the penthouse, on our level. 1.2471 0.05527 85 67 15 3
2726 Yep. Papa was a rolling stone. I’m thinking either Keith or Brian. No resemblance but the crib is great. 1.2471 0.05527 85 67 15 3
2727 Yes, it is a dog's life! 1.2471 0.05268 85 66 17 2
2728 This must have set you back. You must know where all the bones are buried. 1.2469 0.05424 81 63 16 2
2729 Welcome to the McDog house 1.2469 0.05701 81 64 14 3
2730 Im just subletting it from my pal Clifford. 1.2469 0.05966 81 65 12 4
2731 I don't know either, they named me Marmaduke and built me this mansion 1.2469 0.05701 81 64 14 3
2732 We can have a bidding war or cohabitate… 1.2469 0.05701 81 64 14 3
2733 My owner is an architect. There is nothing he won't redesign. 1.2469 0.06219 81 66 10 5
2734 I know it looks big, but there’s plenty of room for toilet paper. 1.2469 0.05701 81 64 14 3
2735 It's a good location, but the overhead is ridiculous. 1.2468 0.05280 77 59 17 1
2736 You can fit so many bones in this bad boy 1.2468 0.05891 77 61 13 3
2737 It still smells of giraffe - but we can get a year’s lease! 1.2468 0.05891 77 61 13 3
2738 The best advice I got was to stay put for the foreseeable future. 1.2468 0.05280 77 59 17 1
2739 I have a human roommate. 1.2466 0.05441 73 56 16 1
2740 They've got me I'm living with a giraffe now 1.2466 0.06405 73 59 10 4
2741 Listen-yes, the expense was great…but the grand entrance was a must for us. 1.2466 0.06101 73 58 12 3
2742 Rumor has it that Abraham Lincoln once lived here 1.2466 0.05780 73 57 14 2
2743 Welcome to the doghouse-industrial complex. 1.2466 0.05441 73 56 16 1
2744 . . so it stays much cooler in the summer. 1.2466 0.06101 73 58 12 3
2745 It's aspirational. 1.2464 0.05986 69 54 13 2
2746 Seems my humans like to plan ahead. 1.2464 0.06332 69 55 11 3
2747 Was the previous tenant a Great Dane? 1.2464 0.05619 69 53 15 1
2748 It accentuates my horizontalness. 1.2464 0.06332 69 55 11 3
2749 Come to the Bridge. We are all there. 1.2462 0.06589 65 52 10 3
2750 It’s more than I need but with rates going up I jumped at the chance. 1.2456 0.04755 114 90 20 4
2751 Fwench Bulldogs ain’t that big, of ‘coarse’! But their woodies are! 1.2456 0.04416 114 96 13 5
2752 You should see the size of the toilet we drink from! 1.2455 0.04690 110 88 18 4
2753 I was very expensive though. 1.2453 0.04090 106 83 20 2
2754 Better to be the little dog in a big dog neighborhood than the big dog in a little dog neighborhood. 1.2453 0.04982 106 84 18 4
2755 I wish it felt cozy! 1.2453 0.05159 106 85 16 5
2756 I was so desperate I paid cash sight unseen with no inspection. Didn't realize that the previous owner was a Great Dane. 1.2453 0.04199 106 82 23 1
2757 My human spends more time in it than I do. 1.2451 0.04914 102 80 19 3
2758 I love the aesthetic, but my heating bill is through the roof. 1.2451 0.04712 102 79 21 2
2759 You should see the mice 1.2451 0.04914 102 80 19 3
2760 The former occupants were Great Danes and gave us a really good deal. We can divide and sublet the extra space without zoning issues or filing permits. 1.2451 0.05107 102 81 17 4
2761 Sure great view of the dog park but it's a bitch when the elevator goes out. 1.2451 0.04712 102 79 21 2
2762 The big red dog passed away last week, so it's all mine 1.2451 0.05294 102 82 15 5
2763 My owner often forgets anniversaries... 1.2451 0.04712 102 79 21 2
2764 I'm just a puppy. 1.2451 0.05294 102 82 15 5
2765 The architect did say it was a ruff estimate 1.2451 0.05649 102 84 11 7