Contest #780



The winning captions

These captions are chosen by The New Yorker.

  1. “Apparently, I was mistaken. He’s not in over his head.”
  2. “He was skating on thin ice for some time.”
  3. “How soon can you start?”

Name Value
Submission deadline 2021-11-15T02:16:00.000Z
Voting started -
Voting ended 2021-11-29T02:16:00.000Z
Finalists announced 2021-11-23T02:16:00.000Z
Magazine(s) announcing finalists issued November 29, 2021
Number of captions 6509
Number of responses 783928
Number of participants -


In this table, the "mean" means the empirically measured average funniness score when the "unfunny", "somewhat funny" and "funny" receive a funniness score of 1, 2, 3 respectively. "Precison" is the standard error of the mean, the standard deviation of the mean estimate. With that, a caption with an empirical mean μ and precision σ has true mean in the range [μ - 2σ, μ + 2σ] with 95% probability by the 68-95-99.7 rule assuming the responses are indepedent and identically distributed.

Rank Caption Mean Precision Total votes "Unfunny" votes "Somewhat funny" votes "Funny" votes
0 Sink or swim is nothing. Be glad you weren't here when the corporate culture was dog eat dog. 1.8147 0.01180 4776 2131 1407 1238
1 I'd throw him a lifeline but I've been waiting for his parking space for years. 1.8134 0.01834 1790 737 650 403
2 He looked solid on paper. 1.8095 0.01247 4099 1770 1340 989
3 And this is Wade. Seriously, his name is Wade. 1.8085 0.01409 3175 1363 1057 755
4 He’s making progress. Last week he was up to his eyeballs. 1.8071 0.01618 2198 885 852 461
5 We’re all drowning in work Harold - spare us the drama. 1.7990 0.01355 3448 1507 1127 814
6 They say it’s better for your back than a standing desk. 1.7947 0.01281 3712 1610 1262 840
7 He's just treading water until he can retire. 1.7879 0.01222 3885 1644 1428 813
8 And this is our writers' pool. 1.7775 0.02961 728 331 228 169
9 Sometimes, I yell, "Marco", just for fun. 1.7735 0.01773 2084 972 612 500
10 It's always something with this guy - one day he's buried in paperwork, the next day he's drowning in it 1.7557 0.01389 3066 1373 1069 624
11 The company would prefer you say “fully immersed in work” over “drowning.” 1.7534 0.03272 584 272 184 128
12 We think he's been leaking information. 1.7503 0.01467 2743 1237 954 552
13 Carl manages our liquid assets. 1.7498 0.01259 3621 1606 1315 700
14 And the boss thought he walked on water 1.7456 0.01188 4324 2028 1376 920
15 That's Phil from liquidations. 1.7452 0.01335 3289 1520 1099 670
16 Legal warned him he was on thin ice. 1.7403 0.01427 2842 1287 1006 549
17 All the MBAs think they can walk on water. 1.7394 0.01416 2970 1372 1000 598
18 He made a big splash when he started. Since then, nothing. 1.7384 0.02773 734 328 270 136
19 Well, I warned him that he was on thin ice. 1.7384 0.01421 2748 1216 1035 497
20 Tim's a nice guy, but he's prone to the occasional meltdown. 1.7375 0.01373 3009 1352 1095 562
21 Looks like Charles won the office pool 1.7366 0.01712 2016 931 685 400
22 You'll be working with Hal here, in Liquidations. They're swamped. 1.7357 0.01414 2857 1315 991 551
23 It seems that "Mr. Walks on Water" just had his review. 1.7348 0.02033 1478 699 472 307
24 That's Norm. He handles our liquid assets. 1.7345 0.01347 3149 1428 1129 592
25 I thought having a meltdown was just a metaphor. 1.7330 0.01688 2079 967 700 412
26 The problem solving part of the interview is the toughest. 1.7311 0.01839 1763 826 585 352
27 I know it looks bad, but at least he's not in over his head." 1.7308 0.01849 1564 685 615 264
28 He lost his regular position, so we made him a floater. 1.7304 0.01385 2986 1366 1059 561
29 Apparently I was mistaken. He's not in over his head. 1.7257 0.01398 2796 1252 1059 485
30 I'd help but we're already late for our sensitivity training. 1.7250 0.01897 1731 842 523 366
31 I think he’s regretting his decision to liquidate. 1.7227 0.01503 2618 1238 868 512
32 You'd be surprised how many people think that's a rug. 1.7212 0.01759 1991 968 610 413
33 We're all drowning in our work, but Frank likes to make a show out of it. 1.7176 0.01975 1459 679 513 267
34 Looks like he’s having another meltdown. 1.7174 0.01451 2604 1186 968 450
35 I told him he was in too deep. 1.7174 0.01793 1677 756 639 282
36 I said, 'You're literally on thin ice.' And he said, 'I don't think you know what literal means'". 1.7148 0.01501 2665 1288 849 528
37 As you see, it's sink or swim around here. 1.7140 0.01659 1993 913 737 343
38 The pool of candidates is smaller than we expected. 1.7066 0.01895 1595 769 529 297
39 It’s pretty much sink or swim around here since the layoffs. 1.7054 0.01703 1857 854 696 307
40 They say it's good for your back, but I still prefer a desk. 1.6972 0.01693 1919 941 632 346
41 You’ll be replacing Carl in handling liquidations. 1.6963 0.01695 1887 917 639 331
42 He did mention that he was drowning in paper work. 1.6926 0.02054 1298 616 465 217
43 Yeah, it’s kind of sink or swim at our firm. 1.6908 0.01763 1724 843 584 297
44 You’d have thought winning the office pool would be a good thing. 1.6907 0.01826 1691 834 552 305
45 I’ve heard the entire department has been liquidated. 1.6902 0.01828 1711 841 561 309
46 He’s standing on the guy you’re replacing. 1.6850 0.01970 1549 786 465 298
47 Who knew you could actually drown in paperwork? 1.6826 0.01912 1503 732 518 253
48 That’s Steve. He’s our liquidation specialist. 1.6826 0.01881 1509 748 504 257
49 We get it, Tony. You're swamped right now. 1.6810 0.01942 1442 695 512 235
50 Water cooler to your left. Water hazard to your right. 1.6800 0.01957 1453 721 480 252
51 Office pool. 1.6784 0.01995 1418 701 472 245
52 Now that’s one impressive meltdown. 1.6780 0.02006 1410 700 464 246
53 When he won the office pool, he had no idea what he was getting. 1.6758 0.02056 1354 678 437 239
54 Bob hasn't handled the liquidation well. 1.6706 0.02082 1281 636 431 214
55 It's better than deep shit 1.6688 0.02286 1232 668 304 260
56 He won the office pool. 1.6683 0.02183 1224 627 376 221
57 That’s what a total melt down looks like. 1.6675 0.02184 1191 602 383 206
58 I told you being back in the office would be way more interesting than being on Zoom. 1.6672 0.02066 1199 575 449 175
59 Oh, that's the office pool. 1.6672 0.02058 1211 619 392 200
60 He's been just treading water here for years. 1.6647 0.02123 1214 611 402 201
61 Don't fall for Fred's "drowning in work" routine. He's really quite a good swimmer. 1.6634 0.02208 1135 569 379 187
62 If only we had a corporate ladder. 1.6622 0.02182 1116 566 368 182
63 We are expecting an opening shortly, can you start this afternoon? 1.6616 0.02194 1111 561 370 180
64 So he meant it about being swamped. 1.6593 0.02174 1080 542 372 166
65 I always thought that was a metaphor. 1.6592 0.02249 1065 530 368 167
66 'Honestly, I thought you were exaggerating about his meltdown. 1.6580 0.02254 1117 573 353 191
67 He is what remains of the secretarial pool. 1.6565 0.02284 1048 528 352 168
68 He did say he was drowning in paperwork. 1.6493 0.02383 941 474 323 144
69 I'd help, but it's not my department. 1.6486 0.02425 996 528 290 178
70 Correction: I said we needed to liquidate his ASSETS. 1.6476 0.02458 928 481 293 154
71 Who’s the new buoy? 1.6474 0.02546 916 490 259 167
72 And that’s Bob from liquidations. 1.6446 0.02499 892 463 283 146
73 That’s Dave, just keeping his head above water, as usual. 1.6443 0.02406 880 436 321 123
74 It's sink or swim in this industry. 1.6442 0.02460 877 449 293 135
75 At least he still keeps his head above water. 1.6441 0.02373 888 436 332 120
76 He’s head of liquidations. 1.6434 0.02441 903 461 303 139
77 They liquidated most of the staff last week. 1.6425 0.02551 870 457 267 146
78 He did say he was on the edge of a complete meltdown. 1.6422 0.02473 872 444 296 132
79 I don't know whether I should call HR or Maintenance. 1.6419 0.02525 888 467 272 149
80 Larry clearly has no clue how an office pool works. 1.6416 0.02505 879 456 282 141
81 This is Ed- he's trying to keep his head above water. 1.6414 0.02340 884 454 303 127
82 He was skating on thin ice for sometime. 1.6402 0.02542 881 466 266 149
83 He’s just treading water until retirement. 1.6390 0.02489 856 437 291 128
84 He’s just a pool reporter. 1.6390 0.02548 831 438 259 134
85 I thought that "drowning in work" was a metaphor. 1.6379 0.02462 823 413 297 113
86 Pete handles our offshore accounts. 1.6378 0.02621 820 433 251 136
87 That's Jake. He's head of the office pool. 1.6368 0.02615 793 411 259 123
88 Half the department’s been liquidated. 1.6351 0.02578 803 414 268 121
89 It's his third meltdown this week, 1.6311 0.02714 778 419 227 132
90 I guess they dissolved the partnership. 1.6289 0.02598 733 380 250 103
91 I knew he’d melt under pressure. 1.6273 0.02728 719 376 235 108
92 Last week he was in a fog, so I think it's an improvement. 1.6262 0.02515 749 387 262 100
93 I thought he was kidding when he said he was drowning in paper work 1.6256 0.02640 772 406 249 117
94 On second thought, maybe we'd better not enter the office pool. 1.6254 0.02698 710 366 244 100
95 Maintenance is looking into it. 1.6247 0.02671 722 372 249 101
96 Jack there runs our office pool. 1.6246 0.02823 698 374 212 112
97 Steer clear of the office pools. 1.6237 0.02754 699 366 230 103
98 Yeah, I told him--actually there IS such a thing as excess liquidity. 1.6225 0.02702 694 366 227 100
99 I'd go pull him out, but if he sinks, I get his corner office. 1.6198 0.02792 668 349 224 95
100 How soon can you start? 1.6197 0.02836 681 365 210 106
101 Yes, it's real quicksand. We don't use metaphors in Texas. 1.6170 0.02900 658 356 198 104
102 That’s our executive immersion program. 1.6168 0.02981 642 353 182 107
103 Three more steps he'd have made the Men's Room. 1.6165 0.03109 644 371 149 124
104 Our philosophy is really sink or swim 1.6153 0.02745 642 336 221 85
105 This is an improvement, a week ago he was in over his head. 1.6152 0.02933 660 363 188 109
106 I've heard of meltdowns but that's epic. 1.6135 0.02898 621 328 205 88
107 We told him learn to work online or drown in paper work, but he wouldn't listen. 1.6126 0.02821 617 317 222 78
108 I’ll admit our client pool is smaller than we’d like. 1.6118 0.02992 608 329 186 93
109 I guess he wasn't joking when he said he was drowning in work. 1.6074 0.02884 591 314 198 79
110 He’s out of his depth on this one. 1.6073 0.02919 601 318 201 82
111 It was pretty obvious he was headed for a meltdown. 1.6067 0.03046 595 327 175 93
112 They expect almost total immersion in one's work here. 1.6047 0.03015 554 292 189 73
113 We take the 'sink-or-swim' approach very seriously here. 1.6046 0.03006 564 299 189 76
114 He’s been treading water here for a while now. 1.6025 0.03072 551 301 170 80
115 When he said he was up to his neck in work I took it to be a metaphor. 1.6021 0.02843 578 308 196 73
116 Turns out the gluten was the only thing holding him together. 1.6004 0.03311 553 322 130 101
117 Ted's in liquidation. 1.5989 0.03230 531 296 152 83
118 Well,at least he's not in over his head. 1.5971 0.03027 556 306 171 79
119 We're just glad he's keeping his head above water. 1.5967 0.03031 538 285 185 68
120 I liked it better when they just had security take you out. 1.5965 0.03027 575 314 179 82
121 One part inspiration, two parts perspiration. 1.5958 0.02994 522 290 161 71
122 Forget the glass ceiling, watch out for the liquid floor. 1.5941 0.03219 510 280 157 73
123 I knew he was in over his head. 1.5934 0.03008 519 280 174 65
124 We finally found the leak . 1.5922 0.03050 537 288 180 69
125 You don't want to be here when he turns himself into gas. 1.5895 0.03420 497 288 125 84
126 It’s year-end, Arthur. We are all struggling to keep our heads above water. 1.5894 0.03066 492 256 182 54
127 And when he said he was drowning in work, I didn't believe him. 1.5876 0.02900 531 293 171 66
128 Literally" and "figuratively" may be nearly the same to us, but not Bob 1.5870 0.03124 494 263 172 59
129 We put up cones, but people kept tripping on them. 1.5869 0.03316 472 260 147 65
130 Soon, he'll be in over his head! 1.5863 0.03163 510 279 163 68
131 And all this time I thought he was speaking metaphorically.... 1.5854 0.03206 533 302 150 81
132 Usually, he’s in over his head. 1.5833 0.03463 456 259 128 69
133 He's been wading through those documents for hours. 1.5830 0.03067 542 298 172 72
134 It's all that's left of the secretarial pool. 1.5828 0.03251 477 261 154 62
135 As you can see, there's a real sink-or-swim culture. 1.5823 0.03297 486 272 145 69
136 Liquidating sounds better than it looks. 1.5817 0.03461 447 252 130 65
137 Poor guy, he just got liquidated. 1.5816 0.03289 490 275 145 70
138 We could call the same guy who fixed the glass ceiling. 1.5810 0.04713 253 146 67 40
139 I asked him to organize the office pool. 1.5778 0.03459 450 256 128 66
140 I told him that his proposal wouldn't hold water. 1.5775 0.03230 471 257 156 58
141 Well, at least he isn't in over his head. 1.5771 0.03364 454 253 140 61
142 So, he WAS made out of ice, it wasn't just his personality. 1.5765 0.03202 451 255 138 58
143 Whoa, talk about being swamped! 1.5761 0.03289 460 253 149 58
144 His department is being dissolved. 1.5756 0.03417 450 254 133 63
145 That wax figure of Bob Mankoff was a bad idea from the start. 1.5753 0.03647 445 266 102 77
146 We haven’t determined if it’s a structural or existential issue. 1.5748 0.03583 428 247 116 65
147 The company's new liquidation policy is catching a few of us by surprise. 1.5732 0.03355 471 268 136 67
148 Sometimes the lawyers come up from the shark tank on the 9th floor. 1.5731 0.03641 417 242 111 64
149 It's a pity, he's just out of his depth here. 1.5724 0.03479 435 247 127 61
150 Bill exaggerates. He says he's drowning in paperwork when he's really only drowning near paperwork. 1.5701 0.03570 428 248 116 64
151 When I asked the company to liquidate our assets, I totally forgot about Bill. 1.5680 0.03531 412 233 124 55
152 Its a fluid situation 1.5679 0.03526 405 227 126 52
153 That's John. He's a Baptist. 1.5679 0.03678 405 236 108 61
154 Every time there's a system upgrade he has a meltdown. 1.5669 0.03555 411 234 121 56
155 That's Bob Mankoff. He used to be our cartoon editor. 1.5668 0.03736 404 239 101 64
156 At least it’s not a complete meltdown 1.5660 0.03395 447 254 133 60
157 That's not really what I envisioned when they said they were starting an office pool. 1.5657 0.03379 426 236 139 51
158 He’s in charge of liquidations. 1.5656 0.03513 442 258 118 66
159 Oh that, quicksand in a bag. Our lawyers wouldn't let us release it; but, we love to use it internally just for fun. 1.5644 0.03607 388 219 119 50
160 He's drowning NEXT TO paperwork. Not quite the same thing. 1.5644 0.03620 404 233 114 57
161 Anderson can't make the meeting. He's swamped. 1.5640 0.03572 406 232 119 55
162 His specialty is underwater mortgages 1.5632 0.03569 380 211 124 45
163 We’re liquidating old employees. 1.5619 0.03491 404 239 108 57
164 Nobody sweats a deadline like he does. 1.5614 0.03498 415 236 125 54
165 He lost his trunks an hour ago and the people downstairs are not happy 1.5614 0.03827 383 228 95 60
166 I'd throw him a rope but I am next in line for his corner office. 1.5614 0.03663 383 219 113 51
167 Third meltdown this week. 1.5609 0.03544 435 256 114 65
168 Looks like the boss is having another meltdown! 1.5599 0.03766 384 226 101 57
169 Frank has started his own office pool. 1.5598 0.03777 368 213 104 51
170 Its the advice we're giving our clients. Stay Liquid 1.5585 0.03619 376 212 118 46
171 Huh, always thought that was just an expression. 1.5579 0.03493 380 219 114 47
172 He read the financial statements and decided to immediately liquidate. 1.5571 0.03739 368 212 107 49
173 We have a fairly elaborate office prank culture. 1.5562 0.03794 356 205 104 47
174 It's the corporate sink hole 1.5562 0.03641 365 215 101 49
175 Everyday the same thing, Roger drowning in paperwork. 1.5558 0.03557 385 217 122 46
176 He comes from the temp pool. 1.5537 0.03594 363 202 121 40
177 He says he is drowning in paperwork, but clearly his head is still above water 1.5530 0.03521 396 225 123 48
178 Well done Dobbs. Better to melt down after the presentation than during! 1.5530 0.03329 434 252 127 55
179 I thought the papers just out of reach was a nice touch. 1.5524 0.03647 353 217 85 51
180 The office pool’s pretty small this year. 1.5515 0.03649 388 226 110 52
181 He's been swamped since we returned to the office. 1.5514 0.03715 350 198 111 41
182 Yikes! I thought “drowning in paperwork” was just a figure of speech. 1.5511 0.03891 352 208 94 50
183 He’s not in over his head yet. 1.5510 0.03621 392 228 112 52
184 He’s been treading water for years. 1.5510 0.03840 363 215 96 52
185 We've all been swamped lately 1.5493 0.03673 335 185 116 34
186 Poor Ken, can't ever seem to keep his head above water. 1.5483 0.03634 352 197 117 38
187 Exactly why I went paperless. 1.5478 0.03734 356 210 99 47
188 He's been treading water for weeks now. 1.5470 0.03575 351 194 122 35
189 It looks like he could use the corporate ladder. 1.5457 0.03805 328 186 105 37
190 I know we’ve all been busy but John has really struggled to keep his head above water. 1.5446 0.03706 325 180 113 32
191 It’s sad really. He’s just been treading water here for years. 1.5444 0.03786 360 212 100 48
192 When he said he was drowning in paperwork I had no idea! 1.5437 0.03764 355 207 103 45
193 I thought that office pools weren’t allowed anymore. 1.5437 0.03722 355 205 107 43
194 I picked it up at the Dali Museum. 1.5421 0.03918 321 186 96 39
195 Don't laugh. If anyone can keep this company afloat, it's him. 1.5413 0.03689 351 201 110 40
196 John, you really should see your urologist! 1.5408 0.03971 355 218 82 55
197 I don’t know what’s worse, the glass ceiling or the quicksand floor. 1.5407 0.03878 344 204 94 46
198 Maintenance says it's an Act of God, so they have no jurisdiction 1.5402 0.04190 311 189 76 46
199 Ted's old school and sometimes struggles to keep his head above water. 1.5396 0.03758 328 186 107 35
200 I always thought "drowning in paperwork" was only a metaphor. 1.5383 0.03643 392 234 105 53
201 The hiring freeze is over. 1.5378 0.03925 331 196 92 43
202 We offer men and women’s restrooms as well as an unfathomable void where time and gender have no meaning. 1.5364 0.04072 330 202 79 49
203 He told me he was swamped, but now he’s just being dramatic. 1.5362 0.03727 373 223 100 50
204 He is just having another one of his meltdowns. 1.5344 0.04028 320 192 85 43
205 He used to be adept at skating on thin ice, until global warming kicked in. 1.5335 0.04000 328 198 85 45
206 Wow, I thought it was just a figure of speech. 1.5329 0.03830 334 196 98 40
207 When Tom said he was swamped, he really meant it! 1.5329 0.03939 319 188 92 39
208 You're in luck. It looks like his office will be available soon. 1.5324 0.03882 293 165 100 28
209 I guess he is really drowning in paperwork 1.5317 0.03808 331 193 100 38
210 I've always thought entering the office pool was a bad idea. 1.5316 0.03497 348 201 112 35
211 They forgot to put out the ‘Caution: Wet Floor’ signs again. 1.5309 0.03795 324 202 78 44
212 Yeah, in this business it’s either sink or swim. 1.5307 0.03434 375 212 127 36
213 We've got to stop hiring snowmen. 1.5306 0.03954 343 210 84 49
214 WOW, what a melt down . 1.5299 0.03748 368 222 97 49
215 Big fish, little pond. 1.5298 0.04106 302 181 82 39
216 I don’t have the heart to tell him his deadline’s been extended. 1.5298 0.03770 302 184 82 36
217 We're a little stricter than most companies with their unvaccinated 1.5292 0.04334 291 180 68 43
218 He wanted to float some new ideas 1.5291 0.03793 344 204 98 42
219 He asked if there was an office pool. 1.5285 0.03886 333 199 92 42
220 I told him he was headed for a meltdown. 1.5283 0.03924 318 188 92 38
221 …and that’s Aaron, he manages our liquid assents. 1.5270 0.04224 296 181 74 41
222 Well, he was treading on thin ice... 1.5263 0.03804 323 188 100 35
223 Oh, he's just having one of his little meltdowns. 1.5263 0.03879 323 191 94 38
224 So you actually can drown in paperwork! 1.5258 0.03899 329 197 91 41
225 Looks like Fred's drowning in paperwork again. 1.5250 0.04200 280 167 79 34
226 Look at Jim. Just treading water until retirement. 1.5249 0.04063 301 180 84 37
227 Uh oh. Looks like they've called in the liquidators. 1.5245 0.04337 286 177 68 41
228 Once you're past 45, it's sink or swim. 1.5244 0.03950 307 181 91 35
229 Apparently he didn't want to join the office pool. 1.5243 0.03795 309 177 102 30
230 We also have a ping pong table and free snacks. 1.5238 0.04514 252 153 66 33
231 It started with a standing desk. 1.5238 0.04029 315 191 83 41
232 'I had no idea that accounting was so sink or swim' 1.5235 0.04121 298 180 80 38
233 This is Greg, our office metaphor. 1.5228 0.04263 285 174 73 38
234 Let’s go one floor down tie his shoes laces together. 1.5221 0.04387 272 167 68 37
235 Other than the tar pits, it's a great work environment. 1.5219 0.03932 320 192 89 39
236 Should we tell Garrison you're swamped and will be late for the meeting? 1.5208 0.04025 288 169 88 31
237 It was nicer when they used to offer them a package to leave. 1.5204 0.03917 319 191 90 38
238 Did he not understand sink or swim? 1.5201 0.04067 298 179 83 36
239 He really is drowning in paperwork! I didn't believe him at first. 1.5200 0.04019 300 179 86 35
240 The waterhole? It’s the opposite of the glass ceiling. 1.5197 0.04422 279 175 63 41
241 It gets pretty intense around here--gotta be careful not to get in over your head. 1.5197 0.04213 279 168 77 34
242 He's lucky, last week we lost Tom to the mailroom snake pit. 1.5193 0.04264 285 175 72 38
243 Whose turn was it to put Dave back in the freezer? 1.5185 0.04412 270 167 66 37
244 So that’s what they mean by sink or swim. 1.5183 0.03926 301 177 92 32
245 That's Carson, sometimes he just melts under pressure. 1.5182 0.03934 303 179 91 33
246 He’s Old School Management. Sink or Swim. 1.5179 0.04031 307 186 83 38
247 The office curse is that if you abuse the word "literally" then it actually happens. 1.5169 0.04171 296 182 75 39
248 Apparently it’s easier on the back than a traditional desk. 1.5165 0.04376 273 169 67 37
249 He started having meltdowns after the divorce. 1.5159 0.04108 283 169 82 32
250 It’s a sink or swim culture, but I’ve never seen anyone actually drown. 1.5146 0.04208 274 165 77 32
251 I guess he wasn’t kidding when he said he was drowning in paperwork. 1.5138 0.04431 253 154 68 31
252 Yeah, everyone warns of burn out, but melt downs are just as common, and far messier. 1.5134 0.04095 298 182 79 37
253 I would avoid the office pool. 1.5121 0.03820 330 199 93 38
254 If you think this is bad,over in Accounting the floor is lava. 1.5116 0.04436 258 159 66 33
255 Back in the day, it used to be the “secretarial pool” 1.5106 0.04026 282 177 70 35
256 That's our CEO. He thinks he walks on water. 1.5103 0.04348 290 185 62 43
257 I thought that only happened to wicked witches. 1.5102 0.04274 245 144 77 24
258 Pay no attention. It's just his weekly meltdown. 1.5101 0.04068 298 182 80 36
259 We may have a lead on who has been leaking information. 1.5075 0.04335 266 164 69 33
260 The new guy is barely staying afloat here. 1.5070 0.04006 284 169 86 29
261 I used to think I could walk on water too 1.5070 0.04137 286 175 77 34
262 I told them people would have meltdowns if we had to come back to the office. 1.5067 0.04178 298 187 71 40
263 And I thought it was just a tired cliché. 1.5061 0.04466 245 150 66 29
264 Apparently it saves a bundle on severance pay. 1.5056 0.04323 267 165 69 33
265 We can save him, or we can do a coin toss for his corner office. 1.5055 0.04322 275 172 67 36
266 Dave went to Yale. Around here he's a big fish in a small pond. 1.5042 0.04379 240 144 71 25
267 On the other hand, if we look the other way then I'm next in line for his corner office. 1.5039 0.04128 254 149 82 23
268 I'll drop him a line. 1.5038 0.04215 262 158 76 28
269 Last week,he claimed he was on fire. 1.5038 0.04458 264 167 61 36
270 When he screamed he was drowning in paperwork, I didn't take him literally. 1.5037 0.04056 270 160 84 26
271 He’s totally immersed in his work. 1.5034 0.04015 292 177 83 32
272 He sweats the small stuff. 1.5022 0.04668 231 144 58 29
273 Don’t make eye contact. It gives them hope. 1.5019 0.04034 259 151 86 22
274 It's made by the same company that created the stand-up desk. 1.5019 0.04413 265 167 63 35
275 Oh, that's Morris. He's always swamped. 1.5018 0.04156 273 166 77 30
276 He thought it was a glass ceiling. 1.5000 0.04344 268 168 66 34
277 In our company you either sink or swim 1.5000 0.04002 262 158 79 25
278 And this pathetic display is all that's left of the Typing Pool. 1.5000 0.04442 244 150 66 28
279 In this job you either sink or swim. 1.4983 0.03910 289 175 85 29
280 Now that people are coming back into the office, you may notice some changes. 1.4981 0.04180 265 161 76 28
281 He's the new pool reporter. 1.4980 0.04466 245 152 64 29
282 First day? 1.4978 0.04333 231 137 73 21
283 Coming back to work in the office has really been stressful for him; he's had a complete meltdown! 1.4962 0.04335 266 167 66 33
284 It isn’t just you, we are all treading water around here. 1.4962 0.03907 264 153 91 20
285 So he’s the one whose legs we saw downstairs. 1.4961 0.04203 254 153 76 25
286 I guess there really is such a thing as over-hydrating... 1.4958 0.04325 238 143 72 23
287 Water cooler conversations here are seldom that deep. 1.4958 0.04593 236 148 59 29
288 Yeh, it’s sink or swim around here. 1.4942 0.04321 259 161 68 30
289 And that's Kevin. Poor guy's been stuck in the temp pool forever. 1.4940 0.04225 249 150 75 24
290 He"s trying to pool our resources. 1.4939 0.04314 245 149 71 25
291 Like I said, it's sink or swim around here. 1.4936 0.04280 235 145 66 24
292 He keeps saying he's drowning in work. 1.4936 0.04364 235 142 70 23
293 Looks like he's swamped. 1.4936 0.04219 233 137 77 19
294 He does his best work in a fluid environment. 1.4934 0.04112 227 130 82 15
295 This never happens on Zoom 1.4933 0.04548 225 138 63 24
296 If they don't surface, we try the next candidate. 1.4920 0.04363 250 155 67 28
297 He warned me that he was having a melt down coming back to the office. 1.4917 0.04431 242 150 65 27
298 Don't worry about him. He has tenure. 1.4915 0.04141 234 144 68 22
299 Caution! Puddles on floor may be deeper than they appear. 1.4909 0.04440 220 132 68 20
300 Usually my clients fall through the cracks." 1.4906 0.03803 267 164 79 24
301 Poor Joe had another meltdown 1.4903 0.04107 259 156 79 24
302 Oh, no, another one of his meltdowns. 1.4887 0.04065 266 161 80 25
303 We got rid of the glass ceiling, but we still have a semi-permeable membrane. Watch your step. 1.4885 0.04670 217 135 58 24
304 I guess he won the office pool! 1.4876 0.04507 242 153 60 29
305 And I thought he was exaggerating when he said he was drowning in paperwork! 1.4862 0.04214 253 155 73 25
306 Tim has really worked his way up from the ground floor 1.4861 0.04085 251 150 80 21
307 Ok, maybe we can turn up the AC a little. 1.4852 0.04459 237 148 63 26
308 He's a floater. 1.4852 0.04337 237 145 69 23
309 He's not the only one drowning in paperwork. 1.4843 0.04420 223 138 63 22
310 The boss is in, if you don't mind wading. 1.4835 0.04544 242 155 57 30
311 We're trying to train him to go on the papers. 1.4828 0.04488 232 145 62 25
312 Note to future self. When they offer the golden parachute, take it. 1.4828 0.04488 232 145 62 25
313 His post-meeting meltdowns are epic 1.4823 0.04309 226 136 71 19
314 We're probably OK. It's the poor saps on the first and second floor who weren't prepared for climate change. 1.4802 0.04873 202 128 51 23
315 I’d give him a hand but he still insists everyone stay six feet apart. 1.4791 0.04512 215 132 63 20
316 I told him to take his time analyzing the liquidity statements, but he jumped in with both feet. 1.4791 0.04463 215 131 65 19
317 I forgot to mention our retirement plan. 1.4789 0.04826 213 137 50 26
318 Wow, and I thought I was drowning in paperwork. 1.4784 0.04141 232 143 69 20
319 No worries, Pat’s gender fluid. 1.4779 0.04825 226 149 46 31
320 I've seen meltdowns before, but... 1.4778 0.04543 203 123 63 17
321 Around here, we are old-school. We congregate at an actual watering hole. 1.4777 0.04404 224 145 54 25
322 He's really swamped this week. 1.4774 0.03829 266 170 70 26
323 So what’s your bet? Sink? Or Swim? 1.4774 0.04823 199 125 53 21
324 This is what happens when they change the bathroom code too often. 1.4773 0.05009 220 148 39 33
325 I thought I was swamped. 1.4770 0.04185 239 145 74 20
326 Yep. It's sink or swim here at Acme Inc. 1.4764 0.04606 212 132 59 21
327 It's a sink or swim culture here 1.4760 0.04655 229 148 53 28
328 There is, of course, some liquidity risk. 1.4752 0.04290 242 153 64 25
329 Drowning in work!" he always says. Guy will do anything to make a point 1.4744 0.04881 215 141 46 28
330 I thought going underwater was a metaphor 1.4742 0.04589 213 133 59 21
331 If he was really drowning in work, wouldn’t there be more papers? 1.4741 0.04568 232 149 56 27
332 That's Larry. Just ignore him. Always complaining he's swamped. 1.4739 0.04905 211 138 46 27
333 I tried to tell him about the office pool, but he said he didn’t follow football 1.4737 0.04846 209 135 49 25
334 He's working on the La Brea project. 1.4737 0.04701 190 120 50 19
335 Feels like we're all walking on thin ice these days. 1.4726 0.04838 201 128 51 22
336 That's Claude. He likes to immerse himself in his work. 1.4726 0.04166 237 149 66 22
337 Rumor has it that years ago, this room was called the typing pool. 1.4724 0.04715 199 124 56 19
338 He's spread himself too thin. 1.4722 0.04683 216 138 54 24
339 I don’t get his jokes either. 1.4709 0.03958 223 154 43 26
340 You know over at Google they have an entire pool. 1.4699 0.04259 249 157 67 25
341 It's global warming. He used to be in our cryogenics division. 1.4698 0.04652 215 142 47 26
342 I guess they should've believed him when he said he was swamped. 1.4696 0.04513 230 147 58 25
343 He's drowning in debt and wallowing in self-pity. 1.4693 0.04456 228 144 61 23
344 Poor Josh, I heard he was having a meltdown. 1.4684 0.04415 237 151 61 25
345 You'll be replacing him... 1.4682 0.04838 220 146 45 29
346 He's rehearsing the conclusion of his speech on global warming. 1.4680 0.04751 203 129 53 21
347 It just looks like a glass ceiling from downstairs. 1.4679 0.04558 218 138 58 22
348 Looks like George’s new diuretic is working… 1.4677 0.05123 186 121 43 22
349 He hasn't realized the more you struggle the worse it gets. 1.4673 0.04767 199 126 53 20
350 We’re moving away from cubicles. 1.4670 0.04844 182 113 53 16
351 Jameson's probably not long for this company. I mean, he can barely keep his head above water. 1.4670 0.04856 197 126 50 21
352 I have a sinking feeling that our 2 o'clock is canceled. 1.4661 0.03363 221 143 63 15
353 You should see the typing pool. 1.4652 0.05102 187 122 43 22
354 You have to give it to Johnson, his meltdowns are epic. 1.4646 0.04675 198 124 56 18
355 It's the new art installation. At first we called it "Drowning in Paperwork", then "Just Treading Water", after that "Coming Up for Air". But we finally decided to call it "Reality". 1.4641 0.04533 237 155 54 28
356 He said he was drowning in a sea of paperwork. 1.4641 0.04395 209 133 57 19
357 Buried? We prefer the phrase, 'immersed.' 1.4641 0.05048 181 116 46 19
358 It could be worse: he could be up to his ass in alligators. 1.4637 0.04836 179 111 53 15
359 I guess we should have listened when he said he was drowning in work. 1.4634 0.04914 205 135 45 25
360 HR would prefer that we say he's "struggling aquatically" in paperwork. 1.4631 0.04875 203 135 43 25
361 He says he's drowning in work, but it looks like he's able to keep his head above water. 1.4623 0.04547 199 123 60 16
362 That's Wilson. Boss told him it's 'sink or swim'. 1.4623 0.04765 199 127 52 20
363 That’s your predecessor. He’ll be gone soon. 1.4619 0.04825 210 138 47 25
364 Corporate Quicksand. He was warned. 1.4615 0.04130 221 143 58 20
365 I can’t figure out if he’s drowning in paperwork or sinking in debt. 1.4615 0.04665 208 133 54 21
366 He always complains about drowning in paperwork . 1.4612 0.04797 206 134 49 23
367 I'm busy too, but you don't see me being so dramatic about it. 1.4608 0.04571 217 139 56 22
368 Did you have to call us in for this, Jerry? It could have been an email. 1.4608 0.04731 217 145 45 27
369 I have this sinking feeling I'm next 1.4608 0.04782 204 132 50 22
370 It's not the heat. It's the humidity. 1.4604 0.04765 202 130 51 21
371 It's the old secretarial pool. 1.4596 0.04673 198 125 55 18
372 We have an office pool going on how long he'll take to get out. 1.4589 0.04553 207 133 54 20
373 His resume said he could walk on water. 1.4579 0.04616 214 138 54 22
374 Now you know how the job opened up. 1.4574 0.04670 188 117 56 15
375 I suggested that he put a toe in first. 1.4574 0.04029 223 141 65 17
376 Okay, those waivers they had us sign when we joined are starting to make more sense 1.4573 0.04709 199 127 53 19
377 At this firm, you either sink or swim. 1.4573 0.04972 199 132 43 24
378 Like I said he’s drowning in paperwork. 1.4569 0.04633 197 124 56 17
379 He's the CEO of liquidations. 1.4560 0.05084 182 119 43 20
380 Mondays, eh Jim? 1.4560 0.04701 193 122 54 17
381 He’s been on thin ice with management for quite a while. 1.4555 0.04341 191 117 62 12
382 Don’t be fooled. It’s not as quick as you might think. 1.4554 0.04442 202 125 62 15
383 His 'drowning in paperwork' excuse appears to hold water. 1.4550 0.04898 211 142 42 27
384 He's a great colleague, but I wish we didn't have to spend so much time mopping up after him. 1.4545 0.05021 176 113 46 17
385 Oh, and Ignore Jenkins. You'll find he spends most of his time in wallowing in that pool of self-pity." 1.4541 0.04690 218 144 49 25
386 I guess drowning in paperwork is actually a thing. 1.4521 0.04962 188 123 45 20
387 Hey, it's sink or swim in this economy 1.4516 0.04884 186 120 48 18
388 There's such a thing as TOO MUCH liquidity! 1.4516 0.04472 217 139 58 20
389 As you can see, this quarter, we have been trying to keep afloat. 1.4516 0.04512 186 114 60 12
390 If you’re ever feeling hopeless midday, you can use our pit of despair here by the coffee machine. 1.4515 0.04891 206 138 43 25
391 Marketing's not so bad, in Advertising they have quicksand. 1.4515 0.04642 206 133 53 20
392 He's coming up from Dante's Ninth Circle of Hell. Or as we call it, accounting. 1.4513 0.04831 195 127 48 20
393 I think he's gotten himself in too deep with this project. 1.4513 0.04776 195 126 50 19
394 Finally! Drowning in the sea of his own incompetence! 1.4510 0.04975 204 138 40 26
395 He has a meltdown at least once a week 1.4506 0.05034 162 102 47 13
396 We need to get that fixed but the paperwork is a nightmare 1.4503 0.04615 191 120 56 15
397 Watch out! He's having a meltdown! 1.4498 0.04369 229 150 56 23
398 Turns out Bob was a witch. 1.4497 0.04557 189 130 38 21
399 And here's our retirement plan. 1.4495 0.04596 218 143 52 23
400 The airconditioning broke, and that's when we found out Bob was made of ice cream. 1.4495 0.04830 198 130 47 21
401 He'll soon be in over his head. 1.4495 0.04266 198 125 59 14
402 We're still draining the swamp from the last administration. 1.4495 0.04500 198 124 59 15
403 He's never done well in the office pool. 1.4491 0.04437 216 138 59 19
404 That's Professor Rojo, he heads the molecular transport team. 1.4486 0.04901 185 120 47 18
405 He claims to be drowning in paper work. 1.4480 0.04504 221 144 55 22
406 Our break room offers a deeper experience than just coffee. 1.4472 0.05130 161 103 44 14
407 His specialty is liquidity. 1.4466 0.04404 206 132 57 17
408 They just liquidated the accounting department. 1.4463 0.05486 177 123 29 25
409 Boy, those chalk artists make everything look so real! 1.4457 0.05165 175 116 40 19
410 He said we're only scratching the surface and need to take a deeper dive. 1.4457 0.04699 175 109 54 12
411 He had a bit of a meltdown. 1.4457 0.04476 184 113 60 11
412 He told me that he was drowning at work 1.4455 0.04758 202 133 48 21
413 Roger is having a meltdown. 1.4450 0.04739 200 131 49 20
414 He said he was literally drowning in work and i said , Jim, I think you mean "figuratively" . . . 1.4450 0.04641 209 137 51 21
415 That's Phil. He's always drowning in paperwork. 1.4444 0.04415 207 131 60 16
416 We've got a solid team here. Well, except for Jeff. 1.4439 0.04977 187 124 43 20
417 He is today's pool reporter. 1.4438 0.05162 178 119 39 20
418 You know , that's us in 20 years. 1.4438 0.04712 178 112 53 13
419 Oh, that's the auditor. He asked to see all of our liquid assets. 1.4432 0.04652 185 117 54 14
420 He never listens, I told him to create an office FOOTBALL pool! 1.4432 0.05078 176 116 42 18
421 There's a guy who's in need of a raise. 1.4429 0.04623 210 138 51 21
422 They only struggle at the beginning. And then we get their offices. 1.4420 0.04412 224 146 57 21
423 Just ignore him. This is his third meltdown this week. 1.4415 0.04956 188 125 43 20
424 I thought I told the new guy to get his FEET wet. 1.4407 0.04795 177 113 50 14
425 Bill's great at keeping his head above water. 1.4407 0.04301 177 116 48 13
426 Do you ask this many questions on every tour? 1.4404 0.04861 193 128 45 20
427 You heard him at the meeting. I knew that he was a step away from going off the deep end! 1.4402 0.04537 209 136 54 19
428 Wow! A true meltdown! 1.4392 0.04761 189 123 49 17
429 It's the new retirement plan. When you reach 65, you get dissolved. 1.4386 0.05315 171 116 35 20
430 Some other perks are free coffee all day, casual Fridays, and a natural hot spring. 1.4385 0.04797 187 122 48 17
431 As I was saying, we’re literally drowning in work. 1.4375 0.05146 160 104 42 14
432 He asked to be assigned to the secretarial pool. 1.4371 0.04992 167 108 45 14
433 Ed kept saying he was drowning in his work, but I didn't know it was that bad. 1.4359 0.04822 195 130 45 20
434 Don’t worry about it. It’s just a metaphor. 1.4353 0.05136 170 113 40 17
435 I knew he was busy, but when he said he was drowning in paperwork... 1.4348 0.04717 207 139 46 22
436 That's what happens when you provide too much liquidity. 1.4348 0.04663 184 123 44 17
437 That's Harry. He covers global warming. 1.4348 0.05031 184 124 40 20
438 Just ignore him. Simon's been insufferable since winning the office pool. 1.4346 0.04780 191 126 47 18
439 That's Jack. He's one of the office metaphors. 1.4345 0.05180 168 112 39 17
440 He's liquid. Just not solvent. 1.4343 0.04963 175 115 44 16
441 In a crisis he always manages to keep his head above water. 1.4343 0.04620 175 110 54 11
442 Live by the water cooler, Die by the water cooler. 1.4341 0.04466 182 126 38 18
443 We're all overworked, but Stan's always such a drama queen about it. 1.4340 0.05089 159 103 43 13
444 We just liquidated his department and he refused to leave. 1.4339 0.04515 189 120 56 13
445 I’ve never seen him have such a complete meltdown before 1.4337 0.04910 196 133 41 22
446 We asked him to pool his resources. 1.4333 0.04989 180 120 42 18
447 You are his replacement. 1.4329 0.05053 164 107 43 14
448 The guy used to be a rainmaker. 1.4329 0.04787 164 111 38 15
449 wow, this truly is a sink or swim business" 1.4315 0.04617 197 129 51 17
450 I shouldn't have mocked his grammar when his said he was literally swamped. 1.4315 0.04645 197 132 46 19
451 That's the third one this week. You'd think facilities would put up a sign. 1.4308 0.04707 195 129 48 18
452 The new Koi pond in the office is not as calming as we hoped. 1.4303 0.05102 165 109 41 15
453 I told him he was on thin ice around here. 1.4294 0.04984 177 118 42 17
454 Most of us just use it as a metaphor. 1.4286 0.04312 217 141 59 17
455 I prefer the stairs. 1.4277 0.05065 173 116 40 17
456 We're lucky - it's only sink or swim for senior managers. 1.4271 0.04144 192 123 58 11
457 That's the new guy,Wade. 1.4268 0.05207 157 104 39 14
458 Over hydrated. 1.4268 0.05207 157 104 39 14
459 Rumor has it that somebody from the department has been leaking information. 1.4255 0.04887 188 127 42 19
460 Technically, he’s drowning near paperwork. 1.4253 0.04976 174 116 42 16
461 I guess he was serious when he said he was 'drowning in work'' 1.4251 0.05054 167 111 41 15
462 Drowning in paperwork has a whole new meaning. 1.4241 0.05063 158 106 38 14
463 If Jim offers to pool resources, walk away. 1.4238 0.05514 151 103 32 16
464 Ok, Dan we get it! You’re drowning in paperwork. 1.4237 0.04781 177 116 47 14
465 And he still refuses the vaccine. 1.4236 0.05450 144 96 35 13
466 Don't worry. Its not that deep. 1.4231 0.04729 156 98 50 8
467 Maybe we should be taking the company's liquidity issues more seriously. 1.4228 0.05144 149 97 41 11
468 It's weird up here, but I feel terrible for the people on the floor below. 1.4220 0.05060 173 117 39 17
469 But on the other hand, I really want his office. 1.4214 0.05155 159 106 39 14
470 They say 'no man is an island,' but John keeps trying. 1.4213 0.05020 178 121 39 18
471 It looks like they're liquidating his role. 1.4211 0.04846 190 129 42 19
472 He's immersed in his work. 1.4208 0.04418 202 132 55 15
473 And that’s John. He’s been swamped since the mid-‘90’s 1.4207 0.04616 164 106 48 10
474 Someone should've told him about the pit of dispair. 1.4207 0.05594 145 99 31 15
475 He's been drowning in work ever since we came back to the office. 1.4205 0.05188 176 122 34 20
476 He’s the Salvador Dalí of accounting. 1.4198 0.05379 162 112 32 18
477 Some of the old guys have a melt down when we make them go from paper memos to text messaging. 1.4195 0.05103 174 119 37 18
478 Do we still need the caution sign? 1.4195 0.04624 174 112 51 11
479 The treadmill desk was too hard on his knees 1.4194 0.05558 155 108 29 18
480 Don't worry, you've got at least 3 years before that's you. 1.4192 0.04521 167 105 54 8
481 That's Steve. He's always drowning in paperwork. 1.4184 0.04450 196 128 54 14
482 I told them to give him an office closer to the mens' room. 1.4173 0.05676 139 95 30 14
483 He said " I'm just treading water in this job." 1.4162 0.04501 185 120 53 12
484 No man is an island? 1.4161 0.05137 149 98 40 11
485 That chalk artist was here again. 1.4161 0.05919 137 96 25 16
486 Try to ignore Carl, he’ll just suck you into his drama. 1.4155 0.05586 142 97 31 14
487 He spilled water on his shirt, and the next thing I heard was “I’m melting.” 1.4155 0.05217 142 93 39 10
488 I think he's the liquidated asset manager. 1.4151 0.04747 159 102 48 9
489 First, it was the standing desk. And now . . . 1.4148 0.04859 176 118 43 15
490 They're saving money by replacing golden parachutes with a sinkhole. 1.4148 0.05119 176 122 35 19
491 He thinks he can walk on water. 1.4146 0.05036 164 110 40 14
492 He's still working on the perspiration to inspiraton ratio. 1.4145 0.05065 152 100 41 11
493 I knew he'd get in over his head the moment we went back to working in the office. 1.4145 0.05317 152 103 35 14
494 He discovered the Universal Solvent before he discovered something to keep it in. 1.4143 0.05734 140 97 28 15
495 Ironically, underneath him is a glass ceiling. 1.4142 0.05208 169 117 34 18
496 He was always complaining that they'd leave him high and dry 1.4140 0.04612 157 99 51 7
497 Isn’t that the previous cartoon editor at the New Yorker? 1.4138 0.05323 145 97 36 12
498 He's taking this office pool thing way too seriously. 1.4132 0.04971 167 112 41 14
499 He’s the loser in the office pool. 1.4121 0.04938 165 110 42 13
500 We all like to prank Jerry, but the nightly plumbing crew has really outdone themselves this time. 1.4118 0.05183 170 118 34 18
501 He's really stepped in it this time. 1.4118 0.05124 153 102 39 12
502 We also have a work from puddle option. 1.4113 0.05237 141 93 38 10
503 It's sink or swim at our company. 1.4110 0.04824 163 107 45 11
504 Oh, don’t worry about Ed. Guy’s been treading water with this company for years. 1.4107 0.05019 168 114 39 15
505 He’s taken ‘pooling our resources’ to a new level. 1.4106 0.05170 151 101 38 12
506 Madam Tussaud’s isn’t going to like this 1.4088 0.05516 159 113 27 19
507 Yeah, Jim won the new office pool. Be careful what you wish for. 1.4085 0.05013 142 92 42 8
508 Drowning in paperwork? More like thirsting for attention. 1.4079 0.05143 152 102 38 12
509 This is an improvement. He’s usually in over his head. 1.4076 0.05493 157 111 28 18
510 They take 'publish or perish' pretty seriously here. 1.4074 0.05691 135 93 29 13
511 Talk about a meltdown! 1.4071 0.05258 140 93 37 10
512 Maybe we should spend less time around the water cooler. Just sayin... 1.4070 0.04861 172 116 42 14
513 Poor Bob--always drowning in paperwork. 1.4070 0.04791 172 115 44 13
514 I warned him that project was going to be a quagmire. 1.4069 0.05132 145 96 39 10
515 Self pity,it’s a terrible thing. 1.4062 0.05193 160 110 35 15
516 Poor George!! He’s drowning in Paperwork!! 1.4062 0.05116 160 109 37 14
517 You should've seen him when he said he was 'buried.' 1.4062 0.04960 160 107 41 12
518 A piece of advice. Don't take that case. I heard everyone who handled it ended up in a quagmire. 1.4061 0.05005 165 112 39 14
519 I'd sweat too if I had to put out our company's annual report. 1.4057 0.05002 175 121 37 17
520 We also make reasonable accommodations. 1.4056 0.05635 143 100 28 15
521 There’s no glass ceiling, but there is a semi-liquid floor. 1.4054 0.04874 148 96 44 8
522 Looks like Walt's going all-in with this incontinence product pitch. 1.4051 0.05002 158 106 40 12
523 And he still won't delegate. 1.4051 0.05465 158 112 28 18
524 He’ll never make it here if he keeps drowning in his work 1.4048 0.05425 126 83 35 8
525 We like to describe our company culture as a melting pot 1.4048 0.05766 126 86 29 11
526 He's working on a flood insurance case.Wait'll you see him working on an arson case. 1.4048 0.04283 168 113 45 10
527 HR moved him from human asset to liquid asset. 1.4046 0.04976 173 119 38 16
528 It is still better than what I stepped in last week in the board room. 1.4043 0.05228 141 94 37 10
529 of course, mind the pool of existential dread, it just comes with the territory 1.4043 0.04242 188 131 42 15
530 Poor guy, drowning in work. 1.4041 0.05104 146 97 39 10
531 You asked for a new worker from the pool, did you not? 1.4038 0.04963 156 104 41 11
532 I see the new intern is keeping his head above water. 1.4038 0.05207 156 107 35 14
533 The boss said if he wins the Mackey account he can get it heated. 1.4037 0.04857 161 107 43 11
534 Oh, don’t mind him. He’s drowning in paperwork. 1.4036 0.04756 166 110 45 11
535 He always seems to be drowning in paperwork. 1.4036 0.04679 166 109 47 10
536 This is relatively mundane for him. Last time it was a wormhole. 1.4034 0.04779 176 119 43 14
537 Poor guy, this is the third time he has had to change states for this job.. 1.4029 0.05567 139 96 30 13
538 No worries -- our CFO always does a deep dive at fiscal year-end. 1.4025 0.05288 159 111 32 16
539 I guess Ted really is drowning in work after all. 1.4014 0.04890 147 96 43 8
540 They say it gets deeper the longer you procrastinate. 1.4013 0.05302 152 105 33 14
541 That’s a risk you take when you refuse to go paperless. 1.4011 0.04794 182 125 41 16
542 He's the new guy from the steno pool. 1.4000 0.04834 145 94 44 7
543 I told you he was heading for a meltdown. 1.4000 0.05484 145 101 30 14
544 Johnson should have known that assignment was way over his head! 1.4000 0.05094 150 101 38 11
545 We should ask Joe to put up the "Caution: Wet Floor" sign. 1.4000 0.05123 145 97 38 10
546 And here’s the thing: he used to complain about drowning in paper. 1.4000 0.04540 155 104 42 9
547 Glass Ceiling meets Thin Ice Floor 1.4000 0.04527 145 96 42 7
548 All I'm suggesting is the break room sinkhole at least be considered a contributing factor to our worker shortage 1.4000 0.05351 150 104 32 14
549 We hired you because Bob is drowning in work. 1.3989 0.04646 183 124 45 14
550 This new art installation isn’t really doing it for me. 1.3988 0.04691 173 116 45 12
551 I told Ted liquidating his assets probably wasn't a smart move." 1.3988 0.05040 163 112 37 14
552 … and sometimes you find out your project’s underwater. 1.3987 0.05075 158 108 37 13
553 Bob, just use the elevator. 1.3987 0.05108 153 104 37 12
554 He just got in from Glasgow. 1.3987 0.04182 153 109 33 11
555 Look, another new hire. Welcome aboard! 1.3986 0.05229 148 101 35 12
556 He did say he was swamped. 1.3986 0.05074 143 95 39 9
557 He always said he was drowning in paperwork. 1.3986 0.05198 138 92 37 9
558 I want the promotion, but I think John needs a raise more. 1.3985 0.05330 133 89 35 9
559 When he said he was in "career quicksand," this is not what I imagined. 1.3976 0.05047 166 115 36 15
560 I mean we all die at some point, don't we? Sometimes needlessly and horrifically. Anyway, when can you start? 1.3973 0.05277 146 100 34 12
561 When can you start? It looks like something just opened up on the ground floor. 1.3972 0.05593 141 99 28 14
562 I've heard of folks complaining about drowning in paperwork, but this is ridiculous! 1.3969 0.05701 131 91 28 12
563 He should have left years ago before they pulled the plug. 1.3966 0.04946 174 121 37 16
564 Get out while you can. Tewksbury’s just treading water. 1.3963 0.05015 164 113 37 14
565 He’s the CFO, been saying for a while he’s doing all he can to keep things afloat. 1.3962 0.04723 159 105 45 9
566 He made an entire career of just treading water. 1.3961 0.05081 154 105 37 12
567 That’s our climate consultant Ralph. He only shows up during high tides 1.3961 0.05081 154 105 37 12
568 That's Mitch - he runs our office pools. 1.3958 0.05418 144 100 31 13
569 Well, they call it quicksand but the elevator is still faster. 1.3958 0.05418 144 100 31 13
570 He's been drowning in work ever since they got rid of the secretarial pool. 1.3955 0.04818 177 122 40 15
571 I can’t decide if he’s an anachronism or an allegory. 1.3953 0.05657 129 89 29 11
572 He's been talking about going into liquidation for a while now. 1.3952 0.05164 167 118 32 17
573 This is that moment of life when you either sink or swim. 1.3949 0.05328 157 111 30 16
574 Intern rule #1: Never bother the boss. He's always swamped. 1.3946 0.05068 147 99 38 10
575 Office meltdowns are a bit more common post-COVID. 1.3944 0.05285 142 97 34 11
576 Ted's been reading about the importance of staying hydrated at work. 1.3944 0.05378 142 98 32 12
577 Apparently it is leftover from the old days when there was a secretarial pool. 1.3939 0.05208 165 117 31 17
578 His writing has become much more fluid 1.3939 0.04991 165 114 37 14
579 Oh, that's just bob." 1.3939 0.04840 132 87 39 6
580 Joe's a bit swamped. 1.3934 0.05014 122 78 40 4
581 Yes, you will get hazard pay. 1.3933 0.05426 150 106 29 15
582 He must have forgotten about the typing pool. 1.3933 0.04927 178 125 36 17
583 I hear he was messing around in the steno pool and couldn’t find his way out. 1.3931 0.05206 145 99 35 11
584 Boomers love their office pools. 1.3929 0.04830 140 91 43 6
585 He ignored science. 1.3929 0.05525 140 98 29 13
586 It’s that newest HR character test: Will we toss him a lifeline, or just stare in frozen wonder? 1.3929 0.05139 140 94 37 9
587 He's finally learned to keep his head above water. 1.3926 0.04722 163 109 44 10
588 We've been absorbed by a bigger company...well, at least Bob has. 1.3926 0.05768 135 96 25 14
589 I can't tell if he's treading water or pooling his resources. 1.3923 0.05405 130 88 33 9
590 He was always struggling to stay afloat. 1.3923 0.04822 130 88 35 7
591 We call him the Teacher from the New Lagoon. 1.3916 0.05348 143 99 32 12
592 Ah, so that's the opposite of the glass ceiling. 1.3916 0.04966 166 115 37 14
593 It seemed only fair to dissolve the glass ceiling. 1.3913 0.04677 161 107 45 9
594 That's our current talent pool 1.3913 0.04840 161 109 41 11
595 We told him this job would be sink or swim. 1.3913 0.05075 161 112 35 14
596 Mort is in charge of liquid assets. 1.3913 0.05387 138 95 32 11
597 I guess he meant it when he said he wanted more liquidity. 1.3908 0.04802 174 120 40 14
598 I always thought "drowning in paperwork" was just a manner of speaking! 1.3907 0.05396 151 107 29 15
599 I'm all for modern art but someone is going to trip over this. 1.3906 0.05789 128 90 26 12
600 Another work related meltdown. 1.3901 0.05208 141 96 35 10
601 He was our Global Warming expert. 1.3901 0.05492 141 99 29 13
602 Looks like Frank had a REALLY bad meltdown. 1.3897 0.05131 136 91 37 8
603 Quite the meltdown! 1.3889 0.05036 144 97 38 9
604 He just came back from covering COP26. Don't think it went well.... 1.3889 0.05517 126 86 31 9
605 Yeah,I saw that episode of X-Files too. 1.3889 0.05631 126 87 29 10
606 and he said I was wet behind my ears 1.3885 0.05640 139 99 26 14
607 We all thought his liquid assets were safe. 1.3885 0.04736 139 90 44 5
608 You have to be fluid if you want to succeed here. 1.3884 0.05551 121 82 31 8
609 Tim has been drowning in work lately. 1.3882 0.05117 152 105 35 12
610 We ignored the warning signs. We just thought he was one of those idiots that uses "literally" incorrectly. 1.3878 0.05239 147 102 33 12
611 …and that’s the typing pool 1.3878 0.04773 147 97 43 7
612 Probably a career ender. The board said his approach wouldn't hold water. 1.3876 0.05426 129 88 32 9
613 Portal's back. 1.3871 0.06028 124 89 22 13
614 It’s a tough job - sink or swim! 1.3865 0.04948 163 113 37 13
615 Is this your first day? 1.3862 0.05287 145 101 32 12
616 When he said he was drowning in paperwork, I assumed it was a metaphor. 1.3862 0.05287 145 101 32 12
617 He used to walk on water, but it’s been a while. 1.3858 0.05367 127 86 33 8
618 Who even uses paper anymore? 1.3857 0.05128 140 95 36 9
619 He has made a career of treading water. 1.3856 0.05256 153 108 31 14
620 The worst part is that he didn't put on page numbers. 1.3852 0.05515 122 83 31 8
621 At home, he worked in his jacuzzi. 1.3852 0.05360 135 93 32 10
622 He live streams all his meetings. 1.3852 0.05256 135 92 34 9
623 If only his melting point were as high as his IQ 1.3851 0.05030 148 101 37 10
624 Yeah, that's Phil from our Sydney office. He likes to pop in every now and then. 1.3846 0.05429 143 101 29 13
625 He never knows when to ask for help. 1.3846 0.06051 117 83 23 11
626 Pay no attention. Fred's an excellent swimmer. 1.3846 0.05150 143 98 35 10
627 That's Prof. Williams- he periodically checks if he can walk on water. 1.3846 0.05502 130 90 30 10
628 That’s the penalty for saying “literally” when you really mean “figuratively.” 1.3846 0.05519 143 102 27 14
629 He is the resident particle physics professor, he's done this before. Just step around him. 1.3842 0.04870 177 125 36 16
630 so much for his dry spell 1.3841 0.05664 138 99 25 14
631 Never dip your toe in corporate liquidation. 1.3836 0.05110 159 112 33 14
632 Fred's really drowning in work these days 1.3836 0.04885 146 98 40 8
633 I guess he didn't see the exceptionally wet floor sign. 1.3830 0.05389 141 99 30 12
634 And this is the wading room. 1.3828 0.05669 128 90 27 11
635 Well, it looks like Vernon was telling the truth, after all. He really is swimming in paperwork. 1.3824 0.05429 136 95 30 11
636 Do you think we should help?" "Oh, don't mind Literal Larry. Right now, he's drowning in work. It's when he's 'on fire' that we need to worry. 1.3824 0.05674 136 100 21 15
637 I told him it was sink or swim. 1.3821 0.05717 123 86 27 10
638 Boy, the data leak really is gonna be the death of him 1.3819 0.05215 144 100 33 11
639 We knew shipping delays would cause a total meltdown. 1.3818 0.05773 110 75 28 7
640 It's only a trompe de l'eau. 1.3813 0.05246 139 96 33 10
641 He wasn’t kidding when he said he was drowning in paperwork! 1.3810 0.05387 126 86 32 8
642 It's fun. The newbies think it's just a puddle. 1.3810 0.05618 126 88 28 10
643 He likes to pretend to be drowning in work. 1.3807 0.04245 176 116 53 7
644 Ted always organizes the office pools. 1.3804 0.04862 163 113 38 12
645 This is why I avoid heated arguments. 1.3803 0.05450 142 101 28 13
646 I'm not sure. I think he's the global warming denier. 1.3802 0.05411 121 82 32 7
647 That’s not what I meant when I asked if you would like to be part of our office pool. 1.3796 0.05687 137 99 24 14
648 Don't worry. Phil always has a minor meltdown when he gets a report that's not been stapled properly. 1.3793 0.05367 145 103 29 13
649 It freezes over during winter. 1.3793 0.05698 116 80 28 8
650 Talk about immersed in your work! 1.3791 0.04729 153 103 42 8
651 I say - isn’t Corporate taking this sink or swim approach a bit far?” 1.3790 0.05562 124 86 29 9
652 Stand up desks are so passé. 1.3789 0.04980 161 113 35 13
653 We're all drowning in paperwork Pearson, quit the histrionics. 1.3788 0.05327 132 91 32 9
654 I guess it's time to liquidate. 1.3788 0.05539 132 93 28 11
655 Welcome aboard-we’ve just been swamped. 1.3786 0.05596 140 101 25 14
656 Apparently he's making a splash since joining the labor pool. 1.3784 0.04737 148 99 42 7
657 He said he was drowning. I thought he meant in paperwork. 1.3782 0.05468 119 81 31 7
658 They’re allowing men in the secretarial pool, now. 1.3782 0.05722 119 83 27 9
659 Its always sink or swim around here 1.3780 0.05053 127 92 25 10
660 I told him that account was a quagmire. 1.3779 0.04894 172 122 35 15
661 The new Dean calls it Going With the Flow.” 1.3770 0.05622 122 85 28 9
662 I've never seen anybody so immersed in their work. 1.3770 0.05622 122 85 28 9
663 I think these trompe-l'oeil pieces are more effective on the sidewalk. 1.3770 0.05500 122 84 30 8
664 Lately I feel like I've just been treading water at work. 1.3768 0.04954 138 93 38 7
665 He did mention he had been drowning in work. 1.3768 0.05163 138 95 34 9
666 Pretend you don’t see him. 1.3767 0.04969 146 100 37 9
667 When you have finished gathering around the water cooler, you can always join the office pool. 1.3766 0.04882 154 106 38 10
668 Looks like Paul has taken that liquid diet a little too far. 1.3761 0.05943 109 76 25 8
669 He decided to be part of the solution. 1.3761 0.06157 117 85 20 12
670 That's the primordial pool from which middle management evolves. You'll want to steer clear of that. 1.3760 0.05287 125 85 33 7
671 Yeah, Mr. Drowning-In-Paperwork also had to be Talked-Off-the Ledge last week. 1.3759 0.05607 133 95 26 12
672 Say Hi to Bob. He's in charge of the office pool. 1.3759 0.05074 133 90 36 7
673 Watermarks used to be subtle 1.3759 0.05074 133 90 36 7
674 We've started converting most of our liquid assets. 1.3759 0.05074 133 90 36 7
675 Some of us around here find it easier to keep our heads above water than others. 1.3759 0.05294 133 92 32 9
676 He is just trying to keep his head above water. 1.3759 0.05087 141 97 35 9
677 Career-wise he’s circling the drain. 1.3758 0.04992 149 103 36 10
678 Phil always said he was drowning at work. I thought it was a metaphor. 1.3758 0.04901 157 109 37 11
679 That's what happens when you liquify your assets too quickly. 1.3750 0.05417 136 96 29 11
680 It's what left of the old typing pool. 1.3750 0.05315 136 95 31 10
681 ...and I remember when JAWS was scary! 1.3750 0.05106 136 93 35 8
682 I've been asking maintenance to fix that spot on the carpet for months. 1.3750 0.05315 136 95 31 10
683 It’s publish or perish. 1.3750 0.05517 136 97 27 12
684 He did mention he was swimming in work. 1.3750 0.05011 152 106 35 11
685 The outdoor pool is bigger. 1.3741 0.05036 147 102 35 10
686 I always wondered what happened when you pushed the red lever. 1.3741 0.05031 139 95 36 8
687 He’s barely keeping his head above water around here 1.3740 0.05122 131 89 35 7
688 The new guy is really swamped. 1.3740 0.05122 131 89 35 7
689 He's taking "drowning in work" to a whole new level. 1.3739 0.05587 115 79 29 7
690 I think the office pool has gotten out of hand. 1.3735 0.04940 166 118 34 14
691 He refused to click on 'Go Paperless'." 1.3732 0.05156 142 99 33 10
692 I hate the Dali knockoffs. 1.3730 0.05604 126 89 27 10
693 It's an opportunity to join an incredible pool of talent! 1.3730 0.05373 126 87 31 8
694 Ever seen a case of the Mondays? 1.3727 0.05899 110 77 25 8
695 He's swamped. 1.3723 0.05284 137 96 31 10
696 It all started with his treadmill desk. 1.3719 0.05645 121 85 27 9
697 Man, they sure are desperate for help in the secretarial pool 1.3719 0.05521 121 84 29 8
698 Dennis was once our top employee, but lately he's just been treading water 1.3716 0.05188 148 105 31 12
699 Must be his first day…he’s swamped. 1.3714 0.05397 140 100 28 12
700 Now that's what I call drowning in paperwork! 1.3710 0.05181 124 84 34 6
701 "I call dibs on all his clients!" 1.3710 0.05428 124 86 30 8
702 He's drowning in work. 1.3709 0.04662 151 102 42 7
703 That? It's the existential quicksand of aging in corporate America. 1.3709 0.05199 151 108 30 13
704 Don’t ask. It’ll only encourage him. 1.3707 0.05681 116 81 27 8
705 That’s our Temp pool. And it’s heated! 1.3701 0.05339 127 88 31 8
706 It’s deeper than it looks 1.3701 0.05099 127 86 35 6
707 Marc Maron’s been treading water for a long time. 1.3697 0.05319 119 81 32 6
708 Poor guy. He’ll soon be in over his head on that project! 1.3694 0.04973 157 111 34 12
709 Guess it's true that most of the human body is water 1.3694 0.05993 111 79 23 9
710 New data indicates Global Warming will first melt the polar icecaps, then Ted from Accounting. 1.3692 0.05365 130 91 30 9
711 Apparently, still waters DO run deep. 1.3689 0.06616 103 76 16 11
712 Nah, he'll never get promoted. He can barely keep his head above water just walking down the hall. 1.3689 0.05484 122 85 29 8
713 Greg is literally literal. When he has a meltdown he has a meltdown. You should see him get torqued. 1.3689 0.05843 122 88 23 11
714 First day back and he's drowning in work. 1.3688 0.05074 141 98 34 9
715 Steve was promoted since he represents two stages of matter 1.3684 0.05171 133 92 33 8
716 He had a meltdown when he saw his bonus. 1.3684 0.06010 114 82 22 10
717 No one knew that there was an old steno pool in the building. 1.3679 0.06190 106 76 21 9
718 Dr. Fenwick clearly has gotten too immersed in his work." 1.3676 0.04761 136 91 40 5
719 So apparently he IS drowning in projects" 1.3676 0.04874 136 92 38 6
720 And this is the lunchroom--mind the puddle. So over here... 1.3675 0.05374 117 85 23 9
721 I didn’t think he was speaking literally when he said he was swamped at work. 1.3673 0.04638 147 99 42 6
722 So that’s what they mean by pooling our resources. 1.3673 0.05295 147 106 28 13
723 Looks like the portal to the Miami office is backed up again." 1.3672 0.05642 128 92 25 11
724 I took him figuratively. 1.3670 0.05631 109 75 28 6
725 I always thought it was a metaphor, but I guess not. 1.3664 0.05107 131 90 34 7
726 I think he over-hydrated. 1.3664 0.05548 131 94 26 11
727 He’s been headed towards a meltdown. 1.3662 0.05334 142 102 28 12
728 He's head and shoulders above the rest in his department 1.3662 0.05045 142 99 34 9
729 Gus handles all our quagmires. 1.3661 0.06341 112 83 17 12
730 The water is actually pretty warm. 1.3659 0.05803 123 89 23 11
731 He said he was going to be swamped with paperwork today. 1.3655 0.05068 145 102 33 10
732 The Corporate world is tough; one day your the head honcho, the next day you’re swimming with the fishes. 1.3655 0.04973 145 101 35 9
733 He's immersed in the project 1.3654 0.04733 156 108 39 9
734 Another reason we shouldn’t have to return to the office 1.3654 0.05643 104 71 28 5
735 He did email that he was in hot water. 1.3651 0.05238 126 87 32 7
736 Obviously, he is in way over his head. 1.3651 0.05298 126 90 27 9
737 Watered down the presentation too much. 1.3644 0.05200 118 80 33 5
738 That's just one of the many pitfalls of working here. 1.3643 0.05271 129 90 31 8
739 No, there are also merlads. Gilbert here is in charge of our fishy offshore deals. 1.3643 0.05271 129 90 31 8
740 He’s nearly in over his head on this project. 1.3643 0.05190 140 99 31 10
741 When he doesn't get his way he has a total meltdown. 1.3636 0.05394 143 104 26 13
742 He's been treading water here for years. 1.3636 0.05188 132 92 32 8
743 Don't worry about Tom he's usually in over his head. 1.3630 0.05132 146 104 31 11
744 It's pretty normal-he's the CFO. 1.3630 0.05424 135 97 27 11
745 Please, tell me you put actual sugar cubes in our coffee? 1.3627 0.05959 102 74 20 8
746 I think we get his point. 1.3624 0.04539 149 103 39 7
747 He's new and may have had a fundamental misunderstanding of what we term 'the office pool'. 1.3623 0.04926 138 95 36 7
748 So much for his liquid diet. 1.3622 0.05553 127 91 26 10
749 He's always complaining that the answer is just out of reach. 1.3621 0.05530 116 81 28 7
750 He was just getting his feet wet and he's already swamped! 1.3615 0.05569 130 94 25 11
751 Standing desks are very 2019. 1.3613 0.04733 119 78 39 2
752 Big fish in a little pond 1.3611 0.05652 108 75 27 6
753 Here at Literal Co. be careful speaking figuratively 1.3609 0.05581 133 97 24 12
754 Remind me to call a different plumber. 1.3609 0.05156 133 93 32 8
755 We’ll have a second opening soon. 1.3608 0.06075 97 68 23 6
756 It's slowsand. He's been there since 1998. 1.3607 0.05468 122 86 28 8
757 Management's insistence on new radiant flooring was bound to cause a meltdown. 1.3607 0.05342 122 85 30 7
758 The employee wellness plan covers peyote now. 1.3604 0.06110 111 81 20 10
759 Look up life preservers on Amazon. 1.3604 0.05548 111 77 28 6
760 He was always one to keep his head above water, at all costs. 1.3603 0.04970 136 94 35 7
761 There's a rumor of certain departments being partially liquidated! 1.3600 0.04941 150 106 34 10
762 As I said, we’ve been drowning in work lately. 1.3596 0.05305 114 78 31 5
763 … And this installation represents the Industrial Age when business executives were said to have swum and even drowned in paperwork. 1.3594 0.05735 128 94 22 12
764 It's been officially declared an office black hole, 1.3590 0.05491 117 82 28 7
765 Don't bother Higgins. He's swamped. 1.3588 0.04670 131 90 36 5
766 I’ve heard of drowning in paper but I’ve never seen it. 1.3588 0.05533 131 95 25 11
767 Why does he always want to float the new ideas at lunchtime? 1.3586 0.04862 145 101 36 8
768 Looks like the new guy's still trying to make a big splash. 1.3583 0.05131 120 82 33 5
769 Older generation: sink or swim! 1.3583 0.05131 120 87 25 8
770 I think Fred's taking his " drowning in paperwork" claim a little too far. 1.3582 0.05233 134 95 30 9
771 He seems to have thawed out a bit today. He's usually as cold as ice. 1.3582 0.05233 134 95 30 9
772 He figured firsthand evidence of his findings on climate change would be more convincing than a PowerPoint. 1.3578 0.05610 109 76 27 6
773 That's the worst meltdown I've ever seen! 1.3578 0.05456 109 75 29 5
774 I don't think there's a problem. He's got his head above water. 1.3577 0.05552 123 88 26 9
775 No one can explain it, but don't use the water cooler. 1.3577 0.05256 137 98 29 10
776 We've just started voluntary liquidation " 1.3576 0.05090 151 109 30 12
777 That's Jerry. Not a solid guy. 1.3571 0.06064 112 82 20 10
778 Someone was supposed to mop that up. 1.3571 0.05930 112 81 22 9
779 He's stewing in his own brew 1.3571 0.05360 112 77 30 5
780 I assumed 'Sink or Swim' was no more than corporate hype. 1.3566 0.05195 143 103 29 11
781 Carl always melts under pressure. 1.3564 0.05901 101 71 24 6
782 We need to move him back into solids. 1.3559 0.05453 118 83 28 7
783 Don’t worry, only the old school folks are drowning in paperwork 1.3559 0.05453 118 83 28 7
784 Guess Carl wasn't exaggerating when he complained abut drowning in work. 1.3559 0.05838 118 86 22 10
785 It's the "new" standing desk. 1.3559 0.05318 118 82 30 6
786 He did say he'd be back once he washed up. 1.3558 0.05943 104 74 23 7
787 Our millennial approach prevents us from feeling like that.” 1.3558 0.05620 104 72 27 5
788 Wow, Harry really knows how to have a meltdown! 1.3558 0.05784 104 73 25 6
789 Our think-tank needs more contributors. 1.3551 0.05516 107 74 28 5
790 Smith is our environmental reporter. 1.3551 0.05976 107 77 22 8
791 Some of these new art installations go too far. 1.3551 0.05976 107 77 22 8
792 What he lacks is substance. 1.3546 0.04841 141 98 36 7
793 Yeah, it's sloppy... but Larry still does the best Wicked Witch of the West impression in the company 1.3546 0.05243 141 102 28 11
794 This way we never have to fire anyone. 1.3546 0.05046 141 100 32 9
795 I THOUGHT Quicksand Friday was a bad idea… 1.3543 0.05423 127 91 27 9
796 Oh, he’s been on thin ice for a while. 1.3543 0.05187 127 89 31 7
797 Kick Bill, kick!! 1.3542 0.06279 96 69 20 7
798 Just ignore him. He's always swamped with work. 1.3542 0.04974 144 102 33 9
799 That is so meta. 1.3540 0.06275 113 85 16 12
800 He thought it was an optical illusion rug 1.3534 0.05231 116 80 31 5
801 He finally succeeded at his career goal of breaking through the glass floor. 1.3534 0.05511 116 82 27 7
802 He said he's been drowning in work for the last week. I think he's just being dramatic. 1.3534 0.04426 133 93 35 5
803 And I thought that was just an expression…. 1.3534 0.05358 133 96 27 10
804 He might be spread a little thin, but at least he’s not over his head. 1.3534 0.05140 133 94 31 8
805 Looks like we're having problems with the secretary pool. 1.3533 0.04743 150 105 37 8
806 The fake vomit gag has sure come a long way. 1.3529 0.04843 136 94 36 6
807 You might want to pace yourself. 1.3529 0.04843 136 94 36 6
808 You have to stay ambitious if you want to succeed here. Bill's just treading water until retirement. 1.3529 0.05415 119 84 28 7
809 That McKenzie account is a real quagmire. 1.3526 0.04881 156 112 33 11
810 He is not quite in over his head 1.3525 0.05450 122 87 27 8
811 He’s always immersed himself in his work 1.3525 0.05195 122 85 31 6
812 I warned him about liquidated damages. 1.3522 0.04648 159 112 38 9
813 They call him the snowman. When business heats up, he just melts. 1.3521 0.04916 142 100 34 8
814 I bet that new girl with the red shoes is behind this. 1.3521 0.05400 142 105 24 13
815 So, the most important thing I want you to get out of this orientation is to ask for help! Never drown in your work! 1.3516 0.04909 128 88 35 5
816 He already tried getting buried in paperwork. 1.3514 0.05222 111 76 31 4
817 He’s on vacation. 1.3514 0.05816 111 80 23 8
818 I can’t give the account to Carl. He’s been swamped. 1.3514 0.04781 148 104 36 8
819 Last week it was quicksand. It's always something with this guy. 1.3511 0.05301 131 94 28 9
820 He's an oasis, a mirage, and my boss. All at the same time. 1.3511 0.05189 131 93 30 8
821 My dad had urinary incontinence too but never that bad! 1.3511 0.06715 94 70 15 9
822 I always thought that was just a metaphor. 1.3509 0.05429 114 80 28 6
823 I hear his grandmother was from somewhere over the rainbow. 1.3509 0.05842 114 83 22 9
824 Mandatory retirement can really sneak up on you. 1.3507 0.04649 134 91 39 4
825 I can't think of anything to say that's obvious and derivative enough for New Yorker readers to vote for 1.3504 0.06227 117 89 15 13
826 Liquidity is not as great as it once was. 1.3500 0.05357 140 103 25 12
827 He's treading water until he gets his golden parachute." 1.3500 0.06571 100 75 15 10
828 Office Warming. 1.3500 0.05925 100 71 23 6
829 Ignore Dr. Calyton, all he does is pontificate about the world going down the toilet. 1.3500 0.05507 120 86 26 8
830 They really should fix that. 1.3500 0.05507 120 86 26 8
831 He still denies that the sea level is rising 1.3500 0.05246 120 84 30 6
832 He never thought he'd get in over his head 1.3500 0.05752 100 70 25 5
833 Maybe we should have believed him when he said he was drowning in a sea of paper. 1.3497 0.04988 143 102 32 9
834 Before Climate change became a problem, he was always snowed under 1.3496 0.05770 123 91 21 11
835 Huh. I always thought that "drowning in paperwork" was just an expression. 1.3496 0.05535 123 89 25 9
836 In this company our workloads are quite reasonable. Only Nelson, here, is drowning in paperwork. 1.3495 0.05640 103 72 26 5
837 He started on the ground floor, but then transferred into the office pool about five years ago. 1.3495 0.05806 103 73 24 6
838 Oh, that? Refill the coffee if you take the last cup and you won't need to worry. 1.3492 0.05441 126 91 26 9
839 We get it, Darryl, we’re all swamped with work, but this is laying it on a bit thick. 1.3491 0.05850 106 76 23 7
840 And, to your right is our Global-Warming Expert. 1.3488 0.05574 129 95 23 11
841 He said he was drowning in paperwork. I said, “No one uses paper any more.” 1.3482 0.05631 112 80 25 7
842 I warned him, that job would have him drowning in paperwork. 1.3481 0.04621 135 92 39 4
843 Bob's really swamped with work this week. 1.3481 0.05185 135 97 29 9
844 That chalk artist guy was here again 1.3478 0.05209 138 100 28 10
845 I wish Frank would limit his 3D chalk drawings to the sidewalks. 1.3475 0.04826 141 99 35 7
846 Did you ever hear of the glass ceiling for woman? That's the opposite 1.3471 0.05715 121 89 22 10
847 The administration is very serious about publish or perish. 1.3471 0.05593 121 88 24 9
848 Metaverse prototype is my guess. 1.3471 0.05469 121 87 26 8
849 He’s drowning in paper. 1.3469 0.04793 147 104 35 8
850 If he drowns, I'll be promoted to his job, so you can see the dilemma I'm in. 1.3469 0.06171 98 71 20 7
851 He’s a procrastinator,but at least he’s keeping his head above water. 1.3468 0.05615 124 91 23 10
852 It's a portal to a universe where print media is alive and well. 1.3468 0.05615 124 91 23 10
853 I thought this only happened to mastodons and giant toed sloths - not good old Ed. 1.3468 0.04997 124 91 25 8
854 Earl warned him about the quicksand of office politics but he just laughed it off. 1.3468 0.05844 124 93 19 12
855 No worries if you stored it on the cloud. 1.3462 0.06375 104 78 16 10
856 He literally can’t keep up with the work flow. 1.3459 0.04658 133 91 38 4
857 That's our "diverse age pool". 1.3459 0.05124 133 95 30 8
858 He waxed eloquently, then waned when the air conditioning failed. 1.3453 0.05076 139 100 30 9
859 Drowning in paper work" took on a whole new meaning to Fred 1.3451 0.06129 113 85 17 11
860 Our boss says that's where our holiday bonuses went. 1.3448 0.04432 116 81 32 3
861 You can either sink or swim here. 1.3448 0.04930 145 104 32 9
862 If he’s not careful, he’s going to smudge the signatures. 1.3443 0.05305 122 87 28 7
863 in this office they dont fire you..they just drown you in paperwork. 1.3443 0.05175 122 86 30 6
864 Our parent company downstairs is absorbing his department. 1.3443 0.05675 122 90 22 10
865 I don’t understand why he can’t work from home. 1.3441 0.05295 93 65 25 3
866 Management has a stock liquidation plan to encourage our baby boomers to retire. I think the guys in the VR department sometimes take it a little too far.... 1.3440 0.05460 125 91 25 9
867 Maybe now isn't the best time to give your notice. 1.3438 0.06426 96 71 17 8
868 Dang it, who moved the 'wet floor' sign? 1.3438 0.06253 96 70 19 7
869 Just act like you don’t see him. He just craves attention. 1.3434 0.06285 99 73 18 8
870 Do you ever get that sinking feeling when it comes to your career? 1.3434 0.05007 99 66 32 1
871 And I thought I was the one drowning in paperwork! 1.3433 0.04981 134 95 32 7
872 Looks like Dorothy got another one. 1.3431 0.06152 102 75 19 8
873 How many times can he surface? 1.3429 0.06026 105 77 20 8
874 Call Facilities and have them back it down to 70 degrees. 1.3429 0.06026 105 77 20 8
875 Melt down... 1.3429 0.05552 105 74 26 5
876 He’s the only one left in the typing pool. 1.3429 0.06026 105 77 20 8
877 Not so quick actually. He's been there all day. 1.3426 0.06193 108 81 17 10
878 It's sink or swim. 1.3426 0.05123 108 74 31 3
879 ‘Greg’s our in-house accountant. He’s keeping us liquid.’ 1.3426 0.05289 108 75 29 4
880 I remember my first novel. 1.3426 0.05759 108 78 23 7
881 Back to office is hitting some of us a lot harder than others. 1.3426 0.05759 108 78 23 7
882 'One more thing, the break room has a board game called 'Jumanji' I highly recommend not playing it" 1.3423 0.05934 111 82 20 9
883 Well, he did say things were going swimmingly… 1.3423 0.05198 111 77 30 4
884 Legend says he fell in during a team building exercise in '99 and just never came out. 1.3421 0.05407 114 81 27 6
885 Just ignore him. It's one of those 3D sidewalk paintings. 1.3421 0.05687 114 83 23 8
886 I never thought I'd actually see someone drowning in paperwork. 1.3419 0.05584 117 85 24 8
887 Fred's a floating resource. 1.3419 0.05173 117 82 30 5
888 You don't want to make your career here. Senior executives are forced to sink or swim. 1.3417 0.05736 120 89 21 10
889 That must be some hot deal. 1.3417 0.05613 120 88 23 9
890 It’s been 2 weeks and maintenance still hasn’t shown up to help 1.3415 0.05516 123 90 24 9
891 That's Len from accounting. He gets this way near the end of every quarter. 1.3415 0.05394 123 89 26 8
892 Mr. Glacier is unfortunately feeling the effects of global warming, even in here. 1.3413 0.05305 126 91 27 8
893 Now that's drowning in paperwork! 1.3407 0.05378 135 100 24 11
894 Yea, they moved the secretary pool again. 1.3404 0.04809 141 100 34 7
895 They used to call it 'keeping your head above water.' Now it's just 'drowning in your own spit'. 1.3400 0.06067 100 73 20 7
896 Google Docks must be down this morning. 1.3400 0.05898 100 72 22 6
897 It's one of those realistic rugs off Facebook. 1.3398 0.05943 103 75 21 7
898 After the hot rocks and the mudbath, he comes up with some decent copy. 1.3398 0.05264 103 71 29 3
899 He says he’s drowning but he leaves the office at 6 every day. 1.3396 0.06126 106 79 18 9
900 He wanted to be a big fish. 1.3396 0.05343 106 74 28 4
901 and I thought it was only an expression who knew? 1.3396 0.05669 106 76 24 6
902 Post-prostate surgery leak. 1.3396 0.06271 106 80 16 10
903 I think we have another meltdown situation here. 1.3394 0.05714 109 79 23 7
904 Five years,and he’s still a floater. 1.3394 0.06144 109 82 17 10
905 He's always grandstanding. 1.3394 0.05714 109 79 23 7
906 Just another trap for those who refuse to go paperless. 1.3394 0.05714 109 79 23 7
907 He’s got a decent chance, actually, as our candidate pool isn’t very deep. 1.3394 0.06004 109 81 19 9
908 When they're about to fire you, they'll start pranking you. 1.3393 0.05160 112 78 30 4
909 I thought they called him the ‘Ice Man’ for being such a good negotiator. 1.3393 0.05750 112 82 22 8
910 I kept telling him it wasn't an optical illusion. But NOOOO. he had to find out the hard way. 1.3390 0.05412 118 85 26 7
911 This is a miracle sighting, Bob never comes up for air. 1.3390 0.05674 118 87 22 9
912 Boomers never see the quicksand. 1.3390 0.05412 118 85 26 7
913 If you were still working from home, you’d have missed this. 1.3388 0.05321 121 87 27 7
914 I heard he’s actually been sleeping in the office. He’s drowning in his work. 1.3387 0.05357 124 90 26 8
915 So that's what they call drowning in paperwork. 1.3387 0.05233 124 89 28 7
916 I asked him to pool our resources. 1.3386 0.05270 127 92 27 8
917 He's a 'Rise with the tide and go with the flow' kind of guy. 1.3385 0.05520 130 97 22 11
918 As you can see, our creatives are really struggling with metaphors. 1.3370 0.06041 92 66 21 5
919 I didn't know the Wicked Witch was gender-fluid. 1.3367 0.05607 98 69 25 4
920 We’re in the process of liquefying our assets. Also Dave is melting. 1.3367 0.05792 98 70 23 5
921 Chin up 1.3366 0.06016 101 74 20 7
922 She just hit him with the water and ran out. Her little dog, too. 1.3364 0.05930 107 79 20 8
923 I guess Bixby really is swamped 1.3364 0.05466 107 76 26 5
924 Management is trying to get him to take the buy out. 1.3364 0.05625 107 77 24 6
925 Now's probably a good time to approach him. Looks like someone else has already broken the ice. 1.3364 0.05816 110 81 21 8
926 Autocorrect ordering a standard poodle. 1.3363 0.05978 113 85 18 10
927 Drowning here! 1.3363 0.04375 113 82 27 4
928 He was sure it was only a mirage. 1.3362 0.05187 116 82 29 5
929 He told me he was swamped with paperwork. Now I believe him. 1.3362 0.05329 116 83 27 6
930 A boomer drowning in paper work, so last century. 1.3362 0.05736 116 86 21 9
931 The new guy doesn’t know the way to the men’s room 1.3361 0.06118 119 92 14 13
932 It’s his new standing desk — the latest iteration. 1.3361 0.04599 122 93 21 8
933 Jim. He's our office pool guy. 1.3361 0.05155 122 87 29 6
934 He must have had the "sink or swim" talk with the boss. 1.3359 0.04920 131 93 32 6
935 It's the early retirement program. 1.3357 0.04926 140 106 23 11
936 We get it Bob. You’re just sooo busy and drowning in your work. 1.3357 0.04856 143 103 32 8
937 He’s having another meltdown. 1.3333 0.06171 108 82 16 10
938 When he texted 'Meet me by the water cooler!' I assumed it was to compare weekends. 1.3333 0.05424 108 77 26 5
939 It’s part of our downsizing program. 1.3333 0.05424 108 77 26 5
940 That's Gary, drowning in paperwork as usual. 1.3333 0.05251 111 81 24 6
941 I don't know how he does it, but our CEO always seems to keep his head above water. 1.3333 0.05664 114 84 22 8
942 Well, he said that his project was going swimmingly. 1.3333 0.05456 102 72 26 4
943 According to HR, he's one of our most liquid assets 1.3333 0.06436 102 78 14 10
944 Drowning in paperwork is a real thing, you know... 1.3333 0.04897 141 102 31 8
945 He thought he would get more work done by assigning it to the office pool, but it didn't work out. 1.3333 0.05475 96 67 26 3
946 No fantasy office pool here! 1.3333 0.05688 105 76 23 6
947 Well, it was his choice to boycott the gender-neutral bathrooms. 1.3333 0.05920 99 72 21 6
948 This is his third meltdown this week 1.3333 0.05697 90 63 24 3
949 That’s Maurice. He sold his spine for his last promotion. 1.3333 0.05966 102 75 20 7
950 We're liquidating our less valuable assets. 1.3333 0.05183 105 73 29 3
951 That used to be the steno pool. 1.3333 0.05734 108 79 22 7
952 The shrinking white collar labor pool 1.3333 0.05221 117 86 24 7
953 Nobody believed Ed when he said that he was up to his neck with work. 1.3333 0.05424 108 77 26 5
954 Poor Boomer. Looks like he is drowning in paperwork. 1.3333 0.06126 102 76 18 8
955 He does enjoy a liquid lunch! 1.3333 0.05383 114 82 26 6
956 Unless you can tread water for years like George, this place is "sink or swim" 1.3333 0.05232 132 97 26 9
957 I hear he's drowning in debt too. 1.3333 0.05593 120 89 22 9
958 The lifeguard's still working from home. 1.3333 0.06546 93 70 15 8
959 Our firm's hiring policy doesn't discriminate on the basis of age, gender, sexual orientation or physical states of matter" 1.3333 0.06443 105 81 13 11
960 That's our Creative Director drowning in his ideas. 1.3333 0.05201 129 94 27 8
961 Still interested? 1.3333 0.05357 105 74 27 4
962 If you don't feed him, you may eventually get his clients. 1.3333 0.05694 117 87 21 9
963 Some people of been readjusting to working in the office better than others. 1.3333 0.06046 96 70 20 6
964 He's a pool reporter 1.3333 0.06261 87 63 19 5
965 And I thought it was just an expression! 1.3333 0.05526 114 83 24 7
966 Fred always said he was drowning in paper work ! 1.3333 0.04781 126 88 34 4
967 Have you noticed writer's meltdown has been occurring more frequently recently 1.3333 0.05083 129 93 29 7
968 “You say drowning in work, we like to say diving deep. It’s a mindset thing.” 1.3333 0.05616 123 92 21 10
969 Tom doesn't hesitate to float new ideas. 1.3333 0.06091 99 73 19 7
970 We may need to redefine meltdown. 1.3309 0.05043 139 102 28 9
971 On second thought I must have misunderstood when you asked if I wanted to be in the office pool. 1.3308 0.05517 133 101 20 12
972 And I thought "drowning in paperwork" was just an expression! 1.3306 0.05337 124 91 25 8
973 Al commutes from London on the puddle-jumper. 1.3306 0.04894 121 85 32 4
974 Looks like somebody’s having a meltdown 1.3305 0.05254 118 85 27 6
975 The downsizing has meant we've had to bring product testing back on site 1.3305 0.05779 118 89 19 10
976 Don't worry it's just Henry, he always gets into a sweat before a presentation. 1.3305 0.05390 118 86 25 7
977 He’s been walking in thin ice. 1.3304 0.05200 115 82 28 5
978 I didn’t think he was literally drowning in his workload. 1.3304 0.05757 115 86 20 9
979 I thought I told you to call maintenance. 1.3304 0.05622 115 85 22 8
980 He's not as chill as he thought. 1.3304 0.05727 112 83 21 8
981 Another nasty sink hole ! 1.3303 0.05690 109 80 22 7
982 We always suspected he was related to the wicked witch. 1.3303 0.05538 109 79 24 6
983 Uh oh, looks like his QuickBooks turned into quicksand. 1.3302 0.05953 106 79 19 8
984 Well, his research was all about the effects of global warming on the work place. 1.3302 0.05800 106 78 21 7
985 You're not supposed to struggle if you get mired in quickbooks. 1.3302 0.05399 106 78 22 6
986 Management has decided to pool resources to cut costs. 1.3301 0.05412 103 73 26 4
987 That ‘Slippery When Wet’ sign didn’t seem enough. 1.3301 0.05048 103 76 22 5
988 That’s Professor Smith. His research is on what happens if the earth’s temperature rises above 2 degrees Celsius. 1.3300 0.05515 100 71 25 4
989 It's mostly perspiration, not inspiration. 1.3297 0.06261 91 67 18 6
990 It's actually a Roomba - but I love it when the interns try to dive in to save him. 1.3297 0.06261 91 67 18 6
991 He's "old school"...always drowning in paperwork. 1.3282 0.05018 131 95 29 7
992 Dave thinks we don't notice, but he's been treading water for years. 1.3280 0.05178 125 91 27 7
993 Global warming is melting all the Bergs, including Nathan. 1.3280 0.05654 125 95 19 11
994 The boss will be ok. He's standing on the shoulders of his support team. 1.3279 0.05390 122 90 24 8
995 Looks like he's drowning in paperwork. 1.3277 0.05217 119 86 27 6
996 It's not his first meltdown in this office. 1.3277 0.05352 119 87 25 7
997 He's been taking swimming lessons during his lunch break. 1.3277 0.01928 119 87 32 0
998 Congregating around the water cooler is discouraged. 1.3277 0.05079 119 85 29 5
999 I warned him not to join the office pool. 1.3277 0.05352 119 87 25 7
1000 He melts down when stressed. 1.3276 0.05306 116 84 26 6
1001 There’s an opening in the global warming desk. 1.3276 0.05445 116 85 24 7
1002 He’s still fishing for a solution. 1.3274 0.05684 113 84 21 8
1003 Poor Bill, still treading water with his proposals. 1.3274 0.05250 113 81 27 5
1004 If he asks you to join his car pool tell him you take public transit. 1.3274 0.04940 113 84 23 6
1005 So I guess we should start discussing the rising sea levels pretty soon..” 1.3274 0.05684 113 84 21 8
1006 This can happen to you when you liquidate your assets too soon. 1.3273 0.05184 110 78 28 4
1007 Never saw someone literally drowning on work. 1.3273 0.05934 110 83 18 9
1008 Please don't make any office pool jokes, we have heard them all! 1.3273 0.05646 110 81 22 7
1009 Management simply did not appreciate his warning about liquidity risk. 1.3273 0.05184 110 78 28 4
1010 That's Nate. He's says he always "drowning in work." 1.3273 0.05792 110 82 20 8
1011 New employee choice, this or by fire. 1.3273 0.05646 110 81 22 7
1012 It's ironic. Wally was a leading Climate Change denier. 1.3273 0.05934 110 83 18 9
1013 The labor pool ain't what it used to be. 1.3271 0.05599 107 78 23 6
1014 So do you want the job? 1.3269 0.06025 104 78 18 8
1015 Ha! And so many said he could walk on water. 1.3265 0.05761 98 71 22 5
1016 I'd be more concerned if it was red ink." 1.3265 0.06115 98 73 18 7
1017 Climate change, what ya gonna do, so how bout those Giants 1.3265 0.05384 98 69 26 3
1018 That's Saul. He's in hot water. 1.3265 0.05941 98 72 20 6
1019 Safe to say he's changed his stance on global warming. 1.3265 0.06285 98 74 16 8
1020 I told you they keep it too warm in here 1.3263 0.05687 95 68 23 4
1021 The Kansas people were here today, and I heard he ticked off Dorothy. 1.3263 0.05384 95 74 14 7
1022 Look, don't worry about him. You're young, you'll be fine! 1.3261 0.04950 138 101 29 8
1023 Hmph. I've suffered through a lot of grueling staff meetings, but I've never seen a meltdown quite that complete. 1.3261 0.06577 92 70 14 8
1024 He should have been tipped off by the flying monkees. 1.3261 0.06756 92 71 12 9
1025 I never believed that we were 70% water till now. 1.3261 0.06008 92 67 20 5
1026 HR usually throws him a life raft at 5:00 1.3261 0.06393 92 69 16 7
1028 We tried to tell him we created an office pool, but he said he had no interest in gambling. 1.3254 0.04890 126 90 31 5
1029 He’s swimming in paperwork 1.3252 0.04689 123 86 34 3
1030 I warned him if he didn't get his paper published he'd be walking on thin ice here. 1.3250 0.05817 120 92 17 11
1031 Damn. Looks like we inherit the flying monkeys. 1.3250 0.05571 120 90 21 9
1032 Frank’s the latest winner of our Pay Day pool. 1.3248 0.04514 117 85 28 4
1033 I tried to tell him he should go digital or he'd drown. 1.3248 0.05540 117 87 22 8
1034 Well, he's no longer drowning in paper work. 1.3248 0.05268 117 85 26 6
1035 We're excited to have you join - we've been totally swamped. 1.3243 0.05454 111 81 24 6
1036 He keeps muttering, "Damn that Dorothy and her little dog too." 1.3241 0.05932 108 84 14 10
1037 That is the cartoon page editor. Help him out and see if he'll run your caption contest entry. 1.3241 0.05858 108 81 19 8
1038 That’s some fucked up Wizard of Oz shit going on 1.3241 0.06004 108 82 17 9
1039 I don't know, Merton, I think it's a little passé as corporate sculpture, goes, don't you think? 1.3238 0.05820 105 78 20 7
1040 Tim is always swamped on Thursdays. 1.3235 0.05601 102 74 23 5
1041 Liquidity is in our mission statement. 1.3235 0.05601 102 74 23 5
1042 He is not drowning in work; he is just drowning. 1.3235 0.05101 136 101 26 9
1043 I say it's a big job and he just doe not have the depth for it 1.3235 0.05425 102 73 25 4
1044 They told him he was on thin ice. 1.3228 0.04858 127 91 31 5
1045 Dibs on his office. 1.3226 0.05753 93 67 22 4
1046 He handles real estate that's went underwater 1.3226 0.05316 124 92 24 8
1047 Meltdowns are two a penny in this place 1.3223 0.05406 121 90 23 8
1048 I'm familiar with the glass ceiling, but this a new one. 1.3220 0.05500 118 88 22 8
1049 Wicked Witch of the West wasn't an exaggeration after all 1.3220 0.05090 118 85 28 5
1050 Stop being so dramatic, Jerry, we’re all keeping our head’s above water. 1.3220 0.05367 118 87 24 7
1051 He still hasn't recovered from the Windows 11 update. 1.3217 0.05461 115 85 23 7
1052 That's the CFO - he's having a major melt down. 1.3214 0.05413 112 82 24 6
1053 Is he wearing a tie? 1.3214 0.05703 112 84 20 8
1054 It’s just a mirage . 1.3211 0.05355 109 79 25 5
1055 Dave's still learning to use his i-Portal. 1.3211 0.05664 109 81 21 7
1056 He's trying to keep the company afloat 1.3211 0.05812 109 82 19 8
1057 I always thought the office pool was a metaphor. 1.3208 0.05286 106 76 26 4
1058 He said he wanted to take a deeper dive. 1.3208 0.05773 106 79 20 7
1059 Quicksand desks are the new treadmill desks. 1.3204 0.05724 103 76 21 6
1060 Better than drowning in paper 1.3204 0.05888 103 77 19 7
1061 And that’s just the tip! 1.3204 0.05556 103 75 23 5
1062 I told him he was on thin ice during his annual review. 1.3204 0.06048 103 78 17 8
1063 I'm not sure if it's evaporation or sublimation. 1.3204 0.06048 103 78 17 8
1064 Why does he always have to be so dramatic about his workload? 1.3204 0.06048 103 78 17 8
1065 We call our quicksand Human Resources. 1.3203 0.05312 128 96 23 9
1066 He's barely been able to keep his head above water at his new job. 1.3203 0.05312 128 96 23 9
1067 They're calling it "work-cation". 1.3200 0.06010 100 75 18 7
1068 Oh, that's Sydney. He's our liquidity person. 1.3200 0.05664 100 73 22 5
1069 Will this corporate meltdown ever end ? 1.3200 0.05664 100 73 22 5
1070 Fred took his 'Wicked Witch of the West' costume a little too far. 1.3197 0.05240 122 90 25 7
1071 I told you the office wasn’t too cold. 1.3196 0.05961 97 72 19 6
1072 Never buy property in La Brea. 1.3193 0.05715 119 91 18 10
1073 How's that report on climate change coming along? 1.3191 0.06275 94 71 16 7
1074 Somebody let that sidewalk artist in 1.3191 0.06275 94 71 16 7
1075 It's just global warming. 1.3191 0.06090 94 70 18 6
1076 A pitfall of Urological Research." 1.3191 0.05498 94 67 24 3
1077 First clue: he still brings pieces of paper to meetings. 1.3190 0.05421 116 86 23 7
1078 Mike may be drowning in paperwork, but poor Loretta worked her ass off. 1.3187 0.06608 91 70 13 8
1079 That glass ceiling? Turns out it's really an ice floor. 1.3187 0.05608 91 65 23 3
1080 I dunno. Some intern named Dorothy spilled some water on him and, well, now you know as much as I do. 1.3186 0.05659 113 85 20 8
1081 They keep showing up like that. He'll climb out eventually. 1.3186 0.05147 113 84 23 6
1082 We never used to see men in the steno pool. 1.3182 0.05492 88 62 24 2
1083 I see that the "sink or swim" culture around here has been kicked up a notch. 1.3182 0.05620 110 82 21 7
1084 They say he had a corner office before he lost the Collins account. 1.3182 0.05469 110 81 23 6
1085 Well, I see Joe wasn't exaggerating when he said he was drowning in paperwork. 1.3178 0.05276 129 97 23 9
1086 Ugh, I hate when that happens! 1.3178 0.05571 107 79 22 6
1087 Do you think that'll be us in 25 years? 1.3178 0.05245 107 77 26 4
1088 There goes Griswold--that's one more retirement we won't have to fund. 1.3178 0.05571 107 79 22 6
1089 All I caught was '...and your little dog, too'. 1.3178 0.05245 107 77 26 4
1090 After you're here for a few years, you'll want to watch out for the quicksand of ennui. 1.3178 0.05727 107 80 20 7
1091 We all feel like we are drowning here. 1.3178 0.05074 107 76 28 3
1092 Pay no attention to Glen, the wicked Head of Human Resources. 1.3176 0.06083 85 62 19 4
1093 'Way too much time at the water cooler! 1.3176 0.06528 85 64 15 6
1094 We didn't have budget for a consultant that can walk on water. 1.3173 0.05840 104 78 19 7
1095 The irony of all this is that he was working on a report about global warming. 1.3171 0.05981 82 59 20 3
1096 Come back to the office, they said. It'll be great, they said. 1.3171 0.06915 82 63 12 7
1097 I see someone is coming up to us from HR with a message. 1.3171 0.06464 82 61 16 5
1098 Stop drowning, Sanders, and finish the damn paperwork! 1.3168 0.05437 101 73 24 4
1099 His head's above water, looks like he's doing alright. 1.3168 0.05959 101 76 18 7
1100 Larry is really drowning in paperwork. 1.3168 0.05252 101 72 26 3
1101 I didn't believe him when he said he was drowning in work. 1.3163 0.05542 98 71 23 4
1102 And here we have the breakroom- oh. Looks like Craig finally went off the deep end. That happens a lot around here. 1.3162 0.05516 117 88 21 8
1103 Some say the work culture here is a bit "sink or swim"..... 1.3162 0.04633 136 98 33 5
1104 George wandered into the secretarial pool again. 1.3158 0.05652 95 69 22 4
1105 Clearly he’s in over his head. 1.3158 0.05847 95 70 20 5
1106 I guess Grace ordered carpet, but the guy at the warehouse thought she said tar pit. 1.3153 0.05721 111 84 19 8
1107 They told him to water down the problems 1.3152 0.05769 92 67 21 4
1108 Oh, you thought I meant "under water" in the figurative sense. 1.3152 0.05338 92 65 25 2
1109 Well, the boss claimed this guy could walk on water? 1.3150 0.05443 127 97 20 10
1110 Lloyd's been skating on thin ice, but it looks like he's had a breakthrough. 1.3148 0.05681 108 81 20 7
1111 The new man is doing swimmingly. 1.3148 0.04860 108 76 30 2
1112 He’s the leading academic on sea level rise. 1.3148 0.05204 108 78 26 4
1113 I knew Frosty wasn't cut out for an office job. 1.3148 0.05681 108 81 20 7
1114 He’s really getting bogged down in the office pool. 1.3146 0.06510 89 68 14 7
1115 That’s Bill. He has a flair for the dramatic. 1.3146 0.05892 89 65 20 4
1116 This was inevitable after we allowed the women to control the thermostats. 1.3145 0.05293 124 93 23 8
1117 That's what I call a meltdown. 1.3145 0.05039 124 91 27 6
1118 That's one office pool you definitely want to avoid. 1.3143 0.05631 105 78 21 6
1119 Far as I can tell, at least he's not in hot water. 1.3143 0.05792 105 79 19 7
1120 I, for one, miss the elevator. 1.3143 0.05631 105 78 21 6
1121 You have to hand it George. He never gets in over his head. 1.3137 0.05393 102 74 24 4
1122 Publish or perish is carried way too far. 1.3137 0.05393 102 74 24 4
1123 We call him King of Clichés. 1.3136 0.05607 118 90 19 9
1124 I told him he was working harder not smarter. 1.3133 0.05920 83 60 20 3
1125 He turns to jelly before his annual review. 1.3133 0.06164 83 61 18 4
1126 Jobs in the press pool aren't what they used to be. 1.3131 0.05679 99 73 21 5
1127 And that's Jenkins, still stuck in the typing pool. 1.3131 0.06031 99 75 17 7
1128 He got unusual side effects after the second shot 1.3130 0.05147 115 84 26 5
1129 He thought it was finally time to enter the office pool. 1.3130 0.05147 115 84 26 5
1130 ‘Kid, this job takes a lot out of you, some people are barely able to tread water’ 1.3130 0.05435 115 86 22 7
1131 He insisted on having a swimming desk. 1.3130 0.05574 115 87 20 8
1132 I thought quicksand was an urban myth! 1.3125 0.05386 112 83 23 6
1133 It's how they determine if you're too old to keep working here! 1.3125 0.05386 112 83 23 6
1134 Wicked Witch Syndrome 1.3125 0.05078 112 81 27 4
1135 I didn't take him literally with 'Our property is under water'. 1.3125 0.06162 96 73 16 7
1136 This is what happens when you take juice cleansing too far. 1.3125 0.04751 112 84 23 5
1137 We recommended that he pool his assets. 1.3125 0.05403 96 69 24 3
1138 Actually he’s the only here who’s not in over his head. 1.3125 0.05533 112 84 21 7
1139 It’s sink or swim time 1.3119 0.04997 109 78 28 3
1140 He bet short on Tesla and now he's swimming in debt. 1.3119 0.05164 109 79 26 4
1141 He's been given a new assignment, and it is all he can do to stay afloat. 1.3119 0.05785 109 83 18 8
1142 Jim is the reason I’ve stopped working from home. 1.3118 0.05716 93 68 21 4
1143 That’s what happens when you work from home for too long. Basic water safety goes right out the window. 1.3118 0.06483 93 72 13 8
1144 Publish or perish is still a thing. 1.3118 0.05716 93 68 21 4
1145 He always said you either sink or swim. Looks like he's treading water now. 1.3118 0.05066 93 65 27 1
1146 The boss was a bit harsh with him 1.3117 0.06732 77 58 14 5
1147 He made a big splash when he first started here. 1.3117 0.07222 77 60 10 7
1148 The boss thought an ice sculpture would be a fun, seasonal decoration. I doubt the janitor will agree. 1.3113 0.05080 106 76 27 3
1149 Getting rom the water cooler to the men's room can be a problem for someone his age. 1.3113 0.06049 106 82 15 9
1150 He's so literal! 1.3113 0.06049 106 82 15 9
1151 Ron is either drowning in work or had a major meltdown, no one knows for sure. 1.3113 0.05423 106 78 23 5
1152 I see James is in the think tank again 1.3111 0.06447 90 71 11 8
1153 That’s our retirement plan. 1.3111 0.06047 90 67 18 5
1154 He should have chosen Door #2. 1.3111 0.06047 90 67 18 5
1155 When our CFO said our finances are underwater, he really meant it. 1.3111 0.04639 135 98 32 5
1156 That's the fifth manager in six months who's fallen into that hole and refused to ask for help. 1.3107 0.05349 103 75 24 4
1157 It's a reflecting pool 1.3107 0.05168 103 74 26 3
1158 Who moved the "Wet" sign? 1.3107 0.05858 103 78 18 7
1159 Doctor warned him something like this might happen if he didn't stop drinking. 1.3103 0.05532 116 88 20 8
1160 He's just swallowed up by his work. 1.3103 0.05532 116 88 20 8
1161 We may have an opening in accounting, but it's sink or swim. 1.3103 0.04961 116 84 28 4
1162 This painting of floor it's looks very motivating. 1.3100 0.05979 100 76 17 7
1163 We offshore-d his job. 1.3097 0.05195 113 83 25 5
1164 Cautionary tale, that Peterson, you can actually drown in paperwork.” 1.3097 0.05345 113 84 23 6
1165 He's been mired in that project way too long. 1.3097 0.05041 113 82 27 4
1166 A man drowning in work. 1.3097 0.04278 113 85 24 4
1167 The treadmill desk just doesn’t work the core hard enough for Jerry. 1.3097 0.05345 113 84 23 6
1168 Glass ceiling…quicksand floor ! 1.3093 0.06106 97 74 16 7
1169 They say you don't need legs in the metaverse. 1.3093 0.05744 97 72 20 5
1170 It's called a Crypto Liquidity Pool. The newest thing apparently. 1.3091 0.05739 110 84 18 8
1171 It really is sink or swim round here. 1.3091 0.05441 110 82 22 6
1172 It's not funny but we ought to let someone know. 1.3086 0.06489 81 61 15 5
1173 We've brought back the typing pool. 1.3085 0.05665 94 69 21 4
1174 He'll be alright. He's from the legal pool. They're always drowning in paperwork. 1.3085 0.05665 94 69 21 4
1175 I think he’s taken this hydrating craze too far. 1.3085 0.05863 94 70 19 5
1176 Looks like Mitch is drowning in paperwork again. 1.3085 0.05863 94 70 19 5
1177 On the plus side, we are always hiring. 1.3084 0.05999 107 83 15 9
1178 'Yeah, it's pretty lifelike. It's silicone. I just Googled--Man Drowning in Paperwork.' 1.3084 0.05851 107 82 17 8
1179 I think he may be getting TOO immersed in his wok! 1.3084 0.05851 107 82 17 8
1180 Francis works slowly but he eventually finds his level. 1.3084 0.05213 107 78 25 4
1181 The old guy's just struggling to keep his head above water. 1.3083 0.04150 120 90 26 4
1182 He 's a chronic complainer. Now, he says that he is drowning in work. 1.3083 0.05397 120 91 21 8
1183 He was knee deep in the Hoover Report, and then the dam broke. 1.3077 0.06385 91 70 14 7
1184 Mark’s retiring as a cartoonist here and decided to write himself out 1.3077 0.05647 104 78 20 6
1185 Fortunately he's standing atop a glass ceiling. 1.3077 0.05228 91 67 21 3
1186 Ted’s a bit dramatic. 1.3077 0.06136 78 57 18 3
1187 He’s just treading water until his pension kicks in. 1.3077 0.06657 78 59 14 5
1188 And we have a pool of applicants 55 and over. 1.3077 0.05647 104 78 20 6
1189 Big fish in a small pond. Whoop-de-do! 1.3077 0.06385 91 70 14 7
1190 He emailed me, ‘I’m drowning in work!’ So I reply “Like, dude, really? Got my own problems!” I feel kinda bad now. 1.3077 0.06190 91 69 16 6
1191 All applicants have to decide. Do you save the scientist or the patent? 1.3077 0.05990 91 68 18 5
1192 That's Kurt, he spent the pandemic working from another dimension. 1.3077 0.04850 117 87 25 5
1193 The company's drowning in debt. 1.3077 0.06122 104 81 14 9
1194 He's flooded in paperwork. 1.3070 0.05449 114 86 21 7
1195 Boss told him he was on thin ice. 1.3069 0.05217 101 73 25 3
1196 I hate water cooler talk. Just feels so performative. 1.3069 0.05583 101 75 21 5
1197 Now I know what he meant by "drowning in drivel". 1.3069 0.05311 101 76 20 5
1198 I can’t tell if he’s having a meltdown or just treading water. 1.3069 0.05403 101 74 23 4
1199 It’s ironic. He’s the loudest climate change denier in the office. 1.3069 0.05403 101 74 23 4
1200 It’s been a bit of a headache ever since we started liquidating our assets. 1.3068 0.05447 88 63 23 2
1201 Funny... usually they just give them a package and walk them out! 1.3068 0.06124 88 66 17 5
1202 I think he's gone off the deep end! 1.3067 0.06837 75 57 13 5
1203 We always took his 'drowning in data' figuratively. 1.3065 0.05270 124 94 22 8
1204 There he is using his aluminum free anti-perspirant again. 1.3063 0.05836 111 86 16 9
1205 He said he was drowning in work.....I didn't believe him 1.3061 0.05506 98 72 22 4
1206 These WeWork floors aren't as sturdy as you would hope 1.3061 0.04899 98 74 20 4
1207 That's the eighth floor water hazard, wait until you see the sand trap on the third floor. 1.3061 0.05876 98 74 18 6
1208 Oh that? That's just the rubber "drowning in paperwork" gag I found at the novelty store. 1.3059 0.06487 85 65 14 6
1209 I knew he was undergoing some stress, but this adds new meaning to the definition of surface tension 1.3059 0.06268 85 64 16 5
1210 Since we hired that Dorothy to run HR, downsizing has gone quickly, if a little brutally. 1.3059 0.06268 85 64 16 5
1211 He didn't help me last week when that happened. 1.3058 0.05095 121 90 25 6
1212 He said "yes" to another project. 1.3056 0.05002 108 78 27 3
1213 He said he's drowning in paperwork, but it could just be another meltdown 1.3053 0.05411 95 69 23 3
1214 Swimming desks are great -- now you don't have to wear pants at the office, just like on Zooms from home. 1.3053 0.05810 95 71 19 5
1215 We let you define a work-life balance that fits your needs. 1.3053 0.06184 95 73 15 7
1216 Do you think he's in over his head? 1.3051 0.05036 118 87 26 5
1217 He did mention he was up to his ears in work. 1.3051 0.04584 118 84 32 2
1218 It started with a treadmill desk and just kind of progressed from there. 1.3049 0.05673 82 59 21 2
1219 When he said he was awash with New Yorker cartoon submissions, I thought he was kidding 1.3048 0.04995 105 78 23 4
1220 As you can see, in the post pandemic world it is still safer to work from home. 1.3043 0.05296 92 66 24 2
1221 Talk about drowning in paper work… 1.3043 0.05934 92 69 18 5
1222 I think he took the return to office plan being ‘fluid’ a bit too serious 1.3043 0.05517 92 67 22 3
1223 He's really been drowning in his work lately 1.3043 0.05548 115 88 19 8
1224 Nah, he just had a meltdown. 1.3043 0.05729 92 68 20 4
1225 We have some infrastructure issues here too. 1.3043 0.05934 92 69 18 5
1226 Don't worry about Joe - he's a little behind on his work, but he's managing to keep his head above water. 1.3043 0.04731 115 85 26 4
1227 Be careful - at a certain point it is impossible to keep your head above water around here. 1.3040 0.04714 125 91 30 4
1228 The tar pit takes care of the company dinosaurs. 1.3039 0.05358 102 75 23 4
1229 He melts at the end of every quarter. 1.3039 0.04784 102 72 29 1
1230 Watch your step. 1.3039 0.05536 102 76 21 5
1231 ... but I think we don't talk nearly enough about the corporate quagmire. 1.3036 0.05357 112 84 22 6
1232 I kept warning poor Bert to retire before he was dissolved. 1.3036 0.05649 112 86 18 8
1233 Some people think "Amazon" is a metaphor. 1.3034 0.06272 89 68 15 6
1234 It's The Quicksand Challenge....but that's only if you get a call-back 1.3033 0.04923 122 90 27 5
1235 They brought him in to improve the Company’s liquidity. 1.3030 0.05459 99 73 22 4
1236 He really works up a sweat reviewing weekly cartoon submissions. 1.3030 0.05644 99 74 20 5
1237 I guess the floor really IS lava. 1.3030 0.05644 99 74 20 5
1238 He needs an assistant. He’s drowning in his work. 1.3030 0.05998 99 76 16 7
1239 Dave'd do anything to avoid the audit. I'd throw him a line but I think he prefers the quicksand. 1.3030 0.05644 99 74 20 5
1240 No worry for now. The company only puts these outside of the doors of those who are resisting retirement. 1.3028 0.05453 109 82 21 6
1241 We have rules against water cooler discussions and there are consequences. 1.3026 0.06218 76 56 17 3
1242 Maybe we should go back to working remotely. 1.3025 0.05541 119 92 18 9
1243 We were only permitted to build if we did not disturb the sacred sacrificial pool of the previous owners. 1.3023 0.06204 86 65 16 5
1244 The man always melts under pressure” 1.3021 0.05946 96 73 17 6
1245 He’s literally drowning in work. 1.3021 0.05565 96 71 21 4
1246 Doesn't look like a metaphor to me 1.3021 0.05565 96 71 21 4
1247 I always thought drowning in your work was a euphemism. 1.3019 0.05555 106 80 20 6
1248 They can't fire the old geezers, so they just melt them. 1.3019 0.05555 106 80 20 6
1249 His shrink told him he'd be better liked if he took part in the office pools. 1.3017 0.05368 116 88 21 7
1250 Around here it's not just a metaphor. 1.3014 0.06668 73 55 14 4
1251 So how do you feel about our early retirement offer? 1.3012 0.06800 83 65 11 7
1252 This is our opportunity to justly use the word “literally.” 1.3012 0.06800 83 65 11 7
1253 He sure believes in immersing himself in the problem. 1.3012 0.06117 83 62 17 4
1254 I guess that beats 'My dog ate the report' as an excuse. 1.3010 0.05661 103 78 19 6
1255 I hope he clocked out.” 1.3010 0.05490 103 77 21 5
1256 Seriously, if they offer, take the buy-out. 1.3010 0.05827 103 79 17 7
1257 He really IS up to his armpits in work! 1.3009 0.05316 113 85 22 6
1258 Look, I appreciate that he founded the company, but he's clearly out of his depth. I mean, he still uses paper for crying out loud! 1.3009 0.05010 113 83 26 4
1259 Steer clear of Jeffers when he's having a meltdown. 1.3009 0.05010 113 83 26 4
1260 He's been swamped." 1.3009 0.05316 113 85 22 6
1261 I'd like to be more sympathetic but that's the fourth time this week. 1.3000 0.05774 100 76 18 6
1262 Looks like Jim's drowning in paperwork again. 1.3000 0.05596 100 75 20 5
1263 Our boss wanted more diversity in the typing pool -- the old white guy looked good on paper, but nowadays it's sink or swim ... 1.3000 0.05575 90 66 21 3
1264 I guess he really was drowning in paperwork. 1.3000 0.05563 110 84 19 7
1265 Maybe we should have waited for the concrete to dry completely before moving everybody in 1.3000 0.06264 80 60 16 4
1266 Cue the flying monkeys. 1.3000 0.04389 110 87 17 6
1267 We've been seeing a lot of this since the labor shortage. 1.3000 0.05412 100 74 22 4
1268 He always thought that 'meltdown' was figurative. 1.3000 0.05254 110 82 23 5
1269 I told him he was going into the deep end 1.3000 0.05563 110 84 19 7
1270 "Every time he comes up for air he gets hit with another subpoena. 1.3000 0.05563 110 84 19 7
1271 Dave must be editing another tearjerker. 1.3000 0.05795 90 67 19 4
1272 All I said was, "OK, Boomer." 1.3000 0.05222 100 78 16 6
1273 I appreciate your can-do attitude Doug, but I was talking about increasing our FINANCIAL liquidity. 1.3000 0.05774 100 76 18 6
1274 I could show you a space downtown, but if it's old-world charm you want, this is my only listing with a typing pool. 1.3000 0.06007 90 68 17 5
1275 And that's Bob. He's been here for years sweating the little things. 1.3000 0.05596 100 75 20 5
1276 Sid’s meltdowns are not pretty. 1.2991 0.05598 117 91 17 9
1277 His theory did work in part. 1.2991 0.05007 107 78 26 3
1278 How do you think we made room to hire you? 1.2991 0.05510 107 81 20 6
1279 Not the whole company is underwater. Just my division. 1.2991 0.05007 107 78 26 3
1280 Too bad for Jim, he's still swimming in his College Loan debt. 1.2990 0.05516 97 72 21 4
1281 Poor John is just drowning in paperwork 1.2990 0.05516 97 72 21 4
1282 Drowning in paperwork—one of the worst ways to go. 1.2989 0.06764 87 69 10 8
1283 I thought there's no such thing as "too much coffee". 1.2987 0.06682 77 59 13 5
1284 He said he was underwater with work, but I had no idea. 1.2982 0.04814 114 83 28 3
1285 Poor old Harvey always had an aversion to computers.No surprise that he is drowning in paperwork. 1.2982 0.04733 114 85 25 4
1286 His sister's the Wicked Witch of the West. Schmidt has been planning this since last year's Christmas Party. 1.2981 0.05445 104 78 21 5
1287 We thought he meant it figuratively that he was drowning in work… 1.2981 0.05778 104 80 17 7
1288 IT couldn't figure it out, so we put in a call to Legal. 1.2979 0.05825 94 71 18 5
1289 Careful. Could be one of those VR HR tests. 1.2979 0.05311 94 71 19 4
1290 He heads the Committee on Trickle Down Economics. 1.2979 0.05825 94 71 18 5
1291 I understand he’s writing his autobiography and he’s at the point where his ship goes down. 1.2979 0.05418 94 69 22 3
1292 When Hal sid he was swamped with work, that was an understatement. 1.2979 0.05625 94 70 20 4
1293 Yeah. Everyone's drowning, Earl. It's still your turn to take minutes. 1.2976 0.06287 84 64 15 5
1294 Some people just can't handle climate change. 1.2976 0.06287 84 64 15 5
1295 The acid may be kicking in. 1.2973 0.05214 111 83 23 5
1296 see you on monday steve 1.2973 0.04719 111 80 29 2
1297 I guess some documents do still require a wet signature. 1.2973 0.06303 74 55 16 3
1298 I hear he's in deep with our liquidators. 1.2970 0.05548 101 76 20 5
1299 Yeah, it’s a new work place for sure. Still, the pool of quicksand down the hall freaks me out. 1.2970 0.05548 101 76 20 5
1300 Harold had a real meltdown after being told he had to be vaccinated. 1.2970 0.05724 101 77 18 6
1301 Another fucking sinkhole god i hate Mondays 1.2967 0.06151 91 70 15 6
1302 George was asked to liquidate the Penske account. 1.2967 0.05741 91 68 19 4
1303 He's not a real plumber. 1.2967 0.05524 91 67 21 3
1304 I knew Bob was drowning in his work but this is ridiculous 1.2967 0.05741 91 68 19 4
1305 He tried the standing desk, but this one has more lumbar support. 1.2967 0.05949 91 69 17 5
1306 Don't worry- it's just a mirage. You're going to love it here! 1.2967 0.05949 91 69 17 5
1307 Old School -still drowning in paperwork! 1.2967 0.06347 91 71 13 7
1308 It's not as quick as I thought it would be 1.2966 0.05556 118 92 17 9
1309 Don't worry about it, nobody likes Larry. 1.2966 0.05150 118 89 23 6
1310 He's working on his core. 1.2963 0.05254 81 60 19 2
1311 I wonder if he’d like something else to read. 1.2963 0.05943 81 60 18 3
1312 I thought it was just a metaphor. 1.2963 0.05139 108 80 24 4
1313 The talent pool is down to just Jim now. 1.2963 0.06197 81 61 16 4
1314 It wasn’t high on my list of amenities either. 1.2959 0.05272 98 72 23 3
1315 It's a rug. It just looks like a guy stuck in quick sand. 1.2959 0.05657 98 74 19 5
1316 "Like he just said, he's up to his neck..." 1.2959 0.05068 98 71 25 2
1317 That’s why he calls this place a sweat shop. 1.2959 0.05272 98 72 23 3
1318 Water cooler gossip finally caught up with him. 1.2957 0.04449 115 82 32 1
1319 He's drowning in debt. 1.2957 0.05520 115 89 18 8
1320 Mr. Hodges has always been a wellspring of ideas and innovation. 1.2957 0.04779 115 84 28 3
1321 They've called a meeting to see what to do about the situation. 1.2955 0.05863 88 66 18 4
1322 Apparently that's where the steno pool used to be. 1.2955 0.06293 88 68 14 6
1323 Should we call 911 or ServePro? 1.2955 0.06497 88 69 12 7
1324 Some people just can't handle broken A/C. 1.2952 0.05228 105 78 23 4
1325 When a brainstorm becomes a brain flood. 1.2952 0.05567 105 80 19 6
1326 He wanted to be in the office pool 1.2951 0.05032 122 92 24 6
1327 Legal left him there as a caution. Never leave a paper trail. 1.2949 0.06350 78 59 15 4
1328 You know how it is. Sink or swim. 1.2947 0.05772 95 72 18 5
1329 That said, it works for him. 1.2947 0.05574 95 71 20 4
1330 Never ask the Head of Drama if he’s busy. 1.2947 0.05772 95 72 18 5
1331 Ralph’s having another melt down in the office. 1.2947 0.05157 95 69 24 2
1332 He got sucked into a meeting 1.2947 0.05574 95 71 20 4
1333 He says he's drowning in his work - I think he just spends too much time at the water cooler. 1.2947 0.05370 95 70 22 3
1334 Jim works in our Wicked Witch products division. 1.2946 0.05327 112 85 21 6
1335 Yeah, times are tough. Guess he'll have to do that report; he's the only one left in the office pool. 1.2946 0.05476 112 86 19 7
1336 Climate change got the better of him. 1.2941 0.05755 85 63 19 3
1337 Gotta admire Joe's special-effects for his presentation on Miami real estate. 1.2941 0.06444 85 66 13 6
1338 That’s one way to keep the business afloat. 1.2941 0.06223 85 65 15 5
1339 That’s Frank. He has a Covid meltdown every time someone coughs. 1.2936 0.05873 109 86 14 9
1340 Every time there's a new merger he has a meltdown. 1.2936 0.05422 109 83 20 6
1341 Last week he lit himself on fire.. He'll never finish that report. 1.2935 0.05893 92 70 17 5
1342 Don't worry. That only happens to the guys who refuse to be computer-savvy. 1.2935 0.05473 92 68 21 3
1343 Frank's email did say he was drowning AT work... I thought he meant drowning IN work 1.2935 0.05893 92 70 17 5
1344 I swear I thought he was hyperbolizing. Oh well, my bad. 1.2933 0.06231 75 56 16 3
1345 I keep telling him to use a cup, but he insists on saving the planet. 1.2933 0.05935 75 55 18 2
1346 I went with the standing desk, but this...? 1.2931 0.05051 116 87 24 5
1347 He's drowning in paperwork, what else. 1.2931 0.04900 116 86 26 4
1348 He was trying to leak insider information. 1.2931 0.05340 116 89 20 7
1349 Don't step in him; he's daydreaming. 1.2929 0.05227 99 73 23 3
1350 Finally a man broke through the glass floor 1.2929 0.05964 99 77 15 7
1351 Space time distortions can be a bitch 1.2929 0.05964 99 77 15 7
1352 He's been treading water for 40-years. 1.2929 0.05607 99 75 19 5
1353 I can never tell if he's coming or going. 1.2927 0.05620 82 60 20 2
1354 I told him he was getting in over his head. 1.2927 0.05620 82 60 20 2
1355 I have suggested that we might have to take this rising ocean thing seriously. 1.2927 0.06605 82 64 12 6
1356 This is the seniors' kitchen, they enjoy drip coffee and drowning in work. Our juice and poké bar is this way. 1.2927 0.05881 82 61 18 3
1357 My other recurring nightmare is that I never wrote the report . . . 1.2927 0.06132 82 62 16 4
1358 I DON'T KNOW. HE WAS THERE WHEN I CAME IN 1.2927 0.06132 82 62 16 4
1359 His physician advised him to stay hydrated. 1.2925 0.05522 106 81 19 6
1360 The Iceman Cometh, and Goeth. 1.2925 0.05186 106 79 23 4
1361 Oh, did I mention? Don't come to the attention of HR. 1.2921 0.05582 89 66 20 3
1362 Since adding quicksand to our break room, our company has saved millions in pension costs. 1.2921 0.06231 89 69 14 6
1363 Yep, baby boomers and technology. You'll get used to it. 1.2921 0.06231 89 69 14 6
1364 I guess Steve wasn't aligned. 1.2921 0.06231 89 69 14 6
1365 All I did was click my heels. 1.2921 0.06022 89 68 16 5
1366 ...And I thought he could walk on water 1.2920 0.05286 113 86 21 6
1367 The problem is, he’s neither sinking nor swimming! 1.2913 0.04887 127 96 25 6
1368 He's up to his neck in work. 1.2913 0.04499 103 73 30 0
1369 They’re very accommodating here. He didn’t like his standup desk so they built him a standup pool. 1.2913 0.04904 103 75 26 2
1370 So sad, drowning in a pool of meaningless reports 1.2911 0.05450 79 57 21 1
1371 Maybe he's been on that liquid diet too long. 1.2909 0.05379 110 84 20 6
1372 Stebbins has perfected the office meltdown. 1.2909 0.04538 110 79 30 1
1373 You'll be working with him. 1.2909 0.05532 110 85 18 7
1374 Most of our dinosaurs regrettably end up like Gus. 1.2907 0.05698 86 64 19 3
1375 He did say he was drowning in work. 1.2907 0.05698 86 64 19 3
1376 Well, at least he's keeping his head above water. 1.2907 0.06378 86 67 13 6
1377 It's about time. He's been on thin ice for weeks. 1.2907 0.05933 86 65 17 4
1378 He isn’t “drowning”, I see there’s only five papers, he’s being dramatic. 1.2906 0.05159 117 89 22 6
1379 That's Peabody. No-one knows if he is waving or drowning. 1.2906 0.05159 117 89 22 6
1380 What did I tell you about Boomers? Even when they’re washed up they still won’t leave. 1.2906 0.05014 117 88 24 5
1381 The hidden cost of a three martini lunch. 1.2903 0.05089 93 70 20 3
1382 Just hope you never get called into the HR office. 1.2903 0.05092 124 95 22 7
1383 I told you his proposal was watered down. 1.2903 0.04973 93 67 25 1
1384 It's supposed to be ergonomic. 1.2903 0.05203 93 68 23 2
1385 Oh, Fred’s just a little dramatic. 1.2900 0.05559 100 76 19 5
1386 from a liability standpoint, it's now an HR issue. 1.2900 0.05738 100 77 17 6
1387 Another staff amenity our cutting edge floor design offers... random hot springs. 1.2900 0.05738 100 77 17 6
1388 Mort seems to really be drowning in his work. 1.2899 0.06562 69 52 14 3
1389 He'd been on thin ice for years. 1.2899 0.06879 69 53 12 4
1390 Ya, it's quicksand.....Hey Ray, can I have your computer? 1.2897 0.05790 107 84 15 8
1391 This isn't what you think it is. 1.2895 0.07449 76 62 6 8
1392 Oh, I forgot to mention, we also offer a Sinking Fund. 1.2895 0.06439 76 58 14 4
1393 Jones is drowning in paperwork. 1.2895 0.05096 114 86 23 5
1394 And that's Frank, drowning in work again. 1.2895 0.06160 76 57 16 3
1395 Of course we're all swamped, but Ed is just a drama queen. 1.2892 0.06970 83 67 8 8
1396 That’s the typing pool. 1.2892 0.05007 83 64 16 3
1397 He's doing his impersonation of the Wicked Witch of the West again! 1.2892 0.06534 83 65 12 6
1398 He's trying to stay liquid. 1.2892 0.06068 83 63 16 4
1399 I see that Harold is still swamped with work. 1.2891 0.04726 128 96 27 5
1400 Dorothy's gonna need a bigger bucket. 1.2889 0.05751 90 68 18 4
1401 As I said, the labor pool is aging. 1.2889 0.06170 90 70 14 6
1402 The internship program here is great, but the retirement plans…not so much. 1.2889 0.05299 90 66 22 2
1403 Another watered down presentation. 1.2889 0.05529 90 67 20 3
1404 There's something to be said for going with the flow. 1.2887 0.04851 97 70 26 1
1405 That's why you never say you're swimming in paperwork. 1.2887 0.06211 97 77 12 8
1406 Now I regret laughing at Marvin when he said he was drowning in paperwork. 1.2887 0.05475 97 73 20 4
1407 Herb was working on foreclosures.. and was too compassionate. 1.2887 0.05668 97 74 18 5
1408 He calls it puddling. 1.2887 0.04851 97 70 26 1
1409 No, we don't offer health benefits. But we find water therapy is a good alternative." 1.2887 0.05668 97 74 18 5
1410 He’s the Wicked Accountant of the West 1.2887 0.05668 97 74 18 5
1411 Poor Joe, he's drowning in paper work 1.2885 0.05744 104 81 16 7
1412 Fred just hasn’t been the same since his division was dissolved. 1.2883 0.05635 111 87 16 8
1413 At least you know Greg is serious when he says he's 'Drowning in Work'. 1.2883 0.05488 111 86 18 7
1414 He never asked for help. 1.2881 0.04273 118 92 21 5
1415 Now that he's finally getting a computer, he'll have to stop saying that he's drowning in paperwork. 1.2875 0.06212 80 61 15 4
1416 The throw rugs are extremely plush 1.2874 0.06097 87 67 15 5
1417 The Ultimate Meltdown! 1.2874 0.06097 87 67 15 5
1418 He was warned to expect liquidated damages 1.2874 0.05400 87 64 21 2
1419 He called earlier and said he was swamped. Who knew? 1.2874 0.05874 87 66 17 4
1420 As you can see, some of our senior staff are just treading water until they retire. 1.2871 0.05859 101 79 15 7
1421 He saw the company accounts and had a meltdown. 1.2871 0.05139 101 75 23 3
1422 Looks like the old guy is having a meltdown. 1.2871 0.05328 101 76 21 4
1423 Because of cutbacks there are no longer lifeguards for the secretarial pool. 1.2871 0.05328 101 76 21 4
1424 We offered him a rope but he keeps saying, "Quicksand, schmicksand... I have a deadline!" 1.2871 0.05328 101 76 21 4
1425 It's just another of his deadline dodges. 1.2871 0.05688 101 78 17 6
1426 Carl is in charge of our liquidity problem. 1.2871 0.05511 101 77 19 5
1427 One more thing. Watch out for Dorothy. 1.2870 0.05589 108 84 17 7
1428 We all drown in paperwork around here. 1.2870 0.05589 108 84 17 7
1429 It runs in his family. His mother was the wicked witch of Oz. 1.2870 0.05589 108 84 17 7
1430 Drowning in debt use to be a metaphor 1.2870 0.05271 108 82 21 5
1431 That’s Gordon. He just melts sometimes for no reason. 1.2870 0.05206 115 88 21 6
1432 I said fire him, Boss said too expensive, quick sand is better. Gives them time to think and serves as an example." 1.2857 0.05427 98 74 20 4
1433 I told him to enter the office pool on working remotely. 1.2857 0.05802 98 76 16 6
1434 Now that was a melt down! 1.2857 0.06005 84 64 16 4
1435 Of course, there'll always be those who question putting the quicksand pit on the 6th floor. 1.2857 0.06110 91 71 14 6
1436 And we'll throw in a fat bonus if you have experience in office sinkholes. 1.2857 0.06005 84 64 16 4
1437 It's an ergonomic 'wading desk'. 1.2857 0.05906 91 70 16 5
1438 This puddle of thoughts is all that remains of our well of ideas. 1.2857 0.05427 98 74 20 4
1439 He's doing better. At our last quarterly review he was underwater 1.2857 0.06091 77 58 16 3
1440 Sad. For the last few years, he's just been treading water. 1.2857 0.06005 84 64 16 4
1441 Well that explains what John Malkovich has been up to 1.2857 0.06629 77 60 12 5
1442 He went from half-baked to watered down. 1.2857 0.06239 84 65 14 5
1443 He said he was drowning in paperwork, I just didn't believe it! 1.2857 0.05295 112 86 20 6
1444 Yep, Cruz just keeps sinking lower! 1.2857 0.05981 98 77 14 7
1445 The irony is that he was the only one who opposed liquidation. 1.2857 0.06465 84 66 12 6
1446 And Larry won the office pool. 1.2857 0.05761 84 63 18 3
1447 I warned him his theory was all wet. 1.2857 0.05012 105 78 24 3
1448 Bob is part of the typing pool. 1.2845 0.05310 116 90 19 7
1449 Don’t worry — we’ll get someone to clean that up. 1.2845 0.05020 116 88 23 5
1450 Oh, him? He said he was paper-trained. 1.2845 0.05310 116 90 19 7
1451 You try finding solid help. 1.2843 0.05464 102 78 19 5
1452 His colonoscopy prep does that to him every year. 1.2843 0.05464 102 78 19 5
1453 He was only five feet from the rest room. 1.2842 0.05731 95 73 17 5
1454 It's a slough of despond -- someone upstairs had it put in. 1.2841 0.06249 88 69 13 6
1455 Middle age meltdown. Don’t worry, we won’t have one. 1.2841 0.05469 88 68 16 4
1456 Bill has a unique way of dealing with deadlines 1.2841 0.06036 88 68 15 5
1457 Got plans for the weekend? 1.2841 0.06036 88 68 15 5
1458 And that's why we have to go after the low-hanging fruit while we're young. Because one day, we'll just be treading water too. 1.2840 0.06391 81 63 13 5
1459 I’m beginning to be concerned about global warming 1.2840 0.06391 81 63 13 5
1460 I told you he was in over his head. 1.2838 0.05937 74 55 17 2
1461 We don’t believe in metaphors here. 1.2838 0.06808 74 58 11 5
1462 Lucky guy, he won the office pool. 1.2838 0.06531 74 57 13 4
1463 Maintenance was supposed to have fixed that time warp months ago. 1.2832 0.04944 113 85 24 4
1464 He decided to do his own research! 1.2830 0.04972 106 79 24 3
1465 Bill is drowning in new ideas. 1.2830 0.05487 106 82 18 6
1466 Brandon’s in way over his head 1.2830 0.05648 106 83 16 7
1467 He's fine. Joe always gets flooded with paperwork this time of year. 1.2830 0.05648 106 83 16 7
1468 He's always going on about America being a melting pot. 1.2830 0.04972 106 79 24 3
1469 I told you last week the guy would be floundering. 1.2828 0.05568 99 76 18 5
1470 I suppose it’s our job now to figure out what to do with the flying monkeys. 1.2828 0.05380 99 75 20 4
1471 He's the last one in the office pool. 1.2828 0.05185 99 74 22 3
1472 That WAS thin ice. 1.2828 0.05380 99 75 20 4
1473 Looks like management decided to downsize Fred. 1.2828 0.04771 99 72 26 1
1474 Arthur's gone all in studying liquidity traps. 1.2828 0.05185 99 74 22 3
1475 Looks like you’ll be getting a promotion soon. 1.2826 0.05850 92 71 16 5
1476 Quicksand focuses the mind. 1.2826 0.05426 92 69 20 3
1477 Boomers always talk about "drowning in paperwork", but I didn't know what it meant until now. 1.2826 0.05202 92 68 22 2
1478 Welcome to the Metaverse. 1.2826 0.05642 92 70 18 4
1479 I think he's demonstrating Climate Change right now. 1.2824 0.05944 85 65 16 4
1480 Never annoy the janitor. 1.2824 0.06175 85 66 14 5
1481 It seems to gather more attention than other art installments but the placement is problematic I think. 1.2821 0.06294 78 60 14 4
1482 Should we help him? You'd have to fill out the life saving preamble and waiver of liability in triplicate and get it notified first. 1.2821 0.06554 78 61 12 5
1483 He said he was buried in paperwork, but I didn't take him literally. 1.2821 0.06554 78 61 12 5
1484 It is a shame He always wanted to be a screen writer but he winds up in the press pool 1.2818 0.04855 110 82 25 3
1485 He's been swamped with work this week. 1.2818 0.04211 110 81 28 1
1486 I thought these old timers believed in baptism by fire 1.2817 0.05560 71 54 15 2
1487 Maybe now he’ll finally go paperless. 1.2816 0.05054 103 77 23 3
1488 Jerry? He's doing swimmingly 1.2816 0.05239 103 78 21 4
1489 He said he's drowning in paperwork. 1.2812 0.05066 96 71 23 2
1490 At least he's not in over his head. 1.2812 0.05066 96 71 23 2
1491 I told him he was over-hydrating. . 1.2809 0.05977 89 69 15 5
1492 What did you do to our wicked VP of the West? 1.2809 0.05759 89 68 17 4
1493 And this is the new early retirement incentive pit.” 1.2809 0.05759 89 68 17 4
1494 We’re all drowning in paperwork these days. 1.2809 0.05759 89 68 17 4
1495 He's always drowning himself in paperwork 1.2807 0.05063 114 87 22 5
1496 I warned him the Steno Pool had been downsized and reorganized. 1.2805 0.05827 82 62 17 3
1497 Amazon is still working out the kinks in their direct portals. 1.2805 0.06079 82 63 15 4
1498 Seriously? Maintenance said they'd have the portal figured out by last week 1.2805 0.06556 82 65 11 6
1499 When are they going to call the quicksand people? 1.2804 0.05277 107 82 20 5
1500 Poor Murray — always swamped with work. 1.2804 0.04750 107 79 26 2
1501 Ok, Boomer. Tell us again how you figured things out on their own when you were our age. 1.2800 0.04940 100 74 24 2
1502 This kind of thing is becoming more frequent! 1.2800 0.05519 100 77 18 5
1503 That’s our head liquidator. 1.2800 0.06044 100 80 12 8
1504 First it was the standing desk… 1.2800 0.06454 75 58 13 4
1505 If that’s not Karma I don’t know what is. 1.2800 0.06169 75 57 15 3
1506 The concrete never cured in that spot. 1.2800 0.06728 75 59 11 5
1507 We strongly believe obstacles foster creativity. 1.2800 0.05874 100 79 14 7
1508 I thought they cleaned this up during the last administration! 1.2800 0.06169 75 57 15 3
1509 We have a sink or swim culture. 1.2796 0.06185 93 74 12 7
1510 Not my job 1.2796 0.05154 93 69 22 2
1511 It’s the void where ‘the-no-longer-relevant-technology’ gets disposed of. He’s the last of our fact-checkers. 1.2796 0.05376 93 70 20 3
1512 Drowning in the details... 1.2796 0.05590 93 71 18 4
1513 As they say, "Sink and Swim." 1.2796 0.05154 93 69 22 2
1514 Ther must be better ways of getting rid of our older white males 1.2796 0.05795 93 72 16 5
1515 We either help him with his foundering project or get him a swim coach. 1.2796 0.05795 93 72 16 5
1516 Kinda ironic since he was the one who said sea levels would be up to the six floor in ten years. 1.2796 0.05376 93 70 20 3
1517 It just arrived yesterday. Much more realistic than the plastic dog poop. 1.2796 0.05590 93 71 18 4
1518 Don’t cry over spilt Milton. 1.2796 0.06185 93 74 12 7
1519 He had to liquidate his assets. 1.2794 0.06574 68 52 13 3
1520 Usually it's the people checking their phones that don't see the quicksand. 1.2794 0.06900 68 53 11 4
1521 He's been underwater since the housing collapse of '08. 1.2793 0.05456 111 87 17 7
1522 The construction crew learned that he was the artist who painted the sidewalk illusion sinkhole outside... and they decided to mess with him. It's cruel, but you have to admire their sense of irony. 1.2791 0.06111 86 67 14 5
1523 I still don't know what he looks like below the arms. 1.2791 0.06331 86 68 12 6
1524 This could've been an email. 1.2791 0.06544 86 69 10 7
1525 For his sake, I'm glad we're only microdosing. 1.2788 0.05543 104 81 17 6
1526 The quicksand is supposed to create a more engaging workplace environment. 1.2788 0.05709 104 82 15 7
1527 Caught in the cesspool of office gossip 1.2788 0.05012 104 78 23 3
1528 Poor guy didn't take the cue for early retirement, so we had to drown him in work. 1.2788 0.05195 104 79 21 4
1529 He likes being the centre of attention in the office gossip pool”. 1.2788 0.05195 104 79 21 4
1530 He's learning to work in the office pool. 1.2788 0.05458 104 83 14 7
1531 Not another meltdown. 1.2785 0.05958 79 60 16 3
1532 Dr. Pulz' research on superfluids seems to be going well. 1.2785 0.06224 79 61 14 4
1533 Such a cliché! 1.2785 0.06480 79 62 12 5
1534 Everyone's wrong. Harry's not in over his head 1.2784 0.05022 97 72 23 2
1535 Whoa, that was a hot memo 1.2784 0.05997 97 77 13 7
1536 He says he's way more productive at a swimming desk. 1.2778 0.05480 90 68 19 3
1537 If you think this looks bad, you should have seen it before they got rid of the alligators! 1.2778 0.05918 90 70 15 5
1538 Yeah the commutes a pain in the ass 1.2778 0.05703 90 69 17 4
1539 Guy with tie says: “Well he was given the standard ultimatum! 1.2778 0.05703 90 69 17 4
1540 Remember what he said when we were hired? “You will either sink or swim here.” 1.2778 0.05398 108 84 18 6
1541 I’ve heard of ‘drowning in paperwork’, but never ‘drowning next to paperwork.’ 1.2778 0.05398 108 84 18 6
1542 He is trying method writing about the climate crises. 1.2778 0.05480 90 68 19 3
1543 ...and to save energy, we replaced our elevator banks with LEED-certified sinkholes. 1.2772 0.05472 101 83 10 8
1544 He still hasn't discovered how to monetize his discovery of a portal to the aquaverse. 1.2772 0.05650 101 79 16 6
1545 One sinkhole in the building and he has to step into it. 1.2772 0.05097 101 76 22 3
1546 Strange. The email said he was leaving to spend more time with his family. 1.2772 0.05193 101 79 17 5
1547 He told me that his in-box was flooded but I took it as hyperbole. 1.2768 0.05412 112 88 17 7
1548 Worst case of failed Depends I've ever seen. 1.2766 0.05936 94 74 14 6
1549 I think he uses that metaphor too much. 1.2766 0.05108 94 70 22 2
1550 Drowning in work isn’t so bad. Last year I got assigned to shovel out the ol’ dung heap. 1.2766 0.05538 94 72 18 4
1551 I don't think the swimming desk is ever going to catch on. 1.2763 0.06098 76 58 15 3
1552 He gives real meaning to the expression, "I'm drowning in paperwork." 1.2763 0.06649 76 60 11 5
1553 …and here’s your coffee, water, microwave, quicksand, condiments, paper plates, napkins… 1.2763 0.06098 76 58 15 3
1554 And I thought I had the commute from hell. 1.2763 0.06098 76 58 15 3
1555 You should never underestimate the dangers posed by quicksand. 1.2762 0.05063 105 82 18 5
1556 Levels are rising even faster than expected. 1.2762 0.04972 105 79 23 3
1557 That was a tough meeting. I bet he won’t forget his antiperspirant next time. 1.2762 0.05496 105 82 17 6
1558 I told him to piss off ! 1.2762 0.05496 105 82 17 6
1559 As I told you, it's sink or swim around here. 1.2759 0.05590 87 66 18 3
1560 Yeah, that! The boss's favorite phrase is "sink or swim", so he buys artwork to reinforce that theme. 1.2759 0.05345 87 65 20 2
1561 The mikve in the coffee corner was a brilliant idea. 1.2759 0.05345 87 65 20 2
1562 He’s the new Creative Director 1.2759 0.05824 87 67 16 4
1563 He demanded a hot tub to return to work. 1.2759 0.05824 87 67 16 4
1564 You just can't do some things as well from home 1.2759 0.06266 87 69 12 6
1565 It's quick linoleum. 1.2759 0.05590 87 66 18 3
1566 Poor guy. He’s drowning in paperwork. 1.2755 0.05577 98 76 17 5
1567 We ran out of paper towels. 1.2755 0.04979 98 73 23 2
1568 He told us his mother was the Wicked Witch of the West, but we never believed him until recently. 1.2755 0.05385 98 75 19 4
1569 That? That's that street artist with the amazing perspective. That image is actually 33 feet long. 1.2755 0.05577 98 76 17 5
1570 Tech quick sand. Watch your step. 1.2755 0.05186 98 74 21 3
1571 It looks like we had to dip into the temp pool again. 1.2755 0.05577 98 76 17 5
1572 You’re lucky you’re not starting on the ground floor. 1.2754 0.06491 69 53 13 3
1573 We put a wet floor sign down; unfortunately, that sank as well. 1.2754 0.07411 69 56 7 6
1574 As you can see, we're drowning in work. 1.2752 0.05193 109 84 20 5
1575 It’s sink or swim, bro. 1.2752 0.05510 109 86 16 7
1576 Maybe we do need an office pool! 1.2752 0.05193 109 84 20 5
1577 Here, I thought he was joking that he is really "swamped" with work. 1.2750 0.05618 80 60 18 2
1578 Fred's part of the temp pool. 1.2750 0.05618 80 60 18 2
1579 He’s doing a deep dive on global warming. 1.2750 0.05893 80 61 16 3
1580 He's one of those global warming deniers. 1.2750 0.06156 80 62 14 4
1581 He makes waves that he can’t surf. 1.2747 0.06066 91 72 13 6
1582 About every fifty rejections, Bob has a meltdown. 1.2747 0.05428 91 69 19 3
1583 I don't know, something to do with a young intern from Kansas and her little dog too. 1.2747 0.06066 91 72 13 6
1584 Enough of the drama, Mr. Olof. The air conditioning will be fixed on Tuesday. 1.2747 0.05649 91 70 17 4
1585 I'd have to agree Bob, it is a cruel world 1.2747 0.06066 91 72 13 6
1586 He's there as a conversation starter for when water cooler talk runs dry. 1.2747 0.06264 91 73 11 7
1587 Drama queen. We're all drowning in paperwork. 1.2745 0.05771 102 81 14 7
1588 Taking work home is the first sign of total immersion. 1.2745 0.05424 102 79 18 5
1589 I came in and found him this morning. Clearly he is drowning in work! 1.2743 0.04745 113 85 25 3
1590 One of his graduate assistants just threw a glass of water at him, and... 1.2743 0.05370 113 89 17 7
1591 He’s literally drowning in paperwork 1.2740 0.06830 73 58 10 5
1592 Poor Ridgely's been treading water for years. 1.2740 0.06546 73 57 12 4
1593 Alan’s meltdowns were much less dramatic on Zoom. 1.2740 0.07103 73 59 8 6
1594 It's the latest perk in the "come back to the office" campaign - the swim-up desk. 1.2738 0.05706 84 64 17 3
1595 HR created phased retirement after those ageism accusations. 1.2738 0.06416 84 67 11 6
1596 I thought the plumber fixed that basement leak! 1.2738 0.06416 84 67 11 6
1597 Climate denier. 1.2738 0.06416 84 67 11 6
1598 Relax…it’s one of those sidewalk chalk foolers 1.2738 0.06189 84 66 13 5
1599 That’s what happens when you refuse to go paperless. 1.2738 0.05706 84 64 17 3
1600 Yeah, he didn't publish, so... 1.2738 0.05706 84 64 17 3
1601 They all thought it was one of those fake rugs that look like a puddle. 1.2737 0.05279 95 72 20 3
1602 The boss had a meltdown over the hostile merger. Good thing we’re on the ground floor! 1.2737 0.05487 95 73 18 4
1603 Yeah, he's up to his neck in it. 1.2737 0.05687 95 74 16 5
1604 At least he should have the pleasure of being right – it WAS a witch hunt. 1.2737 0.05687 95 74 16 5
1605 Maybe it was a compliment when he said we're wet behind the ears. 1.2737 0.05279 95 72 20 3
1606 He's been in over his head ever since he started working here. 1.2737 0.05881 95 75 14 6
1607 It's much deeper than it looks. 1.2737 0.05279 95 72 20 3
1608 It runs in his family. His grandmother was the Wicked Witch of the West. 1.2736 0.05110 106 81 21 4
1609 He's one of our Sea-level executives. 1.2727 0.05988 88 69 14 5
1610 Looks like Ed took quite a spill. 1.2727 0.05888 99 79 13 7
1611 ...and that's Bob. He's a nice enough guy, but he's always drowning in paperwork. 1.2727 0.05151 110 85 20 5
1612 Not all positions offer upward mobility. 1.2727 0.05766 88 68 16 4
1613 This was only a matter of time once the treadmill desks became a thing. 1.2727 0.05535 88 67 18 3
1614 Back when the company was founded it was the secretarial pool. 1.2727 0.05766 88 68 16 4
1615 Turned out, he's a Sea-E-O. 1.2727 0.05739 77 58 17 2
1616 Looks so real, doesn’t it? 1.2727 0.05710 99 78 15 6
1617 The fake vomit prankster has upped their game. 1.2727 0.05766 88 68 16 4
1618 When I want to have some fun I yell, "Shark!" 1.2727 0.05988 88 69 14 5
1619 The boss is getting ready for his evening class of plumbing for dummies 1.2727 0.06306 77 60 13 4
1620 He's usually in over his head. 1.2727 0.06572 77 61 11 5
1621 So I told him to piss off. I didn't think he would really do it! 1.2727 0.06029 77 59 15 3
1622 So maybe the office pool isn’t working out. 1.2727 0.05151 110 85 20 5
1623 The Professor is having a meltdown moment. 1.2727 0.05311 110 86 18 6
1624 It's the only way to keep Carl out of meetings. 1.2727 0.06572 77 61 11 5
1625 He takes "drowning at work" to a whole new level. 1.2727 0.05766 88 68 16 4
1626 Heard the boss was forced to liquidate some assets. 1.2727 0.05337 99 76 19 4
1627 I’m not sure he’s a good fit. He keeps drowning in the details. 1.2727 0.04817 110 83 24 3
1628 Fred’s been treading water until his retirement. 1.2727 0.06306 77 60 13 4
1629 The building inspector says we have a sinking problem. 1.2727 0.05888 99 79 13 7
1630 Oh, say hello to Doug, who is the Director of Histrionics 1.2727 0.04936 99 74 23 2
1631 It’s not the hot tub we wanted, but Simpson likes it. 1.2727 0.05527 99 77 17 5
1632 I thought the days of drowning in paperwork were over. 1.2727 0.05151 110 85 20 5
1633 Doug? He's business casual, but only when the tide's out. 1.2727 0.05988 88 69 14 5
1634 We're in the process of liquidating. 1.2718 0.05198 103 79 20 4
1635 Steve always wets himself before the quarterly board meeting. 1.2718 0.06045 103 84 10 9
1636 He's really immersed in his work 1.2718 0.05378 103 80 18 5
1637 He's part of the secretarial pool. 1.2717 0.05595 92 71 17 4
1638 Our annual report is due, and once again, Gary melts under pressure. 1.2717 0.05150 92 69 21 2
1639 We're the only company that still has a secretarial pool. 1.2717 0.05595 92 71 17 4
1640 Some say it's a portal to another dimension of paperwork. 1.2717 0.05595 92 71 17 4
1641 I always thought “swamped with paperwork” was just a figure of speech. 1.2716 0.05830 81 62 16 3
1642 He's trying to make a point about his working conditions. 1.2716 0.05274 81 60 20 1
1643 That doesn't count. He is drowning at work, not in work. 1.2716 0.06089 81 63 14 4
1644 Don’t mind him. He just wants the water cooler talk to be about him at all times. How about those Patriots? 1.2716 0.05830 81 62 16 3
1645 I'm going to readjust the heated floor setting. 1.2714 0.06410 70 54 13 3
1646 No, don't help him. He has to start learning that other people are busy too. 1.2714 0.06410 70 54 13 3
1647 I always thought it was just an expression 1.2714 0.06410 70 54 13 3
1648 Your office is over here. And that's one of our project hellholes which occasionally open up in the hallways to swallow managers and staff. Try to go around those. 1.2710 0.05069 107 82 21 4
1649 At least he's keeping his head above water 1.2710 0.04708 107 80 25 2
1650 He's working on the Australian crawl. 1.2710 0.05240 107 83 19 5
1651 Be thankful we’re not one floor down in billing. It’s not a virtual meeting, I told him. Gotta wear pants, I said. 1.2708 0.05826 96 76 14 6
1652 To be fair, OSHA did warn him about that old space heater 1.2708 0.05231 96 73 20 3
1653 Print subscriptions. They're always struggling to keep their heads above water. 1.2708 0.05437 96 74 18 4
1654 Looks like he's caught in the quicksand of his imagination 1.2708 0.05635 96 75 16 5
1655 So that’s why the water cooler is empty. 1.2708 0.05437 96 74 18 4
1656 Hard to believe that he's our risk manager. 1.2706 0.05891 85 66 15 4
1657 They put Legal next to the breakroom so they’re harder to avoid. 1.2706 0.05648 85 65 17 3
1658 Clearly, poor old Mills is about to be in over his head. 1.2706 0.05648 85 65 17 3
1659 Good grief, not another meltdown… 1.2706 0.05891 85 66 15 4
1660 He didn't believe in global warming. 1.2706 0.05648 85 65 17 3
1661 He says it’s better than a standing desk. 1.2706 0.05891 85 66 15 4
1662 Quicken sand. In this office you follow your monthly budget or else. 1.2703 0.06174 74 57 14 3
1663 Keep in mind, you don't make your quarterly numbers you go under 1.2703 0.05867 74 56 16 2
1664 He claims he's drowning in work. 1.2703 0.05867 74 56 16 2
1665 That's who you will be replacing. He was way out of his depth. 1.2703 0.06747 74 59 10 5
1666 When he said he was drowning, I didn't take it literally. 1.2703 0.06174 74 57 14 3
1667 When a cartoonist has a creative block, their go to is quicksand until something else comes to mind. 1.2703 0.06467 74 58 12 4
1668 Drowning in self-pity 1.2700 0.05096 100 76 21 3
1669 Some of the best work is done below the surface. 1.2700 0.05291 100 77 19 4
1670 He's fixing a leak in the cloud. 1.2697 0.05481 89 68 18 3
1671 That’s Simpson. He plays the ‘drowning in paperwork’ card about once a quarter, just make his contributions to the firm conspicuous. 1.2697 0.05481 89 68 18 3
1672 Word has it that HR told him he's all washed up. 1.2697 0.05481 89 68 18 3
1673 I hear he’s drowning in student loan debt. 1.2697 0.05481 89 68 18 3
1674 He's most productive when he's treading water. 1.2692 0.05962 78 60 15 3
1675 His wife will be here to pick him up at 6. 1.2692 0.06235 78 61 13 4
1676 The labor pool is smaller than it used to be. 1.2688 0.05542 93 72 17 4
1677 We're a digital workplace, but you can still spot the rare old-timer drowning in paperwork. 1.2688 0.05749 93 73 15 5
1678 I tell ya, a bucket of water will do it every time 1.2688 0.05749 93 73 15 5
1679 Drowning in paperwork is so 20th century 1.2688 0.05542 93 72 17 4
1680 I think we can kiss goodbye to our bonuses this year. 1.2688 0.05749 93 73 15 5
1681 He broke the ice. 1.2688 0.05749 93 73 15 5
1682 He is our septic specialist. 1.2688 0.05103 93 70 21 2
1683 He’s just showing off. 1.2687 0.06583 67 52 12 3
1684 Avert your eyes. We just leave him there as a warning to others. 1.2687 0.06583 67 52 12 3
1685 It always used to freeze solid by this time of year 1.2687 0.06918 67 53 10 4
1686 He should have read the manual on how to fill a water cooler FIRST 1.2685 0.05028 108 83 21 4
1687 Sea level rise 1.2683 0.05501 82 62 18 2
1688 Maybe we shouldn't have thrown water on the sweetest guy in the office. 1.2683 0.06023 82 64 14 4
1689 It's a 'sink or swim' kind of outfit. 1.2683 0.06268 82 65 12 5
1690 Yeah, don't ever mention her red shoes. 1.2683 0.06023 82 64 14 4
1691 It's still better than a glass ceiling 1.2683 0.05768 82 63 16 3
1692 Miss Baily from accounting finally spoke to him. 1.2683 0.05768 82 63 16 3
1693 Well, he’s not exactly drowning in work. 1.2683 0.06023 82 64 14 4
1694 Until I met Dave I thought drowning in responsibility was just a metaphor. 1.2680 0.05584 97 76 16 5
1695 We're fully online but the old-timers still like to drown in paperwork every now and then. 1.2680 0.04752 97 72 24 1
1696 Glass ceiling breaking was a myth, in truth it melted. 1.2680 0.04973 97 73 22 2
1697 If he learned to use a computer effectively, he wouldn’t drown in paper work. 1.2679 0.04909 112 86 22 4
1698 He's from the typing pool. 1.2679 0.04570 112 84 26 2
1699 If he'd get a smartphone he would have seen the Tweet about the quicksand pit... 1.2679 0.05670 112 91 12 9
1700 That’s the way to HR. 1.2676 0.06640 71 56 11 4
1701 I think he's out of his depth. 1.2674 0.05591 86 66 17 3
1702 I can't decide if this a simile or a metaphor. 1.2674 0.06060 86 68 13 5
1703 They say he used to walk on water. Well, not anymore. 1.2674 0.06060 86 68 13 5
1704 Leadership’s been so busy with the glass ceiling, they forgot about the aging floor 1.2674 0.05830 86 67 15 4
1705 The guy is trompe l'oeil. The puddle is real. 1.2674 0.06282 86 69 11 6
1706 I kept telling him he’d drown in his own procrastination 1.2673 0.05610 101 80 15 6
1707 Well, HR warned him about swimming in the secretary pool. 1.2673 0.04644 101 75 25 1
1708 Eventually, we realized that laying traps around the office was the only way to retain employees right now. 1.2673 0.05430 101 79 17 5
1709 He’s still wet behind the ears. 1.2673 0.05052 101 77 21 3
1710 At least it's not debt. 1.2667 0.04984 120 94 20 6
1711 Our CEO believes in throwing new employees right into the deep end. 1.2667 0.06102 75 58 14 3
1712 Wanna join our Pool? 1.2667 0.06102 75 58 14 3
1713 The results deflated his ego. 1.2667 0.05428 90 69 18 3
1714 I didn't think that's what he meant when he asked for a floating desk 1.2667 0.05021 105 83 17 5
1715 That’s Jerry. He always gets bogged down before a deadline. 1.2667 0.05288 105 82 18 5
1716 I thought it was a mirage 1.2667 0.05193 90 68 20 2
1717 Quantum physics got the best of him I guess. 1.2667 0.06391 75 59 12 4
1718 Oh. it's an out-of-office pool. 1.2667 0.04819 90 74 11 5
1719 He's still clinging on to his last account. 1.2667 0.05112 105 81 20 4
1720 Fred is such an exhibitionist. Who isn't drowning in work? 1.2667 0.06102 75 58 14 3
1721 I didn't realise tbat's what he meant by personal liquidity. 1.2667 0.05653 90 70 16 4
1722 He likes to immerse himself in his work. 1.2660 0.05278 94 72 19 3
1723 We warned him he would drown in debt. 1.2660 0.05695 94 74 15 5
1724 I think he's having a meltdown. 1.2660 0.05490 94 73 17 4
1725 By slowly moving the papers out of his reach, we can get him out of there. 1.2658 0.05896 79 61 15 3
1726 Irony is like drowning on the way to the water cooler. 1.2658 0.05002 79 58 21 0
1727 Now that's liquidation 1.2658 0.05614 79 60 17 2
1728 I told you he was on thin ice 1.2658 0.05162 79 61 16 2
1729 Should've invested in a wet floor sign. 1.2658 0.06423 79 63 11 5
1730 He’s okay. But he’s standing on poor Jackson’s shoulders. 1.2656 0.07468 64 52 7 5
1731 He works better under pressure. 1.2655 0.04872 113 87 22 4
1732 You think that's bad? You should see the leak they're having on the floor below. 1.2653 0.05720 98 78 14 6
1733 Well, I guess doesn't count as being late? 1.2653 0.04930 98 74 22 2
1734 I think Larry is overdoing the meltdown shtick lately. 1.2653 0.05533 98 77 16 5
1735 Don't worry, he's not really drowning, he's just treading water in paperwork 1.2653 0.05533 98 77 16 5
1736 If you’re drowning from work, we’d rather you do it at home. 1.2653 0.05720 98 78 14 6
1737 Looks like Walt has gone diving into the secretarial pool again. 1.2653 0.05533 98 77 16 5
1738 Good writer, but an emotional mess. 1.2651 0.05167 83 62 20 1
1739 We told Herb his proposal was on shaky ground. 1.2651 0.05707 83 64 16 3
1740 This moron didn't know about the piss puddle bahahahahah 1.2651 0.06433 83 67 10 6
1741 COP26 rejected his paper on sinkholes caused by office coolers. 1.2651 0.05707 83 64 16 3
1742 I thought they were going to pay for standing desks... 1.2651 0.05444 83 63 18 2
1743 Sondheim is stuck in the puddle where the poodle did the piddle again” 1.2651 0.05707 83 64 16 3
1744 I think he is in over his head. 1.2647 0.04812 102 77 23 2
1745 Looks like Steve is still having trouble adjusting to his new bifocals. 1.2647 0.05783 68 51 16 1
1746 Luckily, the HR department is directly below us. 1.2647 0.05200 102 79 19 4
1747 He's been stuck like that since March of last year. 1.2647 0.05561 102 81 15 6
1748 Maybe the old guy will finally go digital. 1.2647 0.05200 102 79 19 4
1749 We converted all our standing desks last quarter. 1.2647 0.05200 102 79 19 4
1750 I don’t know. I didn’t read that memo. 1.2644 0.05998 87 69 13 5
1751 Just ignore Matt, he keeps using metaphors to convince us how swamped he is. 1.2644 0.04755 87 64 23 0
1752 We warned him of the allure of the water cooler. 1.2644 0.05998 87 69 13 5
1753 It's his own fault. Boomers gotta learn how to use the DMS. 1.2644 0.05288 87 66 19 2
1754 I’ve been sending my resume out, we’re almost under water. 1.2644 0.05535 87 67 17 3
1755 It's a sink-or-swim environment. 1.2644 0.05998 87 69 13 5
1756 Tom has been treading water at this firm for years. 1.2644 0.05535 87 67 17 3
1757 I told him don't take the job, you'll be in over your head 1.2642 0.05069 106 82 20 4
1758 ...but let see what the emerging data says. 1.2642 0.05576 106 85 14 7
1759 We really need a bigger office pool. 1.2639 0.06558 72 57 11 4
1760 He’s been drowning in work for decades, but still manages to keep his head above water. 1.2639 0.06253 72 56 13 3
1761 The boss gave him an ultimatum. Larry chose 'sink'. 1.2639 0.05932 72 55 15 2
1762 Quick—throw him a life insurance policy. 1.2639 0.05932 72 55 15 2
1763 Trying to navigate the office pool. 1.2637 0.05376 91 70 18 3
1764 He said he was drowning in paperwork 1.2637 0.05599 91 71 16 4
1765 At least he’s not drowning in paper. 1.2637 0.05599 91 71 16 4
1766 I didn’t think he was a sink or swim kind of guy 1.2637 0.05813 91 72 14 5
1767 Well, at least it wasn’t a total meltdown. 1.2637 0.04901 91 68 22 1
1768 So. I see Dot didn’t care for the new sketches. 1.2637 0.05376 91 70 18 3
1769 He is actually swimming in research! 1.2636 0.04776 110 84 23 3
1770 We don’t offer unlimited PTO, but we do have floating holidays. 1.2636 0.04776 110 84 23 3
1771 That puddle is deeper than I would have expected. 1.2632 0.05439 95 74 17 4
1772 That's Charlie. He's working on the global warming report. 1.2632 0.05011 95 72 21 2
1773 The trick with office quicksand is to stay calm, don't struggle. Just like 20 years of manager reviews has beaten into you. 1.2632 0.05229 95 73 19 3
1774 By tomorrow, he'll be all-washed-up. 1.2632 0.05733 76 58 16 2
1775 That’s Wade, he’s a solid dude. 1.2632 0.06032 76 59 14 3
1776 They didn't call him 'The Wicked Witch of the West Wing' for nothing 1.2632 0.06316 76 60 12 4
1777 I told you the booster shot was a bad idea. 1.2632 0.05439 95 74 17 4
1778 It's our CFO -- he has a meltdown every quarter if the revenue isn't up 1.2632 0.05733 76 58 16 2
1779 Poor Phil, first week back, and a metaphor got him. 1.2632 0.05733 76 58 16 2
1780 I like his dry wit. 1.2626 0.04887 99 75 22 2
1781 Fuck it - let him die, the piece of shit. 1.2626 0.05847 99 80 12 7
1782 One of our retirement benefits 1.2626 0.05292 99 77 18 4
1783 Wallowing in the latest memo. 1.2626 0.05483 99 78 16 5
1784 He's sweated over his work for years. 1.2626 0.05094 99 76 20 3
1785 There is Paul, taking another office cliché literally... 1.2625 0.05553 80 61 17 2
1786 Just another of his typical meltdowns... 1.2625 0.06350 80 64 11 5
1787 Frankly, some of us think he's gone off the deep end. 1.2625 0.05553 80 61 17 2
1788 Oh, well, another client down the drain. 1.2625 0.06096 80 63 13 4
1789 I knew I should of worked remote today 1.2625 0.05831 80 62 15 3
1790 He took Adele's Rolling in the Deep too literally. 1.2625 0.05553 80 61 17 2
1791 I wish I had taken him more seriously when I asked "how's it going and he said: " I am just treading water." 1.2625 0.05260 80 60 19 1
1792 Literally. 1.2625 0.05553 80 61 17 2
1793 Around here, you don't really wanna win the office pool... 1.2625 0.06096 80 63 13 4
1794 We had to liquify some assets. 1.2621 0.05155 103 80 19 4
1795 Boy,I guess those Depends don’t work the way they used to! 1.2621 0.05155 103 80 19 4
1796 When he becomes unstuck, he’ll start Chapter 2. 1.2621 0.05155 103 80 19 4
1797 We have Quicksand Warning signs all over the office but no one reads them... 1.2619 0.05648 84 65 16 3
1798 He's been doing it ever since he found out that we get our water from Fiji. 1.2619 0.05896 84 66 14 4
1799 We all have deadlines, but these guys in Editorial will do anything to prove a point. 1.2619 0.05648 84 65 16 3
1800 They've just come out as fluid. 1.2619 0.05115 84 63 20 1
1801 He said he was in over his head. 1.2619 0.05388 84 64 18 2
1802 He said the report needed a deeper dive. 1.2619 0.06135 84 67 12 5
1803 It's a cost saving alternative to the traditional lay off. 1.2619 0.05388 84 64 18 2
1804 He's really swamped this time of year. 1.2619 0.05115 84 63 20 1
1805 It's the La Brea file. 1.2619 0.06135 84 67 12 5
1806 ....and to think everyone thought he was just wet behind the ears!" 1.2619 0.04317 126 98 24 4
1807 Our amenities include a mikveh. 1.2619 0.06135 84 67 12 5
1808 Your next interview is with Sam here, who helps new hires navigate our sink or swim culture. 1.2619 0.06364 84 68 10 6
1809 Apparently,he won the office pool. 1.2615 0.07029 65 52 9 4
1810 Legally, we don't have to help him. 1.2614 0.06153 88 71 11 6
1811 Quick office meltdown. 1.2614 0.05713 88 69 15 4
1812 He was warned repeatedly not to get in so deep. 1.2614 0.05236 88 67 19 2
1813 Oh, that’s nothing - you should see the swamp on floor 12! 1.2614 0.04980 88 66 21 1
1814 Did that dude who said “No man is an island” ever meet Roger? 1.2614 0.05937 88 70 13 5
1815 At least none of the papers got wet. 1.2614 0.05480 88 68 17 3
1816 I just hope I don’t suffer from incontinence when I get older 1.2614 0.05713 88 69 15 4
1817 It's supposed to be even better for your back than a standing desk. 1.2614 0.05937 88 70 13 5
1818 They forgot the wet floor sign again, huh. 1.2614 0.05713 88 69 15 4
1819 He said he was drowning in paperwork but nobody believed him 1.2613 0.04909 111 86 21 4
1820 Maybe this will cause him, finally, to stop denying climate change! 1.2613 0.04563 111 84 25 2
1821 This company is great in its recycling efforts. 1.2609 0.06414 69 54 12 3
1822 His presentation bombed and he is sinking in a sea of despair. 1.2609 0.04294 115 91 20 4
1823 He’s been swimming over his head for some time now 1.2609 0.05325 92 71 18 3
1824 Is he related to the Wicked Witch of the West? 1.2609 0.05545 92 72 16 4
1825 We need fresh ideas. He is just treading water. 1.2609 0.06738 69 55 10 4
1826 I hate Paul. 1.2609 0.06414 69 54 12 3
1827 Your new assignment: drain the swamp. 1.2609 0.06073 69 53 14 2
1828 Leave him be. He's swamped. 1.2609 0.04636 115 88 24 3
1829 I don't know. The pool sent him up. 1.2609 0.05325 92 71 18 3
1830 I'll introduce you to Ted. Good worker but has frequent melt downs. 1.2609 0.05756 92 73 14 5
1831 At least it's not a glass ceiling. 1.2609 0.05756 92 73 14 5
1832 I heard Dorothy Gale in Accounting dumped a bucket of water on him. 1.2604 0.05589 96 76 15 5
1833 And of course here we have our sinkhole, where we store our older white male writers 1.2604 0.05589 96 76 15 5
1834 The Professor just demonstrated that the human body is 60% water, but he's having trouble reversing the process. 1.2604 0.05075 96 76 16 4
1835 Virtual art gets more realistic every day! 1.2603 0.06478 73 58 11 4
1836 It's best to avoid talking about the deep stuff at the water cooler. 1.2603 0.05861 73 56 15 2
1837 I don’t mean to sound mercenary, but if you try to help they just pull you in. 1.2603 0.05527 73 55 17 1
1838 His experiment on quick sand and alternative universes seems to have hit the mark. 1.2600 0.05617 100 80 14 6
1839 Nothing to see here. 1.2600 0.05617 100 80 14 6
1840 Who knew that the sands of time were actually quicksand? 1.2597 0.05359 77 58 18 1
1841 When he said he was drowning in work I just assumed it was a metaphor. 1.2597 0.06243 77 61 12 4
1842 Well, he did say in our team meeting that he was drowning in work, but I thought it was just a bit of hyperbola. 1.2597 0.06768 77 63 8 6
1843 He joined the office pool to guess mary’s delivery date. 1.2597 0.06511 77 62 10 5
1844 He's dissolving our partnership 1.2597 0.06243 77 61 12 4
1845 He keeps complaining about gentrification. 1.2596 0.05291 104 82 17 5
1846 Poor Bernie. Joe Manchin has that effect on him. 1.2593 0.05768 81 63 15 3
1847 He is making a big splash in the company . 1.2593 0.05205 81 61 19 1
1848 And, oh yeah, watch out for space-time fluctuations... 1.2593 0.05493 81 62 17 2
1849 One word,'Depends. 1.2593 0.06029 81 64 13 4
1850 James actually likes drowning in paperwork. 1.2593 0.05493 81 62 17 2
1851 Turns out he is a wicked warlock. 1.2593 0.05493 81 62 17 2
1852 That's him, Mr. Exaggeration. 1.2593 0.05768 81 63 15 3
1853 He's up to his ears. 1.2593 0.05493 81 62 17 2
1854 Hey Larry, stop fucking around in there. 1.2593 0.05158 108 85 18 5
1855 He's not the first person here to drown in paperwork." 1.2593 0.05493 81 62 17 2
1856 I warned him to digitize his work. 1.2593 0.05768 81 63 15 3
1857 That’s our Chief of Accounting. He says that we are still under water. He can’t find the bottom for this year. 1.2589 0.04702 112 86 23 3
1858 So, as you can see, no man is an iceberg. 1.2588 0.05589 85 66 16 3
1859 Leave it to the old dudes to drown in paperwork when they could do it in digital. 1.2588 0.05333 85 65 18 2
1860 His patent is for waterproof paperwork. 1.2588 0.05835 85 67 14 4
1861 ''how did he do that and what happened '' 1.2588 0.05589 85 66 16 3
1862 He hasn’t been the same since his 300 pound weight loss. 1.2588 0.05589 85 66 16 3
1863 He tends to get in over his head with each new project. 1.2588 0.05333 85 65 18 2
1864 It’s called Sink or Swim. Apparently the artist was commissioned by the HR department.” 1.2588 0.05835 85 67 14 4
1865 He did say he was under water. 1.2588 0.05589 85 66 16 3
1866 I know it’s your first day on the job but feel free to dive right in. 1.2588 0.05835 85 67 14 4
1867 I told him climate change was real 1.2586 0.05212 116 93 16 7
1868 It's all being liquidated." 1.2586 0.05212 116 93 16 7
1869 How many people do you think picked Steve in this week's office pool? 1.2584 0.05656 89 70 15 4
1870 I thought we were drowning in red ink. 1.2584 0.05878 89 71 13 5
1871 Have you met Blob from Accounting? 1.2584 0.05656 89 70 15 4
1872 The boss made it in his art therapy class. 1.2584 0.05656 89 70 15 4
1873 He may be drowning in paperwork, but at least he’s not in over his head. 1.2584 0.05878 89 71 13 5
1874 I heard Tim was dragging his feet on coming back to the office after working from home,but this is ridiculous. 1.2584 0.06091 89 72 11 6
1875 The first thing to learn around here is, take everything he says literally. 1.2581 0.05048 93 71 20 2
1876 Behold, the wicked witch of the east transgendered. 1.2581 0.05701 93 74 14 5
1877 So what do you think? Is he coming up or going down? 1.2581 0.05048 93 71 20 2
1878 My guess would be Lasix overdose. 1.2581 0.05701 93 74 14 5
1879 Could be pressure...or just the thermostat." 1.2577 0.05538 97 77 15 5
1880 This is one of our experts. They get really immersed in their subject matters. 1.2577 0.05340 97 76 17 4
1881 These 100 floor skyscrapers have so many maintenance problems 1.2577 0.05340 97 76 17 4
1882 Yes, there's still time to get into the office pool! 1.2577 0.05135 97 75 19 3
1883 we'll all reach the time in our lives when we're out of our depth, for Greg it was when he couldn't think of any new passwords 1.2577 0.05340 97 76 17 4
1884 He’s been slipping. It’s just a matter of time before he’s no longer with us. 1.2577 0.05913 97 79 11 7
1885 Melted or Liquidated? Some don't make it back. 1.2576 0.06224 66 51 13 2
1886 It's his old excuse for not attending staff meetings. 1.2574 0.04804 101 77 22 2
1887 You’ll want to avoid the water hazards, or incur a one-paycheck penalty. 1.2574 0.05387 101 80 16 5
1888 We haven't figured out how to have the office pool work from home. 1.2571 0.05246 105 83 17 5
1889 He's been drowning in these reports so I told him to get a grip. 1.2571 0.05246 105 83 17 5
1890 This fuels BOTH of my recurring nightmares: the usual getting-stuck-in-quicksand dream; AND the variant where I’m so old and irrelevant at work that none of my co-workers helps me when I get stuck in quicksand. 1.2571 0.05246 105 83 17 5
1891 We are rethinking the open floor plan. 1.2571 0.06652 70 56 10 4
1892 Don't ask him any questions. He's really swamped. 1.2571 0.06333 70 55 12 3
1893 Dorothy didn’t like Gulch’s report calling for the elimination of the company’s Terrier Rescue Foundation. 1.2571 0.05585 105 85 13 7
1894 Maybe we should turn the AC on 1.2571 0.06333 70 55 12 3
1895 It's the opposite of the Corporate Ladder. 1.2571 0.06333 70 55 12 3
1896 Oh, that's just my old physics professor. We made a rug out of him when he died. 1.2568 0.05792 74 57 15 2
1897 Wow--The Wicked Mitch of the West can melt also! 1.2568 0.05463 74 56 17 1
1898 I heard he regrets volunteering to run the office pool. 1.2568 0.06103 74 58 13 3
1899 I'll contact Facilities after lunch about the quicksand problem. 1.2568 0.05792 74 57 15 2
1900 So this is what a meltdown looks like 1.2568 0.05463 74 56 17 1
1901 In his will he gave all that was left to the firm. 1.2568 0.06103 74 58 13 3
1902 That’s Bob. He’s always swimming in ideas. 1.2564 0.05895 78 61 14 3
1903 The building manager warned us about the quicksand. 1.2564 0.05895 78 61 14 3
1904 One man's ceiling is another man's inbo 1.2564 0.06171 78 62 12 4
1905 Looks like Bob really stepped in it this time. 1.2564 0.06171 78 62 12 4
1906 Fleeing the intern pool? 1.2564 0.05605 78 60 16 2
1907 Must be a warlock 1.2564 0.05605 78 60 16 2
1908 Get me a mop, I have to fire Bob. 1.2564 0.06171 78 62 12 4
1909 Caution, wet floor. 1.2561 0.06449 82 67 9 6
1910 We had to liquidate. 1.2561 0.05435 82 63 17 2
1911 ‘Drowning in work?’ So cheug, Boomer. 1.2561 0.05706 82 64 15 3
1912 It's my complete indifference to the pain and suffering of others. I figured it out while not getting vaxed. 1.2561 0.05706 82 64 15 3
1913 Poor Fred. He’s been that way all week. 1.2561 0.05706 82 64 15 3
1914 He has been working on time portals for a decade but never gets past the 7th floor. 1.2561 0.06211 82 66 11 5
1915 So I said we needed a better water cooler… 1.2561 0.05435 82 63 17 2
1916 It's honestly more wading than drowning in work. 1.2558 0.06230 86 70 10 6
1917 Told him not to go into the office alone. 1.2558 0.04733 86 64 22 0
1918 With all the downsizing, he's the only one left in the steno pool. 1.2558 0.05774 86 68 14 4
1919 They moved the water cooler last week and he's been at sea ever since. 1.2558 0.05774 86 68 14 4
1920 His sorrows are gaining ground.” 1.2558 0.05774 86 68 14 4
1921 I thought "Frosty" was just his nickname. 1.2558 0.06006 86 69 12 5
1922 Oh, yeah. I forgot you're new here. 1.2556 0.05819 90 72 13 5
1923 I don't know, but he keeps talking about needing more liquidity. 1.2556 0.05600 90 71 15 4
1924 Oh, that's the Wicked Rich of the Western Sales Division. 1.2556 0.05600 90 71 15 4
1925 He's struggling to keep his head above water 1.2556 0.05600 90 71 15 4
1926 That's Bill. He's always such a mess on Mondays. 1.2556 0.05600 90 71 15 4
1927 When he reads your report, you never know how he’s going to react. 1.2556 0.05373 90 70 17 3
1928 Don't worry. This happens every time his team gets less than five stars on a customer satisfaction survey. 1.2556 0.05373 90 70 17 3
1929 Just be careful once he starts to spawn. 1.2553 0.05226 94 73 18 3
1930 The more you struggle, the worse it just gets. 1.2553 0.05647 94 75 14 5
1931 "The IceMan Melteth 1.2553 0.05226 94 73 18 3
1932 You've heard of Dark Matter? He discovered Wet Matter. 1.2553 0.05647 94 75 14 5
1933 He knew it was inevitable once he started proselytizing about bitcoin. 1.2553 0.05440 94 74 16 4
1934 This building needs rest rooms on every floor. 1.2553 0.05440 94 74 16 4
1935 I'm tired of his old trope about drowning in paperwork. 1.2553 0.05647 94 75 14 5
1936 It's the new company strategy to weed out the old dudes. 1.2553 0.05440 94 74 16 4
1937 They’ve been working him really hard. He’s barely treading water. 1.2549 0.05860 102 84 10 8
1938 That’s the new peloton desk 1.2545 0.04368 110 88 18 4
1939 They call this the break room because there always seems to be a break in the ice. 1.2540 0.06776 63 50 10 3
1940 Quick! Sell all our stock. 1.2537 0.06840 67 54 9 4
1941 See I told you, no alligators 1.2537 0.06143 67 52 13 2
1942 His stocks are all under water. 1.2535 0.05573 71 54 16 1
1943 This is the break room. Bill there is in charge of filling the water cooler. 1.2535 0.05573 71 54 16 1
1944 Ignore his cries of distress. It's just a pond. 1.2535 0.06567 71 57 10 4
1945 Should we help him? 1.2535 0.06254 71 56 12 3
1946 All his investments are in liquid assets. 1.2533 0.05724 75 58 15 2
1947 He’s always drowning in his troubles. 1.2533 0.06323 75 60 11 4
1948 The flooding is Biblical, but it hasn't really reached us yet. 1.2533 0.06323 75 60 11 4
1949 That’s one aggressive Juice-Cleanse. 1.2533 0.06031 75 59 13 3
1950 He's a bit of a drama queen - we're all drowning in work these days. 1.2533 0.05400 75 57 17 1
1951 It supposed to be a gag rug but it's not funny really 1.2533 0.06031 75 59 13 3
1952 You’re looking at your classic meltdown. 1.2533 0.06031 75 59 13 3
1953 That's Phil, who as you can see is drowning in paperwork. Next, you'll meet Sally, who is getting crushed by deadlines. 1.2533 0.06323 75 60 11 4
1954 Old school. Literally, drowns in paper work. 1.2533 0.06323 75 60 11 4
1955 It's not a sinkhole Bob. Us cartoonists call it an inkhole. 1.2532 0.06101 79 63 12 4
1956 That's how we dispose of our Baby Boomers. 1.2532 0.06101 79 63 12 4
1957 Watch while he circles the drain! 1.2532 0.05544 79 61 16 2
1958 Is this..Interstellar? 1.2532 0.06101 79 63 12 4
1959 Quicksand was more common in his day. 1.2532 0.05829 79 62 14 3
1960 ''This is nothing. Wait until high tide comes.' 1.2532 0.06101 79 63 12 4
1961 I wonder what they called that back before the nuclear age? 1.2532 0.06101 79 63 12 4
1962 Yeah, once the job devours your soul, the rest isn’t far behind. Still want the position? 1.2532 0.05243 79 60 18 1
1963 Don't worry, he's just an intern. 1.2530 0.05899 83 66 13 4
1964 Talk about your meltdown . . . 1.2530 0.05645 83 65 15 3
1965 I guess it is hot in here 1.2530 0.05378 83 64 17 2
1966 I thought Carl was being figurative when he said he was drowning in work. 1.2530 0.06143 83 67 11 5
1967 He was never the same after he wrote terminator 2! 1.2530 0.05899 83 66 13 4
1968 He's drowning in thought 1.2530 0.05378 83 64 17 2
1969 And I thought he was in over his head. 1.2530 0.05645 83 65 15 3
1970 Why does he have to do his "drowning in work" shtick in the break room? 1.2530 0.06143 83 67 11 5
1971 Ted has always been awash with ideas 1.2530 0.05378 83 64 17 2
1972 Watch your step. The boss is trying to keep his head above water again 1.2530 0.06143 83 67 11 5
1973 He should have stayed remote. 1.2530 0.06378 83 68 9 6
1974 'Henderson's not our first CFO to melt under the pressure." 1.2530 0.05378 83 64 17 2
1975 Someone should tell the boss we're drowning in work. 1.2530 0.05645 83 65 15 3
1976 I just feed him, I don't know what they do in the apartment below. 1.2529 0.05715 87 69 14 4
1977 He’s in way over his head. 1.2529 0.05476 87 68 16 3
1978 Yeah, so, please remember to keep backups of your files. 1.2529 0.05226 87 67 18 2
1979 We hope you’ll be an excellent replacement. 1.2529 0.05476 87 68 16 3
1980 That contract is going to sink him 1.2529 0.04964 87 66 20 1
1981 I think he stole my water bottle too. 1.2527 0.05321 91 71 17 3
1982 He wasn't a fan of the live stream, looks like he prefers the live puddle 1.2527 0.05086 91 70 19 2
1983 Staff liquidity, look it up. 1.2527 0.05086 91 70 19 2
1984 He says his time machine broke down mid-transfer 1.2527 0.05086 91 70 19 2
1985 I think they're trying out metaverse exile on the interns. 1.2527 0.05546 91 72 15 4
1986 He melts every time he reads a new manuscript by a children's author. 1.2526 0.05389 95 75 16 4
1987 He's been tasked with the climate file. 1.2526 0.05177 95 74 18 3
1988 These gender reveal parties are getting out of hand. 1.2526 0.05790 95 77 12 6
1989 I mean, our paternity leave is only a week. How did he already forget about the quicksand? 1.2526 0.05790 95 77 12 6
1990 Oh, it’s just the new guy from the secretarial pool. 1.2526 0.05177 95 74 18 3
1991 Since we returned to the office, poor Ed is feeling bogged down with paperwork. 1.2526 0.05389 95 75 16 4
1992 Some people here drown in paperwork, others get buried in red tape. 1.2526 0.05389 95 75 16 4
1993 That Brock account is a real quagmire. 1.2525 0.05044 99 77 19 3
1994 Don't mind him, he's pooling his resources!" 1.2524 0.05470 103 83 14 6
1995 I didn't believe him when he said he was literally drowning in paperwork. 1.2524 0.04723 103 79 22 2
1996 George never did have much of a sense of vertical synergies 1.2524 0.04921 103 80 20 3
1997 Well, well, well. 1.2500 0.05837 84 67 13 4
1998 I see Bob has joined the climate alarmists. 1.2500 0.05186 80 61 18 1
1999 Turns out it's not just a cliche' 1.2500 0.05585 84 66 15 3
2000 Turns out Anderson and I, were both at Woodstock but 50 years apart…you can see him?…Right? 1.2500 0.05339 96 76 16 4
2001 He went from swimming in paperwork to drowning in it. 1.2500 0.05960 76 60 13 3
2002 Don't worry. The documents he is trying to leak are not confidential. 1.2500 0.05657 88 70 14 4
2003 Climate change is a bitch. 1.2500 0.05960 76 60 13 3
2004 It's sad. Paul's barely staying afloat. 1.2500 0.05585 84 66 15 3
2005 He tried changing the watercooler. 1.2500 0.05541 96 77 14 5
2006 He’s the best in deep dive reporting. 1.2500 0.06063 68 53 13 2
2007 Don't sweat it, Barney. No one knows what a phrasal adjective is. 1.2500 0.05492 92 73 15 4
2008 Ever get that sinking feeling at work? 1.2500 0.07043 64 52 8 4
2009 It's a global warming project. 1.2500 0.06682 64 51 10 3
2010 Yeah, quicksand in the breakroom is bad... but the tar pits in Shipping are worse. Way worse. 1.2500 0.05837 84 67 13 4
2011 Dan never could learn to just let go. 1.2500 0.05960 76 60 13 3
2012 I told him to quit thrashing around, as that will only make you sink quicker. 1.2500 0.05883 88 71 12 5
2013 He's drowning in paper work 1.2500 0.05851 72 56 14 2
2014 'His fantasies about the 'steno pool' are beginning to manifest too strongly.' 1.2500 0.05851 72 56 14 2
2015 He forewarned that the paperwork would drown him. 1.2500 0.06248 76 61 11 4
2016 Agree -- he looks wise. But, he should've learned how to swim. 1.2500 0.06485 72 58 10 4
2017 What? His flying monkeys didn't clue you in? 1.2500 0.05421 88 69 16 3
2018 Call HR. Mr. Burroughs melted again. 1.2500 0.06780 72 59 8 5
2019 Legend has it, he's been stuck here since the 1900s. 1.2500 0.06248 76 61 11 4
2020 And some still say that climate change isn’t real! That’s the third manager we’ve lost to melting this month. 1.2500 0.04911 96 74 20 2
2021 Funny. He doesn't look like a Wicked Witch! 1.2500 0.06248 76 61 11 4
2022 Please don't spill water on the accountants, they're math wizards. 1.2500 0.05483 80 62 16 2
2023 He's the last remainder of the Ol'Steno Pool. 1.2500 0.05038 92 71 19 2
2024 It's the latest perk. 1.2500 0.05506 72 55 16 1
2025 Bruce has been swimming in paperwork all week. 1.2500 0.05130 96 75 18 3
2026 You know these scientists; he’s about to get in over his head. 1.2500 0.04830 112 88 20 4
2027 I told him to let the new policy sink in. 1.2500 0.05100 100 81 14 5
2028 He is working remotely from the Maldives. I'm a bit jealous. 1.2500 0.06780 72 59 8 5
2029 That weird artist was here again. 1.2500 0.06289 80 65 10 5
2030 McGriddle explores the dark impulses that lurk below shiny surfaces. 1.2500 0.04795 92 70 21 1
2031 When at first he said he was drowning in paper work, I just couldn't take him literally. 1.2500 0.05000 100 78 19 3
2032 Don't worry, it's just symbolism. 1.2500 0.06063 68 53 13 2
2033 Watch it. The floor can get slippery. 1.2500 0.05339 76 58 17 1
2034 He choose poorly. He clicked on all the links from the climate conference 1.2500 0.04911 96 74 20 2
2035 Typing pool 1.2500 0.05585 84 66 15 3
2036 He can't drown, he's got two kids in college. 1.2500 0.05421 88 69 16 3
2037 Looks like Kevin is still trying to rescue underwater mortgages. 1.2500 0.05585 84 66 15 3
2038 Do you think his corner office is available? 1.2500 0.06033 80 64 12 4
2039 We always warned him about spending too much time at the water cooler 1.2500 0.05657 88 70 14 4
2040 When he said he was in too deep, I thought he meant business. 1.2500 0.06033 80 64 12 4
2041 He was always on thin ice here. 1.2500 0.06077 84 68 11 5
2042 As its habitat shrinks and prey becomes increasingly scarce, the once mighty metadata specialist may one day go the way of the Linotype operator. 1.2500 0.07066 68 56 7 5
2043 I probably deserve some.of the blame for this, but when Ted started talking about corporate liquidity, I just sort of zoned out. 1.2500 0.05585 84 66 15 3
2044 You don't want to get assigned to his project. 1.2500 0.05851 72 56 14 2
2045 It's to remind us not to get old. 1.2500 0.06523 76 62 9 5
2046 Larry’s having a tough time coming back to the office. 1.2500 0.06033 80 64 12 4
2047 Too much water cooler talk. 1.2500 0.05130 96 75 18 3
2048 He’ll tell you he’s drowning in work but I suspect it’s a hot tub. 1.2500 0.06077 84 68 11 5
2049 He's all washed up! 1.2500 0.04916 88 67 20 1
2050 Yeah, but below the surface, he’s running. 1.2500 0.07066 68 56 7 5
2051 Antivaxxer, antimasker, maintaing social distancing . . . jury's still out. 1.2500 0.05130 96 75 18 3
2052 Yeah, he's drowning in quicksand. Personally, I choose to avoid office drama. 1.2500 0.06033 80 64 12 4
2053 He was just telling me how much he missed having a steno pool! 1.2500 0.06077 84 68 11 5
2054 He's trying to organize an office pool. 1.2500 0.06033 80 64 12 4
2055 Here at Reality Metaphor, Inc., you get used to seeing this kind of thing every day. 1.2500 0.05322 84 65 17 2
2056 I knew coming back into the office was a bad idea 1.2500 0.06063 68 53 13 2
2057 I know "the medium is the message," but it's dangerous. 1.2500 0.05483 80 62 16 2
2058 You'll want to watch out for the interdimensional vortex 1.2500 0.04911 96 74 20 2
2059 You're gonna be overworked and underpaid until you end up like Fred over here, but no it's such a great opportunity for your career 1.2500 0.06780 72 59 8 5
2060 Your office should be ready in about three hours. 1.2500 0.06033 80 64 12 4
2061 I told you his proposal couldn't hold water 1.2500 0.05960 76 60 13 3
2062 Unfortunately, another innocent victim of climate change. 1.2500 0.05483 80 62 16 2
2063 And over here, you'll see Tony drowning in his work. 1.2500 0.05339 96 76 16 4
2064 Whatever you do, avoid the weekly office pool. 1.2500 0.05883 88 71 12 5
2065 Wanna toss him a line? 1.2500 0.06248 76 61 11 4
2066 From what I understand, he’s drowning in his own work ethics; whatever that means. 1.2500 0.05067 104 82 18 4
2067 On the bright side, it will be years before it happens to you. 1.2476 0.04444 105 80 24 1
2068 People are swamped. But on the plus side, at least you stay cool. 1.2476 0.05203 105 84 16 5
2069 That's just Joe, another one of our washed up writers. 1.2475 0.05700 101 83 11 7
2070 He was saying something about how God doesn't exist and then the next second, he begins not to exist. 1.2474 0.05682 97 79 12 6
2071 Liquidity. 1.2474 0.05083 97 76 18 3
2072 Hunger amidst plenty 1.2474 0.05290 97 77 16 4
2073 He's okay-just up to his ears in paperwork. 1.2473 0.05650 93 75 13 5
2074 He did say the meeting went swimmingly. 1.2473 0.05220 93 73 17 3
2075 Mort always pulls his "I'm drowning in work" routine when he's asked to refill the coffee. 1.2473 0.04751 93 76 13 4
2076 We pride ourselves on our melting pot 1.2473 0.05650 93 75 13 5
2077 Ignore Derek. He pops up to look over his notes from time to time. 1.2472 0.05600 89 71 14 4
2078 It’s the newest C-suite summer perk!” 1.2472 0.05367 89 70 16 3
2079 Murphy insists he’s Aquaman! 1.2472 0.05824 89 72 12 5
2080 I see Bob is doing his Joe Biden impression again. 1.2472 0.05367 89 70 16 3
2081 Let this be a lesson. Treading water for 20 years and not once a promotion. 1.2472 0.05367 89 70 16 3
2082 Man, he really was on thin ice with the boss! 1.2472 0.05124 89 69 18 2
2083 Oh, that. Old student loans. He's barely been keeping his head above water for years. 1.2471 0.06013 85 69 11 5
2084 Looks like he really stepped in it." 1.2471 0.05268 85 66 17 2
2085 Yeah, since he turned 60, Steve has been barely able to keep his head above water in this place. 1.2471 0.05527 85 67 15 3
2086 Did you know he was a witch? 1.2471 0.04706 85 64 21 0
2087 Weird. I always thought it was just a metaphor. 1.2471 0.05775 85 68 13 4
2088 The new suggestion box is located about 6 feet below. 1.2471 0.06013 85 69 11 5
2089 I didn't suppose the new hot spring would have any takers. 1.2471 0.05527 85 67 15 3
2090 Initially George was quite pleased when he won the office pool. 1.2471 0.05775 85 68 13 4
2091 I understand that it’s a rare variant of quicksand known as “quickcarpet.” 1.2469 0.05966 81 65 12 4
2092 Last week it was "busier than a one-armed paperhanger". 1.2469 0.05131 81 62 18 1
2093 Oh man, Herb fell into the secretarial pool again! 1.2469 0.05701 81 64 14 3
2094 I’ve heard of drowning in paperwork, but in flooring?! 1.2469 0.05131 81 62 18 1
2095 Boy that office betting pool just keeps getting bigger... 1.2468 0.05891 77 61 13 3
2096 After the events of the past 2 years, the melt down was just a matter of time. 1.2468 0.06175 77 62 11 4
2097 Now do you believe in climate change? 1.2468 0.06445 77 63 9 5
2098 His division is under water. 1.2468 0.06175 77 62 11 4
2099 Quick sand. It's our new path to retirement. 1.2468 0.05891 77 61 13 3
2100 He’s pooling his resources. 1.2468 0.05891 77 61 13 3
2101 Bob was on a Zoom call,and got stuck somewhere between the cloud and the metaverse. 1.2466 0.06101 73 58 12 3
2102 Okay, fine! I'll grant you one point. Sea levels are rising a little bit. 1.2466 0.05780 73 57 14 2
2103 I think Literal Larry is trying to tell us something about his workload this week. 1.2466 0.05780 73 57 14 2
2104 If you're looking for work-life balance, this company is probably not for you. 1.2466 0.06101 73 58 12 3
2105 Immersion Therapy is making a comeback, 1.2466 0.05780 73 57 14 2
2106 He's probably one of those guys who drives through high, standing water. 1.2466 0.06405 73 59 10 4
2107 Like I told you, Johanna burned out and now Fred just melted down! 1.2466 0.06101 73 58 12 3
2108 Dorothy in HR says it was an accident. 1.2464 0.05986 69 54 13 2
2109 We're all just treading water here -- some of us more literally than others. 1.2464 0.05986 69 54 13 2
2110 Now that’s taking ‘literal’ to a whole new level!” 1.2464 0.05986 69 54 13 2
2111 Excuse the scuttlebutt, but Gerry seems lost at sea. 1.2462 0.06214 65 51 12 2
2112 It's not the same secretarial pool you saw on Mad Men." 1.2455 0.04865 110 87 19 4
2113 We should have paid more attention when he said that he was drowning in paper. 1.2453 0.05330 106 86 14 6
2114 He was singing "Thumpety, thump, thump. Look at Frosty go" -- when, all of a sudden, this happened. 1.2451 0.05107 102 81 17 4
2115 Some of the oldsters didn't believe that our going paperless wasn't a mirage 1.2451 0.05294 102 82 15 5
2116 Just wait till you meet the "other" interns before you make any decisions 1.2449 0.05037 98 77 18 3
2117 I'm glad they finally kicked Newton out of the meeting for his obsessive drilling down on every little detail. 1.2447 0.05596 94 76 13 5
2118 Yeah, corporate quicksand, pretty deadly, best to avoid. 1.2447 0.04707 94 72 21 1
2119 I thought that it was the stock market that would have the next meltdown. 1.2447 0.05171 94 74 17 3
2120 He's always complaining he's swamped with work. 1.2444 0.05074 90 70 18 2
2121 It’s sink or swim around here. 1.2444 0.05074 90 70 18 2
2122 If you do nothing, a plum job in marketing might open up. 1.2444 0.05314 90 71 16 3
2123 Covid seems to be mutating fast. 1.2444 0.05765 90 73 12 5
2124 I hear his sister's the Wicked Witch of the West. 1.2444 0.05074 90 75 10 5
2125 He didn’t want to retire . So we threw him in quicksand. 1.2444 0.05314 90 71 16 3
2126 That's why it's good to be proactive. Dave's drowning in his own work. 1.2444 0.05314 90 71 16 3
2127 We often hear about the Glass Ceiling, but not the Watery Abyss. 1.2444 0.05978 90 74 10 6
2128 His email backlog hit fifty thousand. 1.2444 0.05978 90 74 10 6
2129 He clearly is not eighth floor material. 1.2444 0.05314 90 71 16 3
2130 He did a deep dive on a few files. 1.2442 0.04945 86 66 19 1
2131 The corrective action plan isn’t working, but we can’t find anyone to pull the plug. 1.2442 0.05214 86 67 17 2
2132 It turns out that Dave can’t even be in the same room as a water cooler. 1.2442 0.05214 86 67 17 2
2133 At least he’s not snowed in. 1.2442 0.05214 86 67 17 2
2134 Amazingly, upon the end of the work-at-home protocol, Felson has been the only one to both sink and swim. 1.2442 0.05470 86 68 15 3
2135 Do NOT mess with Dorothy, the new intern. 1.2442 0.05715 86 69 13 4
2136 That’s our editor, he’s always drowning in work. 1.2442 0.04945 86 66 19 1
2137 Don’t worry about Charles; he actually likes to brag that he’s always swamped with work… 1.2442 0.04804 86 68 16 2
2138 So embarrassing it happened right outside the Men's Room! 1.2442 0.05470 86 68 15 3
2139 It's sink or swim in this office. 1.2442 0.05715 86 69 13 4
2140 So here’s the kitchen, the break room, and the 10 foot deep body of water that looks like a shallow puddle. 1.2442 0.05470 86 68 15 3
2141 You, know sometimes the old guard goes to extremes to dramatize how their drowning in over work. 1.2442 0.05949 86 70 11 5
2142 He still hasn't figured out the right work/puddle balance. 1.2442 0.05214 86 67 17 2
2143 He said he was looking for the secretarial pool. 1.2442 0.05470 86 68 15 3
2144 If those are the Johnson files, we'd better save them. 1.2442 0.05470 86 68 15 3
2145 I don’t really give a dam. 1.2442 0.05470 86 68 15 3
2146 Jim, happy hour! Let's go! 1.2442 0.05949 86 70 11 5
2147 And you wanna be my latex salesman. 1.2442 0.05715 86 69 13 4
2148 climate change is hitting pretty hard this year 1.2442 0.05470 86 68 15 3
2149 Getting back to the office has been a struggle for some. 1.2442 0.05715 86 69 13 4
2150 And Bob handles liquidation. 1.2442 0.05949 86 70 11 5
2151 He's been here far too long. He's drowning in his own irrelevance 1.2439 0.05639 82 65 14 3
2152 The guys on twelve came up with Tech Sand. Sure, it'll swallow him, but he'll pop out in Silicon Valley with a six-figure bonus. 1.2439 0.05639 82 65 14 3
2153 The oldies are clueless, the job description was demanding but clear. You will either sink OR swim ! 1.2439 0.05900 82 66 12 4
2154 After the new quicksand pit, water cooler usage dropped 40%. 1.2439 0.05900 82 66 12 4
2155 Drat! Maintenance still hasn't fixed that interdimensional portal. 1.2439 0.05366 82 64 16 2
2156 They just asked him to "sink or swim"!! 1.2439 0.05366 82 64 16 2
2157 In another decade, I would have saved him." 1.2439 0.05900 82 66 12 4
2158 That's Jim. Drowning in paperwork. 1.2439 0.05077 82 63 18 1
2159 Poor Guy! His mortgage is underwater, and now this! 1.2439 0.05639 82 65 14 3
2160 And management still says that workplace climate change doesn't exist. 1.2439 0.05900 82 66 12 4
2161 Oh, him? No one really knows what he does around here. 1.2439 0.05077 82 63 18 1
2162 He's like most of us: we don't expect to find quicksand on the 12th floor of an office building. 1.2439 0.05366 82 64 16 2
2163 He's absolutely swamped... 1.2439 0.05366 82 64 16 2
2164 He insists that floating his ideas has better results. 1.2439 0.05366 82 64 16 2
2165 The pool of candidates is really drying up! 1.2436 0.05531 78 61 15 2
2166 You know, I always thought he was a little wishy washy. 1.2436 0.06103 78 63 11 4
2167 I told him he had to factor in global warming. 1.2436 0.06103 78 63 11 4
2168 Too much water cooler conversation. 1.2436 0.06103 78 63 11 4
2169 He’s taking the whole “drowning in paperwork” a bit too literally. 1.2432 0.05711 74 58 14 2
2170 He told me he was swamped and now I believe him. 1.2432 0.05711 74 58 14 2
2171 I'd help but the corporate ladder is so Gen Y. 1.2432 0.06027 74 59 12 3
2172 It''s always been evolve or die. 1.2432 0.05711 74 58 14 2
2173 Before his next review he should consider changing deodorants. 1.2432 0.06613 74 61 8 5
2174 He overdid it to get rid of his burnout 1.2432 0.06027 74 59 12 3
2175 We call his condition H2 oh hell no. 1.2432 0.06027 74 59 12 3
2176 Instead of the usual standing desk, we often provide associates with swimming desks. 1.2430 0.05116 107 86 16 5
2177 Yeah, and I hear there's a sinkhole on five. 1.2430 0.04759 107 84 20 3
2178 Salt, apparently. Saves personnel from getting involved. 1.2430 0.05116 107 86 16 5
2179 Since working from home he only feels comfortable being seen from the chest up" 1.2429 0.05910 70 55 13 2
2180 Well, I guess he wasn't kidding when he said, "If they don't fix the AC in my office soon, I'm going to melt". 1.2429 0.05910 70 55 13 2
2181 Look what finally emerged from the glacier. 1.2429 0.05910 70 55 13 2
2182 He's probably regretting the "Sink or Swim" directive for new hires. 1.2429 0.06251 70 56 11 3
2183 So, this is our ageist exhibit. 1.2429 0.06574 70 57 9 4
2184 Poor guy! He must be an ancestor of the Wicked Witch of the West. 1.2429 0.05549 70 54 15 1
2185 It’s quicksand. We told him to watch his step. 1.2429 0.06251 70 56 11 3
2186 No, I don't think the infrastructure bill will help him. 1.2429 0.05910 70 55 13 2
2187 Yep, another workplace meltdown. 1.2429 0.05549 70 54 15 1
2188 Boomers are *always* complaining about being swamped at work. 1.2427 0.04871 103 81 19 3
2189 I hear he’s struggling to keep his head above water. 1.2427 0.04871 103 81 19 3
2190 The last I knew he was entering data into Quicken. 1.2424 0.06499 66 53 10 3
2191 Every once in a while our human resource manager has a meltdown. Don't worry. He's really glad you're here. 1.2424 0.06130 66 52 12 2
2192 He got really used to working on the beach during the pandemic. 1.2424 0.05195 99 79 16 4
2193 I heard he couldn't stand the heat. 1.2424 0.04782 99 77 20 2
2194 His reports on global warming are so detailed. 1.2424 0.06849 66 54 8 4
2195 He’s drowning in debt so I advised him to liquidate. 1.2424 0.07181 66 55 6 5
2196 That's our chief lobbyist and his swamp." 1.2421 0.05122 95 75 17 3
2197 Boomers just can't adapt to the modern workplace. 1.2421 0.04665 95 73 21 1
2198 Turns out the "treading desk" is more ergonomic than the old "stand up desk" 1.2421 0.05337 95 76 15 4
2199 At one time he made a big splash on this campus. 1.2419 0.05946 62 48 13 1
2200 That’s going to be hard to explain. 1.2418 0.05263 91 72 16 3
2201 It's a rug -slash- comment on late-stage capitalism. 1.2418 0.05263 91 72 16 3
2202 Don't get involved. We were just talking about NFTs, cryptocurrencies, and videogame livestreaming and he said 'Nothing makes sense anymore' and started melting. 1.2418 0.05918 91 75 10 6
2203 Mind the tar pit. 1.2418 0.05263 91 72 16 3
2204 This could be you 25 years from now. 1.2418 0.05490 91 73 14 4
2205 Fishing for compliments I see. 1.2418 0.05490 91 73 14 4
2206 I warned him, but he really stepped in it this time! 1.2418 0.05708 91 74 12 5
2207 They're easing him into retirement. 1.2418 0.05490 91 73 14 4
2208 You saw him wave his fiery broomstick at me, right? 1.2418 0.05708 91 74 12 5
2209 I never thought climate change would affect our industry 1.2418 0.05263 91 72 16 3
2210 It didn't seem that deep this morning!?!? 1.2414 0.05161 87 68 17 2
2211 That’s Aaron. He’s been treading water for years. 1.2414 0.05161 87 68 17 2
2212 I feel the same way after staff meetings. 1.2414 0.05414 87 69 15 3
2213 Looks like Stan's drowning in paperwork again. 1.2414 0.04895 87 67 19 1
2214 I thought he was exaggerating when he said he was drowning in work. 1.2414 0.05887 87 71 11 5
2215 Wow, he actually IS treading water! 1.2414 0.05414 87 69 15 3
2216 Poor Ham, He finally resolved himself into a dew. 1.2414 0.04895 87 67 19 1
2217 I wouldn't bother him, he likes working under pressure 1.2410 0.05309 83 65 16 2
2218 That's the editor. He's having another meltdown over picking a winning caption. 1.2410 0.06320 83 69 8 6
2219 Let me introduce you to the company's newest productivity booster. 1.2410 0.05836 83 67 12 4
2220 Oh no, he fell into Quicken sand! 1.2410 0.05024 83 64 18 1
2221 I guess he wasn’t kidding about being swamped with work this week 1.2410 0.05579 83 66 14 3
2222 I’ve ALWAYS said that participating in office pools is a bad bet. 1.2410 0.06083 83 68 10 5
2223 See! Trickle-down economics finally working. 1.2410 0.05024 83 64 18 1
2224 That's his 3rd meltdown this month. 1.2410 0.05024 83 64 18 1
2225 I've always wanted to have one of those really deep thinkers work for me. Now I have one. 1.2410 0.06083 83 68 10 5
2226 It's our retirement test. If he gets out, we give him another five years. 1.2410 0.05579 83 66 14 3
2227 He went from burnout to total meltdown. 1.2410 0.05309 83 65 16 2
2228 Well, they pitch it as some kind of indoor pool; but really I have no idea. 1.2407 0.04720 108 85 20 3
2229 It looks like Ted is getting in over his head again. 1.2405 0.06033 79 64 11 4
2230 These Cartoon Editors love dramatic meltdowns. 1.2405 0.05758 79 63 13 3
2231 The boss told him to sink or swim...I guess he's still trying to decide which one works best... 1.2405 0.05469 79 62 15 2
2232 We're trying Kevin out in our secretarial pool. 1.2405 0.05164 79 61 17 1
2233 That's Bill. He writes our crossword puddles 1.2405 0.06033 79 64 11 4
2234 Jim really immerses himself in his work. 1.2405 0.05469 79 62 15 2
2235 He's been cancelled for spreading disinformation around the water cooler. 1.2405 0.06297 79 65 9 5
2236 I told you Fred needed more help in accounting. He’s drowning over there.” 1.2405 0.05469 79 62 15 2
2237 I told him to not watch Wizard of Oz on company time. 1.2404 0.05020 104 83 17 4
2238 He is drowning in a puddle of his own making. 1.2400 0.06250 75 61 10 4
2239 Talk about a meltdown! I wonder what's in those papers? 1.2400 0.06250 75 61 10 4
2240 Our onboarding process can be a bit sink or swim. 1.2400 0.05955 75 60 12 3
2241 You know Jeff was looking forward to retirement. His savings took a hit, now he is stuck here at work. 1.2400 0.06532 75 62 8 5
2242 I hard the company downstairs was in danger of going under. 1.2400 0.04740 100 78 20 2
2243 It’s Bill’s last day. 1.2400 0.05644 75 59 14 2
2244 It’s not funny anymore. 1.2400 0.05148 100 80 16 4
2245 We couldn't find any security guards to hire, so this was the easist way to escort them out 1.2400 0.05644 75 59 14 2
2246 He's drowning in work. Pretty typical around this place. Bring some floaties tomorrow. 1.2400 0.05955 75 60 12 3
2247 Yeah, a lot of the old-timers have just gone right back to drowning in their work. 1.2400 0.06532 75 62 8 5
2248 The water cooler chats are back. 1.2400 0.05143 75 60 13 2
2249 He's been treading water ever since he got that last promotion. 1.2400 0.05955 75 60 12 3
2250 Look who fell into the typing pool 1.2400 0.05955 75 60 12 3
2251 Oh, he wasn't kidding when he said he was drowning at work 1.2400 0.06250 75 61 10 4
2252 ‘It’s a Kapoor.’ 1.2400 0.05644 75 59 14 2
2253 He told me he was drowning in paperwork, but i didn't believe him. 1.2400 0.05315 75 58 16 1
2254 He is our new CEO, he literally likes to wade through the books. 1.2400 0.05955 75 60 12 3
2255 Everyone has an occasional meltdown figuratively, but not old take-everything-literally Bob. 1.2400 0.05644 75 59 14 2
2256 Poor Joe, he's drowning in work. 1.2400 0.06250 75 61 10 4
2257 I guess he meant it when he said he was swamped. 1.2396 0.05075 96 76 17 3
2258 He's one of those Method actors. 1.2396 0.05490 96 78 13 5
2259 Somebody should call Maintenance about the air conditioning 1.2394 0.06172 71 57 11 3
2260 That was Watercooler 1.0… 1.2394 0.06489 71 58 9 4
2261 Never doubt that guy. He somehow finds a way to crawl out of the mess he makes. 1.2394 0.05481 71 55 15 1
2262 Don’t encourage him. He’s doing that “wicked witch” thing again ! 1.2394 0.06489 71 58 9 4
2263 When I say office politics can be a quagmire, I mean it. 1.2394 0.05481 71 55 15 1
2264 He's a slippery fellow. 1.2394 0.05481 71 55 15 1
2265 I thought he was speaking figuratively when he said he was swamped with work. 1.2394 0.06489 71 58 9 4
2266 I've heard they're making Office Safety training mandatory this year. 1.2394 0.05101 71 54 17 0
2267 There's nothing worse than that sinking feeling you get, when you really screw up 1.2394 0.06172 71 57 11 3
2268 I knew he'd melt down eventually. 1.2394 0.06489 71 58 9 4
2269 He says it's how he avoids drowning in paperwork. 1.2394 0.06172 71 57 11 3
2270 Someone is either joining or leaving the office pool. 1.2391 0.05436 92 74 14 4
2271 None of the old-school people still here were told about the quicksand and the chief likes it that way. 1.2391 0.05212 92 73 16 3
2272 He used to do his laps at home. This was the only way to get him back to the office. 1.2388 0.06412 67 54 10 3
2273 It's so embarrassing to fall for a phishing test. 1.2388 0.06049 67 53 12 2
2274 That's Spitz, our pool reporter. 1.2388 0.06412 67 54 10 3
2275 Maintenance was quite clear: Let it finish drying out before we touch it. 1.2388 0.06049 67 53 12 2
2276 Glinda's Wicked Dad ? 1.2386 0.05598 88 71 13 4
2277 It’s the wicked auditor of the west. 1.2386 0.05826 88 72 11 5
2278 That’s why you never try to cross standing water. 1.2386 0.05598 88 71 13 4
2279 he’s not drowning in work; he’s just immersed in it. 1.2386 0.05110 88 69 17 2
2280 Was his sister from the east- or was it the west side? 1.2386 0.05598 88 71 13 4
2281 There is a sign up sheet for the think tank. 1.2381 0.05253 84 66 16 2
2282 Some are taking this return-to-office harder than others. 1.2381 0.05253 84 66 16 2
2283 He takes the concept of liquid assets way too seriously. 1.2381 0.05863 63 49 13 1
2284 All of us think we're just treading water, but he's actually doing it!! 1.2381 0.05253 84 66 16 2
2285 Oh, that’s John from accounting. His job is to remind us we’re only a quarter or two away from being completely underwater. 1.2381 0.06680 63 51 9 3
2286 We also have treadmill desks if you'd prefer that to treading water. 1.2381 0.06017 84 69 10 5
2287 Nothing a pizza party can't solve 1.2381 0.06680 63 51 9 3
2288 I am swamped" karma finally comes through 1.2381 0.05253 84 66 16 2
2289 And he still won’t allow us to adjust the thermostat. 1.2381 0.05519 84 67 14 3
2290 Poor Jack, He's flooded with work again. 1.2381 0.05773 84 68 12 4
2291 This is going to make some great,"water cooler gossip". 1.2381 0.05773 84 68 12 4
2292 Fred’s in almost over his head. 1.2381 0.05253 84 66 16 2
2293 Until maintenance fixes this, use the bathroom on the left. 1.2381 0.06285 63 50 11 2
2294 The guy tries so hard to blend in. 1.2381 0.05773 84 68 12 4
2295 We like to keep our employees on their toes. 1.2376 0.05293 101 82 14 5
2296 You'd be replacing Fred. He's always under water with his work! 1.2376 0.04699 101 79 20 2
2297 The breakroom mud sauna is an acquired taste. 1.2376 0.04905 101 80 18 3
2298 The staff got bored with the yoga classes, ping-pong table, and nap pods. So we put in a swimming hole. 1.2375 0.06474 80 67 7 6
2299 It's sink or swim if you want to succeed in the accounting department. 1.2375 0.05694 80 64 13 3
2300 I thought that 'red ink' thing was a metaphor. 1.2375 0.05965 80 65 11 4
2301 Did you hear that podcast about empathy being the most important trait to help us get positive performance reviews from our direct reports? So I decided I’m going to be empathetic. 1.2375 0.05965 80 65 11 4
2302 Seen it. Covered it. 1.2375 0.05409 80 63 15 2
2303 Woodward is always trying to make waves about some sort of information leak. 1.2375 0.05694 80 64 13 3
2304 Getting in on the ground floor has its problems. 1.2375 0.05409 80 63 15 2
2305 We're diversifying our portfolio. Less stocks, more ponds. 1.2375 0.05694 80 64 13 3
2306 I told him not to play with Silly Putty 1.2375 0.05409 80 63 15 2
2307 He spent too much time by the water cooler. 1.2375 0.05409 80 63 15 2
2308 I'd never have guessed that Elphaba was trans 1.2375 0.05108 80 62 17 1
2309 Everyone warned him that the ice was too thin. 1.2375 0.05965 80 65 11 4
2310 Oh yeah, it's super weird. But they install a new installation each month, so it's cool. 1.2373 0.04915 118 96 16 6
2311 It's just the Friday meltdown. 1.2371 0.05029 97 77 17 3
2312 Amazing how that solvent works only on old-timers and even dissolves orthotics! 1.2371 0.05238 97 78 15 4
2313 So a few things to watch out for: Doris in HR, Harold in Accounting, and this quicksand patch. Hey, Fred. 1.2368 0.06175 76 62 10 4
2314 He never really got over that he swam in college. 1.2368 0.06175 76 62 10 4
2315 I just read his memoir “Notes From a Hot Kitchen”. 1.2368 0.06720 76 64 6 6
2316 Dali was the designer. What do you think? 1.2368 0.05884 76 61 12 3
2317 He traded in his standing treadmill desk for one of these. 1.2368 0.05884 76 61 12 3
2318 At least he's not underwater 1.2368 0.05254 76 59 16 1
2319 It's a cautionary hologram of a floundering partner. 1.2368 0.05884 76 61 12 3
2320 I guess Bob wasn't kidding when he said he was going to be drowning in paperwork today. 1.2368 0.05578 76 60 14 2
2321 We call it the metafloor. 1.2368 0.05254 76 59 16 1
2322 It’s ironic that this is a plumbing company. 1.2368 0.05254 76 59 16 1
2323 Our accountant is drowning in red ink! 1.2366 0.04561 93 74 17 2
2324 Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, not here my friend. 1.2366 0.05162 93 74 16 3
2325 I think he meant bitch, not witch 1.2366 0.05162 93 74 16 3
2326 Head above water? I still don’t think he is drowning with work 1.2366 0.05162 93 74 16 3
2327 He didn't like his treamill desk. 1.2366 0.04687 93 72 20 1
2328 The boss thinks his ideas are all wet. 1.2366 0.04930 93 73 18 2
2329 We should probably throw him a landline. 1.2361 0.05764 72 57 13 2
2330 We’ll have to reschedule. Joe got sucked into something. 1.2361 0.05764 72 57 13 2
2331 The head of our IT section. He always has a meltdown when we send paper memos! 1.2361 0.05414 72 56 15 1
2332 He’s taking the office pool a little too literally. 1.2361 0.05414 72 56 15 1
2333 ... so another dinosaur finds his tar pit, I guess. 1.2361 0.05764 72 57 13 2
2334 This new desk is great for your back. 1.2361 0.05764 72 57 13 2
2335 When it comes to our think tank , this guy’s a genius 1.2361 0.05764 72 57 13 2
2336 He claims he's drowning in a sea of bureaucracy. 1.2361 0.05764 72 57 13 2
2337 I didn’t realize you meant it literally! 1.2361 0.05764 72 57 13 2
2338 Boy, he's really taking a bath on that office renovation. 1.2361 0.05414 72 56 15 1
2339 He just dissolved after reading the brief. 1.2361 0.05764 72 57 13 2
2340 Tom, do you see a guy swimming his way out of the floor? No, and neither do you unless you want to do all of that extra paperwork for HR 1.2361 0.05764 72 57 13 2
2341 Ralph’s been spreading himself too thin lately 1.2361 0.05764 72 57 13 2
2342 They really threw the new guy into the deep end this time. 1.2361 0.06094 72 58 11 3
2343 No, he's not drowning in paperwork...just having a return-to-office meltdown. 1.2361 0.05764 72 57 13 2
2344 Resignation or the tar pit. We all get there one day. 1.2360 0.05305 89 71 15 3
2345 We knew he was an old fashioned "technocrab" softy but we didn't think he'd melt under the pressure. 1.2360 0.05767 89 73 11 5
2346 He is the boss so if he wants an indoor pool he can have it. 1.2360 0.05541 89 72 13 4
2347 I know we were going to liquidate our assets but our employees? 1.2360 0.05541 89 72 13 4
2348 None of his theories hold water 1.2360 0.05305 89 71 15 3
2349 If he weren’t still using paper, he wouldn’t be drowning in paperwork. 1.2360 0.05059 89 70 17 2
2350 And over here is the small talk sand trap. 1.2360 0.05305 89 71 15 3
2351 Someone should tell him to stop drowning himself in paperwork. 1.2360 0.05305 89 71 15 3
2352 What part of 'the beware random holes in the floor' memo did you not get? 1.2353 0.05970 68 54 12 2
2353 When he said he was drowning in his work, I thought he was speaking metaphorically. 1.2353 0.05198 85 67 16 2
2354 If you prefer, we could make it a simple pay cut. 1.2353 0.05712 85 69 12 4
2355 Mel always exaggerates. It's only a puddle of paperwork. 1.2353 0.05590 68 53 14 1
2356 He claims the prospect of imminent drowning helps him focus 1.2353 0.05461 85 68 14 3
2357 Around here it's sink or swim. Guess which he is. 1.2353 0.05198 85 67 16 2
2358 They wanted to make him head of overseas operations, but he’s happier just being a big fish in his own little pond. 1.2353 0.05198 85 67 16 2
2359 That’s our new training program. He’ll either sink or swim. 1.2353 0.05461 85 68 14 3
2360 I simply asked him to fill it out in triplicate. 1.2353 0.06327 68 55 10 3
2361 He really has been swamped with paperwork lately. What he needs now is a poolside bar! 1.2353 0.04862 102 81 18 3
2362 He said computers only take up desk space. 1.2353 0.06327 68 55 10 3
2363 Wow, Phil wasn’t exaggerating when he said he was drowning in work! 1.2353 0.05590 68 53 14 1
2364 He said he was swamped 1.2353 0.05970 68 54 12 2
2365 Up to his neck in it again. 1.2353 0.05590 68 53 14 1
2366 He’s an invertebrate New Yorker. 1.2353 0.05198 85 67 16 2
2367 I always put in the wrong meeting code 1.2347 0.05190 98 79 15 4
2368 You have to really watch for the 2oclock quicksand! 1.2347 0.05766 98 82 9 7
2369 He calls it 'Thinking outside the liter-box.' 1.2347 0.05190 98 79 15 4
2370 Poor guy, first his house went underwater and now this. 1.2346 0.05898 81 66 11 4
2371 He claims he’s the victim of a corporate witch hunt. 1.2346 0.06400 81 68 7 6
2372 I guess Sam missed the fine print when he declined early retirement. 1.2346 0.06154 81 67 9 5
2373 I told him to lay off eating radish, algae and bamboo fiber, but he wouldn't listen. 1.2346 0.05630 81 65 13 3
2374 It’s the new tankless water heater 1.2346 0.05630 81 65 13 3
2375 At some point each of us has to decide…hell or high water. 1.2346 0.05898 81 66 11 4
2376 Because he managed to ruin his Kindle. 1.2346 0.05630 81 65 13 3
2377 Thank God He’s not in Hot ? Water 1.2346 0.05349 81 64 15 2
2378 Don't mind Johnson. He's a global warming "Chicken Little." 1.2346 0.05349 81 64 15 2
2379 He's under water with his home mortgage, but does he have to make such a fuss about it at work? 1.2346 0.06154 81 67 9 5
2380 He’s been here so long he actually believes there is a secretarial pool. 1.2346 0.05053 81 63 17 1
2381 Yeah, but micro-dosing also gives you a creative edge.” 1.2346 0.05898 81 66 11 4
2382 He always takes things so literally. 1.2346 0.05349 81 64 15 2
2383 I said, 'Lake!' Did he listen? No. 1.2346 0.05630 81 65 13 3
2384 You'd think Maintenance would stay on top of stuff like that. 1.2346 0.05630 81 65 13 3
2385 Marv, can we get you anything from Starbucks? 1.2346 0.05349 81 64 15 2
2386 They really should find a better way to let a person know they had a bad performance review. 1.2346 0.05349 81 64 15 2
2387 Ted is responsible for negotiating our vaccination policy. 1.2346 0.06154 81 67 9 5
2388 His poetry is too deep for me. 1.2344 0.06197 64 51 11 2
2389 Don't bother asking Bob. He's always swamped. 1.2344 0.06197 64 51 11 2
2390 It's a sink-or-swim kind of culture here. 1.2344 0.06197 64 51 11 2
2391 There's hazards everywhere around here - 1.2344 0.06952 64 53 7 4
2392 This is how 'upward mobility' works in our firm. 1.2344 0.06197 64 51 11 2
2393 He sounded upbeat -- something about the document getting his juices going. 1.2342 0.04607 111 88 20 3
2394 He did complain he was swamped. 1.2340 0.04884 94 74 18 2
2395 He had been stealing Wite-Out from the office for years. I guess it finally caught up with him. 1.2340 0.05542 94 77 12 5
2396 He's a bad delegator. 1.2340 0.05113 94 75 16 3
2397 Looks like Smitty there really IS drowning... 1.2340 0.05332 94 76 14 4
2398 Should we try to rescue him? He said he was drowning in paperwork. 1.2340 0.05332 94 76 14 4
2399 This is a simulation of what’s happening at the polar caps. 1.2340 0.05113 94 75 16 3
2400 It's his new big idea, the Wetaverse. 1.2340 0.05745 94 78 10 6
2401 He's been in over his head since he started" 1.2340 0.05113 94 75 16 3
2402 I wish I could help, but not everybody can keep up with the change of terrain around here. 1.2340 0.05113 94 75 16 3
2403 early retirement has sent him into a protoplasmic meltdown. 1.2340 0.05542 94 77 12 5
2404 That’s David. His water breaks are a bit different from ours. 1.2338 0.05514 77 61 14 2
2405 Mondays, am I right? 1.2338 0.06102 77 63 10 4
2406 He insisted on the latest in orthopedic back support 1.2338 0.06376 77 64 8 5
2407 He’s been complaining for years that he’s drowning in paperwork. 1.2338 0.05195 77 60 16 1
2408 He's pooling his assets. 1.2338 0.05195 77 60 16 1
2409 and I can't even get decaf. 1.2338 0.06102 77 63 10 4
2410 Drowning in paper work. 1.2338 0.05816 77 62 12 3
2411 We pride ourselves on our sink-or-swim work ethic here. 1.2338 0.05514 77 61 14 2
2412 I think that new girl with the ruby slippers threw something at him. 1.2338 0.05816 77 62 12 3
2413 Drowning in paperwork is a relative term 1.2338 0.05816 77 62 12 3
2414 Typically, the next step is a deeper dive. 1.2338 0.06102 77 63 10 4
2415 That's Mitch, our in-house metaphor for writer's block. 1.2338 0.06102 77 63 10 4
2416 The writer's pool ain't what it used to be... 1.2338 0.05816 77 62 12 3
2417 I guess we should change that sign to say, “slippery when wet….and deep!” 1.2338 0.05816 77 62 12 3
2418 We’ve gotta stop publishing these shipwreck stories. 1.2338 0.05816 77 62 12 3
2419 The office Roomba is so life like 1.2338 0.05195 77 60 16 1
2420 I know he said he was drowning in debt, but is it really necessary to make a public spectacle of it? 1.2338 0.06102 77 63 10 4
2421 It's just another Wi-Fi surge. Call tech support. 1.2333 0.05253 90 72 15 3
2422 For the last time, it's dissolving, not melting. 1.2333 0.05997 60 47 12 1
2423 Poor guy was just liquidated by the firm. 1.2333 0.05253 90 72 15 3
2424 Silly Boomers, always drowning in paper. 1.2333 0.05923 90 75 9 6
2425 He’s a real team player. The team is water polo. 1.2333 0.04754 90 70 19 1
2426 In his young days he could swim all the way to the main office 1.2333 0.05009 90 71 17 2
2427 OK I admit it, I do sometimes wish that our new CEO wasn't a guy being sucked into the past by a rapidly-expanding time portal--but the other option was a woman. 1.2333 0.07653 60 51 4 5
2428 He's under water with his mortgage... 1.2333 0.05009 90 71 17 2
2429 Harry thinks being the first one in gives him a better chance to win the office pool 1.2333 0.04754 90 70 19 1
2430 All he said was, ‘I’m melting, I’m melting. 1.2333 0.04754 90 70 19 1
2431 I've heard that he totally immerses himself in his work, now I get it. 1.2333 0.05485 90 73 13 4
2432 We couldn't afford a hot tub. 1.2333 0.05009 90 71 17 2
2433 Really? No one ever drowns in 'paperwork' these days! 1.2330 0.04820 103 82 18 3
2434 We're short staffed and have had to pool our resources. 1.2329 0.05349 73 57 15 1
2435 I don't think we should get involved 1.2329 0.05349 73 57 15 1
2436 This is what happens when you refuse to go paperless! 1.2329 0.05349 73 57 15 1
2437 When he said,"drowning in opportunity",I didn't think he meant it literally. 1.2329 0.05694 73 58 13 2
2438 He couldn´t help to be immersed in his self. 1.2329 0.06327 73 60 9 4
2439 Uncanny, really, that’s exactly where Gloria melted last year 1.2329 0.05349 73 57 15 1
2440 "As you can see, Dad's stuck in the mud, but too proud to accept help from his children." 1.2329 0.06327 73 60 9 4
2441 Tough stuff, that flop sweat. 1.2329 0.06019 73 59 11 3
2442 You've heard of the standing desk? That's a swimming desk 1.2329 0.06019 73 59 11 3
2443 We take “the floor is lava” very seriously here. 1.2329 0.04981 73 56 17 0
2444 So that’s what they meant when they said we were going into liquidation. 1.2329 0.06019 73 59 11 3
2445 He is in under his head 1.2329 0.06327 73 60 9 4
2446 Another climate change denier who just found out his vacation house is under water. 1.2329 0.06019 73 59 11 3
2447 The old crew is slowly melting away 1.2329 0.05694 73 58 13 2
2448 He’s always up to his neck in something. 1.2326 0.05145 86 68 16 2
2449 I thought quicksand might be a deterrent but, it’s a really good workout! 1.2326 0.05652 86 70 12 4
2450 They said the merger would be painless but they didn't say that it was with another dimension. 1.2326 0.05404 86 69 14 3
2451 You'll see we have a bit of a sink or swim philosophy here. 1.2326 0.05145 86 68 16 2
2452 Greg has been swamped this week. 1.2326 0.05404 86 69 14 3
2453 Office pools just aren't quite what they're cracked up to be these days 1.2323 0.04938 99 79 17 3
2454 Would you please stop reminding him about account liquidity, solubility, and fluidity?? 1.2323 0.04938 99 79 17 3
2455 I’d help him, but he misgendered me, so… 1.2323 0.04938 99 79 17 3
2456 This new sculpture is not making me feel like hanging in the lunchroom. 1.2323 0.05142 99 80 15 4
2457 Out accountant seems to be out of his depth in dealing with the company's liquidity issues. 1.2323 0.05142 99 80 15 4
2458 It was that or a sit-stand desk. 1.2319 0.05519 69 54 14 1
2459 These meltdowns! He’s not getting his work done and the housekeeping crew is going bonkers. 1.2319 0.05892 69 55 12 2
2460 What stage of Scrum is this again? 1.2319 0.06243 69 56 10 3
2461 As you can see, our policy is to pool institutional knowledge. 1.2319 0.05892 69 55 12 2
2462 Boomers. 1.2317 0.05569 82 66 13 3
2463 Leave him alone. He always said this job was sink or swim. 1.2317 0.05833 82 67 11 4
2464 We’re trying out some new hybrid work environments. 1.2317 0.04688 82 63 19 0
2465 Literally drowning in work. 1.2317 0.04999 82 64 17 1
2466 I warned him it is a sink or swim company 1.2317 0.05291 82 65 15 2
2467 We find it's actually more humane than forced retirement plus we save a fortune on gold watches. 1.2317 0.05569 82 66 13 3
2468 Oh, that’s Meltdown Mike. You’ll get used to him. 1.2317 0.05147 82 67 12 3
2469 He has been swimming in a puddle of new ideas 1.2317 0.05291 82 65 15 2
2470 The applicant pool was competitive so we decided to add a swim test. 1.2317 0.05569 82 66 13 3
2471 Have a meltdown -- fine. But this is ridiculous. 1.2317 0.05569 82 66 13 3
2472 Typical Boomer, exaggerating about 'drowning' in paperwork when his head is still above water. 1.2317 0.05833 82 67 11 4
2473 I wish Biden’s infrastructure plan would hurry up and get going…. 1.2317 0.04999 82 64 17 1
2474 He is always up to his ears in work 1.2317 0.04999 82 64 17 1
2475 Don't mind him. He's always complaining about drowning in work. 1.2316 0.05489 95 78 12 5
2476 That reminds me, I need to hit the pool after work today. 1.2316 0.04838 95 75 18 2
2477 should we call a plumber or a doctor 1.2316 0.05281 95 77 14 4
2478 Im drowning in paperwork 1.2316 0.04838 95 75 18 2
2479 He DID say he was drowning in expense reports. 1.2316 0.04838 95 75 18 2
2480 White out quicksand. 1.2308 0.05451 78 62 14 2
2481 I know. I get that, but it's sink or swim around here... 1.2308 0.05137 78 61 16 1
2482 I wouldn’t bother asking him, he’s swimming in work” 1.2308 0.05451 78 62 14 2
2483 We are having a problem with the plumbing downstairs. 1.2308 0.04262 104 83 19 2
2484 Wow, that was weird. Why did he just call you 'Dorothy'? 1.2308 0.05748 78 63 12 3
2485 We’re all drowning in paperwork, but George gets dramatic. 1.2308 0.05748 78 63 12 3
2486 He's always been a guy who drowns in little water. 1.2308 0.05451 78 62 14 2
2487 It's a Hot Tub Fetish.... 1.2308 0.04801 78 60 18 0
2488 I believe he’s swimming in paperwork. 1.2308 0.05451 78 62 14 2
2489 He covers his incontinence by claiming to be drowning in paperwork. 1.2308 0.06031 78 64 10 4
2490 Since you’re new, you won’t be drowning in work. 1.2308 0.05651 91 75 11 5
2491 We take our metaphors literally here. 1.2308 0.04961 91 72 17 2
2492 Not to worry, he's the Wicked Witch of Accounting. 1.2308 0.05451 78 62 14 2
2493 The steno pool is so outdated it’s like a sinking ship. 1.2308 0.05201 91 73 15 3
2494 He has always been out of his depth. 1.2308 0.06031 78 64 10 4
2495 I think all of us are tiring of Phil's "Wicked Witch of the West" impersonation. 1.2308 0.05651 91 75 11 5
2496 We called the police first by mistake. I thought someone said he was stuck in a poodle. 1.2308 0.04961 91 72 17 2
2497 One day management says you're walking on water, the next day, well... 1.2308 0.05748 78 63 12 3
2498 First time I’ve seen someone literally drowning in debt. 1.2308 0.06112 65 52 11 2
2499 Yeah, he’s swamped. 1.2308 0.05137 78 61 16 1
2500 You're right—we should do something to improve our talent pool. 1.2308 0.05137 78 61 16 1
2501 We offered Greg early retirement or quicksand. 1.2308 0.05748 78 63 12 3
2502 He fought the switch to digital, now he's drowning in paperwork. 1.2308 0.05705 65 51 13 1
2503 His position was liquidated. 1.2308 0.05451 78 62 14 2
2504 Like I keep saying, if you don't strike a good work/life balance you'll drown. 1.2300 0.04894 100 80 17 3
2505 Remind me to sell my stock 1.2299 0.05348 87 70 14 3
2506 The teleportation project is currently in a pretty liquid state. 1.2299 0.05593 87 71 12 4
2507 Oh, that's just Wet Steve. He's in charge of work-flow. 1.2299 0.05348 87 70 14 3
2508 Theodore is so busy that he can barely keep his head above water! 1.2299 0.05348 87 70 14 3
2509 He went off the deep end! 1.2299 0.05593 87 71 12 4
2510 Not what I imagined a secretarial pool was like 1.2299 0.04823 87 68 18 1
2511 Careful... He won't be the last to slowly drown in office politics. 1.2299 0.05348 87 70 14 3
2512 At least he isn't drowning in work." "No, he effortlessly keeps his head above water. I don't know how he does it! 1.2299 0.04823 87 68 18 1
2513 Bob’s had a hard time transitioning back to the office. 1.2297 0.05625 74 59 13 2
2514 Pay no attention. He's been drowning in his own ineptness since we hired him. 1.2297 0.05945 74 60 11 3
2515 I keep warning them about office pools. 1.2297 0.05945 74 60 11 3
2516 Will he sink or swim? 1.2297 0.05625 74 59 13 2
2517 It's not a sink hole, it's a 'senior hole.' It's replacing seniority. 1.2297 0.05945 74 60 11 3
2518 When he said he was drowning in work I didn't take him literally. 1.2297 0.05286 74 58 15 1
2519 I guess Dorothy got him. 1.2297 0.06538 74 62 7 5
2520 It's too bad because we thought he'd make it out of the building after escaping the R.O.U.S. in the boardroom. 1.2297 0.06538 74 62 7 5
2521 Ned goes overboard with metrics. 1.2297 0.06538 74 62 7 5
2522 We generally discourage those drowning in work to leave their office. 1.2297 0.05625 74 59 13 2
2523 We're taking bets on how long until the Boomer develops a better approach to managing his email. 1.2297 0.05945 74 60 11 3
2524 Swamped again! But staying alive. 1.2297 0.04923 74 57 17 0
2525 Professor Johnson sure gets immersed in his work. 1.2297 0.05625 74 59 13 2
2526 Man, that's the second guy from Antarctica who's really feeling the heat. 1.2297 0.05625 74 59 13 2
2527 Still, working atop a frozen lake saves a lot on AC 1.2295 0.07165 61 51 6 4
2528 Wow - the office has really sucked him in! 1.2292 0.05231 96 78 14 4
2529 He's been drowning in debt for years. 1.2292 0.04794 96 76 18 2
2530 I think our new deal is falling through. 1.2292 0.04312 96 79 14 3
2531 Yeah he’s one of our hydration researchers. 1.2292 0.05231 96 78 14 4
2532 He's the last of the typing pool and fully expects the typewriter to make a comeback when we're all forced to conserve energy. 1.2292 0.04794 96 76 18 2
2533 He just transferred to the Cruise Division of Royco Waystar 1.2289 0.06018 83 69 9 5
2534 He's a bit theatrical. 1.2289 0.05235 83 66 15 2
2535 I don’t know, I guess the carpool just wasn’t his thing. 1.2289 0.05235 83 66 15 2
2536 It's a preposition problem. He thinks the phrase is "drowning AT work." 1.2289 0.05235 83 66 15 2
2537 This guy is always in hot water. 1.2289 0.04946 83 65 17 1
2538 You can't get any work done around here with this pool. 1.2289 0.05235 83 66 15 2
2539 Well he did say he was drowning in paperwork. 1.2289 0.05769 83 68 11 4
2540 I told you your proposal was way too deep for management. 1.2289 0.04946 83 65 17 1
2541 So much for the office pool. 1.2289 0.05508 83 67 13 3
2542 Our management philosophy is, ‘We won’t drown you in work, but if you don’t hit your numbers, we might drown you at work.’ 1.2289 0.05769 83 68 11 4
2543 Yeah, so, a lot of people think management is being metaphorical about the training program here, but as you can see, they're not. 1.2289 0.05508 83 67 13 3
2544 When he said he was drowning in paperwork,he wasn't kidding. 1.2289 0.05235 83 66 15 2
2545 Oh, that's just Sam from Intuit QuickSands 1.2289 0.05508 83 67 13 3
2546 I’m just saying overall it’s a good company though, right? 1.2289 0.04640 83 64 19 0
2547 Funny,in his interview he said he could hit the ground running 1.2289 0.05769 83 68 11 4
2548 So over here, we have our lower paying clients. 1.2289 0.05769 83 68 11 4
2549 It's sad. He's been swimming upstream since he was hired. 1.2289 0.05235 83 66 15 2
2550 We are an embodiment of the cold-hearted cynicism of our times. 1.2289 0.06258 83 70 7 6
2551 Let him mop himself up, otherwise he'll never learn. 1.2289 0.05508 83 67 13 3
2552 It’s a recent work by Beeple. 1.2289 0.05769 83 68 11 4
2553 He takes everything literally! 1.2286 0.05055 70 54 16 0
2554 Come hell or high water Joe gets the job done. 1.2286 0.05449 70 55 14 1
2555 Its one of those new 3D rugs, 1.2286 0.04738 105 84 18 3
2556 Boomers. Who understands 'em? 1.2286 0.05449 70 55 14 1
2557 I tried to warn him about using Quicken for finances. 1.2286 0.06163 70 57 10 3
2558 Welcome to Medicare. 1.2286 0.05449 70 55 14 1
2559 He always has a meltdown before board meetings. 1.2286 0.06163 70 57 10 3
2560 Our sculpture installation “drowning in red tape” helped stream line operations. 1.2286 0.06163 70 57 10 3
2561 When I say “I’m drowning in paperwork,” I’m not, like, actually drowning. Also, who even uses paper? Jeff, tho - wow. 1.2283 0.05377 92 75 13 4
2562 Bill Yard is the only one to enter the office pool yet. 1.2283 0.05150 92 74 15 3
2563 He's fully liquidated. 1.2283 0.04663 92 72 19 1
2564 So, how many years have you worked for Mirage? 1.2283 0.05150 92 74 15 3
2565 It’s his “shattered water-cooler” routine. He loves to play it on new hires. 1.2283 0.05150 92 74 15 3
2566 I did not realize NYC also had mud season. 1.2283 0.05377 92 75 13 4
2567 I told maintenance to mop that up this morning! 1.2283 0.05377 92 75 13 4
2568 Yesterday he was only drowning in paperwork. 1.2283 0.05377 92 75 13 4
2569 Looks like he really did have ice in his veins 1.2278 0.05079 79 62 16 1
2570 Poor guy..he's flooded 1.2278 0.05079 79 62 16 1
2571 You've heard of a slippery slope? Well, this is the befuddled puddle. 1.2278 0.04749 79 61 18 0
2572 We're draining the swamp 1.2278 0.05390 79 63 14 2
2573 Larry resisted going digital and how he is drowning in paperwork. 1.2278 0.05683 79 64 12 3
2574 We make no secret of our "sink or swim" culture. 1.2278 0.05683 79 64 12 3
2575 He had a meltdown about having to come back into the office. 1.2278 0.05390 79 63 14 2
2576 He studies climate change . It’s really affecting him personally! 1.2278 0.05390 79 63 14 2
2577 You will get used to Dick’s emotional meltdown after BOD reviews 1.2278 0.05683 79 64 12 3
2578 This job consumes each of us in different ways... 1.2278 0.05390 79 63 14 2
2579 OK, maybe he’s not in over his head — but he’s drowning just the same! 1.2278 0.05390 79 63 14 2
2580 We see this company as a melting pot of people and ideas" 1.2278 0.05683 79 64 12 3
2581 They can’t afford to fire people anymore, so they just water them down. 1.2278 0.05961 79 65 10 4
2582 Poor guy, his portfolio is under water. 1.2278 0.05390 79 63 14 2
2583 Sometimes it can be sink or swim around here. 1.2278 0.05390 79 63 14 2
2584 You never can tell how deep water is at first glance. 1.2278 0.05683 79 64 12 3
2585 Don’t worry. He said things are going swimmingly. 1.2278 0.05390 79 63 14 2
2586 Remote office synchronicity 1.2278 0.05683 79 64 12 3
2587 So that's the culprit who has been drinking the water cooler dry! 1.2278 0.05961 79 65 10 4
2588 Looks like we've found the source of the leaks. 1.2278 0.05390 79 63 14 2
2589 That ending of yours reduced him to tears. 1.2278 0.05683 79 64 12 3
2590 I've always said he's swimming in it. 1.2273 0.05535 88 72 12 4
2591 And I thought I was drowning in work. 1.2273 0.05832 66 55 8 3
2592 Halloween was last week, Ken. 1.2273 0.06403 66 54 9 3
2593 The Wicked Witch of the West isn't the only one susceptible to water, apparently? 1.2273 0.05294 88 71 14 3
2594 Drowning in work has taken on a new meaning 1.2273 0.05294 88 71 14 3
2595 We've had a dip in sales 1.2273 0.05294 88 71 14 3
2596 That's not exactly what I meant when I asked him to meet me at the pool hall after work. 1.2273 0.06028 66 53 11 2
2597 He said he remembers when the first cell phones came out and then this crazy vortex appeared. 1.2268 0.05386 97 80 12 5
2598 I told you Reardon would be in over his head. 1.2268 0.05182 97 79 14 4
2599 Still water runs deep. 1.2268 0.04750 97 77 18 2
2600 That's Sid. He's on thin ice around here. 1.2267 0.05874 75 61 11 3
2601 I guess the new guy took our sink or swim culture literally. 1.2267 0.06173 75 62 9 4
2602 I've only been here two weeks and I know to avoid the quicksand. 1.2267 0.05558 75 60 13 2
2603 DO YOU THINK THAT A RUBBER DUCKY WILL HELP? 1.2267 0.06173 75 62 9 4
2604 Don't fall for his act... the guy's lazy. 1.2267 0.05874 75 61 11 3
2605 I bet that's why we found Lisa's glasses on the copy room floor last week. 1.2267 0.05874 75 61 11 3
2606 At least he is sober today 1.2267 0.05558 75 60 13 2
2607 I like the new carpet! 1.2267 0.05874 75 61 11 3
2608 He's been like that since last Friday, so the boss is suing the quicksand subcontractor. 1.2267 0.05874 75 61 11 3
2609 I thought Dorothy was on vacation. 1.2267 0.06173 75 62 9 4
2610 Don't stare. He's just trying to keep his head above the water. 1.2267 0.05224 75 59 15 1
2611 When Hadley gets immersed in a project, he goes all the way. 1.2267 0.05558 75 60 13 2
2612 He really missed the water cooler during remote work. 1.2267 0.05558 75 60 13 2
2613 He said was drowning in flood of paperwork. 1.2264 0.04886 106 86 16 4
2614 Fred is really giving a new meaning to “drowning at work.” 1.2264 0.05154 106 90 9 7
2615 A classic I'm-in-over-my-head-and-need-help-on-this-assignment move. 1.2264 0.04698 106 85 18 3
2616 I always feel like Frank is in over his head. 1.2262 0.05449 84 68 13 3
2617 There are also opportunities for downward mobility. 1.2262 0.05449 84 68 13 3
2618 He said he was literally drowning in work, but we thought he was just speaking metaphorically. 1.2262 0.05449 84 68 13 3
2619 Poor Ed He’s drowning in paperwork 1.2262 0.05179 84 67 15 2
2620 IT still hasn't updated the interdimensional portal-ware. 1.2262 0.05179 84 67 15 2
2621 He became obsessed with the office pool 1.2262 0.04895 84 66 17 1
2622 OSHA had a fit, until we pointed out the merman loophole. 1.2262 0.05952 84 70 9 5
2623 He’s editing the Timothy Leary manuscript. 1.2262 0.04895 84 66 17 1
2624 Bob has never been able to handle criticism. 1.2262 0.05706 84 69 11 4
2625 We found putting in a soaking tub in the break room was a good incentive to get people back to the office. 1.2262 0.05952 84 70 9 5
2626 Look,same old,same old. Hank never cleans up his wet spot. 1.2262 0.05706 84 69 11 4
2627 I guess we know now where the septic tank is located. 1.2262 0.05179 84 67 15 2
2628 If he would just use the computer, he wouldn't be drowning in paperwork. 1.2262 0.05952 84 70 9 5
2629 There's Bob, pooling his resources again. 1.2258 0.04866 93 74 17 2
2630 That's such a ludicrous drawing it would be just the kind of idiocy one would expect to see in the New Yorker caption contest! 1.2258 0.05433 93 79 8 6
2631 I warned him that if he took that project that he would be drowning in work. 1.2258 0.05325 93 76 13 4
2632 Clearly, puddle jumping is a young man's game. 1.2258 0.06264 62 50 10 2
2633 He lost all his bones in last night's casino meeting. 1.2258 0.05325 93 76 13 4
2634 He’s taking this office pool thing too literally. 1.2258 0.05325 93 76 13 4
2635 Yeah, his head back above water. Now we need him to go paperless. 1.2258 0.05100 93 75 15 3
2636 Looks like he lost the office poil 1.2258 0.04866 93 74 17 2
2637 Like sand through an hourglass, those were the last days of Ed’s monotonous corporate life. 1.2254 0.05743 71 57 12 2
2638 Apparently, the data pool is deeper than we thought. 1.2254 0.05743 71 57 12 2
2639 I guess it's true; you can drown in paperwork 1.2254 0.06406 71 59 8 4
2640 Great architect. But Franklin Lloyd Wright just could not resist a flat roof. 1.2254 0.05743 71 57 12 2
2641 I told him that case was too hot to handle… 1.2254 0.05743 71 57 12 2
2642 I'm drowning in paperwork you bitches. 1.2254 0.04994 71 60 8 3
2643 Johnson has the coolest office on this floor. 1.2254 0.06084 71 58 10 3
2644 It appears he is drowning in work,he was swimming in it last week! 1.2254 0.05382 71 56 14 1
2645 He's drowning in his own witticisms 1.2254 0.06084 71 58 10 3
2646 He wasn't kidding when he says he's up to his neck in problems. 1.2254 0.05743 71 57 12 2
2647 It’s best not to use “reply all”. 1.2254 0.06084 71 58 10 3
2648 Human Resources says that we can’t discuss this with him. 1.2254 0.05743 71 57 12 2
2649 Well, we did promise he’d feel right at home 1.2250 0.05329 80 64 14 2
2650 I'm definitely skipping next year's office pool. 1.2250 0.05618 80 65 12 3
2651 Quick Stan 1.2250 0.05329 80 64 14 2
2652 It's been three days since trying to figure out his character's point of no return in his screenplay. 1.2250 0.05618 80 65 12 3
2653 In this industry, once you're 45 you're liquidated. 1.2250 0.06156 80 67 8 5
2654 I can’t believe Internal Affairs hasn’t found the leak. 1.2250 0.05329 80 64 14 2
2655 He's so old school he's convinced we still have a typing pool. 1.2250 0.06408 80 68 6 6
2656 I think Steve will be in over his head soon. 1.2250 0.05024 80 63 16 1
2657 Charles here, is in charge of the office water club. 1.2250 0.06156 80 67 8 5
2658 OK. A few tips for this company. Never drink something you're offered out of the blue, look on top of suspicious half-open doors, check your back for Post-its, oh .. and don't step on mats that maybe shouldn't be there. 1.2250 0.05893 80 66 10 4
2659 Yeah, Pete sees better with his new reading glasses. 1.2250 0.05893 80 66 10 4
2660 Ever since his secretary left, Jack has done nothing but complain that he’s overworked. 1.2250 0.05893 80 66 10 4
2661 It’s like a swamp in here 1.2250 0.05329 80 64 14 2
2662 It appears Bruce is doing his own research again. 1.2250 0.05024 80 63 16 1
2663 Boy, that is a REAL meltdown 1.2250 0.05618 80 65 12 3
2664 You're right, I guess we should put up a sign there. "CAUTION: AVOID FRANK." 1.2250 0.05329 80 64 14 2
2665 So, uh…you carry a purse now? 1.2250 0.05618 80 65 12 3
2666 I told him to let me know if he ever again got up to his neck in this work. 1.2247 0.05478 89 73 12 4
2667 I told him we should pool our resources. 1.2247 0.04449 89 69 20 0
2668 Old desk clerks never die. They just disappear into the office watering hole. 1.2247 0.05240 89 72 14 3
2669 One too many days of drinking from the fire hose. 1.2247 0.04990 89 71 16 2
2670 I heard him say he was going out for a quick sandwich 1.2247 0.05478 89 73 12 4
2671 The guy you're replacing has struggled to keep up. 1.2247 0.04990 89 71 16 2
2672 Even the best of us sometimes melt under pressure. 1.2247 0.04990 89 71 16 2
2673 I hear that a new office might be opening up. 1.2247 0.04990 89 71 16 2
2674 He said he wanted to get back into the swim. 1.2247 0.05240 89 72 14 3
2675 That’s Tim, he started a week ago, but candidly I don’t think he’s going to make it. 1.2247 0.05478 89 73 12 4
2676 Don't worry he has a life jacket. 1.2245 0.05135 98 80 14 4
2677 Yeah, he’s really drowning in paperwork 1.2245 0.04925 98 79 16 3
2678 Tom, I know you're drowning in work, but keep keep your head above water. 1.2245 0.04925 98 79 16 3
2679 This new company plan to make android temp workers out of ice cream is just not going to work out. 1.2245 0.05529 98 82 10 6
2680 Huh, Fred's Monday morning meltdown again. 1.2245 0.04478 98 77 20 1
2681 He probably regrets not accepting my offer to convert his paper files. 1.2243 0.05196 107 89 12 6
2682 I told you Brian was out of his depth.. 1.2241 0.06046 58 46 11 1
2683 He never follows budgets. His project is underwater. 1.2239 0.05554 67 53 13 1
2684 You've heard of the glass ceiling? That's the quicksand floor. 1.2239 0.06316 67 55 9 3
2685 He was demoted to the typing pool. 1.2239 0.05947 67 54 11 2
2686 He claims he’s “drowning in work,” but if you look closely, you’ll see it’s just water. 1.2239 0.06316 67 55 9 3
2687 Some insist he's a deep thinker, but I say he's all wet. 1.2237 0.05493 76 61 13 2
2688 He replaced Mary after the work got over her head. 1.2237 0.06098 76 63 9 4
2689 If he doesn't drown, he's management material. 1.2237 0.05493 76 61 13 2
2690 I guess it’s perish. 1.2237 0.05493 76 61 13 2
2691 I guess he meant it when he said he was drowning in paperwork. 1.2237 0.05164 76 60 15 1
2692 I hate to see this. Hedgefunder drowning in his own meltdown. 1.2237 0.05493 76 61 13 2
2693 Its important to always look ahead here. Some of our coworkers have trouble keeping their heads above water. 1.2237 0.05164 76 60 15 1
2694 Boy he's really taking a bath on that new construction deal. 1.2237 0.05493 76 61 13 2
2695 Turns out, client change is real. 1.2237 0.05803 76 62 11 3
2696 Yeah, a performance artist -- not too creative, he calls it 'Dtoening in paperwork.' 1.2237 0.05803 76 62 11 3
2697 He's on recall from the retiree pool. 1.2237 0.05803 76 62 11 3
2698 Damnit Morty 1.2237 0.05803 76 62 11 3
2699 I' ll leave you with Stan to show you around our Think Tank . Changing room on your left . And, again, congratulations . 1.2237 0.05493 76 61 13 2
2700 Since he lost the last deal, he’s been in a pool of despair. 1.2237 0.06379 76 64 7 5
2701 I think Corporate will soon 'Hang him out to dry'. 1.2237 0.05164 76 60 15 1
2702 After Motivational Monday, Bob’s really trying to Just Keep Swimming. 1.2235 0.04844 85 67 17 1
2703 Someone threw a bucket of water on him when he tried to grab the Ruby Slipper account. 1.2235 0.05645 85 70 11 4
2704 We get it, Dave. You changed the water jug three times in a row." 1.2235 0.05391 85 69 13 3
2705 He's on his way out. 1.2235 0.05391 85 69 13 3
2706 It’s a lot like OZ here. Watch out for the monkeys. 1.2235 0.05645 85 70 11 4
2707 At least he's not drowning in paperwork. 1.2235 0.05391 85 69 13 3
2708 DeNiro's going all 'method' again prepping for that Wizard of Oz reboot. 1.2235 0.05888 85 71 9 5
2709 Looks like he’s drowning…do you think he needs a drink? 1.2235 0.05645 85 70 11 4
2710 His kid sister was the Wicked Witch of the West. 1.2234 0.05273 94 77 13 4
2711 Poor Johnson, guy is drowning in paperwork. 1.2234 0.04820 94 75 17 2
2712 The boss binge-watched 'Squid Game' last weekend. 1.2234 0.04576 94 74 19 1
2713 I keep meaning to report that sinkhole. 1.2222 0.04941 90 72 16 2
2714 He needs a handout. Not a hand up. 1.2222 0.04969 81 64 16 1
2715 After 30 years he just found out he's been thrown back into the job pool... 1.2222 0.05188 90 73 14 3
2716 He promised me he wouldn’t get in over his head! 1.2222 0.05270 81 65 14 2
2717 It's global warming... Doctor Foster didn't even get to Gloucester. 1.2222 0.04321 99 85 9 5
2718 It's just another sinkhole. He will survive. 1.2222 0.05672 72 58 12 2
2719 It's the old school internet. 1.2222 0.05556 81 66 12 3
2720 Oh, him? He thought it was one of those trippy new area rugs. 1.2222 0.05556 81 66 12 3
2721 He’s not computer savvy, but he did manage to open the company portal. 1.2222 0.05316 72 57 14 1
2722 He did say he was wading through the problem. 1.2222 0.04934 72 56 16 0
2723 I always said they should teach kids less about taxes and more about quicksand. 1.2222 0.05827 81 67 10 4
2724 he's really swamped 1.2222 0.04941 90 72 16 2
2725 He is drowning in paperwork, throw him a paper clip 1.2222 0.05672 72 58 12 2
2726 I think he's found a side effect for his new vaccine!