Contest #746



The winning captions

These captions are chosen by The New Yorker.

  1. “So that’s where all the furniture went.”
  2. “Don’t make me come up there.”
  3. “Just as I thought. There’s nothing going on upstairs.”

Name Value
Submission deadline 2021-03-07T21:37:00.000Z
Voting started -
Voting ended 2021-03-21T20:38:00.000Z
Finalists announced 2021-03-15T20:37:00.000Z
Magazine(s) announcing finalists issued March 22, 2021
Number of captions 9585
Number of responses 1124620
Number of participants -


In this table, the "mean" means the empirically measured average funniness score when the "unfunny", "somewhat funny" and "funny" receive a funniness score of 1, 2, 3 respectively. "Precison" is the standard error of the mean, the standard deviation of the mean estimate. With that, a caption with an empirical mean μ and precision σ has true mean in the range [μ - 2σ, μ + 2σ] with 95% probability by the 68-95-99.7 rule assuming the responses are indepedent and identically distributed.

Rank Caption Mean Precision Total votes "Unfunny" votes "Somewhat funny" votes "Funny" votes
0 I forgot what I came upstairs for. 1.9341 0.01050 5902 2127 2037 1738
1 Those better not be my good rocks. 1.9228 0.01143 4766 1681 1772 1313
2 On second thought, put them back in a circle. 1.9169 0.00988 6126 2111 2416 1599
3 How about you do a little more hunting and a little less gathering? 1.8998 0.01051 5538 2000 2093 1445
4 For God’s sake George, put on some underwear. 1.8930 0.01164 4849 1880 1608 1361
5 I can't remember what I came up here for. 1.8923 0.01145 4913 1874 1694 1345
6 Well, just look at you, Mr. Homo Erectus. 1.8842 0.01344 3575 1385 1219 971
7 Marry a hunter or gatherer," they said. "But he's so creative," I said 1.8795 0.01030 5694 2103 2174 1417
8 First a "wheel" attached to nothing. Now "stairs" to nowhere. No wonder everyone thinks you're a Neanderthal. 1.8739 0.01117 5202 2056 1746 1400
9 Is this another one of your pyramid schemes? 1.8709 0.01090 5292 2050 1875 1367
10 I'm sure this time. I liked it better facing the other way. 1.8701 0.01169 4488 1706 1659 1123
11 It’s a rock classic. I’ll call it Stairway to Heaven. 1.8600 0.01090 5486 2224 1806 1456
12 Half a million hunter gatherers on the continent and I go ahead and pick the one engineer. 1.8575 0.01186 4175 1565 1640 970
13 First a wheel, now stairs. When are you going to invent something useful? 1.8552 0.01068 5498 2179 1936 1383
14 Did you even look at the instructions? 1.8540 0.01023 5658 2181 2141 1336
15 Frankly, it strikes me as a solution in search of a problem. 1.8520 0.01140 4589 1757 1754 1078
16 That wasn't the kind of erection I had in mind 1.8494 0.01030 6134 2607 1888 1639
17 Still no reception? 1.8402 0.01063 5362 2121 1977 1264
18 Okay, now throw me the slinky. 1.8393 0.01100 5210 2131 1787 1292
19 Can you see where we parked the wheel? 1.8381 0.01135 4644 1828 1741 1075
20 I don't see how this is easier than asking for directions.... 1.8354 0.01128 4897 1995 1713 1189
21 Well? Is it flat or not? 1.8331 0.01116 4938 1999 1764 1175
22 Not until you invent the handrail. 1.8292 0.01130 4583 1800 1766 1017
23 Isosceles, you come down this instant! 1.8237 0.01390 3329 1416 1084 829
24 Don't make me come up there. 1.8225 0.01101 4897 2017 1770 1110
25 Impressive—but you know they’re going to give aliens all the credit, right? 1.8215 0.01356 3267 1324 1202 741
26 Okay, I'll come up, but just for one drink. 1.8166 0.01239 3893 1586 1435 872
27 Now that I see it, I liked it better the other way. 1.8139 0.01177 4187 1677 1612 898
28 I’ve always wanted to live in a brown stone walk-up. 1.8071 0.01249 3882 1622 1387 873
29 Based on the way you are looking at me,I think I will call it ‘stairs’ 1.8036 0.01315 3594 1540 1221 833
30 Just like our relationship, on the rocks and leading nowhere. 1.8019 0.01375 3341 1455 1096 790
31 Now that you've got the 12 steps, what's the program? 1.8014 0.01328 3455 1464 1213 778
32 Tell me how the square of the hypotenuse being equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides is going to put food on the table? 1.8006 0.01395 3124 1323 1101 700
33 That's real nice Frank. But Sheila's husband built her a wheel 1.8002 0.01302 3334 1408 1220 706
34 You really think Mexico will pay for it? 1.7991 0.01426 3241 1458 976 807
35 While awestruck by progress, Liz quickly identifies a new modern necessity - underwear. 1.7946 0.01457 2989 1318 967 704
36 Yesterday I discovered fire. Today I felt duty bound to invent the fire escape. 1.7940 0.01444 2908 1242 1023 643
37 Typical. You invent the pedestal and immediately put yourself on top of it. 1.7895 0.01530 2656 1164 887 605
38 Yup, the earth is flat 1.7894 0.01482 2669 1122 987 560
39 Okay, but what are you going to do once you get on the mammoth? 1.7866 0.01554 2493 1073 879 541
40 What is it? I’m upstairs 1.7864 0.01541 2495 1062 904 529
41 Isosceles,get down here right now! 1.7863 0.01600 2433 1073 807 553
42 Now we have to build one that goes down. 1.7841 0.01597 2325 994 839 492
43 Actually, you did leave a few stones unturned." 1.7823 0.01616 2265 970 818 477
44 No, Lloyd, 10,000 years from now, folks are still going to think it’s stupid. 1.7773 0.01672 2137 929 755 453
45 Sure it's tall enough. I just don't think it's a great idea to milk a tyrannosaurus. 1.7758 0.01720 2061 913 698 450
46 Still no signal? 1.7750 0.01767 1867 801 685 381
47 Now can you see where we parked the wheel? 1.7750 0.01708 2022 877 724 421
48 I liked your wheel idea better. 1.7720 0.01713 1921 810 739 372
49 Yep. It’s flat. 1.7718 0.01768 1915 841 670 404
50 And exactly where do you think you're going? 1.7708 0.01789 1850 810 655 385
51 Back up, just a bit. 1.7698 0.01844 1864 854 585 425
52 I think it would look much nicer over there. 1.7698 0.01760 1855 802 681 372
53 You threw the instructions out didn’t you...? 1.7691 0.01890 1706 762 576 368
54 Noah's building his family an ark. 1.7682 0.01845 1773 788 608 377
55 I liked it better as a patio. 1.7675 0.01663 1789 783 690 316
56 Just as I thought. There’s nothing going on upstairs. 1.7636 0.01966 1595 792 425 378
57 I can't tell if you're high, or stoned, or both. 1.7622 0.01926 1636 737 551 348
58 I need it moved over by the tree. 1.7616 0.01902 1615 710 580 325
59 When I said to make something, I meant dinner. 1.7615 0.01895 1589 718 549 322
60 Oh, hell. Let’s just let the archeologists figure out what it is. 1.7600 0.01915 1600 707 570 323
61 Why can't you have a man cave like everyone else? 1.7577 0.01899 1527 663 580 284
62 Not stoned yet. Just a little high. 1.7567 0.02009 1496 680 501 315
63 I can’t decide; move it over here, again. 1.7566 0.01998 1479 660 519 300
64 World still looks flat. 1.7553 0.01875 1471 666 533 272
65 I don't know. The square of the hypotenuse still looks greater than the sum of the other two sides. 1.7546 0.02041 1459 666 485 308
66 Let's say you do look a mammoth in the eye, what then? 1.7542 0.02009 1424 627 520 277
67 Pythagoras, you get down from there right now! 1.7504 0.02089 1358 614 469 275
68 Like many great discoveries, the playground slide was the product of trial and error. 1.7496 0.02084 1342 601 476 265
69 Now we have to invent underwear. 1.7492 0.02166 1308 608 421 279
70 First fire and now stairs. Can you give it a rest? 1.7424 0.02176 1211 543 437 231
71 Fire, that was genius. This one, not so great. 1.7414 0.02162 1195 528 448 219
72 It’s going to be a wall. The Olmecs are going to pay for it. 1.7402 0.02305 1174 558 363 253
73 I was wrong. Move it back. 1.7390 0.02217 1157 519 421 217
74 There’s no shame in calling the IKEA helpline 1.7386 0.02292 1144 532 379 233
75 Just where do you think you're going? 1.7381 0.02286 1134 523 385 226
76 You got fire and the wheel... they can’t all be winners. 1.7369 0.02212 1129 499 428 202
77 That's your 12 step program? 1.7356 0.02281 1097 498 392 207
78 Put the furniture back where it belongs and stop playing around. 1.7331 0.02348 1079 503 361 215
79 There's not much floor space but you're paying for the view. 1.7323 0.02299 1016 445 398 173
80 So that's where all the furniture went. 1.7311 0.02408 1034 489 337 208
81 I'm in a twelve step program. 1.7300 0.02277 1026 492 342 192
82 Yup, still looks flat from up here. 1.7300 0.02213 1026 483 362 181
83 That’s not how it looked in the catalogue. 1.7245 0.02451 911 409 344 158
84 You realise that won't pass inspection without a handrail 1.7238 0.02380 956 427 366 163
85 Interesting, but you should see what they're doing at Stonehenge, Baalbek, and Easter Island 1.7227 0.02501 934 438 317 179
86 I’ve seen bigger. 1.7214 0.02480 908 434 304 170
87 I can't remember why you went up there either. 1.7200 0.02514 900 417 318 165
88 How would it look facing the other way? 1.7109 0.02634 799 370 290 139
89 Sign your name please so humanity won’t spend centuries discussing if extraterrestrials built it. 1.7105 0.02613 798 366 297 135
90 I don't care about the view. I'm not living in a walk-up. 1.7094 0.02705 795 380 266 149
91 Nope. Try the circle arrangement again. 1.7089 0.02630 790 364 292 134
92 I can remove any piece I want? 1.7066 0.02733 767 365 262 140
93 It’s about the JOURNEY, Carol! 1.7060 0.02725 755 355 267 133
94 Yeah, yeah. It’s a million dollar view. But I’m the one who’ll have to schlep up there with groceries. 1.7037 0.02671 739 357 255 127
95 Some day they'll think this means something. 1.7034 0.02734 735 343 267 125
96 This 12 step program is getting me nowhere. 1.7019 0.02846 738 365 229 144
97 ‘If you need me, I’ll be upstairs.’ 1.7013 0.02769 713 333 260 120
98 So, here’s how the game works. I’ll try to pull a rock out, without killing you. Ready? 1.7007 0.02861 715 348 233 134
99 It's for getting to the second floor of what exactly? 1.7003 0.02662 724 339 269 116
100 There's got to be an easier way of illustrating this, Pythagoras. 1.6990 0.02889 701 342 228 131
101 It needs to be about 2’ to the right. 1.6981 0.02924 689 338 221 130
102 I'm not sure where to go from here 1.6974 0.02808 684 319 253 112
103 I think it’s called the 12 step program! 1.6968 0.02899 686 333 228 125
104 And you’re not at all concerned about these leftover parts? 1.6951 0.02845 669 314 245 110
105 Is it lonely at the top? 1.6904 0.02585 659 330 238 91
106 And Mexico will pay for it. 1.6899 0.03067 632 316 196 120
107 When you're ready to come downstairs, Bob, we can have a civilized conversation. 1.6881 0.02896 638 301 235 102
108 I don't care what you're king of. I made soup. 1.6877 0.02704 618 299 230 89
109 I'm thinking of calling it a 'twelve-step program' 1.6846 0.03095 596 296 193 107
110 It's called an escalator. But it's currently out of service. Please use the.stairs. 1.6841 0.02726 592 309 190 93
111 I thinking bigger rocks and put them in a circle. 1.6837 0.03031 588 281 212 95
112 I got my steps in for the day” 1.6832 0.02492 584 296 210 78
113 And to think, they’ll say aliens did it 1.6812 0.02543 574 283 221 70
114 This is why you read the instructions. 1.6780 0.02983 587 283 212 92
115 Sorry I can’t hear you, I’m upstairs. 1.6763 0.03135 553 271 191 91
116 Your brother invents the wheel, and this is what you come up with ? 1.6746 0.03194 544 268 185 91
117 What do you mean "It's out of character with the neighborhood?" 1.6735 0.02650 533 274 191 68
118 Of course it's a pyramid scheme. 1.6723 0.03255 534 267 175 92
119 Damn. Still no reception. 1.6720 0.03182 567 286 181 100
120 Is this another pyramid scheme? 1.6716 0.03242 539 270 176 93
121 I designed them to go up—but it looks like you can go down too.” 1.6699 0.03255 512 251 179 82
122 Old stoners never die. They just look like idiots. 1.6699 0.03564 521 296 106 119
123 I'm working remotely today. 1.6667 0.03261 495 240 180 75
124 It's a rock slide 1.6660 0.02817 497 275 150 72
125 Perhaps you'd like to read the instructions now? 1.6654 0.03122 508 239 200 69
126 Nope! I definitely liked that one better on the bottom. 1.6653 0.03380 496 254 156 86
127 OSHA says you need to put in handrails. 1.6653 0.03504 493 265 133 95
128 It's crooked. 1.6639 0.03091 482 259 148 75
129 Adrian, if you’re going to stand up there all day, you really should wear underpants. 1.6635 0.03301 520 264 167 89
130 I dunno . . . one thing led to another. 1.6619 0.03358 494 249 163 82
131 Your wheel got better reviews. 1.6564 0.03433 454 226 158 70
132 In case of the invention of fire, use stairs. 1.6528 0.03529 432 217 148 67
133 Well, you should have thought of that before you built it. 1.6504 0.03046 472 260 142 70
134 Not until your mother leaves. 1.6502 0.03488 446 226 150 70
135 I don't care if you can feed it, we are not getting a giraffe. 1.6480 0.03645 446 238 127 81
136 Look Pythagoras I'm sorry I called your theorem obtuse. 1.6436 0.03748 404 212 124 68
137 Now we just have to wait 10,000 years until someone invents the Slinky. 1.6435 0.03508 432 219 148 65
138 I'm more into classic rock. 1.6405 0.03160 420 227 136 57
139 I told you there was nothing to see 1.6379 0.03539 428 220 143 65
140 Okay. So much for the how. Now for the why. 1.6350 0.03605 389 197 138 54
141 I followed the IKEA instructions. What's a bookcase? 1.6297 0.03792 370 192 123 55
142 Can you move it slightly to the left? 1.6263 0.03701 372 192 128 52
143 I’’m going to call it -“Stair- henge” 1.6256 0.02965 390 224 121 45
144 don't worry, Mexico will pay for it 1.6239 0.04158 351 197 89 65
145 My twelve step program is off to a rocky start 1.6234 0.03721 401 215 122 64
146 You do know you are at dinosaur mouth level, right? 1.6234 0.03641 393 206 130 57
147 You still have to do the dishes. 1.6232 0.03471 345 195 107 43
148 I know... I know.... in 10,000 years it will be a famous landmark.... but right now I need you to remember how you started fire. 1.6222 0.03841 360 189 118 53
149 And so what are you going to do with that, Pythagoras? 1.6218 0.03872 349 182 117 50
150 A wheel would have been nice. 1.6194 0.03720 360 184 129 47
151 Can we discuss this like uncivilized people? 1.6189 0.03288 349 175 141 33
152 It would look better over here. 1.6181 0.03851 364 194 115 55
153 I can see Russia from our yard! 1.6176 0.03799 353 189 115 49
154 I'm messing with some archaeologist's head. That's why." 1.6164 0.04263 318 176 88 54
155 Now you just need to invent a place to go. 1.6152 0.02613 330 200 97 33
156 You lost the instructions again didn’t you? 1.6143 0.03849 350 184 117 49
157 You finally completed a 12-step program. 1.6114 0.03897 332 173 115 44
158 Go tell Syisiphus it's just not that hard 1.6062 0.03313 325 200 79 46
159 OSHA says we can't use it until we add a railing. 1.6044 0.04029 316 168 105 43
160 I was right! The square of the hypotenuse equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides! 1.6040 0.04367 303 171 81 51
161 actually lets put it closer to the tree 1.5980 0.04240 301 166 90 45
162 Fine, you were right. There is a tree over there. 1.5974 0.04064 313 169 101 43
163 I bought a slinky. 1.5945 0.04302 291 161 87 43
164 If you say another word about being 'Neander-tall' I'm leaving you. 1.5906 0.04397 276 153 83 40
165 It may seem useless now, but once someone invents second floors it'll be a godsend. 1.5890 0.03874 309 161 114 34
166 It'll make more sense once I install a banister. 1.5884 0.03444 294 166 98 30
167 But I think we need to consider a ranch pile of rocks for when we get older. 1.5882 0.03527 306 181 88 37
168 Yep! Pythagoras was right! 1.5878 0.03565 279 159 91 29
169 Next I am going to invent the Slinky. 1.5877 0.04198 308 173 89 46
170 That's very nice dear, now can you build us a cave? 1.5855 0.03978 304 162 106 36
171 Welcome to the 12 steps of recovery. I'm Bill. 1.5813 0.04278 289 162 86 41
172 And where do you think you’re going??? 1.5803 0.04489 274 157 75 42
173 When I said 'when they go low, we go high,' this isn't what I meant. 1.5797 0.04190 276 149 94 33
174 So…you've completed your Twelve Steps. Now what? 1.5788 0.04473 273 156 76 41
175 You don’t have much going on upstairs. 1.5781 0.05019 256 159 46 51
176 Great. So you invented stairs. Now how about a house? 1.5775 0.04376 258 144 81 33
177 To think that future generations may believe that this actually served some meaningful purpose... 1.5765 0.04450 255 141 81 33
178 Honestly? It seems like a pyramid scheme. 1.5740 0.04366 277 157 81 39
179 The wheel would have been more useful. 1.5737 0.03843 312 181 92 39
180 A handrail would be nice. 1.5725 0.04295 262 145 85 32
181 Why can't you just try making sourdough like everyone else? 1.5709 0.04599 247 142 70 35
182 Now take a step back. 1.5699 0.04348 286 168 76 42
183 You should have invented the house first 1.5683 0.04143 278 155 91 32
184 REALLY- steps at our age? 1.5659 0.04153 258 156 67 35
185 It's nice, but I can think of ten better ways to put a saddle on a mammoth. 1.5648 0.04847 216 122 66 28
186 You don’t have to jump. We could just invent the divorce. 1.5644 0.04408 264 150 79 35
187 I think it's time to call a contractor. 1.5638 0.03344 243 152 69 22
188 Well? Is their grass greener? 1.5636 0.04116 275 150 95 30
189 Nah... still looks flat from here. 1.5628 0.04384 247 143 72 32
190 And what if the mammoth doesn’t stand right there? 1.5625 0.04581 256 149 70 37
191 So I was right. This was pointless. 1.5608 0.04354 255 142 83 30
192 Now we just need to invent a slinky! 1.5591 0.04869 220 127 63 30
193 I dunno--something's missing. 1.5588 0.04548 238 134 75 29
194 Yeah, well this ain't Egypt,and you ain't Cleopatra. 1.5584 0.04888 231 137 59 35
195 YES, STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN REALLY ROCKS. 1.5565 0.04688 239 139 67 33
196 It’s a two story open concept. 1.5565 0.03859 248 149 73 26
197 Not in a thousand years will that be useful. 1.5560 0.04066 277 152 96 29
198 Not bad, but I think your Stonehenge design will hold-up better. 1.5556 0.04803 234 138 62 34
199 Really, we can't just ask for directions? 1.5547 0.04290 274 157 82 35
200 I'm too stoned to come down. 1.5542 0.03451 240 153 62 25
201 Can you see Russia from there? 1.5534 0.04569 262 156 67 39
202 I call it a walk-up. My next idea is the brownstone. 1.5512 0.04956 205 118 61 26
203 Did you seriously get me a Stair Master for my birthday, Ron?? 1.5498 0.04328 271 157 79 35
204 Stairs are okay....but have you seen the wheel? 1.5496 0.04506 262 155 70 37
205 You’ll do anything to avoid hunting and gathering, won’t you? 1.5495 0.04669 222 126 70 26
206 Do you think this is the right angle? 1.5485 0.03798 237 123 101 13
207 You’re a hoarder Mike. There I said it. 1.5446 0.04814 202 117 62 23
208 Yes, it's Pythagoras, how did you know? 1.5444 0.04454 248 143 75 30
209 Invest in the first ever pyramid scheme! 1.5435 0.03528 276 170 79 27
210 To comply with code, it requires a banister 1.5433 0.04663 208 116 71 21
211 You're not looking at it from the right angle. 1.5432 0.04671 243 147 61 35
212 It's swell that you invented stairs, Hon, but what is all this leading up to? 1.5431 0.04603 232 134 70 28
213 I thought we’d agreed on a patio. 1.5425 0.04743 212 121 67 24
214 I think you should consider wearing pants. 1.5419 0.04721 227 135 62 30
215 That's good, but it would have been easier climbing up from this side. 1.5404 0.04717 235 140 63 32
216 I still think carpeting them would make them quieter 1.5391 0.03435 230 144 69 17
217 This will soon be a metaphor for everything. 1.5367 0.04367 218 119 81 18
218 I'm not sure why, but I think this has potential. 1.5356 0.04505 239 142 68 29
219 Don't ignore me, I know you can still hear me Bob 1.5337 0.04984 193 112 59 22
220 Climb on down, Pythagoras, I think you've proved your point. 1.5337 0.04956 208 124 57 27
221 Fine. I'm sure they'll think that it's a mysterious monolith someday, but until then it's a pile of rocks. 1.5333 0.04499 225 128 74 23
222 You should have thought of that before you climbed up there. 1.5327 0.04767 199 113 66 20
223 Now try "ford every stream." 1.5326 0.05222 184 109 52 23
224 Well, Sylvia got one with a banister! 1.5325 0.04284 231 128 83 20
225 The earth is definitely flat! 1.5319 0.04360 235 133 79 23
226 Hey Susan come up. You can see the whole city from here. 1.5317 0.02275 252 167 71 14
227 It doesn't need to be useful - it's ART. I call it "staircase." 1.5304 0.04435 247 145 73 29
228 Big deal. Just like when you invented that round thing and we had nothing to put it on. 1.5279 0.04303 233 131 81 21
229 You may be lord of all you survey, but my mother is still coming to live with us. 1.5268 0.05061 205 125 52 28
230 It's a great invention, in case of fire. 1.5266 0.04635 207 118 69 20
231 But it's not about the destination, it's about the journey 1.5251 0.04545 219 126 71 22
232 And, what will we do with a hypotenuse? 1.5250 0.05009 200 120 55 25
233 I see you mastered the twelve-step program. 1.5249 0.04560 221 128 70 23
234 I don't care what your theory is, Pythagorus, I'm not coming up there!! 1.5240 0.04611 250 154 61 35
235 But how will you get the mastodon to stand still? 1.5238 0.04501 231 135 71 25
236 I like it. It's very post-Neolithic. 1.5238 0.04830 210 125 60 25
237 It's for petting the giraffes 1.5231 0.04638 216 126 67 23
238 What the hell do you mean, If you build it they will come? 1.5231 0.04820 216 130 59 27
239 I mean, what if the lion runs up the rocks too? 1.5223 0.03846 224 143 59 22
240 You've been listening to that song again! 1.5215 0.05213 209 133 43 33
241 Just like a man. Putting yourself on a pedestal. 1.5198 0.04560 227 134 68 25
242 How are you planning to get the couch up there? 1.5192 0.04144 208 131 58 19
243 Think of this as the first stairway to heaven. 1.5188 0.02984 239 151 71 17
244 What was wrong with our old sundial? 1.5182 0.04667 220 131 64 25
245 I wish you'd put this much effort into gathering. 1.5181 0.04988 193 115 56 22
246 Congratulations. You finally made it to the top of something. 1.5178 0.04913 197 117 58 22
247 What about the handrail? 1.5174 0.04466 201 112 74 15
248 It's not the destination. It's the journey. 1.5163 0.04655 215 127 65 23
249 Funny how you found time to build this, but couldn’t figure out how to stack our firewood.” 1.5160 0.04771 219 133 59 27
250 ''So, you just walk up and down?'' "Yes. I call it THE STONE MASTER." 1.5158 0.04825 221 136 56 29
251 Behold! I call it, "stairs." 1.5143 0.04688 210 124 64 22
252 The second floor would have a spectacular view. 1.5139 0.02859 216 139 65 12
253 Don't worry, Mexico is paying for this. 1.5135 0.04809 222 140 52 30
254 You know, eventually we'll need a chair lift for that. 1.5130 0.04195 193 125 50 18
255 Are you trying to be obtuse? 1.5115 0.04578 217 128 67 22
256 I can see your balls. 1.5109 0.05283 184 114 46 24
257 Now all you have to do is dig the pool. 1.5103 0.04490 194 120 55 19
258 That looks like the work of a very stable genius. 1.5100 0.04859 200 120 58 22
259 Great. Now put our house back together. 1.5094 0.04608 212 125 66 21
260 Barney,come down off that rubble! 1.5082 0.05014 183 109 55 19
261 YOU schlep them all the way to Salisbury then! 1.5078 0.05096 193 121 47 25
262 I see there’s only room for one at the top 1.5070 0.04748 215 131 59 25
263 First, you need to invent upstairs. 1.5055 0.05270 182 113 46 23
264 Okay, okay, I'll go to Stonehenge with you 1.5028 0.05234 181 112 47 22
265 I know you're worried about what happened last time. So I strongly suggest you slide feet first. 1.5025 0.04599 203 119 66 18
266 Now I need to invent a two story house. 1.5024 0.04768 211 131 55 25
267 How did you find me? 1.5000 0.05023 170 100 55 15
268 All that hunting and gathering seem so trivial from up here. 1.5000 0.04242 192 124 53 15
269 'I tried to think outside The cave.' 1.4974 0.04935 193 118 54 21
270 Just don't leave stuff on the bottom step and expect me to take it up. 1.4973 0.05051 187 115 51 21
271 That is not up to code. 1.4968 0.05317 157 94 48 15
272 I call it the Stairmaster 2000 AD. 1.4952 0.04572 208 128 59 21
273 And just how's my mother supposed to get up there? 1.4947 0.04764 190 113 60 17
274 Mom says it's my turn to pet the brontosaurus. 1.4947 0.04917 188 114 55 19
275 Because I felt like it. 1.4947 0.04859 188 113 57 18
276 See the square of the hypotenuse equals the sum of the squares of two sides. 1.4943 0.05329 174 109 44 21
277 I can still see you, and we still have to go to my mother's. 1.4937 0.05608 160 103 36 21
278 Okay, now let's see if they come! 1.4925 0.03894 199 121 66 12
279 Pythagoreas said it's faster to come down the back way. 1.4920 0.05164 187 118 46 23
280 Alright, now bring the giraffe over. 1.4908 0.05391 163 101 44 18
281 Why do you always need help when I'm upstairs! 1.4894 0.05031 188 117 50 21
282 Remember last week when you painted yourself into a corner? 1.4889 0.05075 180 111 50 19
283 Almost, just one more step back ... 1.4885 0.05203 174 108 47 19
284 Okay, pull out one from the bottom! 1.4884 0.04981 172 103 54 15
285 see, I told you it was a pyramid scheme. 1.4877 0.04704 203 124 59 20
286 Let me guess. You didn't read the instructions again. 1.4875 0.05093 160 95 52 13
287 The first step is admitting you have a problem. 1.4859 0.05011 177 108 52 17
288 OK,it’s a hypotenuse. So how do you get down? 1.4858 0.04607 212 130 61 21
289 Someday you’ll see what I’m seeing 1.4855 0.02474 173 108 61 4
290 So George, what is the exit strategy? 1.4854 0.05137 171 105 49 17
291 At least you're not making mountains out of molehills anymore. 1.4850 0.05015 167 100 53 14
292 So this is your idea of a pyramid? 1.4844 0.04841 192 118 55 19
293 What happened to the round thing you were supposed to invent? 1.4841 0.05238 157 98 44 15
294 I had this dream. Something about rocks that roll and a stairway to someplace 1.4840 0.03769 188 131 45 12
295 Now someone just needs to invent metaphors 1.4837 0.04000 153 93 53 7
296 I specifically asked for 'isosceles'! 1.4833 0.04950 180 110 53 17
297 I guess this is goodbye. 1.4819 0.02658 193 131 52 10
298 Your next invention needs to be underwear! 1.4815 0.05549 135 81 43 11
299 I wish we invented underwear first. 1.4811 0.04853 185 113 55 17
300 This is not what I thought getting stoned would be like. 1.4800 0.05242 175 111 44 20
301 Great, now we just need someone to invent electricity so you can change the light bulb. 1.4800 0.05305 175 112 42 21
302 Yep, definitely flat. 1.4798 0.05093 173 107 49 17
303 Now just take one step back and you're finished 1.4798 0.04680 173 110 47 16
304 Did you read the instructions? 1.4783 0.04991 161 99 50 12
305 Yer definitely going to need underpants for the opening Terry 1.4778 0.05073 180 116 45 19
306 So you invented the first 12-step program. So what? 1.4773 0.05029 176 109 50 17
307 While you've been busy building your 'grand entrance', Harold down the street invented a wheel" 1.4765 0.05547 170 112 35 23
308 That escalated quickly. 1.4757 0.04667 185 117 54 14
309 Who's Jacob ? 1.4752 0.05566 141 87 41 13
310 Can you toss me my phone? I'm sure I've got four bars up here. 1.4751 0.04607 181 116 52 13
311 That's great, Pythagoras. Now show us how to fold a fitted sheet. 1.4739 0.04621 211 135 54 22
312 You call it stairs, I call it a hypotenuse. 1.4737 0.05276 152 93 46 13
313 I can see Russia from here! 1.4734 0.05246 169 109 41 19
314 I told you. You have to get three friends to bring rocks, and then THEY have to get three friends to bring rocks. 1.4722 0.05010 180 113 49 18
315 So Pythagoras, have you figured out the formula yet. 1.4713 0.05235 157 97 46 14
316 Watch this. 1.4713 0.04551 174 114 46 14
317 Doesn’t “a room with a view” include the room? 1.4713 0.05069 174 109 48 17
318 I see you've invented 'Upstairs' " 1.4702 0.05131 168 105 47 16
319 Of course I like it. I just don't think it's your best work. 1.4699 0.05032 166 102 50 14
320 And this, my dear, is a right isosceles triangle. 1.4689 0.04043 209 140 50 19
321 I told you to go potty before you started. 1.4679 0.05016 156 94 51 11
322 This was the easy part, now we need to invent the airplane. 1.4675 0.04323 169 114 41 14
323 Yes honey, this is much more impressive than the neighbour’s wheel. 1.4667 0.04223 210 125 72 13
324 I’ve suddenly found myself between a rock and a hard place! 1.4651 0.05369 172 113 38 21
325 When you come up would you bring my glasses? 1.4651 0.05043 172 108 48 16
326 Let's wrap it up, I've got another showing in 10 minutes. 1.4649 0.04600 185 112 60 13
327 The metaphor will be stronger after we invent heaven. 1.4647 0.05085 170 107 47 16
328 I'm not coming down until someone invents a handrail. 1.4645 0.05809 155 104 30 21
329 Come down from there,Pythagoras, Archimedes is here and says he is sorry. Your idea is better. 1.4635 0.04835 192 124 48 20
330 If my theory is correct, I will safely float down at the same rate as a feather. 1.4632 0.05708 136 86 37 13
331 What now, Pythagoras? 1.4628 0.05136 188 124 41 23
332 Betty's 'wheel' won, but this got an honorable mention in the "Ascent of Man" category. 1.4626 0.05398 147 94 39 14
333 Don't make me come up this hypotenuse. 1.4610 0.05914 141 93 31 17
334 Don't call me a sissy. The name is Sisyphus. 1.4605 0.05353 152 96 42 14
335 No. That was a hippopotamus. I call THIS a hypotenuse. 1.4586 0.05307 157 100 42 15
336 For exercise? It'll never catch on. 1.4586 0.05230 157 99 44 14
337 Yes, I know "If you build it, they will come," but who, exactly, is "they"? 1.4578 0.04727 166 100 56 10
338 Did you bring the Slinky? 1.4577 0.05531 142 90 39 13
339 The building inspector called. You need to submit plans and get a permit. 1.4575 0.05406 153 98 40 15
340 Yes, I'm pretty proud of it. But I feel as if it needs something MORE. 1.4532 0.04921 139 90 40 9
341 It's a statement piece, but it works on multiple levels. 1.4531 0.05749 128 81 36 11
342 Not what I had in mind when you said “brownstone walk-up.” 1.4521 0.04905 188 124 44 20
343 Trust me, 2 million years from now someone will write a song about this. 1.4521 0.05591 146 95 36 15
344 Will his highness be down for dinner? 1.4521 0.05591 146 95 36 15
345 Maybe you could try inventing fire instead of patriarchy. 1.4511 0.04861 184 118 49 17
346 To be frank, Lloyd, it’s wrong. 1.4507 0.05343 142 92 38 12
347 Tell me you are sorry or I’ll move a rock. 1.4500 0.05583 140 90 37 13
348 Now, what’s your next pandemic project? 1.4492 0.04621 187 117 56 14
349 Those were SUPPOSED to be for the patio. 1.4491 0.04854 167 104 51 12
350 You do understand that all I have to do is dislodge one stone. 1.4483 0.05059 174 113 44 17
351 Let’s see what happens if I pull out the bottom one ...? 1.4483 0.05354 145 92 41 12
352 Great, now invent floors. 1.4477 0.05034 172 111 45 16
353 'Now, this my dear is a Hypotenuse' 1.4469 0.04956 179 116 46 17
354 I call it the ‘wheel’. 1.4452 0.05349 155 109 29 17
355 Can they hear you now? 1.4444 0.05531 135 86 38 11
356 I think you should have built the swimming pool first. 1.4426 0.05174 183 124 37 22
357 I call it Stairway to Heaven, and now there's a tune playing in my head.... 1.4416 0.04790 197 130 47 20
358 It will never catch on unless you add a handrail. 1.4412 0.05298 136 85 42 9
359 ‘It’s good, but is it ‘fire’ good?’ 1.4406 0.05121 143 91 42 10
360 I preferred your other design for the 'toilet.' 1.4397 0.05901 141 96 28 17
361 I'm building my pile to leave to the kids. 1.4392 0.03846 189 129 47 13
362 It's for when I want to talk down to someone! 1.4387 0.05344 155 102 38 15
363 No thanks, I'll wait for the elevator. 1.4387 0.05499 155 104 34 17
364 I forgot why I came up here. 1.4384 0.05141 146 92 44 10
365 No more stone-walling! Is that a yes or a no 1.4383 0.04949 162 103 47 12
366 See, you can't take a stairway to heaven for granite. 1.4375 0.05462 144 94 37 13
367 So can you see our wheel from up there?" 1.4375 0.05030 160 105 41 14
368 The square of the hypotenuse my foot! How do I get down? 1.4362 0.05497 149 99 35 15
369 Very nice, now can I have my house back? 1.4361 0.05683 133 87 34 12
370 Well, it's not Stonehenge. 1.4350 0.04923 177 116 45 16
371 Do something they'll be able to find in 10,000 years. 1.4348 0.02626 184 132 43 9
372 Why can't you just cave paint, like your brother? 1.4344 0.06047 122 81 29 12
373 Do you know what time the next brontosaurbus is due? 1.4338 0.05783 136 91 31 14
374 And the next thing I plan to invent is a second story! 1.4337 0.04710 166 104 52 10
375 So...this is your new hobby, huh? Rock climbing? 1.4331 0.05173 157 105 37 15
376 Caves are old news, it’s all about “open concept” now 1.4331 0.05290 157 104 38 15
377 Wait, I forgot what I came up here for. 1.4328 0.05650 134 88 34 12
378 I think it promises more than it delivers 1.4314 0.04974 153 97 46 10
379 I forgot what I came up here for. 1.4312 0.06164 109 71 29 9
380 I said, "I wish I had a pile of lox". 1.4304 0.05264 158 105 38 15
381 Plenty of room, great views and no wild animals - it's perfect, honey 1.4302 0.04815 179 119 44 16
382 And after the water rises, then what? 1.4299 0.05955 107 68 32 7
383 And this is better than a cave how exactly?" 1.4298 0.05848 121 79 32 10
384 It lacks the painterly warmth and primitive immediacy of your cave paintings. 1.4298 0.05964 121 80 30 11
385 Those look about as useful as the round thing you invented. 1.4296 0.05209 135 85 42 8
386 The spider is gone, He-Man. 1.4296 0.05314 135 86 40 9
387 Well- I know I told you to bring home a stairmaster but this seems a bit excessive.... 1.4296 0.05419 142 93 37 12
388 The race to the moon is on. 1.4295 0.04972 149 94 46 9
389 Why does it have to go somewhere? 1.4286 0.04827 147 91 49 7
390 Will you be home for dinner or awaiting the rapture. 1.4286 0.05748 140 95 30 15
391 Just one more step back, honey. 1.4286 0.05287 147 96 39 12
392 You take this "Stone Age" thing too literally. 1.4286 0.05287 147 101 32 14
393 Maybe you skipped a step 1.4286 0.05682 126 82 34 10
394 Now what, Elon? 1.4276 0.05338 145 103 29 13
395 I have one thing to say to you, Lenny: Jenga. 1.4274 0.05512 124 79 37 8
396 Is this your version of the bridge to nowhere? 1.4266 0.04706 143 87 51 5
397 That's as useful as your square wheel. 1.4265 0.04965 136 84 46 6
398 You know you have to put in a ramp too. 1.4262 0.06259 122 84 24 14
399 How did you get up there? 1.4262 0.05926 122 81 30 11
400 Harold, mother’s not coming over after all. 1.4261 0.05931 115 75 31 9
401 Typical male way of social distancing. 1.4259 0.01920 162 122 34 6
402 You shouldn't take Led Zeppelin literally, Fred. 1.4255 0.05535 141 94 34 13
403 Someday people will wonder for what purpose was this built, in fact I am wondering that right now. 1.4252 0.05648 127 83 34 10
404 All right, you can have your man cave. 1.4241 0.04426 158 106 44 8
405 I said no to the man cave, now this?!! 1.4240 0.06145 125 86 25 14
406 I can't hear you~~I'm upstairs! 1.4236 0.05360 144 95 37 12
407 I still like the one at the gym better. 1.4235 0.03415 170 116 47 7
408 That’s great. Grok invents the wheel. You invent acrophobia. 1.4235 0.05127 170 115 38 17
409 So, what's the next step? 1.4234 0.05255 137 88 40 9
410 I thought if I got closer to the big light, I would be warmer. 1.4231 0.04729 156 98 50 8
411 We need to build further away, I can still see your mother's house from here! 1.4228 0.05318 149 99 37 13
412 What did you expect ? When we get to the Iron Age I’ll build you an escalator. 1.4228 0.05888 123 82 30 11
413 Wow,Walter. I never thought you had the stones to do it. 1.4225 0.05682 142 97 30 15
414 I’m sorry, Isosceles, but it just doesn’t look right. 1.4224 0.05827 116 78 28 10
415 So, is it flat? 1.4222 0.05610 135 90 33 12
416 Someday, this will all be yours! 1.4219 0.04785 128 77 48 3
417 What are you, stoned? 1.4219 0.05613 128 84 34 10
418 High, yes, but I meant bolder not boulder. 1.4219 0.05274 128 81 40 7
419 Sooo, where is this leading? 1.4218 0.04915 147 93 46 8
420 Sisyphus would be proud. 1.4215 0.06293 121 84 23 14
421 I knew we should have called someone. 1.4211 0.04898 152 99 43 10
422 Honey, this isn’t the 12-step program I had in mind. 1.4207 0.05420 145 97 35 13
423 Your flight’s been canceled. 1.4206 0.05674 126 88 27 11
424 Honey, we were both right. This was a great self-esteem booster AND an incredible waste of time. 1.4204 0.05042 157 103 42 12
425 Just a one story walk up... 1.4202 0.04124 188 131 44 13
426 I’ll need a handrail. 1.4199 0.04704 181 119 48 14
427 Where did our house go? 1.4196 0.05621 112 73 32 7
428 I just want to make a statement. 1.4194 0.05737 124 82 32 10
429 It’s partly cloudy. 1.4183 0.04261 153 99 48 6
430 You still haven't explained how you get the mammoth to come and stand beside it. 1.4178 0.05121 146 95 41 10
431 So, you say the Neanderthals are going to pay for this? 1.4173 0.05583 139 94 32 13
432 why does everything have to be going somewhere? 1.4173 0.04992 139 88 44 7
433 Well, it's a start. 1.4161 0.04950 161 106 43 12
434 I don't care if you're king of the hill; take the garbage out! 1.4161 0.04820 137 92 37 8
435 nailed it! 1.4160 0.02825 125 95 25 5
436 Well, what did you do today, Agnes? 1.4160 0.05350 125 80 38 7
437 I've looked. It's not up here. 1.4157 0.07112 89 61 19 9
438 This experiment DEFINITELY proves that it is flat. 1.4156 0.04485 154 104 40 10
439 And where does MY bathroom go? 1.4155 0.05120 142 92 41 9
440 And now, I can finally show the world the greatest invention of mankind...the slinky! 1.4154 0.05756 130 88 30 12
441 Stonehenge it's not, try again! 1.4146 0.05764 123 82 31 10
442 While you're up there, look for my nail file. 1.4146 0.05647 123 81 33 9
443 I get that you want to survive the flood, Noah, but wouldn't a 300-cubit ark be a better option? 1.4141 0.06423 99 66 25 8
444 Steps? For what? 1.4138 0.05323 145 97 36 12
445 What led you to build a stairway to heaven when you have not finished the patio yet? 1.4136 0.04646 162 106 46 10
446 It's the journey, not the destination. 1.4133 0.05111 150 101 37 12
447 Watch, now someone in the future will say Aliens built this. 1.4130 0.05513 138 93 33 12
448 Your flight has been delayed by 10,000 years. 1.4130 0.05793 138 96 27 15
449 This will be like all your other projects, you will get bored and stop halfway to Heaven 1.4130 0.05317 138 91 37 10
450 There are only twelve steps. The secret is to do it One Day At A Time. 1.4110 0.02944 146 109 30 7
451 Fred, are you high? 1.4110 0.05113 146 96 40 10
452 A man cave makes more sense. 1.4109 0.05233 129 85 36 8
453 I've got one word for you. Stone. There's a great future in stone. 1.4109 0.05348 129 84 37 8
454 They'll just say that aliens built it. 1.4109 0.05233 129 85 36 8
455 I prefer when you just draw on the walls at home. 1.4109 0.05570 129 86 33 10
456 Let me guess: you lost the directions again. 1.4104 0.05526 134 90 33 11
457 I think I'll call it Pellet Ton. 1.4103 0.05134 156 105 38 13
458 How else do you expect me to get on the mammoth’s back? 1.4097 0.04968 144 93 43 8
459 You're telling me this has nothing to do with your brother inventing fire? 1.4094 0.05403 127 83 36 8
460 Well, I’ve built it and you’ve come 1.4091 0.05153 132 93 29 10
461 It is pretty lonely at the top 1.4091 0.05584 132 89 32 11
462 Let’s try arranging them in a large circle. 1.4087 0.05646 115 75 33 7
463 I still don’t see him. 1.4077 0.05427 130 86 35 9
464 don't just stand there, get the ladder! 1.4074 0.05288 135 89 37 9
465 Fine, but I still have the moral high ground. 1.4071 0.05847 113 75 30 8
466 Looks like the height of stupidity to me... 1.4071 0.06112 113 77 26 10
467 Isn't that supposed to be the sum of the squares of the other two sides? 1.4065 0.05469 155 109 29 17
468 You never listen, I told you to put it by the tree! 1.4065 0.04817 155 104 42 9
469 Wouldn't it been easier to just invent the ladder? 1.4062 0.05370 128 86 33 9
470 getting down is your problem, not mine 1.4058 0.05785 138 97 26 15
471 Did you check the whole attic? 1.4056 0.05274 143 96 36 11
472 Actually, I was hoping for something a bit more equilateral. 1.4054 0.06054 111 75 27 9
473 Isoceles--try again. You're almost there. 1.4052 0.05473 116 75 35 6
474 Darla, I can see your house from here! 1.4050 0.05452 121 79 35 7
475 You know when gravity is invented, you're going to fall, right? 1.4048 0.05982 126 88 25 13
476 What was wrong with them the way they were? 1.4044 0.05461 136 92 33 11
477 Come on up, Jill. 1.4044 0.05753 136 95 27 14
478 You just got a cease and desist order from Led Zeppelin. 1.4030 0.04868 134 85 44 5
479 I’m sorry, but I’m marrying the guy that made the Stonehenge 1.4030 0.05517 134 91 32 11
480 I told you Simon, it won’t pass code without a handrail! 1.4030 0.05414 134 90 34 10
481 Not what I meant when I said our marriage is on the rocks. 1.4029 0.05376 139 94 34 11
482 It’s nice, but what does it do? 1.4027 0.04941 149 98 42 9
483 I'm stuck. 1.4018 0.05737 112 77 27 8
484 All I asked was "Can you to take out the garbage?" 1.4015 0.05974 132 94 23 15
485 Now, get down from there and come make some fire! 1.4015 0.05253 132 87 37 8
486 That's not what I meant when I said we are at a rocky point in our relationship..... 1.3986 0.04774 143 102 33 8
487 I'm marrying the guy who invented the elevator. 1.3986 0.05198 138 92 37 9
488 Hi Potenuse! 1.3985 0.05436 133 90 33 10
489 Don't ask me.. You figured out how to get up there. 1.3984 0.04998 123 78 41 4
490 I’ve done it, it’s bigly magnificent. I’ll call it Trump tower. 1.3983 0.05534 118 80 30 8
491 I just need my own space. 1.3982 0.05112 113 78 29 6
492 I wish you would hunt more and gather less. 1.3981 0.06162 108 74 25 9
493 Herb! Don’t make me come up there and get you! 1.3980 0.05935 98 64 29 5
494 Frankly, I liked your stuff in Peru much better. 1.3971 0.04462 136 94 36 6
495 Now flap your arms like a chicken. 1.3969 0.05161 131 86 38 7
496 Oh honey, I said, "in a love triangle, not 'I'd love a triangle!'" 1.3969 0.05273 131 87 36 8
497 You were right. Go back to the circular arrangement. 1.3967 0.05045 121 77 40 4
498 Boy, you are right. It's really lonely at the top. 1.3964 0.05084 111 72 35 4
499 I still love you, Pythagoras ... please come down from there! 1.3961 0.05326 154 108 31 15
500 O.K genius, where do you go from there? 1.3961 0.04824 154 102 43 9
501 You couldn’t have built it next to the apple tree? 1.3960 0.05983 101 67 28 6
502 Which one is my baking stone? 1.3960 0.05112 149 101 37 11
503 I gotta say I didn't anticipate the loneliness. 1.3960 0.05287 149 103 33 13
504 It suddenly struck me that I don't have an exit strategy. 1.3952 0.03498 167 117 44 6
505 One small step for a man, one giant staircase for mankind. 1.3951 0.06498 81 53 24 4
506 No, it doesn't go to heaven. We're Pagans. 1.3947 0.05926 114 78 27 9
507 I can see it's tall enough, but how do you get the dinosaur to stand next to it so that you can climb on? 1.3945 0.05832 109 75 26 8
508 And how do you get back down? 1.3942 0.05113 137 91 38 8
509 I appreciate your work Pythagoras,but how will this help us in real life. 1.3942 0.05319 137 93 34 10
510 I said, "Invent some CHAIRS." 1.3939 0.05130 132 87 38 7
511 Yesterday, the wheel. Today, the crash. 1.3939 0.05888 99 65 29 5
512 And with that, I’m declaring our first mission to space a success! 1.3939 0.06228 99 67 25 7
513 If you were named Pythagoras, it would be your destiny too. 1.3937 0.05495 127 86 32 9
514 You chose this over the wheel? 1.3935 0.04886 155 104 41 10
515 It's the original stairway to heaven. Make me an offer 1.3933 0.05085 150 102 37 11
516 But,I carried them all the way from Wales. 1.3923 0.05621 130 90 29 11
517 It's a metaphor. 1.3922 0.06098 102 69 26 7
518 You just don't get me do you, Lucille? 1.3916 0.05348 143 99 32 12
519 We could put our junk up here." 1.3913 0.05884 115 79 27 9
520 I don't care if the views are spectacular, I don't want to live in a walk-up. 1.3909 0.05790 110 76 26 8
521 Tisk, tisk, Albert, stoned again" 1.3909 0.05790 110 74 29 7
522 Sure, it's a walk-up, but look at the view! 1.3909 0.05932 110 75 27 8
523 I’m going to call it a ladder. 1.3908 0.04443 174 115 50 9
524 Did you really have to get stoned to get high 1.3904 0.04992 146 101 35 10
525 When I said we should take things to the next level... I didn’t mean this, Grog 1.3901 0.05208 141 96 35 10
526 What can you see from up there!?" "It's the just look smaller 1.3886 0.03169 175 123 47 5
527 You didn't tell me your place was a walk-up. 1.3885 0.05055 139 93 38 8
528 I’m elevating my thinking 1.3885 0.05258 139 95 34 10
529 That doesn’t look like the picture. I think you should’ve read the directions 1.3884 0.06027 121 86 23 12
530 Inventing the spear would have been a better use of your time. 1.3881 0.05071 134 91 35 8
531 Well, how did you get up there? 1.3879 0.05843 116 80 27 9
532 You forgot to change it to Daylight Savings Time. 1.3879 0.05713 116 79 29 8
533 Tell me I was more than just a stepping stone, Peter. 1.3876 0.04960 129 87 37 5
534 Some drawers underneath would actually be useful. 1.3874 0.05748 111 75 29 7
535 Ain’t no mountain high enough”? 1.3873 0.05179 142 97 35 10
536 If that's the stairway to Heaven I'm staying down here. 1.3873 0.05179 142 97 35 10
537 Not bad. But you should see what the Otis boy down the street came up with. 1.3871 0.06122 93 62 26 5
538 Well,... it's my 'man-cairn'! 1.3866 0.05217 119 78 36 5
539 Okay, it's a FIRE ESCAPE... What's FIRE? 1.3858 0.05814 127 92 22 13
540 Anything else on your to-do list,.. honey? 1.3858 0.05006 127 83 39 5
541 I disagree. I believe it's more of an obtuse than a right triangle. 1.3852 0.05390 122 82 33 7
542 I can see Russia! 1.3852 0.05758 135 97 24 14
543 Why have you stacked all your tools? 1.3846 0.05609 130 91 28 11
544 It's my man tower. 1.3846 0.06051 117 83 23 11
545 I think you’d be better off inventing a man cave. 1.3846 0.05543 117 79 31 7
546 I don’t care what you say you are not king of the world. 1.3846 0.04982 117 79 33 5
547 OK, perhaps they will call this the height of the Stone Age 1.3846 0.05847 104 70 28 6
548 -What are you doing, Pythagoras? - It's a theory baby 1.3846 0.04748 169 116 41 12
549 I told you it'd be lonely at the top. What do you want for dinner? 1.3846 0.05685 104 71 27 6
550 Now leap to my death?! This seems more like a birthday present for you than for me. 1.3841 0.04967 138 92 39 7
551 A ladder? What's that? 1.3840 0.04654 125 90 28 7
552 ... but in the dream they were moving and people would stand on them and go up... and this just went on and on ...What do you think ? 1.3840 0.05179 125 85 33 7
553 I had to do something with all those damn sourdough loaves. 1.3839 0.05707 112 76 29 7
554 Fine, but I'm not cleaning it. 1.3837 0.06442 86 58 23 5
555 C'mon up, it's only a stone's throw away! 1.3836 0.03403 146 112 28 6
556 Classic Rock: Stoneway to Heaven 1.3833 0.06056 120 86 22 12
557 Someday they'll name a song after this. 1.3830 0.06436 94 65 22 7
558 Yes, but is it art? 1.3828 0.05217 128 86 35 7
559 I like Led Zeppelin too, honey, but this has gone too far 1.3818 0.06055 110 77 24 9
560 ‘In my opinion, BETTER than the wheel.’ 1.3818 0.05163 110 71 36 3
561 I told you the earth is flat. 1.3814 0.05635 118 83 26 9
562 I just use the clock on my phone. 1.3814 0.05635 118 81 29 8
563 Sisyphus Smishyphus! 1.3813 0.05043 139 94 37 8
564 And so began the ocean view listing. 1.3810 0.04893 126 82 40 4
565 Behold the hypotenuse! 1.3810 0.05840 126 90 24 12
566 Great. I want to talk and now you're high again. 1.3802 0.05780 121 85 26 10
567 Nobody cares about rock stacking. Go invent fire or something. 1.3802 0.05150 121 80 36 5
568 I was okay with the man cave, but a MAN CAIRN too? 1.3798 0.05633 129 91 27 11
569 Any sign of climate change? 1.3798 0.05413 129 89 31 9
570 Trust me, it’ll be hilarious when someone tries to figure out what it is in a few hundred millennia.” 1.3796 0.05988 108 75 25 8
571 OK. If this doesn't work, we'll ask for directions. 1.3796 0.05692 108 73 29 6
572 I think I'll call it a "sky-scraper" 1.3796 0.05397 137 96 30 11
573 Now invent one for 'down'. 1.3793 0.05428 116 78 32 6
574 Why won’t you ever read the directions? 1.3793 0.05428 116 78 32 6
575 Can we get them carpeted? 1.3786 0.06340 103 73 21 9
576 I know we talked about no walk ups, but it has a million dollar view. 1.3786 0.05313 140 98 31 11
577 You don't need to get any higher to prove that you're a stoner. 1.3780 0.05801 127 91 24 12
578 This wasn't the first time Mrs. Pythagorean wished she'd married a simple hunter/gatherer. 1.3776 0.05713 98 65 29 4
579 No, I'm not sure what a 'henge' is either. 1.3774 0.06062 106 74 24 8
580 I need some space, Linda 1.3774 0.06062 106 74 24 8
581 I don't know, Noah, a boat might be a better idea. 1.3770 0.05858 122 87 24 11
582 Yeah, well, future civilizations will make a lot more out of it. 1.3769 0.05267 130 89 33 8
583 Seriously, a walk-up? 1.3765 0.06477 85 58 22 5
584 Let’s call it, ‘The Wheel.’ 1.3762 0.06110 101 70 24 7
585 I was talking about the metaphorical high ground. 1.3762 0.05423 101 66 32 3
586 I see you've discovered it's lonely at the top. 1.3761 0.05253 117 83 26 8
587 How's the Wi-Fi signal? 1.3760 0.05526 125 87 29 9
588 Honey, a^2 + b^2 does equal c^2! 1.3759 0.05185 133 91 34 8
589 The realtor said a second floor will really help us stand out in a buyer's market 1.3759 0.05074 133 90 36 7
590 Quit stonewalling and go do the dishes. 1.3750 0.05805 120 85 25 10
591 I just needed a little perspective. 1.3750 0.05970 96 65 26 5
592 ‘Okay, now flap your arms’ 1.3750 0.05400 112 75 32 5
593 Please tell me you won’t put the washer and dryer up there. 1.3740 0.05340 123 84 32 7
594 Any sign of civilization? 1.3739 0.05449 115 78 31 6
595 Well, you built it and they did not come. Time to get back to hunting and gathering. 1.3739 0.05854 115 81 25 9
596 It's nothing like Stonehendge 1.3737 0.05668 99 66 29 4
597 You can come down now. The snake is gone. 1.3736 0.06376 91 63 22 6
598 Can you make one where the stairs move so I don’t have to walk? 1.3730 0.05604 126 89 27 10
599 Yes,you have gone where no man has gone before. Now,get down! 1.3729 0.05619 118 82 28 8
600 If you build it, they will come. 1.3727 0.05303 110 73 33 4
601 I married the square of the hypotenuse. 1.3727 0.06175 110 79 21 10
602 OK. I admit it. You DO have stones. 1.3725 0.05291 102 71 26 5
603 I feel like it needs something. 1.3717 0.05922 113 80 24 9
604 I told you not to throw away the instructions. 1.3714 0.05783 105 72 27 6
605 I call it a 'telescope'. 1.3710 0.06110 124 92 18 14
606 It’s lonely at the top, Marge. 1.3710 0.05181 124 89 28 7
607 What?! It’s art. 1.3710 0.05053 124 83 36 5
608 It’s called a PROTOTYPE 1.3709 0.04215 151 106 38 7
609 Just think, a million years from now those fools will think that this is a monument to a god, when all it is is a king of the hill game. 1.3707 0.05548 116 80 29 7
610 I still think you should have dug the pool first. 1.3704 0.06677 81 56 20 5
611 And I suppose the Mexicans are gonna pay for it? 1.3704 0.06253 108 78 20 10
612 So THAT's what happened to all the furniture. 1.3704 0.05823 108 75 26 7
613 A powerful statement,but we need fresh meat. 1.3704 0.05673 108 74 28 6
614 Well, I hope your view looking down at my face is better than my view looking up at your.... 1.3701 0.05339 127 88 31 8
615 Started at rock bottom now I’m here. 1.3701 0.05220 127 87 33 7
616 In this next trust exercise.. 1.3701 0.05454 127 89 29 9
617 I'm not gathering more until you tell me what you're hunting. 1.3697 0.05319 119 81 32 6
618 I can’t decide if your work’s become more acute or just less obtuse. 1.3697 0.05451 119 84 27 8
619 I was hoping for something just a bit more modern. 1.3696 0.04833 138 93 39 6
620 No railings? 1.3692 0.05689 130 94 24 12
621 I have this funny feeling that A square plus B square equals C square 1.3689 0.04966 122 86 29 7
622 I’m not coming down until you put on your mask 1.3689 0.05843 122 88 23 11
623 It's a Ponzi scheme; it'll be all the rage in the twenty-first century! 1.3684 0.05746 114 80 26 8
624 You're right. I am attracted to taller men. 1.3684 0.05060 133 91 35 7
625 Yes I’m peeing, I’m peeing right now 1.3684 0.06532 95 68 19 8
626 Told you so Debbie: flat 1.3680 0.05021 125 84 36 5
627 Is this the high ground Reddit is talking about? 1.3675 0.05509 117 81 29 7
628 When I said "Come up with something" I was talking about dinner 1.3673 0.05502 98 65 30 3
629 Did I hear you say it's lonely at the top? 1.3672 0.05187 128 88 33 7
630 Where do you think you’re going? 1.3670 0.05631 109 75 28 6
631 Have you seen anything edible yet? 1.3670 0.04991 109 73 33 3
632 I prefer your cave drawings. 1.3667 0.06007 90 61 25 4
633 Call Sisyphus. 1.3667 0.06409 90 63 21 6
634 I’ll come down when you get your second shot. 1.3667 0.06601 90 64 19 7
635 It gets better! 1.3664 0.05220 131 91 32 8
636 Ok...But how do I get down? 1.3664 0.05441 131 95 25 11
637 What's right about it? 1.3663 0.06089 101 71 23 7
638 I distinctly said 'equilateral'. 1.3663 0.05755 101 69 27 5
639 Too functional. If you want to perplex future generations, stand them up in a circle. 1.3662 0.05045 142 99 34 9
640 Well, I don't care what the Jones's say, all natural material with open views are in this year. 1.3661 0.05812 112 81 22 9
641 That’s not the 12-step program you need. 1.3659 0.05569 123 87 27 9
642 I still think your man “cave” idea is better. 1.3659 0.05448 123 86 29 8
643 This is exactly why I should’ve been in charge of the design choices. 1.3657 0.05354 134 95 29 10
644 Laugh all you want Linda. One day they’ll write a song about my stairway. 1.3656 0.06264 93 65 22 6
645 I see the stones. Where’s the henge? 1.3655 0.04875 145 100 37 8
646 The first pyramid scheme 1.3655 0.05520 145 107 23 15
647 Honey, everyone else has moved on to the Bronze Age. 1.3654 0.05806 104 72 26 6
648 Only you would build stairs to nowhere without a closet at the top. 1.3652 0.05288 115 78 32 5
649 You're still not winning this argument! 1.3651 0.02546 126 96 26 4
650 Wait until you see Stonehenge; you’re gonna want to up your game. 1.3651 0.05238 126 87 32 7
651 ' I think I can ask the Mexicans to pay for it, honey ' 1.3651 0.05238 126 87 32 7
652 Come down, I won't hurt you. 1.3650 0.04846 137 96 34 7
653 Did it for the glutes. 1.3646 0.05565 96 64 29 3
654 I would have gone with walls first, but fine. 1.3645 0.05376 107 72 31 4
655 I think you're over-reacting. Sea levels aren't going to rise for another two and a half million years. 1.3645 0.05538 107 75 26 6
656 Is that the hill you want to die on? 1.3644 0.05602 118 85 24 9
657 I thought you were watching the kids?! 1.3644 0.05471 118 82 29 7
658 Fine, but meanwhile everyone else on our block owns a wheel. 1.3643 0.05385 140 101 27 12
659 So, is the beach crowded? 1.3636 0.05589 110 76 28 6
660 I just feel like it's missing something. 1.3636 0.04956 110 72 36 2
661 If it's a right triangle, then why does it feel so wrong? 1.3636 0.05438 110 75 30 5
662 How long will you be up there? Your supper is wandering off. 1.3636 0.05629 121 86 26 9
663 Its the stairway to heaven for atheists. 1.3636 0.06020 110 79 22 9
664 My parents always said marrying you would be a rocky road. 1.3636 0.05249 121 83 32 6
665 Ugga’s husband gave her a Peloton. 1.3636 0.06168 99 70 22 7
666 You look sooo BC from here... 1.3636 0.05116 121 86 28 7
667 Well that escalated extremely slowly. 1.3630 0.05109 135 94 33 8
668 It was about the process, not the result. 1.3629 0.05289 124 86 31 7
669 I told you we didn’t need a Peloton. 1.3627 0.05079 102 71 27 4
670 Can you see Sara Palin? 1.3626 0.06156 91 63 23 5
671 You'll come down when you're hungry enough. 1.3626 0.05954 91 62 25 4
672 How stupid do you think giraffes are? 1.3622 0.05553 127 91 26 10
673 I don't know. What if we just call it a hypotenuse. 1.3621 0.05393 116 80 30 6
674 Back double with a full twist. 1.3619 0.05086 105 72 30 3
675 I'm calling it my stairway to Kevin. 1.3614 0.06766 83 59 18 6
676 Sometimes I just don't understand you. All I said is that my mother is coming for a visit. 1.3613 0.05690 119 85 25 9
677 I am NOT talking down to you! 1.3608 0.05896 97 67 25 5
678 At least I didn't paint myself into a corner. 1.3605 0.07001 86 63 15 8
679 I call it a stairway. Not sure what to do with it. 1.3605 0.06170 86 59 23 4
680 ... and this is where we’ll present our newborn to the animal kingdom. 1.3604 0.04666 111 81 25 5
681 I see London, I see France.... 1.3600 0.06117 100 71 22 7
682 I said be bolder, not boulder. 1.3600 0.05376 125 88 29 8
683 And you said my fire idea wasn't safe. 1.3600 0.05949 100 70 24 6
684 Looks great - now build a two story cave around it! 1.3597 0.05003 139 97 34 8
685 Father always said you’d go nowhere. 1.3596 0.06732 89 67 13 9
686 I just hope we're zoned for this. 1.3594 0.05404 128 91 28 9
687 ...anyway, so you just climb up here and look at stuff for long periods of time. I call ‘em ‘Stares’ 1.3594 0.05627 128 93 24 11
688 What are you trying to prove Pythagoras? 1.3592 0.06301 103 75 19 9
689 Just sayin', a regular 'man cave' would've been a lot less work. 1.3592 0.05830 103 72 25 6
690 I suppose you are wondering why I called you all here today... 1.3590 0.04999 117 81 31 5
691 "I mean it, Larry: you're ONE step away from a divorce!" 1.3588 0.05205 131 92 31 8
692 It’s a walk up but the views are great. 1.3587 0.06294 92 65 21 6
693 If you have a better idea about a ladder just say it 1.3587 0.06101 92 64 23 5
694 Maybe you should have read the drawings, first. 1.3585 0.05717 106 74 26 6
695 Careful, it could be thousands of years before we ever get healthcare. 1.3585 0.05224 106 71 32 3
696 Uhm...I thought you were building a fire? 1.3585 0.05394 106 72 30 4
697 How many times do I have to tell you? I can't hear you when I'm upstairs. 1.3585 0.06314 106 78 18 10
698 I still can't find what I was looking for. 1.3583 0.05461 120 87 24 9
699 What’s a staircase? 1.3583 0.04992 120 81 35 4
700 What's a fire escape? 1.3583 0.05893 120 88 21 11
701 Now I need to invent the second floor. 1.3582 0.05233 134 95 30 9
702 Don't come back to the cave until you've caught a bird. 1.3582 0.04901 134 92 36 6
703 So this is where all the furniture went. 1.3580 0.06645 81 57 19 5
704 Now pull out the bottom stone and I'll show you the escalator. 1.3579 0.06679 95 70 16 9
705 Oh come on, Sisyphus! Very clever, but do you really think this will count as your atonement? 1.3579 0.05780 95 67 23 5
706 I hope someone invents the slide soon! 1.3578 0.05905 109 78 23 8
707 You do realize we only have a one-story cave. 1.3578 0.05298 109 74 31 4
708 I'm going to cal it a Hi- Rise. 1.3577 0.05552 123 88 26 9
709 Turn around. I hadn't thought about the fact that I'm wearing a skirt. 1.3577 0.05256 137 98 29 10
710 Yes, it's a fixer-upper, but just look at those territorial views. 1.3577 0.03550 137 97 37 3
711 I haven't invented how to get down yet. 1.3571 0.05652 112 79 26 7
712 Shouldn’t our food and shelter come before your self-actualization? 1.3571 0.06256 84 58 22 4
713 I’m not saying redo the whole thing, I just think it’d look a lot nicer as a big circle. 1.3571 0.05275 140 101 28 11
714 It’s not exactly inventing the wheel, isn’t it? 1.3566 0.05369 129 92 28 9
715 Here's evidence that giant aliens wearing wedge heeled shoes were once here 1.3565 0.05686 115 82 25 8
716 Well, what do you know? You CAN see Russia from here... 1.3564 0.05901 101 71 24 6
717 Still looks flat from up here 1.3564 0.05731 101 70 26 5
718 Get down here before I kick out this rock! 1.3561 0.05173 132 93 31 8
719 Stacks of stones may break your bones. 1.3559 0.05712 118 85 24 9
720 What's next, unequal pay? 1.3559 0.05584 118 84 26 8
721 I think it’s the greatest rock composition ever 1.3559 0.05712 118 85 24 9
722 Hmmm, well that was pointless, but at least it killed some time 1.3559 0.05180 118 81 32 5
723 It's a new game I call "Descent of Man". 1.3558 0.05943 104 74 23 7
724 It’s the only thing I can think of after the wheel and fire. Everything else has been done. 1.3558 0.05784 104 73 25 6
725 No, I said ‘isosceles.’ 1.3548 0.06602 93 68 17 8
726 You better be careful, you're on a slippery slope! 1.3548 0.05851 93 64 25 4
727 Eventually it will lead somewhere, Karen! 1.3545 0.05416 110 76 29 5
728 Maybe you should have thought of that before building stairs that only go up. 1.3545 0.05568 110 77 27 6
729 I guess I've been eating too much fiber. 1.3542 0.05258 144 107 24 13
730 I'm getting away from hunting and gathering... 1.3542 0.05731 96 66 26 4
731 I see you're getting high again. 1.3540 0.05750 113 81 24 8
732 I was hoping for fire. 1.3535 0.05799 99 69 25 5
733 It's fine for now, dear, but what happens when we get older? 1.3535 0.05974 99 70 23 6
734 'I still think you should have started with the location of the bathroom' 1.3534 0.05511 116 84 24 8
735 Okay, so you've invented the first twelve step program. 1.3534 0.05511 116 84 24 8
736 Still doesn't beat inventing the wheel. 1.3529 0.05512 102 70 28 4
737 Handrail? 1.3529 0.06633 85 61 18 6
738 It doesn't have to make sense - posterity will think its profound. 1.3529 0.06196 85 59 22 4
739 Your penthouse, although nice, lacks something in living space. 1.3529 0.04587 153 106 40 7
740 Nice try but you're still shorter than me. 1.3525 0.04788 122 82 37 3
741 ... and I'll call it 'stare', because I'm able now to stare at things far away. 1.3525 0.05573 122 90 22 10
742 This isn’t what I meant when I told you to enter a 12-step program! 1.3524 0.06199 105 77 19 9
743 Need anything while I'm up here? 1.3524 0.05410 105 72 29 4
744 ?And how's my mother supposed to get up there 1.3524 0.05410 105 72 29 4
745 Get down off your high-potenuse! 1.3524 0.05896 105 75 23 7
746 Is this for "ritual purposes?" 1.3524 0.05896 105 75 23 7
747 That's my steps for the day 1.3524 0.05410 105 74 26 5
748 It needs handrails to bring it up to code 1.3524 0.05577 105 73 27 5
749 I thought you said you were going to get the Neanderthals to pay for it. 1.3520 0.05359 125 89 28 8
750 Of course I don’t get the metaphor! Metaphors won’t be invented for millions of years. Now get down from there! 1.3519 0.05314 108 74 30 4
751 The wheel was great. But I don't think this ladder idea is going to catch on. 1.3519 0.05630 108 76 26 6
752 Finally! 1.3516 0.05270 91 60 30 1
753 My mother always said that you were going nowhere. 1.3516 0.06323 91 65 20 6
754 What? This is rock solid pyramid attempt! 1.3514 0.05816 111 80 23 8
755 I needed a hill to die on. 1.3514 0.05527 111 78 27 6
756 I call it, “stairs”. 1.3511 0.05189 131 93 30 8
757 Now that you’re free can you take out the garbage. 1.3511 0.04957 131 91 34 6
758 Are you high or somthing? 1.3511 0.05189 131 93 30 8
759 All I’m saying is that it might have been handier next to the cave 1.3511 0.05801 94 65 25 4
760 Are you stoned? 1.3509 0.05135 114 80 29 5
761 Next time bring the damn GPS, Adam. 1.3509 0.04490 114 82 28 4
762 Is this the end of the Stone Age? 1.3507 0.03709 134 100 30 4
763 This is your idea of upward mobility? 1.3504 0.05735 117 85 23 9
764 You've got some angle - right? 1.3504 0.05735 117 85 23 9
765 Not sure what is it good for, but it feels like progress. 1.3504 0.05051 117 80 33 4
766 I've invented the second floor. 1.3500 0.06256 100 73 19 8
767 Actually, it's kind of lonely at the top. 1.3500 0.06188 80 55 22 3
768 I'm impressed by your spatial aptitude and engineering prowess. Now go kill something for dinner 1.3500 0.05925 100 71 23 6
769 I’ve heard of painting yourself into a corner, but THIS is ridiculous. 1.3500 0.05925 100 71 23 6
770 I think it examines the universality of our struggle to evolve, combined with a collective sense of the sublime. 1.3500 0.06093 100 74 18 8
771 I think going to Mars is going to be more difficult than I thought 1.3500 0.06256 100 73 19 8
772 Sure it lacks in square footage, but look at that view! 1.3500 0.06439 80 56 20 4
773 As long as you're happy. 1.3495 0.06125 103 75 20 8
774 We missed our flight. The Pterodactyl left at 7:30. 1.3495 0.05806 103 73 24 6
775 Sorry, it’s no Stonehenge. 1.3492 0.05203 126 89 30 7
776 Honestly? It’s no Stonehenge, but it’s a start. 1.3491 0.05369 106 73 29 4
777 On second thought, you should've just reinvented the wheel. 1.3490 0.04658 149 106 35 8
778 Meh ... it's no Stonehenge. 1.3488 0.04753 129 88 37 4
779 Sure, I can move it two feet to the left. 1.3486 0.05738 109 78 24 7
780 Therefore art thou Isosceles. 1.3486 0.05587 109 77 26 6
781 I told you, I don’t care that you’re shorter than me. 1.3483 0.06412 89 64 19 6
782 Sure the windows are a little small, but it's built with 100% sustainable materials. 1.3482 0.04151 112 84 25 3
783 No underwear again! 1.3482 0.05631 112 80 25 7
784 It looks great, but can you explain the "second story" part again? What's exactly is a "floor" ? 1.3482 0.05027 112 78 30 4
785 Can you see past the Stone Age from up there? 1.3481 0.04967 135 95 33 7
786 But how’s the cell reception? 1.3481 0.04967 135 95 33 7
787 I’m calling it a Stair Master. 1.3481 0.05077 135 96 31 8
788 From down here I'd say a squared plus b squared equals c squared. 1.3478 0.05450 92 62 28 2
789 Okay, so you’re king of the hill. . . now what? 1.3474 0.05751 95 66 25 4
790 I know the construction is as fragile as my ego, but I enjoy you looking up to me for once. 1.3472 0.05056 144 104 30 10
791 Don’t fret, dear. Stonehenge wasn’t built in a day. 1.3469 0.06171 98 71 20 7
792 Is this the line for the 4:30 mammoth to the tar pits? 1.3469 0.05820 98 69 24 5
793 Can we try it a few inches to the left? 1.3468 0.05127 124 87 31 6
794 I forgot why I built this. 1.3465 0.06204 101 74 19 8
795 You’re right. The earth is flat. 1.3462 0.06375 104 78 16 10
796 You said those were for my patio. 1.3462 0.05595 104 73 26 5
797 "One giant leap for mankind"....seriously? 1.3462 0.04849 130 90 35 5
798 ....look Harold, I KNOW the signal is bad here.... But would it hurt you to spend just ONE evening talking to your wife?.... 1.3462 0.06536 78 55 19 4
799 This better not be another one of your pyramid schemes. 1.3458 0.05804 107 77 23 7
800 Will you just ask for directions Dan? 1.3458 0.05492 107 75 27 5
801 I think your wheel idea was better. 1.3455 0.05074 110 75 32 3
802 You're always inventing things we don't need. First your wheel, now this! 1.3452 0.06667 84 61 17 6
803 And we'll make the Mayans pay for it! 1.3452 0.06667 84 61 17 6
804 I told you this before, I'm not moving in until you build a kitchen! 1.3441 0.06395 93 68 18 7
805 Don't expect Mexico to pay for it. 1.3441 0.05184 93 64 27 2
806 Nobody's gonna think aliens built THIS! 1.3441 0.05821 93 65 24 4
807 Now we need a ramp to make it wheel chair accessible. 1.3441 0.06209 93 67 20 6
808 You could just wear a mask 1.3440 0.05218 125 89 29 7
809 Now if I could just remember why I came up here. 1.3438 0.05892 96 68 23 5
810 OK, now we need one going down. 1.3438 0.05254 128 92 28 8
811 I think you’ve peaked. 1.3435 0.05056 131 93 31 7
812 Of course I don't engineer situations just so I can look down on you... 1.3434 0.06285 99 73 18 8
813 It worked. I see our future. 1.3431 0.05212 102 72 26 4
814 I don’t care if they were on sale they are going back 1.3431 0.05659 102 72 25 5
815 ‘See ya later, escalator!’ 1.3431 0.05828 102 73 23 6
816 How long will it take to build one that goes down? 1.3429 0.05714 105 75 24 6
817 The original episode of “Upstairs/Downstairs.” 1.3429 0.06176 105 78 18 9
818 You only had one job 1.3426 0.05607 108 77 25 6
819 My therapist recommended this twelve-step program 1.3423 0.05794 111 81 22 8
820 Come down from there. It was only a mouse. 1.3421 0.05548 114 82 25 7
821 Did you get Mexico to pay for it? 1.3421 0.06367 76 53 20 3
822 Stop playing with the furniture. 1.3418 0.06467 79 56 19 4
823 If you can figure out how to build it, you can figure out how to climb down. 1.3415 0.06066 82 57 22 3
824 the mammoth petting station is closed due to global extinction 1.3415 0.04943 123 88 29 6
825 Who ever heard of a man cave up on the second story? 1.3415 0.05269 123 90 25 8
826 Tell me again. Which is the hypotenuse? 1.3415 0.05010 123 86 32 5
827 I think we’re ready for our trip to Burning Man this year. 1.3415 0.05141 123 87 30 6
828 At that point Sarah realized her marriage to Jim was officially on the rocks. 1.3413 0.05539 126 93 23 10
829 Fine. Now go kill dinner. 1.3412 0.06385 85 61 19 5
830 You could have spent that time inventing the wheel... 1.3409 0.06023 88 62 22 4
831 And what if they move the border wall 10 feet to the right? 1.3409 0.05802 88 61 24 3
832 The I told you. It's the sum of the square of the rocks on the other two sides. 1.3409 0.06023 88 62 22 4
833 What’s the point of inventing a staircase when we live in a cave? 1.3409 0.06642 88 65 16 7
834 I told you not to buy a pyramid at IKEA 1.3407 0.06485 91 67 17 7
835 At least you found a way to get your steps in. 1.3404 0.04809 141 103 30 8
836 Guess what, I just invented the fear of heights. 1.3402 0.06022 97 70 21 6
837 Build it and they will come? For what? 1.3402 0.05654 97 68 25 4
838 I don't know why you'd want to ride a brontosaurus anyway. 1.3400 0.05545 100 70 26 4
839 I call it the Pythagorean Steps. 1.3398 0.05943 103 75 21 7
840 How many bars do you get up there? 1.3398 0.05441 103 75 24 4
841 You invent stairs; I'll invent underwear. 1.3396 0.05509 106 75 26 5
842 I forgot. Am I paper or scissors? 1.3396 0.05509 106 75 26 5
843 My drawing couldn't adequately capture my vision, Helen. 1.3394 0.05249 109 76 29 4
844 Babe, stop before you accidentally create a religion like the neighbors. 1.3394 0.05564 109 78 25 6
845 Nice try, but the dishes still need doing. 1.3394 0.05564 109 78 25 6
846 This will be big once Led Zeppelin and religion are invented. 1.3393 0.05463 112 80 26 6
847 I don’t think that’s what they meant by “social distancing” 1.3393 0.05750 112 82 22 8
848 Yes, but if you were a Rotarian, we'd have a wheel. 1.3391 0.05224 115 81 29 5
849 Your great inventions never lead anywhere! 1.3391 0.05645 115 84 23 8
850 This isn't what I had in mind when we decided to take the next step. 1.3391 0.05076 115 80 31 4
851 No,, I won't get your guitar and it's not a stairway to heaven". 1.3390 0.05412 118 85 26 7
852 I know our Neanderthal brains haven’t invented “metaphor” yet, but I’m pretty sure this is one. 1.3390 0.04995 118 82 32 4
853 Now, what are you up to? 1.3388 0.05055 121 85 31 5
854 Not just a ladder: a portable ladder. 1.3386 0.05027 127 90 31 6
855 A staircase to heaven, huh? 1.3386 0.05150 127 99 19 9
856 Of course, I still believe in gender equality. 1.3380 0.05999 71 50 19 2
857 Just trying to get my steps in 1.3373 0.05757 83 57 24 2
858 Can we just stop and ask someone for directions? 1.3371 0.05523 89 61 26 2
859 Damn it Jeff, quit hoarding, will you? Those stones were meant for the whole village. 1.3371 0.06177 89 64 20 5
860 Is the view from the top everything you expected it to be? 1.3371 0.06177 89 64 20 5
861 Are you sure you read all the instructions? 1.3370 0.05840 92 65 23 4
862 Next, I'm inventing one that goes down. 1.3370 0.05840 92 65 23 4
863 Big deal. You should see what the Stonehenge’s next door just built. 1.3370 0.06041 92 66 21 5
864 Now I can't remember why I came up here. 1.3370 0.06424 92 68 17 7
865 Heaven can wait, get down here and hunt or gather. 1.3370 0.05632 92 64 25 3
866 Nice work, Mr. Builder. Now why don't you go out and be Mr. Hunter-Gatherer and get us some dinner. 1.3370 0.06424 92 68 17 7
867 Very acute, George. 1.3370 0.05840 92 65 23 4
868 They can see you too, you know! 1.3368 0.06627 95 72 14 9
869 Unlike other great men who created innovations far ahead of their time, Thak was, in fact, a moron. 1.3368 0.06456 95 71 16 8
870 Both rocks hit the ground at the same time! Write it down so we don't forget. 1.3367 0.05971 98 71 21 6
871 Building higher in a real estate bubble? Is that wise? 1.3366 0.05500 101 71 26 4
872 I don't care if it's safer and quieter. I am not doing a walk-up. 1.3366 0.05317 101 70 28 3
873 Who’s at rock bottom now? 1.3366 0.05677 101 72 24 5
874 You’ll just do anything to avoid seeing my mother, won’t you? 1.3365 0.05734 104 75 23 6
875 It’s my cardio day. 1.3365 0.05399 104 73 27 4
876 Okay, Honey, I'm ready. Bring the mammoth over. 1.3364 0.05625 107 77 24 6
877 Congratulations— you’ve built the first walkup. 1.3364 0.06077 107 80 18 9
878 I still can’t see this glass ceiling you keep talking about. 1.3364 0.05780 107 78 22 7
879 The kids aren't upstairs. I guess they've gone outside again. 1.3364 0.05302 107 75 28 4
880 What do you think? Should I patent it? 1.3364 0.05048 110 76 31 3
881 Feel more evolved up there? 1.3363 0.04967 113 78 32 3
882 It’s obvious now which sex is on top of the evolutionary pyramid! 1.3363 0.05567 113 82 24 7
883 It’ll be perfect for prom photos. 1.3362 0.05468 116 84 25 7
884 Dr. Fauci says two more moons to be on the safe side. 1.3362 0.05187 116 84 26 6
885 Put a loincloth on, Zog 1.3362 0.05736 116 86 21 9
886 Looks nice, but the Flintstones want their house back. 1.3361 0.05374 119 86 26 7
887 What do you mean "unhenged"? 1.3361 0.05633 119 88 22 9
888 I can’t recall what problem we were solving. 1.3361 0.05505 119 87 24 8
889 I made it for the cat. 1.3361 0.05505 119 87 24 8
890 I don’t care if you got there a MILLION years before Pythagoras — you’re still wrong. 1.3361 0.04744 122 88 29 5
891 It's a bit gaudy, but it's your candidacy for tribal chieftain, not mine. 1.3360 0.04812 125 87 34 4
892 What goes up must come down, honey. 1.3360 0.04812 125 87 34 4
893 Is it to code? 1.3333 0.06515 90 67 16 7
894 Explain how this will feed us" 1.3333 0.05664 114 84 22 8
895 Then you join me, we walk down, and I announce I'm running for President. 1.3333 0.06046 96 70 20 6
896 Are you sure God told you we could fly? 1.3333 0.05526 114 83 24 7
897 We could've just asked for directions 1.3333 0.05584 87 60 25 2
898 All I have to do is invent the electric motor and I'll have a escalator. 1.3333 0.04906 147 112 23 12
899 And I had to be the one to marry an abstract artist. 1.3333 0.05987 93 69 18 6
900 What about the extra rocks, Ikea? 1.3333 0.05688 105 76 23 6
901 I'm not buying it. 1.3333 0.05697 90 65 21 4
902 Why not just join a gym? 1.3333 0.06091 99 73 19 7
903 Stop mumbling about c squared, you old fool, and get down here. 1.3333 0.05788 93 66 23 4
904 We should have stayed in the trees. 1.3333 0.05561 99 70 25 4
905 If my theory on gravitational attraction is correct, both the feather and I will reach the ground as the same time! 1.3333 0.05177 99 68 29 2
906 The aliens got bored and moved on to other projects. 1.3333 0.06044 87 62 21 4
907 It would be perfect, but how do we get it to the cave? 1.3333 0.05583 93 65 25 3
908 We already live in a cave, I named it my 'Man Mound'. 1.3333 0.04927 120 90 23 7
909 With all the strange stares I’m getting, I think I’ll call them “stairs”. 1.3333 0.06412 84 61 18 5
910 I’m not sure I’m ready to take the next step. 1.3333 0.04912 126 89 32 5
911 Honey, the Egyptians finished theirs ages ago. 1.3333 0.05526 114 83 24 7
912 10,000 years from now they won’t think we built it - they’ll claim our alien friends did! 1.3333 0.05067 120 85 30 5
913 I wanted to get my steps in before dinner. 1.3333 0.05697 90 63 24 3
914 I had a feeling your climb to the top was rocky. 1.3333 0.05948 84 59 22 3
915 Is there an elevator? 1.3333 0.05584 87 60 25 2
916 I call them stairs , but I'm not sure what they're good for yet. 1.3333 0.06002 105 78 19 8
917 going somewhere? 1.3333 0.05237 114 81 28 5
918 I told you not to sleep climb anymore 1.3333 0.02602 120 96 20 4
919 It’s no wheel. 1.3333 0.05743 99 71 23 5
920 I think you should see other people. 1.3333 0.05987 93 67 21 5
921 I don't care what you've proven, Pythagoras! Get down here and kill us something for dinner! 1.3333 0.06091 99 73 19 7
922 Slow day at the giraffe dentist huh? 1.3333 0.06398 96 72 16 8
923 Barry, I told you we didn’t have time to stop for a donut! The Pterodactyl to Tasmania is ALWAYS on time! 1.3333 0.03381 126 96 26 4
924 It may be an exercise in futility, but at least it’s still exercise. 1.3333 0.06261 87 63 19 5
925 Trying to keep up with the Stonehenges are we!? 1.3333 0.05429 117 85 25 7
926 It doesn't get better at the top. 1.3333 0.06046 96 70 20 6
927 I cashed in all my bitrock. 1.3333 0.05328 111 81 24 6
928 Well, I'm not getting buried in that until you build the other half 1.3310 0.04494 142 106 28 8
929 Now you try it backwards Ginger! 1.3305 0.05779 118 89 19 10
930 You'll have to do better than this to get away from me. 1.3304 0.05126 115 84 25 6
931 Thousand years from now, people will say Aliens did it! 1.3304 0.04739 115 79 34 2
932 This will make boarding the plane SO much easier ! 1.3304 0.04894 112 80 28 4
933 I think we can make it to Mars by 2030. 1.3303 0.05837 109 81 20 8
934 90% of all ideas have a rocky start. 1.3303 0.05690 109 80 22 7
935 Where are you going with this? 1.3303 0.04887 109 78 28 3
936 I've had it up to here with you! 1.3302 0.05315 106 75 27 4
937 Now will you ask for directions? 1.3302 0.05482 106 76 25 5
938 That's great, but it's not going to cook dinner. 1.3301 0.05048 103 73 27 3
939 No matter what you say this does not qualify as a home-improvement project! 1.3301 0.05753 103 75 22 6
940 Because it was not there. 1.3300 0.05695 100 72 23 5
941 I really don't think people are gonna want to make that climb every day, Otis. 1.3300 0.05695 100 74 20 6
942 I didn’t think you had the stones! 1.3300 0.05329 100 70 27 3
943 What the fuck are you doing? 1.3300 0.06522 100 77 13 10
944 Eve, I think we're the only ones 1.3300 0.05329 100 70 27 3
945 I'd like it more if you made it handicap accessible. 1.3299 0.06169 97 72 18 7
946 Well I’d be more impressed if I knew where this was going 1.3299 0.05811 97 70 22 5
947 You better put this house back together by the time my parents get here. 1.3298 0.05324 94 67 24 3
948 Work hard, and one day you could have a pile of stones too." 1.3297 0.05426 91 65 23 3
949 Any sign of dinner on the horizon? 1.3297 0.04702 91 68 21 2
950 I wrote a song about this and later I'll explain what a zeppelin is. 1.3297 0.06163 91 69 15 7
951 Because I can't stand you, that's why. 1.3297 0.05646 91 64 24 3
952 I guess you’re right. Technically, you HAVE moved up in the world. 1.3297 0.05859 91 65 22 4
953 I'm going to set the sun back for daylight savings 1.3297 0.05646 91 64 24 3
954 Sure it doesn't look too impressive now, but in 5000 years, everyone will be talking about it 1.3297 0.05426 91 63 26 2
955 Mexico is not going to pay for this. 1.3293 0.06270 82 59 19 4
956 Mansplain that 1.3293 0.06733 82 61 15 6
957 It's nice, but a spiral would suit our cave decor better. 1.3291 0.06426 79 57 18 4
958 Is this what comes after "One Small Step for Man"? 1.3289 0.06321 76 54 19 3
959 Well, it's an interesting idea, but why would anyone want to climb up it? 1.3288 0.04570 146 104 36 6
960 Yo, Adrian! 1.3284 0.07177 67 49 14 4
961 There has got to be a better way to exercise. Ever think about inventing something round? 1.3276 0.05445 116 85 24 7
962 No babe I’m not your steppin’ stone 1.3276 0.05445 116 85 24 7
963 Another one should just about do it! 1.3274 0.05399 113 82 25 6
964 Are you sure you parked the brachiosaurus here? 1.3274 0.05250 113 81 27 5
965 Trust me honey, my 12-step program is solid. It can’t fail. 1.3274 0.04940 113 79 31 3
966 I think it will work better after they invent houses. 1.3273 0.05496 110 80 24 6
967 I told you I’d make it to the top! 1.3273 0.05792 110 82 20 8
968 The upstairs leaves a lot to be desired 1.3273 0.05496 110 80 24 6
969 This walk-up has great views. 1.3273 0.05496 110 80 24 6
970 Yes dear, all the neighbors are wearing masks. 1.3273 0.05792 110 82 20 8
971 The view is unbelievable. 1.3271 0.04746 107 75 30 2
972 So you want to be a rock star 1.3271 0.05274 107 76 27 4
973 It's not any "Highway to Heaven" and your dinner's getting cold. 1.3271 0.05754 107 79 21 7
974 Don't sneeze. 1.3271 0.05599 107 78 23 6
975 You've taken "stuck between a rock and a hard place" to new heights. 1.3269 0.05868 104 77 20 7
976 I feel like you're avoiding me. 1.3269 0.05707 104 76 22 6
977 Have you seen the long flat stone that I use for cooking? 1.3269 0.05541 104 75 24 5
978 Interesting concept, but what's the business model? 1.3269 0.05010 104 72 30 2
979 Okay...back double with a triple twist? 1.3267 0.05821 101 74 21 6
980 My next idea is a house with two floors. 1.3267 0.05095 101 72 26 3
981 The way you're looking at me. made me think of the name for this. Stairs. 1.3265 0.05384 98 69 26 3
982 The fire was one thing, this I can’t get behind. 1.3265 0.05761 98 71 22 5
983 I'm calling it Jenga. 1.3265 0.04977 98 67 30 1
984 So, that's the best you can do to avoid having this conversation about our relationship?! 1.3265 0.05941 98 72 20 6
985 The salesman’s name was Sisyphus. 1.3263 0.05487 95 67 25 3
986 You’re not wearing underwear!! 1.3263 0.05881 95 69 21 5
987 Love the view, but we need more room. 1.3263 0.05881 95 69 21 5
988 I call them '"stepping stones" 1.3263 0.06068 95 70 19 6
989 All you ever want to do is get high. 1.3261 0.06203 92 68 18 6
990 I thought after the whole “paint yourself into a corner” incident you would’ve learned something. 1.3261 0.05806 92 66 22 4
991 There ain’t no mountain high enough to keep you from taking out the garbage! 1.3261 0.05806 92 66 22 4
992 Can you get my glasses? 1.3261 0.06008 92 67 20 5
993 Nicely gathered. Now, how 'bout some hunting? 1.3256 0.06064 86 62 20 4
994 You never just say, good job ! 1.3256 0.05595 86 60 24 2
995 Why, exactly, do we need boarding stairs? 1.3253 0.06206 83 60 19 4
996 This proves it. A squared plus B squared equals C squared. 1.3253 0.06880 83 63 13 7
997 You watched me build this with my own hands. How could you think aliens did this? 1.3253 0.06439 83 61 17 5
998 If you want to try getting on his back again go get him yourself. 1.3250 0.04903 120 85 31 4
999 But when they do invent house we'll be rich! 1.3248 0.05268 117 85 26 6
1000 Can you stop stonewalling for two seconds? 1.3248 0.05406 117 86 24 7
1001 Yes, I am impressed. Unfortunately, we just entered the Iron Age.” 1.3247 0.06521 77 56 17 4
1002 Well that proves can tell them all the earth is flat! 1.3247 0.05528 77 57 17 3
1003 I don’t know... I’m still hung up on that spiral design 1.3247 0.06253 77 55 19 3
1004 Last chance, Ethel. If I get on this mammoth, I'm not coming back. 1.3243 0.07479 74 57 10 7
1005 Are you being obtuse? 1.3243 0.06413 74 53 18 3
1006 First the wheel, now this ... I will be so happy when you finally go back to the office. 1.3243 0.06966 74 55 14 5
1007 Tomb with a view? 1.3241 0.04979 145 108 27 10
1008 I call it Times Square. 1.3241 0.05397 108 80 22 6
1009 No more hunter-gatherer. It's upper management for me, baby! 1.3241 0.05234 108 79 24 5
1010 Not bad for no tools and small brain. 1.3241 0.05397 108 78 25 5
1011 You need better hobbies. 1.3238 0.05661 105 77 22 6
1012 I'm calling it an escalator, Harriet. It might not be the best, but it's the first! 1.3237 0.05228 139 105 23 11
1013 I don't have time for your theorems, Pythagorus - come down and eat dinner! 1.3232 0.05890 99 73 20 6
1014 Hedge! I said I wanted a "hedge." 1.3232 0.04938 99 70 27 2
1015 Inventor of the staircase? Probably. Inspiration for the escalator? Perhaps. But "guru?" Dream on! 1.3232 0.04938 99 68 30 1
1016 Okay... you don’t have to get the vaccine. 1.3232 0.05712 99 72 22 5
1017 The first man who mistakenly thought he had the higher ground. 1.3229 0.05235 96 67 27 2
1018 And it works in the other direction too! 1.3229 0.05638 96 69 23 4
1019 It’s a game. I call it Jenga. 1.3229 0.05440 96 68 25 3
1020 You said I couldn’t come home until I completed a 12 step program... well? 1.3229 0.05829 96 70 21 5
1021 I thought I clearly said no walk-ups. 1.3226 0.05753 93 67 22 4
1022 Well, I'm the building inspector, and I say you DO need a permit... 1.3226 0.05753 93 67 22 4
1023 If you'd build the other side, like we'd talked about, then I'd have a way to get down..! 1.3226 0.05547 93 66 24 3
1024 What do you mean you built it because it wasn't there? 1.3222 0.05876 90 65 21 4
1025 I forgot what it was I was building. 1.3220 0.05367 118 87 24 7
1026 Just playing the devil’s advocate, wouldn’t a downstairs man cave come first? 1.3218 0.06224 87 64 18 5
1027 Thousands of years from now people will ask the same question: 'Why?' 1.3218 0.05779 87 64 19 4
1028 When you said you wanted to get high,I had no clue! 1.3218 0.05779 87 62 22 3
1029 Great, but where's the bedroom? 1.3218 0.06006 87 63 20 4
1030 That's one way to get your steps in. 1.3218 0.05662 87 64 19 4
1031 It’s going to be the wave of the future and we can get in on the ground floor. 1.3217 0.05461 115 85 23 7
1032 If you're that bored, you're boring. 1.3217 0.04011 115 86 26 3
1033 A structure this sophisticated could only have been built by aliens! 1.3217 0.05174 115 83 27 5
1034 Come down, George! Nobody cares about a right-sided triangle made of stones. I hear the Druids are making something *really* big at Stonehenge. 1.3217 0.04718 143 104 32 7
1035 I call it a "Slide". 1.3214 0.06144 84 61 19 4
1036 I think I just invented ego 1.3214 0.05107 112 80 28 4
1037 And the rest of the house is open concept 1.3214 0.06374 84 62 17 5
1038 I think I’d prefer a doorman building. 1.3214 0.05658 84 59 23 2
1039 I can see your pebbles, Bob. 1.3211 0.05512 109 80 23 6
1040 Once a stoner, always a stoner. 1.3210 0.06765 81 61 14 6
1041 My brother discovered fire, my sister made the first wheel. I had to do something to keep up. 1.3208 0.04934 106 74 30 2
1042 Watch out for angry birds! 1.3204 0.06048 103 78 17 8
1043 I think I'll call it "rock climbing" 1.3204 0.05382 103 76 22 5
1044 Now that you have invented a staircase, why not invent a two-story house? 1.3204 0.06048 103 78 17 8
1045 Otis, I still think the elevator is a better idea 1.3200 0.05664 100 73 22 5
1046 It's called bedrock for a reason, you idiot. Where are we going to sleep now? 1.3200 0.05295 100 71 26 3
1047 This isn't how it looked on the box. 1.3200 0.05295 100 71 26 3
1048 Pythagoras! Get down here this minute! What are you trying to prove?!! 1.3200 0.05279 125 93 24 8
1049 It only goes up. 1.3200 0.04899 100 71 27 2
1050 Move it a little closer to the tree. 1.3197 0.04837 122 87 31 4
1051 Can you see anything you can hunt for dinner from up there? 1.3197 0.04694 122 88 30 4
1052 That's nice, but shouldn't you start with a basement? 1.3196 0.05394 97 69 25 3
1053 You can't hide upstairs all day. 1.3191 0.06090 94 70 18 6
1054 Heaven hasn’t been invented yet so where exactly is your stairway going? 1.3191 0.05498 94 67 24 3
1055 My mother always said that I should have married a hunter or a gatherer. 1.3190 0.05281 116 85 25 6
1056 Remind me, again, why I decided to partner with a creative type. 1.3190 0.05137 116 86 24 6
1057 I'm just a stones throw away. 1.3187 0.05822 91 66 21 4
1058 it lonely? 1.3187 0.05822 91 66 21 4
1059 I think that's a remnant of the Precarious Period. 1.3186 0.05070 113 81 28 4
1060 Dammit Grog! I told you to develop a master plan before you started construction! 1.3186 0.05070 113 81 28 4
1061 There's a taller one down the road at Babel! 1.3186 0.05518 113 84 22 7
1062 I'm tired of you getting stoned AND high. 1.3186 0.05223 113 82 26 5
1063 It’s not a pyramid scheme 1.3186 0.04912 113 80 30 3
1064 Nice try, but it's no Stonehenge. 1.3182 0.05155 110 79 27 4
1065 The first man that needed space 1.3182 0.05314 110 80 25 5
1066 Of course it's the long way down. It's the hypotenuse. 1.3182 0.06373 88 66 16 6
1067 can see our house from there. 1.3178 0.05074 107 76 28 3
1068 Watch out you don't bang your head on the sky. 1.3178 0.05410 107 78 24 5
1069 Can you see the car now? 1.3178 0.05410 107 78 24 5
1070 a walk-up? 1.3176 0.06528 85 64 15 6
1071 It doesn't matter how high I am. I still need glasses. 1.3176 0.06309 85 63 17 5
1072 ...To be a rock and not to rooollll... 1.3175 0.05363 126 95 22 9
1073 Thanks, but I'll wait until you invent the elevator. 1.3175 0.05480 126 96 20 10
1074 How are you getting down? Stairs haven’t been invented yet. 1.3175 0.05480 126 96 20 10
1075 So you've just invented status. 1.3173 0.05511 104 76 23 5
1076 Really, Phil? This is what you've been doing while I've been hunting and gathering? 1.3173 0.05840 104 78 19 7
1077 Don't make me guess, just tell me. 1.3173 0.05161 104 74 27 3
1078 I’m finally going places. Yet, I’m feeling very little support right now. 1.3173 0.05677 104 77 21 6
1079 Because the escalator was broken 1.3169 0.05132 142 108 23 11
1080 Now that you've built the stoop, what about the house? 1.3169 0.04934 142 106 27 9
1081 Just jump. 1.3168 0.05060 101 71 28 2
1082 We are hereby separated. 1.3168 0.05437 101 73 24 4
1083 You’re still not getting out of sweeping the cave. 1.3168 0.05617 101 74 22 5
1084 There's no god up here either. 1.3168 0.05437 101 73 24 4
1085 Can we borrow some rocks for the fire pit? 1.3167 0.05156 120 90 23 7
1086 ‘If you build it, they will come?’ That’s one for the Ages 1.3165 0.05850 79 58 18 3
1087 Almost finished on the stair climber? 1.3165 0.06121 79 57 19 3
1088 The world isn’t ready for a hard rock stairway to heaven. 1.3165 0.06871 79 60 13 6
1089 I’ve called it “The Wheel”. 1.3163 0.05728 98 72 21 5
1090 The first time a parent said, "Don't make me come up there." 1.3163 0.05728 98 74 18 6
1091 I call this place "upstairs." 1.3163 0.05542 98 71 23 4
1092 Come on and get high with me. 1.3163 0.05728 98 72 21 5
1093 You were right. I should have invented the ladder first! 1.3163 0.05349 98 70 25 3
1094 We built this city on rocks and stones 1.3163 0.05542 98 71 23 4
1095 Oh, Harry, you promised not to rearrange the furniture again! 1.3163 0.05542 98 71 23 4
1096 Ok this is just a prototype, but I’m calling it “the wheel” 1.3163 0.05728 98 72 21 5
1097 Long forgotten and several millennia before Newton’s Law of Gravity, Gar would tragically attempt to demonstrate the same concept to his wife. 1.3163 0.06255 98 75 15 8
1098 Proof of what concept? 1.3158 0.05652 95 69 22 4
1099 So this is the wall they were going to have the dinosaurs pay for..? 1.3158 0.05847 95 70 20 5
1100 You’ll do anything to avoid conversation. 1.3158 0.05450 95 68 24 3
1101 This is not what climbing the corporate ladder means, George. 1.3158 0.05110 114 85 23 6
1102 Okay, but still not dark- still not handsome. 1.3153 0.05502 111 85 18 8
1103 And who's gonna clean all these rocks? 1.3153 0.04786 111 78 31 2
1104 Practice time is over, Moses, it’s time for the real thing. 1.3152 0.05338 92 65 25 2
1105 Pythagorus it's time for lunch. You can work on your 'theorum' later. 1.3152 0.05972 92 68 19 5
1106 Yeah, your "stairs" were cool, but Jerry invented the wheel yesterday. 1.3152 0.06169 92 69 17 6
1107 I get high with a little help from my friends! 1.3152 0.05558 92 66 23 3
1108 Not everything I do has to have a point. 1.3152 0.05972 92 68 19 5
1109 I don't think these "stairs" will ever catch on. 1.3150 0.04500 127 92 31 4
1110 I made it to the what? 1.3148 0.05035 108 80 24 4
1111 I think the wheel was better. 1.3146 0.05671 89 64 22 3
1112 Bear in mind it's just a prototype, I call it the wheel. 1.3146 0.06311 89 67 16 6
1113 I think it’s more of a stoned hedge . 1.3146 0.06510 89 68 14 7
1114 I call it Jenga! Go ahead! Give it a try! 1.3146 0.05442 89 63 24 2
1115 Are you high George? 1.3146 0.05892 89 65 20 4
1116 Excuse me, what time is the next dinosaur due? 1.3143 0.05466 105 77 23 5
1117 I can see our cave from here. 1.3140 0.05253 121 90 24 7
1118 Oola invents the term 'Mansplaining' 1.3140 0.06247 86 64 17 5
1119 What are you doing in the basement? 1.3140 0.05551 86 61 23 2
1120 Um. That isn’t the fire pit I was imagining. You didn’t follow the IKEA instructions again, did you? 1.3140 0.06024 86 63 19 4
1121 I think you’re taking this homo erectus thing too literally. 1.3137 0.05393 102 74 24 4
1122 So much for Noah and his Ark. 1.3133 0.06397 83 62 16 5
1123 I am over you talking down to me! 1.3133 0.05667 83 61 19 3
1124 Just checking to see what the neighbors were building... 1.3131 0.05679 99 73 21 5
1125 What do you mean why? 1.3131 0.05495 99 72 23 4
1126 Someone will write a song about this someday. 1.3131 0.06031 99 75 17 7
1127 I think I'll call them "steps." 1.3130 0.04997 115 85 25 5
1128 I’ve invented something. Can you think of ways to use it? 1.3125 0.05602 96 73 18 5
1129 Now when the T Rex comes up I can look him right in the eye and say “No!” 1.3125 0.05403 96 69 24 3
1130 You built it. So where are they? 1.3125 0.04981 96 67 28 1
1131 You just missed the last Brontosaurus 10 minutes ago. 1.3125 0.06559 80 60 15 5
1132 Okay, okay, you rock my world! Now, come inside the cave for dinner! 1.3125 0.05790 80 57 21 2
1133 Now if you could just invent the wheel, you'd really have something. 1.3125 0.05795 96 71 20 5
1134 It has potential. 1.3125 0.05196 96 68 26 2
1135 I hate math class. Hurts my back. 1.3125 0.06559 80 60 15 5
1136 ''I can see the future from up here, it's not that great." 1.3125 0.05790 80 57 21 2
1137 You can laugh, but in 50,000 years, the name of OGG Stairs will be a household word! 1.3119 0.05483 109 83 19 7
1138 I thought you were working on the wheel. 1.3119 0.05164 109 79 26 4
1139 Oh, you invented negligence. 1.3119 0.05326 109 80 24 5
1140 That's no what I meant we needed some distance between us 1.3118 0.05180 93 68 22 3
1141 You may be above me but you’ll never be on top of me. 1.3118 0.05917 93 69 19 5
1142 Napoleon Complex? What’s that? 1.3118 0.06111 93 70 17 6
1143 Of course I look up to you. 1.3117 0.05626 77 54 22 1
1144 ...and step 12 will be to share the program with other folks who need help. 1.3117 0.06473 77 57 16 4
1145 What's a 'jenga'? 1.3117 0.05921 77 57 17 3
1146 I’m telling you, I really don’t think it’s flat. 1.3113 0.05423 106 78 23 5
1147 Stay right there. I want the kids to see this. 1.3113 0.04900 106 75 29 2
1148 'Stairway to Kevin' is not going to make rock history. 1.3113 0.05254 106 77 25 4
1149 Not really a pyramid scheme, but getting there. 1.3111 0.05837 90 66 20 4
1150 Shouldn't that be attached to an art museum, Rocky? 1.3111 0.06047 90 67 18 5
1151 Does this look like “nowhere” to you? 1.3111 0.05155 90 65 23 2
1152 I think we have to figure out another way to get to the moon 1.3111 0.05619 90 65 22 3
1153 I call it “Hypotenuse” 1.3109 0.05303 119 92 20 7
1154 Not far enough yet, I can still see your family! 1.3109 0.05028 119 87 27 5
1155 I’ll admit, it’s a bit of a fixer-upper 1.3109 0.04884 119 86 29 4
1156 I'll give IKEA a call. 1.3108 0.06645 74 55 15 4
1157 To what end? 1.3108 0.05749 74 52 21 1
1158 You built it. They won’t come. 1.3107 0.05524 103 76 22 5
1159 Well, we'll have to wait until somebody invents the two-story brownstone. 1.3107 0.05349 103 75 24 4
1160 It was so much easier when you invented the wheel. 1.3106 0.04765 132 99 26 7
1161 I don't get where you're going with this. 1.3103 0.04961 116 84 28 4
1162 Grok is way ahead of you, he invented an elevator. 1.3103 0.06185 87 65 17 5
1163 B.C. Escher 1.3103 0.05250 87 61 25 1
1164 I'm supposed to be the one on the pedestal. 1.3103 0.04961 116 84 28 4
1165 Maybe invent the fire first before the fire escape? 1.3103 0.05498 87 62 23 2
1166 Let Newton discover it 1.3103 0.06185 87 67 14 6
1167 You were supposed to invent the wheel first. 1.3101 0.04643 129 93 32 4
1168 You can come down now- the scary things are all extinct 1.3101 0.04772 129 94 30 5
1169 So where does that leave me? 1.3100 0.05260 100 72 25 3
1170 Want to help me confuse the heck out of some historians? 1.3100 0.05631 100 74 21 5
1171 You're already reinventing that thing from yesterday? 1.3100 0.05260 100 72 25 3
1172 Neanderthal thinking 1.3100 0.05449 100 73 23 4
1173 Kevin and his stupid wheel will freak when he get's a load of this. 1.3099 0.05706 71 52 17 2
1174 I don’t think this counts as rock climbing. 1.3099 0.06830 71 53 14 4
1175 When they said 12 steps, I didn’t realize it was literal. 1.3099 0.05527 71 49 22 0
1176 Now that I’m safely up here...yes, you have gained a little weight. 1.3095 0.06332 84 63 16 5
1177 It's always such an uphill battle with you... 1.3093 0.05357 97 70 24 3
1178 I am either on to something big here or I’m stoned. 1.3093 0.05152 97 69 26 2
1179 Now that I've invented stairs, I'm waiting for someone to invent the Slinky. 1.3093 0.05554 97 71 22 4
1180 If you promise not to leave the toilet seat up again, I will NOT pull a stone out from the bottom of the pile! 1.3093 0.05744 97 72 20 5
1181 Yes honey, it's beautiful but how about that wheel? 1.3093 0.05554 97 71 22 4
1182 So you've invented the fire escape. What's next? 1.3093 0.05744 97 72 20 5
1183 Stoned again, huh? 1.3086 0.06246 81 60 17 4
1184 Do you have an exit plan? 1.3086 0.05731 81 58 21 2
1185 You're leading up to something, aren't you. 1.3086 0.06246 81 60 17 4
1186 Next I am going to invent the glass ceiling. 1.3086 0.05455 81 57 23 1
1187 I love the staircase, I do. I just assumed the rest of the house would come first. 1.3086 0.05731 81 58 21 2
1188 You should've invented the swimming pool first. 1.3085 0.06055 94 71 17 6
1189 Wonderful, That’s one small step for man! 1.3085 0.06422 94 73 13 8
1190 All our neighbors are decorating with bronze. This just feels so Stone Age. 1.3085 0.05665 94 69 21 4
1191 I see you've made some giant steps for mankind. 1.3085 0.05459 94 68 23 3
1192 Stonewalling again? 1.3085 0.05863 94 70 19 5
1193 I need the one in the middle back." 1.3084 0.05041 107 77 27 3
1194 Isosceles, get down right now from that stone. 1.3084 0.05213 107 78 25 4
1195 No, hypotenuse side down! 1.3084 0.05541 107 80 21 6
1196 OK, so the distance between us times itself is the same as your height above ground times itself plus the distance between me and the far end of this silly monument times itself. How is that going to put food on the spit? 1.3084 0.05041 107 77 27 3
1197 What makes you think it hasn't already been built? 1.3084 0.04386 107 76 30 1
1198 Turns out I’m more of a gatherer. 1.3077 0.05567 91 66 22 3
1199 I'd never take you for granite. 1.3077 0.05479 104 77 22 5
1200 That’s not how 5g works. 1.3077 0.05567 91 66 22 3
1201 I still think a spiral staircase makes a statement. 1.3077 0.05567 91 66 22 3
1202 You're not wrong, you're just early. 1.3077 0.05110 91 64 26 1
1203 I should've listened to my mother and married the hunter instead of the architect! 1.3077 0.05782 91 67 20 4
1204 Hypotenuse, you get down here right now! 1.3077 0.06190 91 69 16 6
1205 You go stay up there, the dishes will still be waiting when you get down 1.3077 0.05647 104 78 20 6
1206 Aren’t you worried ‘open-concept’ will just be a fad? 1.3070 0.03764 114 90 19 5
1207 You'll do anything to get out of doing the dishes! 1.3069 0.05927 101 77 17 7
1208 I said, why don't you smile more. Not pile more. 1.3069 0.05403 101 74 23 4
1209 I’m ready for climate change. 1.3069 0.05217 101 78 18 5
1210 Honey, it’s just going to end up sitting in the back of the cave with that Ab Wheel you never use. 1.3069 0.05583 101 75 21 5
1211 My mother warned me not to marry a Druid. 1.3068 0.05907 88 65 19 4
1212 And then we walk down and I announce that I am running for President,whatever that is. 1.3068 0.05907 88 65 19 4
1213 You said you wanted a place with a view. 1.3068 0.05682 88 64 21 3
1214 I'm leaving you for Grog and his elevator. 1.3068 0.05682 88 64 21 3
1215 Time to step back and admire your handiwork. 1.3068 0.05907 88 68 15 5
1216 Oh, it's an accomplishment alright. I'm just not sure about calling it 'the ascent of Man.' How does 'the ascent of Walter' grab you? 1.3067 0.06288 75 55 17 3
1217 I call it ‘open concept’. 1.3067 0.05995 75 54 19 2
1218 This is gonna be a bitch for my mother. 1.3063 0.05245 111 82 24 5
1219 Hey,I won at Rocks,Scissors and Paper. What the heck are scissors and paper? 1.3061 0.05506 98 72 22 4
1220 So this is where you've been every weekend? 1.3061 0.05506 98 72 22 4
1221 And I've just invented, "get down from there". 1.3061 0.06052 98 75 16 7
1222 We’ll call it the ‘two-story brownstone.’ 1.3061 0.04899 98 72 24 2
1223 I can see your cave from up here. 1.3059 0.06268 85 64 16 5
1224 So you invented the walk-up. Now what? 1.3059 0.06040 85 63 18 4
1225 I asked for a pyramid. 1.3059 0.05299 85 60 24 1
1226 Now just how do you think you are going to get down from there? 1.3059 0.05429 85 63 19 3
1227 I still can’t see your point of view. 1.3059 0.05803 85 62 20 3
1228 Face the rock-hard facts Fred... there’s nowhere to go but down. 1.3059 0.05803 85 64 17 4
1229 Now will you worship me? 1.3058 0.04817 121 88 29 4
1230 You can make this but not a wheel? 1.3056 0.05337 108 82 20 6
1231 I just don't see where you are going with this. 1.3056 0.06452 72 53 16 3
1232 What‘s next, a bridge to nowhere? 1.3056 0.06452 72 53 16 3
1233 Very clever, now make something with π 1.3053 0.05614 95 70 21 4
1234 The ramp was easy. The ark's gonna be a challenge. 1.3053 0.06184 95 73 15 7
1235 My testosterone just got the best of me. 1.3053 0.05411 95 69 23 3
1236 Oh right, I had not seen it from this angle. 1.3053 0.05411 95 69 23 3
1237 We don’t even believe in God! 1.3053 0.05200 95 68 25 2
1238 And the attic goes here... 1.3053 0.06184 95 73 15 7
1239 So you're as tall as a wooly mammoth. Now what? 1.3051 0.05036 118 87 26 5
1240 It's true. It is lonely at the top. 1.3049 0.06420 82 62 15 5
1241 You know, I’m the only witness. 1.3049 0.05804 82 62 16 4
1242 I'm on to something, but I don't know what. 1.3049 0.05401 82 63 15 4
1243 What are you going to sell next - our diet? 1.3049 0.06181 82 61 17 4
1244 'Stairs thing?!' Very nice honey, now put it on your 'Wheel thing' and get it out of the yard. 1.3049 0.05673 82 59 21 2
1245 I said rub them together, not build some dumb zen garden. 1.3048 0.04903 105 75 28 2
1246 It's not an acute problem 1.3048 0.05086 105 76 26 3
1247 I said facing West, not East! 1.3048 0.05600 105 79 20 6
1248 Years from now archaeologists will ponder the astrological significance. I know it's just so you can see when my mother is coming to visit. 1.3043 0.05296 92 69 20 3
1249 Welcome to Stoneheap. 1.3043 0.05408 115 87 21 7
1250 Impressive, but I'd rather be clubbed and dragged away by my hair. 1.3043 0.06510 92 72 12 8
1251 Come down and talk to me like an adult! 1.3043 0.06132 92 70 16 6
1252 It's not nothing. 1.3040 0.04714 125 91 30 4
1253 When you're done with whatever you're doing, the dishes are still in the sink. 1.3039 0.04983 102 73 27 2
1254 Some day they'll wonder why. So tell me - why? 1.3039 0.05877 102 78 17 7
1255 Yes, but the Egyptians had a lot of help. 1.3039 0.05536 102 76 21 5
1256 Don't stare at me from up there. 1.3039 0.05536 102 76 21 5
1257 Could you focus on something more productive, like fire? 1.3039 0.05358 102 75 23 4
1258 'You're concerned about what chair accessibility?' 1.3039 0.05709 102 77 19 6
1259 Bring me a slinky! 1.3038 0.06826 79 61 12 6
1260 I don't see a glass ceiling. 1.3038 0.06584 79 60 14 5
1261 Is my hypotenuse big enough to marry me now, honey? 1.3036 0.05205 112 83 24 5
1262 What's the plan, Eric? 1.3036 0.04632 112 82 27 3
1263 I feel taken for granite. 1.3034 0.05851 89 66 19 4
1264 Sorry, but I need that Stone on the Bottom, the seventh one down from where you're Standing... 1.3034 0.06272 89 68 15 6
1265 You call that a staircase? 1.3034 0.05851 89 66 19 4
1266 Why don't you keep working on the fire thing before trying to perfect this "Slinky" of yours 1.3034 0.05628 89 65 21 3
1267 Now what, Isosceles? 1.3034 0.05851 89 66 19 4
1268 Mr Pythagorean! I thought you were supposed to pick up dinner! 1.3034 0.05155 89 63 25 1
1269 This isn't what I meant when I said we need stepping stones in our relationship. 1.3030 0.05266 99 72 24 3
1270 That's the right angle. 1.3030 0.05644 99 74 20 5
1271 It’s a bit of a fixer-upper, but at least it’s two floors! 1.3030 0.05266 99 72 24 3
1272 When I said I wished someone would invent a 12-step program for you, this is not what I meant. 1.3030 0.05644 99 74 20 5
1273 Yep, it's definitely flat 1.3030 0.05459 99 73 22 4
1274 Tim said stones are all the rage in the valley, so I signed us up for beta testing. 1.3030 0.05459 99 73 22 4
1275 Quit stonewalling and come down here right now! 1.3030 0.04802 132 98 28 6
1276 Laugh if you must. Someday someone will invent a second floor. 1.3028 0.05049 109 82 22 5
1277 Don’t talk down to me. 1.3028 0.05453 109 82 21 6
1278 You didn’t tell me we were gonna live in a walk-up… 1.3028 0.04964 109 81 24 4
1279 I call it an inclined plane. Okay, but what's it good for? 1.3025 0.04312 119 88 28 3
1280 Where will it end? 1.3023 0.05503 86 62 22 2
1281 Where do you want this? 1.3023 0.05747 86 63 20 3
1282 I said, 'isosceles.' 1.3023 0.05747 86 65 17 4
1283 I'm the king of the world! 1.3023 0.05980 86 64 18 4
1284 Well, Daryl, I should have been more specific. 1.3023 0.05747 86 63 20 3
1285 Not exactly giant steps for mankind 1.3021 0.05364 96 70 23 3
1286 When I said let's get high on some rock, that's not what I meant. 1.3021 0.05946 96 73 17 6
1287 The yard IS larger, but I still really miss the cave... 1.3021 0.05946 96 73 17 6
1288 I'm getting sick of your condescension. 1.3019 0.05555 106 80 20 6
1289 We don't have space in the cave for that 1.3019 0.05221 106 78 24 4
1290 It's nice, but I wouldn't call it a wonder of the ancient world. 1.3019 0.05221 106 78 24 4
1291 Another Led Zeppelin fan! 1.3019 0.05473 106 82 17 7
1292 I still don't get it. 1.3017 0.05226 116 87 23 6
1293 Patriarchy rocks 1.3017 0.05081 116 86 25 5
1294 Yeah,but I cook dinner! 1.3014 0.06071 73 53 18 2
1295 Behold the StairMaster! 1.3012 0.05617 83 60 21 2
1296 Well, that escalated quickly. 1.3012 0.05872 83 61 19 3
1297 You’re right. You can see Alaska from here. I thought she was just kidding. 1.3012 0.05872 83 63 16 4
1298 I call it the stair of the hypotenuse 1.3012 0.06353 83 63 15 5
1299 Congrats on finishing your 12 steps. 1.3011 0.05677 93 69 20 4
1300 Get down the same way you got up. 1.3011 0.04783 93 67 25 1
1301 Our civilization has peaked. 1.3011 0.05249 93 67 24 2
1302 Playtime is over - now go kill something for dinner. 1.3011 0.05467 93 68 22 3
1303 It’s a stairway to heaven. Might make a good title for a rock song! 1.3011 0.05467 93 68 22 3
1304 Maybe you should stick with crop circles. 1.3011 0.05677 93 69 20 4
1305 I just don't think the idea will get off the ground 1.3011 0.05677 93 69 20 4
1306 Are those my good rocks ? 1.3011 0.05677 93 69 20 4
1307 First the wheel, and now this?! 1.3010 0.05314 103 76 23 4
1308 You can come down now. The 15 inch spider is gone. 1.3009 0.05166 113 84 24 5
1309 when I said we were gonna work on 12 steps I don’t mean literally! 1.3009 0.05166 113 84 24 5
1310 Don't get me wrong; Stairs are good, but the fire idea was much better! 1.3000 0.05596 100 75 20 5
1311 move it back, i changed my mind 1.3000 0.05795 90 67 19 4
1312 You realize you missed one in row four? 1.3000 0.06264 80 60 16 4
1313 So who decided to put you on a pedestal? 1.3000 0.05563 110 84 19 7
1314 Mother told me you'd go nowhere. 1.3000 0.06264 80 60 16 4
1315 Those are NOT your schlepping stones. 1.3000 0.05222 100 73 24 3
1316 Would you get down from there,you look like a damn fool! 1.3000 0.05774 100 76 18 6
1317 He's a bold one to think he can just boulder his way away from society. 1.3000 0.05795 90 67 19 4
1318 I was reliably informed that if I built it people would come. 1.3000 0.06211 90 69 15 6
1319 I’d be more impressed if you did the dishes. 1.3000 0.04754 110 79 29 2
1320 Sisyphus has got nothing on you, dear. 1.3000 0.05347 90 65 23 2
1321 There you go taking the moral high ground again... 1.3000 0.05795 90 67 19 4
1322 This wasn't exactly what I meant with "taking the relationship to another level" 1.3000 0.05795 90 67 19 4
1323 And suddenly white privilege began to make sense 1.2993 0.05114 137 106 21 10
1324 So, Phythagoras, what's the big deal? 1.2992 0.05161 127 97 22 8
1325 I know what a square is, but what is a hypotenuse? 1.2991 0.05510 107 81 20 6
1326 What do you mean "third-floor lingerie" 1.2990 0.05317 97 71 23 3
1327 All life is precarious, eh? 1.2990 0.06072 97 75 15 7
1328 Now that you've established your male superiority, what have you learned? 1.2990 0.05516 97 72 21 4
1329 It looks like you have the right angle. 1.2990 0.05516 97 72 21 4
1330 I met someone 1.2990 0.05516 97 72 21 4
1331 That's going to be hard to vacuum. 1.2989 0.06143 87 66 16 5
1332 Fine. But if your goal is 'mysterious,' you really out to put them in a circle. 1.2989 0.05921 87 65 18 4
1333 You're not approaching it from the right angle. 1.2989 0.05921 87 65 18 4
1334 Do you need help getting down?” 1.2989 0.06143 87 66 16 5
1335 It’s just a spider, for heaven’s sake. 1.2989 0.06356 87 67 14 6
1336 Why is it always about you? 1.2989 0.06143 87 66 16 5
1337 And how are we supposed to live in that? I told you to follow the instructions. 1.2989 0.05921 87 65 18 4
1338 I wish somebody would just invent the ladder already! 1.2989 0.05921 87 65 18 4
1339 You can't get away from me that easily. 1.2987 0.06682 77 59 13 5
1340 As you can plainly see the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the sides. 1.2987 0.06149 77 57 17 3
1341 I am sorry I called you short. Now will you please come down? 1.2985 0.07058 67 51 12 4
1342 We're out of rocks. How are you going to get down? 1.2982 0.05127 114 85 24 5
1343 Come on up; it's only a metaphor. 1.2981 0.05271 104 77 23 4
1344 I did my steps for the day 1.2981 0.04904 104 75 27 2
1345 Let's call it a 'wheel'. 1.2981 0.05091 104 76 25 3
1346 It's a nice idea, but have you ever seen a cave that actually needs one? 1.2981 0.05445 104 78 21 5
1347 Why can't you be like all the other husbands and just hang out in your man cave? 1.2981 0.05614 104 79 19 6
1348 When I said I liked tall men, I didn’t mean it like this. 1.2981 0.04402 104 77 25 2
1349 Respect the hierarchy. 1.2981 0.05091 104 76 25 3
1350 Why are you always talking down to me? 1.2979 0.05418 94 69 22 3
1351 Can you move it a little to the left? 1.2979 0.05825 94 71 18 5
1352 I think I can see Russia from here. 1.2979 0.06018 94 72 16 6
1353 OK, so it's an eleven-step program. 1.2979 0.05418 94 69 22 3
1354 See anything we can worship for food? 1.2979 0.05202 94 68 24 2
1355 Those things you call steps are never going to move Otis. 1.2979 0.06018 94 72 16 6
1356 Now if I can just get the mammoth to stand next to it 1.2979 0.05625 94 70 20 4
1357 Looks like a rocky foundation 1.2977 0.04686 131 97 29 5
1358 First fire, then the wheel, now stairs, when will you stop wasting your time on these crazy ideas. 1.2976 0.06055 84 63 17 4
1359 Let's move it to the left about three feet. 1.2976 0.06287 84 64 15 5
1360 You seriously called me here to tell me you're stuck? 1.2976 0.05813 84 62 19 3
1361 I thought we moved here so I wouldn't have to climb steps. 1.2976 0.06511 84 65 13 6
1362 Well . . . I call that one the hypotenuse. 1.2976 0.05561 84 61 21 2
1363 What’s next, a man cave? 1.2976 0.05813 84 62 19 3
1364 So, this is about how high we got last time, before God scattered us for our hubris. 1.2976 0.05813 84 64 16 4
1365 So what's your exit strategy? 1.2973 0.05368 111 84 21 6
1366 Yes, the view might be glorious...but the closet situation is dreadful! 1.2973 0.07385 74 59 8 7
1367 We're gonna need a bigger hut. 1.2973 0.05214 111 83 23 5
1368 This’ll show Grog and his precious “invention of the wheel” 1.2973 0.06002 74 54 18 2
1369 Now you just need to invent a way down. 1.2970 0.05548 101 76 20 5
1370 No higher ... the building codes don't allow stairways with 13 steps. 1.2970 0.05367 101 75 22 4
1371 Darn it Clarence. There you go, stonewalling again. 1.2970 0.05548 101 76 20 5
1372 I’m still not understanding the benefit of broadening my horizon 1.2970 0.05894 101 78 16 7
1373 Yup, the world is flat 1.2970 0.05367 101 75 22 4
1374 Amazing, George, but can you see our next meal from there? 1.2967 0.05949 91 69 17 5
1375 Stonehenge not Unhinged! 1.2967 0.03982 91 68 22 1
1376 We won't have to take that trip to Macchu Picchu! 1.2967 0.05524 91 67 21 3
1377 What's a hobby? 1.2967 0.05298 91 68 20 3
1378 Now we just have to invent the airplane 1.2967 0.05524 91 67 21 3
1379 I got the chills! This is the closest I’ve been to be on the verge of something! 1.2967 0.06347 91 71 13 7
1380 You should see what the Druids are building. 1.2963 0.06197 81 61 16 4
1381 But Led Zeppelin won't write the song for another 3,000 years . . . 1.2963 0.06677 81 63 12 6
1382 Is this the precursor to the bridge to nowhere? 1.2963 0.05465 108 82 20 6
1383 Stay right there - I'm having some friends over for Jenga. 1.2959 0.05068 98 71 25 2
1384 So they wouldn't pay for the wall? 1.2959 0.05468 98 73 21 4
1385 Oh my. You're stoned and high again! 1.2959 0.05657 98 74 19 5
1386 Ok, but I still think the wheel has more potential 1.2959 0.05068 98 71 25 2
1387 I built they stairway and you write the song. 1.2959 0.05272 98 72 23 3
1388 Congratulations. You've invented open concept. 1.2958 0.06149 71 54 14 3
1389 When I told you to get a mastodon, I meant for dinner, not for riding. 1.2958 0.06771 71 54 13 4
1390 Pythagoras, come down now. Dinner is ready. 1.2958 0.06771 71 54 13 4
1391 I’m going to sell it on Crag’s list. 1.2955 0.06082 88 67 16 5
1392 You know I don't like it when you get high 1.2955 0.05863 88 66 18 4
1393 Can we see how it looks next to the river? 1.2955 0.05863 88 69 15 4
1394 I will never in a million years name our child Pythagoras! 1.2955 0.05863 88 66 18 4
1395 Harvey, you can't build your way out of the Stone Age. 1.2955 0.05399 88 64 22 2
1396 This doesn't prove anything Pythagoras darling. 1.2955 0.04617 88 66 20 2
1397 the doctor said do the 12 steps, not build your own 1.2955 0.05863 88 66 18 4
1398 I can see a whole another world from up here! Not that it’s any different. 1.2955 0.05863 88 66 18 4
1399 Now you need to build another one to come down. 1.2952 0.05400 105 79 21 5
1400 I think it needs a mezzanine. 1.2952 0.05567 105 80 19 6
1401 You got yourself up there. You can get yourself down. 1.2952 0.05050 105 77 25 3
1402 I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens, Alice. Aliens. 1.2952 0.05400 105 79 21 5
1403 A little to the left, dear. 1.2951 0.04895 122 91 26 5
1404 This is your most obtuse idea yet. 1.2949 0.05508 78 56 21 1
1405 I told you I was going up in the world 1.2949 0.06082 78 58 17 3
1406 Go away I’m trying to be lonely at the top 1.2949 0.06350 78 59 15 4
1407 Wow, look at the stones on that guy 1.2949 0.06350 78 59 15 4
1408 Just think, 2,000 years from now they'll think we're geniuses. 1.2947 0.05157 95 69 24 2
1409 I TOLD you, I won't consider a walk-up! 1.2947 0.05574 95 71 20 4
1410 This will help everyone exit the Brontosaurus safely. 1.2947 0.04935 95 68 26 1
1411 Ahead of its time is one way to put it 1.2947 0.05157 95 72 20 3
1412 Would you mind bringing up a snack? 1.2946 0.04853 112 82 27 3
1413 Your design is a little primitive. 1.2941 0.05501 102 79 17 6
1414 You haven’t happened to see a big pile of rocks anywhere have you? 1.2941 0.04971 119 89 25 5
1415 Now I am thinking ... perhaps a pyramid might last longer than a right triangle? 1.2941 0.05993 85 64 17 4
1416 I know. I know. You're King of All You See. Now climb down and kill some dinner. 1.2941 0.05322 102 76 22 4
1417 Stop playing with the furniture and come down from there. 1.2941 0.04971 119 89 25 5
1418 I like this one better than your Ivory Tower 1.2941 0.06223 85 65 15 5
1419 Stoners rule! 1.2941 0.05501 102 77 20 5
1420 So is it really lonely at the top? 1.2941 0.05501 102 77 20 5
1421 Stairs, obviously. 1.2941 0.04971 119 89 25 5
1422 I'll run the first construction company and you'll be the first mob wife 1.2941 0.05755 85 63 19 3
1423 Could you bring up that stone on your right? 1.2941 0.05136 102 75 24 3
1424 You've made your point, Pythagoras. Now can you put our house back together? 1.2941 0.06223 85 65 15 5
1425 You really peaked with fire and the wheel, huh? 1.2941 0.05322 102 76 22 4
1426 I can see my car! 1.2941 0.05993 85 64 17 4
1427 When they invent the mortgage we'll finish it. 1.2941 0.05136 102 75 24 3
1428 I asked you to fix the shelter, not invent an art form. 1.2941 0.04944 102 74 26 2
1429 It's a start! 1.2941 0.04743 102 75 25 2
1430 I think it’s a right ‘ol triangle. Don’t you? 1.2941 0.04826 119 90 24 5
1431 I really think you should stick to cave painting if you want to last. 1.2941 0.05993 85 64 17 4
1432 Herbert, get down here and stop the stonewalling. 1.2941 0.05993 85 64 17 4
1433 It’s a Rockmaster 1.2941 0.06223 85 65 15 5
1434 This is not how you climb up the food chain 1.2941 0.06444 85 66 13 6
1435 Well, I guess you’re our king now. 1.2937 0.04921 126 95 25 6
1436 The original Stair Master 1.2936 0.05422 109 83 20 6
1437 What's a view? 1.2936 0.05099 109 81 24 4
1438 Whoa--it's, like, the opposite of a hole." 1.2936 0.04929 109 80 26 3
1439 Prehistoric painted into a corner 1.2936 0.05263 109 82 22 5
1440 You're not putting me up there. I asked for a pedestal. 1.2935 0.05893 92 70 17 5
1441 Yes, it is a great place to give a speech but no one cares what you say. 1.2935 0.05473 92 68 21 3
1442 Well, I still think it would have been more worthwhile to kill a mammoth 1.2935 0.05250 92 67 23 2
1443 By the time I finished building it the pool dried up! 1.2935 0.05687 92 69 19 4
1444 I'm still taller than you. 1.2935 0.06286 92 72 13 7
1445 Ok, so you've built it. Remind me who you expect to come. 1.2935 0.05250 92 67 23 2
1446 What do you mean it's out of service? 1.2935 0.05893 92 70 17 5
1447 Stoneunhinged? 1.2935 0.05473 92 68 21 3
1448 Turns out the weather is pretty much the same up here 1.2935 0.05687 92 69 19 4
1449 I just really need my space, Janet 1.2935 0.05893 92 70 17 5
1450 Imagine a deck, open living space, a kitchen island and three bedrooms! 1.2933 0.06785 75 58 12 5
1451 Brilliant, Fred, now come take out the garbage. 1.2929 0.05607 99 77 16 6
1452 Your flight is delayed. 1.2929 0.05324 99 76 18 5
1453 Stop wasting your time. Build a wheel! 1.2929 0.04816 99 71 27 1
1454 I'm beginning to think mother was right about not marrying a Neanderthal. 1.2929 0.05420 99 74 21 4
1455 Now we invent, underwear. 1.2929 0.05324 99 78 15 6
1456 What do you mean you'll put me on a pedestal? 1.2929 0.05227 99 73 23 3
1457 Great, but what's your angle? 1.2927 0.06373 82 63 14 5
1458 Sisyphus, you can finish it tomorrow. 1.2927 0.06008 82 64 13 5
1459 Is this what you meant by taking me to the Top of The Rock ? 1.2927 0.05881 82 61 18 3
1460 Yes dear, you've been really productive. 1.2927 0.05881 82 61 18 3
1461 Come down from your high tower and help me with fire! 1.2927 0.06132 82 62 16 4
1462 You can come down now. We got your vaccine. 1.2927 0.06373 82 63 14 5
1463 It’s the first man made structure visible from space 1.2925 0.05186 106 79 23 4
1464 Can you hand me the stone to your right please? 1.2921 0.05582 89 66 20 3
1465 There's gotta be an easier way to get high. 1.2921 0.05806 89 67 18 4
1466 Lunch is served, your highness 1.2921 0.05582 89 66 20 3
1467 Let’s get the hell out of here there’s a Megalosaurus headed this way full speed! 1.2921 0.05582 89 66 20 3
1468 It's true. It does equal the sum of the other two sides. 1.2921 0.06022 89 68 16 5
1469 The stairs will sweep up to the bedroom. 1.2921 0.06231 89 69 14 6
1470 Are you sure about this jenga duel! 1.2921 0.05806 89 67 18 4
1471 You won't believe how far you can see. 1.2921 0.05348 89 65 22 2
1472 I'm sorry, 'Stairway to Kevin' wasn't quite what I requested... 1.2921 0.06022 89 68 16 5
1473 Fine. I take it back. You're not unbalanced. 1.2921 0.06022 89 68 16 5
1474 Who’s more clever now? Let’s see if Ug can get his fancy-schmancy “wheel” up my “steps.” 1.2921 0.05582 89 66 20 3
1475 I’ll finish the rest next weekend. 1.2921 0.05806 89 67 18 4
1476 You’re deluding yourself, Gerald. Your mammoth is never coming. 1.2921 0.05348 89 65 22 2
1477 I'm sure something will trickle down, eventually - other than rocks. 1.2920 0.04817 113 83 27 3
1478 Come down the stairs, and help me clean the house! 1.2920 0.04978 113 84 25 4
1479 So you think you are the king of the world now? 1.2920 0.05286 113 86 21 6
1480 Sisyphus is going to lose it when he sees this 1.2920 0.04817 113 83 27 3
1481 I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. 1.2917 0.05322 96 71 22 3
1482 Okay, you made your point! You're not a cave man! 1.2917 0.05322 96 71 22 3
1483 What do you mean you invented “The Stair Master”? 1.2917 0.06390 72 54 15 3
1484 I guess you'll have to invent a way down. 1.2917 0.06689 72 55 13 4
1485 Please come down. I know you are without sin. 1.2917 0.06091 96 75 14 7
1486 I don't want you hanging around Pythagoras anymore. 1.2917 0.05112 96 70 24 2
1487 A fire escape? My mother was right about you. 1.2917 0.05719 96 73 18 5
1488 You're not riding a brontosaurus, and that's final. 1.2917 0.06076 72 53 17 2
1489 Couldn't you just announce your candidacy around the fire? 1.2917 0.04792 120 89 27 4
1490 So this is your twelve-step program? 1.2917 0.06268 96 76 12 8
1491 Is this anything? 1.2917 0.04663 96 68 28 0
1492 You told me Mexico was building and paying for this originally, for the record... 1.2917 0.05112 96 70 24 2
1493 That's one small step for caveman, one giant leap for cavemankind. 1.2913 0.05278 103 77 22 4
1494 Was the view worth it? 1.2913 0.05278 103 77 22 4
1495 I'm here for the Jenga party 1.2913 0.05627 103 79 18 6
1496 And you call yourself a stoner, that's not high at all! 1.2913 0.05094 103 76 24 3
1497 My mammoth should be here soon. 1.2913 0.05094 103 76 24 3
1498 I dunno. I just think it'll have a use someday. 1.2911 0.05740 79 58 19 2
1499 I never was a big fan of modern architecture. 1.2911 0.06280 79 60 15 4
1500 Would you say you're high or stoned? 1.2911 0.06534 79 61 13 5
1501 I really don’t care if it can predict the next lunar eclipse. The garbage needs emptying. 1.2911 0.06280 79 60 15 4
1502 How come we never get high together anymore? 1.2911 0.06534 79 61 13 5
1503 This is the worst man cave I've ever seen. 1.2911 0.05740 79 58 19 2
1504 I haven't invented the down stairs yet. 1.2909 0.05059 110 82 24 4
1505 There’s absolutely no downside to this! 1.2909 0.05222 110 86 19 5
1506 As soon as you get it moving, let's put cosmetics down here and men's wear up there. 1.2909 0.05222 110 83 22 5
1507 I swear, Grug, we are this close to being smited by God and it’s all your fault. 1.2907 0.05196 86 62 23 1
1508 It's called birth control. 1.2907 0.05698 86 66 16 4
1509 InEgypt ? And it's more impressive tha this ? 1.2907 0.05453 86 63 21 2
1510 Right angle, wrong idea. 1.2907 0.05698 86 64 19 3
1511 What’s a Space Program? 1.2907 0.06589 86 68 11 7
1512 From up here, you can see just how lost we are. 1.2903 0.04854 93 69 22 2
1513 ... and this is the beginning of Stonehenge ? 1.2903 0.05203 93 68 23 2
1514 Next time, read the directions first 1.2903 0.04973 93 67 25 1
1515 Now do you understand the mystery of Stonehenge? 1.2903 0.05634 93 70 19 4
1516 Caught between a rock and a hard place, huh? 1.2903 0.05203 93 71 20 2
1517 Why the steep steps on the steppe? 1.2903 0.05634 93 70 19 4
1518 You've put on a few stone 1.2903 0.05423 93 69 21 3
1519 And just when is this “global warming” coming? 1.2900 0.05374 100 75 21 4
1520 Not bad, Henry. But the Jones' rock pile has skylights and a fire pit. 1.2900 0.05738 100 77 17 6
1521 We're not zoned for more stones. 1.2899 0.06562 69 52 14 3
1522 Can you see dinner? 1.2897 0.04790 107 78 27 2
1523 First fire, then patriarchal symbolism. 1.2895 0.05237 76 56 19 1
1524 Now, walk down slowly and tell everyone Neanderthals are rapists, thieves and good-for-nothing baddies. 1.2895 0.06706 76 59 12 5
1525 See if you can pull one out without making the whole thing fall down 1.2895 0.05246 114 90 17 7
1526 Napoleon Complex, 10,000 B.C. 1.2893 0.05306 121 94 19 8
1527 It's no stairway to heaven, but it's a start. 1.2892 0.06068 83 63 16 4
1528 It’s a stairway to where? 1.2892 0.05821 83 62 18 3
1529 Some say prehistoric people probably used it for the equinoxes”. 1.2892 0.05821 83 62 18 3
1530 But how do you get down? 1.2892 0.05563 83 61 20 2
1531 Well, at least I am doing something with my life, Susan! 1.2892 0.05821 83 62 18 3
1532 I’ll be impressed when you catch a bird. 1.2892 0.05563 83 61 20 2
1533 I said I need a little space for myself. 1.2892 0.06534 83 65 12 6
1534 Get down from there, Mort. There's more to life than getting high. 1.2889 0.05964 90 69 16 5
1535 The idea is to run to the top as fast as you can. I call it 'Boulderdash.' 1.2889 0.06170 90 70 14 6
1536 Let me guess... you got stoned. 1.2889 0.05858 90 71 13 6
1537 Well, Grok, now you know why the walk-up was priced to move on Zillow. 1.2889 0.05299 90 66 22 2
1538 Why not just stop and ask someone for directions? 1.2889 0.05751 90 68 18 4
1539 Well that's not my idea of paradise. 1.2889 0.05751 90 68 18 4
1540 Please, don't stare! 1.2889 0.05751 90 68 18 4
1541 . Hey Honey, can you bring me that round rock by my hammock please. 1.2889 0.05529 90 67 20 3
1542 I just need to dig the hole for the pool now 1.2889 0.05180 90 68 19 3
1543 But what good is it? 1.2887 0.05475 97 73 20 4
1544 Maybe you should have invented a ladder first, to get down from your 3D rock landscaping project. 1.2887 0.05276 97 72 22 3
1545 In a few thousand years this will confuse the hell out of everyone. 1.2887 0.05276 97 72 22 3
1546 For Goodness sake! I said an isosceles triangle! 1.2887 0.06035 97 76 14 7
1547 This is more than 6 feet! Please come down,I promise I'm covid free,it's just a little cough! 1.2887 0.04851 97 73 23 1
1548 You know, one giant leap for mankind and you'll break your neck. 1.2887 0.05475 97 73 20 4
1549 I followed the directions step by step just like you asked. 1.2887 0.05276 97 72 22 3
1550 Fine! But I get to be Robert Plant this time. 1.2885 0.05053 104 77 24 3
1551 Get down. The kids want to play Jenga. 1.2885 0.04959 104 84 13 7
1552 Turns out the view is the same from up here 1.2883 0.05337 111 85 20 6
1553 So this is what you did with my she-shed? 1.2883 0.05488 111 86 18 7
1554 Why can't you be a social climber? 1.2883 0.05337 111 85 20 6
1555 We’re still getting a Peloton. 1.2880 0.05057 125 96 22 7
1556 'Fire escape,' huh? What's 'fire?' 1.2877 0.06315 73 55 15 3
1557 Because! That's it! Just because! 1.2877 0.06006 73 54 17 2
1558 I love the way it aligns perfectly with the sunrise on the vernal equinox. That'll keep 'em guessing. 1.2877 0.06609 73 56 13 4
1559 What? Are you running for Chieftain again?! 1.2877 0.06609 73 56 13 4
1560 And after 'stairs' I invented liability insurance. 1.2877 0.06891 73 57 11 5
1561 So, it's a right-angle triangle. How's that going to help you get a job? 1.2875 0.05952 80 60 17 3
1562 Two more sides and we'll be ready to bury the Pharaoh. 1.2875 0.05952 80 60 17 3
1563 Still need to produce your tax returns! 1.2875 0.06462 80 62 13 5
1564 Now we can talk. What was it you wanted to tell me? 1.2875 0.05952 80 60 17 3
1565 The square root of the hypotenuse is NOT square 1.2875 0.06212 80 61 15 4
1566 I've had it up to here 1.2875 0.05680 80 59 19 2
1567 Does this make me look fat? 1.2874 0.05146 87 63 23 1
1568 Don’t you rock and a hard place me! 1.2874 0.05874 87 66 17 4
1569 Where are those Ancient Aliens when you need them? 1.2874 0.06097 87 67 15 5
1570 Not done big boy. Three left. Come down and get 'em. 1.2874 0.05400 87 64 21 2
1571 I call it...The twelve step program 1.2874 0.05400 87 64 21 2
1572 The middle one is crooked. 1.2872 0.05583 94 71 19 4
1573 So that’s what stairs look like. 1.2871 0.05511 101 77 19 5
1574 Taking social distancing to new heights. 1.2871 0.05511 101 77 19 5
1575 What you invent this time, Slinky? 1.2871 0.05688 101 78 17 6
1576 Well, does it still look flat from up there? 1.2871 0.04943 101 74 25 2
1577 Pyramid, shmyramid. What do you want for lunch? 1.2870 0.05104 108 81 23 4
1578 The cave might work for you, but I need a room with a view. 1.2870 0.05271 108 82 21 5
1579 Very fancy, Mr. Big can you please get down and take out the trash? 1.2870 0.04931 108 80 25 3
1580 But you told me that you always wanted a man that you could look up to 1.2870 0.05271 108 84 18 6
1581 Yes, but who is going to buy it? 1.2870 0.04753 108 79 27 2
1582 I call it the social ladder! 1.2870 0.04373 108 79 28 1
1583 You forgot the bannister. 1.2868 0.04564 129 96 29 4
1584 What about these three? 1.2857 0.06110 91 71 14 6
1585 your move 1.2857 0.06005 84 64 16 4
1586 Are you going somewhere with that? 1.2857 0.05356 119 93 18 8
1587 Be honest, it's too gawdy, isn't it? 1.2857 0.05240 84 61 22 1
1588 and you wonder why we have a rocky relationship 1.2857 0.06005 84 66 13 5
1589 Next, we carve a message for Pythagoras... 1.2857 0.05804 77 57 18 2
1590 I’m building a Man Cave 1.2857 0.05230 98 73 22 3
1591 What do you mean, what’s it good for? 1.2857 0.06366 77 59 14 4
1592 To the moon! 1.2857 0.04648 112 82 28 2
1593 Hey Fred, wasn't there a pond there when you started? 1.2857 0.06366 77 59 14 4
1594 The first step is always the hardest. 1.2857 0.05250 91 67 22 2
1595 OK, that's great. Now, what are you going to do for a swimming pool? 1.2857 0.05502 77 56 20 1
1596 I'm sure I said spears. 1.2857 0.06239 84 65 14 5
1597 I’m working on my entrance. 1.2857 0.05230 98 73 22 3
1598 I'd say that's pretty high, Potenuse. 1.2857 0.05230 98 73 22 3
1599 Did Euclid also teach you how to get down? 1.2857 0.05761 84 63 18 3
1600 I think you’re on to something. 1.2857 0.04632 105 76 28 1
1601 Always gotta be the rubble-rouser. 1.2857 0.06239 84 65 14 5
1602 Can you just come down here and ask me? You know I hate yelling up the stairs. 1.2857 0.06239 84 65 14 5
1603 Can I help it if there were no instructions in the box? 1.2857 0.05804 77 57 18 2
1604 Harry, I told you I wanted the equilateral triangle design. 1.2857 0.05250 91 67 22 2
1605 Sorry Ralph, you still aren't king. Now get rid of the rocks. 1.2857 0.05012 105 78 24 3
1606 I'm not saying it's definitely a waste of time, but what is 'fire', and why are we escaping it? 1.2857 0.05618 98 75 18 5
1607 If you carve your name on it in 50,000 years you'll be known for inventing steps 1.2857 0.05230 98 73 22 3
1608 Just because they're doing it in Babel... 1.2857 0.04762 91 65 26 0
1609 That's a very impressive feat, dear, but it's still your turn to take out the trash. 1.2857 0.05696 91 69 18 4
1610 Ok, you made your point Cliff 1.2857 0.04351 98 71 27 0
1611 Now we just need to invent the slinky and we’ll be set! 1.2857 0.05477 91 68 20 3
1612 ‘My folks always said marrying you would be a rocky road’ 1.2857 0.05502 77 56 20 1
1613 The real money will come from my other big idea, “souvenirs”. 1.2857 0.05230 98 73 22 3
1614 Late stage brutalism, right? 1.2846 0.04968 123 94 23 6
1615 I don't think this is what our marriage therapist meant when he said you need a new point of view. 1.2844 0.05229 109 83 21 5
1616 This you have time for. But you’re too busy to visit my parents. 1.2844 0.05544 109 85 17 7
1617 When you said you wanted a man cave I pictured something entirely different. 1.2843 0.05639 102 79 17 6
1618 C'mon up, and use the stairs. 1.2843 0.05283 102 77 21 4
1619 So, you have invented “stairs.” What are you supposed to do with them? 1.2843 0.04902 102 77 22 3
1620 Well, it ain't exactly the stairwell to heaven. 1.2843 0.05000 102 78 20 4
1621 Don’t know when I’ll be home tonight. 1.2843 0.05639 102 79 17 6
1622 Not sure that's what the sign meant by "Danger Rock Slides." 1.2843 0.05283 102 77 21 4
1623 Nice stairway dipshit. You build it yourself? 1.2842 0.05532 95 72 19 4
1624 If I see further, it's because I stand on the boulders of giants. 1.2842 0.05532 95 74 16 5
1625 Heroic. Lunch is ready. 1.2842 0.05111 95 72 20 3
1626 Not to worry. You're only a stone's throw away. 1.2842 0.05325 95 71 21 3
1627 The first 12 step program. 1.2842 0.05532 95 72 19 4
1628 I think we should have put the walls up first. 1.2842 0.05111 95 70 23 2
1629 I had no idea the neighbor's yard was so much bigger than ours! 1.2842 0.05325 95 71 21 3
1630 Come down that hypotenuse right now Pythagoras! 1.2841 0.05587 88 66 19 3
1631 I call it the 12-Step program. 1.2841 0.06036 88 68 15 5
1632 Bet your dumb wheel can’t get up these. 1.2841 0.05348 88 65 21 2
1633 no,i said over by the tree 1.2841 0.05469 88 68 16 4
1634 You can do all that, and when I ask you to pick up around the cave you roll your eyes!!! 1.2841 0.05587 88 66 19 3
1635 So this is what you have been doing all day? 1.2841 0.05587 88 66 19 3
1636 Is it a rock or a hard place? 1.2840 0.05889 81 61 17 3
1637 It escalates me. I call it the Taker-Upper. 1.2840 0.05889 81 61 17 3
1638 Good. Now take a step back. 1.2840 0.05889 81 61 17 3
1639 There can only be one Stairmaster! 1.2840 0.06391 81 63 13 5
1640 Well, was it worth it? 1.2840 0.05041 81 58 23 0
1641 It took awhile, but the first step was admitting I had a problem. 1.2838 0.06241 74 56 15 3
1642 I’ve reached herd immunity. 1.2836 0.05942 67 49 17 1
1643 So this is your idea of being a more cairn person? 1.2835 0.04458 127 96 27 4
1644 Okay already,you proved your theorem! 1.2830 0.04787 106 80 23 3
1645 You realize the mammoth already walked away. 1.2828 0.05568 99 76 18 5
1646 I'd like to see your next step.... 1.2828 0.05750 99 77 16 6
1647 It's a what to where? 1.2828 0.05380 99 75 20 4
1648 Please, can you just make a wheel now?' 1.2828 0.05380 99 75 20 4
1649 Someday they will call this modern art. 1.2828 0.05750 99 77 16 6
1650 Can you see the end of the Neolithic from there? 1.2828 0.05185 99 74 22 3
1651 Well... Now what?! 1.2828 0.05568 99 76 18 5
1652 I was bored. 1.2828 0.05380 99 75 20 4
1653 'You had ONE job!' 1.2826 0.05202 92 68 22 2
1654 Have you seen the dog? 1.2826 0.04967 92 67 24 1
1655 Over budget and behind've invented the contractor. 1.2826 0.05426 92 69 20 3
1656 "Progress? Or gentrification?" 1.2826 0.04967 92 67 24 1
1657 My new invention allows me to pretend not to hear you. 1.2826 0.05202 92 68 22 2
1658 Yes, squaring the stones on this long side does seem to equal the sum of the other two squared sides. But, Pythagoras, that’s just another of your useless ideas that’ll be forgotten tomorrow. 1.2826 0.06051 92 72 14 6
1659 I guess you’re stoned!! 1.2826 0.05426 92 71 17 4
1660 setting pretty high standards for social distancing 1.2826 0.05426 92 69 20 3
1661 Hell no! You come DOWN. 1.2826 0.05426 92 69 20 3
1662 Nope. I don't see it. I still think it's flat. 1.2826 0.05426 92 69 20 3
1663 Dammit, Harold, I told you to call a professional. 1.2826 0.05426 92 69 20 3
1664 So this is what you did to our house 1.2826 0.04967 92 67 24 1
1665 Bring me that big one to your right 1.2824 0.05703 85 64 18 3
1666 I'm thinking of calling it a 'walk-up', but I get the sense there needs to be something more. 1.2824 0.05452 85 63 20 2
1667 Is that supposed to represent male superiority? 1.2824 0.05452 85 63 20 2
1668 I’m telling you they will never figure out what this was used for. 1.2824 0.05703 85 64 18 3
1669 Just because it's there doesn't mean I have to climb it. 1.2824 0.05703 85 64 18 3
1670 Maybe you should invent a handrail next 1.2824 0.05452 85 63 20 2
1671 Gee honey, it’s kinda nice but why didn’t you just read the Build-A-Cave instructions first? 1.2824 0.05944 85 65 16 4
1672 Anyways, you get the picture. 1.2824 0.05452 85 63 20 2
1673 This is just another one of your solutions looking for a problem. 1.2824 0.05703 85 64 18 3
1674 You said you like tall guys with big stones. 1.2824 0.05703 85 64 18 3
1675 Now figure out a use for it. 1.2821 0.05741 78 58 18 2
1676 Fred, just because you built a right triangle doesn’t mean that you are right! 1.2821 0.05884 78 61 13 4
1677 This side is up only. 1.2821 0.06294 78 60 14 4
1678 Great, now move it by the cave entrance. 1.2821 0.05128 78 56 22 0
1679 Watch this. Toss up those rocks one at the time, ok? 1.2818 0.05187 110 84 21 5
1680 Would you believe I found them this way? 1.2817 0.06401 71 54 14 3
1681 Now I will invent the guitar. 1.2817 0.07002 71 56 10 5
1682 I think it would look better if you put them in a circle. 1.2817 0.06079 71 53 16 2
1683 Thanks, but I’ll take the elevator. 1.2816 0.05054 103 77 23 3
1684 It's a song Leonard, a song. You can't actually build a stairway to heaven. 1.2816 0.05921 103 82 13 8
1685 It is clearly an invention. I just don't know yet for what. 1.2816 0.05418 103 79 19 5
1686 Very impressive but I’m still waiting for you to do the laundry 1.2816 0.05054 103 80 20 3
1687 I don’t think this will keep us warm at night, dear. 1.2816 0.05590 103 80 17 6
1688 I don’t think that’s how you meet God 1.2812 0.05278 96 72 21 3
1689 There’s nothing up here! 1.2812 0.05482 96 73 19 4
1690 Okay, you’ve cornered the market, but I don’t see any buyers. 1.2812 0.05482 96 73 19 4
1691 There's a feeling I get when I look to the west 1.2812 0.05482 96 73 19 4
1692 Humanity is at a tipping point. 1.2812 0.05066 96 71 23 2
1693 So...tell me again how this isn’t a pyramid scheme? 1.2812 0.05678 96 74 17 5
1694 I wish I was taller. 1.2810 0.03753 121 100 16 5
1695 I can’t believe you fell for that pyramid scheme. 1.2809 0.05759 89 68 17 4
1696 Call Sysyphus. Tell him I think I've got something. 1.2809 0.05533 89 67 19 3
1697 Wait 'til you see the moat. 1.2809 0.05051 89 65 23 1
1698 WoW! Now that’s a hypotenuse! 1.2809 0.05533 89 67 19 3
1699 How will you know when it is finished? 1.2809 0.05533 89 67 19 3
1700 I'll have my Scotch on the rocks" 1.2809 0.05759 89 68 17 4
1701 OK. So now what ? 1.2809 0.05759 89 68 17 4
1702 That’s very nice sweetie, but I’m still hungry 1.2809 0.05051 89 65 23 1
1703 How do you like my sundial? 1.2809 0.05416 89 69 16 4
1704 In fairness, the listing didn't specifically mention walls 1.2809 0.05533 89 67 19 3
1705 To be honest, I'm building resolve. 1.2809 0.05533 89 67 19 3
1706 A spiral staircase would have been more impressive. 1.2807 0.04580 114 84 28 2
1707 Every time I start talking about my day, you have an urgent project to finish. 1.2805 0.05562 82 61 19 2
1708 This escalator is out of service 1.2805 0.05562 82 61 19 2
1709 Honey, can I come home now? I've completed the 12 Steps like you asked 1.2805 0.05425 82 63 16 3
1710 Cairn have you seen Abel? 1.2805 0.05827 82 62 17 3
1711 I liked you better when you were drinking. 1.2804 0.05108 107 81 22 4
1712 You got yourself up there. You figure out out how to get down. 1.2804 0.04560 107 78 28 1
1713 OK, Sisyphus, I give in: how? 1.2800 0.04731 100 75 23 2
1714 Take down your couch fort - we have guests coming over. 1.2800 0.04731 100 75 23 2
1715 It's called progress. 1.2800 0.05041 100 77 19 4
1716 I bet you could write a rock song about this.... 1.2800 0.06169 75 57 15 3
1717 Agreed. The second story view really sold me on this place. 1.2800 0.05333 100 76 20 4
1718 Why don't you keep going? 1.2800 0.05519 100 77 18 5
1719 All right. I get it. You're a Stones fan. 1.2800 0.05140 100 75 22 3
1720 No one wants to invest in your pyramid scheme, Louis. 1.2800 0.05140 100 75 22 3
1721 OK, you completed the 12-step program. Now what? 1.2800 0.05140 100 75 22 3
1722 When said you needed to take steps to better yourself this is not what I had in mind. 1.2800 0.04940 100 74 24 2
1723 So what's so right about this triangle? 1.2800 0.05700 100 78 16 6
1724 Honey, You’re gonna love this stunt. Now, pull out the bottom rock and stand back 1.2800 0.04940 100 76 21 3
1725 Is heaven really worth all that effort? 1.2800 0.05333 100 76 20 4
1726 I told you to stop listening to Led Zeppelin on your iPebble. 1.2797 0.05367 118 93 17 8
1727 You may feel safe, but you have to come down sometime. 1.2796 0.05154 93 69 22 2
1728 I just can't work out how to do the banisters. 1.2796 0.04802 93 70 21 2
1729 How's the cell reception up there? 1.2796 0.05154 93 69 22 2
1730 Moe, it's not handicapped accessible. 1.2796 0.05590 93 71 18 4
1731 I think you missed your pterodactyl flight. 1.2796 0.05795 93 72 16 5
1732 ‘I’m calling it the stairway to heaven’ 1.2796 0.05154 93 69 22 2
1733 Nice stairs! But Frank invented the wheel. 1.2791 0.06111 86 67 14 5
1734 I understand the concept, but you'll never get the neighbors to pay for it. 1.2791 0.05646 86 65 18 3
1735 You should have gotten directions before we left. 1.2791 0.05883 86 66 16 4
1736 I'll get started on the foyer. 1.2791 0.05646 86 65 18 3
1737 Listen, it was either this or a man cave. 1.2791 0.05398 86 64 20 2
1738 Okay, now do escalator. 1.2791 0.05883 86 66 16 4
1739 Do you have a building permit for that, who is the architect? I demand to know! 1.2791 0.06111 86 67 14 5
1740 They were practically giving it away! 1.2788 0.05012 104 78 23 3
1741 I’m trying to think outside the cave. 1.2788 0.05372 104 80 19 5
1742 Is it lonely up there on your pedestal? 1.2788 0.04625 104 76 27 1
1743 I don't care about the view, it's your turn to pillage. 1.2785 0.05958 79 60 16 3
1744 Your courtship display certainly stacks up well against your competitors. 1.2785 0.05679 79 59 18 2
1745 Great! You invented stairs! Why did you give up on the wheel? 1.2785 0.05386 79 58 20 1
1746 Just what is it you're doing upstairs all the time? 1.2785 0.05679 79 59 18 2
1747 a**2 + b**2 = c** what? 1.2785 0.05679 79 59 18 2
1748 It may not be evolution, but it feels like I'm moving in the right direction. 1.2785 0.06093 79 63 11 5
1749 This is where I get off. 1.2785 0.05386 79 58 20 1
1750 Do you see there are parts leftover down here? 1.2785 0.05820 79 62 13 4
1751 OK, OK. You look presidential. But what's a 747? 1.2785 0.05958 79 60 16 3
1752 I don't do stairs. 1.2785 0.05958 79 60 16 3
1753 Now that I'm stoned I do feel a little high. 1.2785 0.05958 79 60 16 3
1754 Two feet to the left if you want to nail the solstice. 1.2785 0.06224 79 63 11 5
1755 Tower of Babel? I thought you’d said Rubble. 1.2785 0.06480 79 62 12 5
1756 Get down from your man cave and help me with dinner! 1.2784 0.04574 97 72 24 1
1757 So now can you see where you parked the wheel?" 1.2784 0.05231 97 73 21 3
1758 At least,I will gather no moss. 1.2784 0.05627 97 75 17 5
1759 I am telling you this is definitely not the stairway to heaven. 1.2784 0.05433 97 74 19 4
1760 Is this really the best 12-step program for people who get stoned? 1.2784 0.05022 97 72 23 2
1761 Hand me those rocks dear 1.2784 0.04803 97 71 25 1
1762 First, you need to invent the second floor. 1.2783 0.05174 115 89 20 6
1763 The earth is indeed flat. 1.2778 0.05235 108 83 20 5
1764 It's part of the Alcohol Anonymous twelve-step program. 1.2778 0.05480 90 68 19 3
1765 The archaeologists will love this! 1.2778 0.06915 72 57 10 5
1766 No, it doesn't make you look taller. 1.2778 0.05480 90 68 19 3
1767 And what do we do once I climb up there? 1.2778 0.04893 108 81 24 3
1768 Man, you're so stoned! 1.2778 0.05918 90 70 15 5
1769 Betcha can't remove just one. 1.2778 0.06626 72 56 12 4
1770 What do I call these? Steps! 1.2778 0.04713 108 82 23 3
1771 It's rock solid. 1.2778 0.06477 72 58 9 5
1772 - new project, Sisyphus? 1.2778 0.05480 90 68 19 3
1773 I get what you’re going for, but the cave is easier on my knees. 1.2778 0.05247 90 67 21 2
1774 I'm not sure a pyramid is a weekend project. 1.2772 0.05650 101 79 16 6
1775 Hoist the finial and it's a fait accompli. 1.2772 0.05097 101 76 22 3
1776 Perfect. Now could you just build the house around it? 1.2772 0.05650 101 79 16 6
1777 I built it to show Mr. Guinness. He’s thinking of starting a tablet of World Records. 1.2772 0.05288 101 77 20 4
1778 I can see the entire world from here! 1.2772 0.05097 101 76 22 3
1779 OK Pythagoras, in case you're done working on your theorem, dinner's ready. 1.2772 0.05288 101 77 20 4
1780 You can climb but you cannot hide. 1.2772 0.05650 101 79 16 6
1781 Now if only someone would invent a second floor. 1.2772 0.05650 101 79 16 6
1782 Choose carefully. 1.2772 0.04899 101 75 24 2
1783 You want higher, you need boulder. 1.2771 0.05766 83 63 17 3
1784 It's a rough prototype, I call it "escalator". 1.2771 0.05505 83 62 19 2
1785 To The Moon, Alice! 1.2771 0.05766 83 63 17 3
1786 Now you just need to invent buildings. 1.2771 0.05231 83 61 21 1
1787 Good luck finding an audience. 1.2771 0.05505 83 62 19 2
1788 I don’t think this qualifies as “essential work”. 1.2771 0.06015 83 64 15 4
1789 Honestly, I think your cave painting is your best shot at UNESCO. 1.2771 0.05766 83 63 17 3
1790 I call it, "Stairway to Heaven." It's going to be big. 1.2771 0.05505 83 62 19 2
1791 Is this because I called you short last week 1.2771 0.06015 83 64 15 4
1792 I'd rather reinvent the wheel! 1.2768 0.04947 112 85 23 4
1793 It’s called Stonehenge but it’s a work in progress. 1.2768 0.04610 112 83 27 2
1794 One step at a time 1.2766 0.05327 94 71 20 3
1795 I AM hunting. It's called a deer stand. 1.2766 0.05327 94 71 20 3
1796 That caveman life ain't all it's cracked up to be, huh? 1.2766 0.05538 94 72 18 4
1797 I'm leaving on the 8:15 pterodactyl to Lascaux to become an artist. 1.2766 0.05538 94 72 18 4
1798 It's called architecture, and no it does not need to make sense 1.2766 0.05108 94 70 22 2
1799 Nope. I'm still not going to look up to you. 1.2766 0.05327 94 71 20 3
1800 But our cave doesn’t need a staircase. 1.2766 0.05327 94 71 20 3
1801 What's the mile high club? 1.2766 0.04879 94 69 24 1
1802 I call this one _Stairway to Heaven_. Would you like to buy it? 1.2766 0.05936 94 74 14 6
1803 You're going to take credit for this, aren't you? 1.2766 0.04879 94 69 24 1
1804 Noah said expect a flood. 1.2766 0.05108 94 70 22 2
1805 I feel like something’s missing though. 1.2766 0.05936 94 74 14 6
1806 The rock market will never crash. 1.2766 0.05538 94 72 18 4
1807 This isn’t what I had in mind when I asked you to be a bolder hunter. 1.2763 0.06098 76 58 15 3
1808 Again with the hypotenuse? 1.2762 0.04972 105 79 23 3
1809 No, Grog, you haven't reached the next step of evolution. 1.2762 0.05496 105 82 17 6
1810 Mr. I’m-always-right-angle does it again. 1.2762 0.05661 105 83 15 7
1811 Now what? 1.2759 0.06049 87 68 14 5
1812 Honey, Krag in the next cave over made a wheel. Why can't you be more like Krag? 1.2759 0.05824 87 67 16 4
1813 House of prehistoric cards! 1.2759 0.05590 87 66 18 3
1814 What do you mean you want to make a giant leap for mankind? 1.2759 0.05590 87 66 18 3
1815 Anyone can reinvent the wheel. I’ve decided to reinvent the inclined plane. 1.2759 0.05590 87 66 18 3
1816 Any sign of the mailman and our 1,400 bucks? 1.2759 0.06476 87 70 10 7
1817 Go get that round one I made, I finally know what to do with it! 1.2759 0.05345 87 65 20 2
1818 Can you see our cave from there? 1.2759 0.06049 87 68 14 5
1819 This was the easy part. 1.2759 0.06266 87 69 12 6
1820 Now that you've moved up, when am I getting a ring? 1.2759 0.06049 87 68 14 5
1821 Dude, where’s my wheel? 1.2759 0.06049 87 68 14 5
1822 I don’t think this is what they had in mind when they told you to complete a 12-step program. 1.2759 0.04956 87 66 19 2
1823 Income inequality circa 10,000 B.C. 1.2755 0.04763 98 74 22 2
1824 It started as a fence then I got carried away. 1.2755 0.04763 98 74 22 2
1825 Now can you see if there are any others that look like us? 1.2755 0.04536 98 71 27 0
1826 Go back to hunting and let me do the gathering. 1.2755 0.04763 98 72 25 1
1827 Honey, where do we keep the bowls? 1.2755 0.05577 98 76 17 5
1828 That’s very dangerous, you should have invented the handrail first. 1.2752 0.05027 109 83 22 4
1829 Today Rockland, tomorrow Stonehenge, then we head home. 1.2752 0.04585 109 83 23 3
1830 what do you mean you don't know how to get down? 1.2752 0.05354 109 85 18 6
1831 Wait, I forgot what I came upstairs for. 1.2750 0.05893 80 61 16 3
1832 What makes you think the "1-sided Pyramid" will sell any better than the "2-Legged Stool?" 1.2750 0.05893 80 61 16 3
1833 Last week you invented the wheel, but what the hell is that? 1.2750 0.05893 80 61 16 3
1834 What,is this like the Pyramids all over again? How the heck did you get up there? 1.2750 0.05893 80 61 16 3
1835 Early StairMaster concepting. 1.2750 0.06156 80 62 14 4
1836 It's a new thing. It's called a stairway. 1.2750 0.05893 80 61 16 3
1837 You were right. Still can’t see the end of the pandemic from here 1.2750 0.06156 80 62 14 4
1838 I told you, you can’t ride a dinosaur if you can’t catch one—no matter how tall your steps are. 1.2750 0.05893 80 61 16 3
1839 I’ve hit rock top. 1.2747 0.05428 91 69 19 3
1840 Your pyramid scheme looks incomplete. 1.2747 0.05861 91 71 15 5
1841 What are you going to do for daylight savings time? 1.2747 0.04705 91 68 22 1
1842 That’s great Maslow, but I have needs too! 1.2747 0.06066 91 72 13 6
1843 Social distancing at it's finest. 1.2747 0.04958 91 67 23 1
1844 It's great,but I'm really more of a social climber 1.2747 0.05649 91 70 17 4
1845 I think this beats the guy from Stonehenge. 1.2747 0.05198 91 68 21 2
1846 Very nice, but Ubba built me an elevator. 1.2747 0.05198 91 68 21 2
1847 Evolution called... time to stand tall and feel boulder 1.2747 0.05649 91 70 17 4
1848 I call it the first rock version of Stairway to Heaven. 1.2745 0.04957 102 79 19 4
1849 Brilliant. Now you can climb your ladder and look the Tyrannosaurs in the eye before he eats you. 1.2745 0.05242 102 78 20 4
1850 Not bad, for a Neanderthal 1.2745 0.05424 102 79 18 5
1851 Honey, I'm very close to perfecting the seesaw! 1.2745 0.05771 102 81 14 7
1852 Am I supposed to be impressed? 1.2745 0.04654 102 75 26 1
1853 Wait! Weren't you building that pedestal for me? 1.2745 0.05242 102 78 20 4
1854 What's your angle? 1.2743 0.05221 113 88 19 6
1855 Ok Harry you’re top of the food chain, now take out the trash. 1.2740 0.06830 73 58 10 5
1856 Yeh, got it, you are king of the world. My mother is still visiting. 1.2740 0.07103 73 59 8 6
1857 Let me guess, you forgot your camera phone again. 1.2740 0.06248 73 56 14 3
1858 I thought that was MY pedestal! 1.2738 0.05706 84 64 17 3
1859 Primitive space travel was forced to stop when the team ran out of rocks. 1.2738 0.05449 84 63 19 2
1860 You look taller up there. 1.2738 0.05179 84 64 18 2
1861 From up here it's not flat. 1.2738 0.05706 84 64 17 3
1862 No, Isocoles, its just half a pyramid 1.2738 0.05706 84 64 17 3
1863 Yes, I know how you piled up the rocks, so stop cavemansplaining it to me. 1.2738 0.05706 84 64 17 3
1864 Not sure where I go from here. 1.2738 0.05449 84 63 19 2
1865 Stair Henge 1.2738 0.05179 84 62 21 1
1866 "It needs a fireplace or something, to warm it up." 1.2738 0.05952 84 65 15 4
1867 You blew our cave money? 1.2738 0.05952 84 65 15 4
1868 What's a "brownstone walkup?" And "excellent view" of what? 1.2738 0.05449 84 63 19 2
1869 That's it - There's nothing left to invent. 1.2738 0.06189 84 66 13 5
1870 I thought I would do some furniture rearranging. 1.2738 0.05449 84 63 19 2
1871 I know it has a good view but where would we put the fireplace? 1.2738 0.06189 84 66 13 5
1872 « I know we are in shortage of building materials, but I still want my bathroom with a view. » 1.2738 0.05706 84 64 17 3
1873 I thought you said you wanted to get down, not get down! 1.2738 0.05952 84 65 15 4
1874 I'm working on a piece called Stairway to Heaven in the Hard Rock genre. 1.2738 0.05952 84 65 15 4
1875 What are glutes? 1.2737 0.05062 95 71 22 2
1876 Still working on that wheel concept of yours? 1.2737 0.05687 95 74 16 5
1877 50,000 b.c. marks the first utterance of the phrase “Watch this!” 1.2737 0.04836 95 70 24 1
1878 Has it been one of those days again? 1.2737 0.05279 95 72 20 3
1879 The number of steps are equal to the sum of the rocks on the other two sides. 1.2737 0.05279 95 72 20 3
1880 I'm working the steps. 1.2737 0.05487 95 73 18 4
1881 More rocks? More rocks 1.2737 0.05062 95 71 22 2
1882 I will call this "Procrastination" 1.2737 0.05062 95 71 22 2
1883 You rock at geometry! 1.2737 0.05062 95 71 22 2
1884 No. I would not call this Sisyphean. Why do you ask? 1.2736 0.04746 106 79 25 2
1885 Just wait until they have invented the ladder. 1.2736 0.05283 106 82 19 5
1886 Honey, are you sure this is up to code? 1.2736 0.05110 106 81 21 4
1887 The wheel! The wheel! The wheel! That's all I ever hear about! Like that’s going anywhere. 1.2735 0.04949 117 90 22 5
1888 Today, I announce my candidacy for president 1.2727 0.06671 66 51 12 3
1889 Mrs. Thorg's husband just invented the wheel. 1.2727 0.05535 88 67 18 3
1890 So you made it to the top, what's next? 1.2727 0.05311 110 86 18 6
1891 Your new 'stairs' invention is going nowhere. 1.2727 0.05337 99 76 19 4
1892 No girls allowed 1.2727 0.05535 88 67 18 3
1893 In two million years I'll be YOUR supervisor. 1.2727 0.05294 88 66 20 2
1894 The contractor will return in the Iron Age. 1.2727 0.06203 88 70 12 6
1895 No need for a contractor," you said. "I can do this myself," you said 1.2727 0.05433 77 57 19 1
1896 OK, you’ve invented “stairs,” but I fail to see the point. 1.2727 0.05535 88 67 18 3
1897 No closets, walls, or protection from the elements? Fine. But I’m not living in a walk-up. 1.2727 0.06572 77 61 11 5
1898 Yes, you are higher than I am. No, you're still not the boss. 1.2727 0.05337 99 76 19 4
1899 I told you, A2 + B2 = C2 Now do you believe me? 1.2727 0.06306 77 60 13 4
1900 What's your point? 1.2727 0.05337 99 76 19 4
1901 Come Home. You're a Caveman not a Rock Star." 1.2727 0.04936 99 76 20 3
1902 Well, it's not as impressive as The Tower of Babel. 1.2727 0.05140 99 75 21 3
1903 Throw me the small one near you; the one that looks like a cap. 1.2727 0.05294 88 66 20 2
1904 If I accomplished anything, it was by standing on the boulders of others... 1.2727 0.06029 77 61 12 4
1905 Others have man caves, I wanted something with a view. 1.2727 0.05337 99 76 19 4
1906 Seems like a lot of effort just to avoid asking for directions back to our cave 1.2727 0.06306 77 60 13 4
1907 Hey Isosceles! Are you still working on that? 1.2727 0.05766 88 68 16 4
1908 This could be made into a machine for climbing stairs. 1.2727 0.05433 77 57 19 1
1909 When would you possibly use this? 1.2727 0.04640 110 82 26 2
1910 The elders say I have something called ‘ADHD’ 1.2727 0.04722 99 73 25 1
1911 Something tells me this isn't what you meant when you said we need to build a strong foundation before taking the next step. 1.2727 0.05739 77 58 17 2
1912 Told you it’s flat. 1.2727 0.05337 99 76 19 4
1913 Do you really think we need a staircase in the cave? 1.2719 0.04092 114 89 22 3
1914 This is great, dear, but the cave isn’t going to paint itself! 1.2718 0.05012 103 78 22 3
1915 I’ve heard sea level is rising. 1.2718 0.05012 103 78 22 3
1916 I’m telling you, this ‘stairs’ concept is gonna be big someday 1.2718 0.05378 103 80 18 5
1917 It's lonely at the top. 1.2717 0.05377 92 70 19 3
1918 Yes: It makes you look taller. 1.2717 0.05150 92 71 18 3
1919 If you're so smart, built one heading down.... 1.2717 0.05595 92 71 17 4
1920 Arthur, what on earth have you done with my henge? 1.2717 0.06007 92 73 13 6
1921 I built this because I wasn’t allowed on the ark. 1.2717 0.05150 92 69 21 2
1922 Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up. 1.2717 0.05377 92 70 19 3
1923 It wouldn't be the first time you've talked down to me. 1.2717 0.05377 92 70 19 3
1924 You may be right, but it looks like an acute angle from here. 1.2717 0.05150 92 69 21 2
1925 I'm standing right here until you find away to move these rocks! 1.2717 0.04262 92 73 16 3
1926 Can you please remind me what are we trying to invent again? 1.2717 0.05377 92 70 19 3
1927 Only 3,650 more years until I reach Mars. 1.2717 0.05377 92 70 19 3
1928 I'm building a stairway to Heaven with a new rock every day. 1.2717 0.05377 92 70 19 3
1929 So you climbed your corporate ladder. Now what? 1.2717 0.05150 92 69 21 2
1930 This will be the one going nowhere just for show. 1.2717 0.05150 92 69 21 2
1931 Not sure why, but your 'social climbing' makes me jealous. 1.2716 0.05274 81 60 20 1
1932 Bummer of an arch 1.2716 0.05559 81 61 18 2
1933 I don’t know what it gets me. But it feels like progress. 1.2716 0.06089 81 63 14 4
1934 Honey, the men's department is on the lower level. 1.2716 0.05274 81 60 20 1
1935 It may not be a Stairway to Heaven, but it's an off ramp from the Highway to Hell. 1.2716 0.05830 81 62 16 3
1936 You can call it Stairhenge, I call it rubble. 1.2716 0.05559 81 61 18 2
1937 You can get the mammoth now. 1.2716 0.05830 81 62 16 3
1938 Go ahead and jump. There are plenty of other cavemen around here. 1.2716 0.05274 81 60 20 1
1939 The view from here is breathtaking 1.2716 0.06337 81 64 12 5
1940 The view's worth a million bucks. 1.2714 0.06078 70 55 12 3
1941 This is not what I consider a heightened sense of evolution, Bob 1.2712 0.05199 118 93 18 7
1942 What will you invent now to get back down? 1.2710 0.05069 107 82 21 4
1943 What now? 1.2708 0.05231 96 73 20 3
1944 This is nice,but Carl just showed me something called an “escalator.” 1.2708 0.05635 96 75 16 5
1945 I think they moved away without telling us. 1.2708 0.05017 96 72 22 2
1946 I've had it with the Sisyphus thing! 1.2708 0.05017 96 72 22 2
1947 It's a step walker for our gym. 1.2708 0.04794 96 71 24 1
1948 We have always had a rocky relationship but now you’re on your own. 1.2708 0.05017 96 72 22 2
1949 We’re going to build a wall and the Neanderthals are going to pay for it. 1.2708 0.05635 96 75 16 5
1950 It’s called a sun dial. Now we’ll know when it’s “happy hour”. 1.2706 0.05891 85 66 15 4
1951 You can come down now - the pandemic's over. 1.2706 0.04847 85 62 23 0
1952 You're so selfish, Pythagoras, always taking the credit! 1.2706 0.05648 85 65 17 3
1953 Maybe invent the house before the stairs? 1.2706 0.05648 85 65 17 3
1954 Not sure where one step at a time really got me! 1.2706 0.05394 85 64 19 2
1955 I knew it. A-squared plus B-squared really does equal C-squared. 1.2706 0.05394 85 64 19 2
1956 Nice, but I prefer Stonehenge. 1.2706 0.05648 85 65 17 3
1957 A man cave wasn’t enough? 1.2706 0.05891 85 66 15 4
1958 So this is your "Man-Stair"? 1.2706 0.05128 85 63 21 1
1959 Excuse me sir, is this the platform for the 12:40 Mastodon? 1.2706 0.05394 85 64 19 2
1960 I just wanted to feel like I was part of something bigger than myself. 1.2706 0.05648 85 65 17 3
1961 You sure have some big stones there Carl. 1.2706 0.05648 85 65 17 3
1962 Are you sure it’s not a pyramid scheme? 1.2706 0.05891 85 66 15 4
1963 This lockdown isn't gonna end soon, so I figure we'll need some exercise 1.2706 0.05128 85 63 21 1
1964 You know, I’m not sure that’s what they mean by “top of the food pyramid” 1.2706 0.05648 85 65 17 3
1965 Don't make me come up those stairs. 1.2703 0.05198 74 54 20 0
1966 Trust you to make a mountain out if a molehill! 1.2703 0.06174 74 57 14 3
1967 Nice ladder but you should invent a wheel so you can move it around. 1.2703 0.04779 111 86 21 4
1968 I decided I want a spiral 1.2703 0.05111 111 86 20 5
1969 I hate it when you stair at me like that. 1.2703 0.05111 111 86 20 5
1970 I don't know, Hon. Going "upstairs to get away for a while" seems weird. 1.2700 0.04347 100 75 24 1
1971 Typical. We need more funding for infrastructure! 1.2700 0.05478 100 78 17 5
1972 Don't tell me I don't take you anywhere. 1.2700 0.05291 100 77 19 4
1973 Frankly I'm shocked, that's the last place I would have thought you'd find my contact lens. 1.2700 0.05096 100 76 21 3
1974 Trickle down rock-enomics 1.2700 0.04683 100 79 18 3
1975 So this what you meant by a love triangle? 1.2700 0.04683 100 74 25 1
1976 If I actually make it to heaven, they better write a song about me. 1.2700 0.05096 100 76 21 3
1977 Yeah, I get the stairs; explain the part again where the wooly mammoth lets you climb on... 1.2700 0.04894 100 75 23 2
1978 Maybe you should invent 'house' before 'stairway' 1.2697 0.05709 89 69 16 4
1979 It’s a concept model for something called an escalator. 1.2697 0.05709 89 69 16 4
1980 I told you your “Great Wall of Ug” was gonna take a lot of work 1.2697 0.05243 89 67 20 2
1981 It’s nice but you should have put it closer to the cave. 1.2697 0.05243 89 67 20 2
1982 How many times do I have to say "scalene"? 1.2697 0.05243 89 67 20 2
1983 All this work just to realize the Slinky hasn't been invented yet. 1.2697 0.05481 89 68 18 3
1984 never heard of it? 1.2697 0.05481 89 68 18 3
1985 Is that your idea of a wall? 1.2697 0.05481 89 68 18 3
1986 10,000 years from now they're going to call this a Druid symbol of peace rather than the world's worst slide. 1.2697 0.05709 89 69 16 4
1987 You're right -- I did say I'd like to have a walk-up. 1.2697 0.05243 89 67 20 2
1988 The answer is still no. 1.2697 0.04993 89 66 22 1
1989 I’m going to call this- the Stairmaster 1.2697 0.05481 89 68 18 3
1990 Hey, it was somewhere to go. 1.2692 0.05676 78 59 17 2
1991 I see London, I see France, I see Grok’s underpants. 1.2692 0.04970 104 79 22 3
1992 People will one day ponder what this means. It has no meaning. 1.2692 0.06235 78 61 13 4
1993 The position of 'living lightning rod' was highly respected among the tribe, but tended to have a high turnover rate. 1.2692 0.05962 78 60 15 3
1994 Plans? We have plans? 1.2692 0.04970 104 79 22 3
1995 I’m all for social distancing but this seems over the top. 1.2692 0.06235 78 61 13 4
1996 You don’t have a patent on this technology and it would be easy to replicate...for that reason, I am out. 1.2692 0.05155 104 80 20 4
1997 And how am I supposed to get my wheel up there? 1.2692 0.05962 78 60 15 3
1998 I am not coming down untill you get the vaccine 1.2692 0.05676 78 59 17 2
1999 I forgot, how was I suppose to get back down again? 1.2692 0.05374 78 58 19 1
2000 Take that, Sisyphus. 1.2692 0.05374 78 58 19 1
2001 This is what you meant when you said ‘To the moon?’ 1.2692 0.05676 78 59 17 2
2002 Pack your bags, we are going to Mars. 1.2688 0.05103 93 70 21 2
2003 My muse is our argument earlier. This sculpture and I are both right. 1.2688 0.05542 93 72 17 4
2004 Which comes first - jump, or flap arms? 1.2688 0.05542 93 72 17 4
2005 It is the Stone Age after all. 1.2688 0.05749 93 73 15 5
2006 What do you mean there’s no room for me up there? 1.2688 0.05949 93 74 13 6
2007 All this work just to be able to look down on women? 1.2687 0.06918 67 53 10 4
2008 How’s our space program going? 1.2685 0.04671 108 81 25 2
2009 Nice fireplace. Now go invent fire. 1.2685 0.04671 108 81 25 2
2010 The earth is flat 1.2685 0.05028 108 83 21 4
2011 you can rebuild the house though, right? 1.2683 0.05220 82 61 20 1
2012 No, I’ve never heard of Led Zeppelin 1.2683 0.06268 82 65 12 5
2013 I think you are going to need a banister. 1.2683 0.06023 82 64 14 4
2014 OK, you're right. We are lost. 1.2683 0.05768 82 63 16 3
2015 What's wrong, I thought you wanted to get stoned? 1.2683 0.05768 82 63 16 3
2016 What do you mean, "There's a feeling you get when you look to the west"? 1.2683 0.06023 82 64 14 4
2017 : I have a hunch this will play an important part in transportation one day. 1.2683 0.05362 82 64 15 3
2018 I don’t think we’ll need masks up here 1.2683 0.05220 82 61 20 1
2019 I call this one the Stairmaster 10000 (B.C)! 1.2683 0.05501 82 62 18 2
2020 Ok you got me. I’m a Stoner. 1.2683 0.05501 82 62 18 2
2021 Yep, one tree, one cloud! 1.2683 0.05768 82 63 16 3
2022 Can you get me a hoagie 1.2680 0.05773 97 77 14 6
2023 Scalene dear, not Isosceles. 1.2680 0.05185 97 74 20 3
2024 What do you mean hypotenuse? Who's Hypotenuse? 1.2680 0.04752 97 72 24 1
2025 I was having trouble getting service. 1.2680 0.03882 97 76 19 2
2026 I started building a staircase to heaven, but I realized I'd get there a lot faster if I just jumped off. 1.2680 0.05388 97 75 18 4
2027 Early days of mansplaining! 1.2680 0.05185 97 74 20 3
2028 You're such a square, Dad. It's like you don't even know it's the Bronze Age. 1.2680 0.05388 97 75 18 4
2029 Join my new twelve step program! 1.2680 0.04973 97 73 22 2
2030 Inclined plane" just doesn't have the same ring to it as "wheel," ya know 1.2680 0.04973 97 73 22 2
2031 I'm the king of whatever this is. 1.2680 0.05388 97 75 18 4
2032 Great, now you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place 1.2680 0.05773 97 77 14 6
2033 You couldn’t spring for the marble? 1.2679 0.04909 112 86 22 4
2034 I like that it’s portable. 1.2676 0.06169 71 57 10 4
2035 When I said leave no stone unturned, I didn’t think you would take me literally 1.2676 0.05659 71 53 17 1
2036 I call this one a stare case because you can see everything out there. 1.2676 0.06330 71 55 13 3
2037 When you copied the Egyptian blue-prints, did you look at the back? 1.2674 0.05591 86 66 17 3
2038 I just invented the short story. 1.2674 0.05830 86 67 15 4
2039 I like getting high on stones. 1.2674 0.05830 86 67 15 4
2040 You don’t actually know what a henge is supposed to look like, do you? 1.2674 0.05830 86 67 15 4
2041 I am so proud that you completed your 12 step program. 1.2674 0.05830 86 67 15 4
2042 Is it high enough? Can you see the pizza delivery guy now? 1.2674 0.05830 86 67 15 4
2043 If you jump, I'll call it "Twelve Steps to Freedom." 1.2674 0.05830 86 67 15 4
2044 It's a testosterone thing 1.2674 0.05341 86 65 19 2
2045 I'm going to call them stairs. They'll be great in fire escapes. 1.2674 0.05341 86 65 19 2
2046 Thor, I think you are taking this social distancing thing a little too far. 1.2674 0.05830 86 67 15 4
2047 Stone seems so passé. Can you do something in bronze? 1.2674 0.06496 86 70 9 7
2048 Stop fretting. Just take one giant step backwards. 1.2674 0.05591 86 66 17 3
2049 Not *these* rocks, Sisyphus 1.2674 0.05591 86 66 17 3
2050 I’m hoping in the future archaeologists will say, “What was it used for?” 1.2674 0.05591 86 66 17 3
2051 Nice start, but I would have built the house first! 1.2673 0.05245 101 78 19 4
2052 I'm not gonna help you get off your rocks. 1.2673 0.04852 101 76 23 2
2053 I'm telling you, this could be the stairway to heaven! 1.2673 0.04852 101 76 23 2
2054 You're between a rock and a hard place. 1.2673 0.05783 101 81 13 7
2055 Yes it certainly has a modern look but t would still put in some sort of bannister, 1.2673 0.05245 101 78 19 4
2056 Well at least meet me halfway! 1.2673 0.04852 101 76 23 2
2057 Grog say must take stairs to no see success up here. 1.2673 0.05052 101 77 21 3
2058 There is no elevator to.success" 1.2672 0.04640 116 88 25 3
2059 You are really going places. 1.2667 0.05428 90 69 18 3
2060 Stick to wheels. This is useless. 1.2667 0.04740 105 81 21 3
2061 If you’d done “Smoke on the Water”, at least we’d have a fire. 1.2667 0.06102 75 58 14 3
2062 'What do you mean, now slide' 1.2667 0.05428 90 69 18 3
2063 I love the open-concept! 1.2667 0.05428 90 69 18 3
2064 Now do you believe Pythagoras? 1.2667 0.06102 75 58 14 3
2065 A little help, please 1.2667 0.05193 90 68 20 2
2066 I meant the song! 1.2667 0.05799 75 57 16 2
2067 It’s not much to look at but I really like the views. 1.2667 0.05428 90 69 18 3
2068 Architecture, really? Couldn't you have just invented fire like your brother? 1.2667 0.05193 90 68 20 2
2069 Now, take the next step! 1.2667 0.05193 90 68 20 2
2070 If you are building that stairway to heaven you’ve been singing about, you’re gonna need bigger boulders. 1.2667 0.05428 90 69 18 3
2071 I think the man cave was more functional. 1.2667 0.05193 90 68 20 2
2072 The Neanderthals are not here to take our jobs, Stewart. This has to stop. 1.2667 0.06391 75 59 12 4
2073 You have got to stop these staring contests. 1.2667 0.05653 90 70 16 4
2074 That's the wrong gate for Pterodactyl Air." 1.2667 0.04441 105 80 23 2
2075 I call this the Tower of Pebble 1.2667 0.05480 75 58 15 2
2076 I was looking for more like the Guggenheim. 1.2667 0.05112 105 81 20 4
2077 You've got the Sisyphus story all wrong. 1.2667 0.05193 90 68 20 2
2078 So you spent your life building it. Congratulations! Who's gonna know? 1.2667 0.05870 90 71 14 5
2079 I swear the fall won 1.2667 0.05870 90 71 14 5
2080 It’s a new platform for working remotely. I call it Stone Hinge. 1.2667 0.05428 90 69 18 3
2081 I can spot your parents before they come to visit 1.2667 0.05428 90 69 18 3
2082 If you think I’m leaving our cave for a walkup you’re dumber than you look. 1.2667 0.05112 105 81 20 4
2083 Just like you, I started in the mailroom. 1.2667 0.05428 90 69 18 3
2084 Feeling high yet? 1.2667 0.04947 90 67 22 1
2085 OK, Einstein, But where’s my house? 1.2667 0.06391 75 59 12 4
2086 I said we’re going to build up a stockpile, not a rock pile 1.2667 0.05653 90 70 16 4
2087 it’s part of my 12 step program. 1.2667 0.05653 90 70 16 4
2088 Now we’re six feet apart” 1.2667 0.06667 75 60 10 5
2089 That’s great Henry, but now where are we gonna sit? 1.2667 0.04552 90 68 21 1
2090 I can’t understand what you’re saying, but I’m thinking of changing the name of this place to Babel 1.2667 0.05870 90 71 14 5
2091 you should join me the wifi works better up here 1.2667 0.05799 75 57 16 2
2092 I would have used precast -- but this is the Stone Age. 1.2661 0.04988 109 84 21 4
2093 And just how do you think this will make my mother think she was wrong about you? 1.2661 0.04252 109 82 26 1
2094 It will never catch on. 1.2660 0.05278 94 72 19 3
2095 That’s high enough, Icarus! 1.2660 0.05278 94 72 19 3
2096 I'll call these stairs. 1.2660 0.05490 94 73 17 4
2097 The fourth rock needs to move a little to the left. 1.2660 0.05056 94 71 21 2
2098 I'm calling it the 12-step programme 1.2660 0.05490 94 73 17 4
2099 You look taller. Did you do something with your hair? 1.2660 0.05490 94 73 17 4
2100 Rebuilding the infrastructure is a noble cause, but how about getting back to hunting? 1.2660 0.05490 94 73 17 4
2101 You’ll love the new penthouse. 1.2660 0.05056 94 71 21 2
2102 Peter! You're wearing a thong! What if you have an accident? 1.2660 0.05490 94 73 17 4
2103 I hate your beard. 1.2660 0.05278 94 72 19 3
2104 It’s not up to code. 1.2658 0.05614 79 60 17 2
2105 Stay there, Sisyphus is coming over with a big one for the top. 1.2658 0.05896 79 61 15 3
2106 The wheel was ahead of its time too. 1.2658 0.05317 79 59 19 1
2107 I love the open concept but it’s a bit too steep for our budget. 1.2658 0.05896 79 61 15 3
2108 Quarantine has given you way too much time. 1.2658 0.05614 79 60 17 2
2109 Dang, still don't see any sign of rain? 1.2658 0.05614 79 60 17 2
2110 Well isn’t that one for the Stone Ages! 1.2658 0.05896 79 61 15 3
2111 You said We can’t afford a peloton 1.2658 0.05896 79 61 15 3
2112 I clawed my way up, but it’s lonely at the top. 1.2658 0.06165 79 62 13 4
2113 Well it’s a bit of a fixer-upper, but at least it’s got good bones 1.2658 0.05614 79 60 17 2
2114 It’s a rock classic! 1.2656 0.06394 64 49 13 2
2115 I’ve never done a back flip before! 1.2656 0.05994 64 48 15 1
2116 Now you come down from there, right now! "Stairway To Heaven"? 1.2655 0.04536 113 87 23 3
2117 Well, where's the house? 1.2653 0.05533 98 77 16 5
2118 That's not how evolution works. 1.2653 0.05139 98 75 20 3
2119 Can you hear me now? 1.2653 0.04930 98 74 22 2
2120 I can still see you. 1.2653 0.05139 98 75 20 3
2121 That is NOT what they meant by The Ascent of Man!" 1.2653 0.05340 98 76 18 4
2122 Trust me, just one step back. 1.2653 0.05139 98 75 20 3
2123 You're not finished with inventing the wheel. Now you want to invent a hypotenuse? 1.2653 0.05139 98 75 20 3
2124 Doesn't look good from here either 1.2651 0.05444 83 63 18 2
2125 It's for leg and glute exercises. I call it the Rockmaster! 1.2651 0.06433 83 67 10 6
2126 I was told whatever I built had to be scalable. 1.2651 0.05959 83 65 14 4
2127 Nice job scalene, but I don’t think you’re seeing things from the right angle. 1.2651 0.05707 83 64 16 3
2128 That’s nice, but I haven’t forgotten about the wheel you said you’d make. 1.2651 0.04563 83 62 21 0
2129 I'm thinking we should name it hypotenuse. 1.2651 0.05167 83 62 20 1
2130 You’re not better than me you know 1.2651 0.05167 83 62 20 1
2131 You say it tells the time...what the hell is time? 1.2647 0.06827 68 54 10 4
2132 Dinner is ready, Pythagoras. Come down from there already! 1.2647 0.05783 68 53 13 2
2133 I was hoping for something a little more Henge-y. 1.2647 0.07141 68 55 8 5
2134 Go tell Sisyphus he can start rolling the stone! 1.2647 0.04812 102 79 20 3
2135 The ground is lava 1.2647 0.05200 102 79 19 4
2136 Imagine the possibilities. 1.2644 0.05535 87 67 17 3
2137 Congratulations!! Now what? 1.2644 0.05771 87 68 15 4
2138 What do you mean “you missed the flight?” 1.2644 0.05535 87 67 17 3
2139 I'm telling you! In the future, people will use these to mount their woolly mammoths. 1.2644 0.05771 87 68 15 4
2140 Very nice, but it needs a bannister. 1.2644 0.05535 87 69 14 4
2141 What do you mean we haven't invented the slinky?? 1.2644 0.05288 87 66 19 2
2142 Attempting to reach for new heights? 1.2644 0.05998 87 69 13 5
2143 Why can't you work that hard at something useful? 1.2644 0.05029 87 65 21 1
2144 And when it's electric we'll call it an escalator. 1.2644 0.05771 87 68 15 4
2145 We´ll call it The Upper East Side 1.2644 0.05998 87 69 13 5
2146 Ten more of those and then you’ll be finished with your cardio. 1.2644 0.05535 87 67 17 3
2147 Still seems flat from here. 1.2644 0.05998 87 69 13 5
2148 Who’s at rock bottom now, Sharon? 1.2644 0.05535 87 67 17 3
2149 Now try to get through this 1.2642 0.04507 106 82 22 2
2150 First of all, what's a pyramid? And then, what's a scheme? 1.2642 0.04889 106 81 22 3
2151 I really didn’t mean it when I said you were past your peak. 1.2642 0.04980 106 84 17 5
2152 What a moment to discover—I’m acrophobic! 1.2642 0.05069 106 82 20 4
2153 Whadaya mean, you're running for chief? 1.2642 0.04303 106 86 16 4
2154 I think we've discovered flight. 1.2639 0.06253 72 56 13 3
2155 Okay Margaret, now pull one out - real fast. 1.2639 0.06253 72 56 13 3
2156 Your edifice complex is showing, again. 1.2639 0.05592 72 54 17 1
2157 Now just imagine a big hole filled with water. 1.2639 0.06850 72 58 9 5
2158 : "I don't know. You could try sliding down." 1.2639 0.05932 72 55 15 2
2159 While his contemporaries scribbled on cave walls, Zog pioneered the mind-body workout. 1.2639 0.05592 72 54 17 1
2160 This’ll confuse our descendants. Big time. 1.2637 0.04901 91 68 22 1
2161 I had to walk all the way here, and now this? 1.2637 0.04901 91 68 22 1
2162 Stairway to Kevin? 1.2637 0.05813 91 72 14 5
2163 What a view! I see another rock. 1.2637 0.05144 91 69 20 2
2164 You should have been nicer to me on your way up. 1.2637 0.05376 91 70 18 3
2165 But is it enough to become a myth? 1.2637 0.05376 91 70 18 3
2166 Give it a few thousand years... they'll think I'm a Homogenius. 1.2637 0.05376 91 70 18 3
2167 And you did this ..Why? 1.2637 0.05599 91 71 16 4
2168 I appreciate the effort hon but I don't quite see how this gets us out of the stone age. 1.2637 0.05144 91 69 20 2
2169 Sheila! Where did you put the toilet paper? 1.2637 0.05599 91 71 16 4
2170 Honey, you promised you'd stop getting stones. 1.2637 0.04901 91 68 22 1
2171 Our descendants will think it has religious significance 1.2637 0.05813 91 72 14 5
2172 Impressive. Now will you go hunting again? I'm hungry. 1.2637 0.05144 91 69 20 2
2173 You fool - it's upside-down. 1.2637 0.04901 91 68 22 1
2174 I’m social distancing... Pythagorean style. 1.2637 0.05813 91 72 14 5
2175 That’s not what I meant by reaching new heights 1.2637 0.05599 91 71 16 4
2176 But it's way below budget. 1.2636 0.04220 110 81 29 0
2177 And then I'll announce my candidacy on the way down... 1.2636 0.04948 110 85 21 4
2178 Honey, this is where our new bedroom will be. 1.2636 0.04607 129 100 24 5
2179 Hey, audience of one. I need your help. 1.2632 0.04898 95 74 18 3
2180 I said, watch your step dear 1.2632 0.06316 76 60 12 4
2181 Now I'm all set for this climate change everyone's talking about. 1.2632 0.05419 76 57 18 1
2182 You've got nowhere to go but down. 1.2632 0.06316 76 60 12 4
2183 Dammit, Harold, I told you to hire a professional. 1.2632 0.05733 76 58 16 2
2184 Top jobs are unstable. 1.2632 0.06032 76 59 14 3
2185 Great, you can now go down in history as the guy who proved there is no correlation between altitude and intelligence. 1.2632 0.06032 76 59 14 3
2186 You have to invent the house first... 1.2632 0.05011 95 72 21 2
2187 It’s only a prototype, but the sky’s the limit. 1.2632 0.05011 95 72 21 2
2188 Hmmm...weird I still can’t see the moon. 1.2632 0.04502 114 86 26 2
2189 Look,forget all those other times,trust me I’ll catch you,now jump. 1.2632 0.05229 95 73 19 3
2190 I'm going places babe. Can't you see that. 1.2632 0.05733 76 58 16 2
2191 Relationship on the rocks. 1.2632 0.05733 76 58 16 2
2192 If you’re not going to wear your mask this is where I’ll be 1.2632 0.05419 76 57 18 1
2193 Do these make me look taller? 1.2632 0.06032 76 59 14 3
2194 I guess you won the stair-ing contest 1.2632 0.05419 76 57 18 1
2195 I said I wanted a stairmaster. Bob why don’t you ever listen? 1.2632 0.04782 95 71 23 1
2196 So this is your progressive rock stairway to heaven? 1.2626 0.04780 99 77 19 3
2197 While you're up, see if I left my glasses there. 1.2626 0.05094 99 76 20 3
2198 Well, until it goes somewhere, I'll still call it 'meta-lithic.' 1.2626 0.05483 99 78 16 5
2199 Wonderful, George. A stairway to nowhere. 1.2626 0.05483 99 78 16 5
2200 Why do all you stoners just spend your days getting high? 1.2625 0.06096 80 63 13 4
2201 Playing hard-to-get? 1.2625 0.05553 80 61 17 2
2202 Did you forget what you went up there for again? 1.2625 0.05553 80 61 17 2
2203 I wanted to get high so I got stoned. 1.2625 0.06096 80 65 10 5
2204 Practical? Is your cousin's precious "Stonehenge" practical? At least you can climb my objet d'art and enjoy the view. 1.2625 0.06595 80 65 9 6
2205 HMMM. Where do you think you're going, old man?. You can't just invent a stairway to heaven.... 1.2625 0.05260 80 60 19 1
2206 Carl, this is a great. What's the next step in this religion? 1.2625 0.05553 80 61 17 2
2207 What is a stairway? Also, what is heaven? 1.2625 0.05260 80 62 16 2
2208 I never said I didn’t look up to you... 1.2625 0.06096 80 63 13 4
2209 Nice stairs, but the rocks were for the house. 1.2625 0.06096 80 63 13 4
2210 You never listen to me Thor. I said I wanted it to look like Stonehenge. 1.2625 0.06096 80 63 13 4
2211 I don’t care if you’re king of the heap...I told you to bring home dinner Bob 1.2625 0.06096 80 63 13 4
2212 I do like it, honey. It’s just that Jane’s husband gave her Stonehenge for their Anniversary. 1.2625 0.05553 80 61 17 2
2213 There was really no point in reinventing the wheel. I call this “climbing the corporate ladder”. 1.2625 0.05553 80 61 17 2
2214 Another half thought out disaster. You only made an "Up" there is no "Down" 1.2621 0.04355 103 80 21 2
2215 ...and when they find it in a million years it will absolutely drive them crazy! 1.2621 0.04967 103 79 21 3
2216 I said cigarette, not ziggurat 1.2619 0.05648 84 65 16 3
2217 I call it social distancing. 1.2619 0.05648 84 65 16 3
2218 More valuable or not, it's still a walk-up. 1.2619 0.05388 84 64 18 2
2219 You promised me a rock garden. 1.2619 0.05115 84 63 20 1
2220 You know, you're making it easier for the T-Rex. 1.2619 0.05648 84 65 16 3
2221 This is where I come to get away from your mother. 1.2619 0.05388 84 64 18 2
2222 Yet you haven't fixed the firepit. 1.2619 0.05896 84 66 14 4
2223 They call it ‘A Stonehenge to Heaven’. 1.2619 0.05896 84 66 14 4
2224 You say the earth looks round? 1.2619 0.05648 84 65 16 3
2225 This isn’t what they mean by the upward climb of human history. 1.2619 0.05388 84 64 18 2
2226 Great. Now come down and help with the laundry. 1.2619 0.05648 84 65 16 3
2227 I have reached the pinnacle of human achievement! 1.2619 0.05896 84 66 14 4
2228 Cain, what do you think would happen if I jump from here? 1.2619 0.05896 84 66 14 4
2229 I’m not sure, John, maybe we should invent agriculture instead. 1.2619 0.05388 84 64 18 2
2230 you’ll do anything to stay 6 feet away 1.2619 0.05388 84 64 18 2
2231 So that's your stairway to Heaven? 1.2617 0.05839 107 88 10 9
2232 I’m here for the view 1.2615 0.07029 65 52 9 4
2233 Seriously, this is your 12 step program? 1.2614 0.05713 88 69 15 4
2234 Good thing fire was invented and we have a Department to get you down!" 1.2614 0.05236 88 67 19 2
2235 I probably should have started with the basement 1.2614 0.05236 88 67 19 2
2236 I think a little bit to the right would be better 1.2614 0.05480 88 68 17 3
2237 Who is the "they" we should be looking for? 1.2614 0.05713 88 69 15 4
2238 This is exactly the sort of behavior Dr. Kreuksfeldt is talking about." 1.2614 0.05713 88 69 15 4
2239 I was listening to Led Zeppelin and thought, what the heck. 1.2614 0.05236 88 67 19 2
2240 I heard this voice saying build it and they will come. So far you're the only one. 1.2614 0.05236 88 67 19 2
2241 It will be fun when it snows. 1.2614 0.05713 88 69 15 4
2242 But I told everyone you were going to build us a pyramid 1.2614 0.05713 88 69 15 4
2243 Nice concept, but your π design at Stonehenge is infinitely more intriguing. 1.2614 0.05937 88 70 13 5
2244 I already do more "steps" than I can count. I'm not spending an hour on that thing every day! 1.2614 0.05713 88 71 12 5
2245 You do know I can still see you. 1.2614 0.05480 88 68 17 3
2246 I want to be alone. 1.2614 0.05480 88 68 17 3
2247 I thought we were working on a wheel. 1.2614 0.05236 88 67 19 2
2248 It’s a rocky start to I’m not sure what... 1.2614 0.04570 88 67 20 1
2249 I'm trying to get my steps in. 1.2614 0.05480 88 68 17 3
2250 Mexico is going to pay for this one too, I take it? 1.2614 0.05236 88 67 19 2
2251 Rocks!!! Really, are you kidding me - for my birthday!!! I meant diamonds!!! 1.2614 0.05480 88 68 17 3
2252 12 step program? Is that a thing? 1.2614 0.05713 88 69 15 4
2253 Well, you’ve built it, are you going to jump or not? 1.2614 0.05713 88 69 15 4
2254 You're calling ME unstable?! 1.2614 0.05713 88 69 15 4
2255 Stairway to heaven, my foot. Get down here and finish skinning that mastodon, mister high-and-mighty! 1.2613 0.04739 111 85 23 3
2256 So, you called me out here to make amends? 1.2613 0.04739 111 85 23 3
2257 Stonehenge is bigger! 1.2609 0.05212 92 73 15 4
2258 Careful! It looks rocky. 1.2609 0.05545 92 72 16 4
2259 Once you get on the woolly mammoth then what genius? 1.2609 0.05711 69 52 16 1
2260 I have the high ground... 1.2609 0.04856 92 69 22 1
2261 Get down from there - “Rockhenge” is not a THING. 1.2609 0.05325 69 51 18 0
2262 It’s called an escalator. It’s ahead of its time. 1.2609 0.04797 115 89 22 4
2263 It's a new game I invented. Pull one out and see if I am still standing! 1.2609 0.04856 92 69 22 1
2264 I think you are supposed to go through the stones to get to the 17th century but who knows ... 1.2609 0.05325 92 74 14 4
2265 Well, He can wait - dinner’s ready. 1.2609 0.05325 92 71 18 3
2266 It’s 10,000 years before the sea rises, and supper’s ready. 1.2609 0.05960 92 74 12 6
2267 Don’t take this the wrong way, but I need some alone time. 1.2609 0.04856 92 69 22 1
2268 I climbed out of rock bottom 1.2609 0.04294 115 86 28 1
2269 So is the end in sight or not? 1.2609 0.05325 92 71 18 3
2270 It’s MY invention and I want to call it “suicide.” 1.2604 0.04966 96 73 21 2
2271 What’s your point, Mr. Pythagoras? 1.2604 0.04966 96 73 21 2
2272 You’re just a square on the hypotenuse. 1.2604 0.05182 96 76 16 4
2273 Now I'm working on making it go up and down. 1.2604 0.05182 96 74 19 3
2274 Go buy more stairway. 1.2604 0.04966 96 73 21 2
2275 Well how are you going to get down now? 1.2604 0.05182 96 74 19 3
2276 It’s part of a government contract 1.2604 0.05389 96 75 17 4
2277 I thought a “marriage on the rocks” was a good thing. 1.2604 0.04966 96 73 21 2
2278 All it took was a small loan from my father of one million rocks. 1.2604 0.04966 96 73 21 2
2279 Never understood modern architecture! 1.2603 0.05861 73 56 15 2
2280 It's not what I expected when you said you would rock my world. 1.2603 0.06177 73 57 13 3
2281 I'm not paying $2000 a month for a walk-up! 1.2603 0.06478 73 58 11 4
2282 What's up? 1.2603 0.06765 73 59 9 5
2283 I can see Mt. Rushmore from here! 1.2603 0.06177 73 57 13 3
2284 The Neanderthals are coming, the Neanderthals are coming 1.2603 0.06478 73 60 8 5
2285 It’s still flat from up here 1.2603 0.05527 73 55 17 1
2286 Shall I start the game of Jenga? 1.2603 0.06177 73 57 13 3
2287 I feel like you've been acting out since your brother invented the wheel 1.2603 0.05861 73 56 15 2
2288 Are you sure this how they do it in Egypt? 1.2600 0.05245 100 78 18 4
2289 I'm rocking this stairway to the stars! 1.2600 0.05435 100 79 16 5
2290 At least you haven't hit rock bottom. 1.2600 0.05245 100 78 18 4
2291 I’m not sure honey, it still looks flat! 1.2600 0.04845 100 76 22 2
2292 Well, you are never going to get me to go up in that crazy thing! 1.2597 0.06243 77 61 12 4
2293 We could have so much fun if only someone would invent the banister. 1.2597 0.05963 77 60 14 3
2294 Fear of intimacy? 1.2597 0.05030 77 59 17 1
2295 Who do you think will buy your escalator? 1.2597 0.05963 77 60 14 3
2296 This will be important soon. I just don't know why yet. 1.2597 0.05359 77 58 18 1
2297 Am I stoned or what? 1.2597 0.06243 77 61 12 4
2298 Forget the wheel. A triangle is the next rage! 1.2597 0.05669 77 59 16 2
2299 Clever theorem. But won't everybody laugh if you call it a hypotenuse? 1.2597 0.06243 77 61 12 4
2300 What's a theorem? 1.2597 0.06243 77 61 12 4
2301 Have you seen my club? 1.2597 0.06104 77 63 9 5
2302 No, I didn't read the instructions. It is what it is! 1.2596 0.04732 104 79 23 2
2303 That is not quite the stairway to heaven I had in mind 1.2596 0.05465 104 83 15 6
2304 Have you heard the expression Cart before the horse? 1.2596 0.04531 104 80 22 2
2305 You could have been captain of the ship - or even king of the hill, but no, you had to choose top of the heap. 1.2596 0.05465 104 83 15 6
2306 You said we could afford an elevator building. 1.2596 0.05112 104 81 19 4
2307 How is sculpture going to feed us? 1.2593 0.05768 81 63 15 3
2308 And you think THIS will cure your inferiority complex? 1.2593 0.05493 81 62 17 2
2309 Isosceles, you finally made your triangle right! 1.2593 0.05768 81 63 15 3
2310 It's nice, but will never be as popular as Stonehenge. 1.2593 0.05205 81 61 19 1
2311 Might as well jump, you've already hit rock bottom once. 1.2593 0.04987 108 84 20 4
2312 In what sense "practical"? 1.2593 0.05768 81 63 15 3
2313 Isosceles come down from there right now! 1.2593 0.05205 81 61 19 1
2314 Og! I wanted it over there! 1.2593 0.05205 81 61 19 1
2315 Is this to make up for your tiny....? 1.2593 0.05768 81 63 15 3
2316 Technically, I guess it's a brownstone. 1.2593 0.05493 81 62 17 2
2317 Behold my latest invention, THE HYPOTENUSE- INATOR!! 1.2593 0.06029 81 64 13 4
2318 On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me...a rock, on the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me...two rocks, On the third day... 1.2593 0.05205 81 61 19 1
2319 Because I got high, because I got high, because I got hiiiigh. 1.2593 0.05205 81 61 19 1
2320 It’s our newest model: The Stair Master BC 20,000 1.2593 0.05768 81 63 15 3
2321 On a clear day you can see the Pliocene Era 1.2593 0.05768 81 63 15 3
2322 It’s called a walk-up, Brenda. 1.2593 0.05493 81 62 17 2
2323 I wouldn't say it's pointless — you should see my glutes! 1.2588 0.05333 85 65 18 2
2324 You're right, the Smith's rock pile is higher than ours. 1.2588 0.04317 85 64 21 0
2325 Well, these only go “up”. 1.2588 0.05589 85 66 16 3
2326 I call it a "rock slide." 1.2588 0.05589 85 66 16 3
2327 I call it ‘March 2020’. 1.2588 0.04923 85 66 17 2
2328 The same as that round thing you called a wheel, this too will go nowhere. 1.2588 0.05063 85 64 20 1
2329 We lost half of everything in Zog's pyramid scheme. 1.2588 0.05589 85 66 16 3
2330 Ain't no mountain high enough to keep me from getting to you, babe 1.2588 0.05589 85 66 16 3
2331 This is the beta version, right? 1.2588 0.05063 85 64 20 1
2332 If you build it, they come 1.2588 0.05589 85 66 16 3
2333 OK. But um...what's 'heaven?' 1.2588 0.05589 85 66 16 3
2334 I told you to read the assembly instructions! 1.2588 0.05333 85 65 18 2
2335 Yeah,like that but in bronze. 1.2588 0.05333 85 65 18 2
2336 I call them stairs, but I think they’re a folly. 1.2588 0.05835 85 67 14 4
2337 You forgot why you went up there? 1.2588 0.06070 85 68 12 5
2338 Okay, dear, the stairs are done. Now all we got left is the rest of the house. 1.2588 0.05333 85 67 15 3
2339 I just wanted granite counter-tops, if it's not too much to ask. 1.2588 0.05835 85 67 14 4
2340 How do you expect to get the bedroom set up there? 1.2588 0.06296 85 71 7 7
2341 ok that’s terrific. Now come down and take out the garbage. 1.2588 0.05333 85 65 18 2
2342 Your public isn't coming, you should come down now. 1.2588 0.05589 85 66 16 3
2343 Well, Ayers Rock it aint 1.2588 0.05063 85 64 20 1
2344 Nice stairs but why! 1.2586 0.07196 58 46 9 3
2345 Just another government boondoggle, 'stairs to nowhere' " 1.2584 0.05426 89 69 17 3
2346 That’s great Isosceles. It’s just not you. 1.2584 0.05185 89 68 19 2
2347 I built it to get on the wheel. 1.2584 0.05426 89 69 17 3
2348 Bring it on! 1.2584 0.05656 89 70 15 4
2349 Just what are you trying to prove, Pythagoras? 1.2584 0.05878 89 71 13 5
2350 We're living in the stone age, what do you expect? 1.2584 0.05426 89 69 17 3
2351 Don't forget to come down the same way you went up. 1.2584 0.05878 89 71 13 5
2352 Harold, you'll never be able to see the ocean..This is Missouri!!! 1.2584 0.04933 89 67 21 1
2353 Okay wise guy, now how are you going to get down? 1.2584 0.05656 89 70 15 4
2354 Of course it's to code. 1.2584 0.05185 89 68 19 2
2355 I sure hope you do not expect me to climb up their to bring you your meals! 1.2584 0.04933 89 67 21 1
2356 Dont' you sneeze, you didn't take a hankie! 1.2584 0.05878 89 71 13 5
2357 You said to find a hobby. 1.2584 0.05185 89 68 19 2
2358 What is the Point 1.2584 0.05656 89 70 15 4
2359 Not exactly a stairway to heaven, is it? 1.2584 0.05656 89 70 15 4
2360 Nice stairway! Now you have to invent Religion. 1.2584 0.06091 89 72 11 6
2361 It's a period appropriate structure 1.2584 0.04667 89 68 20 1
2362 Impressive . . . but Urg is working on an entire bridge to nowhere. 1.2584 0.05878 89 71 13 5
2363 World’s tallest artificial structure circa 50,000 BCE, holding the record from its completion until its collapse 10 minutes later. 1.2584 0.05656 89 70 15 4
2364 No I will not stop, Brenda, I’ve got to get my steps in! 1.2583 0.04659 120 93 23 4
2365 You are such a Neanderthal 1.2581 0.05048 93 71 20 2
2366 OK, it's a neolithic tour de force. But we need meat. 1.2581 0.05275 93 72 18 3
2367 Done. I'll set sail when the tide comes in. 1.2581 0.05048 93 71 20 2
2368 I needed a place where I'd be safe from the guy who invented the wheel. 1.2581 0.05701 93 74 14 5
2369 Rock steady! 1.2581 0.04811 93 70 22 1
2370 If I can stay up here long enough I wont NEED a vaccine. 1.2581 0.05048 93 71 20 2
2371 Stonehenge it's not, dear. 1.2581 0.05275 93 72 18 3
2372 Again?... 1.2581 0.05048 93 71 20 2
2373 I prefer your cave-drawing of it. 1.2581 0.05275 93 72 18 3
2374 I told you to make a wheel. 1.2581 0.05275 93 72 18 3
2375 A little more to the left. 1.2581 0.05275 93 72 18 3
2376 I think I’ll call it an escalator 1.2578 0.04331 128 98 27 3
2377 Because someday subscribers will get a better signal from up here. 1.2577 0.05728 97 78 13 6
2378 Is it OK up there, or should we keep our orchestra seats? 1.2577 0.04922 97 74 21 2
2379 Does it really have to be moved an inch to the left? 1.2577 0.05538 97 77 15 5
2380 It's not that I don't like it, but I guess I envisioned accent pieces and maybe some kind of structure attached to it. 1.2577 0.04698 97 73 23 1
2381 I got the idea from listening to this rock band. 1.2577 0.04922 97 74 21 2
2382 No wonder you was bad at business! 1.2577 0.04922 97 74 21 2
2383 It's not much, but at least it's rent controlled. 1.2577 0.04698 97 73 23 1
2384 I can almost see the end of March from up here 1.2577 0.05135 97 75 19 3
2385 -Of course it’s good. But is it “future civilizations will assume aliens made it” good? 1.2577 0.04922 97 74 21 2
2386 You still have to wear a mask though. 1.2577 0.05135 97 75 19 3
2387 I've named these "stairs". Finding a use for them, well, that's a different story. 1.2577 0.04922 97 74 21 2
2388 Is that your idea of a 'love triangle'? 1.2576 0.05838 66 50 15 1
2389 Look, until they invent bronze, this is what we got to work with. 1.2576 0.06933 66 53 9 4
2390 They called the inventors of fire and the wheel crazy at first, too. 1.2574 0.05200 101 79 18 4
2391 You're hunting for attention, I gather? 1.2574 0.05200 101 79 18 4
2392 Early obsessive compulsive 1.2574 0.04804 101 77 22 2
2393 Oh, now I get it Pythagoras. 1.2574 0.05006 101 81 16 4
2394 ...and this is where our sleeping quarters will be. 1.2574 0.05912 101 83 10 8
2395 Yeah, very impressive, now come and help me to clean the cave. 1.2574 0.05006 101 78 20 3
2396 I call it the corporate ladder. You’ll be able to start climbing it in about 180,000 years. 1.2574 0.05006 101 78 20 3
2397 Honey, I’m calling it a StairMaster..... 1.2574 0.05387 101 80 16 5
2398 This song won't be invented for another million years. 1.2574 0.04804 101 77 22 2
2399 Dude, just finish the level already. 1.2571 0.05641 70 53 16 1
2400 The zoning officer says the tread to riser ratio is all wrong. 1.2571 0.04885 105 81 21 3
2401 What are you? Half Egyptian? Ellen Sullivan, Newbury, Ma 1.2571 0.04694 105 82 20 3
2402 Even though you're on top of it, you're still going to be extinct. 1.2571 0.05246 105 85 14 6
2403 OK, I believe you. a^2 + b^2 = c^2. Now come in for dinner. 1.2571 0.04885 105 81 21 3
2404 Just think, the world's first pyramid scheme. 1.2571 0.05246 105 83 17 5
2405 This Stairway to Heaven rocks! 1.2571 0.04885 105 81 21 3
2406 It’s called cardio, Suzanne. 1.2571 0.06652 70 56 10 4
2407 Remember not to tell your teammates I built these for you. I only build stairs for people that look like me. 1.2571 0.05641 70 53 16 1
2408 I thought we agreed to build a ranch. 1.2569 0.04591 109 83 24 2
2409 It's twice as good as your wheel-thing. Hey...I just invented math! 1.2568 0.05113 74 55 19 0
2410 I guess I didn't think ahead. 1.2568 0.05463 74 56 17 1
2411 What the heck is Led Zeppelin? 1.2568 0.05792 74 57 15 2
2412 OK,you're a rock star, now will you please get down" 1.2568 0.06103 74 58 13 3
2413 Let them try and get through this! 1.2568 0.05792 74 57 15 2
2414 "I call it 'Rock on rock on rock on rock on rock on rock on rock....'" 1.2568 0.06103 74 58 13 3
2415 Yet another of your inventions leads to nowhere. 1.2568 0.06399 74 59 11 4
2416 I get that this is the height of the Stone Age, but this is a bit too meta for me. 1.2568 0.06103 74 58 13 3
2417 So who's Jessica? 1.2566 0.04993 113 89 19 5
2418 It's just a song! That "Stairway to Heaven" thing. It's just a song. 1.2564 0.05605 78 60 16 2
2419 and don't tell me I told you so! 1.2564 0.06689 78 64 8 6
2420 So, where's this moon you said you'd give me? 1.2564 0.05300 78 59 18 1
2421 Best one yet, Isosceles. you should patent this one. 1.2564 0.05605 78 60 16 2
2422 Ten thousand years from now, this is going to blow someone's mind! 1.2564 0.05605 78 60 16 2
2423 It’s not so lonely at the top. 1.2564 0.06171 78 62 12 4
2424 Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps... 1.2564 0.04976 78 60 17 1
2425 Now all you need to do is dig the pool. 1.2564 0.05605 78 60 16 2
2426 I thought you said you wanted a bolder look!" 1.2564 0.05605 78 60 16 2
2427 No, it doesn't look as if it will equal the sum of the squares on the other two sides. 1.2564 0.05605 78 60 16 2
2428 Pyth-so you were stoned when you said the pot in use last night would get you ‘high.’ 1.2564 0.04318 117 94 19 4
2429 I chose flight. 1.2564 0.05605 78 60 16 2
2430 Get down from your pedestal! It is not like you invented fire is it?!” 🔥🔥🔥 1.2564 0.05895 78 61 14 3
2431 I’ll need a mammoth to demonstrate, but this is the future of transportation. 1.2564 0.06171 78 62 12 4
2432 Come along its the only stairway to heaven 1.2564 0.05605 78 60 16 2
2433 That’s great, but the Wymans just installed an elevator in their duplex! 1.2564 0.06171 78 62 12 4
2434 A stairway to purgatory? 1.2561 0.05706 82 64 15 3
2435 I don't think it's the right angle. 1.2561 0.05435 82 63 17 2
2436 I think I can fly, honey. Just watch. 1.2561 0.05964 82 65 13 4
2437 So just where do you think you are going Mr.? 1.2561 0.05706 82 64 15 3
2438 Can you see if there are any more rocks? 1.2561 0.05151 82 62 19 1
2439 Unfortunately, the City failed it for no hand rail 1.2561 0.05964 82 65 13 4
2440 You can come down now; your time-out is over 1.2561 0.05151 82 62 19 1
2441 I really don't care. There's a 30 minute limit during peak hours. 1.2561 0.05151 82 62 19 1
2442 One day this will move on its own. 1.2561 0.05706 82 64 15 3
2443 So you're finally taller than I am. What now? 1.2561 0.04850 82 61 21 0
2444 Told you I can still get it up. 1.2561 0.05435 82 63 17 2
2445 Your inventions never take us anywhere. 1.2561 0.06211 82 66 11 5
2446 I hope you know what you are doing! 1.2561 0.05151 82 62 19 1
2447 History’s first 12-step program. 1.2561 0.05435 82 63 17 2
2448 Your mother keeps asking when we're going to make the next step. 1.2561 0.05435 82 63 17 2
2449 Looks like a pyramid scheme to me. 1.2558 0.05774 86 68 14 4
2450 It's just a stepping stone. 1.2558 0.04733 86 64 22 0
2451 What's this 'heaven' you're building a stairway to? 1.2558 0.05774 86 70 11 5
2452 Im thinking of calling it an escalator. 1.2558 0.05013 86 65 20 1
2453 Sort of interesting, but is it practical? 1.2558 0.05013 86 65 20 1
2454 All the way up here, and I still can't find where I asked for your opinion. 1.2558 0.05774 86 68 14 4
2455 Now just wait for a Mammoth to walk by. I'll go get your spear." 1.2558 0.05279 86 66 18 2
2456 Yes, I hear you, but how about we go back to my "wheel" idea? 1.2558 0.05013 86 65 20 1
2457 This is my sales forecast for The Wheel. 1.2558 0.05774 86 68 14 4
2458 I think you'r right, it's not acute. 1.2558 0.05774 86 68 14 4
2459 World History’s first tourist trap. 1.2558 0.05279 86 66 18 2
2460 I'm waiting for a Pterodactyl 1.2558 0.05532 86 67 16 3
2461 Great invention, see any food? 1.2558 0.05532 86 69 13 4
2462 You're probably not the last man to build a stone staircase to nowhere. 1.2558 0.05774 86 68 14 4
2463 Are you stoned or what? 1.2558 0.05279 86 66 18 2
2464 Well...can you at least see if I left the kettle on? 1.2558 0.05279 86 66 18 2
2465 Now, I am! 1.2558 0.05013 86 65 20 1
2466 I'm sure it is an accurate representation of a dorsal fin....but where are we going to sleep? 1.2558 0.05774 86 68 14 4
2467 I call these stairs!, but I’m not sure what they’re for. 1.2556 0.04886 90 70 18 2
2468 Because it's there. 1.2556 0.05373 90 70 17 3
2469 I'm no genius Pythagoras, but I think your theory only holds true for rocks if they are all the same size. 1.2556 0.05373 90 70 17 3
2470 I'm not your ma. And that's hardly the top of the world. 1.2556 0.05373 90 70 17 3
2471 It's OK now. I got rid of the mouse. 1.2556 0.05135 90 69 19 2
2472 I know, I know, there's feeling you get when you look to the west.. 1.2556 0.05135 90 69 19 2
2473 I know you are proud but it’s no stairway to heaven. 1.2556 0.04886 90 68 21 1
2474 The second floor view will be fabulous! 1.2556 0.04886 90 68 21 1
2475 But I like it just fine on the first floor. 1.2556 0.05600 90 71 15 4
2476 Fire was easier. 1.2556 0.05373 90 70 17 3
2477 Honey, "Stairway to Heaven" won't be written for at least another 2000 year 1.2556 0.05373 90 70 17 3
2478 Donald, that's not how you build a wall. 1.2556 0.05135 90 69 19 2
2479 I call it a ‘trampoline’. 1.2556 0.05819 90 72 13 5
2480 Get off your rocks! 1.2556 0.05135 90 69 19 2
2481 Hey Pythagoras, I think you’ve got the right angle! 1.2556 0.05373 90 70 17 3
2482 Honey, is it everything you hoped it would be? 1.2556 0.05135 90 69 19 2
2483 Ha they’ll think aliens did it! 1.2556 0.05135 90 69 19 2
2484 And they said necessity was the mother of invention...ha! I showed them! 1.2556 0.05373 90 70 17 3
2485 We’ll get there. 1.2556 0.05135 90 69 19 2
2486 Hang on. I’ll buzz you in. 1.2553 0.05002 94 72 20 2
2487 You forgot to make the house. 1.2553 0.05647 94 75 14 5
2488 No. Not even if you claim to be at the top of the evolutionary ladder. 1.2553 0.04768 94 71 22 1
2489 I don't have a name for it yet but I sure do get a lot of stares. 1.2553 0.05226 94 73 18 3
2490 Maybe just concentrate on the wheel! 1.2553 0.05647 94 75 14 5
2491 No future in stairs, Og. I'd work on wheel design. 1.2553 0.05647 94 75 14 5
2492 Do you want to be married or do you want to be right?? 1.2553 0.05226 94 73 18 3
2493 Well, aren’t you a rock star. 1.2553 0.05440 94 74 16 4
2494 It's no Stonehenge. 1.2551 0.05676 98 79 13 6
2495 I said “moral” high ground 1.2551 0.05292 98 77 17 4
2496 Another one of your crazy pyramid schemes! 1.2551 0.04878 98 77 18 3
2497 You’re building a monumental tomb?! We haven’t even invented kings yet! 1.2551 0.05292 98 77 17 4
2498 I'm calling it a pulpit. 1.2549 0.04963 102 79 20 3
2499 Did you run this past the Cave Owners Association? 1.2549 0.04555 102 77 24 1
2500 No, I don’t want to ‘come upstairs’. 1.2549 0.04763 102 78 22 2
2501 You're right. It's not rocket science. 1.2549 0.05518 102 82 14 6
2502 „Well, just as I thought...the world isn‘t flat“ 1.2549 0.05155 102 80 18 4
2503 OK Pythagoras, now what 1.2547 0.04845 106 82 21 3
2504 Emma, I'm telling you this is going to catch on! 1.2547 0.05372 106 85 15 6
2505 Want to take my step class? 1.2545 0.04555 110 84 24 2
2506 Stone Age homes by IKEA 1.2542 0.04990 118 94 18 6
2507 I told you there was only one tree! 1.2537 0.06501 67 53 11 3
2508 If you think this is the high point of our marriage, you have another think coming. 1.2535 0.05573 71 56 13 2
2509 Hunny, they said six rocks apart, not six rocks above 1.2535 0.05573 71 54 16 1
2510 Can I see the rectangle again? 1.2535 0.05573 71 54 16 1
2511 How's the new sail boat coming along? 1.2535 0.05573 71 54 16 1
2512 I thought I’d work on the garage next 1.2535 0.06567 71 57 10 4
2513 I'm leaving you for the guy who digs big holes. 1.2533 0.06031 75 59 13 3
2514 Do you want to step down or fall down? 1.2533 0.06031 75 59 13 3
2515 All I said was "We need to talk!" 1.2533 0.06031 75 59 13 3
2516 Good job! We've just proved the Pythagorean theorum! 1.2533 0.05400 75 57 17 1
2517 Really Fred are you stoned “ 1.2533 0.06323 75 60 11 4
2518 I didn't mean it when I said you were short. 1.2533 0.05724 75 58 15 2
2519 How are you going to get down? 1.2532 0.06101 79 63 12 4
2520 So what are the kids supposed to play with? 1.2532 0.05544 79 61 16 2
2521 This isn't my dream, Dad. It's yours. 1.2532 0.05544 79 61 16 2
2522 The smoke signals say they're out of coffee, too. 1.2532 0.05544 79 61 16 2
2523 Pythagoras was right! 1.2532 0.05829 79 62 14 3
2524 It's an isolese triangle you idiot! 1.2532 0.04923 79 59 20 0
2525 You know,instead of stairs,I think I'd prefer an escalator. 1.2532 0.05544 79 61 16 2
2526 I said I don't have any scissors or paper 1.2532 0.06101 79 63 12 4
2527 George! Put sweater on! 1.2532 0.06612 79 65 8 6
2528 You know you’re going to have to take it down before the kids wake up. 1.2532 0.06101 79 63 12 4
2529 Capitalism 1.2532 0.05544 79 61 16 2
2530 Look! This is version 1 of my new invention: the slide. 1.2532 0.05544 79 61 16 2
2531 Just imagine how confused everyone will be in the future. 1.2532 0.05544 79 61 16 2
2532 I'm not sure a stairway to heaven will catch on till guitars are invented. 1.2530 0.05645 83 65 15 3
2533 Seeing for miles and miles is overrated. 1.2530 0.05645 83 65 15 3
2534 Don't you think planting a beanstalk would be easier? 1.2530 0.06143 83 67 11 5
2535 No Gertrude I don’t want to play Jenga 1.2530 0.05378 83 64 17 2
2536 So, you call this a stepmaster? 1.2530 0.05378 83 64 17 2
2537 You want to know what I think? It rocks. 1.2530 0.04801 83 62 21 0
2538 Now that you've Gathered, go Hunt up some dinner. 1.2530 0.05645 83 65 15 3
2539 My invention of the first stairway will soon make the wheel obsolete! 1.2530 0.05098 83 63 19 1
2540 What time should I bring the kids to see the pterodactyls? 1.2530 0.05645 83 65 15 3
2541 We Need To Invent Handrails. 1.2530 0.05378 83 64 17 2
2542 What good is that? Why don't you spend your time inventing the wheel or something? 1.2530 0.05378 83 64 17 2
2543 No one gives a damn that the sum of the sides squared is equal to the hypotenuse squared. Go find me a water buffalo for dinner. 1.2530 0.05899 83 66 13 4
2544 Loft or no loft... they’re still going to call you “cave man”. 1.2530 0.05378 83 64 17 2
2545 yes, sisyphus, i do think it’ll be harder if you’re pushing a boulder. why? 1.2530 0.05098 83 63 19 1
2546 You never listen. I told you to arrange those stones in a circle, not a triangle. 1.2530 0.05378 83 64 17 2
2547 You're getting off to a rocky start. 1.2529 0.05715 87 69 14 4
2548 I guess that settles it ... It looks flat from up here, too! 1.2529 0.05715 87 69 14 4
2549 Not unless I can see Nineveh from up there, I'm not. 1.2529 0.04964 87 66 20 1
2550 Not my idea of social climbing. 1.2529 0.05476 87 68 16 3
2551 And so, trying to escape his wife, Grud accidentally started the Stone Age 1.2529 0.05715 87 69 14 4
2552 That's the way it is with you, Harry. You call them "steps," but where's the practicality? Other men are out hunting, but you.... you have your head in the clouds! 1.2529 0.06165 87 71 10 6
2553 I see now that I should've invented buildings before stairs. 1.2529 0.05226 87 67 18 2
2554 Really - you got us a walk-up. 1.2529 0.05226 87 67 18 2
2555 Just add a house, and I’ve invented the walk up! 1.2529 0.05226 87 67 18 2
2556 I'm a Pisces. Are you an Isosceles 1.2529 0.05226 87 67 18 2
2557 Could you get me a few more rocks,hon? 1.2529 0.05476 87 68 16 3
2558 Wait till I tell Pythagoras! 1.2529 0.04964 87 66 20 1
2559 OK great - but where are the handrails ? 1.2529 0.05226 87 67 18 2
2560 Honey, please hand me that pebble. 1.2529 0.04964 87 66 20 1
2561 To heaven, why? 1.2529 0.05476 87 68 16 3
2562 Did I mention it's a walk-up? 1.2529 0.05476 87 68 16 3
2563 I love the incline, hon, but you should see Jones's wheel. 1.2529 0.05944 87 70 12 5
2564 Yes Brian, it's very nice. I'm just not sure the world is yet ready for a Stairway to Heaven. 1.2529 0.05226 87 67 18 2
2565 Honey, the voice said you’d ‘die’ not ‘fly’! 1.2529 0.05715 87 69 14 4
2566 Told you that that weed of yours isn’t the only way to get high. 1.2529 0.05715 87 69 14 4
2567 So that's what you've been up to. 1.2527 0.05086 91 70 19 2
2568 Yeah, I can see people going up and down this for, in about 40,000 years. 1.2527 0.05086 91 70 19 2
2569 Your Stairmaster will never catch on... 1.2527 0.05086 91 70 19 2
2570 They said you have to remove the top two rocks because it violates zoning rules. 1.2527 0.04840 91 69 21 1
2571 Its called a diving rock. We just have to move it to the lake. 1.2527 0.05762 91 75 10 6
2572 It looks great. Now move it to the second level of the cave. 1.2527 0.05321 91 71 17 3
2573 When did you know you’re afraid of heights? 1.2527 0.05321 91 71 17 3
2574 First Lego Build. 1200 B.C. 1.2527 0.05086 91 72 16 3
2575 I didn't mean you had the high ground literally, Chad. 1.2527 0.04840 91 71 18 2
2576 Congratulations Harold, for making it to the top...of nothing. 1.2527 0.05321 91 71 17 3
2577 OK... so you’ve invented the 12-step programme. How about alcohol next? 1.2527 0.04840 91 69 21 1
2578 Sorry sir, but this neighborhood is zoned for caves only. I’ll need to see your developer permit. 1.2527 0.05321 91 71 17 3
2579 Why are you standing on a pile of rocks? 1.2526 0.05177 95 74 18 3
2580 Nelson, is this that Thirty Rock idea you were talking about? 1.2526 0.04725 95 74 19 2
2581 No, that doesn’t count as ‘The Mile High Club’. 1.2526 0.05177 95 74 18 3
2582 The questions is how are we going to monetize it? 1.2526 0.05389 95 75 16 4
2583 This isn't what I meant when I said bolder design. 1.2526 0.04956 95 73 20 2
2584 I just invented rocky relationships. 1.2526 0.05389 95 75 16 4
2585 Don’t make me start pulling out the bottom rocks again! 1.2526 0.05593 95 76 14 5
2586 You wouldn't let me have a man-cave, so this is my man-ramp. 1.2525 0.05245 99 78 17 4
2587 I climbed it because it was here. 1.2525 0.05245 99 78 17 4
2588 I told you to invent the ladder first. 1.2524 0.05110 103 81 18 4
2589 Not know how get down. Get Otis. 1.2524 0.05470 103 83 14 6
2590 I think you should start with the door or maybe a wall. 1.2524 0.04921 103 80 20 3
2591 I've figured how to climb but I'm not sure how to come down 1.2524 0.04723 103 79 22 2
2592 I need some space” 1.2524 0.04921 103 80 20 3
2593 I like it,but are you sure it's to code? 1.2524 0.04921 103 82 17 4
2594 Why do we need an attic? Old-Crap-We-Don't-Need hasn't been invented yet. 1.2524 0.05293 103 82 16 5
2595 ‘How about a little more hunting than gathering ?’ 1.2524 0.04921 103 80 20 3
2596 Man alive, you just wait 'til the Joneses get a look at THIS. 1.2524 0.05293 103 82 16 5
2597 Cool, stay there till I find a name for it! 1.2524 0.05293 103 82 16 5
2598 I invented this because I just couldn’t take it anymore. But now I’m having second thoughts... 1.2524 0.05293 103 82 16 5
2599 While you're up there, could you sweep? 1.2523 0.04618 107 82 23 2
2600 Did you leave me any stones for soup? 1.2523 0.04618 107 82 23 2
2601 So you couldn’t just invent the wheel? 1.2523 0.04423 107 81 25 1
2602 If I reach heaven this would make a killer song. 1.2523 0.04697 111 92 15 4
2603 You told me you built a stairway to heaven. 1.2521 0.04952 119 95 18 6
2604 Come up to me ... our couple's therapist said we should trust each other. 1.2500 0.05000 100 78 19 3
2605 I think it would look better over there. 1.2500 0.05339 96 76 16 4
2606 I suspected you were out getting high. 1.2500 0.05483 80 62 16 2
2607 You forgot to change your calendar, dear. The Stone Age ended yesterday. 1.2500 0.05483 80 62 16 2
2608 Sure it looks great, but where will it get you? 1.2500 0.06033 80 64 12 4
2609 You think that's cool, I also just coined the term 'angle of repose." 1.2500 0.05851 72 56 14 2
2610 I just think people will expect more of it if you call it an "escalator." 1.2500 0.05421 88 69 16 3
2611 The journey matters more than the destination. 1.2500 0.05483 80 62 16 2
2612 Congratulations, you built another monument to the fragile male ego. No foundation, no support system, and no way to climb down. All high and mighty... until the next gust of wind. 1.2500 0.05541 96 77 14 5
2613 I just invented the twelve-step program..... 1.2500 0.04722 116 91 21 4
2614 Damn, still can't find my keys 1.2500 0.05186 84 67 14 3
2615 Still waiting for the right side to work? 1.2500 0.04916 88 69 17 2
2616 Well, I guess it is more impressive than that round rolling thing I chiselled. 1.2500 0.05764 80 63 14 3
2617 Don't make me laugh. It could be fatal. 1.2500 0.05960 76 60 13 3
2618 It's a prototype to the Bridge to Nowhere 1.2500 0.05270 92 72 17 3
2619 What do you mean 'ahead of your time'? 1.2500 0.05658 76 59 15 2
2620 And what makes you think your 'Stairway to Heaven' will inspire rock musicians? 1.2500 0.05483 80 62 16 2
2621 Isosceles get down from there! 1.2500 0.05483 80 62 16 2
2622 You heard of the bridge to nowhere? 1.2500 0.04480 104 79 24 1
2623 Great job with your 12-step program, but now what do you do? 1.2500 0.05322 84 65 17 2
2624 Do you know what entropy does to structures like this? 1.2500 0.05175 88 68 18 2
2625 What's a staircase? This is just a pile of rocks 1.2500 0.05492 92 73 15 4
2626 You can hear me Gronk and it’s still your turn to do the dishes. 1.2500 0.05541 96 77 14 5
2627 Will you take a call from Sisyphus, he says it's important? 1.2500 0.05585 84 66 15 3
2628 I just wanted you to take out the garbage. 1.2500 0.05911 92 75 11 6
2629 You wanted a home with a view. 1.2500 0.04830 112 88 20 4
2630 This patriarchy has to start some time. 1.2500 0.05690 68 52 15 1
2631 A square plus b square equals c square. 1.2500 0.04795 92 70 21 1
2632 I'm standing in the kitchen. Check out the high-pot'n-use. 1.2500 0.05960 76 60 13 3
2633 We're no longer Marge + Harry. We're more like a²+b². 1.2500 0.04684 104 80 22 2
2634 I told you to go to the bathroom before you started building. 1.2500 0.05483 80 62 16 2
2635 It's the world's first 12-step program. 1.2500 0.06176 72 57 12 3
2636 Mansplain. "Why? Because it's here to be conquered." 1.2500 0.05837 84 67 13 4
2637 You were right! The world is flat 1.2500 0.05322 84 65 17 2
2638 It's one of the half wonders of the world. 1.2500 0.05186 80 61 18 1
2639 The first step’s a killer 1.2500 0.05658 76 59 15 2
2640 So do you think it was aliens or an ancient civilization? 1.2500 0.05657 88 70 14 4
2641 Hey, king of the neolithic, they just created something called bronze. 1.2500 0.05186 80 61 18 1
2642 Paula, I can see your cave from here. 1.2500 0.05270 92 72 17 3
2643 What will you stand on in the Industrial Age? the Space Age? The Information Age? 1.2500 0.05270 92 72 17 3
2644 Doh! What did I come up here for again? 1.2500 0.05270 92 72 17 3
2645 1. Invent stairs.✓ Then what? 1.2500 0.06176 72 57 12 3
2646 I think you're on to something interesting, but somehow it just does not seem quite relevant to what we're up against, in terms of surviving. 1.2500 0.05585 84 66 15 3
2647 Just think, in 10,000 years this is going to be a big hit. 1.2500 0.04480 104 79 24 1
2648 You can't seem to get equilateral right. 1.2500 0.05483 80 62 16 2
2649 That's not it either..what about a rock hedge? 1.2500 0.03750 108 84 24 0
2650 It's called a 'rockalator' and will be in every shopping mall. 1.2500 0.04994 112 89 18 5
2651 Don't tell me you forgot your OCD meds again. 1.2500 0.05483 80 62 16 2
2652 I think they'd look better in a henge of some sort. 1.2500 0.04684 104 80 22 2
2653 Clever, but I liked the wheel better. 1.2500 0.05186 80 61 18 1
2654 Who is Led Zeppelin? 1.2500 0.06063 68 53 13 2
2655 You can't be a social climber without a society. 1.2500 0.05322 84 65 17 2
2656 Aw, come on honey. just one more. 1.2500 0.05421 88 69 16 3
2657 But the Egyptians did it!" "'re only half Egyptian 1.2500 0.04707 80 62 17 1
2658 Where's the elevator? 1.2500 0.04684 104 80 22 2
2659 You just couldn’t go with the pre-fab could you? 1.2500 0.05067 104 82 18 4
2660 You're gonna drive some archeologist nuts. 1.2500 0.05270 92 72 17 3
2661 You might want to wait til geometry is invented. 1.2500 0.05764 80 63 14 3
2662 I need you to walk the dog. 1.2500 0.05764 80 63 14 3
2663 We’ll build the rest later. 1.2500 0.06248 76 61 11 4
2664 I knew you were up to something. 1.2500 0.05658 76 59 15 2
2665 I keep telling you, Stairway to Heaven is not by the Rolling Stones. 1.2500 0.05130 96 75 18 3
2666 Shouldn't you have put it closer to the deck? 1.2500 0.05483 80 62 16 2
2667 Stairway to Heaven" still inspires me 1.2500 0.05658 76 59 15 2
2668 They told us to stay six feet apart, they didn’t say in which direction. 1.2500 0.05837 84 67 13 4
2669 This reminds me of the time you painted yourself into a corner. 1.2500 0.04916 88 67 20 1
2670 Nice patio - where's my house? 1.2500 0.04944 108 85 19 4
2671 It’s interesting, but is it art? 1.2500 0.05175 88 68 18 2
2672 Is this open concept enough for you? 1.2500 0.05492 92 73 15 4
2673 I'm thinking that it might look better with a runner. 1.2500 0.05960 76 60 13 3
2674 Apparently they were the wrong aliens. 1.2500 0.04578 100 76 23 1
2675 Well, it SEEMED like a good idea at the time! 1.2500 0.05421 88 69 16 3
2676 OK Pythagorous, I get it. You can come down now. 1.2500 0.05270 92 72 17 3
2677 Hey Pytheticoras, come down off your mighty c squared and help me make dinner. 1.2500 0.06033 80 64 12 4
2678 I like your ladder invention, but I don't think it will sell. 1.2500 0.05421 88 69 16 3
2679 No, I’m not stoned. 1.2500 0.05421 88 69 16 3
2680 I’m thinking of inventing something called the second story next. 1.2500 0.05883 88 71 12 5
2681 I never promised you a rose garden! 1.2500 0.05657 88 72 11 5
2682 At least your alleged lofty ideals are rock solid. 1.2500 0.05506 72 55 16 1
2683 Don’t quit your day job. 1.2500 0.05483 80 62 16 2
2684 I think it's time to give up art and get a real job." 1.2500 0.05658 76 59 15 2
2685 This will never catch on, Jenga. 1.2500 0.04642 88 66 22 0
2686 Nope. Still rock bottom. 1.2500 0.05585 84 66 15 3
2687 It’s not that hard. If I can do it, you can do it too. 1.2500 0.05322 84 65 17 2
2688 They said Beef Wellington sounds great. Should I signal them to bring wine? 1.2500 0.05658 76 59 15 2
2689 Here's the sign, it says 'Trump Plaza.' 1.2500 0.06786 76 63 7 6
2690 I finally used the pythagorean theorem. 1.2500 0.05585 84 68 12 4
2691 Oh, dear, I think it’s middle stone-age crisis 1.2500 0.05339 96 76 16 4
2692 So you're going to wait up there until airplanes are invented? 1.2500 0.04960 128 104 16 8
2693 Yeah this is great and all, but sorry honey, I really don't think this beats that wheel Jerry invented last week... 1.2500 0.05130 96 75 18 3
2694 I feel like we've grown apart. 1.2500 0.05585 84 66 15 3
2695 Getting high is easy it is the coming down that is hard 1.2500 0.05658 76 59 15 2
2696 Future archeologists will be stairing at this for hours trying to figure out what the rest of the structure looked like! 1.2500 0.06523 76 62 9 5
2697 Just as I thought... you’re out here getting high again. 1.2500 0.05585 84 66 15 3
2698 I live here now. 1.2500 0.05837 84 67 13 4
2699 And this, am gonna call it Babel 1.2500 0.05186 80 61 18 1
2700 The best inventions are never appreciated in their time. 1.2500 0.06523 76 62 9 5
2701 You can come down now, the pandemic is over. 1.2500 0.06033 80 64 12 4
2702 Exactly when do you think this brontosaurus is picking you up? 1.2500 0.05585 84 66 15 3
2703 What? You said you wanted some space, I’m nearly halfway there! 1.2500 0.04944 108 85 19 4
2704 I have no idea. 1.2478 0.04624 113 88 22 3
2705 I don't think that's what they meant by stairway to heaven. 1.2477 0.04904 109 88 16 5
2706 Well now what, smarty-pants? 1.2477 0.04728 109 85 21 3
2707 You told me to put myself in someone else’s shoes…I chose a bird! 1.2476 0.04645 105 84 18 3
2708 OK. You invented a pyramid. But it will be thousands of years before the Egyptians fix the design flaws so it can be used for something. 1.2475 0.05341 101 81 15 5
2709 Oh, I forgot to tell you, the dinosaur’s in the shop. 1.2475 0.05341 101 81 15 5
2710 That's not quite what I meant when I said take the high ground Bob. 1.2475 0.04956 101 79 19 3
2711 I'm worried about you, Pythagoras. 1.2474 0.05290 97 77 16 4
2712 Rock steady, baby! 1.2474 0.04642 97 76 19 2
2713 I'm calling it a rock garden 1.2474 0.04867 97 75 20 2
2714 Where are you going with this Carl? 1.2474 0.04867 97 77 17 3
2715 Stairs?! Ha. Who's gonna use that? 1.2474 0.04642 97 74 22 1
2716 Get down off your pedestal and finish the dishes! 1.2474 0.04404 97 77 18 2
2717 I said, does this loincloth make me look fat? 1.2474 0.05083 97 76 18 3
2718 He gave Tut and Ramses as references. Should have verified. 1.2474 0.05290 97 77 16 4
2719 Been thinking of giving Paleo-ton a try. 1.2474 0.04404 97 73 24 0
2720 When I said go hunt and gather I didn't mean rocks! 1.2474 0.04642 97 74 22 1
2721 By all means, finish that thought. 1.2474 0.05290 97 77 16 4
2722 I got tired of cave painting. 1.2473 0.05220 93 73 17 3
2723 But I said that it needs to go to the left! 1.2473 0.04751 93 71 21 1
2724 In 50,000 years people will believe that aliens built it! 1.2473 0.04751 93 71 21 1
2725 Shouldn't you have built the house first? 1.2473 0.05220 93 73 17 3
2726 You’ll still have to do the dishes when you come down. 1.2473 0.05439 93 74 15 4
2727 I think you made some progress in the social distance! 1.2473 0.04991 93 72 19 2
2728 While you are in the attic, can you bring down my winter coat? 1.2473 0.05439 93 74 15 4
2729 Just slide down 1.2473 0.05853 93 76 11 6
2730 Great job. Now all we need is an Olympic torch. Oh ... and fire. 1.2473 0.05853 93 76 11 6
2731 It's nice, Bill, but I just don't get modern art. 1.2473 0.05220 93 73 17 3
2732 Honey, definitely we can call it a ‘milestone’! 1.2473 0.04751 93 73 18 2
2733 Will I hit rock bottom if I fall? 1.2473 0.05220 93 73 17 3
2734 Just trying to get my steps in for the day. 1.2473 0.05853 93 76 11 6
2735 The one by the lake will have a diving board! 1.2473 0.05650 93 75 13 5
2736 About that beast you wanted to wandered away days ago. 1.2472 0.05367 89 70 16 3
2737 Wow, Pythagoras, you estimated it exactly right! 1.2472 0.05124 89 69 18 2
2738 Waiting for the pterodactyl, are we? 1.2472 0.04599 89 67 22 0
2739 I understand that you feel closer to your God, but it is time to sweep the patio! 1.2472 0.05600 89 71 14 4
2740 Would you get off my back? Grog already invented the wheel! 1.2472 0.04868 89 68 20 1
2741 This view rocks. 1.2472 0.04868 89 68 20 1
2742 Reginald ! ! !...I said, Go organize your SOCKS...! 1.2472 0.04868 89 68 20 1
2743 Now you need to invent the 2nd floor. 1.2472 0.05600 89 71 14 4
2744 Not a rock left on the whole riverbank. Just what am I supposed to beat our washing on? 1.2472 0.05124 89 69 18 2
2745 Okay, now a little to the left. 1.2472 0.04599 89 67 22 0
2746 Yes, you look skinny from up here , but I think I forgot my phone... 1.2472 0.05367 89 70 16 3
2747 Watch and learn sweetie, this is how you make a grand entrance! 1.2472 0.04868 89 68 20 1
2748 Well I’m not coming down unless one of us changes. 1.2471 0.05775 85 68 13 4
2749 You promised me a handicap ramp for my mother. 1.2471 0.05527 85 67 15 3
2750 This pre-historic brownstone is going to rock. 1.2471 0.05775 85 70 10 5
2751 Alright, I’m sick of trying to explain this with rice. 1.2471 0.05268 85 66 17 2
2752 I don’t think this is how we climb the food chain. 1.2471 0.05268 85 66 17 2
2753 One small step for a Neanderthal, one big step for Neanderthalkind. 1.2471 0.05775 85 68 13 4
2754 Explain again why you are calling this a giant step forward? 1.2471 0.05268 85 66 17 2
2755 Still nothing. 1.2471 0.04995 85 65 19 1
2756 If you hadn't burned the plans, I'd know where to place the next stone, but you did invent fire 1.2471 0.05527 85 67 15 3
2757 Marvin, when are you going to build the handrail? 1.2471 0.04067 85 67 17 1
2758 I'll holler if I see a dinosaur approaching 1.2471 0.05527 85 67 15 3
2759 Why are you up there and I'm down here? We literally graduated from the same place!“ - “Quotas man 1.2471 0.05268 85 66 17 2
2760 The assembly instructions on the cave wall were a little confusing. 1.2471 0.04995 85 65 19 1
2761 Your excuse to try getting closer to God seems like you are trying to get away from your wife! 1.2469 0.05701 81 64 14 3
2762 Okay Mr. High & Mighty, Come down from your pedestal and help clean up the cave. 1.2469 0.05131 81 62 18 1
2763 It does have a certain je ne sais quoi. 1.2469 0.05131 81 62 18 1
2764 This is really impressive. Now let's start on building the house. 1.2469 0.05424 81 63 16 2
2765 It’s a poor man’s Peloton. 1.2469 0.05424 81 63 16 2
2766 Well that's great that you can go up. Now, how are you going to get down? 1.2469 0.06219 81 66