Contest #592



Name Value
Submission deadline -
Voting started -
Voting ended -
Finalists announced -
Magazine(s) announcing finalists issued -
Number of captions
Number of responses
Number of participants -


In this table, the "mean" means the empirically measured average funniness score when the "unfunny", "somewhat funny" and "funny" receive a funniness score of 1, 2, 3 respectively. "Precison" is the standard error of the mean, the standard deviation of the mean estimate. With that, a caption with an empirical mean μ and precision σ has true mean in the range [μ - 2σ, μ + 2σ] with 95% probability by the 68-95-99.7 rule assuming the responses are indepedent and identically distributed.

Rank Caption Mean Precision Total votes "Unfunny" votes "Somewhat funny" votes "Funny" votes
0 Do you ever want to wring your own neck? 2.0109 0.01093 92 0 91 1
1 The answer to number seven? I can’t even turn this thing on. 2.0073 0.00517 273 0 271 2
2 Back to work birds, and enough with the wisequacks! 2.0071 0.00504 280 0 278 2
3 Him? He's a pwoblem duck, stwessed out and weady to quack. 2.0069 0.00488 289 0 287 2
4 I'm only in it for the bread. 2.0050 0.00499 201 0 200 1
5 "And the best, they work for birdseed !' 2.0042 0.00421 238 0 237 1
6 The rats wouldn't perform without a mouse. 2.0042 0.00419 239 0 238 1
7 The experiment was successful; all the ducks are in a row. 2.0038 0.00385 260 0 259 1
8 When I snap my fingers, you will go home, eat breadcrumbs and crap all over the park. 2.0037 0.00375 267 0 266 1
9 I’m surprised. I really thought they would fly through this training. 2.0037 0.00374 268 0 267 1
10 A little redundant don't you think? You have all your ducks in a row and online. 2.0037 0.00374 268 0 267 1
11 I can't explain this, maybe we will find a reasonable explanation in next week's New Yorker. 2.0035 0.00347 289 0 288 1
12 They wanted more accurate data on fly-over states. 2.0030 0.00297 337 0 336 1
13 That rebel in the third row? Let’s just eat him. 2.0028 0.00279 359 0 358 1
14 This might be the reason it always autocorrects to 'ducking' 2.0000 0.00456 220 0 220 0
15 Its nice that they got us new computers. But these are neither web nor wing friendly. 2.0000 0.03774 27 0 27 0
16 And these are the exchange students from the University of Oregon. 2.0000 0.00370 271 0 271 0
17 We're trying to teach them the hunt and peck method. 2.0000 0.00349 287 0 287 0
18 They're great tweeters, but hard on the touch screens. 1.9971 0.00292 343 1 342 0
19 Okay class, Miss Givens will now walk you through using Google Maps to plan flights south. 1.9968 0.00319 314 1 313 0
20 Ummm…I suspect the directive wasn’t “quack the code”. 1.9963 0.00367 273 1 272 0
21 Haven't you ever seen an IT department before? 1.9957 0.00426 235 1 234 0
22 Shouldn't we be facing south for the winter semester? 1.9946 0.00545 184 1 183 0
23 Isn't this experiment supposed to be done with monkeys? 1.9944 0.00557 180 1 179 0
24 Check it out, everyone is migrating to this new operating system! 1.9940 0.00424 333 2 331 0
25 I think they're all tweeting. 1.9937 0.00445 317 2 315 0
26 I just googled Snopes and both of these doctors are quacks. 1.9937 0.00447 316 2 314 0
27 I'm not sure you are the right fit for a job here at Twitter. 1.9935 0.00457 309 2 307 0
28 They’ve agreed on Duck Soup instead of Hamlet 1.9930 0.00495 285 2 283 0
29 It’s a waste of time. They’re all lame ducks. 1.9929 0.00504 280 2 278 0
30 Well I'm not sure Quacks will replace Tweets, but it's an improvement over the Oink Campaign last month, and I do like their enthusiasm. 1.9925 0.00533 265 2 263 0
31 Let’s see if the unflavored keypads hold up any better. 1.9913 0.00616 229 2 227 0
32 Don't they know we can't type? 1.9889 0.00783 180 2 178 0
33 Don't tell her husband about our time in the bathtub, okay!?! 1.9762 0.01673 84 2 82 0
34 No, dummy. It's 'too be or not too be.' 1.9565 0.04446 23 1 22 0
35 I don`t think anyone ever asked them 'why' before. 1.9565 0.04446 23 1 22 0
36 If it weren't double blind, you'ld already know which one is a duck. 1.9459 0.03769 37 2 35 0
37 In order to get into med school, one must have all their ducks in a row. 1.4444 0.17568 9 5 4 0
38 By 2347 we should have "Gone With The Wind 2." 1.4444 0.17568 9 5 4 0
39 ....huh! Quit turning to ask me and don't try to duck the question! 1.4000 0.16330 10 6 4 0
40 Getting them all in a row worked pretty well. Now we're trying columns, too. 1.4000 0.16330 10 6 4 0
41 If it looks like a Duck and Quacks like a Duck, then what am I missing? 1.4000 0.16330 10 6 4 0
42 On your marks...get set...QUACK! 1.4000 0.16330 10 6 4 0
43 Now that we've got our ducks in a row our work is done. If they can peck out the complete works of Shakespeare, solving global warming should be a piece of cake. 1.4000 0.16330 10 6 4 0
44 I'm on it sir. Duck no. 8 is pate. 1.4000 0.16330 10 6 4 0
45 Just my opinion, I think he's a quack. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
46 Sure, I see what the NSA's thinking - humans are fallible, so lets toss out the humans - but don't you think there's something shifty about them? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
47 Now that I've gotten them all in neat rows I'll leave it to you to teach them aerodynamics. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
48 "Raise your wing how many of you know how to tweet? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
49 Why no bread crumb emoji? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
50 At their peck rate they'll produce Shakespeare's Collected Works way faster than the monkeys 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
51 This surfing formation adds 70% to their laptop battery life. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
52 Ten bucks he neither hunts nor pecks. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
53 Couldn't we just get robots? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
54 Of course, they're all quacks. It's meduckal school. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
55 Bathroom passes will be limited to emergencies such as an uncontrollable urge to migrate. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
56 WTD. “What The Duck” 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
57 They're a little more independent than the sheep were. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
58 So you got them all here with just one decoy? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
59 They’re quack learners. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
60 Is anyone else having trouble with the facial recognition login? 1.0000 0.00023 4430 4430 0 0
61 He's the one from public school. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
62 It seems not everyone is happy with our approach to raising cage-free ducks. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
63 I was really disorganized, this is as close as I could get." 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
64 I think we can quack this case in no time." " That or their brains will turn into an eggs scrambled. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
65 Do you really want to standardize them further? 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
66 Now, after we eliminated the consensus problem...any questions about unanimity? 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
67 Third row! Right side! Eyes on your own work!!! 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
68 That's the third time I've caught Jeff cheating. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
69 Duck, duck, goose did not work as a control group. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
70 No "A Tale of Two Cities" but we did get a couple scripts for "Family Guy" 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
71 Our generic experiment was a success, except for the the bird on the far right, third row. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
72 I’m a little worried the 4th one from the left in the 3rd row might have Attention Duckficit Disorder. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
73 Alright everyone, you have one hour to pass the quality test. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
74 These tests are for the birds. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
75 Now that we've got our ducks in a row, what's next? 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
76 This may work if we let them use avian emojis. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
77 No! No! No! What we need are Flaptops! 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
78 We would have given them Amazon Echos, but, well... you know. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
79 They just flocked to the job. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
80 Perhaps the Dvorak keyboard layout would be more efficient to production? 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
81 we're testing the new MacDuck. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
82 We’ve gone Hi-Tech in the way we raise our chickens. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
83 Well, at least they're catching on quicker than the seniors. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
84 Just follow the prompts. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
85 By popular vote, we hired this flock to duck our next election. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
86 I'm afraid the test is conclusive. If it quacks like a duck, but types like a secretary, it is still just a duck. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
87 1st caption: I was a little nervous when they said animal testing. 2nd caption: Is this the new iQuack? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
88 And remember, no chicken pecking. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
89 No, no Shakespeare yet, but they did manage two Kiplings and a Dr. Seuss. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
90 Here in Silicon Valley, birds of a feather Google together. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
91 Well, one is not conforming. Maybe our 'Think for Yourself' workshops are beginning to pay off. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
92 I love these government contracts to study bird populations. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
93 Thank God for computers, I could never read their chicken scratch. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
94 No reported issues with the user experience so far. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
95 They must think that we're a couple of old quacks. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
96 Today we're discussing cyberbullying and 'The Ugly Duckling.' 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
97 All ready for the quackathon? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
98 Ducks in a row? Nah, they forgot about the typing problem. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
99 Every chick can click--our high end customers are demanding nothing less. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
100 Retraining is fine but I only had twigs 101... 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
101 It's hard starting a new company called quackbook. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
102 I think I'm going duck out. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
103 Lame ducks try to wing their way in a rump parliament 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
104 Oh, great . . . our peer review from a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
105 Doesn’t auto-correct make you crazy? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
106 Hey! You in the third row on the right ... stop 'beaking" on your neighbor's computer. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
107 Today's first question is "why did you cross the street"... 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
108 Looks like our carrier pigeons are adapting well to the new technology. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
109 No cheating, pal. Face front. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
110 Welcome to the new E.P.A. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
111 Please note. Social Media targets them like sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
112 Birds of a feather.. Wait! That one's not socializing properly. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
113 With a click clack here and a click clack there, old McDonald had a troll farm. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
114 Don't quack this up. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
115 Now what? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
116 They're going to duck class. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
117 This hunt and peck study is getting tedious.... 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
118 Turn off your cellphones! 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
119 They heard you were a notorious quack. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
120 What's the deductible? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
121 They love this big quack on Twitter. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
122 Here's to another Pulitzer. X 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
123 I might be a goose. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
124 Remarkable! We manage to teach them how to surf the web and all they do is watch dumb cat videos! 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
125 How predictably literal of you, Ed 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
126 "These are PC's. I wanted a Mac." ( said by end chicken in 3rd row to chicken next to him) 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
127 We would like to wish you all luck on your medical school exams. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
128 It may look like we've got all our ducks in a row... but just wait, they'll all go south. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
129 AMA medical school certification report: graduation class 2021; one non-conforming quack. Certification in doubt. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
130 That one's a manager. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
131 Repeal and Replace will cut costs as they replace doctors with our graduates. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
132 What the duck is going on here? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
133 Because we couldn't get 100 monkeys and 10 typewriters. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
134 "You just wait........, SHEEP!!!!!! 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
135 Time’s up! Put your peckers down! 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
136 Row, second from top; far right seat -- incorrigible. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
137 So much for lining up all your ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
138 So far they are most engaged with the fishing section. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
139 Now just relax so I can show you my bill. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
140 I think I have discovered the problem. They ate the keys. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
141 When they line us up, be sure to ask for a standing desk. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
142 We spend a lot on grain, but we make it up with the savings on health insurance. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
143 It's supposed to be a crack customer support team. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
144 We're testing for early onset E. coli. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
145 No data entries so far but lots of tweets. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
146 Can't you see no disturb sign! 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
147 A significant improvement over a million monkeys at a million typewriters. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
148 Shall we start them on grammar and spelling first? 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
149 Russia must be running low on qualified hackers. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
150 It's academic; if you've seen one penguin at a laptop--you've seen them all. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
151 I think we got ourselves an outlier in the third row. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
152 They're not just a bunch of quacks, you know. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
153 Anyone up for a game of duck, duck, goose? 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
154 You know, I don’t appreciate them calling us quacks to our faces. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
155 They certainly are attentive! 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
156 In today’s lecture we will be discussing black swans 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
157 They're almost as good as monkeys at writing Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
158 Every now and then one lays an egg, but overall it's my best flock. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
159 "Be careful." Number 13 is an odd duck. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
160 Do you think the SIT scores will be down this year? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
161 You are now officially inducted into the university 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
162 Fight twitter with twitter, eh? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
163 They have all in a row, now what? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
164 I refuse to psychoanalyze anything that calls me a quack. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
165 If we get the right results, this experiment will prove you are not a "quack." 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
166 3rd row- #4 won't log on. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
167 It's a study to see if ducks can duplicate Shakespeare any better than monkeys. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
168 What are you hoping for? The script for another season of ‘Duck Dynasty’ ? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
169 It's impressive now, but by the end of the semester approximately fifty percent will drop the class! 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
170 We try to have a least one conservative at The New Yorker. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
171 Quick! How many P's in repetitious? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
172 I've been accused of trying to duck the issue. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
173 They think they're all wise Quacks. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
174 But, how do you get them to power down? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
175 I guess if they say the launch is a go, then the launch is a go. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
176 He’s looking for the squirrel. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
177 I'm exhausted. You think they'd mind if I duck out for a minute? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
178 Middle, first row. She's the only one whose figured it out. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
179 Don’t give up yet, Professor – I think that one’s about to hit “Enter. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
180 No quacking during the medical exam 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
181 How does that make you feel? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
182 I agree, Joe. One or two of them won't make the grade. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
183 One more quack and this duck is outta here. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
184 Well, I think wifi in the classroom is great. What's all the flap about? 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
185 They type surprisingly quick for hunting and pecking. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
186 Here a Quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack, quack. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
187 Row three, position one - we have a quack. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
188 On the Internet,nobody knows we’re in Moscow. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
189 Thank goodness that this group is not free-range! 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
190 Look at that. The webbed are on the web. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
191 I don't think Comrade Three-Rows-Up-On-The-Right knows what to do with 280 characters. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
192 Donald is the only one tweeting 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
193 Remember the old days before Excel when they kept all the ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
194 Hmmmmf, Global warming. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
195 I’m taking this test for a friend. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
196 We did this with a monkey on a typewriter and the best it could do was "gazoninsplat", but it's 2017! 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
197 The chimpanzee thing went nowhere but maybe this time ... 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
198 They have thirty minutes to quack the code. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
199 Hunt and Peck? No Way. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
200 All but one speaks fluent Russian. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
201 They've randomly written a recipe for bread. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
202 If these were monkeys, we'd be on to something! 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
203 They're all tweeters but that one is a peeper. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
204 So, it seems it was Trump's tweets that got all your ducks in rows. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
205 What do you think they expect from us... fowl play? 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
206 Well, the infinite number of monkeys and typewriters didn’t work So, I said let’s try an infinite number of ducks and computers to see if can duplicate the Great Works 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
207 So a guy walks into a psychiatrist's office with a duck on his head... 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
208 You can only move forward if you let these revelations soak in 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
209 What's the WiFi password? 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
210 We have to admit that it is difficult for him to toe the line with webbed feet. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
211 There's not a damn thing you can do about it 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
212 Well if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck , Well then must be a Duck 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
213 There you go - third row on the right - not reading - we've found the quack. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
214 They're just not very impressed with the Google Maps migration feature. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
215 That's one. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
216 These are our new temps. They're raising seed money for our latest venture. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
217 We haven't been able to prove it with monkeys and Shakespeare, but there are indications it may work with ducks and Tolstoy. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
218 I said before, Edwin, we are in ducks in a row, but different columns… 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
219 Not just CHICKENS can hunt-and-peck! Give them a chance, Margaret! 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
220 So far, none of them can really type; they only know to hunt-and-peck. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
221 Pay attention, class, you shall learn how to properly make a confit. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
222 I don't think that old adage is going to work here. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
223 Apparently to get funding, the zoo has to do standardized testing. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
224 I think that the two in the next to last row are playing web-footsie. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
225 On average the clack-clack is 40% as audible as the quack-quack. Some days it’s the other was around 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
226 The monkeys and the typewriter s turned out a pretty good read,, but now I’m seeing The National Book Award. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
227 This quack team is our best hope for rooting out the Twitter Bots. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
228 Did you read that the University of Cambridge is teaching sheep to do this same thing? 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
229 Ok row 3, number one - no peeking or we'll send you to Mr. Chao's for lunch 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
230 Their quacks are impervious to the echo chamber. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
231 We figured they would just "hunt and peck". 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
232 I'm impressed. You got them in rows and columns. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
233 Do you realize that duck is going to ruin our entire study? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
234 So, getting monkeys to compose Hamlet was too expensive, and you opted for pigeons? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
235 I'm telling you, You'll need to have ALL your ducks in a row 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
236 There's always one who doesn't get the word. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
237 We're far beyond the outmoded monkeys-typewriters theorem. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
238 Conduct your own Flock Sourcing and it feeds you twice 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
239 No problem. They hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
240 Ever since we starred one of 'em in that blasted commercial series . . . . 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
241 much for Aflac. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
242 Now that's home schooling, Madam Secretary! 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
243 Don't act naive, Dr. Fletcher. The purpose of the study is to spend as much grant money as possible. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
244 My money's on front row, middle. That the odd one in your notes? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
245 How long before we can go to human trials? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
246 They are all submitting their bills for the duct work. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
247 At last! Our years of government contracting prove that 'Birdbrain' is an apt term, where needed." 'At last! Our years of government contracting prove that 'birdbrain' is an apt characterization, where needed. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
248 We've been working on increasing our goose quota. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
249 Uh, do you think there's bird seed in it? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
250 Remember when they used real training pellets? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
251 Do you think they know that the world wide web is not a foot reference? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
252 Everyone in this class is winging it. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
253 Our new voice recognition software confirms that they all have what it takes to crack the darkest secrets on the web. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
254 The autopsy will answer the question, "chicken or egg?" 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
255 If only they would dot their I's, our work would be complete. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
256 It's not fair. That duck in the front row is the teacher's pet. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
257 I have decided to put my ducks in rows. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
258 Sure they can do rows, but what about columns? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
259 If they want Shakespeare, they should use monkeys. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
260 I never imagined what having your ducks in a row would look like, but seeing it somehow makes it seem rather less urgent. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
261 I'm sorry, but we are not quacks! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
262 The one on the right just flew in from Harvard. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
263 Well, you've certainly goy your ducks in a row 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
264 These walking desks are a lot more popular since we added the pond videos. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
265 Okay, who wrote 'Duck, Duck, Goose?' 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
266 Yes, this is the Facebook Fake News Detection Team... They have an uncanny ability to flag anything that looks like a canard. And they are completely unbiased, having both a right wing and a left wing. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
267 We lose millions if there’s no market for mallard-ware. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
268 Fifteen Mac Donalds, and one odd duck. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
269 I requested web designers not webbed designers but let's not tell HR till we see their work. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
270 Anyone typed out Moby Dick yet? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
271 I asked you, 'Should I put together a focus group,' and you said, 'That would be just ducky.' 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
272 Hey, aren't we supposed to be in one row? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
273 I thought it was supposed to be 'a thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters.' 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
274 One guy quacking. Get the duck tape. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
275 Seems like we have all of our ducks lined up except for one. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
276 Who’s going to be the first to say “Gezornanplatz”? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
277 Not nearly as prolific as those monkeys on the typewriters. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
278 It occurs to me that the monkeys had, at least, fingers. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
279 They will be good once we get the keyboard right. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
280 I guess it's the touchpad for the others. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
281 Here at - our quacks are the real deal. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
282 Call Security! There's a duck run amok in the the row below the top. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
283 Animal testing is for the Quacks. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
284 This employment strategy is only going to reinforce their belief that you're a quack. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
285 You know you're supposed to use monkeys, don't you? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
286 Dr. Fox, you certainly have their attention! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
287 Let's see if they'll watch some cat videos. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
288 Only one right leaning one in the bunch. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
289 I don’t think this is what they meant when we were told to recruit from Purdue. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
290 And when they take attendance again, I'm going to say "Goose!" 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
291 They say they don't want to be caught flatfooted in this job market. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
292 See? Government surveillance. Nothing to worry about! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
293 Ready. Tweet! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
294 You finally have your ducks in a row--now what? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
295 At least we can train them to hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
296 Tell corporate, at this point we almost have all our ducks in a row 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
297 Check - waterfowl linearly arranged. Next? 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
298 This is the most diverse freshman class ever. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
299 How much time are they giving us to quack the code? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
300 All ducks in a row - check! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
301 Hmm, this wasn't the bill of students I was expecting 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
302 It was just a theory. And it was monkeys. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
303 They seem to be naturals at Tweeting! So should we try them with the nuclear codes? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
304 I told you -- it only works with monkeys and typewriters 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
305 Let's see if they are any quicker then the monkeys. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
306 They are here to rate the Graduates from our Medical School. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
307 Don't you hate when they put us in rows? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
308 The hunt and peck group is still my favorite. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
309 We used to use primates... but they've been banned... 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
310 Third row on the right....cheating already! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
311 The new ornithology class was to be for the study OF birds 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
312 The monkeys finished with the tax plan now we need to help with Trump's twitter account because of the increased character limit for each tweet. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
313 It seems that Quackery 101 is very popular. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
314 They're all sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
315 It gives a whole new meaning to 'hunt and peck.' 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
316 ....and this is our Aflac duck training in progress. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
317 There's a million penguins with computers in another room we're waiting for Hamlet 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
318 Interesting. This flock can't tweet without Donald. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
319 All Right Class, You may Begin... Peep Peep, Absolutely NO peeking allowed 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
320 They say they want to download QuackXPress. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
321 Are we just a bunch of peckers,or what? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
322 I can't believe I have to sit through this class for another ducking semester. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
323 Another lesson for us:- Never ask someone from the pedantic society to hire secretary birds. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
324 I fear the results will show they think we’re quacks. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
325 Third row on right, he’s an agitator for higher wages! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
326 IS HIS NAME DONALD ? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
327 We're seeing how long they can go without looking at their phones 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
328 At least they don't waste time trying to write Hamlet like the monkeys. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
329 Have you all brought your #2 Bills? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
330 I see you have your ducks all lined up. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
331 Sorry Doc. This is the best we could do. The monkeys were invited to the White House. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
332 I want to use the “let’s quack open the laptops” line, but I’m afraid we’ll get sued. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
333 What the hell do I do Herb? Every time I get to the second "to be" it puts in "Shoobee?" 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
334 Guess what the school mascot is. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
335 At least we know they're not tweeting during working hours. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
336 Today, we will all learn how to "hunt-and-peck." 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
337 I can see you have all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
338 Subject A3 seems pretty gung-ho today. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
339 turns out all you have to do is let them bring their laptops to class...and they're sitting ducks! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
340 He says it helps him think outside the box. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
341 I forget how fowl these studies are. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
342 That's right! Hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
343 Need I repeat? No wings on the desk and all eyes on your screen. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
344 They're judging recipes for sweet and sour duck. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
345 I think the duck call center is working out. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
346 Next we're going to try monkeys. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
347 We won’t start until quacking stops and all wings are off the table. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
348 It seems they're more comfortable out of the nest than our human students. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
349 This course is so hard, the seniors always try to duck it. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
350 The Australia call center, duck-billed 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
351 Ladies and gentlemen, the first drafts were good, but I need you to do more than press the space bar. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
352 Why do I feel like a duck out of water? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
353 Rule 1, management 101. Get your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
354 ifonlywecouldread 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
355 You know these are touch screens don't you? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
356 They are competing for the Poulet Surprise. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
357 We need to discuss the meaning of "pick random subjects". 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
358 To get to the next round, find a goose! 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
359 You mean they still use the Hunt and Peck method? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
360 I go by "Don," Professor. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
361 They’re waiting for pecking orders. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
362 There's your conclusion: 1 out of every 16 fowls cheat. Now let's see if we can get funding to study gun violence. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
363 How many will it take to type Hamlet? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
364 I told you Monkeys! 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
365 'Here's hoping they come up with a better health care plan.' 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
366 Doctor, I don’t know about you, but I think these new med students are a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
367 Rather than video conferencing, I prefer having my ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
368 Professor Eielson......These students are a bunch of quacks! 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
369 Looks like we've got a duck whistler on row three! 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
370 The only metaphor the team can agree upon is just ducky. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
371 When they said “Web Siminar” I assumed it was a foot fetish group. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
372 Welcome, Mr. Smith; so how can I help you? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
373 They need a course correction. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
374 Just a bunch of bird-brains, professor! 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
375 Peck support. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
376 No Shakespeare yet? Strange—it worked with the monkeys. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
377 well if you hadn't called a a quack. they'd probably wouldnt have stopped. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
378 I can't logon, I forgot my pass chirp. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
379 That guy in the middle... front row... he gets it. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
380 Are you sure we can compete with Twitter? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
381 Is this indicative of a parochial education. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
382 Next to the last row, far right. Shock him again. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
383 As you can see, all mine are in a row. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
384 Hey, birdbrain in the back, the tapping test starts in 3, 2, 1... 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
385 Hmm...I thought things would get easier once they were all in a row. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
386 Well, Bruce, it's good to see you have all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
387 I'm pooping. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
388 It's not clear who's doing the talking so I can't enter." 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
389 Please welcome Miss Mackintosh from the Penguin Hotline, who will explain to you why the Million Penguins collaborative writing project is being brought to an end. You read about it on the Penguin Books UK Blog. Now hear the real story. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
390 They're both quacks. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
391 Good morning and welcome to ‘Winging it with the Quackintosh.’ 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
392 The Donald says they're quacks. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
393 OK, so the monkeys didn’t write “Hamlet”, but I’ve got a really good feeling about these ducks ! 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
394 'what's your password?' 'IcanttellU' 'No, really, what's your password?' 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
395 It could revolutionize the tweet. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
396 It happens every time I think I have my ducks in a row... 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
397 Takes a quack to know a quack 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
398 The monkeys were caught plagiarizing. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
399 Isn't it supposed to be monkeys? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
400 How do you spell 'to be or not to be'? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
401 Well how much cracked corn do you think we"ll need, Bob? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
402 Research has shown something has gone has gone grievously fowl. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
403 As usual, they expect us to wing it! 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
404 Keep an eye on that one in front. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
405 We're pretty sure he is a candidate for a trac-ball. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
406 I don’t think these people appreciate or even understand Duck. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
407 On the right, one from the back - prepare the orange sauce. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
408 At least we got Shakespeare out of the 100 monkeys. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
409 Is this their version of cage free? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
410 Medical students, if you pay attention, none of you will end up a quack. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
411 Waiting to see how long until they quack up 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
412 Donald, I'm sorry I called you a quack. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
413 We got all our ducks in a row, but then they ate all the mice. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
414 Instead of experiment, can we just roasted them? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
415 From one quack to another 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
416 Am I in the right class? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
417 Hey Drake, do you think it's a coincidence that we're the only department that doesn't work standing up? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
418 No, nothing yet, but it's still early. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
419 Well two out of four rows isn't bad! 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
420 Just as I suspected, a bunch of twits. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
421 “If you want psychoanalysis to work, you have to come clean.” [This for Nov. 6 issue. It is still before midnight on Nov. 5 where I am! You should say Eastern Standard Time on the cartoon page if that's what you mean.] 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
422 Same chicken and egg question, over and over. Can't they figure out themselves? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
423 No, I meant all in one row. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
424 Someone dropped the ball describing our quackery seminar. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
425 They had trouble with Ctrl+Alt+Del, so we're testing beak recognition. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
426 If it looks like a paid for duck acts like a paid for duck and quacks like a paid for duck then it must be a congressman! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
427 I see that everyone has a bill for this flocking class. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
428 With sufficient time, they should come up with something. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
429 Nice blinds. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
430 These guys are rating a new website: Duckolded By My Cheating Hen. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
431 After they complete the forms, we'll move them to the applicant pool. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
432 Are you ready to get angry? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
433 Now that we've gotten all of our ducks in a row, it's time to get them on social media. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
434 Call the President - finally, a focus group that doesn't believe in collusion with Russia. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
435 There's a 1 in 16 chance you'll have all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
436 This doesn't seem to be humane... 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
437 I should be teaching THEM how to tweet!! 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
438 They are faster than the monkeys on typewriters. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
439 So who would you expect to find in the billing department? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
440 I think this research could end up being as significant as our as findings on sleeping dogs. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
441 The ducks are happy to binge-watch, and instead of tasting fatty, this foie gras will taste like quality television. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
442 This, is how duck face animojis are made 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
443 I'm going to duck out for some coffee. Keep an eye out for fowl play. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
444 That's right, a perfect record of denying unwarranted claims. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
445 Duck, duck, duck, goose? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
446 This is the annual Duck-a-thon, Doctor 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
447 Maybe we should rethink the water-cooled processors. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
448 I hear the research they're doing has caused quite a flap. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
449 Even Webmd is full of quacks 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
450 Packed first for the winter again. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
451 This company has all its ducks in a row 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
452 Give up Bill. These guys are never going to master touch typing. They just need to hunt-and-peck. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
453 Finally, we have our ducks are in a row. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
454 We couldn't afford the monkeys 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
455 I'm having a write or flight moment. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
456 Daffy, for the last time, wings off the table. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
457 I miss the one with the goatee. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
458 I'm afraid this is Quark training. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
459 Did he say click the duckspace key? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
460 I got all the ducks. I thought you were getting the goose? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
461 Don't forget, the flying workshop takes place next Monday. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
462 They don't require coffee breaks! 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
463 I think you've officially killed the bird caller business 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
464 I like "The Donald." 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
465 Looks like 3rd Row far right is our pick to lead the group! 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
466 We should tell Holden, that’s where they came from Central Park! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
467 We need to get these Russian Quackers ready for the '18 elections. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
468 OK, everyone, we're about to begin. Break an egg. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
469 The two in row C seats 1 and 2 look promising for our sex as computer fixation cure. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
470 Once the sheep come in our plan comes into action. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
471 We are so quacked to find funding for this project, things are not going ducky. Nope nope nope. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
472 As it turns out, none of them have fingers. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
473 This group pecks out Youtube comments. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
474 Just when you think you have all your ducks in a row . . . . 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
475 The one in the third row sees everything from a unique angle. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
476 Today, they will learn how to cut and paste. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
477 I think we'll be fine as long as we can keep all of our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
478 There's always one odd duck isn't there. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
479 If monkeys can do it, so can ducks. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
480 Don't they just make you think a l'orange? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
481 Duck, duck, duck, duck. Where is the goose? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
482 Maybe a species with fingers, next time. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
483 Houston, we have a Twitter problem. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
484 Our hypothesis is correct, they are less productive than the monkeys. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
485 Ha, that one thinks he will be President one day! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
486 I am trying to reverse the pecking order 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
487 All eyes forward hands at sides. Begin 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
488 Can you believe it. . . They're cross-training and can't even use a keyboard. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
489 I still predict not a single line of Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
490 One more shift an then...down time. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
491 The row configuration is nice, but let's try circle. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
492 What's the bill for these computers, doctor? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
493 They all work for food - quality bird seed. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
494 Now is the time for all good ducks to come to the aid of what? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
495 I guess we'll have to duck the diversity question 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
496 Our Trump Tweet Section is character sensitive. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
497 Aflac job interview: “How would you discribe your quack? Average or above average?” 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
498 "Now, scroll to the bottom of the screen and quack OK. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
499 We don't use pellets any more. The ones that peck the right key get an adrenaline rush. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
500 It will be interesting to discover how many default to hunt and peck rather than touch typing. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
501 Apparently hitting Control-Alt-duck emoji does it. The’ve tried ‘undo’ ... 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
502 Well Bill, how were you abducted? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
503 There's always a slacker. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
504 And they’re calling ME a “Quack?!?!? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
505 John, this isn't what I had in mind when I told you to get your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
506 They certainly type like ducks but the grant money is only half spent. Let's run the quack test again. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
507 I thought you said we had all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
508 But monkeys are a protected species. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
509 Look at my quack security team. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
510 We have found them to be extremely efficient, though we nearly dismissed them as a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
511 You may begin. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
512 So your theory is given enough time they will recreate "The Art of the Deal"? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
513 Do you capitalize the Q or the K? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
514 It's the only way we could get all our millennial ducks in rows. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
515 Need to remove test subject in Row 3, laptop 1. He is clearly not a duck. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
516 Computer Simulations,uuugh! Can’t we just go back to animal testing? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
517 Next time wish for monkeys. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
518 It appears that we don't have our ducks in order. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
519 It's proven, they do much better with their heads. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
520 Psst. pass it on . Make sure to leave the "e"s out of Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
521 It's only a matter of time before they quack the code. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
522 Perhaps they'd be more productive if they were all in one row. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
523 This one says they're holding out for migration leave. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
524 Peckapalooza? Not sciencey enough. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
525 Third row right, they are cheating on their law boards again. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
526 Its's a new approach to navigation. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
527 If he's from Monsanto, he must know Dave Letterman. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
528 Good. Now we've got all our ducks in a row 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
529 100 monkeys typing for 100 years was much messier, but the language these guys use is so fowl!! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
530 Kind of ruins your Duck-Duck Goose game ... 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
531 Productivity is a little slow, but since molting season turnover is almost zero! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
532 Now days everyone's on their electronics 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
533 I think the theory is that a hundred monkeys could write a novel, not a hundred ducks. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
534 They're all streaming the movie "Happy Feet", except for one. He's the one with the great voice. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
535 The hypothesis is that voice recognition cancels out the advantage of monkeys having fingers. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
536 find the outlier 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
537 OK, we're sticking with the hunt and peck method......except for Harold over here. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
538 I guess this may not be the best way to mine bitcoin after all. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
539 Like I told you, we have all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
540 But are you ready for a slow quack? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
541 I think duck #5 may have realized the coincidence of the Chinese restaurant next door. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
542 Turns out migratory patterns are all about access to start-ups. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
543 OK, ducks, the monkeys just knocked out a Shakespeare, now lets see whatyou can do. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
544 Well, I see you finally got all your ducks in a row 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
545 Every so often you'll find an 'odd duck' who doesn't get social media. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
546 Ugh...This guy can barely speak duck. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
547 I don't know, I think they're just a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
548 So, one us will get a timeshare in Cabo every winter, but we still have to fly down there? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
549 And this is our social media division 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
550 At least they're birds of a feather. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
551 I assume you've noted the two not really flocking. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
552 I know they can only hunt and peck but they are willing to work for xchicken feed. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
553 In my professional opinion, they’re lame ducks. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
554 If they don't say 'ducking' then who's it for? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
555 But how will they be able to hit control-alt-delete with just their bills? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
556 'Meet our quack team of computer specialists.' 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
557 I was looking at it as if they were in columns. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
558 Pioneers in Avian Textual Response 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
559 You have been telling me for years that you are leaving your wife, but lately you seem to be ducking the issue. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
560 We guarantee a level playing field in our annual hunt and peck keyboarding contest. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
561 Welcome to Quackery 101. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
562 The trolls saw what we couldn't -- these guys were always sitting ducks! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
563 Good morning class and welcome to culinary arts 101. Today we will be learning how to make duck confit. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
564 Looks like we've got all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
565 So, remind me: What were we trying to prove here? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
566 Welcome to Hunt and Peck 400 - Advanced Keyboard Skills 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
567 We are on the verge of understanding the relationship between Google Maps and migratory patterns. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
568 In this typing class, we teach the hunt-and-peck method. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
569 His last lecture was a quack. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
570 They behave the same and they're a lot cheaper than our normal beta testers. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
571 Let's play along if he'll give us a cut of the grant money. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
572 I don't think this is what they meant when they said "computer farm". 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
573 Psst. “AFLAC,” pass it down! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
574 A new study of the most humane treatment of animals 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
575 We’re sitting ducks all in a row. Whataya think’s their hypothesis? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
576 They are the Dr. Oz research group. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
577 We've found this to be much more efficient than the 10,000 monkeys methodology 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
578 I see you there! No cheating or it is back to the lake with you! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
579 Quacks are right behind dermatologists as the most popular residencies. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
580 The one in the third row right is saying...."On 3 we make our break 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
581 "goose? goose? goose? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
582 "So, can you tell which one is the adolescent? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
583 ...and I though Sociology101 was a bird course 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
584 I think we have a billing problem. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
585 Please do not interrupt--testing in progress to determine the new Aflac spokes-duck. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
586 Someone should tell these guys that ducks don't "twitter" ? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
587 Here we go, again. Get ready for the hundredth ducky. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
588 We have to pass the flight test simulation? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
589 I prefer audiobooks. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
590 I keep thinking these science people are just quacks...! 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
591 Who can define "quack science"? Anyone? Anyone? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
592 Hey, wanna grab some stale bread after work? I know a place. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
593 I don't know why our government would want to invest in these kinds of studies. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
594 Yes, two seem to think 'all ducks in a row'means only that! 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
595 Every gaggle has it's anomaly. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
596 Well, at least they're in rows. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
597 The one looking to the right-he's just going through a phase. He'll fall in line soon enough. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
598 We're testing for the best hunt and peck system. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
599 They are much better than the 'hunt and peck' guys we had. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
600 My computer screen turned blue and I have this urge to fly into it. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
601 Typing monkeys are so last century. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
602 Here at the billing department we take great pride in accuracy. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
603 I got ninety nine problems but a goose ain’t one. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
604 The closest the monkeys came was "Two B, oar knot too bee" 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
605 You're right, they're all birdbrains. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
606 What is all this bunching up? I thought we agreed to seat them duck, duck, goose, duck, duck, goose.... 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
607 It's politician hunting season. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
608 And observe, there's always that one Quack 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
609 Monkeys are good at Shakespeare, but WE needed a new tax code. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
610 Sitting, out of water and in a row - let me guess, that's the odd one? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
611 Front and center, we have a right wing quack 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
612 The Erudite chicken is the new free range 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
613 Do they think that we'd EVER follow that fool around? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
614 I'm betting on the duck, third row end. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
615 We’re waiting for the complete works of Shakespeare but all we get are jokes that quack us up. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
616 By my count it's fifteen chirpers and one cheater. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
617 They were ALL trained by Skinner! 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
618 Third Row. Far Right. I guess all of our ducks aren't in a row. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
619 At least, they won't be ducking this question! 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
620 Third table...right the only one who questions our hypothesis. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
621 I think one of them is trying to ask a question by raising a hand. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
622 Everyone face the webbed camera, please. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
623 They are calling it “The Ducklaration of Independence.” 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
624 It's no Shakespeare, but at least they're not monkeying around. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
625 These call center employees work for chicken feed and the best part is that our clients can't even tell the difference. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
626 Finally we're getting some intelligent tweets. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
627 I think there are 6 that are not like the others. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
628 No cheating- keep your eyes on your own computer. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
629 If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
630 I use my phone for everything. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
631 Geez, Harold. I didn't literally mean we needed to get all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
632 A focus group of mallards was used to evaluate new pillow products on their quacktops. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
633 This would go so much faster with fingers. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
634 Susan, they're egging me on taking so long for this exam. I have to duck out to go to my quack of a doctor's office. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
635 Last row right. He's the lab assistant. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
636 I don't see any of you walking, swimming, or quacking. I also don't see any of you working. What am I paying you people for!? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
637 And this is the focus group for 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
638 What's the purpose of super-intelligent ducks again? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
639 We couldn't afford monkeys, so I'm not expecting Macbeth 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
640 Quack recognition technology has unleashed their potential. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
641 Welcome to hunt-and-peck typing 101. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
642 I think if you strut. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
643 That one never quaked, so what did you expect? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
644 OK, we’re ready to peck. Now where the hell is Hunt? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
645 I guess he’s tired of working on our “duck, duck, goose” video game. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
646 I think he's plotting against our row idea. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
647 We find they are very good at removing bugs from the programs. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
648 All we ask from the thousand of you is a copy of “Howard the Duck.” 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
649 I just don't understand it... why does this cohort always prefer Linux? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
650 The monkeys went on strike. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
651 Peking ducks. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
652 We predict that one of their descendants will write "The Great American Novel" about the same time that the last possible reader becomes extinct. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
653 The control group tweeted a lot more. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
654 We know what an infinite number of monkeys can do on typewriters, let's see what an infinite number of ducks do with Microsoft word. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
655 To think we gave them the correct answer beforehand, and only one got it right. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
656 That was the White House - they want double the 'likes' on his next tweet. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
657 At least we got the occasional word out of the monkeys. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
658 A quack here, a quack there and suddendly the place is full of quacks. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
659 I thought you said you had your ducks all in a row. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
660 Today we’ll be discussing quacks - I mean quarks. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
661 They must have come across the question on climate change. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
662 Do you think that they would perform better in a row? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
663 I see you've finally got all your computers in a row. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
664 Can you spot the non-conformist? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
665 The monkeys were faster. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
666 It looks like you have all of your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
667 It's called quacksourcing. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
668 Yes, I see you've got all your ducks in a row on this project. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
669 I give anything for a dart right now . 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
670 And here's our new quack team of migration specialists helping us transition to the cloud. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
671 The College bulletin called my course a duck...not for ducks! 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
672 Talk about deja vu. My husband was replaced by a squirrel. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
673 The salary comes: the usual popcorn. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
674 We are trying trying to get a bird's eye view of the company 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
675 Where's the damn mouse? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
676 I got seventy-five pecks per minute. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
677 Make way for duck-linux 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
678 Yes, goose? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
679 Do you think they'll beat the monkeys with typewriters? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
680 Welcome to our test kitchen. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
681 It's been 3 years, 5 months and 28 days since we last heard any of them screech "Aflac" 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
682 We just can't quack the code. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
683 Hey! How are we supposed to use these things? We don't have fingers. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
684 This worked better with monkeys. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
685 He has a Ph.D. and doesn't think our other representatives are qualified to hand out free advice. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
686 The bright side this will be reduced payroll costs. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
687 Those monkeys had fingers to use on their typewriters. Using the hunt and peck method will take us forever. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
688 This is how you prepare for an Aflak commercial. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
689 Are these billable hours? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
690 Monkeys, I said an infinite amount of monkeys. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
691 But can they code? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
692 They haven't written anything yet- what a bunch of quacks! 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
693 We didn't have any monkeys. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
694 Let's stick with artificial intelligence. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
695 If this works they'll never call us a couple of quacks again. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
696 Your research quackery looks promising. I'm heading over to check on the hogwash trials. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
697 That's Donald in the third row right beaking. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
698 Watch the one on the wing in the third row. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
699 It's our Insect and Fish Channel focus group. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
700 "How do you spell "quack"? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
701 TO beak or not to beak, that is the question... 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
702 I know all their tweet sound alike but looks like the one in the 3rd row is copying its neighbor. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
703 See? When I look at you instead of the screen, it drives them crazy. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
704 I'd say it's optimal. Cheaper than monkeys and faster than snakes. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
705 IT'S LIKE TWITTER FOR DOCTORS, WE CALL IT QUACK 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
706 Anyone over 40 wpm gets a job and a beak massage. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
707 Why is everyone's book turned off? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
708 These are our US born and trained Peking ducks. The best part of the contract is that they will live under their desks for no extra money. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
709 This is the best customer service team in the industry! 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
710 You know darn well I can't say whether I'm the Goose. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
711 Our help desk for ducks flying south this winter is all set; but are you sure, this year, ducks will be using GPS's? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
712 Maybe we should try removing 'fish' from the search options. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
713 I know the boss said we need more 'tweets' but is this really going to work? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
714 Pssst! Microsoft sucks...pass it on! 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
715 Like I said, there's always a quacker and an old mouser somewhere in the plump. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
716 'Can anyone quack a joke?' might not be a species-sensitive thing to say right now. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
717 Has the monkeys with typewriters lab called foul? 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
718 The investment is worth it. Of a million ducks pecking, we might have the next Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
719 You fool! We won't steal all those passwords with a team of QUACKers! 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
720 They are trying to prove the infinite duck theorem! 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
721 I think I would have preferred to fly south for the winter rather than take this indoor job. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
722 Maybe "The Ugly Duckling" was not a good story to start teaching them. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
723 After you finish this course on Negging you will all be dating swans. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
724 Finally... we have all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
725 They must take us for a couple of quacks. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
726 We still don't have ALL our ducks in a row." 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
727 As with regular college students, there's always one who imprints on a freshman rather than his social media 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
728 This is how we find the next Aflac duck! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
729 As parents look over their shoulder who will update their status first? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
730 That one just seems to paddle around on the keyboard. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
731 Can anyone here tweet with no hands? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
732 The focus is on eating smarter food choices. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
733 According to the White House, one of them will influence Russian elections within 1,000 years. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
734 This looks like a lot of quackery. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
735 I'll bet they beat the monkeys by half an eternity. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
736 No, I said we needed to recruit code CRACKERS 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
737 Keep your eye on that one in the second row! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
738 Six hours so far, and only one of them wants to quit. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
739 The water's free. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
740 Twitter helped to get all my ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
741 Does this allow you to have wet dreams without the visual embarrassment? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
742 Interesting. Tell me more about these dirty thoughts... 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
743 I was terrified of germs as a youngster but you'd never know it today. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
744 Tell me this isn't worth $200! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
745 When I was a teaching assistant I knew all their names by the end of the first class. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
746 I dunno. It was fine when they were doing the Aflac commercials, but move into handling claims has got me worried. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
747 She finds the whole Webbinar experience distasteful. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
748 Corporate wants to emulate AFLAC's business model. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
749 I hope they don't expect speed, I can only hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
750 This Apple autocorrect training seminar is a really ducking waste of time. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
751 "I wonder why we've had multiple reports of trash talking sheep in the last WEEK!!!!" "GIVE ME A BREAK MAGGIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A great man once said, SSSSSHHHHHEEEEPPPPP 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
752 Do you think they suspect they're in the matrix? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
753 Tell Purchasing it's mouse, not grouse. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
754 When dealing with these test subjects, I find the best approach is just to dive in head first. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
755 I'm afraid our hackers don't measure up to the Russians. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
756 I worried our Symposium for Online Medical Journals would be filled with quacks. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
757 It is not an infinite number of pigeons, so we're only going to get short stories." 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
758 What are they testing us for? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
759 Think this is bad? The place is run by a real quack. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
760 They are just trying to observe what “down with fake news” is all about 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
761 You watch front row center. I'll watch third row right. Those two are the bird brains. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
762 Let's hope this new MCAT rules out the future quacks. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
763 At first I thought they were just getting their ducks in a row, but it turns out we're sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
764 Watch out for that quack in the third row. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
765 Mom always said I was an odd duck. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
766 "Guess which one is a decoy. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
767 It's a tech savvy audience- I'd advise not to duck any questions 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
768 Welcome to the I-Peck 101 class. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
769 Does anyone else feel like a sitting duck watching these Thanksgiving cooking shows? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
770 Teaching them to read was hard enough; but critical thinking too? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
771 Microsoft Bird classes are very popular 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
772 At least the monkeys new how to type. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
773 Hey, no pecking at somebody else's computer! 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
774 Have you noticed the outright anarchy in the front row? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
775 Is it okay if I duck out early? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
776 Something tells me that maybe we cross the line by focusing too much on cost per hour.. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
777 We have all our ducks lined up. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
778 Proctoring winter exams used to be so easy before climate change! 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
779 It may not work with ducks. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
780 I say we settle for one good haiku. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
781 They all hunt and peck, so this is our slowest typing pool. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
782 so much for individualism! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
783 There will be no cheating or fowl play in my classroom 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
784 How do you turn this thing on? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
785 Are these the ones that grew digits? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
786 Is this going to be on the exam? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
787 “Quackulus”, “Quackulator”, “Quacktop”... you’d think they don’t know that we speak English. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
788 Our last proctor let us bring in birdseed. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
789 Yep, 240 of them. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
790 If only they knew the Twitter bots were really ducks. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
791 We're testing a new app for Millinibills. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
792 They're waiting for you to say 'Goose!' 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
793 Twitter's policy violation team are a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
794 He's a free agent. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
795 I think the White House social media team could use a break. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
796 We think this might work better than monkeys on typewriters! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
797 This study will prove ducks can write an even better novel than the monkies. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
798 I smell opportunity. Yeah dude, but to them it still tastes like chicken. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
799 Preliminary testing, midterm election ads. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
800 Our medical school is now graduating quacks. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
801 That one is talking too much. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
802 There must’ve been some quacks in the admission process. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
803 Well, that's the first step. Getting all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
804 Trust me, you don't want organic certification. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
805 That duck in the third row, shouldn't he be gray? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
806 If they can't quack this code, no one can! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
807 It's really been a head and shoulders improvement in participation from when they had the old pen and paper. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
808 A million of them could write 'MacDuck'. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
809 Now when you're ready, quack! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
810 Well are duckies are all in rows, but not yet in columns! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
811 Use the mouse! How the hell are we supposed to use the mouse? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
812 I told them they could order out today. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
813 dog 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
814 I'm sorry, we're all out of ducks to give. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
815 I thought Hunt & Peck was the name of the firm! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
816 We're great at rows but still struggle with columns 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
817 We definitely need larger keyboards. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
818 First, I'll call the roll to see who's here. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
819 The question is, which one will be the first to quack? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
820 Is this a variation on how many monkeys? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
821 Just wait 'till they get our bill. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
822 And you say this idea came to you in a dream? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
823 The monkeys came up with the complete works of William Shakespeare. The ducks seem fixated on J.D. Salinger’s novels. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
824 Can you type? Or are we expected to hunt and peck? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
825 So he's left-winger or right-winger? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
826 See the guy in the middle? I'd advise you to buy more stock in Microsoft. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
827 Is the irony of a pecking order lost on you? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
828 Each laptop has a different recipe for preparing duck and asks how it could be improved. We think we'll get no protests. They're all republicans except for the one in the back. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
829 They're proving much better at iambic pentameter than those worthless monkeys. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
830 With a quack quack here and a quack quack there... 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
831 I tell ya Dewey, these guys are real quacks! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
832 As I feard Dr Smith this years class is full of quacks. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
833 We're investigating if we'll be able to keep our ducks in a row now that tweets are 280 characters. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
834 Before you respond to management, make sure they realize it's just an expression. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
835 "Coding for Ducks" is one of those programs taxpayers might not be to please about. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
836 Let’s see if these birdbrains have a clue! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
837 Surprisingly, our chimpanzees did type out Hamlet. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
838 I'm surprised no one ducked out of class on Senior Ditch Day. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
839 If 3 monkeys could type Shakespeare, just think what this group will do! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
840 It's a class on how to catcg a ruse, not a rooster. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
841 Does cheating count as a cognitive breakthrough? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
842 Seems we have a couple of odd ducks this semester. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
843 Our funding was cut when the monkeys fell short of Shakespeare, but we've scaled back and are hopeful that the ducks will generate some Dan Brown. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
844 You have exactly one hour to finish your diversity exam. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
845 Ok on three find the worm! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
846 The job announcement was supposed to say we were looking for hackers, not quackers, but several applicants fit the *bill* in both senses of the word. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
847 I know it’s not Shakespeare, but what did you expect? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
848 When the course catalog said "Online Training", I just assumed we'd be learning telephone wire perching. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
849 I see you've got your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
850 Everything would be just ducky if we could just keep the attention of that distracted fowl student in the second to last row! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
851 Do they actually expect us to quack this code? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
852 Who's the quack slacking off in row three? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
853 Wait, where's the goose? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
854 --And that one produced a Trump twitter. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
855 Trust me, I know quacks when I seem them. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
856 Many of them Google gobble, gaggle, or goose. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
857 They didn't have the budget for an infinite number of monkeys. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
858 Now for the tough one: A duck walks into a bar... 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
859 We're researching why they really cross the road. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
860 The results so far—gathered by our sophisticated voice recognition—suggest a significant distrust of authority, as well as a deeply ingrained skepticism about the credentials of experts in virtually any field. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
861 That is strange. Those two in the third row are the only ones flocking together. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
862 They're not getting it. Maybe we should bring back the monkeys. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
863 IS THIS WHAT THEY MEAN BY "KEEP YOUR DUCKS IN A ROW"? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
864 It's incredible how they organize there migration flight plans now. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
865 If a novel can result from 1,000 monkeys with typewriters, this should work. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
866 Let's just say that you don't want to go into the isles to check their work. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
867 Their hourly billing rate is ridiculous 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
868 Duck. Duck. Duck. Goose? Does anyone know if Goose is coming in today? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
869 Wait, where's the goose? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
870 If they pass this test, everything will be just ducky. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
871 Duck?"... "Here!"..."Duck?"..."Present!"..."Goose? Goose? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
872 I bet every one of these guys is going to end up being a quack doctor. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
873 Finally a new way to conduct animal testing. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
874 They misunderstood at orientation when we said there are no bills at this school. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
875 I know, I know - but they were all out of monkeys! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
876 OK, yes, we paid peanuts and didn't get monkeys. You still don't win the bet. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
877 He's looking at his ex's Facebook profile. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
878 Day 34, they still do not seem to realize they are being studied. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
879 There is no way all of you had cats eat your homework. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
880 The ASPCA won't let us keep them in cubicles. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
881 It's my new north to south flight-plan app for orphaned ducks. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
882 Before we begin make sure you're off the Web. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
883 Okay, the monkeys did it on typewriters, so here is the new class—start the infinity clock. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
884 The Department of Animal Psychology has launched a spin-off marketing company called Duck, Duck and Goose. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
885 The best thing is; they work for crumbs and peanuts. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
886 He thinks he’s a black swan. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
887 The monkeys were much faster writing Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
888 Quack,quack,qua..I don't get it. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
889 It's a menu. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
890 I think Anthony is at it again! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
891 You! On the far right in the third row! You're not supposed to be able to talk! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
892 This test shows you which ones will be good at the V-formation. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
893 He's never subtle about being the first in Billing to finish his work load. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
894 Ever see so many dumb ducks? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
895 With a click clack here and a click clack there, here a click there a clack, everywhere a quack quack - oh no! Non-conformist alert third row, far right! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
896 Goose? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
897 They are excellent at picking out garbage. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
898 Ooh. I wonder what that one in the third row is going to type. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
899 So far, they’re all just tweeting at each other. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
900 It's a beta test for "Placid Birds. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
901 How about that? It is a bird course. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
902 They're just not flocking over to tablets anymore. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
903 I think this proves the, "Walks like a duck" theory. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
904 Something's wrong with subject C4 in the third row - he only tweeted once. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
905 User testing for the new flight simulator game was uncovering accessibility issues. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
906 I said this project should be slam dunk, not a slam duck... 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
907 What page did he say? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
908 Looks like the hiring manager's cell phone was on autocorrect again. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
909 We're preparing our systems in the event of a full fledged cyberattack. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
910 This is the gaggle googling class! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
911 Wait till you get the bill...... 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
912 There's a wise quacker, I'm sure. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
913 I hate all of these dumb ducks. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
914 The audition for the new insurance company commercial will begin now. Beginning with the first row, one at a time, repeat after me, "AFLAC". 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
915 What's up, duck? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
916 Don't forget to include your name, date of birth and park. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
917 Please make sure you are in your assigned seats. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
918 Thank god, I'm not the only quack in this room. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
919 Wanna go to Quacker Barrel for lunch later? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
920 Strange... they usually want us all in *one* row. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
921 This focus group is for the birds. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
922 The online courses are very popular, but for some reason they seem to prefer our wireless network 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
923 If you get nervous, just imagine they’ve all been plucked. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
924 He just can't quit quacking jokes! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
925 The admin said duck diversity was too low... 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
926 You have to watch this class like a hawk. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
927 A columnar desk arrangement was simply out of the question. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
928 Put that one on Ritalin. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
929 Are they still staring at us? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
930 Looks like third row, far right, may be cheating. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
931 There's always an over eager one every semester, isn't there? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
932 All this technology is for the birds! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
933 Aflac training. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
934 So this is what you meant when you said the auditorium was full of quacks... 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
935 How do you think the monkeys rare doing? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
936 They're quackbook pros. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
937 They're fine with the repetitive stuff, but . . . 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
938 Should I say goose? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
939 They're also upset about Trump's tweets. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
940 If they do well here, the sky's the limit. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
941 Until now, she had only used the hunt and peck system. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
942 I told you that using even ONE male would ruin the experiment! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
943 |They'll work for peanuts but I still can't get that one to use Spellcheck." 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
944 The ducks are in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
945 Do you think they showed up for Quakery101? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
946 its the finest flock we've ever had at this pollo-chial school 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
947 It's like monkeys but only hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
948 Well, we did have many more chickens than monkeys 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
949 Well, we better postpone the release if the software testers are still swiping right on the decoy profiles. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
950 The monkey test was a complete failure. They just wouldn't keep typing for a long enough time. Birds are more used to sitting so we're hopeful we'll get better results. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
951 If you can't touch-type, you'll just have to hunt-and-peck. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
952 You really need to get all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
953 It looks as if all our ducks are in order. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
954 Only one is responding and one isn't even paying attention -try the attackad instead. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
955 I think we did a good job. Finally we got our ducks in rows! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
956 Looks like one guy is still using dial-up. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
957 Looks like we'll be ducking this decision. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
958 This is not what I meant by having all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
959 We've decided to outsource to Peking ducks. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
960 Othello, Hamlet, and three Sonnets in six years. Not bad considering they don't have opposable thumbs. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
961 Why does your screen say ‘Goose’? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
962 Today, the great myth is debunked. The hunt and peck method is NOT inferior! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
963 I told you this was going to be a huge waste of pizza. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
964 Would you two like to share with the class! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
965 They're all quacks. But I do like the guy in the third row with the leftist views. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
966 Third row far right: Duckling getting ugly. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
967 Despite surface appearances, they're actually working really hard. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
968 Tetty, keep your eyes on your own exam! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
969 Remember how the monkeys would jump up and down when they got an idea? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
970 In addition to a 1 square foot apartment we get job training and free medical. I love California. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
971 Front row center, wing tapping. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
972 “Number 7 is cheating! ... He’s using ‘Aflac’.”9 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
973 Call IT. I think there is a problem with the Windows migration. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
974 Now that we only use sitting ducks as our research subjects, we're starting to get the results that we want. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
975 Our mouse focus group didn't like the cat videos, either. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
976 These new recruits are cheap as chicken feed. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
977 Maybe we should have used monkeys... 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
978 Is that the duckling who missed your imprinting class. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
979 We couldn’t find enough monkeys. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
980 It is just a hunch, sir... but I think the duck on the end of the third row may be a right-winger. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
981 Okay, they got us in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
982 You said in rows, right? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
983 They'd be more productive if they didn't have to hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
984 Excuse me! Excuse me! I have to go to the nest and lay and egg. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
985 We thought they’d eventually type out Hamlet, but they’re all hunt and peck typists. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
986 There are rumors that one of you has been sexually harassing someone in this class. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
987 Gotta watch these birds during the test. One of them's trying to cheat already. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
988 I feel very unprotected in this "sitting duck"class. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
989 Ethics? Smethics! I've already got my residency lined up. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
990 Can you give me a hand? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
991 Hey guys! Who does not like Nietzsche? Do you want to be a superman? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
992 Hunt and peck, yes, but they work for peanuts... 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
993 We'll call it: tweeting. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
994 QuackBook Pro focus group 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
995 Okay. Looks like we finally have all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
996 They eat software bugs, but it was hard to get them to focus. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
997 Let’s fly this coop 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
998 I hear Marketing wants to name it "Quackr". 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
999 Teaching the "Hunt and Peck" system to chickens. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1000 TRUMP'S ONLINE APPROVAL POLLING 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1001 If it looks like a duck test, it's a duck test. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1002 They look confused, is the Wi-Fi working? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1003 So much for diversity 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1004 Yeah, touch-typing - I get by just fine with hunt-and-peck. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1005 The feathers don't begin to fly until the bird seed icon appears. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1006 They're close to the solution of why chickens cross the road. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1007 Please tell me they're proficient in Excel. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1008 Due to budget cuts, we can now only afford to pay respondents in breadcrumbs. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1009 "Donald went senile, so we sold him to a Chinese restaurant. But Huey, Louie and Dewey are here somewhere. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1010 Cyber Security 101: Cracking serial hacks from Mac quacks 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1011 third row far right - sexual harassment 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1012 Technically speaking, if they look like ducks... 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1013 Now it’s unanimous, this is a bird Course. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1014 Wow. This shows how much technology has changed. Now ducks can control a computer. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1015 Hey, I heard that the doctor that conducted this study is a quack. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1016 Now let's do the Hippocratic Oath and you"re good to go. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1017 Remember: 100 pecks for the bull's eye. First one with the best pecker wins the Golden Egg. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1018 Last time I ever lie on my resume about my tweeting ability 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1019 Just who will become the next "Vale-duck-torian?" 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1020 It seems like the experiment would be more convincing if they had arms. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1021 I'm just impressed we got them all to sit still. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1022 Your research has the full support of our administration. Look at all the ducks we give! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1023 We've got a quackerjack research team. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1024 Wow, don't they look ready?" "Ask me after they connect the mice. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1025 They keep insisting on using something called "Quackle" as their search engine. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1026 Well at least productions has gone up 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1027 This is just such a big chance for us to climb the ranks. I mean they gave the monkeys' their shot and they blew it! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1028 It's 5 A.M. you should all be on the entry for WORM on Wikipedia. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1029 Note: one loosey goosey in the third row, aisle seat. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1030 Congratulations, doctor, on getting all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1031 So your students are all lined up in a row and focused on their laptop screens. Do you they know that this is a cooking class about them? Cooking duck. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1032 Can you believe it? Every single one of the infinite monkeys is out on strike! Fortunately ducks are notoriously anti-union. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1033 17 ducks at 17 computers for 17 years? What a waste this experiment was... 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1034 I find most of them are on Google Maps looking for "South" 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1035 The admintions officers took diversity a little too far 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1036 A semester of typing classes and they still hunt and peck! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1037 Duck? Duck? Goose? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1038 Seriously? Who'd you rope into funding this, Warner Brothers? Disney? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1039 OK, OK, we'll buy supplemental insurance. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1040 You know, I'm not sure it does beat migration. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1041 Talk about tightening your budget! 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1042 This guy is never gonna say 'goose' is he? 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1043 This new update makes it so much easier to get our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1044 their just a bunch of quakes, if you ask me. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1045 Aren't the ducks supposed to be in one row? 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1046 My money is on "Hamlet", but maybe "Romeo and Juliet". 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1047 So this is Duck, Duck, Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1048 The most searched term was "duck you". 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1049 We believe we're six months from identifying the goose. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1050 Well, I have all of my ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1051 You'd have thought the cat videos would have scared them off by now. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1052 The monkeys produced Shakespeare. Ducks produced Trump tweets? 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1053 You in the front, feet in your lap! 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1054 Yes, Hen and Peck is slower, but the monkeys spent too much time just hanging. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1055 Sure, Dr. Johnson, they are a little slow... but there is no minimum wage for ducks. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1056 They are Googling, why a duck. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1057 They expect hunt and I use voice recognition to mess with their analytics. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1058 Check and see if any of them has come up with Hamlet yet. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1059 They're still stuck on "quack quack". 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1060 Twins, Twins and more Twins. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1061 We are testing the recognition of facial quacks for our new technology. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1062 It's ok to count them now. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1063 I think they're just dabbling. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1064 They refused to sit in a row. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1065 Psst: don't check Long Island, Moscow or Peking as place of birth. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1066 This new ducknology test group is coming along nicely 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1067 Sure, the ducks are very good at getting in a row but you can’t beat monkeys for typing. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1068 Last year it was one monkey, one typewriter. This year, we've got a budget. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1069 I thought they were supposed to turn into sheep? 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1070 We couldn’t get funding for an infinite number of monkeys but these ducks are working on Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1071 They're pecking orders. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1072 The world is now a better place. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1073 How do you log in? 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1074 We couldn't find any monkeys and typewriters. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1075 This IS a class in Advanced Calculus, and Herbie leans more toward Liberal Arts . . . 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1076 So I guess flocking together is old school? 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1077 This is a remedial class for students who insist on the hunt and peck method. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1078 iQuack beta testing. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1079 There’s too much quackery 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1080 This gives a whole new meaning to strictly for the birds. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1081 Monkeys had typewriters. Maybe duck recognition will yield something. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1082 One of them will eventually hunt and peck the complete screenplay of Howard the Duck. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1083 Get 'em to stop pecking and start typing. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1084 If it writes javascript like a duck… 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1085 Yes, you can tell them anything you want you 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1086 We're waiting for their Twitter eggs to hatch. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1087 Thankfully they not apes! 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1088 I think it was the name of the course that got me, Peck Your Way To Success. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1089 They do great work, if you can just get them into their seats. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1090 If you want Shakespeare, you need monkeys. Ducks'll get you James Joyce. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1091 Welcome to Hunting and Pecking 101. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1092 We've got one with ADHD in row 3, but her pecking shows a lot of creative thinking. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1093 You know, of course, that this has been tried with monkeys. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1094 Watch them like a hawk...they tend to duck out. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1095 It's good to see you finally got all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1096 Just remember, if they call you a quack it's a compliment. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1097 When should we tell them that we can’t peck ‘alt ctrl delete’ ? 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1098 Ready. Set. Start your test 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1099 Well, looks like we finally got our ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1100 This quack invented the pecker-tunnel-syndrome ergonomic keyboard. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
1101 Well, the ad did say, 'anyone who can edit a flock of tweets in real time'. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
1102 Tell those geniuses in marketing that their "who needs a mouse when you can have a duck?" promotion isn't working. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1103 They're all wwweb-footed 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
1104 Wonder if they have a pecking order! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1105 To bad they can't use their hands, the keyboard is just killing their beaks. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1106 Are you sure we have enough diversity in our sample group? 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1107 Doc, these are the quacks sent by the President to work at the EPA. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1108 I had asked Mary for rows of pretty maids, and, quite contrarily, this is what Mary delivered! 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1109 Their pecking is very ordered. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1110 They ate the mice. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1111 Don't look now, but 1 o'clock-ish, 2nd from last ESFP, don't you think? 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1112 I see you've got all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1113 Candidate 3-5 has been disqualified; he/she has a crick in his/her neck! 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1114 I would call Admissions? 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1115 The real reason that they crossed the road was to take my computer science class. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1116 You think they would know that ducks can't use a mouse. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1117 Look OUT!!..DUCK!! 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1118 I think we might need to upgrade our billing department. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1119 First years always look like sitting ducks to me! 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1120 Seriously? How about making the keyboard wing friendly. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1121 The monkeys' novel never cracked the best-seller list, so I thought I'd shake things up a bit. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1122 Oh, they all read well, but only this one e-mails. And surprisingly well too. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1123 I think I'm starting to understand their reluctance to "tweet." 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1124 The AMA designed this exam to weed out the quacks. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1125 Get the file on third row, last position. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1126 The monkeys didn't work, but then we thought, "Bill" Shakespeare... 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1127 Welcome to medical school. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1128 There is nothing more pleasing than ducks in order 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1129 Do you understand them? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1130 There's always a "contrary" QUACK! 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1131 What happened to the chimpanzees? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1132 Somehow I cannot see these penguins type! Do you? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1133 At last, an explanation for Trump's tweets. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1134 I know they look calm from here, professor but under the surface they're studying like crazy. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1135 took you along time but you finally did it. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
1136 I hate teaching at a Community College. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1137 I didn't know this was Linux costumer support 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1138 I think they will get the pecking part, but I am not so sure about spelling and grammar. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
1139 It supports our previous findings. About 10% are deviants. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1140 Apparently, one of you did not understand our instructions. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1141 I'd rather guess than let them say I ducked the hard questions. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1142 We may have found an 'Infinite Duck Theorem' test candidate. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1143 As you can see, this is our most sophisticated QuackBook to date. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1144 Remember when they use to hunt and peck instead of the birds of a feather skyping together. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
1145 What are we . . . sheep? 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
1146 I think when this focus group was selected they forgot that feathers and wings can't use a keyboard. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1147 Apparently it never occurred to them that we don't have fingers. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1148 If these bird-brains can figure out how to use our software, we'll pitch it to the age-65-and-over demographic. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1149 I think I'm getting beakal tunnel syndrome. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
1150 But do they still mate for life if they find their match online? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1151 Data on these baptized ducks for disproving Antole France’s theory is of the utmost importance to white sociology. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1152 The combination of ducks and better technology should give us better results. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1153 The chimps flunked the Shakespeare, so we switched to ducks with spellcheckers. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1154 I sse you have all your ducks lined up. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1155 The ad about soggy bread is scoring really well with them. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1156 Don't you luv'a duck'? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1157 Butts in seats or ducks in a row--either way, productivity is up. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1158 They've only produced the complete works of Sean Hannity. I knew we should have gone the infinite monkey route. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
1159 The farmland Public Television fund drive begins in 10 minutes 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1160 Notice how they're brooding over it? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1161 You have 3 seconds to decide: Are they hipster, rugged, or ugly? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1162 Please - I don't want to hear you say: 'the ducks are in a row'. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1163 Why that Smithers is one odd duck 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1164 And now that you have mastered Pecking, we shall begin the next phase of this course........................Hunting. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
1165 Excellent pecking skills, of course, but we're still working on the hunting part. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1166 Wanna grab some KFC after? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1167 Maybe we should be using people to test the new macbooks. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1168 They're in a row, now what? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1169 You said"Get my ducks in a row". 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1170 Did you notice the computers all look the same? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
1171 The open floor plan really attracts the quacks. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1172 Meet our game testers. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1173 I think the it will go better if you have them all lined up in a row. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1174 We brought them in to increase our billables. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1175 Third row, far right, looks like he's cheating! 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1176 I am concerned the way the one in the upper right corner is looking. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1177 Less like sheep, more like ducks. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1178 Be a little skeptical. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1179 I think that's too many geese a laying. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1180 They've mastered nuclear fission, just don't throw breadcrumbs 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1181 Only a duck impostor will look away from the Crumbling of Bread Screensaver. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1182 shit 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1183 College has gotten so expensive, but I didn't know the extent to which it really racked up the bills. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1184 It was a quack.....honest. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1185 Just keep clicking "like" and he gets re-elected. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1186 The last thing I want to do Miss Sillweed, is give another lecture to a bunch of quack doctors! 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1187 I hated the idea of putting them all in columns. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1188 This class is for the birds... 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
1189 No matter how much success we have there is always one who fights A.I. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1190 So who's the identity thief? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1191 We are very close to quacking the case. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1192 The computer billing system doesn't seem to be working. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1193 There's one duck on the third row who is trying to duck out of the assignment. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1194 Just look at our government hard at work! 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1195 "OK,not bad.Only one nonconformist. He or she must disappear. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1196 Well we have all but one duck in a row. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1197 Technology is here to stay, get used to it. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1198 Think the Donald Duck channel is a go. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1199 "All your ducks aren't in a row". 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1200 Smartass in row three. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1201 In a row. On the same page. Now what? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1202 So, your hypothesis is based on the fact that they’re naturals at hunting and pecking? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1203 Let's hope this goes without a quack. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1204 At least they know how to use the web. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1205 Well, I did notice that one of them at least has his wing on the table, and that's the closest to commenting on the content. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1206 If it walks like a quack... 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1207 We’re expecting better than Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1208 Sure they work for chicken seed but they can’t match the literary output of the typing monkeys 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1209 140 or 280, it doesn't matter. We quack, we don't tweet. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1210 What little tidbits does he have today? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1211 If the monkeys typed Shakespeare there's no reason these ducks can't write Tolstoy. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1212 Why laptops? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1213 Always wondered where the flock went for the winter! 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1214 I've determined that if it logs in like a duck, surfs like a duck, and queries like a duck, it probably is a duck. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1215 Stuart Freudian slipped into the tub... 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1216 Where is the on button? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1217 Bird in the third row, keep your eyes on your own work, please. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1218 They are all on Facebook. What are the odds? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
1219 "Everyone knows that the bird is the word". 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1220 The Tweeters feel out-tweeted. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1221 Well, it worked pretty well when we put enough monkeys in a room with typewriters. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1222 Do you Hunt and Beak or are you a feather touch typist? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1223 My neck is broken. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1224 Well, now it looks we got our ducks in a row we can proceed. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1225 I'm still waiting for one of them to kick out 'King Lear' . 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1226 Customers griped when we staffed with dodoes. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
1227 If Gary raises his wing one more time, I'm going to squawk. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1228 That should take care of all those complaints about tech-support accents... 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1229 But they're definitely all just hunt-and-peckers. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1230 Hey Howard, do you think they'll notice if I duck out of this exercise ? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1231 We’re training the next generation of Aflac models. They’re memorizing their scripts. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1232 The monkeys weren’t available. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1233 Don't know about her, but he's a total quack. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1234 We had to let the monkeys go. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1235 Teaching penguins to message politicians about climate change is not likely to change opinions. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1236 Do you think they'll fall for the picture of the corn kernel? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1237 They were told to put theirs ducks in a row, but I don’t think am in the right row 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1238 I stand corrected, Dr. Stevens. It would appear that your theories about imprinting and nurture versus nature have been validated. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1239 Well, maybe we should have bought the thousand monkeys and the used typewriters instead. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1240 Looks like team isn't focused enough 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1241 I told them that I didn’t want to hear a peep out of them! 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1242 AFLC, is taking over eh? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1243 When's lunch break? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1244 And 90% of TV scripts are written right here. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1245 We're missing eight geese. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1246 Well Jim, the key is to make sure all of your ducks are in a row. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1247 It's all duck, duck, but no goose. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1248 1000 pigeons, 1000 laptops, 1000 weeks: 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull'! 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1249 N"ow let's see how they rate Duck Dynasty" 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1250 Pssst. The next time they say "duck", let's all jump under our desks. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1251 I had a nightmare he'd one day be writing incoherent sentences to the world. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1252 Here's the new development team for our latest venture -- WebPage. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
1253 You think if I snuck out anyone would notice? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1254 I think Duck 3 has keyboarding potential. Duck 10 looks more like copy and paste. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1255 Tell your class to stop tweeting. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1256 It's our new secret weapon against the Russians: Quackers. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1257 We tried an infinite number of monkeys, but it didn't work. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1258 They're mostly searching for the best ponds. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1259 You realize they block all the corn sites. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1260 If one would hit just one key .... 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1261 Pssst. What have you got for No. 15? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
1262 What's the secret word? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1263 If they pass this test, our new search engine will be one step closer to reality. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1264 These ducks can not pass a bill to save their lives. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1265 Third row, far right. Guys like that end up giving us physicians a bad name. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1266 The Peking Duck is in the third row, far right. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1267 The one in the third row, far right isn’t with The Program! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1268 They've got the pecking part down pat. The hunting part, not so much. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1269 Looks like #56 is deviating. Tell the boss to give him better Netflix selections. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1270 There is our potential for free range. Send in the next group. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1271 No Shakespeare yet, but we did get a Hemingway. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1272 They each can do the work of a thousand monkeys. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1273 Our diversity at the university knows no bounds. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1274 There are a lot of quacks out there. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1275 No, it's more like they are hunting and pecking. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1276 These NASA cuts are getting brutal. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1277 Quack Doctor Final Exam 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1278 Keep your eye on the trouble maker in the front row. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1279 Don't look now, but I think the duck in the front row is trying to get a jump start on us. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1280 I asked for canaries, not ducks! We'll never be able to teach them to Tweet. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1281 There's one in every crowd. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1282 Alright, we know the monkeys can do it... But what about the ducks? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1283 We're testing a new VOIP duck call. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1284 Watch what happens when I yell, DUCK! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1285 One more and we'll have all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1286 Really, you don't need a laptop to get down off a duck. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1287 I think that they are plotting to unionize. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1288 When you said 'This new class is JUST DUCKY, you were not kidding! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1289 We think the theory is sound, but we didn’t have enough monkeys. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1290 ...and the best part is: all of their eggs are technically free range! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1291 Only one got his log in right." 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1292 « Now, can anyone say AFLAC? Anyone? » 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1293 They'll have to stop tweeting when the pledge drive starts. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1294 Third row, far right. He is cheating off of another duck. Should I call out the fowl or do you want to? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1295 Now I understand why were told not to use the web. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1296 The chimps got a union. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1297 Something tells me that we'll get the same results as we did with the monkeys on typewriters. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1298 I'm not sure they really know what "phishing" really is 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1299 We know an infinite number of monkeys and typewriters can write Hamlet. Now we are checking to see if ducks can do the same with Eminem. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1300 They don't need to be in a row, and besides, they're not my ducks 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1301 Our new smart pill is over 90% effective. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1302 Which one of them has the bread? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1303 So, this is our new billing department. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1304 The tweets are in English, but, yes, they're all native Russian birds. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1305 All of you failed the walking and talking trials, this will be your last chance. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1306 You certainly have your ducks all in a row for this project 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1307 During Pledge Week, it's whatever works. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1308 I said to get our ducks in a row. Not four. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1309 Did he say "duck"? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1310 No Shakespeare yet. But we did get another verse to 'Old MacDonald Had A Farm". 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1311 He looks right to me. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1312 If the a million monkeys typing for a million years can reproduce a Shakespeare sonnet, this group should have a Trump tweet by tomorrow morning. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1313 We are showing one cartoon a minute: just count how many just smile and how many quack out loud. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1314 We needed a team that can really work in the cloud ! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1315 Can our Twitterbot army type yet? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1316 The password...Quack or Quack Quack...I can't remember if the 'Q' is in caps... 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1317 The duck second row from the back gets the bill. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1318 Guess who are the biggest quacks in the room. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1319 When the clock strikes two, three and four If the band slows down we'll yell for more We're gonna rock around the clock tonight 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1320 I guess they're technically in a row... 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1321 Attention students, in 3 minutes the timed QU-ACT will commence. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1322 They're almost up to "King Lear." 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1323 Beaks are passe. It's about who can order food from Amazon. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1324 Duck . . . duck . . . goose? 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1325 We take pride in producing followers here at the Lorenz School of Medicine 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1326 We're very well-prepared. Our ducks are all in a matrix. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1327 In the old days it used to be an infinite number of typewriters and infinite number of monkeys to come up with the Bible 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1328 Duck in the third row, on the, no quacking! 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1329 They are watching Groundhog Day. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1330 first year medical students at the University of Oregon study the cell pathology of mealworms. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1331 They're using the 'hunt and peck' method in this class. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1332 That's right - no more Angry Birds until they quack the code. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1333 No, laptops aren’t for everybody. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1334 When the humans say go, we all duck. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1335 That one appears to be Peking 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1336 THE SEATING CONFORMS TO THE PECKING ORDER. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1337 Look to your left, now look to your right - you're all going to die. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1338 Row three, seat one will be tonight's peeking duck. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1339 And finally, here’s the roaring engine behind our FDA approvals. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1340 Sorry Professor. I guess we hadn't planned much beyond getting our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1341 ....Is the temp too cold in here? Call management. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1342 The wi-fi password is Jon Cryer. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1343 Ok, I got the answer. But how do they expect us to enter the solution, without any fingers? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1344 We thought mixing the “Thousand monkeys typing produces Shakespeare” with the “If it quacks like a duck” one might work better. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1345 Another test? They already saw us walk and quack like ducks. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1346 This job isn’t what it’s quacked up to be. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1347 This study is for the birds. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1348 The cats kept eating the mice. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1349 When you're ready to come clean let me know. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1350 This experiment certainly isn't going to silent the critics who think you're a quack. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1351 You're despicable. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1352 The monkeys had a problem with punctuation, so we thought that birds, who understand the pecking order, might do better. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1353 I was hoping for more tolerance in birds. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1354 They all want to be the next "Linux Penguin." 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1355 I can see they have all their ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1356 I'd like to admonish you all one last time that refunds will not be possible once the test begins. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1357 Fascinatingly similar selfie poses as turn of the 21st century teenagers. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1358 Don't think speed can be a positive factor for this test, only one of the candidates has a hand. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1359 Looks like our web feet are not well adapted for the world wide web. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1360 We're getting all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1361 I'm not going to lie, this is all starting to feel a bit too meta. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1362 Duck my life 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1363 The real test is whether “hunt and peck” will work. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1364 We're hoping for better results than with the monkeys. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1365 These doctors are a bunch of a quacks. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1366 Artificial intelligence has come a long way! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1367 These genetic diversity hires are getting out of hand 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1368 Poultry Computing! No, personal computing! It'll be big! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1369 I never learned to type, but hunt and peck works well for me. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1370 Our duck affirmative action program ihas succeeded. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1371 Look out Oregon here I come! 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1372 After failing to write Shakespeare with monkeys, we're pivoting to searching the web with ducks 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1373 We tell them there is an apple in their future. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1374 I'm convinced that if you put enough ducks on enough laptops they will write....... 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1375 Something tells me this one doesn't 'hunt-and-peck'. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1376 Now that we have you all in a row 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1377 Twitter meets Fake News. 'Quack' is the new reality. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1378 Number eight just made a duck face. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1379 He never did know the difference between right and left. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1380 Are they seriously making us use Linux 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1381 Duck third row on right is a troublemaker. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1382 They're here to disprove 'Eager as a beaver.' 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1383 Sitting ducks are the best at screening russians today. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1384 I thought the only problem was they didn’t have laps. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1385 We’re still addressing shortcomings in the billing department. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1386 Now, this looks like a class of high fliers! 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1387 We reorganized recently. It's now pecking order. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1388 Except for the center guy, they're still doing 'hunt and peck' 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1389 Who did you think was behind the more sensible tweets? 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1390 I think he's quacked the code. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1391 Code? That was easy compared to teaching them Russian. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1392 Vive le roi! Vive l'empereur! 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1393 I'm little annoyed at their incessant fixation on children's swimming pools and mediocre bread recipes. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1394 our genetically modified chickens are now producing larger eggs in this coop when they can see larger eggs on screen 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1395 I'm trying to answer the questions so that I do not appear to be an introvert. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1396 Well, I see you finally succeeded in getting all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1397 With the new 280-character limit, we really need to double down on our efforts to combat fake news. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1398 “Good! Next week we’ll begin with the lesson on ‘Cover!’ 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1399 And they call us quacks. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1400 Third row, right? He typed Hamlet last year, but forgot to save it. Jim Cohee, San Francisco 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1401 Hey, if a barrel of monkeys can write "Hamlet," then a clutch of chicks can write "Weinstein's Memoirs." 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1402 Didn't the Admissions Office promise increased biodiversity in the classroom this year? 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1403 I'm a Windows guy. I don't know iOS. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1404 Oh, they don't study at all, but I really get a kick out of reading their essay question responses. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1405 They are working on Shakespeare 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1406 My connection is down; guess I'll have to wing it. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1407 Next, we'll teach them Pokémon Go. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1408 The amount that they tweet is amazing. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1409 See...all the ducks are in a row! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1410 Caught any phish yet? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1411 There's always an odd bill in the crowd. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1412 Actually, I think ducks are limited. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1413 Siri, where can I get a goose? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1414 This time we thought we'd swap out the monkeys for ducks and see what happens. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1415 The monkies must have had writers block, maybe we’ll have better luck with these ducks 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1416 They need some training, but they're much cheaper than the usual quacks 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1417 Will one of the sonnets work or do we have to type a whole play? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1418 Remember when outside was a good thing 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1419 This is our Quackery - AKA - Fake News Department 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1420 Talk to me Goose 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1421 As soon as they leave, wanna duck out for a drink? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1422 All the ducks in the world won't solve the bandwidth problem. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1423 We’re hoping they can quack the secret code the hackers used. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1424 They've pecked up a lot of Pink Floyd. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1425 Eyes forward Nick or I'll put you back into migration faster than you can say 'Quack'. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
1426 Always the same two. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1427 I get the glasses. You get the clipboard. The rest know what to do. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1428 Ut oh. Looks like these new teachers don't like having all their ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
1429 That's the new screen saver of fish dancing on waves. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1430 See you next week for Pond Practicum. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1431 And remember, No Copying. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1432 Hunt-and-peck typing is so 20the Century. Where's the facial recognition functionality? 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1433 I tell you it makes me uneasy. We're all sitting and we're all in a row. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1434 There are 16 ducks, and one of them is looking to their right. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1435 I knew the first one on the third row right wasn't serious when he applied for the job. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1436 They’re not as good as monkeys; but they will work for chicken feed. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1437 "The one in row two keeps trying to do a Gaggle search". 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1438 And this is Hewlett Quackard's software development team. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1439 It seems like today's students are nothing but parrots. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1440 I told you that the new admissions director was a quack. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1441 The quack in the back is going to need more medical malpractice insurance. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1442 If we can't keep their attention with course, we may have a few flight risks. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1443 Kids, You’ve effortlessly beaten the AI thing. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1444 There's a goose in here somewhere, and I'm gonna find him. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1445 we tried for monkeys,but they were busy with Shakespear 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1446 Well, I can clearly see your nuts. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1447 Yes, but they work for quackers. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1448 I think Ralph in row three has a question. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1449 There's not a Shakespeare in the flock. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1450 They use Excel, Word, and, of course, Twitter. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1451 The NASA budget cuts are proving to be more challenging than we expected. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1452 I think we've identified the non-conformist. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1453 They look better than the last group. Let's see what they can do. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1454 I told you we'd get full enrollment; everyone knows this is a bird course. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1455 What's the one in the second to last row doing. The one on the right. He's up to something. Why's he looking at the duck next to him? Can ducks talk? Is this the right room? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1456 Now we get them into columns. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1457 Upon completion, if you vote no, please leave an egg at your station. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1458 This is not what I meant when I said get your ducks in a row. You have to divorce Linda now or it's over! 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1459 Welcome to the entrance exam for Ducks in a Row University. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1460 Eventually, you'll get Hamlet. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1461 There's always someone who can't keep focused! 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1462 No peeking, duck! 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1463 When do we let corporate in on the whole opposable thumbs thing? 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1464 Here's an exclusive look at the new AI, "Avian Intelligence" 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1465 Out-of-water 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1466 This concludes our presentation on why flying north for the winter remains imprudent. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1467 Eyes not on screen; hand on desk. Both disqualified - rules are rules. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1468 They're on to us. Don't worry, I don't tweet and tell. Birds of a feather stick together. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1469 So far, we've yet to see any of the study's participants call 'goose.' 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1470 At least they're not scratching the answers on their pens anymore. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1471 So we're quacks what else is new? Call the AMA 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1472 No peeping. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1473 A modern twist on the monkey and typewriter theory 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1474 Attentive? That's just ducky . . . 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1475 Quacktops. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1476 Not exactly a hands-on group. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1477 She is the first one to lose interest in Jeopardy...and only on the 4,230 rerun. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1478 They have some nerve calling us quacks. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1479 When the bell rings - duck. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1480 I don’t judge. I just make sure the data is statistically valid. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1481 Looks like they all ducked out early today. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1482 We are able to keep all of our ducks in rows, but the one in row three spends too much time quacking to his neighbor. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1483 Birds of a feather, click together. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1484 Are you kidding? None of them has ever even seen a mouse. I told them, "Just wing it." 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
1485 There's always one bad egg. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1486 I typed ‘To be, or not to bx,’ just to mess with them. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1487 There's our slacker! Third row, far right. He's jeopardizing the whole Shakespeare project. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1488 Third row right, he's saying, "Aflack." 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1489 They don't hunt. Just peck. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1490 Maybe we should go with "Duck College" instead of "Duck U". 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1491 We could always duck out of class..... 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1492 He thinks the other guy is here because of Affirmative Aflaction. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1493 The one there in front of you . . with the right wing on the table . . . that's Trump. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1494 Noise just works. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1495 I thought we were being tested for Salmonella. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1496 So I says to Mr. Trump, 'Why have all those ducks fly south when we can use them up here?'" "That's good," says he. "We can start by replacing the Senate. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1497 I think we've found our goose. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1498 This is our office pool. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1499 Yeah. I agree, I think we should just fail that guy beaking at his neighbor's test. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1500 Yes, the results are disappointing. Maybe if they had laps... 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1501 Third row, end: trouble 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1502 Are my ducks in four rows okay? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1503 We're gonna need you to tone it down with the North Korea tweets. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1504 This runs somewhat counter to your "ducks in a row" hypothesis. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1505 Okay, begin clucking- I mean clicking. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1506 "What they don't know is they're sitting ducks ..." (by Gregory Jones) OR Beta test for the new QuackBook Pro. (by Hannah Jones) 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1507 Monkey's maybe, but ducks? No way! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1508 They're better at this than the monkeys were. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1509 Which one came up with his Monday tweet? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1510 The one at the end in the third row is cheating. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1511 I think we have succeeded in adding boredom to the list of objections to testing on animals. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1512 I don't know what pecking order. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1513 A cluck cluck there and a clicker cluck here. . . .that's all I got. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1514 There's always one! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1515 As you look at your screens, it's important to understand that individuality is not always so easy to see. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1516 I don't get any of this quack. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1517 Duck or goose? No cheating! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1518 "If it walks like a (Blank), talks like a (Blank), then it probably is a (Blank)." What do you think they're looking for? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1519 That one is always on the fringe and failing to cooperate 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1520 World wide webbed 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1521 Third row, far right - I think he's quacked in to the system. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1522 I'm still hoping Eugene was a good choice 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1523 - Doctor, the Organic one is done. - I see, so they really are better than the others. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1524 They cranked out the complete works of Shakespeare, but the only result that will guarantee funding is a "Duck Dynasty" spin-off. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1525 It appears that even poultry is mesmerized by Pinterest 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1526 So far, the results are just what big data predicted. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1527 No talking! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1528 I feel pigeon holed. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1529 Wow! This voice response is much easier than hunt and peck! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1530 Nothing is running off my back and I can't paddle at all under this desk! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1531 I'm g;ad they got rid of that CNTRL-ALT-DELETE thing. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1532 Not as majestic as an elk or a whale but they can really push the policies. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1533 are they Purdue honors students? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
1534 I’m confident in our new research procedures now that we use redundant duckumentation. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1535 Putting them to work rather than letting them fly south for the winter was a good idea. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1536 My medical degree is from Harvard--who are you calling a quack? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1537 I said I wanted the best hackers money could buy. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1538 And they all turn at exactly the same time in the same direction. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1539 This on line class is for the birds. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1540 Jeff, please leave Todd alone. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1541 You're not ducking your responsibilities, are you? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1542 Not the crowd I expected. We’ll have to wing it. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1543 I see this as a temporary position. What I'd really like to do is be the Aflac spokesman. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1544 We got a grant to study Migration-these guys must know something. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1545 Personally, I think this guy is a QUACK! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1546 We went with ducks because they're cheaper, and we don't need the complete works of Shakespeare... just a catchy jingle for the new ad campaign. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1547 Welcome to medical school. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
1548 I hear the instructor is a quack. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1549 Welcome to ornithoogy 101 class. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1550 we should’ve hired the lemmings 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1551 Odds are that one of them will type the bible. We still have room in the pool if you would like to enter. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1552 HR just called. Now they want to lay off half the ducks. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1553 Not sure how your experiment failed considering you have your ducks in a row, Professor Smits! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1554 Let's see if 100 ducks can beat 100 monkeys in writing Hamlet 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1555 Thanks to our methods, every bird can tweet. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1556 We never got anywhere with monkeys, so we thought we'd try ducks. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1557 Best thing is.....none of them can tweet.... 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1558 Well, according to them you're a quack. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1559 I'm still looking for my safe area. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1560 I can't tell whether they're enjoying the cat videos. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1561 Cat videos. We never should have shown them YouTube. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1562 We finally got them into rows. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1563 Is the womb warm enough ? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1564 I know they don't approximate the human brain as well as rhesus macaques, but they're so much more pleasant. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1565 EYES FORWARD! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1566 I know we're supposed to stick together and all that, but I'm just not on board with some of these answers. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1567 ...And this is our billing department. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1568 You misunderstood when I said 'What should we study now, birdbrain?' 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1569 As usual, someone wasn’t paying attention. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1570 But how will they if "walk like a duck?" 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1571 Our med students are turning into a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1572 Shakespeare again, but they are slowed by the hunt and peck system. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1573 Just keep an eye on them Dr. Simms...they might try and duck out on you. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1574 I hear the monkeys were trying to unionize...pass it on. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1575 A few backspace problems, but for the most part them seem to be all in a row. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1576 "Ducks In Rows" is the name of the company. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1577 The Infinite Duck Theorem is a quack. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1578 See to it that duck four in level three isn't here when I get back. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1579 There's one in every crowd. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1580 These test will determine your future 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1581 Please answer honestly. This survey is in the blind. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1582 We're Equifax, sir. It's not like our web footprint makes us sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1583 lets get the duck out of here 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1584 We should have used name tags. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1585 Well, they're not monkeys, but I suppose it could result in something given their hunt and peck skills. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1586 It is monkeys on typewriters Kevin! This does not prove anything! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1587 The hunt & peck system just seems intuitive for me. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1588 Our experts agree- 'The Donald' IS inappropriate. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1589 Glad to see you've got all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1590 It’s a tough class. We keep our ducks in a row and graduate no quacks. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1591 If monkeys can write Shakespeare, then ducks can code. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1592 So.. which one of these would duck out ? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1593 They need to understand the analytics of egg production! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1594 You must be quackers 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1595 This explains the uptick in positive vegan restaurant reviews. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
1596 No Gerald, we aren't trying to "quack" the code... 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1597 I've been pecking away for hours and still have nothing that makes sense. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1598 Wanna duck out of here for a few minutes ? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1599 Everybody duck! 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1600 They're nicely situated, but I don't think you can truly say you've got them all in a row. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1601 All our critiques just roll off their backs. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1602 Polly want a quacker? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1603 And you're sure they'll write the world's best Tweet? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1604 Look to your right...look to your left... one of you will be eaten by the end of the year … 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1605 Those two have to go. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1606 Well, that's not how I'd get my ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1607 I was sure there would be at least ONE goose..... 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1608 Labcoats generally shed their plumage and toys to mate. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1609 So, this is your new billing system? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1610 Third row on the right..... I think his neck is broken. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1611 Responsive and Attentive. Will this program work with high school freshman? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1612 You there, in the front row . . . What's your question? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1613 Look to your left - look to your right - One of you will not be here at the end of the season 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1614 I haven't seen this many quacker's in the same room since Trump was voted into office. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1615 They sound perfect for tech support. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1616 I see you've got your ducks all in a row. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1617 Third row, right. No quacking while you're hacking. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1618 Our hypothesis is that they will produce The Complete Works of William Shakespeare twice as fast as the monkeys 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1619 if you think about it, we really only see them in class, taking notes, coming to office hours, whatever. we have no view on a huge part of their lives, the part that matters most to them—taking their parents’ prescription pills and trying to fuck 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1620 Please log off and don’t leave any droppings. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1621 It's the 21st century and all are secretaries are still chicks. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1622 It's our Beak Twitter Training class. They can't tweet with webbed feet. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1623 Like I said, the monkeys were booked 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1624 We want to be sure our commercials are reaching the right kind of focus group. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1625 Their fingers are too fat for this machine. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1626 I take it this is your non-union experiment. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1627 Before we start doctor, can you spot the one with attention span deficit disorder? 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1628 i don't know man, when they said an experiment with the web, i thought they wanted to check out the performance of my swimming ability. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1629 3rd row, aisle seat... is cheating. No, he's been assessed by one of our top Quacks as having a legitimate learning disability so... not ducking the issue but, he's got rights. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1630 Now that you have all your ducks in a row Doctor Canvasback , it should be much easier to teach them how to read. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1631 We're practically sitting ducks in this job market. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1632 At least we didn't get another class of Lemmings! 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1633 Something smells foul. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1634 Infinite number of ducks.....Check An infinite number of ducks, an infinite number of laptops and what do we get? Just a Comedy of Errors...... 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1635 To think, they used to only fly in formation. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1636 I'm pretty sure there's a quack in the logic here. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1637 Duck! Teacher is looking at you! 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
1638 Welcome to the course, Bees 101 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1639 They are testing to see how long it takes to quack us. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1640 There weren't any monkeys available 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1641 We ran out of monkeys and typewriters. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1642 I know, but they definitely don't program like a duck. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1643 "This will take forever, most of them just hunt and peck"! 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1644 We'll just put the cost for the computers on this one's bill. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1645 Row 3, far right ... call the USCIS. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1646 Data analytics isn't all that it's quacked up to be. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1647 What a quack! I think they meant to call this the Irony Deficiency discussion. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1648 Scholars? still barbecue us. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
1649 Domestication was the least of our problems 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
1650 The spec called for monkeys. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1651 I'd like to go back to the farm. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1652 Nice work...not one but four rows. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1653 Viaduct? 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1654 If an infinite number of monkeys didn't write it, what makes you think they will? 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1655 We ran out of infinite monkeys. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1656 Well, all the ducks are in a row. What happens now? 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1657 After pecking out the answers to the test... 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1658 We couldn't get monkeys – but last week one of them wrote Two Gentlemen of Verona, so it's only a matter of time. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1659 We're gonna start them off slow, and see if they can reproduce the collected works of Nicholas Sparks. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1660 Sir, this test is designed to separate the doctoral candidates from the quacks. It'll be clear if they are winging it... 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1661 Can I borrow your mouse? I ate mine. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1662 Where did you find them? 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1663 If there's a goose out there, we'll find it. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1664 They've been trained NOT to peck the 'Enter' key unless they qualify for free shipping. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1665 Apparently Control-Alt-Delete is not a viable option. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1666 Cry havoc and let slip the ducks of cyberwar! 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1667 Did you really ask them to google 'Chicken Noodle Soup'? 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1668 We outsourced our Twitter support. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1669 He's the chief tweeter. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1670 So far the data analysis suggests that they're not adapting well to BirdPerfect. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1671 These new Quackbooks aren't really taking off, for some reason. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1672 See the third row isle bird? I think she's cheating. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1673 Welcome to AFLAk. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1674 'Maybe robots would have been better after all." 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1675 Third from the left in third row won the booker prize in 2012. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1676 " Third row on the right. Possible ADHD. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1677 So, tell me again why "migratory techniques of birds" is a required course. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1678 They've got all there computers in a row. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1679 Hey, D for question 7? D as in duck, right? 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1680 so the antivax bloggers literally are a bunch of quacks after all... 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1681 pssst. I thought we told Jerry not to 'wing it' until they gave us each a mouse to use! 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1682 We hope you do better than the monkeys. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1683 Call the tech guy...there is a glitch in the system. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1684 This is the experiment that separates us from the pigeons. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1685 Well, you did call the course "a history of quacks." 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1686 Which one is the quack? 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1687 No, it’s not Just Ducky. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1688 Hunting and pecking may require a bit more time. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1689 Glad to see you have all your ducks in four rows! 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1690 Success. It hold their attention. We just need a product. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1691 Hmmm...well, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck... 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1692 We may look like nerds and walk like nerds and yack like nerds but let's face it, we're only ducks. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1693 If we pass this test, I hope they put us in the Navy not the Marines. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1694 Shut up and just wing it. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1695 Has anyone seen the goose? 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1696 We found the desktops worked best to get our ducks into rows" Or "We are now beta testing the Quack-Recognition program 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1697 control , alt, delete is a single key right? 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1698 They actually outperform the apes we measured last week. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1699 It’s called “the news,” and from now on there will be no obligation to remain calm of above desk. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1700 I asked for hackers ... not quackers. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1701 Not to worry. My understanding is that they're in the lemming family. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1702 Sure, he writes like a duck. But he's a little light on extracurriculars. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1703 Yes, Miss Farnsworth, I said, make sure they're in a row, but I said nothing about teaching them how to type. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1704 Make sure your eider number is down correctly. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1705 Our team of experts is now reviewing every tweet. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1706 Your optimal flight path will depend on wind speed and direction, flock altitude, and destination-pond coordinates. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1707 They're migrating to the cloud for winter. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1708 This birds of a feather cliche is killing the diversity initiative. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1709 As I suspected, there all a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1710 I don't think washing away your problems will help. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1711 We ran out of guinea pigs... 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1712 I can't believe they cut our funding. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1713 Okay. Next time we get touchscreens. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1714 How do you say "sitting ducks" in Russian? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1715 Ok, we now have them in a row, but there's still an odd one... 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1716 I thought fundraising was supposed to be fun 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1717 There are ducks and computers, and two people observing, sixteen duck to count. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1718 Is this what they meant by Ducktorate degree studies? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1719 Duck, duck, where in the heck did the goose go? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1720 They already passed the driverless vehicle driving test. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1721 #41 just played duck-duck-goose. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1722 The new Quack computers have really upped efficiency. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1723 They're all very young. They flew in this morning to find the way south. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1724 I guess he intends to wing it. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1725 He just found out he's being replaced by a goose. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1726 Based on my statistical analysis, Dr. Lerner, which everyone stands up and runs around the room is not a duck, but rather, a goose. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
1727 We’re trying to increase yield by making their heads bigger. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
1728 Remind me, how exactly will they be taking the test? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1729 I'm hoping for Hamlet, but I'll settle for Merry Wives. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1730 Something is amiss in row three... 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
1731 They keep eating all the mice. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1732 We were wrong to promise them all individual career planning 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1733 These guys act like they haven't quacked a book in years. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1734 The new IT guy has all us ducks in a row, now what? 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
1735 OK, everybody duck ! 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1736 Sometimes a warm bath is just a warm bath. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1737 There's always the odd duck. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1738 Gotta say, thought we’d be further along after this weekend’s quackathon. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1739 I was skeptical at first, but tech support complaints have actually dropped since we switched to the ducks. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1740 Did you forget to bring the beak-activated user interface modules again? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1741 The monkeys didn't produce a single line from Shakespeare. Let's see how the ducks do. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1742 Behind the scenes at the search engine company, DuckDuckGo. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1743 Ok, good. Only one guy with his hand on the table and one guy looking away. Thats a wrap. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1744 Word processing took all the fun out of hunt and peck... 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1745 When in doubt, charlie out. Pass it on. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1746 Psst... no. 4 is a trick question. A King Island emu can't fly. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1747 Don't go toe to toe in bird law with them. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1748 If it reads social media like a duck, it's a duck. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1749 Let me guess; Aflac Customer Service? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1750 I just remembered something 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1751 Listen, I don't care if it quacks like a duck. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1752 Just like my husband. The males refuse to talk. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1753 They all refused to do the test and booked flights to Miami Beach instead. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1754 We're proposing that if it quacks like a duck, and codes like a duck, it is a duck. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1755 If we’ve got all our ducks in a row, you may begin. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1756 Meanwhile, at Oregon... 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1757 This is not what I had in mind when I said "Get me a room full of beakers to do the experiment." 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1758 So your thesis is, If monkeys can duplicate Shakespeare, why not ducks? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1759 Duck in row three, aisle seat, is cheating. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1760 Yes, they can program an Oracle database, but are they truly sentient? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1761 Who thought they'd have problems writing a sequel? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1762 Yes, the course is intended to help them develop their own identities. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
1763 I think computers in the classroom are a quack remedy. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
1764 We prefer the phrase, "Alternative medical facts." 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1765 The platform migration is early this year. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1766 HE MUST BE THE NEW GUY! 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1767 They're upset because they think that issuing them laptops was body shaming 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1768 This department isn’t all it’s quacked up to be. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1769 Dinner's at SIX ! 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1770 Which bill in on the floor today? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1771 There's has to be one in every crowd. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
1772 First, we'll get our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1773 I just want to see if that thing you said about dropping the soap was a Freudian slip. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1774 You'd think they'd be better at producing tweets. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1775 They've got all us ducks in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1776 We couldn't afford monkeys, so we're seeing what platypuses at keyboards come up with. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1777 We are still trying to figure out why they won't type. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1778 Personally, I prefer monkeys. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1779 This is why they got us all in a row? 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1780 Missy, in row two, this is my third and last warning: eyes left, or you're out of here. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1781 —So you think this way they will learn to speak? —Ssssh, that duck is about to say something... 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1782 I knew you did quack research, but I had no idea it was this bad. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1783 One of them appears to be abandoning the flock, Doctor. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1784 Okay, we know one of them is a hacker, but which one? They pretty much all look alike. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1785 To think, they all used to be coal miners. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1786 I don't know, the virtual migration isn't the same. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1787 The one with the glasses is such a quack. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1788 You can't argue with the data. The hunt-and-peck method is clearly superior. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1789 Just as we suspicioned, a flawed study, as we have one outlier among the quacks! 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1790 We asked for 100 monkeys, not ducks. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1791 They keep reporting the market is down. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1792 So far they've only learned to hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1793 This is now how to tweet instead of chirping. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1794 I'm really more of an analogue guy. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1795 Since we were just made aware that rush starts tonight, fledges will be dismissed early. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1796 If you ask me, I say these "scientists" are real quacks 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1797 When I advised you to ‘get your ducks in a row,’ I forgot how literal you are.” 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1798 If you want Hamlet you've got to get monkeys. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1799 This yahoo in row three, seat four, claims his left profile is a knockout. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1800 Best one so far is 'to be a bee or not'. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1801 By my calculations, we should have the complete works of Mother Goose in about 5 minutes. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1802 Why did they want another 'ducking' consumer test? 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1803 Given enough time, they should be able to type out all the works of Groucho. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1804 I'd rather have all our ducks in a row before we go public. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1805 They keep getting younger every year. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1806 The PondSwap beta is going swimmingly. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1807 There's always one that stands out in the crowd. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1808 All they know is emoji — no one has ever taught them the humanist foundations of hunt-and-peck. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1809 Now that we've got our ducks in a row, shall we go grab some of that low hanging fruit at the end of the day? 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1810 Look Emilie, do you believe a gaggle of bird brains. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1811 I think we've found our goose. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1812 Emily, I think you're on to something big. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1813 The monkeys wrote 'Hamlet'; now let's see if the ducks can write 'Macbeth.' 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1814 Well if they don't say 'ducking' who's the autocorrect for? 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1815 Don't look now but I think Donald, third row, extreme right, is cheating. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1816 Do this! 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1817 It's not that good-if not for the eggs we'd be bankrupt. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1818 What did you get for question 4? 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
1819 I told you we had all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
1820 Does she understand the pecking order? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
1821 Well, the monkeys finished Shakespeare, so we thought we'd get started on Dickens. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
1822 We can't get them to keyboard, but they can hunt and peck like there's no tomorrow 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
1823 I call it Pavlov 2.0. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1824 We wanted monkeys but they cut our budget. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1825 The ad said Ducks Unlimited, but the package said Unlimited Ducks 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1826 If this is another diversity training session, I'm flying right out of here! 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1827 I can get down with this. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1828 So far we have Poe's "Raven," Hitchcock's "Birds," and Macdonald's "H is for Hawk"--nothing yet by Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1829 Looks like we got all of our ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1830 The hope is they will produce the Penguin editions of his plays. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
1831 What are we all doing here? We're ducks! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1832 Quacktops. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
1833 The Birds, reboot. Scarey, Huh? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1834 My preliminary analysis is that the new SAT is flawed. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1835 Up the dosage, my sorces report Lieberman's monkeys are nearly reproduced The Lords Prayer 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
1836 Okay, Wilbur is cheating again. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1837 It’s online roosting, Phase I of the mayor’s parks initiative. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
1838 Just when all our ducks were ready to start, the one named Donald, right under our nose, had to gain an unfair edge. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
1839 I said no tweeting! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1840 Tweet....ha, ha ,ha, ha 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1841 They type using the hunt and peck system. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1842 Our test audience is really responding to the new Drake video. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1843 Are all the ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1844 3-2-1-peck! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1845 I am surprised you got funding for this after your "monkeys and typewriters" experiment. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1846 I don’t care if he *has* gotten all his ducks in four rows. Your doctor’s a quack. These Chinese subjects are too conformist. We value individualism more than any other country. It’s like machismoism in Mexico. This double-blind is “foul! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1847 This is Fowl Law 100, or, as we like to call it, How To Get Away with Murder... 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1848 I thought they picked one from the sound of their call. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1849 The Capistrano App must be out. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
1850 I think I may duck on out of here. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1851 That in the second to the last row is goofing off again. I pray for the day I get a chance to blow him out of the sky. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1852 Granted, the chimpanzees and the typewriters were a failure, but this time, we have high hopes 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1853 And they said we were quacks 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1854 And you'd say no duck was able to catch a mouse. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1855 Hey, bird brain, first chair third row. Keep your eyes on your own beak. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1856 I don't think we have all our ducks in order. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1857 Let’s play a game! Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck... 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1858 The monkeys kept on breaking the keyboards. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1859 Always one who wants to see if there are other duck-ups. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1860 They's already completed the complete works of 1000 monkeys on typewriters. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1861 I'm telling you ... this quack in the front is a right-winger! 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1862 lame duck, aisle 3! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
1863 Just to mess with them, I typed ‘To be, or not to yada yada.’ 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
1864 There is always one quack in every classroom looking for attention! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1865 This is quintessential mime. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
1866 Forgot to take my ADHD meds this morning. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1867 Okay, let's get to it: how metrics can help you lay more eggs. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1868 A mole among the birds? Nah! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1869 If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it should compute like a duck. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1870 Well, it's back to the old hunt and peck method. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1871 Mr. Perdue was hoping for a fatter bird, not a smarter one! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1872 Wing and peck? I don’t think so. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1873 They're all doctors who lost their license. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1874 They's already completed the complete works of 1000 monkeys on typewriters. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1875 Maybe we should try a semi-circle? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1876 Did the one on the third row far right just call you a quack? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
1877 For security reasons, we scramble the data. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1878 Yes, perhaps a room full of monkeys typing could have eventually written the next Great American Novel, but these ducks seem hesitant to type at all! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1879 Really Professor Higgins, this is your idea of incognito browsing? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1880 Psst. What's a four letter word for "Water Fowl?" 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1881 Bob Newhart kinda did this already. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1882 "Because the last group was a bunch of monkeys. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1883 Who are you calling a chicken?? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
1884 Where do we send the bills? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1885 Let's put the Monkey Novel on hold. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1886 This is the darndest hen party I have ever been to! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1887 Even these quacks outscored Trump's cabinet on science aptitude. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
1888 He still doesn’t believe it was global warming 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1889 Third row, fourth seat. Just called you a quack. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1890 Remember, it’s hunt then peck! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1891 Subject #174 looked away at the sight of stealing shown in the surveillance video, send to slaughterhouse. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1892 So now we know why they call it tweeting. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1893 Please, No Quacking During The Test ! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1894 The middle one in the first row gets it. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1895 Elmer Fudd is so triggering 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1896 Apparently, ducks don't hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
1897 I think that one in the front figured out how to watch Duck Dynasty 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1898 We were tired of code monkeys 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1899 Surprisingly, the latest search engine survey revealed that participants unanimously preferred DuckDuckGo over Google or Bing. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1900 I know some of you are use to a typewriter but hunt and peck works on these also 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1901 We suspect that one of you was fed the answers! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1902 None of them has pecked out any Shakespeare yet, but we have seen some email abbreviations and an Albanian curse word. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
1903 Document our findings carefully Bruce, we don't want to be called out for research quackery. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1904 First they want us to enlist as rubber duckies, then we will just be another rubber stamp. I just don't trust it. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1905 Hey, I just got 16 likes for my last quack! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1906 One duck responded that the only reason they fly south in the winter is because of peer pressure. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1907 Well, I see we have all of our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
1908 Do I have to separate you two? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1909 I'm pregnant. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1910 Forget the monkeys! We just got the full text of Paradise Lost! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1911 Psst.....look at Leonard.....such a brown bill. Always in the front, center, first one to raise his wing. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1912 I’m going with “to get to the other side.” 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1913 Unfortunately we are not making any progress 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1914 Every thing seems just a little to perfect 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1915 Lucky ducks! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1916 I said get your ducks in a row, not in a computer lab! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1917 Our pigeon retraining program has been a great success. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1918 Two of a kind! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1919 Let's totally skew their test results -- let's show them that we can readily hack into a top-secret government agency, but we'll make it appear that we don't have a clue how to create the app they asked for that would simply access the yellow pages. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1920 They're all ecology majors and nephews of Scrooge McDuck. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1921 Legal might have a problem calling it the Quackbook. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1922 We think we'll have a health care bill by the end of 2019. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1923 The human clone test begins next week! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
1924 Monkey fingers and typewriters are taking too long. We're switching to beaks and laptops. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1925 You can bring technology to these birds, but you can't stop them from ducking out. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
1926 They are all watching the new version of how to keep all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1927 I never imagined Stewart would be the first. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1928 Something's going on in that third row. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1929 Submit your caption below, we choose three finalists, and you vote for your favorite. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1930 Yes, they are all in a row; but they are NOT all at attention! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1931 Statistical probabilities show that, over time, one of them will write the great American duck novel. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1932 We're finding the next Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
1933 Hey, buddy, bet you a dollar the guy with the clipboard owns a Zune. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1934 Their oeuvre surpasses the typewriting monkeys'. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1935 I guess we haven't replaced all of our employees with computers 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1936 They haven't been quacking all today. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1937 We're hopeful one will live long enough to produce Proust. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1938 Welcome to "Naturopathic Medicine 101" 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1939 Start typing, now! 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1940 We needed to balance out the private school kids. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
1941 It appears you have your ducks in a row for this presentation. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
1942 Are they expecting US to start? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1943 Take that, infinite monkeys, we have ducks! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
1944 If monkeys can write Shakespeare, we are testing if chickens can tweet. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1945 Its another Russian attempt to distract us from their election collusion. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1946 They say a thousand monkeys can write Shakespeare. We wanted Frozen... 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1947 They're not looking...I can duck out early... 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1948 I keep forgetting...are we Cozy Bear or are we Fancy Bear? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1949 Yes, they're paddling like mad below the desks, but that doesn't help them type. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1950 No Hamlet yet, but they're really good at John Grisham. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
1951 There is always one looking to duck the work! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1952 Alright,ready,wings down... on three hit send ! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
1953 The Birdbrain tweets 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1954 Pssst ... hey, wanna duck outa here? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1955 The white coat people are waiting to see if we hunt and peck. Duck em! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1956 If a million monkeys would eventually randomly type out the Bible, could one million chickens randomly create the next Uber? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1957 No, Gerald, I don't think they're going to rise up "Planet of the Apes style." 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1958 This new class make me ask if I'm wasting my time teaching med school. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1959 My statue dropping just got a "like" on Flockbook. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1960 Pecking 101. Moving from Hunt and Peck to Peck, Peck, Peck... 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1961 ... furthermore, there will be no tweeting during business hours. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1962 Keep an eye on those two in row three. They're quackers. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
1963 There's always one in every crowd. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1964 Anti-vaccine Ghost-writers 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1965 Duck, Duck, Duck... 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1966 PETA made us let the monkeys go. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1967 Regarding "Duck Arranging": there's too much emphasis on "getting them all in a row", when, clearly, "keeping columns focused" is the more daunting challenge. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1968 Trust me, I know a quack when I see one. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1969 This is the world famous AFLAC Customer Service Training Center ! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
1970 They’re monitoring offensive tweets 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1971 Duck not worry, ya’ll are smarter than Donald Trump. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1972 Our computer tech is going to be furious that we didn't make the students bring their own laptops. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1973 I give up, we’ll never top our Angry Birds concept. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1974 Let's request a bigger budget for next year so we can afford monkeys. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
1975 We never get all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1976 We're trying to see if one of them will lay an apple. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
1977 Welcome to Med School! Three years from now, each one of you is going to be a? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1978 Given their slower typing speed, the complete works of Shakespeare may take longer. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1979 Big deal. They got their ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
1980 There's one in every flock, or is it gaggle. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1981 Now you're all gonna think I'm quackers to suggest this.... 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1982 I worry this could go south on us. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1983 That duck is peeking 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1984 Here we teach keyboarding skills, and we've been surprised how quickly they pick up hunt-and-peck. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1985 Any touch typists? Or, are y'all of hunt-and-peck variety? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1986 There is always one in every class. I wonder what she will teach us! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1987 Wait, we're supposed to type with our bill? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1988 PR at the DNC is happy with the ducks in a row thing, but lose the right-winger and the plagiarist. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1989 Point out the one with the ‘tweeting problem’. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
1990 No Shakespeare yet, though we’re getting a lot of bread poetry. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1991 The monkeys did really well! The mice not so much. We'll see how ducks do. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1992 Will yoü 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1993 - ...Now let's all check if Oxford dictionary added duck face as a new word! 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1994 Of course it's not working. It's supposed to be an infinite number of monkeys. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
1995 Do you think if we wait long enough they'll peck out some Shakespeare? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
1996 When I was young, we learned touch typing. Now it's just hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
1997 This doesn't look like an Aflac audition to me. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1998 -You will have to get a real job. -You will all have to get a real job. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
1999 All your ducks are in a row. How does this make you more efficient, again? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2000 I don't know. We're funded by Disney. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2001 At the sound of the bell you may penguin. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2002 It's the remedial class. We're trying to teach them not to hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2003 With ducks instead of monkeys we’re looking at two times infinity. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2004 We weren't quite sure if there was room in the market for another social media platform, but FaceBeak has tested really well in our focus group. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2005 I said hackers on quackers! 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2006 Pay attention, you in row 3, if you want to your eggs to pass food compliance. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2007 What do they know? They're all a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2008 Say, what do you guys see in this digital feed? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2009 Ok Tweeters...let’s tweet 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2010 We want to find out how long it takes you to come up with a presidential tweet. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2011 There must be another room for featherless bipeds. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2012 Every time they show us a bay window, does it temp you to fly right into it? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2013 Well it's about time they got their ducks , how does the rest of it go? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2014 Yes, we call this our hunt and pecker department 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2015 Front row. Third guy from the left. Keep an eye on him. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2016 Let's see if they fly south for the winter once they get hooked on Facebook. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2017 Last semester they assigned me lemmings. No one showed up for the final. I can just imagine this year’s evaluations...pick, pick, pick. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2018 Med students. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2019 All right.... we need act two, scene three before rehearsal at 5:00, Get quacking! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2020 'Time" 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2021 Do you think it's a new google map? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2022 Despite lacking fingers, anyone can learn to code... 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2023 YOU'RE a quack. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2024 Obviously, hunting is the challenge. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2025 Just as I suspected: they’re all quacks. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2026 So far, no one has caught on that the President's tweets are written by actual birds. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2027 The pecking order in this organization is brutal. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2028 Do you feel vulnerable and unprotected too? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2029 No matter how we upgrade, we can't get all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2030 let's see if they can learn the "hunt and peck" style of typing. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2031 Forty-one percent say the farmer is leading the dell in the wrong direction. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2032 I think your lecture hypnotized all but two. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2033 We couldn’t get monkeys, so it may take longer. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2034 I'm telling you, this is proof that it's getting more difficult to get any volunteers to take any kind of survey. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2035 For sure, not all inductees are middle of the road, lieutenant. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2036 They're beta testing the new voting machines. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2037 Third row on the aisle- definitely chose “quack” 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2038 Great at trolling 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2039 ok please finish this sentence,"if it looks like a duck,and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a ....?" 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2040 Duck, duck, mouse. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2041 There's always one quacker in the bunch. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2042 None of them are even trying to hunt and peck type. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2043 How in God's name could a temp agency confuse "hacker" with "quacker"? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2044 They would be extremely productive if they could just learn to avoid Windows. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2045 Let's pull those two in the next to last row who are eyeing one another rather than their screens. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2046 Uh-oh. One of them is cheating. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2047 Of course we can't! We have feathers, not fingers! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2048 they're trying to get us to quack under this pressure! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2049 Thank you for volunteering to be part of the focus group for the Quackbook Air 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2050 I don't care what the doctors say I still feel that there is no better cure for a cold than chicken soup. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2051 The wooden decoy has 12k followers and is getting some wild DMs 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2052 This would make more sense if we had fingers. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2053 Do we type with our feet or hunt and peck? 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2054 This study could result in charges of quackery. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2055 Do I spy a copy duck? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2056 I know they're all in rows now, but I'm not sure how long the internet can keep them there. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2057 Most of these guys can hunt-and-peck 90 words per minute. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2058 Well, so much for their amazement that we use the sun and the magnetic force of the earth to migrate south. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2059 He wants to know how to turn it on? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2060 Here at MAC we've revised our animal testing policies. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2061 They can't click - they quack.... 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2062 They all see moldy bread crumbs, Dr. Exner. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2063 They all see moldy bread crumbs, Dr. Rorschach. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2064 You mean to tell me that this is better than jobbing this out to China? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2065 These are the ducks, we are trying to figure out when they figure out when to start typing. Looks like the 3rd one is close. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2066 I think they’re still technically free-range. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2067 We’re still waiting for the goose 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2068 Honorary Doctorate? Big deal. We're still all working at Ask A Quack. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2069 Let's keep our eye on that duck in the third row. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2070 odd duck (looks right): Oh! I thought today was the Maths exam, didn't you? invigilator: Now! Now! thats ducking irritating! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2071 And you say this will break us out of our echo chamber? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2072 Welcome to "English as a Second Language". 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2073 If you put 100 ducks in front of 100 keyboards, they will eventually type out the entire text of The Ugly Duckling. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2074 The Department of Defense mandated that for the next mission in Antarctica we recruit only from the pool of available locals. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2075 IT WORKED FOR THE CHIMPANZEES. IT COULD WORK FOR US. . . 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2076 Raise your wing if you got past the home page. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2077 They'll quack the code eventually. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2078 Statistically, we shouldn't be getting a 100% response of "Quack, quack" on the survey! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2079 Even when all the ducks are in a row there are a few bad apples. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2080 When they keep erasing the board while you are still taking notes. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2081 Welcome to "Diversity Training." 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2082 I bet some of them just wing it. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2083 Data shows the blue light exposure extends hatchling adolescence. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2084 Topless pictures of Daisy Duck was the only way to get all his ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2085 As you can plainly see, we have all of our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2086 I'm beginning to think it was only a stall tactic. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2087 It's a significant breakthrough teaching them to hunt and peck!! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2088 The job posting was supposed to say, 'Fluent in Quark," not 'Quack.' 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2089 I wrote this play called "Macbeth," but I'm not going to tell them about it yet. Let them wait. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2090 The harassment training videos are always a hit. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2091 I tell you Martha, one in every sixteen ducks is dishonest !! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2092 Well, as long as it quacks like a duck . . . 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2093 It’s very cost efficient - if you don’t count putting the feed on the letters. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2094 Birds of a feather test together. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2095 Only one bird is prepared to confront the two teachers who are getting paid to teach "a class for the birds". Please tell us this is not an accredited college course! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2096 It looks like someone stepped on a duck. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2097 If we can only use 280 words, what's the point? 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2098 Ducks of the world unite! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2099 Who will quack the code? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2100 Less ADHD than the puppies, that’s for sure. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2101 How many plays DID Shakespeare write? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2102 One of them will quack the code. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2103 Does Chester look hung over to you? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2104 Hey, you're not allowed to tweet. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2105 This way we will determine the new pecking order. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2106 Observe Professor... during exams, our student's beaks allow us to identify the cheaters immediately. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2107 I can see you have all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2108 Who's hen pecked now? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2109 Impressive, all of them woke up at the quack of dawn for class 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2110 Pressed duck is passé. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2111 With cuts in research funding, we now gather data through self evaluations. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2112 There’s always one who tries to cheat on the final. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2113 What do I do when I get out of the tub? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2114 I'm betting everything on the duck in seat 13c. I say that duck has a look of a winner. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2115 Calling the experiment "Suzanne Is a Twatter" is not only un-clever, it creates a hostile work environment, for which I am going to sue you. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2116 This class isn’t what it’s quacked up to be. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2117 Attention Deficit Disorder 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2118 Achieving the goal of humane foie gras was simple once we introduced Netflix. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2119 Almost surely they will soon do a presidential tweet." "Don't call me Shirley. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2120 Third row, far right. A goose! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2121 These sitting duck data centers don't seem to be diverting the attention of any ransomware hackers. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2122 Goose? Goose? Has anyone seen Goose? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2123 They quack me up! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2124 Anyone migrating anywhere interesting over break? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2125 Now we can eliminate those messy flight breaks with five-second virtual flights every four hours. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2126 Incubator Cam is SUCH a bore! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2127 We supposed to wing this, or what? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2128 Quit pecking at the keyboard, Carl. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2129 They're medical doctor robots, class of 2022 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2130 World Wide Web. Really? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2131 So maybe they don't echo, but let's see if they re-tweet? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2132 This online course testing is for the birds 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2133 Don't ask me - we lost track of what they are doing since they use DuckDuckGo. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2134 Uh oh - row three - you've got mallard. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2135 So long as they're American ducks, politicians won't give us any grief. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2136 That blonde assistant really quacks me up. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2137 This hunt-and-peck method isn't working out like we'd hoped. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2138 The minute this lame class ends we're all winging over to Baja for Spring Break. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2139 We may have hired a lot of them, but if you’ll pardon me saying, they’re not all they’re quacked up to be 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2140 Welcome to your first day of Flyers Ed. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2141 Looks like that guy back there is ducking his duty. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2142 Where is goose? 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2143 And here, we have ducks on computers. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2144 It's like foie gras for their brains. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2145 You we're supposed to get monkeys—how are ducks supposed to write Shakespeare? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2146 We will be using the hunt and peck method. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2147 Yes, these new surveillance camera monitors are really ducky. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2148 C-12's attention span is off the charts. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2149 Last time we did this, the monkeys came up with Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2150 Ready? Goose! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2151 Row 3 Seat 1 has been a troublemaker ever since we hired them. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2152 They are doing basic research on Tweets. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2153 If the word Turducken is mentioned again, everyone please line up in V formation. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2154 Did you just hear 'Goose"? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2155 I hope this goes better than the monkeys with typewriters. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2156 Two of these ducks are not like the others. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2157 Look one o’clock - a definite quack. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2158 So far they are 70% less productive than blondes. But they're 85% less annoying. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2159 They mostly just hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2160 I said monkeys. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2161 "We find the answers much more accurate, when we allow the ducks to write their verbal responses". 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2162 If monkeys with typewriters can recreate Shakespeare, surely ducks with laptops could manage...Ayn Rand? 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2163 You're right, hunt and peck doesn't work any more. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2164 Do you really think they'll duck when the 3D effect activates? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2165 you indeed put yours ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2166 Let’s see if this works. Columns were a disaster. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2167 We now admit 280 students to our Tweeter School, up from 140 last semester. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2168 So why exactly is this your holodeck fantasy? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2169 We're not going to get Shakespeare but it should do well in the Y.A. market. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2170 Silence, please! This is not an open beak exam. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2171 Row 3, on the end. Goose? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2172 Probably not Shakespeare this time... an unpublished e e cummings. Worst case, W C Fields' check for a short beer. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2173 "Well we got all our ducks in a row, except that one.". 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2174 No one knows how, but Google's new search methodology works as well as before. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2175 Looks like the whole company has quacked up! 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2176 The chimpanzees were above budget 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2177 We're keeping them right here until one of them quacks. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2178 Billing Department 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2179 There's always one odd duck that won't get with the program. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2180 They're testing our new lab billing software. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2181 Pay attention! Do you want to be a trusted doctor or just another quack? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2182 I’m not sure how we’re going to scientifically interpret this, but they immediately logged onto the bargain travel site. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2183 Do not hide cheat sheets up your sleeves! 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2184 Technically, they are all in a row. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2185 I don’t think it’s a good idea for Aflac employees to buy their own product. I’m not sure if these ducks really know what to do. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2186 They're watching us for a possible new name: Equiquacks. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2187 I see you have all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2188 Fortunately, they're too old to tweet. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2189 This bird’s eye view experiment is working! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2190 As soon as the goose arrives, we can begin. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2191 The seeds in my pocket create birds of a feather, hatching tweets as they peck away as a flock. If you take this position, you're responsible if your vocabulary goes to the birds. . . . 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2192 Looks like an infinite number of ducks couldn't care less about the complete works of Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2193 Do you think they’ll have a vegan option for lunch? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2194 The chimps have already done Shakespeare. We want to see if they can just do a punchline for this cartoon. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2195 I see you have all your ducks in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2196 We're going to practice keyboarding and give up that hunt and peck system. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2197 Russian spies are sending coded messages via New Yorker cartoons. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2198 And that's why we call it the Penguin algorithm 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2199 Well, you finally got all of your ducks in rows. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2200 Ducks in a row, let's begin. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2201 I expect them to type out the complete works of Donald Duck and Daffy Duck in 24 hours. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2202 At least the monkeys had fingers. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2203 But weren’t we supposed to put all our ducks in a row? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2204 Did you block the fried chicken websites? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2205 Unfortunately the infinite number of monkeys got writer’s block. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2206 You would think they could be a little more creative with their organizational pattern. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2207 Well, we finally have all our ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2208 Each one is a graduate of the Trump Hunt and Peck University. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2209 With this many quackers we always have at least one odd duck. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2210 Educating the Donalds in 140 characters or less. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2211 Excuse me sir, but this group looks like a room full of nose pickers. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2212 We have successfully migrated to the new release of Office 365 for Waterfowl. The help desk is still working on understanding the support requests through our call center support hot line. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2213 Computers Can Identify Hundreds of Species, But Not Me 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2214 Well, you've got your ducks in a row, but they seem to be having trouble with the keyboards. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2215 140, 280, who cares when you don't have fingers? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2216 I can't believe I'm saying this, but suddenly I'm nostalgic for the days of quills and ink. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2217 I? thought it was supposed to be monkeys with typewriters. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2218 One of these Quacks is not like the others. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2219 Do you think this topic will ruffle some feathers? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2220 Never mind the misunderstanding. I am really impressed! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2221 I think that guy in the third row is cheating. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2222 I expect they will do better than the monkeys. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2223 Psst..... are you sure this new USCIS facial recognition software works? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2224 No mouse, I suppose we just wing it? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2225 "A-3" this is now your second chance if you begin early again you're disqualified. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2226 Each quack registers as cognitive dissonance which is funny 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2227 Training quacks is easier than I thought! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2228 Hunt and peck is the only way to type. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2229 There’s always one quack in every group. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2230 Beta testing so much smoother since we started using geese. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2231 I sense a disturbance in the gaggle. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2232 All lined up in support of sending "rocket man" to the moon. May the force be with him as we push the launch button. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2233 There's always one odd duck in every class. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2234 My research focuses on getting all my ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2235 I wonder if they’d prefer sitting in a “V” formation? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2236 Is it just me, or are this year's interns a little ducky? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2237 The monkeys didn't come up with anything good, so we're trying this bunch. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2238 With this group I think we're looking at two times infinity. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2239 My counselor definitely told me this would be French 101. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2240 If they look like a duck, quack like a duck, and just web surf all day at work, I say roast em' at 350 degrees with a little garlic and paprika. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2241 This next test section is multiple peck. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2242 They imprinted on me while I was writing my dissertation about them. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2243 The 280 characters will be a game changer. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2244 The White House is looking for some new speech writers and we couldn't find 1,000 monkeys. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2245 See, I told you he’s a troublemaker. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2246 Duck 3 in row 1 and Duck 5 in row 3 are just trying to show off their individuality. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2247 Ready? Set? Tweet! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2248 Education is wasted on the fowl. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2249 She's our control. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2250 We want to see how long it takes them to type out "The Art of the Deal." 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2251 The one on the right thinks he's a monkey with a typewriter. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2252 My parents always told me law school was for the birds! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2253 Play it again, Sam. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2254 How will we ever get ALL of our ducks in a row? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2255 I think those two are quacks. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2256 They try hard to live up to their reputation. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2257 We believe in workplace equality. The pecking order was the first thing to go. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2258 Everybody quack loudly; we'll be outa here in no time. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2259 Row three, duck three. I believe in the power of three 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2260 We are really ducked out with this team! 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2261 Our null hypothesis is that they’ll do no better than monkeys at typewriters. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2262 Maude, I tell you that this year's 'snow bird' report will be the best ever. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2263 We are great at formations. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2264 It doesn't mean they all TYPE together. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2265 Our new species diversity program is going great and it cuts labor costs but the problem is that they only know hunt-n-peck typing. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2266 The monkeys are on strike. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2267 it's not "Hamlet," but what did you expect from 140 characters? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2268 I don't think she knows how to turn it on. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2269 Ducks? DUCKS?! I said "give a million MONKEYS a million typewriters and they would eventually produce Shakespeare!" 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2270 Getting tired of watching all this porn, huh Bill? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2271 And this is Billing. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2272 statistically speaking, 1out of every 16 goes rogue 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2273 You're looking at the future of bird census and survey techniques. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2274 I miss the days when a simple peck got you there. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2275 Do you think they have all friended each other? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2276 I look at them and all I see are bills. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2277 There is a quack on the far right, third row up. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2278 They make really great air traffic controllers. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2279 Well, it would certainly seem we finally have all of our ducks in a row.... 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2280 All our ducks are in rows 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2281 Professor Dickens, this would probably be more effective if you just posted your class on Reddit. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2282 Check it out. Third row, last on the right. A real odd duck if I ever saw one. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2283 Isn't that just ducky. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2284 The Threat Is "Duck Soup" Pass It On ! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2285 Doctor, this study is a disaster! We need to get our ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2286 At least we have all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2287 Do you think we should bring in a duck to teach them beak typing? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2288 Ready. Set. Go! 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2289 So it's true: Birds of a feather gawk together. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2290 How you doing? Wanna meet me at the Starbucks by the pond? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2291 This GPS Program will guide you on your annual migration south. You may hear it say “recalculating” occasionally! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2292 Welcome to John's Hopkins Meduckal school. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2293 It’s the latest trend in Silicon Valley - Off ponding 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2294 Use these trajectory formulas for maximum accuracy of your poob bombs. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2295 Page down? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2296 They all ate the mice. This experiment is for the birds. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2297 I told you, "she marches to a different drummer!" 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2298 They're supposed to be in A row... 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2299 Now we have all our ducks in a row, we can begin 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2300 Well now I feel pigeonholed. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2301 I told you if you pay peanuts you'll get quakers. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2302 Second row down; first from the right. Name: Smith, Wintston. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2303 Welcome students to the first day of government subsidized medical school! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2304 We're testing if gannets can write Shakespeare any faster than the chimps! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2305 I prefer the IQuack. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2306 Welcome, Class of 2057, to Tech Rehab. It's going to be a long journey to recovery but you all deserve a big quack on the back for choosing to be here. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2307 They're giving it a good effort, but clever caption writing does not appear to be a particular strength. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2308 Let her finish. In 12,000 years, who will believe it wasn’t painted by us. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2309 This takes free range to a new level. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2310 None of them have been able to quack our system. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2311 Of course, ducks don't have laps. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2312 I see you’ve finally got your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2313 I put them in charge of billing because they’ve dealt with large bills their whole lives. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2314 I thought you said they were sheep. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2315 Roger, I said compile a team of hackers, not quackers. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2316 Duck, duck, duck, goose? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2317 Don't let the calm demeanor of our new hires fool you - they're actually working like hell. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
2318 ....and let me assure you, we don't see you as quacks. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2319 HR really ducked up this division. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2320 We gave up on the monkeys 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2321 I THINK WE BETTER JUST DUCK THIS ONE!! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2322 Sure, they act fowl-mouthed now, but they're chicken when they can't hide behind a keyboard. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2323 Have you figured out how to make CTRL-ALT-DEL happen yet? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2324 If monkeys wrote Hamlet, what play would chickens write? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2325 I think we need eight geese to make this work. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2326 They're all streaming their favorite Hitchcock movie. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2327 About your theory that qubit and quack both begin with the letter "Q", how is that working for you? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2328 We’ll have no hunt and peck in this class. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2329 It's a quackin hoot! He's timing a Lab Test we never quackin had in Lab! Not a single quacker here including me and you is even guessing at the quackin answers -- just staring at the quackin screen! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2330 They all ghost-tweet for the President. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2331 Our aggregator refuses surf the net, but will waddle the web. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2332 This new hired personnel is an executive order. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2333 I'm teaching them to play 'Simon Says'. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2334 Always has been an odd duck. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2335 Chicken Unions... 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2336 There's always at least one odd-duck in the group! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2337 Whos complaining of finger cramps", 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2338 It's supposed to be the control group, but if you ask me, it's pure quackery 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2339 Still trying to get all your ducks in a row? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2340 So, you think this will help your study of ornithology? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2341 Don't look, but I think one of them just called you a quack. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2342 His computer was quacked. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2343 We should just let them stay here because it's pretty cute. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2344 Scientist 1: “What’s for lunch?” Scientist 2: “Not sure, but we have some peaking duck.” 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2345 My mom learned to swim in a pond. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2346 They’re efficient, but they need to fly South from October through January. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2347 They appear to be ducking their assignments. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2348 HR took me too literally when I asked for bird brains. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2349 Now what's the hold up? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2350 Are you sure this is the Zoology 101 class? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2351 I just hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2352 If I were you, I'd accept a just a single "quack." 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2353 If they are looking to choose a new model for Twitter 8.0, I think we should #resist. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2354 Is it just me, or are there only two quacks in this room? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2355 Do you ever feel like we're a bunch of sitting ducks? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2356 Maybe it was because he was the only male in the class, but for the first time in his coding career, the use of the term "rubber ducking" made him very uncomfortable. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2357 Most of the subjects seem to be receptive to the tele-migration experiment 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2358 I've got all my ducks in a row but I'm still worried about these test scores. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2359 As you can see you'll have a full class for the Hunt and Peck Method. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2360 I beg your pardon. Please don't SKIP any questions. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2361 Poor choice of words--I beg your pardon. Please don't SKIP any questions. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2362 Psst! Miles up front is fucking up the curve. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2363 Well, I guess you spotted the Mac users. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2364 Don't tell me you forgot the goose 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2365 We picked the wrong bird. Ducks can't tweet. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2366 Today's lesson in Sociology 101 is on the quack epidemic of the1980s. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2367 Their parents crashed into windows. But this generation? Windows crashes on them. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2368 I see the Republicans are bringing a new meaning to the tax bill ! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2369 It didn't work with monkeys. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2370 The results are conclusive. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and Googles like a duck, then it probably is a duck. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2371 Jones, you're getting paid to sell Quak Quak Duck Tape, not to ogle Miss Mallard. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2372 I know they can quack, but can they quack? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2373 They are doing surprisingly well on the IT course. The problem is they have no breast pockets for their pencils. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2374 Finally, equality in the pecking order 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2375 Notice how the male interrupts the female but says the same thing? We should make a note - hey, has anyone figured out how to use the keyboard? Ooh, he's doing it again! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2376 And the winner of Go Fish is.... 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2378 They don't seem to understand that we don't tweet, we quack. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2379 Is it just me, or do you find that every question can be answered with "quack"? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2380 I'm starting to wonder why they called us all together like this. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2381 You must have all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2382 Think of the layoffs this will cause. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2383 These are the ugliest ducklings you could find? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2384 0k, after me, "16 Ducks and what do you get, another day older and deeper in debt 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2385 Everything about this job is an exercise in futility. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2386 I say we give them Romeo and Juliet just to prove a point. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2387 For the sake of diversity, we added two odd ducks. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2388 These guys aren't even real scientists! They're a couple of [quacks]! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2389 You know what they say about monkeys typing Hamlet, while after two weeks, I haven’t gotten the first letter from these ducks! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2390 Replace a1 and c3 with lemmings next time. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2391 Last one to log into Facebook gets a loaf of bread 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2392 Front row, third row - trouble. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2393 I say we tell them nothing about how we migrate. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2394 You certainly have your ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2395 They don't get the difference between click and quack. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2396 Today we'll learn how to use the maps app to find "south" 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2397 The goose is in the third row, far right. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2398 When the course is over, I'll be Dr. Quack. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2399 One is finally writing Hamlet but has Ophelia paddling happily in the river. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2400 Wait a minute. The turkeys just left, and the chickens are waiting in the hall, and the she said the password is “tur-duck-en.” We’re about to get served. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2401 They keep asking about the spam. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2402 Please all bills forward 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2403 I was hoping they would try something other than the hunt and peck typing technique, so it's back to the drawing board. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2404 The are all searching on LL Bean 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2405 Why? Because I've already got Hamlet and The Sun Also Rises and they don't throw their feces. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2406 We're trying to find the quack. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2407 Maybe they can figure out which came first. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2408 According to our focus group, Twitter is here to stay, but cat videos are on the way out. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2409 We were going for Quacks, but Twitter sounds better. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2410 Looks like you’ve been goosed as the odd drake out in our row of ducks. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2411 The irony this is the bill-ing department, is not lost on me. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2412 I don't know what she sees in him. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2413 So you want to learn to fly? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2414 Well, this is awkward. There’s been a typo in the course catalog. If you’re here for Quackum Computing 101, you can leave. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2415 Not much diversity in our Duck Blind ID class. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2416 Apparently ducks either don't have that Shakespeare gene or they don't do randomness. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2417 Wish I was back in the Boston Commons. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2418 We'll have to take him out of the control group. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2419 Not what I had in mind for getting your ducks in a row 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2420 Remind me not to telecommute next winter. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2421 I Google duck and it looks like a duck! What the f**k!! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2422 Take a look at Mel, second row from the top, far right. I think he's sneaking a peek at his neighbor's work. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2423 'This test is to see how long it takes before one of them types '' " 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2424 I thought we were just mascots. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2425 Will Bird Brain Number 54367 please face forward and repeat after me... 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2426 Got all your ducks in a matrix. Nice. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2427 We just got billed. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2428 He wants an upgrade before he'll flock together. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2429 Bring in the goose. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2430 We’re getting nearly prefect attention with the Quack software replacing the Quark. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2431 I thought we had all our ducks in a row too, but I see two full-fledged trouble makers already. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2432 The only words tapped out so far is 'The sky is falling!' 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2433 Virtual migration is pure quackery. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2434 Those ducks in row 3 aren't happy about getting in a row for laptops that aren't the latest models. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2435 You got to be ducking me! Where is duck! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2436 Simon says put your right wing on the desk ... now put your wing down. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2437 The monkeys were all tied up working on Tolstoy. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2438 I told you, the class is full of a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2439 All in a row. Is everyone ready to get down with this? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2440 So it’s proven: birds of a feather hack together! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2441 Pssst, what's the square root of quack? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2442 Think they'll mind if I duck out for a smoke? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2443 I find it works best to put them into both rows AND columns. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2444 We’re quacks. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2445 Fine, you've proved 'hunt and peck' is a misnomer, but stop saying a grant for your monkey project will be 'duck soup.' 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2446 As soon as they start quacking, critics of our research project are going to have a field day. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2447 Eliminate #216. Cuts and Copies fine. Pastes like Chicken. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2448 What did the beaver say to the other beaver? 'I really miss Mankoff.' 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2449 Is everybody clear on the pecking order? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2450 It’s the largest class we have had since President Trump took office! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2451 We'll cover bugs, but not June bugs. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2452 Ever get the feeling we have a bunch of quacks working for us? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2453 Green Party trains it's staff to prevent being quacked in 2018 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
2454 Suddenly, it became clear to Harvey, if he were to gain any satisfaction he must take his porn addiction to the pond. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2455 They're working on a better cloning algorithm. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2456 Don't worry, their computers are waterproof. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2457 They have to hunt and peck, so this could take longer than the monkeys. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2458 A short time after they learned to tweet we noticed that doing so early in the morning means more laid eggs. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2459 Still waiting on a goose. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2460 The problem is break time, when they all Skype their families at once. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2461 Day twenty-nine. Subjects remain aggressive, continue to call us quacks. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2462 This seminar is on Advanced Aerial Buckshot Avoidance 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2463 Trust me, "lack of diversity" is not the problem here. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2464 I think one 'yes' is enough, look at how the Presidential election was decided. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2465 Your lecture is about to begin, so please, no more squawking. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2466 Yes, but does she carry plum sauce in that briefcase? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2467 Granted, they may look, swim, and quack like a duck, but do they answer tech support questions like a duck? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2468 Our ducks are not responding to insurance claims. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2469 The idea is that it if typing monkeys could write Shakespeare’s plays, why not ducks? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2470 Gladys, I believe we've finally found the perfect pecking order. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2471 Did he really ask "What's hunt and peck?" 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2472 Cluck this. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2473 Think the Donald Duck channel is a go. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2474 They probably think we're a bunch of "Quacks". 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2475 Do you think they forgot their passwords again? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2476 So our new duck hypnosis app is almost a complete success. We’re going to make a fortune 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2477 Be careful. He's the ring leader. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2478 Maybe ducks don't tweet. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2479 We finally get all our ducks in a row and the goose skips class! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2480 As we increase the difficulty of the tasks you'll log who is the first to quack. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2481 Psst, over here; what the duck is this? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2482 Be like a duck calm on the surface, but underneath always talking quack on tweeter. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2483 So you really believe that they will be a match for Trump's tweets? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2484 I know that school levels are dropping. But this is ridiculous. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2485 This imprinting program is for the birds! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2486 Fifteen ducks and one tern 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2487 Tell the director the real Donald wants a stunt double for his flaming laptop scene. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2488 The STEAKS are high in this competition; last one is roast 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2489 He thought it was a typo. The memo said: "Get all your dicks in a row!” 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2490 There may be some lingering resentment. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2491 I told you we should have used owls, Karen. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2492 Is it just me or are they quackers too ? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2493 The room is full of quackery... 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2494 Has anyone seen Goose? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2495 The minute you let them think you're a quack, you'll lose them. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2496 Despite preaching student diversity , how is this possible? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2497 How can you get a diverse statistical sampling, when their all from the same web site. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2498 Don't believe everything you find on the Internet. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2499 Face it - they'll always be hunt and peck typists. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2500 Did he say birds of a father? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2501 Now that you have your ducks in a row, we can begin 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2502 That concludes our lecture on migration, any questions? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2503 They should be coming up with some Shakespeare any day now. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2504 Penguins and computers a match made in heaven 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2505 Yes, you're right about the feet, but this seminar is going to teach you about a new, better webbed way. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2506 It's like monkeys and typewriters, but they tweet instead--with similar results. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2507 They're cheaper than humans. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2508 And each time they find one, they change the F with a D 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2509 You've heard of the Duck Test, right? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2510 This worked a lot better with the monkeys. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2511 They've been flocking to the computer sciences lately. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2512 There's always one in every crowd. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2513 We might want to consider settling for less than the complete works of Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2514 We force them to read lifestyle blogs until the brain is buttery and rich 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2515 They're not hunting or pecking 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2516 When can we start with the wise quacks? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2517 Maybe we should put them in cubicles. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2518 I don't think we're early enough to catch these worms. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2519 Yeah, tweeting was more of an art form at 140 characters. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2520 They’ll never get anywhere without a goose. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2521 Please make sure your cellphones are turned off during the quiz. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2522 The quack job in the third row is cheating again! 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2523 This is the first test group for non-human consumers. The iQuack. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2524 I am expecting War and Peace within 100 years 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2525 One's not responding. Reminds me of my teenage daughter. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2526 I'm determined to find the secret word. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2527 Anatidae Conformity Daily Project Note:"Two ducks not completely in a row." 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2528 How's your user experience going? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2529 Now if they could only type? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2530 I told you this class was for the birds. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2531 Attention: This is your flight captain. Please log off, and get in formation for the journey South. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2532 Five minutes til nibs down. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2533 It's a test for quacks. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2534 - The only problem is multiple security breaches. - You should not be using face recognition software. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2535 Welcome to the first coding class under our school's new affirmative-action policy. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2536 We're going to have to terminate that one in the third row… 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2537 Pecking orders are for chickens. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2538 Promote the creative one front and center. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2539 Well, no bird flew. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2540 a consistent result-bird brains 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2541 Twitter via hunt and peck came naturally to them. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2542 In this room we are screening for bird flu. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2543 We have them all in a row; now what? I knew I should have signed up for the Monkey-Shakespeare experiment instead! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2544 I think that doctor's a quack. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2545 Are you sure you checked the order for typos? 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2546 Are there any quacks before we begin ? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2547 Proof of hypothesis: chickens won't eat an Apple. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2548 If only more of them had fingers we could get some work done here.. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2549 Getting in a row, those were the days my friend. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2550 Welcome to 'Learn to tweet 101'. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2551 Keep your eye on Fred. He seems to be copying off his neighbor's laptop. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2552 Their only job is to play Flappy Bird. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2553 Russia has its hackers. Now we have our quackers. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2554 We're teaching them to counteract the Russian social media manipulation 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2555 It’s your turn to have a quack at this! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2556 Get ready for a tweet storm! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2557 ????????? ?? ??????? ? ?????????? ?????! Translation: Imprinting on social media works! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2558 Hey, pal, wanna go egging after the test? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2559 Excuse me, the two of you in the third row, I said "All beaks straight ahead." 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2560 I've had it with this ducking job. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2561 She’s left-handed. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2562 Remember, refer to it as job "migration" when you break the news 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2563 after the last elections we felt that farm animals are better suited to fill our annual survey 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2564 Except for that one technophobe on the third row, they can all track their way back home with a simple click of a button. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2565 Ducks on computers? Surprising. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2566 The ducks taught them well. And only in an hour. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2567 Le Canard Enchaîné's staffers are just sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2568 Is it just me, or do these residents look like a bunch of quacks? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2569 Now that we have our ducks in a row, let's begin. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2570 Eureka! We got duck soup.... 3rd row extreme right! 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2571 we couldn't find 100 monkeys 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2572 Monkeys and typewriters are so last century! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2573 We can begin, now that we have all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2574 We tried to get our ducks all in rows but two of them have to get the quack out of here. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2575 Welcome to the billing department. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2576 Everything you do is idiotic. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2577 Spellcheck or not, you were clearly told to install Google Docs! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2578 They're character-challenged. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2579 One of them is sure to write a best seller 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2580 You can skip completing the answer to question 9, 'If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck...' 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2581 Let me get this straight: we're testing whether this software really is "point and cluck?" 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2582 We can definitely conclude that penguins can interact with computer screens. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2583 So that's how you find the best deals. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2584 Seems like a lot of studying just to be a fish finder 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2585 These Tweeters protest the 250 character limit. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2586 Professor Smoot, perhaps you didn't understand when I referred to Basket-Weaving 101 as a "bird course." 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2587 I thought the experimental protocol was monkeys and typewriters. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2588 I'm always torn between "likely" and "very likely". 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2589 They're the perfect voter models. They all just 'Liked' the duck recipe. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2590 Looks like they're trying a new angle with the speech writing. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2591 welcome to class 101 "artificial intelligence " 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2592 I sense some fowl play with this group. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2593 140 is the sweet spot, but we think we can push the envelope at 280. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2594 Maybe it’s Shakespeare, maybe it’s not - it’s all just quacking. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2595 I call it "the-chicken-and-the-hack" problem. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2596 Hey, you on the right in the third row. Beak forward, please. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2597 Look at your screen not at me. This kind of non conformist behavior is why the Dodo bird became extinct. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2598 Do we cover chiropractic? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2599 The test begins in exactly 2 minutes. Waite... you, in the middle of the front row, wing off the desk! 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2600 Now if my hypothesis is correct, the ones exposed to a photograph of Walt Disney will lay more eggs. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2601 There is no goose in this trial. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2602 You checked their IDs? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2603 Thank heavens they've forgotten their shotguns today. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2604 I don't know about you, but I prefer trees. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2605 And no one’s migrating until this fledge drive reaches its goal. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2606 Before technology, we just had to put all our ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2607 Psssst, hey, when they put their ducks in a row, does it mean something that they put me up here at the end? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2608 YOUR KILLING ME SMALLS!!!! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2610 No cheating! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2611 Were we supposed to install Linux on laptops or students? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2612 You don't even know about it. 589 sheep invaded my apartment yesterday and ate all my eggos!!!!!!!!!!!! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2613 I definitely said crackers not quackers! 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2614 Ducks in A row, Johnson. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2615 I worried this was quack science, but I see you have your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2616 We assume they’ll head south when they find a deal. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2617 I'm a stuck duck. How 'bout you? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2618 These millennials drive me crazy, I swear they're more interested in Twitter than in learning! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2619 At least we made the top sixteen 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2620 You said, 'Get all the ducks in a row'. You didn't say you wanted them computer literate. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2621 Not a peep, they are having a mapquest session for the trip down south. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2622 Brother, can you spare a crime? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2623 Welcome to innovation 101. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2624 4th in the 3rd row is slacking. Send him home. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2625 How to prepare Manchurian Duck 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2626 "You think they figured out we lost over 140 million social security numbers?" - Equifax 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2627 Ok; maybe not Shakespeare. But how about Make Way for Ducklings? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2628 Look! The one in the front row raised his/her hand. Now that's aggressive!!! 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2629 I see that one of you has noticed that the screen image looks like a duck. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2630 November 11th. The subjects seem to identify as students. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2631 I knew this animal welfare nonsense would come home to roost. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2632 And remember, now you can tweet 280 characters. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2633 Yeah, it’s a lot quieter and autocorrect should chop years off the project but the monkeys with the typewriters never complained about slow Wi-fi. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2634 Which way is south again? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2635 But how will we foot the bill for these web services? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2636 Um, they realize we don't have fingers, right? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2637 What a pair of quacks 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2638 Bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2639 I hate being pigeon holed 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2640 So where is the cover? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2641 Well, it's adaptive for birds on the right. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2642 We have a spy in our midst! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2643 My mistake, I thought you said Infinite Ducky Theorem. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2644 Scientist: Good morning, Doc! Duck: How can I help you today? Doctor: Injury to the head, call the print! 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2645 One duck demonstrates discrimination between abstract relational concepts and they test us all... 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2646 Well, we all know who the new guy is here. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2647 They all really like Beakpedia. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2648 "Are you thinking what I'm thinking"? Replying "No,not yet". 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2649 Class, we need someone who's willing to be dissected. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2650 All the chickens had to acknowledge that this computer class was too hard for them. To which Charlie, in the second row from the back said, "Eggsactly!" Charlie Chick in the second row said will happen: "Eggsactly!" 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2651 I think the one on the third row right is cheating. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2652 I'm just saying, they can't be laptops if we don't have laps, can it? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2653 Now that we've got our ducks in a row, let's get quacking. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2654 How about a mouse instead? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2655 Nobody expects Old MacDonald’s troll farm. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2656 Let's take a break, everyone. Who's up for Duck Duck Goose? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2657 The call it "Twitter." It's therapy for birdbrains. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2658 That’s just ducky! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2659 They obviously have enthusiasm, but can they type? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2660 According to my roommate, this instructor uses fowl language. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2661 I still think we shouldn't have given up on the monkeys and the typewriters. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2662 Nothing even close to Shakespeare. I TOLD you we should’ve used monkeys. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2663 So far it's just a queasy feeling, Carl, but somehow I think something has fallen through the quacks. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2664 I knew it was him all along. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2665 I use the hunt and peck method. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2666 We think they can write Shakespeare faster than the monkeys we used before. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2667 Eyes on your own work, Duckie! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2668 Donald duck University, quack,quack,quack,quack!! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2669 I’m telling you, I really don’t think they will tweet. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2670 We all know about the monkeys. Here we expect David Foster Wallace. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2671 Telling them not to vote for a quack might be harsh. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2672 I'm worried about my job. All this duck porn hasn't done a thing for my egg count. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2673 How do you get birdseed out of a keyboard? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2674 I may look like a duck and walk like a duck, but I sure as hell don't test like a duck. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2675 That guy in the front looks kinda snarky to me. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2676 In China they call it the "stuffed duck" approach to education. Here, they prefer "content rich". 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2677 DDHD? Or one duck's porn is another duck's wandering eye? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2678 But a bird in the hand never made a dime. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2679 Welcome to GPS Class for fouled up fowl. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2680 It's the first time I've seen grades form a natural Bell Curve. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
2681 Working here is not all it's quacked up to be. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2682 It's the CGI vesrsion of ducks in a row, getting their ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2683 We have most of our ducks in a row 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2684 The criteria didn't stipulate 'in a row of what'. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2685 Research says one will be a famous vlogger. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2686 I have a feeling 'control-alt-delete' is not going to work. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2687 You may have heard this is a bird course but let me caution you... 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2688 This is how we determine the character limit for Twitter. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2689 Call me a bird-brain, but I can’t think of one thing to Tweet! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2690 Trolling for The Donald. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2691 Welcome to Quack Science 101. Today's lesson is on the link between vaccines and autism. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2692 They seem unable to progress beyond hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2693 Well I see you've got your ducks all in the rows this time! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2694 If I compute like a duck, then will they be convinced? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2695 The experiment is over. Staring at those screens day after day have made them you quackers. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2696 She's still only got 140. Her friends all have 280. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2697 Welcome, Drakes and Ducks, to the first annual hunt and peck competition. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2698 I like lining up my ducks in a raster. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2699 There must be a better way than hunt and peck! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2700 Which one is their union rep? 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2701 I did make it very clear that this was about testing cookies. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2702 Agnes, do you notice the odd one out? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2703 The data doesn’t lie ... this is just another lame duck session. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
2704 They theory is they can program their AI doubles. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2705 Quack 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2706 You asked to find those Russian election quackers, right sir?" 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
2707 I guess we're Lucky Duckies all in a row? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2708 Wow, government funding cutbacks have really affected public television's pledge week. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
2709 Congratulations. You've quacked the code. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2710 Fascinating! 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2711 We have a mover in the front row and a looker in row number three. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
2712 I don't get the worm joke either. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
2713 Every aspect of the researchers' lives is standardized and entirely predictable; five weeks later they go to market! 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
2714 That goose must go- she's always taking a gander. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2715 This is what comes from flocking together. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2716 We’re doing a study on their pecking order. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2717 How tweet .... we've got them all pigeonholed perfect, let's hope no one quacks up now. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2718 Are they amazed or perplexed? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2719 Get that of a bitch off the field study!!! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2720 I'm sorry... did you quack something? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2721 Indeed, a rare sighting of the seated secretarial seagulls. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2722 Well, now that they’re all in a row, what do we do? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2723 I am begining to think our study is Ducking the real issue... 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2724 Ms Lylewood, you need to teach them to type, not hunt & peck. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2725 Well, I've got all my ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2726 Did I tell you that all type using hunt and peck? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2727 They skipped Panama this year, so they brought their files here 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2728 Here are the 'quack' bots you requested for the 2020 election 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2729 What did you pick: Grey or Goose? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2730 I can't wait to get back to the iceberg and away from this screen. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2731 This is an insurance class? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2732 Monkeys writing Shakespeare is one thing, but ducks? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2733 I said "20 duck tape kits," not "20 duck typists"! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2734 I'm not doing anything until they get us those standing desks. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2735 Holy duck! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2736 Ok let's go ahead and drop "Intro to Twitter" from next semesters syllabus 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2737 The price of monkeys has gone through the roof. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2738 Once we perfect our quack-recognition software, it will upend politics...reducing gullibility and speeding spotting of red herrings. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2739 We know one of them keeps farting, but we can’t figure out which one. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2740 Pro'duck'tivity Study 42 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2741 Psst. What's the answer to number forty? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2742 I'll never understand this duck-face fashion. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2743 They say if you put enough seagulls together with enough laptops, they'll create Moby Dick. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2744 All beaks front, please. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2745 His earlier work was much more primitive. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2746 Still beats monkeys and typewriters. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2747 The Shakespeare monkeys didn’t work out, so we’re going for the script of ‘Duck Soup’. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2748 Ready to start your exam? Duck, duck, go! 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2749 "Is it OK to hunt and peck for the answer? Or do we just wing it? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2750 As a water therapist I must scrub your back. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2751 I think the one front-and-center is smarter than the average duck. Preserve, don't serve, him. The others: off to the farmers market. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2752 Those two don't seem to quack like ducks to me, what about you? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2753 I know what you're thinking, but this ain't no duck walk! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2754 Psst - Let's fly outta here and catch the early bird special 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2755 They were all in a row for 14 seconds. We're making progress. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2756 So, let's find out if birds of a feather Facebook together. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2757 At least 0.2m² of floor space per bird or 5 birds/m². I'm contacting the dean. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2758 Propaganducks 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2759 Well, I love the change. 280 characters gives me 40 clucks. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2760 This focus group should get the company's ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2761 This must be the sit-in of the penguins! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2762 Not one’s a Donald! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2763 Ah ha! You may walk like one and quack like one, but now we'll see if you can type like a duck. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2764 At this stage, we're not looking for accuracy. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2765 Where’s the goose, Paul? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2766 Look, the Management is so out of quack. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2767 Can they really help migrate our operating system? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2768 Eyes on your own paper. No cheating! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2769 They’re intelligent, trained and ready, they just need to evolve hands … so, now we wait. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2770 Good morning and welcome to Call Center Training Class. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2771 Bunch of lame ducks. Wonder if they were covered under Trump Care. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2772 So you think you've got all your ducks in rows, but Duck 1 in Row 3 is definitely out of line! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2773 They love to peck on windows. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2774 Our computer quacker team has given the security system a clean bill of health. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2775 Keep your eyes on your own work. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2776 Sooner or later one will come up with a novel. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2777 The monkeys must have failed. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2778 Looks like the researchers flew their coop again. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2779 Opposable thumbs? We don't have hands! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2780 It's been hard to get them beyond hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2781 He thinks he's the goose. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2782 He's about to 'go' all on his own. Wait for it. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2783 Pheromones, but the ducks are in a row. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2784 Good research is always about asking, why? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2785 Yes, Professor. Precisely what will happen when we get that last duck aligned? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2786 Just because they were born quacking doesn't mean they can't be reprogrammed to tweet. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2787 Giving the ducks a chance. The monkeys failed at Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2788 This is where we separate ducks who can write form those in a shooting gallery. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2789 They're the only ones who really know what 'ducks in a row' means. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2790 Why does there always have to be a misfit? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2791 They sure have their ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2792 It started as a simple exercise in duck, duck, goose 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2793 Only one turned off by porn 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2794 help desk for the new farmers Q phone 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2795 did they discover the shift button yet? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2796 You wouldn't believe how hard it was to get all of them in a row. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2797 They think we're going to all pound on the keys and deliver them "Thorn Birds." 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2798 I guess we're playing duck, duck no mouse. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2799 These efficiency experts don’t have a clue! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2800 Dude, you were on point, you must have seen who shot him. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2801 The Shakespeare monkey's weren't available. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2802 I had to talk to all of them, one by one, to get the health insurance company to pay for the heart surgery. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2803 We’re not expecting Shakespeare but we’ll settle for Bacon from eggs. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2804 The one with its head turned is actually a wooden decoy to insure that the others don't fly their handles. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2805 He's right wing 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2806 We couldn't use monkeys anymore 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2807 And lastly remember, they love to be referred to as the steno pool 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2808 The facial recognition soft wear is not working. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2809 I see the duck on the third row is not following the flock. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2810 We're not monkeys 'ya know. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2811 We found that monkeys prefer mechanical keyboards. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2812 Oh, the sitting ducks? They're ready for the tax auditors. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2813 It's the essay part I hate. These keyboards suck. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2814 I had no idea the Russian bot farm actually included poultry! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2815 So far they can't even type "Quack" but we're working on it. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2816 This proves it! There is ALWAYS one in every crowd. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2817 Mommy, does god have a cell phone? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2818 Ok class. One peck at a time. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2819 Shakespeare? Really? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2820 I said hackers on quackers! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2821 It's either this or outsourcing the help desk to Tierra del Fuego. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2822 Any luck quacking the code? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2823 I guess. If you are looking for someone who will just sit there and peck away all day. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2824 "Tell the one cheating it's a dead duck". 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2825 It's an endurance test; I'm just waiting for one of them to quack. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2826 Ahem! Face forward please. We are getting our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2827 Psst, how do I reset my password? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2828 Peck, peck, hunt and peck, peck, peck, hunt and peck . . . oh wait! Look! Dolores is finished! 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2829 Double plus good Duckspeakers, the lot of them. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2830 Tuition’s high, but you’re used to a big bill. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2831 Psst... what does she mean 'They're no better than the monkeys!'? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2832 Professor, the duck in the third row has been cheating. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2833 Keep your eyes on your own work. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2834 My other focus group is an animal farm. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2835 Yes, I'm sure he didn't ask us to address quacked laptop screens 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2836 Look, he's angry again. Worked out great last time. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2837 We're putting on a good show for the people even though we don't know what we're doing. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2838 The corporate tax cut down to 20% didn't specify we had to use people. It's waddle down economics. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2839 Last week they tried this with monkeys. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2840 I'm starting to think that training quackers to detect hackers is completely crackers. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2841 -this test is like shooting a sitting duck! -literally 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2842 Don't worry, ultimately it's more a test of their intelligence than ours. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2843 Your temporary passcode IAMADUCK 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2844 Sometimes identity theft is hard to parse. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2845 Leonard, how many times have I told you to get all your ducks in a row before calling me over here. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2846 We wanted "To Kill A Mockingbird," but the third row guy is holding out for "The Raven." 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2847 There is always one quackpot. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2848 These AMA conferences are going downhill. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2849 This team is focused entirely on re-tweets. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2850 The one in the 3rd row, far right is complaining he wants a Mac with a track pad. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2851 We need to get our ducks in a row 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2852 Let us rate this newest tourist attraction in St. Petersberg: "Ducks Quackin' and Hackin'." 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2853 I think they may be plotting against our row concept. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
2854 It's a turducken cooking show. We're monitoring for empathy. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
2855 What magic of standardized testing do they expect to help us get beyond hunt-and-peck? 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
2856 Just what are these quacks trying to do? 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
2857 All they can do is peck out the complete works of Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
2858 Well, as you can see, the hunt and peck method of novel writing will NOT yield a treatise worthy of a screenplay treatment. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
2859 Our customers don't know it's "virtual" free-range 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2860 It's the Infinite Monkey Theorem but with better technology. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2861 The clickbait isn't working on that one. Maybe we should try worms. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2862 Well, you know what they say about birds of a feather. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2863 The Clone is trying t cheat. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2864 Quack?” “Quack! 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2865 Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck....what no goose? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2866 You know how this goes, one duck you get a quack. A thousand ducks a quark! 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2867 The top five scorers will not be laid off. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2868 Yet another bird e-migration season... 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2869 Overall, a successful solution to sexual harassment in the workplace, although number 16 as ruffled some feathers. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2870 Bird Watching- Because One Bird Is Off His Task And He's Watching The Others While Hes Confused. Hes Full Of Birdom(boredom). 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2871 The monkeys had better lawyers. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2872 Looks like we've cured the one up in row 3 seat 1, and the one right here in row 1 seat 3 seems to be showing signs of life. Hey, maybe it's a start. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2873 For tweets, we'll need Rocking Robin. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2874 Do you ever feel like sitting ducks? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2875 He's not participating until he gets a latte. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2876 Are there two k’s in Quack? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2877 I see you're finally getting all your ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2878 They just peck. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2879 This is your innovation on monkeys and typewriters? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2880 Strange, we still don't have any pledges from the "Ducks Unlimited Telethon." 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2881 How long will it take one of them to peck "To Kill A Mockingbird"? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2882 They learned coding and became a force in artificial intelligence. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2883 the future of animal testing: buzzfeed quizzes 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2884 You'll never get King Lear if all they can do is hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2885 chirp or cheat? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2886 Occasionally, a doctor gets through. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2887 This on-line test should tell us who the real quack is 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2888 This experiment proves that all the ducks have been influenced by Russia... 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2889 Is this what they mean by the Duck Dynasty? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2890 I think we can safely say that an infinite amount of time is not needed to prove that ducks can’t write Hamlet. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2891 I appreciate the cost savings, but are we sure Russian ducks are as effective? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2892 Well, all our ducks are in a row . . . . but they are accomplishing absolutely because they are —DUCKS! 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2893 Have you noted that third row, far right isn’t with The Program? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2894 When do we learn to tweet? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2895 Are they more efficient than monkeys and typewriters? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2896 We're beta testing a literal billing dept. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2897 Today they're working on quarks. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2898 It's our most promising 'Alternative Drone' testing. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2899 I'd say most, if not all of them, can't even understand what we're saying. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2900 She also flies south for the winter. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2901 We might have to request a translator for this one. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2902 We never specified Russian "people". 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2903 Wait tile the National Anthem is over, then report to the other teams and "Black Ball" the pinko, son of a bitch! 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2904 Lots of computers, but no mouse. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2905 Alright. Unleash the tweetstorm. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2906 You have to hand it to corporate, they certainly have gotten all their ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2907 I said get your ducks in A row, Jim -- not your ducks in rows. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2908 How do you spell ‘cluck’? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2909 Tweet, tweet, tweet...that's all they keep twittering about. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2910 Hey Doc could you email me your notes after lecture, I forgot to bring my thumbs to class 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2911 This computer science class is driving me daffy. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2912 ...And no monkey business! 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2913 The monkeys are working on Shakespeare. For the ducks we assigned Zane Grey. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2914 On the other hand, those discrimination law suits about admissions are pure hell. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2915 Why are all us ducks in a row? It's for virtual Duck Duck Goose and the winner gets to be the White House Christmas Goose. Why are they watching us so closely? The Russians are trying to fix the game.... 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2916 Not a single quack among them. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2917 All we know so far is that "hunt and peck" doesn't produce Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2918 Each of your questions are in a different order from those near you. Looking at their answers will not help you. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2919 No, they don't make me think that I might like a little goose. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2920 We get $15 an hour for this right?!! 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2921 Let them strike, I say. We can find replacements that will work for chicken scratch. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2922 We're missing five geese 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2923 After the monkeys did Shakespeare, they went on strike 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2924 That's a full quack stack; your teaching load will be light as a down feather. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2925 Ok Mike, peer pressure always brings out the odd duck. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2926 They have a choice: voice recognition or stylus. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2927 Jack! Get your filthy wing of our clean tables like everyduck else! 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2928 Climate change, global warming, loss of habitats and food shortages; all exacerbated by an underfunded FEMA have compelled them to use whatever means available to seek alternative routes. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2929 This guy's a real quack. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2930 Team leaders, please get your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2931 They're smart, focused, and they work for chicken feed. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2932 Harrison back there, no bird watching in class! 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2933 How do you spell Laertes? 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
2934 You know, we could see them better if their laptops weren't open! 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
2935 You, there. We will have none of that 'free range' behavior. That's so 2016. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2936 We're hoping for Shakespeare, but slightly duckier. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
2937 No, it's one hundred 'monkeys' at typewriters. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2938 Behold the right-wing and left-wing extremists who are social savvy enough to quack democracy 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2939 I thought they'd have more done by now but they're just sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2940 Bueller? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2941 Somebody's cheating and we've got to find out which bird is the guilty culprit. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2942 There's always one who doesn't know what a row is. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2943 I think we've got a quack in our system. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2944 Doctors? They look like a bunch of quacks to me! 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2945 Yes, the efficiency experts told us to put our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2946 Leonard, I have seen a thousand lawyers sit for the bar exam, and the one in the third row is creepy. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2947 The Admissions Office needs to work on diversity. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2948 Welcome to the CAPTCHA Test Center! 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2949 Maybe they aren't birds of a feather after all. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2950 You are right Mabel, this class does lack direction. After 8 weeks of training, only on one duck member knew how to respond when you said look to the right. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2951 Well, you've got them in a row. The next step is columns. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2952 This is where all the news is written these days, we use the saved tax dollars to fund realistic spray tanning research. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2953 MacBeth in how many decades? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2954 Remember, no typing with the beak. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2955 Do they even know it's a virtual egg? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2956 Thank you all for making it to this 7am lecture on Worm-Getting 101. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2957 I think it's safe to proceed now.....Seems like you have all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2958 Bill, please stop checking SnapQuack during class. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2959 He’s wondering, “How do they expect us to move the cursor?” 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2960 I like the UPS retraining option 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2961 Wait until they see the bill.... 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2962 Since they have no fingers, there won't be any online shopping during my lectures. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2963 I know it worked with monkeys and typewriters Dr. Jones. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2964 We’re committed to quacking the code. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2965 There’s always at least one lefty in the bunch. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2966 No Shakespeare yet. Damn good Tolstoy though. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2967 I think Hunt and Peck will be the best we'll get out of this group. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2968 Psst....does anyone know why they are looking for the perfect chicken, the perfect duck and the perfect turkey? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2969 We've got all our ducks in order,now what? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2970 Hunt-and-Peck typing still seems to be a barrier to productivity.. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2971 There's always one who refuses to quack the code. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2972 They're getting ready to migrate to a new operating environment 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2973 Indeed, voice recognition has opened up a whole new career path for these chickens 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2974 Harry said I really needed to get my ducks in a row or else. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2975 We have shown them dozens of food choices over the last four hours and there is no doubt, they are the way did you notice all the doors are locked from the outside. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2976 It's not my job to provide the happy ending. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2977 I am against animal testing, but only when it is paper based. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2978 Peep peep. Pass it on. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2979 I hope they don't all fly South this winter. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2980 Well I see, Smithers, that our computer programming is just ducky> 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2981 Welcome to twitter orientation. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2982 Bet they want to prove that 'birds of a feather' adage. I'm answering as an out-flier. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2983 We have all our ducks in rows. Now what? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2984 Monkeys with typewriters weren't getting us anywhere. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2985 You have seven more sessions before the Super Bowl, if you still intend to join the office pool. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2986 I think we'll be lucky to get even one word of Shakespeare out of this. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2987 We should turn a profit this year. We finally have all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2988 I feel like I am going to chicken out 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2989 Well, I think we've got almost all of our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2990 Still no Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2991 Of course they all use the hunt and peck method 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2992 What they will first find disturbing is the random pictures of other animals. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2993 We find they are much better than monkeys. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2994 I'm sorry sir, but he said he'll throw in the desks for free, and reminded me that his father in-law owns the school. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2995 Well, that's certainly one way to make sure all your ducks are in a row. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2996 The clients haven't noticed, and the eggs are added value. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2997 Peter hasn't come yet. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2998 So how many of these are Republicans? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
2999 If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it surfs the web like a duck. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
3000 When did they give that duck a mouse ? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3001 I can only chicken peck. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3002 All I'm saying is, after those damn monkeys and their typewriters didn't work out, the solution wasn't to modernize the workforce. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3003 I think HR needs some clarification on what we meant by billing. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3004 I don't get it either. The course syllabus clearly said "weasels only." 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3005 They are virtually flocking together. So now when we take one to slaughter the rest don't seem to mind. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3006 So we know monkeys can do it. Let’s see how the ducks do. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3007 Everyone's a quack here. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3008 This is the group that didn’t want to fly south for the winter, so we’re having them BingeWatch AFLAC commercials. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3009 Some are from India, some Turkey..... 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3010 Our opponents have accused us of fowl play. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3011 "Maybe we should think of cubicles to muffle all the quacking". 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3012 If we could only get them tweeting we'd have foreign policy figured out in no time 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3013 Now that we have all of our ducks in rows..... 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3014 Hey, why do all these forms have questions about our liver? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3015 All our ducks are in rows. Now what? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3016 Well, so much for putting the issue to a panel of quacks. . . 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3017 So far, not one single tweet 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3018 Duck! Watch your head! —let’s keep our eyes forward, no cheating. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3019 Can you tell which two are married? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3020 The fix is in for Aflac! Front row, third to the right with the big bill! 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3021 There's no right or wrong answer, except "quack." 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3022 Give it time, one of them will quack it. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3023 Gerald, it's not a contest. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3024 The monkeys came up with 'Hamlet', we figure the ducks might at least deliver 'Titus Andronicus'. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3025 Dismiss 3E 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3026 Well. We've got our ducks in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3028 It’s the new hunt and peck method. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3029 Now that's how to get your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3030 I don't consider this being cage -free! 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3031 If monkeys can write Shakespeare, let's see if these chickens can write a Stephen King novel. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3032 You're definitely sure you heard quackaton? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3033 Uh oh, I thought you said get all the ducks in a row but that one misread the instructions and got them all in tiers! 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3034 They walked in like ducks and quacked. But before we publish, we should probably do the swim test. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3035 I pulled up, but I don;t think this is Melania 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3036 It sounds crazy, but I just wrote a play called “Hamlet”. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3037 I never thought we'd get so many tweets! 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3038 Why are they just sitting there? What did you do to their wings? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3039 Well are duckies are all in rows, but not yet in columns! 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3040 It was just a matter of time before Hunt and Peck came back. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3041 "I could understand now why George Foreman named all his children George". 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3042 They sure know how to keep their ducks in a row... 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3043 He thinks he's a swan. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3044 Okay... they're all in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3045 I told you I would have all my ducks in a row for this project. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3046 Maybe not Shakespeare. Let's shoot for Dr. Suess. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3047 You told me to get all my ducks in a row for this meeting. Now what? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3048 How does this bath help my depression? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3049 We'll win a prize if we can stump all of them in any one row. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3050 This is how Poe wrote the Raven. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3051 Aren’t you the least bit concerned, that we’re sitting in a row? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3052 As soon as you pass your migration route test, and your are free to go. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3053 We taught them to tweed and they quack 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3054 We are making good progress on proving the infinite duck theorem. That odd duck over there produced a a pretty good draft of “Romeo and Juliet”. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3055 Like they think 100 ducks are going to do any better. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3056 By the end of next month one of them will have written Hamlet. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3057 I see that one of the birds of a feather is not flocking together. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3058 Let's show 'em how beaks beat geeks! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3059 Here is your next class of quacks. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3060 The beta test for ducks passing their hunting license on-line is going well. So far the results compared to the humans are not statistically different. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3061 Go Ducks! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3062 That’s what happens when you give them free range... 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3063 Maybe we should have called the course something other than Worms 101. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3064 I can't wash your mouth out for you... 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3065 Amazing. It wasn't free range to run the chickens needed; it was free range to think. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3066 I'm just glad they got rid of the writing portion of the SAT--my bill couldn't take the pounding. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3067 Dr. Jenkins…nice to see you have all your ducks in a row 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3068 The trick's going to be stopping them from flying south for the winter. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3069 Just in case India outsource their work to us, at least, we have perfected the dress code! Now let us teach them the accent. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3070 I have a feeling that this doctor is a quack. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3071 Keep an eye on those two in the third row. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3072 We're using them to find the goose 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3073 For search? They all seem to like DuckDuckgo. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3074 I'm not sure we'll get an objective answer to the chicken or the egg theory... 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3075 He just can't seem to stay focused. But I don't think we should call him "Birdbrain. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3076 OK, who farted? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3077 At least it's a free range click farm. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3078 This is not just training for a new job; this is training for your life. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3079 I got our ducks in a row. Now it's your turn to teach them technology 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3080 They think you're a quack. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3081 We have to accept that one monkey isn't going to type Hamlet. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3082 Internet Explorer? What a quack. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3083 They've found no evidence of Russian tampering. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3084 After we failed at Hamlet, I have them working on Jonathan Livingston Seagull. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3085 They tend to do their best work using the peck system. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3086 In ten or fewer words, what happens when you cross the street? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3087 Three odd, the rest sitting. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3088 We think it may take longer with ducks, but Shakespeare had access to only a finite number of monkeys. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3089 My peers kept calling me a quack, so I decided to embrace it. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3090 Those class clowns are at it again. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3091 In my expert opinion, this whole idea idea is a total cluster duck. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3092 With lack of climate control you are our future. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3093 Looks like this class will all be future quacks. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3094 They're developing an encryption app that's really hard to quack. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3095 They think they have all their ducks in a row.... 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3096 It took 1,000 monkeys with typewriters to write Hamlet. Our hypothesis is 200 ducks with laptops can pull off Jonathan Livingston Seagull. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3097 This won't work. They need to be in A row. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3098 I don't know... our diversity initiative just doesn't seem to be working. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3099 Unfortunately, even our "new panel of experts" can't bring themselves to disprove climate change. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3100 Did you see, number 13 is cheating! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3101 Impressive. But I said in A row. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3102 Apparently they all want to improve their tweet skills. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3103 If you turn them upside down, they look like rabbits. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3104 How am I supposed to know if I'm a duck or a chicken? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3105 Any allergies to peach glaze? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3106 Show me the birdsees 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3107 You guys wanna make it easy for them and just play Duck Duck Goose? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3108 I knew this research was done by a bunch of quackers! 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3109 We told the entire pond if they signed up for healthcare with us, we'd throw in breadcrumbs, even if they visited a pond across state lines. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3110 Their ability to provide better Customer Support was confirmed 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3111 Welcome class, to "Introduction to Diversity 101". 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3112 First day of class and all my ducks are in a row 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3113 At Twitter, our authentication experts work around the clock. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3114 Do you think Johnny is the one turning his beak away from us? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3115 150 characters or less. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3116 It's management's attempt at decreasing the number of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome claims filed by the employees. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3117 At least you know they won't just parrot everything you say. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3118 We really need to get them past hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3119 All they do is post Quacks. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3120 No sure I trust these two quacks... 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3121 OK, how many others have their fonts set on Chicken Scratch? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3122 I thought we'd at least get a goose or two in the audience. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3123 They keep ducking the real issues. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3124 ...and remember, anyone caught cheating is a dead duck 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3125 Welcome to the Foreign Service. Your first mission begins at sunrise. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3126 Human Dr. Kinsey...human! 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3127 You will have 30 minutes. The question is “What came first, the duck or the egg?” 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3128 Wanna kiss me, ducky? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3129 No one told me this would be a typed exam. Guess I'll have to wing it. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3130 When I call your name, please quack. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3131 Mallards. The future in cyber security. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3132 Russian quacks. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3133 Ready. Set. Peck. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3134 What type of physicians are we supposed to refer the patients to? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3135 Maybe they’re just too embarrassed to fill out questionnaires about their breeding behavior. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3136 "Hacking Chickens" A top secret plan, or intercepted kitchen memo? 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3137 That's enough! I'm going to wash out your filthy mouth. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3138 I left my password back at the pond. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3139 Now we'll find out the real meaning of 'hunt and peck.' 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3140 These are seasonal employees we are using for a system migration. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3141 Two weeks ago they could fly. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3142 The results of this exam should tell us why ducks believe we are unaware that we lack the skill to tell how unskilled and unaware we are. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3143 Maybe outsourcing would have been a been a wiser choice! 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3144 Negligible intelligible output. Worse than the roomful of monkeys, better than the Trump clones. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3145 This is going to go very slowly. None of these candidates have typing skills. They can only hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3146 What are you in for? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3147 We're testing to see whether expert hunt and peck is as fast as keyboarding. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3148 Can I get a show of wings for your preference--Google versus Duck Duck Go. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3149 Who would have thought that the entrance exam to be a Peabody duck in Memphis would garner so many applicants? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3150 Could it be clearer? Most web design sucks. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3151 Ducks in a row, what’s next? 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3152 I can see now what they meant by new duct work 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3153 Third row up far right, wrong! 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3154 They're still typing "Make America QUACK Again," but Sergey thinks they can get online by the mid-terms. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3155 Watch the one in the third row. If he heads south the rest will follow him. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3156 You're in some hot water, but I'll get you out. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3157 If he looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and handles a spreadsheet like a duck..he's probably a duck. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3158 The monkey thing didn’t work out. Boss wants to try ducks ... 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3159 My father-in-law was the quack who founded this company. Why do you ask? 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3160 I thought I told you to get them all in a row. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3161 Try to give them some skills to stay afloat and they demand it be called the World Wide Webfoot. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3162 Troll Runner 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3163 OK--We'll start the test as soon as everyone stops quaking. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3164 The webbed just don't care about the web. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3165 I see you have all your ducks in a row on this one 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3166 I think it's very important to get our ducks in a row before we do this assignment. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3167 I thought AFLAC needed only IT geek. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3168 We've really raised the standards for Grade AAA eggs this year. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3169 Every spring ICE swoops in and they self deport to Canada. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3170 OK chickens let's learn PC . 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3171 Talk to me Doc. I am not a quack. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3172 It's an experiment in winging it. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3173 I’m ok with the peck but I’m a little concerned about the hunt 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3174 What determines a Ugandan witch, a dead chicken with its wings faced up to the sky or down? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3175 How do you remember their names? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3176 Psst! Is it click, click, quack or quack, quack, click? 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3177 The course on down pillows filled quickly. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3178 I told the temp agency we needed help with apples and there isn't a mouse. This is what they sent. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3179 Row 3, seats 1& 2: what did we tell you about talking like a duck? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3180 These geese don't seem impressed with map-quest. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3181 Do you really want them to just quack back your own words to you? 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3182 OK, next we try monkeys. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3183 If we had laps, they'd get better data. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3184 So you're interested in learning about quack medicine? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3185 If it looks like a ........Oops!!!! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3186 Sure, a few are touch typists, but for some reason the rest still hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3187 This guy is a quack. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3188 I'm making them watch Stranger Things. Can you believe these losers haven't seen it yet? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3189 "Do you see the 'one in every crowd'? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3190 We have to simulate winter for them to fly south now. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
3191 I sure hope Hunt gets here soon. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3192 Would you rather have a rubber ducky ? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3193 Word is, they are both quacks. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3194 I've been accused of quackery, but I don't give a duck. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3195 I've never seen such an elastic neck in a waterfowl. What would a good nickname be? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3196 I don't think he meant it literally, Rob... 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3197 We're trying to quack the election. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3198 I’m rethinking the value of a quackathon. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3199 The Supreme Court outlawed the use of “duck, duck, goose” for admissions. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3200 These computers are so slow. I get much better internet service down by the pond. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3201 OK, now double left quack. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3202 We don't expect them to write sonnets. We’re going for a sequel to "Make Way for Ducklings." 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3203 I have a strange urge to type everything into a giant "V". 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3204 Not only did they crank out 'Macbeth' and 'Othello' last week, they're also happy to let the monkeys take credit. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3205 They’re much more creative than the monkeys. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3206 We emphasize authenticity at Twitter HQ. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3207 Migration was less stressful before we had to apply 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3208 I sense another migration is coming. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3209 Quill by any chance? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3210 Infinite monkeys for Shakespeare: perhaps. But 1000 ducks will get you a Patterson. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3211 Am I the only one who finds this rows seating a tad stereotypical? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3212 So...they're teaching us to use computers. And they say they're the smart ones. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3213 Quack quack. Quack-quack, quack quack. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3214 Hmm, we almost have all of our ducks in a row... 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3215 Many type fewer than 30 characters. Though, the brainer ones are opting for press conferences. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3216 You mean chickens don't really have fingers. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3217 Watch out for the one in the third row on the end. He cheats 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3218 Hey you back there, stop talking 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3219 Somehow we're not replicating Bob Newhart's results with the monkeys. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3220 They're asking me if I can have the package resent. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3221 I just hope we find that one goose to turn this thing around. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3222 The beard then. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3223 I know it doesn't look like much but this is progress. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3224 The New Yorker screwed up its damn caption contest again! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3225 In "a row", not four Mortimer. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3226 See... I TOLD you! ...youngsters don't BELONG in this class... they keep expecting to be FED by their peers... 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3227 What a short attention span; I think we've identified the leader of this colony. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3228 Does it really have to be the complete works of Shakespeare? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3229 The hardest part is getting them all into rows. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3230 They're ability to detect fake news is impressive, don't you think? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3231 Chicken #206 to Chicken #205: "I never would have believed that I would wish for chicken fingers!" 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3232 I figure if a million monkeys can write Hamlet a couple dozen seagulls should be able to write Gone With the Wind. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3233 I just read their press release. Farmyard management with Duck Thought... 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3234 Turns out penguins have have monkeys beat all hollow if your not just after Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3235 It wasn't a hardware issue. They're not using their iQuacks either. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3236 Don't worry, they'll blame it on the Russians. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3237 I forgot my password. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3238 We're going to have to discipline those two for off-line tweeting. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3239 Couldn't we easily have done this up north? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3240 All right, doctor, you've finally got your ducks in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3241 What happened to the monkeys ? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3242 Before you cheat by copying someone's canard, remember this: I know a plagiarist when I see one! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3243 We'd better separate them. I sense a love poem on the way. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3244 Google maps is much more efficient... 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3245 It's official: climate change deniers are a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3246 It was taking forever for the monkeys to write Shakespeare, so they figured they'd have better odds on us writing one of those kid's stories about ducks. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3247 Couldn't you get the monkeys? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3248 I see you've got your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3249 Goose? 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
3250 We are close to establishing a baseline for what "tweeting like a duck" looks like. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3251 What did they call it? World Wide Webfeet? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3252 I wish someone would just buy and shut down Twitter already! 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3253 We've got them all in their rows. Now what? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3254 Anyone caught cheating will face a large bill or an immediate deduction. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3255 No way; for Shakespeare, you need monkeys. These guys stick to dialogue for Huey, Dewey, and Louie. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3256 All the secretaries in our pool have real life experience. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3257 It’s the only way we could get around the visa program. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3258 Five years into the experiment. A million ducks sitting at a million keyboards and not even a word. I think it is time for a new hypothesis. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3259 Guess it only applies to monkeys 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3260 We couldn’t find any monkeys? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3261 If it looks like a duck and it tweets like a duck, then... 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3262 Try to think outside the screen. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3263 I am really discouraged. So far the best we've gotten is some college basketball color commentary. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3264 Sure, they're fully engaged now. But once I cease sharing my HBO Go password, they stop watching altogether. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3265 Fascinating. They're ghost-writing Hillary's new book, 'The Art of the Lie,' but the one in the second row from the top at the far right may be having doubts and wondering how to spin the email controversy and Fusion-GPS fiasco. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3266 You know "quack quack" were the keywords for this test group 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3267 Dont bring up the executive omelet bar with the staff. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3268 Professor Purdue, you don't have all your ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3269 Well that's just ducky! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3270 Just sitting here makes me feel vulnerable. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3271 They can't find a squawk button. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3272 Evidently, random ducks typing for an infinite period won't produce any Tweets ... only quacks! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3273 They’re in a row. We can start. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3274 I thought this would be a free range data farm. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3275 They've been asked to help design the new waterfowl emoji. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3276 As far as cyber security is concerned, we're sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3277 We couldn't get chimpanzees and the Great American Novel, but we're hoping to at least get a decent short story. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3278 Private equity is taking over and these guys are just sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3279 They are taking back the tweet Jim, it is their word and we have turned it into something ugly. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3280 They are smarter than monkeys 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3281 Most of them are hunt and peck typists. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3282 At least they aren't making quacking sounds at us. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3283 Hey, which came first, the computer or the application? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3284 Try hovering and clucking. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3285 Says something about U.S. education when you choose merit over diversity. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3286 Do you ever worry that our business model may be vulnerable to an attack? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3287 They're the only students that can afford their bills. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
3288 Two. Different. Fail! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3289 They look like humans, walk like humans and talk like humans, so... 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3290 When does one of us become the goose? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3291 This time I'll convince them that I'm not a quack. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3292 Yes, I realize they have wings. That's why we invested in eye movement controls. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3293 Birds of a feather Google (almost) together 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3294 Shhhhhh . . . . You'll make the birds angry. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3295 They equal humans in their devotion to computers, 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3296 Duck? Duck? Goose?...Goose?...has anyone seen Goose? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3297 The ducks have installed QuackTime. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3298 You there, stop quacking while l am talking. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3299 Can you find Donald J Trump? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3300 With auto-correct, they should do even better than the monkeys at the typewriter. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3301 I thought this was a class on robotics. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3302 I just typed 'fardel'. Do the monkeys have that yet? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3303 So far no Shakespeare, but watch that one - she's into Haiku. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3304 Now - what are you thinking as you take a bite of the bar of soap and shove the brush up your you know what? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3305 They're coding the latest iQuack. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3306 Our cloning experiment worked- they look like ducks, they talk and walk like ducks, but what we're seeing is a bunch of copy cats..." (sigh) "Losing rugged individual journalism, but it's better than bots. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3307 No peeping. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3308 Can you type? I just hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3309 They do realize it's webbed feet and not web tweets, don't they? 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3310 We had better luck with millennials. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3311 Welcome to So You Want to Build a Pond. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3312 Whoops, I think we walked into the wrong ducking classroom. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3313 I guess they just assume we all know how to hunt and peck 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3314 Alright everybody, welcome to the Kwaker pilot program: 250 characters or fewer per Kwak will get us an untaxed, off-shore billion dollar account if we get the ruskies to play along so, Get Kwaking! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3315 Preliminary tests indicate they will complete the President's memoirs by the end of his term. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3316 They're all in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3317 The one center front is really distancing herself from the others. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3318 I still have to hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3319 This test is for the birds. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
3320 Since Google gives everyone the "same" answer, we're using non-random sampling to see if the "same" people get a "different" answer. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3321 Yes, extreme right, second from the rear. Get your Duck in order, Ms. Mallardine! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3322 We are looking for a unique answer. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3323 I don't think anyone here understands the importance of March of the Penguins 2. I want beaks forward, and that includes you second row from the back. After you choose a customized anklet color, press "enter." 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3324 We got to "presidential" fairly quickly with our birds typing random tweets experiment. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3325 You can ask DuckDuckGo all you want, but we're not getting out of here. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3326 Here is only one intelligent that to fire 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3327 Wait till you see the quick brown fox scores 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3328 Row three, Mallard and Muscovy are colluding again, call Mueller. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3329 he's such a teachers pet 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3330 There's nothing worse than an insolent duck, Harris, and you have two of them. Take care of it! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3331 Proof of quacks on social media. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3332 Today we will be going over mallard-practice suits. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3333 They’re just waiting for the goose. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3334 They are cost-efficient and they’re always ready to work at the quack of dawn. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3335 It's the next generation of Where's Waldo. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3336 Last month, it took you 17 minutes to craft the talking point "thoughts and prayers" for the Las Vegas shooting. Let's see if we can improve on that. Sutherland Springs shooting. GO! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3337 When I say "Quack" you may begin the exam. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3338 This is our focus group for the new Duck Dynasty spinoff. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3339 Our test demographics seem a bit skewed. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3340 They are all in a row, but typing is limited to 'hunt and peck'. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3341 Ready for the monkeys with typewriters cohort? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3342 We've got a cheater in row four. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3343 Let's put them in a circle, the lab is short on geese. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3344 Have they all hacked into Equifax yet? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3345 I'm sure. If you want Shakespeare, it's got to be monkeys. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3346 What makes you so sure they can tweet like Trump? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3347 I prefer flocking. Or crapping, crapping on a car together is nice. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3348 Web MD's Senior Medical Writer's Department. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3349 All it took was a few new computers to get your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3350 But your text said ,"I'll only teach to a full ducking class!" 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3351 We've received excellent feedback on the new Aflac commercials 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
3352 What makes you think they can write better than the monkeys? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3353 Well, looks like Ezekiel's has mastered hand movement using the new AI model. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3354 He always looks North. He has a Polar condition. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3355 The first upgrade you'll notice is the new GPS overlay of the FAA airline routes in relation to your instinctual path South for the Winter. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3356 Pssst. I are my mouse! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3357 Now only one of them looks right. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3358 No wonder our Medical School has a reputation for producing quacks. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3359 Who needs monkeys? 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3360 And in here we have the software engineers behind autocrrections to ducking 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3361 Keep holding out, guys. No bread crusts, no Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3362 So remember --- we s are looking for quacks 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3363 As the s-duck, I think I can speak for everyone. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3364 Scientists had thought they were screening "Duck Pics"... 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3365 That one on the far right, second row from the top, has management potential. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3366 I think we're going to have to let Robert go. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3367 Will they ever move beyond hunt and peck? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3368 How many Twitter followers for President Trump do we have now? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3369 O.K. you got your ducks in a row; now let's see if they can quack the mystery code or if this whole project is just going south on us again. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3370 We hire them to re-tweet the Audubon's message. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3371 Looks like another class of computer quacks. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3372 The twitter-verst leans to the right, except for Fred there on the third row. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3373 So these are bots. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3374 His infatuation with her leaves his performance data a few feathers short of acceptable. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3375 Got sent here by the court as punishment for violating a pecking order & 2nd degree preening. You? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3376 We now have evidence that one-sixteenth of the bird population has attention deficit disorder. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
3377 If it works for humans, it works for ducks. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3378 Are you sure this is the best way to compete with Aflac? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3379 Stock up on bread crumbs 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3380 "How do you spell "quack"? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3381 The monkeys organized a union so we shut down their site. These ducks will work for crumbs. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3382 OK, now that we have all of our...err...stuff in a row, let's move on. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3383 We have our ‘ducks in several rows’. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3384 I see that all our ducks are in four rows. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3385 Cancel, alt, delete. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3386 The ducks at this college really have their humans in a row. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3387 Before we begin, this is "Introductory Platypus Sexuality 101". The duck lectures are next door. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3388 I counted all my ducks in a row, how about you? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3389 Remind them that cheaters will get a big fat goose egg. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3390 This caption is for the previous contest, which should still be open at 11:47pm Sunday November 5th, given Daylight Savings Time Change: "Now close your eyes and try remember the last time you saw the rubber ducky." 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3391 please note: This is my entry to your #591 cartoon contest, on the evening of Nov 5, 2017: "Perhaps you would feel better if you rinsed that itchy spot." 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3392 "It's true. I do soak my patients." (Note: This is for the contest which ends Sunday November 5th!! The one with the man in the bathtub!) 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3393 Think they'll make it to the essay questions? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3394 Sir, I think you misunderstood me. I said, "We need workers to CRACK the code." 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3395 We hired them right out of schools. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3396 You know who doesn't want us to take more baths? Big Pharma. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3397 First the soap, then the Thorazine. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3398 Who is Shakespeare anyway? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
3399 They're here to study the Hawthorne Effect. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
3400 Watch front center -- I think we have a ringer. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
3401 I'm glad to see they're finally taking quack medicine seriously. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
3402 The title should be: Dark Matter Explained. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
3403 I liked the monkeys too, but everything they wrote turned out to be about bananas. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
3404 Instagram was fun. Writing code - not so much. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
3405 Trust me—below the table they're scrolling like hell to stay afloat. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
3406 Where's that damn goose? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
3407 Before we begin, I am afraid the mental health benefits in your insurance policy require me to provide extra documentation. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3408 The third one on the front row looks different. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
3409 Google the word yellow, 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3410 If you were a duck would you be a a) Domestic Duck? b) Diving Duck? c) Goldeneye Duck? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3411 Something tells me those two don't want to be in a row. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3412 We need to block those flocking websites. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3413 Impressive, yes, but how did you get them all in a row? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3414 As you can see, we've hatched a new group of tweet-bots. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3415 The test is can they identify the bass in the photos. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3416 Birds of a feather , take tests together! 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3417 Odd duck out! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3418 As you all know, participants will be paid in bread. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3419 I see we I see we have our ducks all in a row. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3420 I hate the new Twitter. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3421 I don't always understand the quacking, but they are at least as talented as the monkeys. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3422 Hunt and peck is not as slow as one might think; It's also cheaper. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3423 Now that we have our ducks in a row ... 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3424 It wasn’t the auto-correct. We really do have ducking bad tech support. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3425 They can peck 60 words a minute. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3426 No Bitcoin yet. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3427 They just can't get enough of James Patterson. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3428 The classroom setting isn't what it used to be. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3429 Rise of the Planet of the Ducks 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3430 For some reason, all my OCD patients get upset when I tell them AFTER the bath that the water hasn't been drained in, well, ever. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3431 We value independent thinking. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3432 ' Quack Tops how ducky.' 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3433 It turns out the early bird is pretty good at getting computer worms, too. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3434 They're our focus group for chick flicks 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
3435 Experiment #592, the Duck Call Center. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3436 Today we will be learning Quark, not quack. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
3437 That one in the second to last row may be the first to cross the road. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
3438 They're better than humans and we don't have to pay a year-end bonus. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
3439 As it turned out “cage free” and “free range” didn’t feel that much different. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3440 I keep having this dream that I'm in the wrong class. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3441 OK. Now give them the Gettysburg Address. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3442 . . . And refrain from spelling it Amerika. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3443 We are taken code debunking to a whole new level with these guys. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3444 And this is our Twitter bot lab. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3445 The "Speech to Text" technology is crucial 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3446 Are we really on the same page? 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3447 I can't define propaganda, but i know it when i see it! 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3448 You have almost all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3449 Don't feel pressured. #12. They had hundreds of monkeys do this for years without getting one verse of Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3450 On your marks. Get set. Web feet--GO! 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3451 Do we have to call on them by name? 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3452 They call it the Ducky Decimal System 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3453 This is just ducky 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3454 Best focus group ever! 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3455 Freshmen, Dean Duckworth and I welcome you to Donald Duck University and hope you enjoy your "Duckropology 101" studies. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3456 We have several ducks. We're still looking for a goose. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3457 One more wise-quack out of you and into the turducken you go! 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3458 Great -- our ducks are all in a row on the new migration task force. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3459 We have a cheater—third row,far right. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3460 Finally you’ve gotten all of your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3461 How do we get some diversity in here? 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3462 'University of Oregon computer and information department" 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3463 We're updating the "monkeys with typewriters" theory. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3464 I said to hire fake news writers, not drake news writers! 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
3465 All our ducks are in rows. You think this will happen tomorrow? 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3466 I hope the beak recognition software is working today. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3467 I said monkeys, not duckies. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
3468 Our pilot program of organic AI farm is limited to monoculture. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
3469 I know her and it's not going to happen ! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
3470 Soon we should know if a thousand ducks typing on a thousand laptops renders the same result as when we used the monkeys. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
3471 Ed, seems like we were one battery short. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
3472 Row 3, seat 1, needs a an attitude adjustment. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
3473 You have one hour to make South Pole icy again! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
3474 We can say that 15 of 16 ducks exhibit human characteristics in their use of technology. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
3475 What do they mean, "touch-screen"? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
3476 Please provide a doctor's note to if you are unable to use a laptop for any reason. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
3477 Well maybe YOU wouldn't turn all your students into ducks, Jenkins, but let's remember I'm the one with tenure here. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
3478 Isn't this how to fly South 101? 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3479 This guy is a quack. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
3480 Now that he's got us all in a row, he does not want to hear a couac. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3481 I'd ask you to the football game with me, but they'd probably investigate us. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3482 I told him! Ducks don’t tweet. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3483 Our first trial group loved the new q-u-a-c-k-y keyboard layout. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3484 There always has to be one! Why? 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3485 I’m hoping they do better than the monkeys. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3486 We'll need to tar and de-feather the cheater. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3487 Should an an episode of pecking last more than 4 hours, consult your physican. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3488 How much has been fledged so far? 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3489 where's the 'tweet' button? 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3490 If you both keep staring, you devoid them of applying the age old learnt lesson of 'sharing and caring' 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3491 Can you believe we have to listen to these quacks? 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
3492 see the two facing each other their cheating. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3493 I was mislead about this class - I thought 'Hunt & Peck' had to do with how to pick up women. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3494 They are programmed to vote. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3495 "I think those two are a couple quacks."j 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
3496 The monkeys got deported. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3497 "I see your point, Donald, but I still think my anthropology class is more interesting than computing". 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3498 We have yet to find the goose. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3499 This is a government funded study, isn't it 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3500 This must be that new kind of duckhunting where they focus-group us to death. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3501 Who's the revel in the third row? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3502 I elected to take my test pay in cash rather than worms. How about you? 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3503 I must warn you that anyone using his or her computer to visit inappropriate waterfowl websites will be escorted out of the building. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3504 IT migration should begin this month 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3505 I knew that just one bird couldn't handle all those insurance accounts. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3506 I'm Qwertyuiop; you? 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3507 They heard it was Quack/Fail and added the class. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3508 Apparently the literal hunt and peck system isn't a transferable skill. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3509 Einstein believed that the quark was all made up by quacks. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3510 Internetwise, they are sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3511 Ducks in a row? Check. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3512 So migrating to the new platform is not intuitive? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3513 Remember the days when they used to enjoy taking their breaks, out on the range? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3514 Hopefully their captions will be better than the Internet sample. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3515 Do you think they'll say we're quacks? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3516 If we don't pass this exam, we're like sitting ducks to be demoted. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3517 It was a good idea to interrupt internet connection to one of the terminals to see what could happen. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3518 Dude, did you seriously imprint on a Mac? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3519 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 PECK! 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3520 I was told there would be bread crumbs? 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3521 OK, if you're in Ease of Access now, try to click on Waterfowl. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3522 We quality test here before confirming with the gander across the hall. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3523 So, I guess this is how they'll determine the pecking order. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3524 It’s no wonder the Dean is calling for us to increase affirmative-action efforts, this class is entirely quackers! 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3525 The monkeys and their typewriters were taking too long. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3526 There's only one mouse between them, but still no quacking. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3527 We can't start the game, the goose is late. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3528 They clearly do not have the chimpanzees' ability to type all of Shakespeare's work. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3529 Well Jane, you were right. Birds of a feather do by MacBooks together. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3530 Thank God our jobs are safe. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3531 They code better in a flock. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3532 No matter what we do, the UW Huskies always seem to outperform the Ducks! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3533 This is what happens when you don't take a stand against the cracker lobbyists. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3534 Peck, peck, peck, couldn't they just once use their lap tops without pecking the password ? 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3535 Yeah, they come down from the cloud! 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3536 Do you think we're getting close to quacking this code? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3537 Well, we sure can the eggs. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3538 Once more, but this time resist the temptation to hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3539 Here at Purdue Farms University, we're taking organic chicken to next level. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3540 This one's not going as well as our infinite number of monkeys experiment. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3541 Row Three. Far Right. He's the rebel. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3542 This is 'Foul Ball: A History of Scandal in Baseball.' 'Fowl Ballroom Dancing is down the hall.' 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3543 Yes, there ARE eggceptional. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3544 I thought it only worked with monkeys 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3545 Protocol 127: chicken or egg? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3546 Who is that? They all look the same to could be Bob, or Gavin, or Bentley??? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3547 We have a group of quacks in here. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3548 It's his bigly plan for Obama-Care replacement. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3549 It's really about time we got the flock out of here. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3550 Do you think the two on the end of the third row are cheating? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3551 Duck, Duck... Goose is late again. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3552 This will be the ultimate test of the 'hunt and peck' method. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3553 And the free-range flock is at Starbucks. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3554 Double blind seemed only fair. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3555 The quality of our volunteers is seasonal. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3556 Using lemmings as internet marketeers was a stroke of genius 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3557 For his study on the effects of temptation, Dr. Williams asks the room of sitting ducks which one would care to take the first bite. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3558 I believe it is a clear case of ADD, 'attention deficit duck'. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3559 It was Russian quackers all along. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3560 Of course we’ll discuss your anger issues, now let go of the duck. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3561 We’re aiming for something with a medical theme. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3562 aaaa 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3563 For ethical reasons, we went with chickens for the pilot study. How different could humans really be? 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3564 We couldn't afford a million monkeys. Sixteen ducks will eventually give us what we want. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3565 We're either observing the pecking order or whether we have our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3566 He says this ice bucket holds relics from our past. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3567 Your job is to keep all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3568 We outsourced the troll farm. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3569 Check out the quack in the front row. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
3570 What comes after Duck, Duck ? 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3571 "Time is up"! "Peckers down, please"! 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3572 If you’re not sure, choose “c.” 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3573 Free range gone wild. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3574 There is always one plagiarist! 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3575 Who are these quacks to tell us what to think? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3576 Do you remember the password? 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3577 I think monkeys would work faster than these stupid FUCKING ducks,STUPID bitch.... 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3578 Early feedback: more breadcrumbs. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3579 Watch out for the quacker in the third row; he waddles to a different drum. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3580 Second row from the back, far right. What a bird brain. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3581 Not a single one can remember his mother’s maiden name. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3582 The monkey group has apparently produced Hamlet, and the best we have is one of them typed "kwak." 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3583 It's good to see less quacking and more coding. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3584 He said winging it is for quacks. 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3585 Remember, no cheating. If we catch you, we will have no choice but to roast you for Christmas dinner. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
3586 We finally got all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3587 On Your Mark, GET SET; PECK 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3588 I'm migrating to OS X... You? 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3589 Unlike monkeys, ducks can only produce Marlowe. 1.0000 0.10541 10 10 0 0
3590 Or we could cancel the whole thing and get some duck sauce. 1.0000 0.08006 13 13 0 0
3591 3rd row outliers are have always baffled us. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
3592 They're onto us! The fact checkers must've found a fact in Trump's last tweet! 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3593 Where's the goose? 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3594 WAHOW, that's a lot of ducks. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3595 The cloning process seems to be working out quite well. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3596 They should be naturally proficient on the world wide web. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3597 And these are the ducks that will be monitoring Russian ad purchases. 1.0000 0.08704 12 12 0 0
3598 ... And then the Review Committee has the nerve to say I need to get my ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3599 We're testing the new Duck Duck Goose app. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3600 You're going to have to pay extra. 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3601 Okay, which one of you called me a quack? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
3602 The Marx Brothers are rolling over in their graves. 1.0000 0.15430 7 7 0 0
3603 aaaa 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0
3604 Hey you two in the third row! No thinking. Just tweeting. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
3605 They're still at the hunt-and-peck stage 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
3606 He’s the alpha duck 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
3607 "WEB-SITE". 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
3608 It's Aflac, with an 'F'. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
3609 They are masters of hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
3610 'Allright, now we have all of our ducks in a row, let's begin the lesson.' 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
3611 What can you quack in 140 characters? 1.0000 0.01117 90 90 0 0
3612 They followed me here from the park, I thought I'd put them to work. 1.0000 0.01170 86 86 0 0
3613 Why is my username "monkey1666"? 1.0000 0.01170 86 86 0 0
3614 Tweet whatever you want - he's gonna deny it tomorrow anyway. 1.0000 0.01227 82 82 0 0
3615 Wait, did she say data migration? 1.0000 0.01227 82 82 0 0
3616 Looks like row3, seat 4 is our goose 1.0000 0.01227 82 82 0 0
3617 It turns out Seagulls with Keyboards outperform Monkeys with Keyboards. 1.0000 0.01290 78 78 0 0
3618 These truly are the sitting ducks for fake news and false information. 1.0000 0.01290 78 78 0 0
3619 Only two among you will be selected to manage Donald's Twitter account 1.0000 0.01290 78 78 0 0
3620 How far offshore did they have to go to find these ones? 1.0000 0.01015 99 99 0 0
3621 We tried. Monkeys can't write Shakespeare. Ducks on the other hand . . . . 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
3622 The news is fake but the eggs are real. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
3623 I see you’ve finally got your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
3624 Check out the dudes in the lab coats, they're on to us! 1.0000 0.01212 83 83 0 0
3625 We dropped the other two measures. If it's fowl online, it's a duck. 1.0000 0.01274 79 79 0 0
3626 For our master class on the new tax bill, avoid using a quack accountant, wade through the tax form instructions and take every deducktion that you can. 1.0000 0.01274 79 79 0 0
3627 I personally don't think watching stupid cat videos will have any effect on our egg production. 1.0000 0.01274 79 79 0 0
3628 Covfefe? Was that you? Sad. 1.0000 0.01274 79 79 0 0
3629 Well, they do work cheep. 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
3630 Pssst, who's the guy in the first row with his hand on the table, that's cheatin' ain't it? 1.0000 0.01653 61 61 0 0
3631 We are being accused of quackery 1.0000 0.01379 73 73 0 0
3632 How does filing information stack against flying in formation? 1.0000 0.01379 73 73 0 0
3633 Think we can wing it? 1.0000 0.01307 77 77 0 0
3634 Trump's quack checkers are proving to be effective. 1.0000 0.01212 83 83 0 0
3635 No one makes a move until goose shows up. 1.0000 0.01258 80 80 0 0
3636 We found that the laptops are as effective as cages, so PETA is finally off our backs. 1.0000 0.01399 72 72 0 0
3637 Bucks, Greg. Fifty bucks for participating in the focus group. 1.0000 0.01399 72 72 0 0
3638 We seem to have all of our ducks in a row, let's get started. 1.0000 0.01399 72 72 0 0
3639 'I'm not sure we can fit them all into just one row...' 1.0000 0.01575 64 64 0 0
3640 Which came first? 1.0000 0.01325 76 76 0 0
3641 I knew it was a mistake calling this course "Chick Lit." 1.0000 0.01399 72 72 0 0
3642 We've got the monkeys in another room, so okay let's see who types "Hamlet" first. 1.0000 0.01325 76 76 0 0
3643 So you have your ducks all in a row, now can you convince the duck in row three to also face right. 1.0000 0.01047 96 96 0 0
3644 All our ducks in a row....Check. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
3645 That’s not exactly what I meant when I said that you needed to get all of your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.01093 92 92 0 0
3646 And once you've completed the survey, we ask that you please refrain from quacking, honking or mounting each other. 1.0000 0.01399 72 72 0 0
3647 They were happier in the typing pool. 1.0000 0.01198 84 84 0 0
3648 I tried to duck teaching this flock, there isn't a single one of them that gives a quack. 1.0000 0.01198 84 84 0 0
3649 Despite the numbers Quacker will not be competitive with Twitter. 1.0000 0.01183 85 85 0 0
3650 We have our ducks in four rows. 1.0000 0.01183 85 85 0 0
3651 Yes, Doctor, it does look like another class of quacks. 1.0000 0.01183 85 85 0 0
3652 The Donald’s behind @realDonaldTrump. 1.0000 0.01183 85 85 0 0
3653 To bad the monkeys went on strike. 1.0000 0.01183 85 85 0 0
3654 I fear that taking one for lunch would make the others suspicious. 1.0000 0.01242 81 81 0 0
3655 That's how information gets in the cloud. 1.0000 0.01307 77 77 0 0
3656 I'm gonna take the $50 for taking the survey, but they realize that ducks don't have fingers, right? 1.0000 0.01307 77 77 0 0
3657 Ummm ... So Karl, what exactly do you expect them to do without fingers? 1.0000 0.01307 77 77 0 0
3658 Once again we graduate a bunch of quacks! 1.0000 0.01399 72 72 0 0
3659 I can't say they're great at software development, but they will work for cornmeal. 1.0000 0.01198 84 84 0 0
3660 Watch. We're about to show them a fox. 1.0000 0.01198 84 84 0 0
3661 I hear the control group has typewriters 1.0000 0.01198 84 84 0 0
3662 Going hi-tech didn't help - I still can't get my ducks all in a row. 1.0000 0.01156 87 87 0 0
3663 How do you spell Aflac? 1.0000 0.01047 96 96 0 0
3664 Just a suggestion, but I think we'll get much better results if we put something they like to eat on the keyboards. 1.0000 0.01047 96 96 0 0
3665 We've trained them to like, comment, share, and tweet over seven 'news' articles every minute. 1.0000 0.01093 92 92 0 0
3666 Did he say, "The quack brown fox jumped over the lazy dog?" 1.0000 0.01093 92 92 0 0
3667 They all seem like dodos. 1.0000 0.01093 92 92 0 0
3668 Enter and begin. 1.0000 0.01274 79 79 0 0
3669 We'll put the overtime on your bill. 1.0000 0.01274 79 79 0 0
3670 Thank you all for coming. You will be paid one piece of white bread each for your time. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
3671 Affirmative action, like anything else, can be taken too far. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
3672 Say it and you're fired! 1.0000 0.01143 88 88 0 0
3673 You're the one who complained that the Admissions Office was setting the bar too high. 1.0000 0.01156 87 87 0 0
3674 Why do I get the feeling that we are just sitting ducks? 1.0000 0.01143 88 88 0 0
3675 We were hoping for Shakespeare, but we keep getting "Jonathan Livingston Seagull." 1.0000 0.01081 93 93 0 0
3676 When the boss said he wanted the IT Dept to get their ducks in a row,I don't think this is what he meant. 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
3677 This is quack research at it's finest. 1.0000 0.01081 93 93 0 0
3678 Looks like our ducks are all in a row. 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
3679 My intern over achieved when I texted her, 'I wanna duck in the computer room.' 1.0000 0.01081 93 93 0 0
3680 Third row left, seems distracted, clearly has management potential. 1.0000 0.01081 93 93 0 0
3681 No. No Shakespeare. But some hard-boiled short stories. 1.0000 0.01130 89 89 0 0
3682 When they call it the World Wide Web, all I can think of is, damn, I need a pedicure. 1.0000 0.01026 98 98 0 0
3683 Okay, I'll peck. But I refuse to hunt. 1.0000 0.01504 67 67 0 0
3684 Starting today I don't want you using the hunt and peck method. 1.0000 0.01070 94 94 0 0
3685 They are world champions at hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.01117 90 90 0 0
3686 So which one do YOU think is the goose? 1.0000 0.01527 66 66 0 0
3687 Which of these ducks is not like the other? 1.0000 0.01274 79 79 0 0
3688 Welcome to the hunt-and-peck speed tournament. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
3689 This could be greter than Pavlov's dogs. 1.0000 0.01290 78 78 0 0
3690 We'll never find one as good as Gilbert Gottfried. 1.0000 0.01198 84 84 0 0
3691 I'm tempted to say they are smarter than the average bears, but we probably shouldn't go there. 1.0000 0.01258 80 80 0 0
3692 3rd row right thinks he has the Chicken/Egg riddle solved, but he is just a quack 1.0000 0.01709 59 59 0 0
3693 ALRIGHT EVERYBODY! LETS KICK SOME MONKEY BUTT! 1.0000 0.01709 59 59 0 0
3694 Don't worry, they all signed NDAs. 1.0000 0.01036 97 97 0 0
3695 I see you have all your ducks in a row, with one exception. 1.0000 0.01130 89 89 0 0
3696 They tell us no quacks allowed but then they let those two in here. What gives? 1.0000 0.01130 89 89 0 0
3697 We found subjects you won't sexually harass. 1.0000 0.01183 85 85 0 0
3698 Unfortunately, class, University of Phoenix doesn't mean what you seem to think it does. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
3699 I'd like to introduce you to the staff of the New Yorker. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
3700 When everybody's done, can we play Quackamole? 1.0000 0.01575 64 64 0 0
3701 We're testing to see what percentage of these Facebook users are sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.01105 91 91 0 0
3702 As your psychology professor, I ask that not refer to me as "quack." 1.0000 0.01575 64 64 0 0
3703 Turns out questionable medical advice is in high demand these days. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
3704 Some will pass, some will fail and some will quack. 1.0000 0.01117 90 90 0 0
3705 We brought them in to quack the code. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
3706 One of these birds is not like the others. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
3707 Congratulations. It looks like you finally managed to get all your ducks in row. 1.0000 0.01379 73 73 0 0
3708 Testing a new web browser? 1.0000 0.01170 86 86 0 0
3709 The first step is to make sure you have all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.01015 99 99 0 0
3710 We're testing a new a new app called Quitter. They're sending out quacks. 1.0000 0.01058 95 95 0 0
3711 Good, now we can get the tweeting done much faster. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
3712 Now I get what you mean when you said this class is filled with bird brains. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
3713 Row 3, seat 1. I think we've got a cheater. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
3714 "Ducking Work" was a terrible name for this employment seminar. 1.0000 0.01307 77 77 0 0
3715 They’ll be ready to run for office in 2018. 1.0000 0.01274 79 79 0 0
3716 Hmmm, 'Do I see myself as Quack-n-cheese or Duck L'orange?' This sounds more like an Entrée Exam than a dating profile! 1.0000 0.01274 79 79 0 0
3717 I liked the shooting gallery job better. 1.0000 0.01274 79 79 0 0
3718 I can see it now. We'll earn our medical degrees and they'll still call us quacks. 1.0000 0.01361 74 74 0 0
3719 Explain it again... how will Creative leverage this survey data to win the AFLAC account? 1.0000 0.01361 74 74 0 0
3720 Med school sucks 1.0000 0.01361 74 74 0 0
3721 No geese? 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
3722 They are researching google earth for different flight paths. 1.0000 0.01290 78 78 0 0
3723 Can you tell who has AAD? 1.0000 0.01290 78 78 0 0
3724 This beta test is using ducks, next week we'll use turkeys but we have to hurry on that one. 1.0000 0.01504 67 67 0 0
3725 Here at Amalgamated Data we have no pecking order. 1.0000 0.01504 67 67 0 0
3726 Science was more fun when we were the ones studying the animals. 1.0000 0.01504 67 67 0 0
3727 They seem more serious than the monkeys. 1.0000 0.01504 67 67 0 0
3728 If you don't know the answer, just wing it. 1.0000 0.01227 82 82 0 0
3729 How do you write Quack Off? 1.0000 0.01361 74 74 0 0
3730 Welcome to female-centric literature where we study the evolution of genres from Chick lit to Farm lit. 1.0000 0.01418 71 71 0 0
3731 The idea of having all of our ducks in a row is a theory which has now been tested. 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
3732 We don’t have to worry about a dress code here. 1.0000 0.01117 90 90 0 0
3733 Perfect! Easily trainable, a food source, and they work for mealworms! 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
3734 If you ask me, the Aflac training is for the birds. They even think it's quacky. 1.0000 0.06901 15 15 0 0
3735 Now that we literally have our ducks in a row, let's start the test. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
3736 This Buzzfeed Personality Quiz should tell us which one is the goose. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
3737 The down is internet. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
3738 Hey...the guy on the front row is trying to wing it! 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
3739 I know it’s supposed to be monkeys. But it’s only a 3 year grant. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
3740 Half of them are browsing Redduck. 1.0000 0.01399 72 72 0 0
3741 They're accusing you, well our whole magazine, of writing like a bunch of political quacks. 1.0000 0.01399 72 72 0 0
3742 Would it kill them to show just a little bit of enthusiasm? 1.0000 0.01418 71 71 0 0
3743 And I thought I was a ‘Hunt and Peck’ typist! 1.0000 0.01325 76 76 0 0
3744 These guys are quacks! 1.0000 0.01361 74 74 0 0
3745 Bread crumbs. The monkeys wanted bananas. 1.0000 0.01361 74 74 0 0
3746 It can only go south from here. 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
3747 'Two more hours till Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet takes a bit longer.' 1.0000 0.01379 73 73 0 0
3748 Which one of you is a class clone? 1.0000 0.01527 66 66 0 0
3749 No Shakespeare yet, but they have produced some lines from Ibsen's The Wild Duck. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
3750 Next is a picture of rain. Come in from it, yes or no? 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
3751 I couldn't get the monkeys. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
3752 I don't know who those dudes in the white coats are. They all look the same to me. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
3753 Well, it looks like you have your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.01307 77 77 0 0
3754 The easy part was getting all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.01527 66 66 0 0
3755 3rd row on right is good but he's still no Gilbert Gottfried. 1.0000 0.01307 77 77 0 0
3756 I told you it was going to be difficult to figure out who we should put on the brochure 1.0000 0.09535 11 11 0 0
3757 We finally have all our ducks in a row. But it's up to them to dot the i's and cross the t's . 1.0000 0.01361 74 74 0 0
3758 George, I distinctly heard him say "the duck stops here" and then he just turned his head. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
3759 The bill will be enormous but at least we got our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
3760 I thought it was supposed to be a million monkeys. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
3761 No quacks on our watch. Is that understood? 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
3762 They'll be testing our new voice recognition software. 1.0000 0.01527 66 66 0 0
3763 This time the Defense Department is going to take you seriously 1.0000 0.01527 66 66 0 0
3764 Machine Learning 101: Duck face facial recognition 1.0000 0.01439 70 70 0 0
3765 I thought it was supposed to be an infinite number of monkeys! 1.0000 0.01439 70 70 0 0
3766 It was a dark and stormy night 1.0000 0.01439 70 70 0 0
3767 Why are we even taking this test? It's not like any of us even own a car. 1.0000 0.01439 70 70 0 0
3768 The results seem skewed, maybe we should do a blind study. 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
3769 Shakespeare was not writing about a day so fowl as this one. 1.0000 0.01361 74 74 0 0
3770 This is where "Twitter"all began. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
3771 My productivity is way up since I started searching with DuckDuckGo. 1.0000 0.01015 99 99 0 0
3772 We think it will make pledge breaks more exciting. 1.0000 0.01325 76 76 0 0
3773 But if it works, it's Nobel Prize time. 1.0000 0.01325 76 76 0 0
3774 Well, I don't think they're cheating--I think V is the only letter they know. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
3775 How could they write a novel? First tell me how they got an agent. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
3776 It’s not ‘a birds hand’ it‘s ‘a bird in hand’! 1.0000 0.01439 70 70 0 0
3777 Another experiment, we'd better get outta here fast --- we're just sitting ducks 1.0000 0.01439 70 70 0 0
3778 I just can't help but feel that we are ducking the important questions. 1.0000 0.01439 70 70 0 0
3779 It's the original Twitter. 1.0000 0.01290 78 78 0 0
3780 Our hypothesis is confirmed. It appears intelligent fowl are less prone to screen time addiction than teenagers. 1.0000 0.01290 78 78 0 0
3781 Birds flying south for winter Google map reading tutorial 1.0000 0.01290 78 78 0 0
3782 We only got one response to the facial recognition test. 1.0000 0.01290 78 78 0 0
3783 Do you think they're a couple? 1.0000 0.01290 78 78 0 0
3784 We’re making them watch Fox to see if their brains get fatter, a digital Foie Gras. 1.0000 0.01227 82 82 0 0
3785 "Macbeth" may take a little longer - I couldn't get monkeys. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
3786 This new class is not going to help with the stereotypes about doctors. 1.0000 0.01170 86 86 0 0
3787 The weird thing is they all have PCs. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
3788 How is this not setting yourself up for failure?... 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
3789 Just when we thought we had them all in a row. 1.0000 0.01418 71 71 0 0
3790 Are you sure he said "Duck it"? 1.0000 0.01418 71 71 0 0
3791 Well, the monkeys would take forever 1.0000 0.01418 71 71 0 0
3792 You appear to have all your ducks in a row. And online to boot. 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
3793 So far, all we’ve gotten out of them is ‘50 Shades of Grey’. 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
3794 I distinctly said that we need workers to CRACK the code. 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
3795 Seems they have their ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
3796 They refuse to run the flight simulator 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
3797 I wasn't paying attention. Weren't we supposed to fly south? 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
3798 I told you touchscreen wouldn't work - we need quack-recognition software. 1.0000 0.01170 86 86 0 0
3799 They aren’t producing any works of Shakespeare, but they have put at least a couple of Marlowe’s plays together. 1.0000 0.01325 76 76 0 0
3800 I told you those two should not be sitting in the same row 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
3801 I suppose you think they should have their own washrooms too? 1.0000 0.01242 81 81 0 0
3802 They're free-range lobbyists from Tyson. 1.0000 0.01325 76 76 0 0
3803 We will see if they can wing it without a mouse 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
3804 Personally, I think they’re all a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
3805 These tweets show without a doubt they spell better than Donald Trump. 1.0000 0.01325 76 76 0 0
3806 You didn't run this by the ethics board, did you? 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
3807 Are we going to have trouble will billable hours? 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
3808 Now that we've got all our ducks in a row... haha...ha... 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
3809 Goose is late again today. Looks like he won't get a seat. 1.0000 0.01325 76 76 0 0
3810 So far, they've written Romeo and Juliegg, A Midsummer Nest's Dream, and Quackbeth. 1.0000 0.01325 76 76 0 0
3811 You're right - wild class. 1.0000 0.01258 80 80 0 0
3812 "Unfortunately, no real typing skills, just the customary, "hunt and peck"..... 1.0000 0.01460 69 69 0 0
3813 Do you find it at all funny when they can’t seem to figure out Windows? 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
3814 Duck duck don't tell me the goose called in sick again 1.0000 0.01460 69 69 0 0
3815 Looks like we have one who's not a bird brain. 1.0000 0.01460 69 69 0 0
3816 They are now TOTALLY off the phones—until lunch. 1.0000 0.01460 69 69 0 0
3817 Who do you think they're tweeting? 1.0000 0.01379 73 73 0 0
3818 There's always one who didn't get the text. 1.0000 0.01379 73 73 0 0
3819 Please keep in mind that for the waterfowl migration project we'll be dividing you into flocks of five. 1.0000 0.01379 73 73 0 0
3820 See the one not looking at the screen? He already knows why the chicken crossed the road. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
3821 If the computers go down, things may run afoul. 1.0000 0.01307 77 77 0 0
3822 Well, if not War and Peace, maybe To Kill a Mockingbird. 1.0000 0.01307 77 77 0 0
3823 Tell the dean we have our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
3824 Now that you have all your ducks in rows, what's next? 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
3825 Table the golden eggs for now. Mr. Wonka wants them mining for bitcoin. 1.0000 0.01242 81 81 0 0
3826 We thought if monkeys at typewriters could recreate Shakespeare image what ducks on the internet could do! 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
3827 Well, this is a disaster; even the monkeys got us some Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
3828 Lame. Sitting. In a row. Congratulations Dr Drake, your life's work is complete. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
3829 I have a feeling this class is going to quack us up 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
3830 If 1,000 monkeys at typewriters can produce Shakespeare, let's see what 25 ducks with computers can do. 1.0000 0.00985 102 102 0 0
3831 They want to see who quacks under pressure. 1.0000 0.01170 86 86 0 0
3832 The monkeys unionized. 1.0000 0.00930 108 108 0 0
3833 I thought we agreed to use chimpanzees. 1.0000 0.00930 108 108 0 0
3834 It's frustrating. We do all the work, while Russian trolls get all the credit. 1.0000 0.00930 108 108 0 0
3835 Not even a sonnet? 1.0000 0.00844 119 119 0 0
3836 There's one in every clutch. 1.0000 0.00844 119 119 0 0
3837 I thought they would be naturals on the web. 1.0000 0.00844 119 119 0 0
3838 The details don’t matter; they’re all quacks. 1.0000 0.01156 87 87 0 0
3839 Predominantly hunt and peck thus far. 1.0000 0.00922 109 109 0 0
3840 Welcome to the duck, duck, goose facial recognition software testing center... 1.0000 0.00837 120 120 0 0
3841 You, there! With your wing on the table. What's your problem? 1.0000 0.00837 120 120 0 0
3842 Try Ctrl-Alt-Delete ... 1.0000 0.00873 115 115 0 0
3843 Let me guess- this class is calm on the surface, but works like hell underneath. 1.0000 0.00873 115 115 0 0
3844 Would you be surprised to know that everyone in this class is a graduate of Oregon University? 1.0000 0.00873 115 115 0 0
3845 With the revised budget, we had to go with 20 ducks and the collected works of John Cheever. 1.0000 0.00913 110 110 0 0
3846 NOT A CAPTION - A QUESTION. My children love the NYr & read it cover to cover every week. One wd like to submit a cartoon.It's really good. Is this possible? Thank you. 1.0000 0.00830 121 121 0 0
3847 Telecommuting can actually save you all a lot of flying time! 1.0000 0.01212 83 83 0 0
3848 Nobody’s migrating until this thing is finished. 1.0000 0.01399 72 72 0 0
3849 Basically, we believe an infinite number of ducks on our system will almost surely provide network security. At any rate, it's better than what we have been doing. 1.0000 0.00905 111 111 0 0
3850 On question five ... did you get "Quack quack"? 1.0000 0.01130 89 89 0 0
3851 I think those doctors are Quacks. 1.0000 0.01130 89 89 0 0
3852 No wisequacks, please. 1.0000 0.00858 117 117 0 0
3853 I don't know about this. At least under the infinite monkeys theory the writers had fingers. 1.0000 0.00851 118 118 0 0
3854 I miss Jerry Lewis running the telethon. 1.0000 0.01105 91 91 0 0
3855 So, it looks like the new paradigm is "ducks and laptops" instead of "monkeys and typewriters." 1.0000 0.00939 107 107 0 0
3856 Should I duck this next question? 1.0000 0.00939 107 107 0 0
3857 She didn't say "Simon says", did she? 1.0000 0.01307 77 77 0 0
3858 Or was it monkeys? 1.0000 0.00930 108 108 0 0
3859 Greg, don't count your chickens until they've cached. 1.0000 0.00976 103 103 0 0
3860 They work cheaper than monkeys. 1.0000 0.00976 103 103 0 0
3861 We were going to make it a representative sample but we needed the eggs. 1.0000 0.00976 103 103 0 0
3862 Well, this certainly explains the decline in new hunting licenses. 1.0000 0.00881 114 114 0 0
3863 Who's idea was it to make the wireless password "àlorange"? 1.0000 0.01212 83 83 0 0
3864 When you're grading them, try to remember that conceivably, one day, one of them could be elected President. 1.0000 0.00966 104 104 0 0
3865 I said Click Farm, not Chick Farm 1.0000 0.00966 104 104 0 0
3866 They call it down time. 1.0000 0.01379 73 73 0 0
3867 Bills facing forward everyone. Webfoot off the desk, Mr. Henderson. 1.0000 0.00837 120 120 0 0
3868 You think they'll do any better than the chimps? 1.0000 0.00858 117 117 0 0
3869 Double-blind tests are more reliable but duck-blind tests are click bombs on social media. 1.0000 0.00837 120 120 0 0
3870 And suddenly it occurred to me... I was surrounded by a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.01130 89 89 0 0
3871 When will you learn get all your ducks in one row? 1.0000 0.01198 84 84 0 0
3872 Number 47 is almost done with "A Tale of Two Ducks", Number 29 just finished "Moby Duck", but Number 36 is having trouble with "Ode to a Grecian Duck". 1.0000 0.01600 63 63 0 0
3873 No wonder this software is so quirky, we're not all in the same row. 1.0000 0.00866 116 116 0 0
3874 Will they take off for foul language? 1.0000 0.01361 74 74 0 0
3875 We want to see if birds of a feather code together. 1.0000 0.00905 111 111 0 0
3876 I think you are right, they don't tweet, they're quacks. 1.0000 0.00948 106 106 0 0
3877 It's not the computers that are down. 1.0000 0.01460 69 69 0 0
3878 Sure, you've got your ducks in a row. But I still think you're a quack, Jenkins. 1.0000 0.00995 101 101 0 0
3879 Welcome to Preventing Collisions With Windows 101. 1.0000 0.00858 117 117 0 0
3880 I'm tellin' you, Louie, this is quack science and we're just sitting ducks! 1.0000 0.00939 107 107 0 0
3881 Jim, it's spelt pâté. The e has an aigu not a grave. 1.0000 0.01070 94 94 0 0
3882 Watch closely. They cheat 1.0000 0.00858 117 117 0 0
3883 My script just says "AFLAC!!" 1.0000 0.00858 117 117 0 0
3884 Standing ducks just aren't the same Carol. 1.0000 0.00858 117 117 0 0
3885 Our insurance claim payments are down 75%. 1.0000 0.00866 116 116 0 0
3886 Web navigation seems to be a no-brainer for them. 1.0000 0.00866 116 116 0 0
3887 New rules. Everyone of them must provide informed consent before our banquet preparations begin. 1.0000 0.00866 116 116 0 0
3888 It's mystifying, sir. None of them have even tried to enter the typing contest. 1.0000 0.00823 122 122 0 0
3889 What a bunch of quacks! 1.0000 0.00784 128 128 0 0
3890 We almost had all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00858 117 117 0 0
3891 Thirty minutes remaining, no Peking. 1.0000 0.00816 123 123 0 0
3892 What part of eyes front did he not understand? 1.0000 0.01227 82 82 0 0
3893 Instantaneously, whenever one navigates to another web site, the others follow in unison. 1.0000 0.01005 100 100 0 0
3894 Let's get quackin'. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
3895 I told you, the class is full of quacks. 1.0000 0.00948 106 106 0 0
3896 Pssst, what did you put for question #6? 1.0000 0.00722 139 139 0 0
3897 As long as both coffee breaks and migration are staggered, I think we should have adequate coverage... 1.0000 0.00851 118 118 0 0
3898 They're working up Roy Moore's promised proof of innocence... 1.0000 0.00810 124 124 0 0
3899 Hey Fred! I thought you said this was a meeting to win a free time share? 1.0000 0.00803 125 125 0 0
3900 They're booking their passage down South online. 1.0000 0.00797 126 126 0 0
3901 But I worry they're sitting ducks for malware. 1.0000 0.00930 108 108 0 0
3902 It kind of looks like a duck. 1.0000 0.00930 108 108 0 0
3903 One of these things is not like the others. 1.0000 0.00837 120 120 0 0
3904 True, we're fully staffed now, but I think HR once again took a short sighted view of our personnel needs. 1.0000 0.00837 120 120 0 0
3905 If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and doesn't type on the computer, then it surely is a duck 1.0000 0.00837 120 120 0 0
3906 I know, I have my reservations about this year's crop of Medical students too. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
3907 After the typing test, we should have our next New Yorker editor. 1.0000 0.01183 85 85 0 0
3908 I've seen this before. They show you a piece of bread and then ring a bell. 1.0000 0.01274 79 79 0 0
3909 I don't think we will get any Shakespeare, but there is a chance for Hans Christian Anderson. 1.0000 0.00851 118 118 0 0
3910 There was a typo in the course description. It said "QuackBooks" instead of "QuickBooks." 1.0000 0.01307 77 77 0 0
3911 Now that we have our ducks in a row, I guess we'll have to figure out what to teach them. 1.0000 0.01242 81 81 0 0
3912 Well, at least we're not running around with our heads cut-off. 1.0000 0.00830 121 121 0 0
3913 They all start out as quacks, but in no time they will be doctors. 1.0000 0.00858 117 117 0 0
3914 I also type like a duck. 1.0000 0.00858 117 117 0 0
3915 Watch out for number 8, he always screws up ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
3916 Finally, a digitized pecking order... 1.0000 0.00897 112 112 0 0
3917 Maybe if we put them all in one row.... 1.0000 0.01198 84 84 0 0
3918 That duck in the third row is peeking. 1.0000 0.00897 112 112 0 0
3919 There's no point in quibbling over semantics, whether it's migration or immigration, we have a big problem. 1.0000 0.00995 101 101 0 0
3920 Oh alright, let's get the monkeys back in here even if they still use typewriters. 1.0000 0.00851 118 118 0 0
3921 Alright, they're in a row, now how do you get them to type with their wings? 1.0000 0.00851 118 118 0 0
3922 He's either finished or this whole experiment is about to go south. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
3923 “These knuckleheads want us to use a computer to file our flight paths; yet, they are still using paper and pencil”. 1.0000 0.00939 107 107 0 0
3924 Front row, center. Third row, right. Troublemakers. 1.0000 0.00830 121 121 0 0
3925 This artificial intelligence program should identify the sitting ducks from the lame ducks. 1.0000 0.00810 124 124 0 0
3926 Donald is the one ignoring the text. He reports feeling that he already has the best words. 1.0000 0.00844 119 119 0 0
3927 'It's only day 6. Give it time.' 1.0000 0.00844 119 119 0 0
3928 I’m afraid most of them are still hunting and pecking. 1.0000 0.00930 108 108 0 0
3929 What the duck is going on here? 1.0000 0.01105 91 91 0 0
3930 Hunt and peck is perfectly acceptable. 1.0000 0.01361 74 74 0 0
3931 Welcome to the other Purdue won't be needing your laptops. 1.0000 0.00881 114 114 0 0
3932 Rumor has it there all a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.00837 120 120 0 0
3933 Flight simulator. 1.0000 0.01170 86 86 0 0
3934 I'm concerned about the one in the third row to the side. He seems lost. 1.0000 0.01170 86 86 0 0
3935 Apparently, getting our ducks in four rows is three too many. 1.0000 0.00873 115 115 0 0
3936 Fingerprint log-in just isn't working here. 1.0000 0.00830 121 121 0 0
3937 Our Diversity program is for the birds! 1.0000 0.00844 119 119 0 0
3938 I thought this was a free range class.... 1.0000 0.01227 82 82 0 0
3939 Say 'Hello' to the WebMD crowd-source division. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
3940 "Every one of them uses the hunt and peck method"! 1.0000 0.00985 102 102 0 0
3941 Your challenge is to identify the super-user before they migrate. 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
3942 Your medical students are a bunch of quacks! 1.0000 0.01026 98 98 0 0
3943 We're calling it hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.01026 98 98 0 0
3944 Monkeys with typewriters, sure. But our research extends to ducks. With laptops. 1.0000 0.01026 98 98 0 0
3945 As I suspected, the cat video has cross-species appeal. 1.0000 0.01198 84 84 0 0
3946 Hahahahaha Twitter, get it? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 1.0000 0.01026 98 98 0 0
3947 This place sure seems to have all its ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
3948 Yep, they are in a row. Let’s publish! 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
3949 We need to stop ducking our diversity problem! 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
3950 This job really pays the bills. 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
3951 Where's the goose? 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
3952 Turns out it's the fastest way yet to fatten them up 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
3953 His attention span is even shorter than his wing span. 1.0000 0.01070 94 94 0 0
3954 Get your ducks in a row and we’ll start. 1.0000 0.01325 76 76 0 0
3955 no QUACKS yet, but one beaked out QWERTY the other day. 1.0000 0.01058 95 95 0 0
3956 His name's Waldo. 1.0000 0.01058 95 95 0 0
3957 We start testing the "herding cats" app next week. 1.0000 0.01058 95 95 0 0
3958 So, the "unlimited number of monkeys" didn't work? 1.0000 0.01058 95 95 0 0
3959 The guy in the middle of the front row is trying to wing it. 1.0000 0.01058 95 95 0 0
3960 Always get your ducks in a row before beginning your lecture. 1.0000 0.01005 100 100 0 0
3961 Is the Wi-Fi working? 1.0000 0.01005 100 100 0 0
3962 The monkeys weren't producing anything, so we decided to try ducks. 1.0000 0.01005 100 100 0 0
3963 Remember - Those of you who PASS the test will be over-qualified to work as a computer support technician in India, but you may still qualify for some of the other positions. 1.0000 0.01005 100 100 0 0
3964 Birds of a feather, click together. 1.0000 0.01170 86 86 0 0
3965 This test will tell us if they're a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
3966 Well we got them all in a row,now what! 1.0000 0.00913 110 110 0 0
3967 Where are the Apples they promised us? 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
3968 We're still just getting them used to the office. The next step is to replace the pizza boxes with laptops. 1.0000 0.01212 83 83 0 0
3969 They know we can’t read, ...right? 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
3970 Hey, it beats ending up on a plate with potatoes and carrots. 1.0000 0.01015 99 99 0 0
3971 So, is this the new 'ducks in rows?' 1.0000 0.01170 86 86 0 0
3972 They was doing great, until they they got into phishing! 1.0000 0.01307 77 77 0 0
3973 We're testing out our new "qwacky" keyboards. 1.0000 0.00922 109 109 0 0
3974 Honestly, I have no idea what we were thinking. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
3975 We're testing out our new bill collecting system. 1.0000 0.01105 91 91 0 0
3976 Aflac is testing whether or not they can do computer insurance. 1.0000 0.01105 91 91 0 0
3977 They're checking itineraries for points south. 1.0000 0.01105 91 91 0 0
3978 They're learning Pidgin English. 1.0000 0.01105 91 91 0 0
3979 What are we supposed to do, hunt and peck? 1.0000 0.01227 82 82 0 0
3980 You always have all your ducks in a row 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
3981 Your ducks are in the wrong row. 1.0000 0.00957 105 105 0 0
3982 Ever feel like you're quacking up ? 1.0000 0.00995 101 101 0 0
3983 Do you hunt and peck? 1.0000 0.00995 101 101 0 0
3984 We need a lot, because they hunt 'n' peck.. not real fast. 1.0000 0.00995 101 101 0 0
3985 If you're just going to hunt and peck we'll never get out of here. 1.0000 0.01093 92 92 0 0
3986 We'll finally learn if keyboarding is better than hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
3987 I was told there would be no math. 1.0000 0.01460 69 69 0 0
3988 No, the chap in the 3rd row is not cheating, he simply lost his right eye in an accident. 1.0000 0.01093 92 92 0 0
3989 Ducking autocorrect. 1.0000 0.01093 92 92 0 0
3990 Please don't say "if it quacks like a duck" 1.0000 0.01093 92 92 0 0
3991 That whole 'monkeys and typwriters' thing was so last century. 1.0000 0.01093 92 92 0 0
3992 They've each bought 500 shares in Twitter. That's a lot of eggs in one basket. 1.0000 0.00948 106 106 0 0
3993 Okay; we're all lined up in rows. Now what do we do? 1.0000 0.01047 96 96 0 0
3994 "Okay, you have all your ducks in a row... now what? 1.0000 0.01399 72 72 0 0
3995 This is Larry, our new director of Creative Enterprise. 1.0000 0.01504 67 67 0 0
3996 We are hoping one of them is Duckstoyevsky. 1.0000 0.01047 96 96 0 0
3997 Can you believe this shit? 1.0000 0.01070 94 94 0 0
3998 Welp. It’s official: ducks love porn. 1.0000 0.01015 99 99 0 0
3999 They've already written "Hamlet". Now they're starting on "Macbeth". 1.0000 0.00966 104 104 0 0
4000 I hate typing. 1.0000 0.00966 104 104 0 0
4001 Yes, I know - if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck... But what if it merely TYPES like a duck? I'm trying to find out what a duck does type like. 1.0000 0.00966 104 104 0 0
4002 We planned to study their browsing habits, but they all use duckduckgo! 1.0000 0.00957 105 105 0 0
4003 Don't tell 'em the password -- let 'em wing it. 1.0000 0.01005 100 100 0 0
4004 The tweeting can be unbearable at times. 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
4005 We couldn't find any monkeys so we're hoping at least for some Neil Simon. 1.0000 0.01117 90 90 0 0
4006 The monkeys kept giving us Shakespeare, so we've switched to ducks in hopes that they'll produce something that will sell in today's market. 1.0000 0.01258 80 80 0 0
4007 We get fewer typos from the T-rexs but we just don't have the space... 1.0000 0.00957 105 105 0 0
4008 There's always one who doesn't get it. 1.0000 0.01130 89 89 0 0
4009 Clearly the result of affirmative action. 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
4010 First time quacking an election? 1.0000 0.00957 105 105 0 0
4011 I know they're all decoys. It's OK. It's Artificial Intelligence. 1.0000 0.01117 90 90 0 0
4012 Third row, far right, is not a bird of a feather. 1.0000 0.01439 70 70 0 0
4013 There are only one or two of you who fit the bill. 1.0000 0.00873 115 115 0 0
4014 This research facility has really gone to the birds. 1.0000 0.01258 80 80 0 0
4015 It’s obvious you have all your ducks in a row Dr. Canard. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4016 To get the ball rolling, let's start with an easy one: What does 'billing' mean to you? Anything at all. What comes to your mind? 1.0000 0.00995 101 101 0 0
4017 Looks like E2 has ADD, you know, Attention Duck Disorder. 1.0000 0.01105 91 91 0 0
4018 I think these two are a couple of quacks 1.0000 0.01242 81 81 0 0
4019 If it types like a duck... 1.0000 0.00897 112 112 0 0
4020 They took to it like ducks to water. 1.0000 0.00985 102 102 0 0
4021 We’re going to need a goose in order for this to work. 1.0000 0.01258 80 80 0 0
4022 Looks like collusion to me. 1.0000 0.01047 96 96 0 0
4023 That one, looking to the left... he's the subject. The rest are actors. 1.0000 0.01130 89 89 0 0
4024 We're all using laptops, why are they asking if we are all on the same page? 1.0000 0.01274 79 79 0 0
4025 ...this isn't what I meant by animal testing 1.0000 0.01399 72 72 0 0
4026 They're bright enough but they can only search and peck. 1.0000 0.01047 96 96 0 0
4027 OK! Now that we've put our ducks in rows, they need to stop quacking and start hacking! 1.0000 0.00995 101 101 0 0
4028 Do these quacktops have voice recognition? 1.0000 0.00995 101 101 0 0
4029 Teaching these ducks to use the internet would be a great web feat. 1.0000 0.01307 77 77 0 0
4030 Doc, we had a typo. We intended Quakers 1.0000 0.01307 77 77 0 0
4031 Nobody told us we'd be taught by a couple of quacks. 1.0000 0.00948 106 106 0 0
4032 Does not matter how many times we try...they are not giving up their print edition of the morning paper. 1.0000 0.01036 97 97 0 0
4033 You realize Professor, this is a biased sample. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4034 Good question. For the purposes of this study it could be an avenue, a street, a parkway or a road. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4035 They're watching YouTube video of migration routes and best time to fly south. 1.0000 0.00985 102 102 0 0
4036 Got any other birdbrained ideas? 1.0000 0.01274 79 79 0 0
4037 Psst...Is number 3 also 'Quack'? 1.0000 0.00985 102 102 0 0
4038 Okay, so if we're going to play this game, where's the goose? 1.0000 0.00939 107 107 0 0
4039 Is third row extreme right in a cheating or mating mode? 1.0000 0.00897 112 112 0 0
4040 Rate your level of outrage towards the current Quack in Chief on a scale of one to five quacks. How likely are you to fly to Canada for the winter just for the health coverage? 1.0000 0.01290 78 78 0 0
4041 I said Hacks! Not Quacks! 1.0000 0.01143 88 88 0 0
4042 All the ducks are not in a row; they’re in four rows. 1.0000 0.01081 93 93 0 0
4043 But will any of them quack the code? 1.0000 0.01026 98 98 0 0
4044 It's been a week now and not a single tweet from any of them 1.0000 0.01026 98 98 0 0
4045 Agreed, artificial intelligence is for the birds. 1.0000 0.01026 98 98 0 0
4046 Time. Put your beaks down. 1.0000 0.01026 98 98 0 0
4047 Our methodology wasn't sound until we put all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00976 103 103 0 0
4048 I was expecting tryouts for an Aflac ad. 1.0000 0.00976 103 103 0 0
4049 We ran out of monkeys. 1.0000 0.00939 107 107 0 0
4050 Third row, far right, cheating. 1.0000 0.00913 110 110 0 0
4051 We are confident we will quack the code 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
4052 I have to agree, having wifi connected laptops are great for taking notes and performing real-time background research on the topic of the moment. It's the constant "quackity-quack-quackity-quack" of everyone typing at once that drives me nuts. 1.0000 0.01258 80 80 0 0
4053 Hey! You! Which part of “all our ducks in a row” didn’t you understand? 1.0000 0.01227 82 82 0 0
4054 Okay, go! Write a novel about a strong woman with magical powers. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4055 I told you it's quackery. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4056 The're all in a row except one. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4057 Get parrots and try speech recognition software. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4058 So this is how DuckDuckGo does searches? 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4059 We already walked and talked, what the heck is "Google"? 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4060 I thought the monkeys with typewriters were the control group. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4061 It supposedly worked with monkeys and typewriters 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4062 They quack me up! 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4063 I had no idea that congressmen looked like that when they were in session. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4064 One of these things is not like the others. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4065 Focus group they told me. What were they thinking? I can't even read, let alone type! 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4066 The one at the right end of row three needs an intervention. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4067 I like to keep my ducks on-line. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4068 Most of them are still using the hunt and peck method. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4069 These diversity hires are getting out of hand 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4070 It was a little cruel to entice them with a live stream. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4071 I think we are in trouble with these "Birds of a Feather" experiments. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4072 But, Prof. Van Winkle, Groucho's dead! 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4073 Thank you for participating. We believe your polling predictions will be equally accurate. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4074 So far, we've got "Once upon a...." 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4075 I just can't seem to get all my ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4076 "If it's OK with you I'm gonna duck out early today"! 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
4077 Let's just say our secret algorithm is finger-licking good. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
4078 My first step was to get all my ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
4079 Now, if they should also THINK together, we're on to something big! 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
4080 Gulls need to learn coding, too. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
4081 I'll show the foundation I'm no quack! 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
4082 They no longer allow monkeys for these experiments. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
4083 Goes with the motto our financial planning division: “Get all you ducks in a row” 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
4084 Looks like we have a far right texter here. 1.0000 0.01600 63 63 0 0
4085 One of the earliest focus groups for Twitter 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
4086 There's no ducking the fact, our bills are adding up. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
4087 Keeping all your ducks in a row is required if you intend to keep your job Miss Jones. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
4088 Bill I think we should have ducked this class. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4089 This class REALLY is for the birds! 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
4090 you know they can't type fast -just Hunt and peck hunt and peck 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
4091 Who can suggest a good slogan for what to do in the event of a nuclear attack? 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4092 Cover for me, I’m going to duck out. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
4093 How long after you taught them to use the computer did they start watching pornography? 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
4094 The real test is having fifteen minutes before the next class, to clean each seat. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
4095 Well, I thought we had our ducks all in a row - but at least one of them there is having trouble staying on-task 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4096 How is the study going? Have any of them mooed? 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4097 We mainly work on diversity and criticism in this group 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
4098 I like having them in rows. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
4099 I never realized there was a Rubber Duckey I.Q. Test. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
4100 I must say, you’ve got your ducks in several rows! 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
4101 Bad news. The imprinter is broken again. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
4102 These idiots aren’t even going to notice that I misspelled ‘hdjssjfvgddcb’ on purpose. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
4103 Our systems are down. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
4104 As you see, the birds are not behaving at all like Millennials! 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
4105 This department's prone to ducking out early. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4106 There's always one! 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4107 Yes, they do look younger every semester. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4108 No talking! 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4109 They only just stopped quacking when they logged into Netflix. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
4110 Alright code quackers, you may begin. 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
4111 We got our ducks in a row, then monetized the ducks by having them post fake news on Facebook. 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
4112 Do you really think animal testing is necessary? 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
4113 Which one is the mentor? 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
4114 I resent this pigeon holed migration application. We're ducks, after all! 1.0000 0.01709 59 59 0 0
4115 The monkeys could only get as far as "Macbeth". Let see how these guys do. 1.0000 0.01709 59 59 0 0
4116 Describe him 1.0000 0.01709 59 59 0 0
4117 Now please enter your preferred destinations in order of importance - ‘golf course, lake, or seaside.’ 1.0000 0.01709 59 59 0 0
4118 Alright, so who scared off the goose? 1.0000 0.01709 59 59 0 0
4119 So much for affirmative action. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4120 Online learning is opening new horizons. 1.0000 0.01709 59 59 0 0
4121 I hear the company makes something called duck blinds, but I can't see a thing 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
4122 Next time let's use mouses. 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
4123 Goose...Goose...has anyone seen Goose? 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
4124 ANSWER: Their next class is across the street. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
4125 The compiled works of monkeys and typewriters was copyrighted. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
4126 So far, only one of them has typed a Shakespeare play. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
4127 As you can see, I found a way to keep your class attendence high during week two of classes. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
4128 First to quack the code gets a piece of bread. 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
4129 The turducken question has them a little ruffled. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
4130 I constantly tell the beak in the front row never wing it when the suits are watching. 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
4131 As a team-building exercise, we played a game of Duck Duck Goose. It was very confusing and they found it quite offensive. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
4132 Third row, furthest to the right. He's the odd duck. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
4133 monkeys for Shakespeare, ducks for Dostoyevsky 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4134 We'd better watch that guy on the right in the next to last row. Something's different about him. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
4135 They "quack" when its fake news. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
4136 I warned the dean that this would happen if we allowed poultry to audit class. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4137 So, how did you sell the idea for funding this?. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4138 It's the Infinite Duck Theorem. We're hoping they can write our new Terms of Service Agreement. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4139 Statistics lab before the discovery of variance. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4140 Egg production is down, but they've written a great screenplay. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4141 It's harsh, yes, but if they don't pass the boards they'll be thought of as quacks. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4142 Web Enabled Sitting Ducks 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4143 This isn't what I meant by get your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4144 These candidates were selected out of a pool of thousands. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4145 You do realize that they're not all in a row? 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4146 They've Spent the Entire Morning Deleting Duck Recipes. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4147 They want to see which of us quacks under pressure. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
4148 Yes QUACK1 is the Password 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4149 I thought you said they would all fly south for the winter semester. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4150 This should stop them from flying into Windows. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4151 Well Mr. Jenkins I believe we finally got them in the right pecking order. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4152 Their quacks are fine, but their tweets are nasty. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4153 HR says we need to hire more women. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4154 Maybe they know "hunt and peck." 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4155 They filter out "duck face" selfies with over 99.99% accuracy. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4156 After 2 years, 3 months, 24 days, 7 hours we finally have all but one's full attention. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4157 Another graduating class of quacks. Good work, Doctor. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4158 We've got all our ducks in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4159 Look carefully -Is the bill right ? 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
4160 Now I know what you meant when you said that your class 'was just ducky.' 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4161 We may have a problem. These are touch screens. They are not sensitive to the touch of feathers or beaks. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
4162 Tell them Donald's impatient -- they've only got five more minutes to come up with the new tax bill... 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
4163 It took forever, but I just accidentally typed out the entire works of William Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
4164 You'd think the Q and the U would be closer together. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4165 They're a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4166 Apparently word got out that my classes are for the birds! 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4167 Keep your eye on those two. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4168 We finally discovered what happened to all those Twitter eggs. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4169 This time we've mixed it up a bit, so we hope to get a very broad cross-section of opinion. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4170 What's a troll farm? 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4171 I told you to get monkeys if you want them to type Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4172 There's something wrong with autocorrect. It keeps correcting to "duck you". 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4173 Impressive attendance from this lot. None of these candidates have been ducking out of work. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4174 No, I don't think a mouse is going to help. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4175 it's a slam duck. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4176 All our ducks are in a row, let's get started. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4177 I'm not a bill reader, but keep your eye on row 3, Seat 1. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4178 This is a good start but we're going to need hundreds more to handle Trump's tweets. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4179 How does any work get done around here? All they do is Tweet! 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4180 Not Shakespeare. Twitter. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4181 Those two, at least, are attempting to quack the quark. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4182 It's just a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4183 While there are subtle differences between them, let's face it, nothing's happening here, they're ducks. 1.0000 0.01653 61 61 0 0
4184 He's definitely cheating. Let's get the duck out of here. 1.0000 0.01653 61 61 0 0
4185 I always knew these election call centers are ran by a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
4186 It's not AI but its a step toward it. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
4187 All I'm saying is that there oughta be a better way than hunt-and-peck. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
4188 Their only condition was using DuckDuckGo as the search engine. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
4189 Don't worry. The monkeys told me they give you all the time in the world. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
4190 No, the experiment’s goal was nothing as grand as Duck University. But who expected that quack in the front row to get 43 million followers on Twitter? 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4191 A large number of monkeys could produce a work of Shakespeare. But ducks? 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4192 What can be worse than a hundred tweeting Donalds? 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4193 We are now automating stupidity. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4194 He's the odd duck out. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4195 The monkeys are all working for Trump. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
4196 He said, “Make sure your duck are online?” 1.0000 0.01527 66 66 0 0
4197 Holy cow, this is a Scientology recruiter's dream! 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
4198 You're right. Your students are ducking your class. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
4199 Class....Let's begin...hunt hunt peck..hunt hunt peck... 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
4200 Well, the focus group at Apple paid $100 and a choice of minnow or sardine. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
4201 They don't get that we're telepathic. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
4202 You do realize that no one cares. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
4203 Now that we have our ducks in a row, let's get quackin' 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4204 It's very peculiar -- all they seem to want to do is play "Angry Birds" 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
4205 I thought we agreed on penguins. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4206 We may not get a perfect bell curve out of this one. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4207 Free range? 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4208 Everyone says they're quacks. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4209 Professor, the platypus in the penultimate row is clueless, again. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4210 Sir, I think you've finally quacked it 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
4211 I think that those two on the end of the third aisle are sleeping together. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4212 Well, ducks are in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
4213 I'm serious, Bob. They're all quacks. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4214 A near perfect outcome! I think it’s publishable if you can get your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4215 They bring a different perspective to the job. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4216 I agree. The ornithology students are a lot different now than when we were in school. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4217 Raise your wing if you are here for beginning computer science. 1.0000 0.01600 63 63 0 0
4218 This is the class for Quacks, right? 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
4219 Congratulations, I see you have all your ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
4220 Sure, they're all quackers. But which ones are the hackers? 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
4221 Impressive test scores for a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
4222 All I asked for was some cracked corn. 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
4223 You’re right, that one in the third row is cheating 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
4224 Okay, but can you get them student loans? 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
4225 Yes, I'll grant you that on the surface none of them appear to be working hard, but rest assured, sir, . . . 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
4226 That wasn’t auto-correct. They actually did mean to type ‘ducking.’ 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
4227 Time is up - please put down your wings. 1.0000 0.01709 59 59 0 0
4228 Third row, far right just typed, "Now is the z1x=." 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
4229 If you don't know the answer, just say 'Quack' 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4230 They're just sitting there tweeting. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
4231 . . . that's so hackneyed. So what do you do with them once you get'em in a row? 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
4232 It's like I've always said, 'You can lead a duck to a computer...' 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
4233 Wait till the affirmative action office hears about this. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
4234 "How come you get to troll California"? 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
4235 Sure, they seem satisfied now. It’s when they get their bill in the mail that we really start to hear the complaints. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
4236 As we boot-up, a reminder: as we bring into being alternative sets of facts, we're really here just to have a good time. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
4237 I guess monkeys with typewriters are considered old technology these days. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4238 It all started with free range 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
4239 Now that we have all our ducks in a row, let's get started. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
4240 And finally, No Peaking Ducks! 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
4241 I really do think we'll beat the monkeys on the Hamlet test. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4242 Pigs, lizards, and now ducks. I think we have conclusive evidence that "cat video enthrallment" is a cross-species phenomenon. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
4243 And you thought 12 was the odd duck. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4244 Since the whole 280 characters thing, we've had to expand our Twitter department. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
4245 Everything seems to be in order, let's begin... 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
4246 I'd have preferred monkeys. It is The Complete Works, after all. 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
4247 We've got them in rows, they are all seated, and we've identified the odd ones. Looks like we're ready to administer the test. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
4248 They owe it all to Calvin Trillin and the Tic-Tac-Toe Chicken. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
4249 what if you're left handed ? 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
4250 Let's give the twelve monkeys another chance. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
4251 The pecking we anticipated. It was the hunting that was a surprise. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
4252 Think there's anything to that wing and a prayer bit? 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
4253 I see we have our ducks all lined up. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
4254 Congress can never make the best use of their bills. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
4255 At least we can be sure they're not tweeting. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
4256 These ducks ARE in a row. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
4257 I was sick of being told “Get all your ducks in a row”. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
4258 He forgot his password again. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
4259 Now, if they can just grasp the concept of switching them on. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
4260 I told you he was a Peking duck! 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
4261 While the department appreciates your initiative, Steve, we're concerned that you may have misunderstood the adage. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
4262 We tried a regular mouse, tried an ergo-mouse, even tried a touchpad. Then IT hooked up the foot pedals and everyone except for "you-know-who" has been meeting their target. The cat is scheduled to come at 11. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
4263 No, if you want Shakespeare, it has to be monkeys. The best the ducks can do is Neil Simon. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
4264 Think Different 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
4265 When did it become so competitive just to be a duck..... 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
4266 Virtual migration my ass. Wanna do the Mini? 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
4267 Our company produces the cracker packets that accompany bowls of soup at restaurants. We're currently in the process of rebranding and are interested in feedback from our primary consumers. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
4268 Looks like he's come to the part about opposable thumbs. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
4269 Aflac is funding the study. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
4270 I wanted the ducks in a row, not online. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
4271 I can't help you, sister. Usually we just have to press a bar to get the treat. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
4272 All right, enough with the wisequacks. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
4273 We're getting our ducks in a row for the new product launch. 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
4274 At times I feel as if we are teaching a bunch of future quacks. 1.0000 0.01600 63 63 0 0
4275 We predict that this new app will get millions of clucks. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4276 " They're the monkeys' ghostwriters." Submitted by Neil L. Sachs, Monmouth Junction, NJ 1.0000 0.01709 59 59 0 0
4277 Don't look now, but third row on the far right might be using Tinder. 1.0000 0.01709 59 59 0 0
4278 They don't look very angry to me. 1.0000 0.01527 66 66 0 0
4279 Very funny Ms Riley! Are there any more questions besides "How do you get down off a duck"? 1.0000 0.01527 66 66 0 0
4280 If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, but tweets like a bird... 1.0000 0.01527 66 66 0 0
4281 I think our Diversity program is coming along nicely. 1.0000 0.01527 66 66 0 0
4282 Don't you think twitter has gone a bit to far? 1.0000 0.01527 66 66 0 0
4283 At last, we've got our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
4284 I just typed all of Shakespeare. How about you? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
4285 When they say "click," we cluck. Pass it on! 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
4286 One more duck and we have the president's language. 1.0000 0.01439 70 70 0 0
4287 "Bring in the monkeys, I don't think in an infinite amount of time, typing randomly, these ducks could complete the plays of Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.01600 63 63 0 0
4288 Who cares, it was a government grant to establish a pecking order, and it pays well, so let's take our time.... 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
4289 Here you see a typical IT Department of odd ducks. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
4290 I'm sure the purchase order said an infinite number of monkeys. 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
4291 Should you tell him or should I. 1.0000 0.01600 63 63 0 0
4292 This affirmative action thing is for the birds 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
4293 Unless the goose shows in a couple of minutes, we have to cancel the game. 1.0000 0.01307 77 77 0 0
4294 I know the experiment was a disaster, but at least we have all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.01361 74 74 0 0
4295 They enjoy the cage-free work environment. 1.0000 0.01504 67 67 0 0
4296 Our first lesson will demonstrate the difference between printing and imprinting on your computer. 1.0000 0.01504 67 67 0 0
4297 Well, there is no ducking the truth of the research Phillip. 1.0000 0.01504 67 67 0 0
4298 Bring back the monkeys. There's not a Shakespeare in this lot, though I did spot a promising Barbara Cartland. 1.0000 0.01504 67 67 0 0
4299 They're on Facebook or Twitter, so your lecture is optional. 1.0000 0.01709 59 59 0 0
4300 So far, they've only learned how to do the "friend" request. 1.0000 0.01325 76 76 0 0
4301 How are we supposed to use a keyboard with wings? 1.0000 0.01325 76 76 0 0
4302 Doctor, your theory can't be proven. You're supposed to be dealing with an infinite amount of time and monkeys. 1.0000 0.01325 76 76 0 0
4303 Apparently, none of them know which direction is South. 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
4304 A thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters was really outside our budget. 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
4305 I know we have to try everything, but I don't think this is how he fixed the election! 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
4306 Now, Ready, Set. . .Duck! 1.0000 0.01399 72 72 0 0
4307 It's even cheaper than India. 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
4308 I think that one in the front just flipped me a bird. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
4309 Who's the quack with the clipboard? 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
4310 Say the word, and they'll start migrating the database to the cloud. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
4311 College just isn't like it used to be. Now there are all these bills. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
4312 Could we get the ducks all in a row? 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
4313 I don't know if PBS will like this 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
4314 Ok, they’re all in a row - let’s get started. 1.0000 0.01504 67 67 0 0
4315 They heard that Southwest was running a migration special. 1.0000 0.01399 72 72 0 0
4316 Such quacks! 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
4317 “There’s always one ‘lookey-loo’. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4318 Attention please. When filling in all required fields do not include titles such as King or Emperor. Here in the USA all citizens are equal. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
4319 This is a ducking nightmare. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
4320 I wanted monkeys, but these were cheaper. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
4321 I wish we could afford monkeys 1.0000 0.01460 69 69 0 0
4322 Row 3. Quit your quacking and turn your beak around. 1.0000 0.01460 69 69 0 0
4323 The one on the far right? ...third row? I'm not paying him to look around. Bring him home tonight. We'll have him for supper. 1.0000 0.01460 69 69 0 0
4324 We couldn't find enough monkeys or typewriters, but we figured that birds should be pretty good at pecking out words on a computer. 1.0000 0.01460 69 69 0 0
4325 How many scientists does it take to establish that yes, we are ducks seated in rows? 1.0000 0.01460 69 69 0 0
4326 How long can you continue with this quack science? 1.0000 0.01460 69 69 0 0
4327 You certainly do have all of your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
4328 There's always one bad egg. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4329 OK, its confirmed, kitten videos are addictive 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4330 I'm going to select goose today just for fun. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4331 Professor, before we go public we have to get all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4332 Something tells me that one doesn't want to be in a row. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4333 A bunch of quacks, if you ask me. 1.0000 0.01653 61 61 0 0
4334 Do not take out your bag of peanuts. 1.0000 0.01653 61 61 0 0
4335 Looks like you got some grade A students, Professor. 1.0000 0.01653 61 61 0 0
4336 Can you believe these quacks? 1.0000 0.01274 79 79 0 0
4337 Do we all use the same username? 1.0000 0.01399 72 72 0 0
4338 They always get stuck on the crossing the road question. 1.0000 0.01399 72 72 0 0
4339 This of course is our corporate innovation department. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
4340 The Admission's computer was hacked again this year. 1.0000 0.01399 72 72 0 0
4341 They've been here since 4 a.m. and their computers have yet to get any worms. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
4342 Now we just have to identify the goose. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4343 We'll be timing you on your words per minute, so no hunting-and-pecking. 1.0000 0.01399 72 72 0 0
4344 How did the company mascot get control over hiring in marketing? 1.0000 0.01212 83 83 0 0
4345 When I started teaching the ducks did their calculations with a slide rule. 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
4346 They're working on The Mallard of Venice. 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
4347 Maybe you'd have better luck with a category like "Birds of a Feather." 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
4348 You’ll never know, because ducks don’t talk. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
4349 Our diversity director says we need a goose. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
4350 Great. Another conference presenting our clinical trial results to a bunch of quacks! 1.0000 0.01325 76 76 0 0
4351 Act natural Susan, they don't know we're quacks. 1.0000 0.01325 76 76 0 0
4352 I think we have to re-examine the accuracy of these opinion polls. Is our sample diverse enough? 1.0000 0.01460 69 69 0 0
4353 Well, it’s not quite Shakespeare but Duck #12 has a column at HuffPost now. 1.0000 0.01460 69 69 0 0
4354 Good for you professor, this is how to have your ducks in a row, eh. 1.0000 0.01460 69 69 0 0
4355 I know about the Infinite Monkey theory. This is different. These are ducks. You ever hear of the World Wide Web? 1.0000 0.01212 83 83 0 0
4356 Aaand check - our new psychedelic passes the first test. 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
4357 I asked for all beaks on me please. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4358 I feel we're being force-fed this stuff. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4359 I see you have your ducks in rows. Now what? 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4360 It never really worked with all those damn monkeys and all their damn typewriters, but maybe this will turn out a decent book. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4361 If you don't know all the answers, just wing it. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4362 So, this is the current pecking order? 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4363 Three A is actually a published novelist but the rest don't know. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4364 Didn’t we have this yesterday in constitutional law? 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
4365 It would take less time if they had fingers. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
4366 It's our new, fully scale-able solution for getting your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.01418 71 71 0 0
4367 It's Egg, right? 1.0000 0.01418 71 71 0 0
4368 It was a lot more interesting when we did this with monkeys... 1.0000 0.01418 71 71 0 0
4369 The monkeys couldn't deliver on a Shakespearean sonnet but one of these birds should produce a coherent tweet any day now. 1.0000 0.01418 71 71 0 0
4370 Okay, you're organized. Also, maybe a tad literal-minded. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4371 Maybe we should have deleted the cat videos? 1.0000 0.01418 71 71 0 0
4372 You have ninety minutes. No cheating, no asking your neighbor for answers, and certainly no quacking for pieces of bread. 1.0000 0.01575 64 64 0 0
4373 Well, we did specify that for this test group we wanted a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.01575 64 64 0 0
4374 They are attempting to influence the next NRA election. 1.0000 0.01575 64 64 0 0
4375 There's always one bad egg in a brood! 1.0000 0.01575 64 64 0 0
4376 Should I tell them that I only know the hunt-and-peck method? 1.0000 0.01575 64 64 0 0
4377 Most of subjects are being quite receptive to the tele-migrating experiment 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
4378 It doesn't matter how many times they stream it, professor -- I don't think ducks will ever understand "the upside down." 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
4379 Trump's new cybersecurity crew. 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
4380 Did you hear about Donald? He's gone into hiding since last year's election. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4381 The market for chick lit is booming. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4382 I heard the monkeys got to keep theirs. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4383 Ask Health and Human Services if they need any more quacks. 1.0000 0.01418 71 71 0 0
4384 There was less cheating when they were in cages. 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
4385 so far they have only written about monkeys 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
4386 It never fails - every study group has at least one with ADD. 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
4387 Sometimes I feel like a bunch of quacks are running the business. 1.0000 0.01653 61 61 0 0
4388 Mine says: Donald91475 votes impeach! Type any key send. 1.0000 0.01653 61 61 0 0
4389 I smell death threats from PETA...Even I feel this is TRUE cruelty… 1.0000 0.01653 61 61 0 0
4390 Via duck Dr. Quackenbush? Oy gevalt. 1.0000 0.01653 61 61 0 0
4391 Doctor, I know it hurts to be called a 'quack', but maybe this situation's a bit different. 1.0000 0.01653 61 61 0 0
4392 At some point we all ask ourselves---Why pick ticks off a rhino when they can be delivered to your front door? 1.0000 0.01653 61 61 0 0
4393 They look like ducks, they type like ducks but do they quack like ducks? 1.0000 0.01653 61 61 0 0
4394 No chance they make it to residency. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
4395 No Shakespeare yet, but they did type the President's entire Twitter feed in the first ten minutes. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
4396 How does any work get done around here? All they do is Tweet all day. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
4397 Sorry, but I am not simply accepting the terms of service until I have read it entirely. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4398 You can really tell which ducks don't take Adderall. 1.0000 0.01653 61 61 0 0
4399 When the company decided to down size, I somehow didn't anticipate that it would turn out quite this literally. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4400 Seems like there's a "Ducks-in-a-row" joke here somewhere. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4401 OK, congressmen, we will be voting in few minutes 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
4402 Are you sure it says ducks? I always thought it was a room full of monkeys. Maybe check the ISO procedure. 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
4403 Took a whole semester to get all of my ducks in a row. Now look at Herman. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
4404 We forgot about the goose. 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
4405 One of them is bound to quack the code 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
4406 Duck Snoop 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
4407 Can you explain to me again why we are using ducks to send fake news to Russia. 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
4408 Maybe it's just me--but isn't every one of these spatial cognition exercises skewed toward linear thinking? 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
4409 It's not an infinite number of monkeys, but we don't expect Shakespeare either. 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
4410 We couldn't get monkeys or typewriters, but we're still hopeful. 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
4411 Maybe we ARE quacks. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
4412 You just know they're going to be quack doctors. 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
4413 With the ducks in a row, we can begin. 1.0000 0.06455 16 16 0 0
4414 Let's face it. The hunt and peck method just isn't working. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
4415 They seem to like the cat videos for some reason. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4416 It appears that every flock has a few with a need to feel different. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4417 Who knew Chick Lit 101 would be so popular? 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4418 You're not going to report that porn is the key to keeping your ducks in a row! They'll call you a quack! 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4419 We probably shouldn't have given them the voice activated models. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4420 I get the gag--but Shakespeare's big disadvantage back then was, clearly, that he didn't have ducks. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4421 Third row back, all the way to the right. I'll bet you five bucks he's the first one to duck class. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4422 I forgot my password. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4423 Ok we’re all in a row, we’re sitting, very funny!? Now they want us to fill out a survey?!! F#!% a duck! 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4424 I told you it wasn’t so easy to get your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4425 They're all in a row. What now? 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4426 How do you turn this on? 1.0000 0.01504 67 67 0 0
4427 This is further confirmation and clarification of our original theory. We can now add if it keyboards like a duck. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4428 Third row! No squawking, please. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4429 Hmmmm, perhaps we need to get our ducks into a single row? 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4430 For a cyber attack, they’re sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4431 They've done more to change everything than any other twitter choir in the history of the world. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4432 Stop calling us quacks. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4433 Our funding was cut for lack of diversity... 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4434 They walk like a med student and talk like a med student. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4435 This study is for the birds. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
4436 The results are astounding from these... tell me again, platypuses or platypi? 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
4437 Oregon University starts to take itself a little too seriously... 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
4438 I always like to keep my ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
4439 The monkeys insisted on typewriters. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4440 If they had thumbs, I’m sure we’d get Hamlet 1.0000 0.01600 63 63 0 0
4441 All they can do is tweet! 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
4442 The good news is "They work for Chicken Feed". The bad news "They can't type". 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
4443 Fifteen ducks and one schmuck. 1.0000 0.01575 64 64 0 0
4444 We've just about got our ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.01575 64 64 0 0
4445 I hear the quota's going to be raised to 3 Tweets per minute. 1.0000 0.01575 64 64 0 0
4446 The duck in the middle of the front row is a right winger. 1.0000 0.01575 64 64 0 0
4447 Unfortunately, they only know how to hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.01575 64 64 0 0
4448 If it looks like a duck but acts like a Russian then it must be security breach. 1.0000 0.01575 64 64 0 0
4449 “They don’t find the word ‘duck’ the least bit funny. 1.0000 0.01575 64 64 0 0
4450 Maybe if we add feather-touch unlock, they'll be more excited by it? 1.0000 0.01575 64 64 0 0
4451 They flew in from India. 1.0000 0.01575 64 64 0 0
4452 It appears we have some ADHD issues going on in 3A. 1.0000 0.01575 64 64 0 0
4453 It's Trump's study group about Global warming 1.0000 0.01653 61 61 0 0
4454 I think this climate change focus group might be biased. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
4455 I've been doing this for a thousand years, Mel. There aren't any good programmers in this bunch. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4456 I'm not sure this is the right test for these huntand-peckers. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4457 Given infinite time to infinite ducks with infinite computers, you will still not discover one truly funny cartoon caption. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4458 This job isn't what it was quacked up to be. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4459 Looks like we have all our ducks in a row on this project, Stan 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4460 The wifi password is 'foiegras', all lowercase. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4461 Looks like the computers are all down today. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4462 Did you eat your mouse, too? 1.0000 0.01342 75 75 0 0
4463 I've put all your ducks in a row, now what? 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4464 Hmm, voice to text is even more difficult than hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
4465 This site’s so good they’re flocking to it. 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
4466 My records indicate A3 and C1 have a conformity issue. 1.0000 0.01550 65 65 0 0
4467 I’ve heard that birds of a feather flock together, but this is ridiculous. 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
4468 The Ducks Matter focus group unanimously votes that, through Presidential executive order, Peking Duck be removed from restaurant menus immediately. 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
4469 This is the group that transferred from Perdue. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
4470 You know, I could really use a mouse. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4471 You can get your ducks in rows. So, what? 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
4472 No Freida, everyone gets the same time on the quiz, whether you hunt and peck or touchtype 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
4473 lesson #1 "If you look like a duck and quack like a duck and you match the google description of a duck, you ARE a duck, so class dismissed, except the cheating dummy on left third row down, you stay after class "! 1.0000 0.01709 59 59 0 0
4474 I can see that you have all your ducks in a row 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
4475 They do know that feathers don't work this way. Don't they? 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
4476 I can’t code when people are watching. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
4477 we are still interviewing for the goose. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
4478 We've really cut down on expenses ever since we started hiring migrant workers. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
4479 Actually, to be grammatically correct, they are in rows. 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
4480 So how does this prove ducks are smarter than our president? 1.0000 0.01527 66 66 0 0
4481 I use the hunt and peck method. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
4482 Before we begin, make sure that you have your ducks lined up. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4483 See this one in the front? He just sent the one in row three an anti-mallard joke. Let's see what happens. 1.0000 0.01527 66 66 0 0
4484 These standardized tests are for the birds 1.0000 0.01600 63 63 0 0
4485 Those two are ducking the issue! 1.0000 0.01600 63 63 0 0
4486 I told you to get all of your ducks in one row. 1.0000 0.01600 63 63 0 0
4487 Thousand ducks on a thousand laptops and all they do is search for porn. 1.0000 0.01600 63 63 0 0
4488 “My expectation are high because ducks score highest on standardized tests among the college bound water fowl. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
4489 well, you were the one who wanted all the ducks to line up. Now what? 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
4490 First day of med school, they're all sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4491 I don't know about you, Huey, but I'm beginning to think those scientists in charge of this are just a couple quacks. 1.0000 0.01504 67 67 0 0
4492 They are learning how to get their ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.01504 67 67 0 0
4493 They're sitting ducks, with internet access. 1.0000 0.01504 67 67 0 0
4494 To them, we are research subjects. But to me, we're just sitting ducks! 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
4495 Why bother? They're just a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.01325 76 76 0 0
4496 They're our best quack writers in the fake news department 1.0000 0.00816 123 123 0 0
4497 This social psychology course is weirder than I thought 1.0000 0.00905 111 111 0 0
4498 Subject A3 demonstrates great initiative, but his output is less creative--mainly old canards. 1.0000 0.00738 136 136 0 0
4499 Not the brightest group, but a lot less chatty than the parrots. 1.0000 0.00170 590 590 0 0
4500 Do you know how hard it was to get them set up like this, and now you want them all in a row? 1.0000 0.00140 714 714 0 0
4501 Well, it looks like you've got all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00144 697 697 0 0
4502 I see that you have your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00142 707 707 0 0
4503 What's the pecking order again? 1.0000 0.00112 894 894 0 0
4504 We're almost done migrating to the new operating system. 1.0000 0.00108 923 923 0 0
4505 I'm glad I learned the QWACKY keyboard. 1.0000 0.00101 994 994 0 0
4506 These are the new AFLAC scholars. 1.0000 0.00194 515 515 0 0
4507 I'm afraid they'll migrate to another site. 1.0000 0.00135 743 743 0 0
4508 There seems to be some sort of pecking order. 1.0000 0.00101 992 992 0 0
4509 Well, you try and find a thousand monkeys. 1.0000 0.00143 701 701 0 0
4510 You can tell Donald his hand-picked cyber security team is finally online. 1.0000 0.00088 1134 1134 0 0
4511 We can begin now that we have our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00149 671 671 0 0
4512 So far, all they've written is quap. 1.0000 0.00100 996 996 0 0
4513 Yes it's stupid but it's completely funded by the government and that's good enough for me. 1.0000 0.00110 913 913 0 0
4514 Make sure no one tweets! 1.0000 0.00120 834 834 0 0
4515 The one in row 3, on the right, has ADD 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
4516 Gary Larsen tried to warn us but did we listen? 1.0000 0.00284 353 353 0 0
4517 We're getting ready for the annual Audubon Society phone a thon. 1.0000 0.00097 1032 1032 0 0
4518 The course description misspelled "Quarks." 1.0000 0.00097 1035 1035 0 0
4519 You can lead a duck to Twitter but you can't make it tweet. 1.0000 0.00094 1064 1064 0 0
4520 If it looks like a duck, and types like a duck... 1.0000 0.00121 830 830 0 0
4521 Move south, they all said. Find cheaper labor, they all said. 1.0000 0.00173 578 578 0 0
4522 Why do we have to take the same FAA General Operating and Flight Rules exam EVERY year? 1.0000 0.00289 347 347 0 0
4523 When you're ready to begin, just double-cluck. 1.0000 0.00143 698 698 0 0
4524 Now, if we could just get them to understand the difference between a quack and a tweet. 1.0000 0.00199 503 503 0 0
4525 The age of outsourcing is over. We’re bringing jobs back to the US. 1.0000 0.00322 311 311 0 0
4526 I only get a response if I let them play Angry Birds. 1.0000 0.00115 867 867 0 0
4527 OK, they got us in their precious rows. Now what. 1.0000 0.00157 638 638 0 0
4528 That one is an "odd duck" 1.0000 0.00133 753 753 0 0
4529 Designing the keyboard has been a bit of a challenge. 1.0000 0.00107 932 932 0 0
4530 Their penmanship may be poor, but their typing is impeccable. 1.0000 0.00128 782 782 0 0
4531 Well, we’ve finally got all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00127 787 787 0 0
4532 The most popular search query continues to be 'funny cat videos'. 1.0000 0.00116 863 863 0 0
4533 I believe third row right is Peking. 1.0000 0.00117 852 852 0 0
4534 They code for Aflac. 1.0000 0.00110 910 910 0 0
4535 Your hypothesis is correct. You can lead a duck to Twitter, but you can't make him tweet. 1.0000 0.00760 132 132 0 0
4536 They are good for debugging 1.0000 0.00197 507 507 0 0
4537 They look calm but their feet are going like hell. 1.0000 0.00088 1140 1140 0 0
4538 OK students, your first 500 word essay question is: "If you look like Duck, walk like a Duck, and quack like a Duck, are you really a Duck? 1.0000 0.00167 601 601 0 0
4539 I miss the rats. 1.0000 0.00116 860 860 0 0
4540 Of course it didn't work. It has to be monkeys and typewriters. 1.0000 0.00112 891 891 0 0
4541 We are preparing them to work in the AFLAC call center. 1.0000 0.00245 409 409 0 0
4542 See him there, at the end of the row? Troublemaker. 1.0000 0.00406 247 247 0 0
4543 His name is Donald. 1.0000 0.00184 545 545 0 0
4544 Look to your right and your left. By the end of this fall, only 1 of you will have made it south. 1.0000 0.00113 889 889 0 0
4545 "Do we migrate to 'the cloud' now? 1.0000 0.00107 939 939 0 0
4546 Being white, and all, their work visas were a snap. 1.0000 0.00119 838 838 0 0
4547 And this is our actuarial department here at Aflac. 1.0000 0.00104 966 966 0 0
4548 I answered an ad. What about you? 1.0000 0.00341 294 294 0 0
4549 They're cheaper than monkeys, but they only produce chick lit. 1.0000 0.00116 863 863 0 0
4550 Third row from front, far right. Trouble. 1.0000 0.00115 868 868 0 0
4551 Physically exhausted from getting his ducks in row, Dr. Drumstik immediately regretted his decision to require a 12-14 character password with one upper case and one lower case letter, along with one number, and a symbol. 1.0000 0.00091 1103 1103 0 0
4552 I suspect we’ll have attendance problems after fall mid-terms. 1.0000 0.00090 1115 1115 0 0
4553 Anyone seen using the hunt and peck method will be disqualified. 1.0000 0.00121 825 825 0 0
4554 They can quack, but they just can’t tweet. 1.0000 0.00091 1095 1095 0 0
4555 Inexplicably, they're all watching cat videos. 1.0000 0.00985 102 102 0 0
4556 Remember, no tweeting. 1.0000 0.00069 1442 1442 0 0
4557 I asked you to hire some hackers, not quackers. 1.0000 0.00068 1478 1478 0 0
4558 The monkeys could hunt but they couldn't peck. 1.0000 0.00114 874 874 0 0
4559 What the duck? 1.0000 0.00496 202 202 0 0
4560 There's always the odd duck. 1.0000 0.00121 827 827 0 0
4561 Row 3, duck 4 seems to have become self aware. 1.0000 0.00079 1265 1265 0 0
4562 We've hired a bunch of quacks to review all the fake news 1.0000 0.00089 1130 1130 0 0
4563 I'll be devastated if I get anything lower than a Grade A. 1.0000 0.00103 974 974 0 0
4564 I suppose it's not surprising how often they hit the Down key. 1.0000 0.00068 1461 1461 0 0
4565 As soon as your back is turned, they'll start tweeting. 1.0000 0.00075 1340 1340 0 0
4566 Well, now that we've got our ducks in a row... 1.0000 0.00099 1012 1012 0 0
4567 I said to assemble a team of hackers, not quackers. 1.0000 0.00097 1031 1031 0 0
4568 Well, this is The New Yorker. We're not exactly going for Shakespeare here. 1.0000 0.00088 1134 1134 0 0
4569 Ever since the pond in the quad froze over, attendence has been way up. 1.0000 0.00074 1358 1358 0 0
4570 Which one cried fowl? 1.0000 0.00076 1310 1310 0 0
4571 I hate this flocking class. 1.0000 0.00139 721 721 0 0
4572 All seem to be taking their tests and not cheating, except for that one on the end who appears to be Peking. 1.0000 0.00070 1432 1432 0 0
4573 It appears the "farm-to-table" movement has really come a long way. 1.0000 0.00137 730 730 0 0
4574 That's it for today class. Close your computers and leave the room in a nice, orderly V formation 1.0000 0.00080 1243 1243 0 0
4575 CIA potential !! She immediately recognized all but one as decoys. 1.0000 0.00072 1383 1383 0 0
4576 I suspect fowl play in this study 1.0000 0.00064 1553 1553 0 0
4577 I can't believe this is Aflac's focus group. 1.0000 0.00090 1112 1112 0 0
4578 Sure it's temporary, but it beats flying south for the winter. 1.0000 0.00076 1313 1313 0 0
4579 Without hands we're just a bunch of sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.00117 853 853 0 0
4580 It's still more reliable than WebMD. 1.0000 0.00110 911 911 0 0
4581 We had to farm out the work. 1.0000 0.00079 1261 1261 0 0
4582 So far the front row middle one is the only one who has figured out how to use the mouse. 1.0000 0.00219 457 457 0 0
4583 Psst! Hey, how do you delete your browser history? 1.0000 0.00136 737 737 0 0
4584 She has got us all in a row, but watch he will claim credit. 1.0000 0.00090 1115 1115 0 0
4585 They're ready to start billing. 1.0000 0.00086 1162 1162 0 0
4586 Well, so much for feather-touch keyboards. 1.0000 0.00132 759 759 0 0
4587 I found out why they didn't want us opening the "recipes" app. 1.0000 0.00104 963 963 0 0
4588 OK. We've gotten them all in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.00086 1165 1165 0 0
4589 They all seem to be checking Google Maps for the best route south. 1.0000 0.00188 533 533 0 0
4590 Show our friend in the third row what happens to cheaters. 1.0000 0.00091 1102 1102 0 0
4591 They were doing just fine until I tried to teach them Control Alt Delete. 1.0000 0.00221 454 454 0 0
4592 It’s hard to keep their attention when all they’re thinking about is migrating next week. 1.0000 0.00131 765 765 0 0
4593 Third row on the right! Would you like to share with the class? 1.0000 0.00091 1096 1096 0 0
4594 Welcome to AFLAk. 1.0000 0.00164 611 611 0 0
4595 Wait—existential ornithology? I thought this was computer science. 1.0000 0.00121 829 829 0 0
4596 See, I told you @realDonaldTrump's followers weren't bots. 1.0000 0.00127 785 785 0 0
4597 The monkeys hadn't produced anything good since The Tempest. 1.0000 0.00086 1169 1169 0 0
4598 Right winger in row 3. 1.0000 0.00083 1206 1206 0 0
4599 They're sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.00092 1093 1093 0 0
4600 We're nowhere near the collected works of Shakespeare yet, but we do have most of the lyrics to Bye-Bye Birdie. 1.0000 0.00080 1257 1257 0 0
4601 Perhaps I should have been clearer in what I meant by "billing department." 1.0000 0.00098 1017 1017 0 0
4602 In this typing class the students seem to like the hunt & peck method the best. 1.0000 0.00111 902 902 0 0
4603 OK, you have five minutes to quack the code. Begin now. 1.0000 0.00106 943 943 0 0
4604 They're winging it until one of them quacks the code. 1.0000 0.00080 1254 1254 0 0
4605 This is how Trump is able to Tweet at all hours... and the origin of covfefe. 1.0000 0.00076 1310 1310 0 0
4606 Corn futures. What are you tracking? 1.0000 0.00158 634 634 0 0
4607 Your screens are prepared for voting. For "chicken," press 1. For "egg," press 2. 1.0000 0.00118 849 849 0 0
4608 There is always one odd duck. 1.0000 0.00116 866 866 0 0
4609 “Thank you once again for volunteering to test the first webbed site on the internet”. 1.0000 0.00124 809 809 0 0
4610 Yes, they're all calling you a quack, but I don't think you should take it personally. 1.0000 0.00166 604 604 0 0
4611 Are you sure this is the right pecking order? 1.0000 0.00189 531 531 0 0
4612 Third row, right hand side...he doesn't fit the bill. 1.0000 0.00164 610 610 0 0
4613 Of course their writing is for the birds. 1.0000 0.00234 427 427 0 0
4614 Let’s see what they can do with 280 characters. 1.0000 0.00184 545 545 0 0
4615 This is our best chance at quacking the code 1.0000 0.00154 650 650 0 0
4616 At lunch we’re going to grill that peeking duck. 1.0000 0.00153 656 656 0 0
4617 Given their limited vocabulary it's really hard to check for plagiarism. 1.0000 0.00162 617 617 0 0
4618 If it codes like a duck it is a duck. 1.0000 0.00281 356 356 0 0
4619 Well Doctor, you finally have your ducks in rows. Now What? 1.0000 0.00177 567 567 0 0
4620 Let's hope they're all they're quacked up to be. 1.0000 0.00191 524 524 0 0
4621 Well, we finally have all our ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.00533 188 188 0 0
4622 Our customer service experiment so is fine. It's the upcoming migration that worries me. 1.0000 0.00186 537 537 0 0
4623 Which one of you just called me a quack? 1.0000 0.00155 646 646 0 0
4624 Careful. Free range in aisle three. 1.0000 0.00176 568 568 0 0
4625 Which one of these jokers ordered the foie gras for lunch? 1.0000 0.00173 580 580 0 0
4626 Well, well. We seem to have two odd ducks with us today. 1.0000 0.00160 627 627 0 0
4627 Fred, one of them has fingers 1.0000 0.00191 525 525 0 0
4628 If this isn't increased pro-duck-tivity, I don't know what is. 1.0000 0.00182 551 551 0 0
4629 You can't do behavioral neuroscience if you're afraid of being called a quack. 1.0000 0.00168 596 596 0 0
4630 You can believe we're going on a 'field trip' after class, but I'm telling you that smell behind there is hot Wesson Oil. 1.0000 0.00177 566 566 0 0
4631 ...PETA leaks disturbing image from Apple's new headquarters. . 1.0000 0.00169 591 591 0 0
4632 Dude, am I the only right-winger taking this course in social justice? 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
4633 These ones seem to have a feel for his tweets that the monkeys clearly lacked. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
4634 The productivity gains have been impressive. Who knew that ducks had zero interest in social media 1.0000 0.00161 620 620 0 0
4635 Psst! Since when do birds have to go to flight school? 1.0000 0.01198 84 84 0 0
4636 That one’s winging it. 1.0000 0.00189 530 530 0 0
4637 They seem to have developed their own web. 1.0000 0.00168 594 594 0 0
4638 I feel like we may be over billing the client on this project. 1.0000 0.00224 446 446 0 0
4639 If we each peck long enough, one of us will produce a Trump tweet 1.0000 0.00181 552 552 0 0
4640 I think we have a good chance of quacking the code with this group. 1.0000 0.00193 519 519 0 0
4641 Just as we suspected, ducks have no computer skills. 1.0000 0.00237 423 423 0 0
4642 Being ducks, tweeting is against their nature. 1.0000 0.00205 489 489 0 0
4643 You're right, they are cage free. 1.0000 0.00238 420 420 0 0
4644 We better get them name tags. 1.0000 0.00225 444 444 0 0
4645 They're good workers, but a few of them like to duck out early. 1.0000 0.00214 468 468 0 0
4646 And these are our AFLAC scrip writers. 1.0000 0.00178 561 561 0 0
4647 If I don’t pass this course, I’m cooked! 1.0000 0.00258 388 388 0 0
4648 Our market research shows no one is buying down jackets. 1.0000 0.00473 212 212 0 0
4649 Our "Refer a Friend" program is working. 1.0000 0.00175 572 572 0 0
4650 You know what they say, 'If it types like a duck...' 1.0000 0.00310 323 323 0 0
4651 Do you realize we're sitting ducks? 1.0000 0.00238 421 421 0 0
4652 By the end of this class, you’ll quack this code. 1.0000 0.00228 440 440 0 0
4653 Psssst, what did you peck for #17? 1.0000 0.00342 293 293 0 0
4654 Okay, today's lesson is about decoy networks! 1.0000 0.00187 534 534 0 0
4655 We hired them to quack the code. 1.0000 0.00184 545 545 0 0
4656 Where is the, "Escape," key? 1.0000 0.00229 437 437 0 0
4657 No results so far but plenty of bills. 1.0000 0.00190 526 526 0 0
4658 some are faster than others , though they all seem to hunt & peck. 1.0000 0.00179 558 558 0 0
4659 We are in the middle of migrating our data south for the winter. 1.0000 0.00179 560 560 0 0
4660 Apparently we posted an ad for “webbed browsers” 1.0000 0.01015 99 99 0 0
4661 This study hopes to prove if it looks like a duck, it acts like a duck. 1.0000 0.00187 536 536 0 0
4662 They're almost done. Just watch for the first pop-up timer. 1.0000 0.00184 545 545 0 0
4663 “20 copies of ‘The Art of the Deal’ so far”. 1.0000 0.00070 1430 1430 0 0
4664 For this to work, they’ve got to move beyond hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.00148 674 674 0 0
4665 Well, ducks were infinitely cheaper than monkeys. 1.0000 0.00190 526 526 0 0
4666 They're remarkably adaptive: Every fall, one of them starts tweeting pictures of Florida, and the others start to follow him. 1.0000 0.00127 787 787 0 0
4667 I told you it was a fowl language study. 1.0000 0.00282 355 355 0 0
4668 Look busy. I hear a layoff is coming. 1.0000 0.00210 476 476 0 0
4669 Third row - right. I think that one is going to be a problem. 1.0000 0.00119 839 839 0 0
4670 The toughest part is breaking them of the hunt-and-peck method. 1.0000 0.00124 810 810 0 0
4671 They seem to like getting their bills online. 1.0000 0.00131 765 765 0 0
4672 Stanley, I said to hire the best hackers you could find. 1.0000 0.00145 692 692 0 0
4673 Attentive? They’re all watching cat videos. 1.0000 0.00256 391 391 0 0
4674 The ad was supposed to say "Apply to study ducks" with no comma. 1.0000 0.00143 699 699 0 0
4675 I can't handle this test Louis. Every time I'm around windows I crash. 1.0000 0.00140 715 715 0 0
4676 Sorry, they were out of monkeys. 1.0000 0.00253 395 395 0 0
4677 If monkeys can write like Shakespeare, ducks can tweet like Trump! 1.0000 0.00124 806 806 0 0
4678 It’s settled then, ducks don’t tweet. 1.0000 0.00120 835 835 0 0
4679 Who better to develop our new billing system? 1.0000 0.00132 757 757 0 0
4680 I think this group’ll just wing it. 1.0000 0.00163 614 614 0 0
4681 Our diversity program still needs a little tweaking. 1.0000 0.00118 850 850 0 0
4682 Finally got our ducks in a row, now what? 1.0000 0.00130 770 770 0 0
4683 Funny--when we tried this with monkeys, we got "Hamlet." 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
4684 IT finally got its ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00127 787 787 0 0
4685 So far they can only use the "hunt and peck" method. 1.0000 0.00128 781 781 0 0
4686 First it was free-range chickens. Then it was grassfed beef. I'm telling you, Jim, this is a slippery slope. 1.0000 0.00125 800 800 0 0
4687 No no, they respect you - it's just a noise they make. 1.0000 0.00142 706 706 0 0
4688 We’ve found that most of them just watch molting videos. 1.0000 0.00117 853 853 0 0
4689 But you promised we would discuss a raise 'when I get my ducks in a row.' 1.0000 0.00121 827 827 0 0
4690 Third row, last terminal - eyes on your own work, please. 1.0000 0.00124 805 805 0 0
4691 ... then we'll compare their speed and accuracy with a panel seated in a large "V. 1.0000 0.00147 680 680 0 0
4692 Ha! Anyone can have all their ducks in a row, but to have them code as well?! 1.0000 0.00137 732 732 0 0
4693 Flight school tests are not brain surgery. V! The answer is V! 1.0000 0.00135 740 740 0 0
4694 Bad news, sir. The hundred monkeys are already on the second act. 1.0000 0.00147 679 679 0 0
4695 We're going to work together to quack the code. 1.0000 0.00152 657 657 0 0
4696 Do you think multiple choice on the chicken or egg question was too confusing? 1.0000 0.00144 695 695 0 0
4697 You weren't kidding when you said this class is for the birds. 1.0000 0.00153 655 655 0 0
4698 You'd think they'd be faster with the web. 1.0000 0.00145 691 691 0 0
4699 The data checks out. They’re of a feather. 1.0000 0.00149 673 673 0 0
4700 Weeks of keyboarding classes, and they still just search and peck. 1.0000 0.00143 698 698 0 0
4701 I have a feeling they're going to replace us with monkeys if we don't come up with something soon. 1.0000 0.00144 693 693 0 0
4702 A Gaggle of Googlers 1.0000 0.00143 699 699 0 0
4703 So we recently outsourced our billing department. 1.0000 0.00151 661 661 0 0
4704 Our apologies. We forgot that birds hate Windows. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
4705 That's the one that will quack under pressure. 1.0000 0.00134 746 746 0 0
4706 I'm not sure this is going to fly 1.0000 0.00150 666 666 0 0
4707 There's your odd duck. 1.0000 0.00144 696 696 0 0
4708 Looks like they all drank the kool-Aid Donald poured, with the exception of one. He is looking Left. There may be hope yet. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
4709 It's all chick lit. 1.0000 0.00141 710 710 0 0
4710 Oh my, it seems you took me literally. 1.0000 0.00353 284 284 0 0
4711 Can you hunt? I can only peck. 1.0000 0.00137 728 728 0 0
4712 No matter how many lessons, all they want to do is hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.00133 750 750 0 0
4713 "This is where we respond to all incoming tweets". 1.0000 0.00133 754 754 0 0
4714 We may need to rethink our diversity program. 1.0000 0.00135 741 741 0 0
4715 This company finally has its ducks all in rows 1.0000 0.00277 362 362 0 0
4716 This test will determine pecking order. 1.0000 0.00128 782 782 0 0
4717 I think one of them just tweeted. 1.0000 0.00125 802 802 0 0
4718 Next question. Would you be more offended, less offended, or not offended at all if the Aflac duck supported more gun control? 1.0000 0.00146 685 685 0 0
4719 The Russian troll farm was not as high tech as the CIA had been led to believe. 1.0000 0.00216 464 464 0 0
4720 I can't seem to get them to advance beyond hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.00093 1076 1076 0 0
4721 Just because you taught them all to tweet doesn't mean they're presidential material. 1.0000 0.00067 1489 1489 0 0
4722 What’s the pecking order here? 1.0000 0.00033 3028 3028 0 0
4723 When you said you were using animals for medical research, I pictured something different. 1.0000 0.00030 3295 3295 0 0
4724 So far, all they have produced is, " Two ducks walk into a barhgbk56fgbp" 1.0000 0.00036 2785 2785 0 0
4725 Welcome to the billing department. 1.0000 0.00027 3663 3663 0 0
4726 One of them put in a request to work remotely for the winter. 1.0000 0.00038 2605 2605 0 0
4727 We're trying to teach them not to fly into Windows 1.0000 0.00028 3557 3557 0 0
4728 Obviously, we wanted monkeys, but AFLAC gave us a deal we couldn't refuse. 1.0000 0.00077 1301 1301 0 0
4729 Surprisingly, they at least managed to create better gun control laws. 1.0000 0.00030 3287 3287 0 0
4730 attention! 1.0000 0.00028 3548 3548 0 0
4731 I could've sworn we asked for hackers. 1.0000 0.00039 2538 2538 0 0
4732 Bucks... I said we need more bucks for our research, Kevin. 1.0000 0.00027 3753 3753 0 0
4733 That one in the 3rd row is known to quack under pressure. 1.0000 0.00053 1899 1899 0 0
4734 Months of training and all we get back is fowl language. 1.0000 0.00041 2438 2438 0 0
4735 One of them will be selected as White House Communications Director. 1.0000 0.00027 3678 3678 0 0
4736 Fifteen of them are our new IT department. Third row far right is dinner. 1.0000 0.00028 3538 3538 0 0
4737 You know getting your ducks in a row is a metaphor right? 1.0000 0.00026 3850 3850 0 0
4738 So far they just hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.00033 3072 3072 0 0
4739 I'm afraid this whole operation is going south. 1.0000 0.00126 797 797 0 0
4740 These aren't your actual students; just decoys. 1.0000 0.00025 3953 3953 0 0
4741 If we don't get more funding, this whole research study could go south. 1.0000 0.00043 2314 2314 0 0
4742 This is our data migration unit. 1.0000 0.00024 4106 4106 0 0
4743 On the internet no one knows that they're ducks. 1.0000 0.00023 4323 4323 0 0
4744 No checking on your neighbor's answers. Peeking ducks will be disqualified. 1.0000 0.00022 4553 4553 0 0
4745 They are the only ones who can make sense of his tweets. 1.0000 0.00040 2476 2476 0 0
4746 I see we have a peeking duck. 1.0000 0.00059 1694 1694 0 0
4747 So we’re down here, and our data’s in the cloud . . . Ironic, right? 1.0000 0.00035 2874 2874 0 0
4748 Don't look now, but I think we have a diversity problem. 1.0000 0.00030 3369 3369 0 0
4749 The monkeys seemed more into it. 1.0000 0.00035 2877 2877 0 0
4750 One of them is a Russian decoy. 1.0000 0.00036 2772 2772 0 0
4751 They're all in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.00034 2954 2954 0 0
4752 Sure they look like they’re not doing anything but they’re paddling furiously underneath. 1.0000 0.00037 2710 2710 0 0
4753 I wonder what would happen if we yelled "Duck"! 1.0000 0.00038 2632 2632 0 0
4754 I have a feeling this experiment is headed south. 1.0000 0.00037 2700 2700 0 0
4755 You taught the gaggle to Google. Congratulations, Dr. Seuss. 1.0000 0.00033 2991 2991 0 0
4756 Putin will never see this coming... 1.0000 0.00046 2185 2185 0 0
4757 Get a load of these two Quacks, with their clipboards! 1.0000 0.00122 818 818 0 0
4758 All they can do is hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.00063 1586 1586 0 0
4759 At least the monkeys could type 1.0000 0.00068 1479 1479 0 0
4760 They talk like ducks and look like ducks, but they're actually graduate students. 1.0000 0.00026 3837 3837 0 0
4761 So far we have 15 "the chicken" and 17 "the egg". 1.0000 0.00035 2847 2847 0 0
4762 Okay... they're all in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.00032 3148 3148 0 0
4763 I think we've found the odd duck. 1.0000 0.00073 1371 1371 0 0
4764 The entire network is down. 1.0000 0.00036 2779 2779 0 0
4765 Hopefully one of them can quack the code. 1.0000 0.00058 1734 1734 0 0
4766 What does he mean Tweet? None of us can Tweet. 1.0000 0.00030 3362 3362 0 0
4767 So how long you been teaching here at Purdue? 1.0000 0.00064 1560 1560 0 0
4768 I can't believe we're being asked to train our replacements. 1.0000 0.00030 3390 3390 0 0
4769 We may need to rethink the touch screens. 1.0000 0.00032 3164 3164 0 0
4770 We tried tried an infinite number of monkeys but the ducks work for less and their novels are just as good. 1.0000 0.00060 1657 1657 0 0
4771 Interestingly, none of them want to tweet. 1.0000 0.00068 1476 1476 0 0
4772 Pecking randomly at the keyboard, eventually one of them writes a Trump speech. 1.0000 0.00101 989 989 0 0
4773 Pretty sure they meant to hire hackers. 1.0000 0.00028 3540 3540 0 0
4774 They have become especially good at returning to their homepage. 1.0000 0.00024 4197 4197 0 0
4775 When I was offered the teaching position at Drake University, I had something else in mind. 1.0000 0.00023 4286 4286 0 0
4776 They're here to help us with the migration to the new system. 1.0000 0.00037 2729 2729 0 0
4777 Laugh all you want, but they've been beating the market. 1.0000 0.00018 5654 5654 0 0
4778 We think he may be a decoy. 1.0000 0.00018 5509 5509 0 0
4779 This whole project's about to go south on us, I can feel it. 1.0000 0.00017 6053 6053 0 0
4780 AFLAC online helpdesk 1.0000 0.00017 5719 5719 0 0
4781 And this whole time, we thought it was the Russians. 1.0000 0.00018 5712 5712 0 0
4782 Yes, it's a foul up! Each laptop was supposed to come with a mouse. 1.0000 0.00089 1128 1128 0 0
4783 This is our web-based group. 1.0000 0.00017 6044 6044 0 0
4784 There, third row right - Peeking Duck. 1.0000 0.00023 4408 4408 0 0
4785 Third row back, far right, is a flight risk. 1.0000 0.00017 6038 6038 0 0
4786 That's correct - we gradually wean them off Google Maps until they can migrate on their own again. 1.0000 0.00017 6030 6030 0 0
4787 And this, I assume, is the billing department? 1.0000 0.00016 6283 6283 0 0
4788 Do you mind if I take a gander? 1.0000 0.00018 5682 5682 0 0
4789 They want to know if they can work remotely during the winter 1.0000 0.00016 6313 6313 0 0
4790 I am concerned that this project could go south really fast. 1.0000 0.00016 6359 6359 0 0
4791 Well the Republican health care plan isn't going to write itself. 1.0000 0.00021 4865 4865 0 0
4792 I'm pretty sure I said 'hackers'. 1.0000 0.00016 6366 6366 0 0
4793 Okay. So I’ve got all my ducks in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.00047 2121 2121 0 0
4794 We're not getting Shakespeare, but about every three minutes we get a presidential tweet. 1.0000 0.00015 6467 6467 0 0
4795 No, I never said they could type. I said they could hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.00023 4285 4285 0 0
4796 No Shakespeare yet, but they have reproduced several presidential tweets. 1.0000 0.00016 6257 6257 0 0
4797 Ever so subtly, Ed began to push his right wing agenda. 1.0000 0.00016 6377 6377 0 0
4798 I'm afraid this whole experiment is about to go South. 1.0000 0.00021 4776 4776 0 0
4799 First day of hunting season. Attendance is always great. 1.0000 0.00016 6171 6171 0 0
4800 Take away the computers and they’re just sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.00016 6117 6117 0 0
4801 They've been running the President's Twitter account since June. 1.0000 0.00040 2528 2528 0 0
4802 Here at Trump University, we are going to have absolutely terrific people, terrific brains, successful. These hand picked experts are going to teach you which way is south, in just 3 days. 1.0000 0.00035 2833 2833 0 0
4803 No luck getting them to type Shakespeare, but they nailed Trump's inauguration speech on the first try. 1.0000 0.00018 5692 5692 0 0
4804 It appears we've refuted the theory that getting them in a row does anything. 1.0000 0.00035 2830 2830 0 0
4805 Well, we’ve got them in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.00022 4509 4509 0 0
4806 I think he misheard me when I told him I'd need a hundred bucks to conduct this study 1.0000 0.00040 2474 2474 0 0
4807 No matter what, We can't tell the president all where all his "likes" are coming from.... 1.0000 0.00022 4528 4528 0 0
4808 I told them to check the web and they all looked down. 1.0000 0.00023 4350 4350 0 0
4809 I asked for a team of elite HACKERS. 1.0000 0.00022 4480 4480 0 0
4810 After just two days on the internet, forty percent of them refuse to fly south for the winter. They claim the warmer weather is a hoax. 1.0000 0.00023 4354 4354 0 0
4811 They quacked the code. 1.0000 0.00023 4329 4329 0 0
4812 We finally have our ducks in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.00023 4424 4424 0 0
4813 'Do you think they know they're sitting ducks?' 1.0000 0.00022 4568 4568 0 0
4814 It’s all about the billable hours. 1.0000 0.00021 4699 4699 0 0
4815 This experiment could go south on us. 1.0000 0.00019 5246 5246 0 0
4816 We could increase efficiency if they arranged these workstations in a 'V' formation. 1.0000 0.00018 5664 5664 0 0
4817 When you said your class was full with a bunch of stupid ducks, I thought it was an autocorrect. 1.0000 0.00021 4817 4817 0 0
4818 We call it "online billing." 1.0000 0.00020 4946 4946 0 0
4819 Touch typing? No, mostly hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.00019 5272 5272 0 0
4820 You’re sure this is the same IQ test they gave the president? 1.0000 0.00023 4370 4370 0 0
4821 The monkeys demanded benefits. 1.0000 0.00019 5155 5155 0 0
4822 I know you were supposed to teach a history class on The Quakers, but there was an unfortunate typo in the course catalog. 1.0000 0.00020 5033 5033 0 0
4823 No one knows you're not a doctor on the internet. 1.0000 0.00033 3004 3004 0 0
4824 It’s the same thing every day. They Google directions to Florida. 1.0000 0.00025 4077 4077 0 0
4825 The new hire is rather an odd, well you know. 1.0000 0.00035 2853 2853 0 0
4826 I still can't believe you got this funded. 1.0000 0.00035 2895 2895 0 0
4827 Okay, we got all of our ducks in a row. What now? 1.0000 0.00090 1112 1112 0 0
4828 I keep trying to tell them: We're ducks, man, we don't tweet. 1.0000 0.00018 5416 5416 0 0
4829 Computer classes attract a lot of empty-nesters. 1.0000 0.00027 3708 3708 0 0
4830 Look to your left, look to your right. Only one of you will be a doctor. 1.0000 0.00036 2760 2760 0 0
4831 Some years I fear all of our medical students are destined to be quacks. 1.0000 0.00037 2693 2693 0 0
4832 You'd think at least one of them could come up with a cartoon caption. 1.0000 0.00036 2807 2807 0 0
4833 I think the guy in the front row middle is a right winger 1.0000 0.00066 1519 1519 0 0
4834 They just typed out 'Moby Dick' in three hours. We should have ditched the monkeys years ago. 1.0000 0.00064 1573 1573 0 0
4835 And in this room we have our duck call center 1.0000 0.00084 1196 1196 0 0
4836 Google foie grass and then tell me I'm being paranoid! 1.0000 0.00623 161 161 0 0
4837 We're beginning to determine the pecking order. 1.0000 0.00062 1623 1623 0 0
4838 Oh, Oh. The two in the third row just figured out what "canard a l'orange" on the menu means in English. 1.0000 0.00187 536 536 0 0
4839 They did not sit in a V as we had previously hypothesized. 1.0000 0.00078 1287 1287 0 0
4840 If our experiment succeeds, it may constitute the greatest waste of time ever conceived by the mind of man. 1.0000 0.00065 1538 1538 0 0
4841 They always quack under pressure. 1.0000 0.00063 1595 1595 0 0
4842 So this is the group that sends out the President's tweets! 1.0000 0.00063 1599 1599 0 0
4843 Not what I meant when I said I wanted to study their web footprints. 1.0000 0.00078 1286 1286 0 0
4844 So, tell me what you did to get funding 1.0000 0.00057 1746 1746 0 0
4845 It's a lose-lose. Too many right and you're a scientific experiment, too many wrong and you're lunch. 1.0000 0.00064 1570 1570 0 0
4846 Second question: Out of so many applicants, why should AFLAC hire you? 1.0000 0.00061 1627 1627 0 0
4847 I can't believe you got a 12 million dollar grant for this. 1.0000 0.00057 1768 1768 0 0
4848 No Hamlet yet, but we've gotten an episode of Portlandia. 1.0000 0.00074 1358 1358 0 0
4849 I was only kidding when I asked HR for some good looking chicks. 1.0000 0.00058 1723 1723 0 0
4850 Yes, you. Is there something you’d like to share with the entire flock? 1.0000 0.00065 1538 1538 0 0
4851 Glad to see you finally have all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00113 889 889 0 0
4852 Turns out getting them all in a row is only the beginning. 1.0000 0.00056 1794 1794 0 0
4853 We tried monkeys, but they kept producing Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.00049 2028 2028 0 0
4854 I remember when we knew which way South was and didn't have to use Google Maps. 1.0000 0.00230 436 436 0 0
4855 So this is where fake news comes from. 1.0000 0.00072 1389 1389 0 0
4856 We’ve got all our ducks in line - all except the one named Donald. He says he doesn’t have to take the exam coz he’s ten times smarter than anyone who’s ever taken it before. And also, he won’t sit with losers either....... 1.0000 0.00064 1558 1558 0 0
4857 Not a touch typist in the flock- just hunt and peck, hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.00055 1832 1832 0 0
4858 Actually, I've gotten my ducks in several rows. 1.0000 0.00069 1450 1450 0 0
4859 So now you know why tax legislation is written behind closed doors. 1.0000 0.00095 1054 1054 0 0
4860 Turns out if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's an IT specialist. 1.0000 0.00070 1433 1433 0 0
4861 Man, it's good to have tenure. 1.0000 0.00082 1222 1222 0 0
4862 They are surprisingly bad at Angry Birds. 1.0000 0.00080 1246 1246 0 0
4863 The monkeys couldn't nail the ending, so they brought us in for a rewrite. 1.0000 0.00069 1444 1444 0 0
4864 We're making progress, but we still haven't figured out how to get all our ducks into ONE row. 1.0000 0.00080 1247 1247 0 0
4865 I thought it was robots that were going to take away our jobs. 1.0000 0.00071 1400 1400 0 0
4866 It's the online chat staff for 'Webbed M.D.' 1.0000 0.00070 1424 1424 0 0
4867 Okay, we're down here, and our data's in the cloud... Ironic, right? 1.0000 0.00070 1427 1427 0 0
4868 The Equifax cyber-security team is ready for training sir. 1.0000 0.00065 1537 1537 0 0
4869 Two months and not a damn thing. Lets try raccoons. 1.0000 0.00071 1411 1411 0 0
4870 Their typing skills are okay, but the voice recognition program is problematic. 1.0000 0.00072 1393 1393 0 0
4871 That bread-crumb screen-saver really keeps them focused. 1.0000 0.00081 1235 1235 0 0
4872 We thought question #24 would stump them but they seem unflappable. 1.0000 0.00087 1154 1154 0 0
4873 Did they seriously say, “Take a quack at it?” 1.0000 0.00064 1558 1558 0 0
4874 Its our new billing department 1.0000 0.00063 1587 1587 0 0
4875 You will all be Physicians as soon as President Trump passes his version of Healthcare. 1.0000 0.00504 199 199 0 0
4876 Their first task is to establish a pecking order. 1.0000 0.00067 1492 1492 0 0
4877 We feel confident that one of you will quack the code. 1.0000 0.00058 1736 1736 0 0
4878 If facial recognition sign in doesn’t work, use your regular password. 1.0000 0.00803 125 125 0 0
4879 Do I tell them I can type or just continue to hunt and peck? 1.0000 0.00055 1809 1809 0 0
4880 Yes, but they're not all in the SAME row. 1.0000 0.00094 1064 1064 0 0
4881 The monkeys are not going to take this well. 1.0000 0.00063 1594 1594 0 0
4882 There they sit, the next generation of quacks. 1.0000 0.00823 122 122 0 0
4883 Tests like chicken. 1.0000 0.00137 729 729 0 0
4884 I have a feeling that this class is going south 1.0000 0.00079 1261 1261 0 0
4885 Someday one of them will type the winning caption. 1.0000 0.00075 1340 1340 0 0
4886 It truly is the information age- A thousand ducks on computers can now achieve what a million monkeys with typewriters couldn’t do. 1.0000 0.00076 1321 1321 0 0
4887 Third row up...last to the right...he's onto us. 1.0000 0.00054 1853 1853 0 0
4888 "We did try adding a goose but everybody just started running around". 1.0000 0.00131 762 762 0 0
4889 Unintended consequences of draining the swamp. 1.0000 0.00059 1698 1698 0 0
4890 It never fails....there's always one who forgot his password 1.0000 0.00044 2279 2279 0 0
4891 Am I the only one who finds not having fingers a problem? 1.0000 0.00106 946 946 0 0
4892 The Audubon Society was fairly liberal with their grant money this year. 1.0000 0.00051 1960 1960 0 0
4893 No, Doctor, the grant is for research into QUARKS. 1.0000 0.00042 2388 2388 0 0
4894 They all gave the same answer: "Beef is a more nutritional meal." 1.0000 0.00054 1856 1856 0 0
4895 Honestly, this isn't what I expected when I enrolled at Perdue University. 1.0000 0.00039 2576 2576 0 0
4896 The research called for volunteer hackers Jim, hackers... 1.0000 0.00038 2630 2630 0 0
4897 Most of them are still using the hunt and peck method. 1.0000 0.00041 2448 2448 0 0
4898 Not only are they more efficient, they're good with plum sauce. 1.0000 0.00060 1670 1670 0 0
4899 Please cast your votes now: is it "duck tape" or "duct tape"? 1.0000 0.00043 2315 2315 0 0
4900 Of course they wrote a Danielle Steele novel...if you wanted Shakespeare you needed monkeys. 1.0000 0.00045 2228 2228 0 0
4901 It's only a matter of time before one of them quacks the code. 1.0000 0.00038 2644 2644 0 0
4902 Hey you in the third row, no Peking. 1.0000 0.00053 1901 1901 0 0
4903 I looked up foie gras. You're not going to believe what it is. 1.0000 0.00044 2291 2291 0 0
4904 No, it's the infinite monkeys that can do Shakespeare. We're just hoping to reproduce one of the president's tweets. 1.0000 0.00036 2769 2769 0 0
4905 You can always tell which duck is just winging it. 1.0000 0.00083 1205 1205 0 0
4906 Are you sure this is a random sample? 1.0000 0.00141 710 710 0 0
4907 Psst...did you answer "quack" for every question too? 1.0000 0.00111 903 903 0 0
4908 So far no Shakespeare, but some fine Ogden Nash 1.0000 0.00036 2769 2769 0 0
4909 I liked it better when we couldn't see the on-line students. 1.0000 0.00037 2692 2692 0 0
4910 They're testing a new search engine. It's called Gaggle. 1.0000 0.00037 2698 2698 0 0
4911 We finally got our ducks in a row for PBS pledge week. 1.0000 0.00079 1263 1263 0 0
4912 Bird Flu Call Center goes live in 3, 2, 1.... 1.0000 0.00036 2801 2801 0 0
4913 Who laid one? 1.0000 0.00362 277 277 0 0
4914 The facial recognition feature has proven unreliable. 1.0000 0.00056 1775 1775 0 0
4915 Their hunt isn't very good, but their peck is amazing. 1.0000 0.00048 2074 2074 0 0
4916 We’ve found a significant change in migratory patterns since they’ve had access to 1.0000 0.00097 1028 1028 0 0
4917 And you're certain the proposal said "gaggle" and not "google"? 1.0000 0.00049 2046 2046 0 0
4918 Tell the president his advisors are ready. 1.0000 0.00095 1056 1056 0 0
4919 The entire network is down. 1.0000 0.00059 1703 1703 0 0
4920 Looks like we have another peeking duck on the end of the third row! 1.0000 0.00049 2045 2045 0 0
4921 We here at AFLAC take our training very seriously 1.0000 0.00049 2062 2062 0 0
4922 We've found some migratory species would rather telecommute. 1.0000 0.00055 1805 1805 0 0
4923 Surprisingly similar to our department; a bunch of quacks generating 'billable hours' ducking behind laptops. 1.0000 0.00063 1592 1592 0 0
4924 Well, we have all our ducks in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.00050 2002 2002 0 0
4925 The Russians won't know what hit 'em. 1.0000 0.00050 2009 2009 0 0
4926 You were right, adding a decoy to the focus group has improved attendance. 1.0000 0.00051 1945 1945 0 0
4927 I've got to tell you, they've taken to coding like . . . oh . . . what's that expression? 1.0000 0.00733 137 137 0 0
4928 Hey Stan, on question # 4, "Have you ever illegally migrated into the United States?" Does that mean coming in Fall istead of Spring? This vetting is intense! 1.0000 0.00083 1200 1200 0 0
4929 The only thing they've written is "The Art of the Deal." 1.0000 0.00125 798 798 0 0
4930 It's a virtual migration. 1.0000 0.00050 1998 1998 0 0
4931 This department handles all of our Tweets. 1.0000 0.00055 1807 1807 0 0
4932 I don't know. The monkeys got the idea right away. 1.0000 0.00045 2232 2232 0 0
4933 If you don't know the answer, just wing it. 1.0000 0.00046 2153 2153 0 0
4934 Turns out you only need twenty ducks to write Hamlet. 1.0000 0.00135 742 742 0 0
4935 They may look calm but underneath they're paddling like hell. 1.0000 0.00046 2158 2158 0 0
4936 Am I the only one who doesn't trust the guy with the clipboard? 1.0000 0.00050 2009 2009 0 0
4937 They’ve finally gotten us in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.00098 1024 1024 0 0
4938 Let's keep our beaks pointed at our own screens during the test, please! 1.0000 0.00150 665 665 0 0
4939 If he says this quacks him up one more time, I'm going to kill him." 1.0000 0.00049 2042 2042 0 0
4940 Do you ever wonder who really writes all the winning captions? 1.0000 0.00044 2255 2255 0 0
4941 The longer I teach, the more alike they seem. 1.0000 0.00048 2102 2102 0 0
4942 Duck? Present. Duck? Present. Goose? 1.0000 0.00237 422 422 0 0
4943 That duck at the end of the third row -- bump him up to supervisor. 1.0000 0.00217 461 461 0 0
4944 We tried cats, but they just wanted to jump on the mouse. 1.0000 0.00230 435 435 0 0
4945 Be careful not to anger them. They can’t type if they get their feathers ruffled. 1.0000 0.00643 156 156 0 0
4946 They are all so eager for flight school. 1.0000 0.00873 115 115 0 0
4947 So this is what you wanted the seed money for. 1.0000 0.00717 140 140 0 0
4948 If it helps, they're paddling like hell underneath. 1.0000 0.00639 157 157 0 0
4949 Always has been an odd duck. 1.0000 0.00639 157 157 0 0
4950 Looks like we have all our ducks in a row 1.0000 0.00639 157 157 0 0
4951 My boss said I needed to get all of my ducks in a row or else I would get fired. 1.0000 0.00604 166 166 0 0
4952 They write well, but it's still mostly hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.00749 134 134 0 0
4953 Did she say count the vowels or count the fowls? 1.0000 0.00597 168 168 0 0
4954 They're cheaper than monkeys but they make a lot of typos. 1.0000 0.00597 168 168 0 0
4955 I guess you can say that they finally got all their ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00593 169 169 0 0
4956 Hard to find the Russian troll in this crowd 1.0000 0.00784 128 128 0 0
4957 Well, you've certainly got all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00905 111 111 0 0
4958 Remember: You must be able to peck 60 words per minute to qualify for this job. 1.0000 0.00651 154 154 0 0
4959 Yes, they walk and talk like ducks, but do they surf like ducks? 1.0000 0.00687 146 146 0 0
4960 I think they would have preferred to sit in a triangle formation. 1.0000 0.00687 146 146 0 0
4961 Can they hack as good as they quack? 1.0000 0.00643 156 156 0 0
4962 Your task is to model migration patterns. 1.0000 0.00772 130 130 0 0
4963 They are still only at the hunt and peck stage. 1.0000 0.00608 165 165 0 0
4964 They say they want to know more about the World Wide Webbed. 1.0000 0.00608 165 165 0 0
4965 So, exactly how long do you expect those laptops to keep your ducks in a row? 1.0000 0.00678 148 148 0 0
4966 The pecking order seems to be the issue 1.0000 0.00823 122 122 0 0
4967 What if it shows that people are just as likely to appeal a claim denial from a duck? 1.0000 0.00635 158 158 0 0
4968 If they don't win the caption contest, we eat them. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
4969 I forgot to tell you about my Tweets. 1.0000 0.00615 163 163 0 0
4970 I still say , this just isn't the same as migration. 1.0000 0.00881 114 114 0 0
4971 So finally we have all our ducks in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.00957 105 105 0 0
4972 Nobody told me it was an essay! 1.0000 0.00778 129 129 0 0
4973 The screen savers show a nice farmyard, so technically they're free range. 1.0000 0.00881 114 114 0 0
4974 We tried it with hawks, but they ate the mice. 1.0000 0.00939 107 107 0 0
4975 Before we begin, let me apologize for not having the room to seat you all in one row. 1.0000 0.00939 107 107 0 0
4976 I have a PhD in Animal Behavior and this is the only job I can get! 1.0000 0.00939 107 107 0 0
4977 Ulysses was too much for the monkeys. 1.0000 0.00727 138 138 0 0
4978 Good morning class and welcome to Free-Range Thinking 101. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
4979 We are on Day 2 of fake social media stories about the benefits of flying North in the winter. 1.0000 0.00651 154 154 0 0
4980 They're astonishingly good at Battleship 1.0000 0.00619 162 162 0 0
4981 What the duck is he talking about? 1.0000 0.00722 139 139 0 0
4982 Virtually all our ducks are in a row. 1.0000 0.00866 116 116 0 0
4983 I thought it was an autocorrect mistake when you said you hated the stupid ducks in your class. 1.0000 0.00635 158 158 0 0
4984 I know it's a long shot, but last year one of them got as far as "The play's the thing." 1.0000 0.00647 155 155 0 0
4985 It's break time. And they are all watching Angry Birds 1.0000 0.00995 101 101 0 0
4986 They're quacks. Pass it on. 1.0000 0.00858 117 117 0 0
4987 It’s a hard code to quack, but we have the right team working on it. 1.0000 0.00712 141 141 0 0
4988 I didn’t literally mean, ‘Get your ducks in a row.’ 1.0000 0.00673 149 149 0 0
4989 Monkey's are for Shakespeare, we are writing for Trump. 1.0000 0.00905 111 111 0 0
4990 if it looks like a duck, sits like a duck, types like a duck.... 1.0000 0.00844 119 119 0 0
4991 Are you sure there's Nobel prize at stake here? 1.0000 0.00743 135 135 0 0
4992 We couldn't come to terms with the monkeys' agents. 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
4993 You'll each be shown an image for 3 seconds to determine if it walks like as duck or quacks like a duck. Ready... begin. 1.0000 0.00623 161 161 0 0
4994 Our rigorous medical licensing exam ordinarily eliminates the quacks. 1.0000 0.00623 161 161 0 0
4995 You have 30 minutes to finish the Swim Instructor Certification Test. Any questions? 1.0000 0.00830 121 121 0 0
4996 We're teaching them to pay their bills. 1.0000 0.00647 155 155 0 0
4997 They can only hunt and peck, but they're cheep. 1.0000 0.00635 158 158 0 0
4998 This is boring. All I can hit is the space bar. 1.0000 0.00601 167 167 0 0
4999 I think our focus group is too homogeneous 1.0000 0.00570 176 176 0 0
5000 Okay hackers get to work. Wikileaks wants all the dirt you can find on Colonel Sanders. 1.0000 0.00590 170 170 0 0
5001 Attention! Please keep your wings in your lap and beaks pointed toward your computer. 1.0000 0.00627 160 160 0 0
5002 They may look like ducks, walk like ducks and quack like ducks...but we just can't make the final call without knowing if they surf the internet like ducks. 1.0000 0.00717 140 140 0 0
5003 This not what I expected when you said 'Everything will be ducky'. 1.0000 0.00501 200 200 0 0
5004 Well, now that we have our ducks all in a row, let's begin. 1.0000 0.00587 171 171 0 0
5005 I'd assumed they would be tired of the Pornography by now 1.0000 0.00623 161 161 0 0
5006 No peeking, duck! 1.0000 0.00712 141 141 0 0
5007 Has your laptop imprinted on you too? 1.0000 0.00707 142 142 0 0
5008 Who wrote this grant? 1.0000 0.00985 102 102 0 0
5009 Sorry, sir. We couldn't find an infinite number of monkeys. 1.0000 0.00612 164 164 0 0
5010 How many cat videos are they going to make us watch? 1.0000 0.00697 144 144 0 0
5011 I see we have a glitch in the Billing Department. 1.0000 0.00531 189 189 0 0
5012 In terms of network security, you can see we have all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00570 176 176 0 0
5013 Way to get your ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.00531 189 189 0 0
5014 Corporate said to get our ducks in a row for the new laptop roll out, but now what? 1.0000 0.00866 116 116 0 0
5015 On the Twelfth Night of A Midsummer Night's Dream, a Tempest raged as The Merchant of Venice said that Measure for Measure swapping birds for monkeys to type Shakespeare would be a Comedy of Errors. I woke to a Winter’s Tale of Much Ado About Nothing 1.0000 0.00593 169 169 0 0
5016 We've finished step one; all of our ducks are now in a row. 1.0000 0.00727 138 138 0 0
5017 We must shut down the independent thinker in row two. 1.0000 0.00554 181 181 0 0
5018 Professor, I know you’re new to this teaching thing, but this is not really what I meant when I said, ‘ First get all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00551 182 182 0 0
5019 What's the pecking order? 1.0000 0.00545 184 184 0 0
5020 I think the two in the third row might be starting to suspect they are just staring at a blank screen 1.0000 0.00656 153 153 0 0
5021 It appears that some understand what they’re looking at but most just enjoy Morgan Freeman’s voice. 1.0000 0.00509 197 197 0 0
5022 Duck at end of Row 3 is cheating. 1.0000 0.00509 197 197 0 0
5023 She just realized they're all sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.00509 197 197 0 0
5024 The student body sure has changed since Devos introduced affirmative Aflac-tion. 1.0000 0.00570 176 176 0 0
5025 Why do they keep putting us in rows ? 1.0000 0.01105 91 91 0 0
5026 Even though you have all your ducks in a row, I say let them wing it and we'll sort them out by pecking order. 1.0000 0.00597 168 168 0 0
5027 Alright, who said 'goose'? 1.0000 0.00601 167 167 0 0
5028 Eliminating quackery using ducks? Literal genius! 1.0000 0.00631 159 159 0 0
5029 This is Yale. If that right-winger stays in your class you'll never get tenure. 1.0000 0.00597 168 168 0 0
5030 I can only hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.00627 160 160 0 0
5031 Keep staring forward. They'll think you're a decoy. 1.0000 0.00660 152 152 0 0
5032 Gives me a new appreciation for the hunt & peck method. 1.0000 0.00660 152 152 0 0
5033 All we have so far is a fragment of 'Captain Underpants'. At least the monkeys gave us 'Mein Kampf'. 1.0000 0.00623 161 161 0 0
5034 And this is the control group for the bird brain experiment. 1.0000 0.00797 126 126 0 0
5035 We're testing our new online mating service. 1.0000 0.00851 118 118 0 0
5036 Did they study for this, or are they just going to wing it? 1.0000 0.00580 173 173 0 0
5037 The one who is easily distracted says he's going to be President someday. 1.0000 0.00580 173 173 0 0
5038 My Amazon package just shipped! 1.0000 0.00647 155 155 0 0
5039 Shakespeare's too high-brow: We're hoping the ducks produce something that will sell. 1.0000 0.00567 177 177 0 0
5040 Our research shows the new hands-free keyboard requires the traditional "hunt and peck" technique, huh? 1.0000 0.00647 155 155 0 0
5041 It's true, the news is written by quacks. 1.0000 0.00837 120 120 0 0
5042 Our workforce needs diversity. Tell HR to hire a peacock , a bluebird and a few ravens. 1.0000 0.00823 122 122 0 0
5043 They spend way to much time twittering. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
5044 It’s hard to teach keyboarding when students have been using the hunt and peck method. 1.0000 0.00627 160 160 0 0
5045 What comes after 'To be or not to be'? 1.0000 0.00590 170 170 0 0
5046 ...And this is our billing department. 1.0000 0.00966 104 104 0 0
5047 Every time I co,me up with a great line, I realize I can't operate the keyboard. 1.0000 0.00557 180 180 0 0
5048 Of course, we had to alter the keyboards somewhat. 1.0000 0.00551 182 182 0 0
5049 If they look like laptops, point like laptops, and click like laptops, they probably are laptops. 1.0000 0.00576 174 174 0 0
5050 We should’ve stuck with the monkeys. 1.0000 0.00643 156 156 0 0
5051 Ever get the feeling we're graduating a bunch of quacks? 1.0000 0.01026 98 98 0 0
5052 The monkeys went on strike, so we hired temps 1.0000 0.00643 156 156 0 0
5053 What happened to the suits? 1.0000 0.00697 144 144 0 0
5054 You call this a panel of experts? These guys are a bunch of quacks! 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
5055 So that explains all the quacks on the internet. 1.0000 0.00889 113 113 0 0
5056 So getting them all in a row was actually counterproductive? 1.0000 0.00816 123 123 0 0
5057 3D farted again. 1.0000 0.00738 136 136 0 0
5058 I just wanted to have all my computers in a row. 1.0000 0.01026 98 98 0 0
5059 That's what I call having your ducks in a row 1.0000 0.01399 72 72 0 0
5060 I know it's unorthodox, but at least they're in a row. 1.0000 0.00766 131 131 0 0
5061 I assume they use the "hunt and peck" method? 1.0000 0.00803 125 125 0 0
5062 Next time please get all your ducks in A row, Dr. Smith. A row. Singular. 1.0000 0.00692 145 145 0 0
5063 9 out of 10 subjects think I'm a quack. 1.0000 0.01015 99 99 0 0
5064 These are the last of the endangered sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.00760 132 132 0 0
5065 Maybe the intellegence agencies thought they were Russian because of the spelling errors. 1.0000 0.00844 119 119 0 0
5066 We've got our ducks in a row. Let the 'hunt and peck' lecture begin. 1.0000 0.01170 86 86 0 0
5067 I don't think they meant literally. 1.0000 0.01036 97 97 0 0
5068 Yes, they are cage-free, but I'm not sure this is any better. 1.0000 0.00948 106 106 0 0
5069 The grant didn't cover an infinite number of monkeys. 1.0000 0.00755 133 133 0 0
5070 Being evaluated by your inferiors is hard enough, but I refuse to be judged by quacks 1.0000 0.00755 133 133 0 0
5071 I don't care how many characters they give us, it's not going to change the way I tweet. 1.0000 0.00837 120 120 0 0
5072 Don't worry. They laughed at the cold-fusion people, too. 1.0000 0.00837 120 120 0 0
5073 Talk about having all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00837 120 120 0 0
5074 I have the 'AFLAC!' part down, but when do we get to learn some other lines? 1.0000 0.00837 120 120 0 0
5075 Raise your hand if you are in the wrong class or phylum? 1.0000 0.01070 94 94 0 0
5076 Here a duck, there a duck, everywhere a duck duck! 1.0000 0.00995 101 101 0 0
5077 Check out who's getting a bird's eye view of his neighbor's exam answers. 1.0000 0.00995 101 101 0 0
5078 And here I was hoping to duck this class. 1.0000 0.00995 101 101 0 0
5079 Our internet traffic shot up after we put crumbs in the keyboard. 1.0000 0.00995 101 101 0 0
5080 One of them is close to finishing a "Don Quixote" and another is doing some story by Borges. 1.0000 0.00755 133 133 0 0
5081 Wait, what did she say to do after getting in a row? 1.0000 0.00743 135 135 0 0
5082 He's the imposter. 1.0000 0.01198 84 84 0 0
5083 I think that guy's a quack. 1.0000 0.00778 129 129 0 0
5084 You can trust us. We will never hack your migration code. 1.0000 0.00810 124 124 0 0
5085 This is not what I expected for an ornithological seminar. 1.0000 0.01081 93 93 0 0
5086 I guess they'll have to use their bills. Who ordered the laptops? 1.0000 0.00897 112 112 0 0
5087 There's always one wisequacker. 1.0000 0.01242 81 81 0 0
5088 They love the new laptops. If only they could read... 1.0000 0.01005 100 100 0 0
5089 Its the same with every new version of Windows. The blue screen makes them homesick. 1.0000 0.00803 125 125 0 0
5090 Law school doesn’t seem so hard... 1.0000 0.01005 100 100 0 0
5091 If they find out we can tweet, they'll try to teach us to fly. Duh. 1.0000 0.00844 119 119 0 0
5092 I told you they would line us up in rows. 1.0000 0.01070 94 94 0 0
5093 'One more wise quack and I'm out of here'. 1.0000 0.01070 94 94 0 0
5094 Quacker Jack looking for the prize again! 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
5095 Not only do they work cheap: They hatch out new hires! 1.0000 0.00778 129 129 0 0
5096 You in the end seat, next to last row, Keep your eyes on your own screen! 1.0000 0.00995 101 101 0 0
5097 So far, they prefer live streams. 1.0000 0.01058 95 95 0 0
5098 That guy in the first row with the fingers? Total teacher's pet. 1.0000 0.01439 70 70 0 0
5099 This isn't what I pictured when they said we'd be free range. 1.0000 0.00830 121 121 0 0
5100 I use the 'hunt and peck' typing system. You? 1.0000 0.00985 102 102 0 0
5101 I can't tell them apart, either. 1.0000 0.01047 96 96 0 0
5102 We couldn’t find enough monkeys. 1.0000 0.00823 122 122 0 0
5103 They objected to tweeting so instead they've created a number of political adds on Facebook. 1.0000 0.00743 135 135 0 0
5104 The pecking is fine, but I won't abide the hunting part. 1.0000 0.00743 135 135 0 0
5105 Stop tweeting and pay attention. 1.0000 0.00743 135 135 0 0
5106 I'm from Long Island. How about you? 1.0000 0.00976 103 103 0 0
5107 Another quack political survey. 1.0000 0.00866 116 116 0 0
5108 And furthermore, there will be no inappropriate touching of tail feathers in the workplace. 1.0000 0.00837 120 120 0 0
5109 Congress is lamer than ever. 1.0000 0.00536 187 187 0 0
5110 The QUACKY keyboard layout experiment is proving wildly successful. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5111 Well, we've got all our ducks in a what? 1.0000 0.00985 102 102 0 0
5112 If you say, 'Duck behind the screen!' one more time. Just one more time... 1.0000 0.01081 93 93 0 0
5113 No Shakespeare yet but a lot of "Peter Piper pecked a peck of peppers." 1.0000 0.00664 151 151 0 0
5114 What is the use of asking about gun control with a group like this? 1.0000 0.00664 151 151 0 0
5115 Row three, far right column: not a team player. À l’orange him to encourage the others. 1.0000 0.00697 144 144 0 0
5116 I can see professor that you have all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00697 144 144 0 0
5117 Attendance has been perfect since they learned their jobs may be outsourced to India. 1.0000 0.00727 138 138 0 0
5118 All of these medical students want to be great doctors, but I'm afraid some of them are going to turn out to be nothing but quacks. 1.0000 0.00627 160 160 0 0
5119 We over prepared. We have all our ducks in a grid. 1.0000 0.00985 102 102 0 0
5120 You sure have your ducks in a row, but can they code? 1.0000 0.01058 95 95 0 0
5121 When I say: one, two, three, quack: everyone quacks. Pass it on. 1.0000 0.00722 139 139 0 0
5122 We didn't get Shakespeare with the monkeys so we're trying these guys. 1.0000 0.00683 147 147 0 0
5123 Now that we have our ducks in a row, lets get code quacking! 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
5124 Boy are my arms tired 1.0000 0.00678 148 148 0 0
5125 I said we needed bill collectors, not a bill collection. 1.0000 0.00966 104 104 0 0
5126 We should have blocked the duck porn sites. 1.0000 0.00749 134 134 0 0
5127 The flock certification exam starts NOW ! 1.0000 0.00749 134 134 0 0
5128 Our customers said they wanted bills online 1.0000 0.00673 149 149 0 0
5129 Now this is what I call a web site. 1.0000 0.00897 112 112 0 0
5130 No better feeling that to start the semester wth all my ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00791 127 127 0 0
5131 It's not ideological favoritism. There's a very good reason why only left-wing ducks get these aisle seats. 1.0000 0.00791 127 127 0 0
5132 Climate change, so they no longer fly south. 1.0000 0.00669 150 150 0 0
5133 This just proves that the "peck" is useless without the "hunt." 1.0000 0.00743 135 135 0 0
5134 We expected them all to like the video, so perhaps that one in the third row is just an odd duck. 1.0000 0.00669 150 150 0 0
5135 They look very organic. 1.0000 0.00957 105 105 0 0
5136 These med students are all a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.00712 141 141 0 0
5137 Did she really just say, "Billing is optional?" 1.0000 0.01482 68 68 0 0
5138 Hey you in the back, no peking! 1.0000 0.00939 107 107 0 0
5139 What the duck is she looking at!? 1.0000 0.00707 142 142 0 0
5140 The monkeys downstairs came up with that thing about the Danish prince. Let's see about the birds. 1.0000 0.00985 102 102 0 0
5141 We'll see who the "quack" is now 1.0000 0.00816 123 123 0 0
5142 Just don't say goose. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
5143 I still hate Windows 1.0000 0.01130 89 89 0 0
5144 Hey Jason, are you also blocked from Hens Gone Wild? 1.0000 0.00733 137 137 0 0
5145 Amazing! Especially since they don't even have laps. 1.0000 0.00733 137 137 0 0
5146 You in the third row....eyes front and no cheating. 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
5147 Well, we tried it with monkeys but the novel never cracked the top ten. 1.0000 0.00727 138 138 0 0
5148 I give up! What IS the pecking order? 1.0000 0.01117 90 90 0 0
5149 They said this program was "for the birds"...well, we'll show them! 1.0000 0.01036 97 97 0 0
5150 This demographic seems a little flighty 1.0000 0.00803 125 125 0 0
5151 They’re cheaper than Monkeys. 1.0000 0.00743 135 135 0 0
5152 They seem resistant to tweeting. 1.0000 0.00722 139 139 0 0
5153 Simply type in: "Best Lakes in California", in the search box. 1.0000 0.01307 77 77 0 0
5154 They look younger every year. 1.0000 0.00897 112 112 0 0
5155 Sitting us in rows is such a cliche 1.0000 0.00957 105 105 0 0
5156 Our Medical School sure trains a lot of quacks. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
5157 I see the students are still ducking your seminars. 1.0000 0.00797 126 126 0 0
5158 Remember when it used to be all mallards in medical school? 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
5159 I forgot to tell you, sir, that one is actually a swan. 1.0000 0.00797 126 126 0 0
5160 We had to switch to touchscreens. They kept eating the mice. 1.0000 0.00712 141 141 0 0
5161 If you feel that you might quack under pressure, go ahead and step outside. 1.0000 0.00712 141 141 0 0
5162 I don't know why the monkeys next door get all the press. 1.0000 0.00712 141 141 0 0
5163 They can identify cancer cells, recognize 300 words, and refuse to watch Fox News. 1.0000 0.01015 99 99 0 0
5164 Does anybody know what happened to the goose? 1.0000 0.00656 153 153 0 0
5165 We almost have all of our ducks in a row 1.0000 0.00525 191 191 0 0
5166 That last startup failed. Now Old Macdonald has a click farm. 1.0000 0.00593 169 169 0 0
5167 Let’s call it a success. We were hoping for Shakespeare and we got Ibsen. 1.0000 0.00494 203 203 0 0
5168 You were all referred to typing class because you use the "hunt and peck" method. 1.0000 0.00421 238 238 0 0
5169 Hey, Bill... I think my laptop is a pizza box. 1.0000 0.00342 293 293 0 0
5170 It was only a matter of time before Amazon started marketing to more species 1.0000 0.00396 253 253 0 0
5171 I'm used to a Mac. 1.0000 0.00456 220 220 0 0
5172 No Shakespeare yet, but plenty of tweets. 1.0000 0.00370 271 271 0 0
5173 'To quack or not to quack' is their best so far. 1.0000 0.00312 321 321 0 0
5174 They may be sitting ducks, but at least they're all in rows. 1.0000 0.00350 286 286 0 0
5175 Donald is out of order again. 1.0000 0.00517 194 194 0 0
5176 Our diversity program is definitely not working! 1.0000 0.00412 243 243 0 0
5177 Finally, I think we've got the right pecking order. 1.0000 0.00341 294 294 0 0
5178 Should we play duck-duck-goose or do you think they'll be offended? 1.0000 0.00406 247 247 0 0
5179 What happened to the monkeys ? 1.0000 0.00425 236 236 0 0
5180 Welcome to Chicks and Clicks 101. 1.0000 0.00404 248 248 0 0
5181 Most of them seem to like chick lit. 1.0000 0.00332 302 302 0 0
5182 After that last debacle, I can only hope this pair of guest lecturers speak our language. 1.0000 0.00615 163 163 0 0
5183 This isn't as productive as I had hoped. Maybe we should trying putting them in columns. 1.0000 0.00363 276 276 0 0
5184 Third Row, on the aisle, is out of pecking order again. 1.0000 0.00295 339 339 0 0
5185 Good work. I see you've got all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00354 283 283 0 0
5186 Bird brain tweets at 200 characters an hour, I think they're ready for government. 1.0000 0.00354 283 283 0 0
5187 Psst, What'd ya put for "why did the chicken cross the road?" 1.0000 0.00350 286 286 0 0
5188 I have solid recon from the front row that the one with the clipboard is a quack. 1.0000 0.00411 244 244 0 0
5189 Well, so much for that Diversity iniative. 1.0000 0.00326 307 307 0 0
5190 So, is this what you mean by 'getting our ducks in a row'? 1.0000 0.00321 312 312 0 0
5191 I think he just called you a ‘quack.’ 1.0000 0.00319 314 314 0 0
5192 Their reactions to seeing Donald Duck with trousers was somewhat mixed. 1.0000 0.00334 300 300 0 0
5193 If our results hold up, we may finally have a working model of Congressional voting. 1.0000 0.00343 292 292 0 0
5194 And they thought we were a fledgling company! 1.0000 0.00366 274 274 0 0
5195 Here's the Medical Consultant Group -- they're responsible for denying all the health insurance claims. 1.0000 0.00442 227 227 0 0
5196 But is there really a market for highly educated pate? 1.0000 0.00551 182 182 0 0
5197 We find that monkeys just play games. 1.0000 0.00382 262 262 0 0
5198 So, what you're telling me is that ducks can't Tweet? 1.0000 0.00378 265 265 0 0
5199 The ducks are all in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.00377 266 266 0 0
5200 I kinda liked it when they actually flew through the cloud. 1.0000 0.00536 187 187 0 0
5201 if you're having trouble typing, just wing it. 1.0000 0.00372 269 269 0 0
5202 As we've keep saying, it's fake news that we haven't been filling key government positions. 1.0000 0.00368 272 272 0 0
5203 We teach typing by the hunt and peck method. 1.0000 0.00364 275 275 0 0
5204 I see you’ve gotten all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00396 253 253 0 0
5205 I know we talked about farming out the work, but this is taking it too far. 1.0000 0.00388 258 258 0 0
5206 Good, very good. All our ducks are in a row. 1.0000 0.00480 209 209 0 0
5207 Our research shows 70% of this species uses Expedia when booking their flights south for the winter. 1.0000 0.00375 267 267 0 0
5208 It's a shame , they're snowbirds, we only have them until March. 1.0000 0.00480 209 209 0 0
5209 Based on Mankoff's theory, one of these ducks will hunt and peck the winning caption. 1.0000 0.00354 283 283 0 0
5210 Each winter begins their data migration. 1.0000 0.00349 287 287 0 0
5211 I told you, even with computers ducks can't tweet. 1.0000 0.00388 258 258 0 0
5212 That one on the right in the 3rd row is gonna be trouble. 1.0000 0.00387 259 259 0 0
5213 Don't they know QWERTY is a swear word in duck? 1.0000 0.00380 264 264 0 0
5214 They're solving for V formation. 1.0000 0.00374 268 268 0 0
5215 The one with fingers is coming up with Shakespeare. The rest of them are still on sitcoms. 1.0000 0.00332 302 302 0 0
5216 It appears that these new E.P.A. hires are a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.00366 274 274 0 0
5217 Face it, doctor -- you're turning out yet another generation of quacks. 1.0000 0.00567 177 177 0 0
5218 I used to understand the pecking order. 1.0000 0.00471 213 213 0 0
5219 If the one in the first row would just hit the keyboard, they all will follow. 1.0000 0.00551 182 182 0 0
5220 This is our remedial navigation course. 1.0000 0.00466 215 215 0 0
5221 I assume this is related to the migration 1.0000 0.00482 208 208 0 0
5222 Fourteen years, three months and seventeen days. And not so much as a single "To be nor not to be"? Maybe we're doing something wrong here. 1.0000 0.00451 222 222 0 0
5223 If they are reading fake news, does that make them all quacks? 1.0000 0.00423 237 237 0 0
5224 I'm afraid the next generation of doctors are going to be a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.00245 408 408 0 0
5225 I always thought it was just an expression. 1.0000 0.00240 418 418 0 0
5226 When the boss asked us to get our ducks in a row, I don't think he meant it so literally 1.0000 0.00275 364 364 0 0
5227 Several tweets, but not a single quack 1.0000 0.00241 415 415 0 0
5228 It's casual Friday at The Penguin Press. 1.0000 0.00267 375 375 0 0
5229 Yes, the monkeys had fingers. But did they ever give us fresh eggs? 1.0000 0.00619 162 162 0 0
5230 Whatever you do, don’t call them “sitting ducks!” 1.0000 0.00250 401 401 0 0
5231 Now what? 1.0000 0.00430 233 233 0 0
5232 These flight simulators are the best. 1.0000 0.00278 360 360 0 0
5233 They work for bird seed but replacing broken touch screens is killing the bottom line. 1.0000 0.00247 406 406 0 0
5234 The first one to correctly spell Aflak gets the job 1.0000 0.00250 400 400 0 0
5235 Keep your eye on the last duck on the right in row three. Looks like he's cheating. 1.0000 0.00223 449 449 0 0
5236 First hunt, then peck 1.0000 0.00229 438 438 0 0
5237 The data is conclusive. Ducks can't type. 1.0000 0.00244 411 411 0 0
5238 Is there anyone else who won't be here for Winter term? 1.0000 0.00678 148 148 0 0
5239 How do you spell Laertes? 1.0000 0.00268 373 373 0 0
5240 I can't help but think the occasional goose would be beneficial. 1.0000 0.00384 261 261 0 0
5241 We're not asking for 'Hamlet', but at least those monkeys could type 1.0000 0.00209 480 480 0 0
5242 They're in rows alright, but I sense dissent. 1.0000 0.00228 440 440 0 0
5243 Monkeys and typewriters are so passé. 1.0000 0.00249 402 402 0 0
5244 Yell Goose. I dare ya. 1.0000 0.00224 446 446 0 0
5245 Believe it or not, they're in pecking order. 1.0000 0.00197 509 509 0 0
5246 Has anyone quacked the password? 1.0000 0.00358 280 280 0 0
5247 I think we may have a Peking duck in the second row. 1.0000 0.00209 479 479 0 0
5248 We made it worth their while to not fly South this year 1.0000 0.00296 338 338 0 0
5249 This is the final exam for Advanced Hunt and Peck. Those who pass will receive a mouse. 1.0000 0.00423 237 237 0 0
5250 This is the team responsible for always autocorrecting it to "ducking". 1.0000 0.00311 322 322 0 0
5251 This is the second day in a row the goose hasn't shown up. 1.0000 0.00643 156 156 0 0
5252 It's their fault autocorrect always changes it to "duck." 1.0000 0.00315 318 318 0 0
5253 The Office of Diversity really exceeded expectations this year. 1.0000 0.00416 241 241 0 0
5254 We ran out of monkeys at Henry IV, Part 1. 1.0000 0.00404 248 248 0 0
5255 They look like ducks, swim like ducks and quack like ducks. We can say with 95% confidence that they are ducks. 1.0000 0.00290 345 345 0 0
5256 So you finally got your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00306 327 327 0 0
5257 This is going to take a long time; they all hunt and peck! 1.0000 0.00332 302 302 0 0
5258 Now that they no longer need to fly South for the Winter, they like to do it Virtually. 1.0000 0.00349 287 287 0 0
5259 They are learning to tweet as their second language. 1.0000 0.00286 350 350 0 0
5260 All I said was, "You need to keep your ducks in a row---". 1.0000 0.00253 396 396 0 0
5261 Well, at least we've got all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00358 280 280 0 0
5262 It takes "hunt and peck" to a new level. 1.0000 0.00295 340 340 0 0
5263 Hard to believe a joke about billable hours could get so out of hand. 1.0000 0.00332 302 302 0 0
5264 This is where we refer everyone who calls about a bill. 1.0000 0.00501 200 200 0 0
5265 Turns out it has no effect on billable hours. 1.0000 0.00325 308 308 0 0
5266 The nervous professors faced a packed lecture hall at Trump Medical College. 1.0000 0.00282 355 355 0 0
5267 We're beta testing a new feather touch keyboard. 1.0000 0.00312 321 321 0 0
5268 Does anyone realize we are just a bunch of sitting ducks? 1.0000 0.00316 317 317 0 0
5269 Which one of these is not like the others? 1.0000 0.00321 312 312 0 0
5270 Well, look at it this way - you finally have all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00282 355 355 0 0
5271 It appears they took me seriously when I said teaching creationism was for the birds. 1.0000 0.00286 350 350 0 0
5272 If she says "hunt and peck" one more time I'm gonna scream! 1.0000 0.00286 350 350 0 0
5273 They stopped typing when they came up with ‘Brevity is the soul of wit.’ 1.0000 0.00265 378 378 0 0
5274 They are not going to work for chicken feed. They're ducks. 1.0000 0.00301 333 333 0 0
5275 Are you serious? These are the judges for The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest? No wonder Hal has never won. 1.0000 0.00311 322 322 0 0
5276 Impressive, but they're not all in a row 1.0000 0.00331 303 303 0 0
5277 We always dreamed of having all our ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
5278 I think they're quacks. 1.0000 0.00391 256 256 0 0
5279 If you don't know the answer, just go on to the next question. 1.0000 0.00499 201 201 0 0
5280 Looks like we've got a duck whisperer in the third row. 1.0000 0.00473 212 212 0 0
5281 I too have concerns regarding diversity. 1.0000 0.00496 202 202 0 0
5282 Not all of them will have the aptitude for insurance work. 1.0000 0.00619 162 162 0 0
5283 Unfortunately we couldn't get all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00460 218 218 0 0
5284 They were all supposed to be in a row, not four rows. 1.0000 0.00612 164 164 0 0
5285 The cafeteria agreed to remove foie gras from its menu. 1.0000 0.00519 193 193 0 0
5286 As requested, I got all our ducks in a row, now what? 1.0000 0.00484 207 207 0 0
5287 It's a random sample of the population, of course the results will be statistically significant. 1.0000 0.00482 208 208 0 0
5288 I can't read. 1.0000 0.00593 169 169 0 0
5289 Sometimes I get the feeling that they’re studying us. 1.0000 0.00647 155 155 0 0
5290 Third row, you two on the right....stop quacking! 1.0000 0.00590 170 170 0 0
5291 Hey - does Spellcheck keep changing "quack" on yours? 1.0000 0.00447 224 224 0 0
5292 So your theory is that looking at porn will make cocks grow bigger? 1.0000 0.00501 200 200 0 0
5293 They're not swans and they're not a-swimming. But this is the new reality. 1.0000 0.00635 158 158 0 0
5294 You'll be please to see, we've got all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00697 144 144 0 0
5295 At least we've got all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00692 145 145 0 0
5296 We've discovered that birds of a feather are also able to compute together. 1.0000 0.00560 179 179 0 0
5297 The class has reached the hunt and peck stage. 1.0000 0.00438 229 229 0 0
5298 They finished Hamlet and they're working on Macbeth. 1.0000 0.00438 229 229 0 0
5299 Failing to gain entrance to med school, Daisy decided to take classes to become a Quack instead. 1.0000 0.00436 230 230 0 0
5300 I think they're winging it. 1.0000 0.00436 230 230 0 0
5301 They all seem a little down... 1.0000 0.00651 154 154 0 0
5302 This course is for the birds. 1.0000 0.00434 231 231 0 0
5303 We couldn't afford monkeys. 1.0000 0.00539 186 186 0 0
5304 I'm sorry but these are the test subjects I invited. When you said you wanted to study canards in the age of the internet I didn't realize that it was actually about fake news. 1.0000 0.00438 229 229 0 0
5305 No, it's only a class on diversity, not a diverse class... 1.0000 0.00587 171 171 0 0
5306 I know they are ducks but they work for chicken feed. 1.0000 0.00548 183 183 0 0
5307 Hey, that guy in front is winging it! 1.0000 0.00482 208 208 0 0
5308 "Stephen Hawking warned us this would happen.' 1.0000 0.00491 204 204 0 0
5309 Well, you certainly have gotten your ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.00803 125 125 0 0
5310 They're all adept at hunting and pecking. 1.0000 0.00517 194 194 0 0
5311 The obvious question is can they get beyond "hunt and peck?" 1.0000 0.00722 139 139 0 0
5312 When I ask a question, they all duck! 1.0000 0.00664 151 151 0 0
5313 And I thought a murder of crows was intimidating. 1.0000 0.00717 140 140 0 0
5314 Soon, they'll be ready to fill all the vacant government jobs at a fraction of the cost. 1.0000 0.00573 175 175 0 0
5315 Row three , seat one , your being reassigned to the kitchen . 1.0000 0.00573 175 175 0 0
5316 OK, which one of you said this course isn't all it's quacked up to be? 1.0000 0.00660 152 152 0 0
5317 I hear the rats are upset because we get laptops and they're stuck with the same old mazes. 1.0000 0.00570 176 176 0 0
5318 It was more fun with the monkeys and typewriters. 1.0000 0.00496 202 202 0 0
5319 We planned to test the theory using an infinite number of monkeys, but we've had budget cuts. 1.0000 0.00482 208 208 0 0
5320 Only through extensive written examination can we determine who is the goose. 1.0000 0.00491 204 204 0 0
5321 All of them use the hunt and peck method. 1.0000 0.00460 218 218 0 0
5322 Finally we have succeeded in cross breeding. Ducks can now tweet. 1.0000 0.00517 194 194 0 0
5323 I think 13 is cheating. 1.0000 0.00514 195 195 0 0
5324 If they score above 90% on the quiz they don’t get cooked. 1.0000 0.00514 195 195 0 0
5325 Do they really think we can tweet more than the President? 1.0000 0.00512 196 196 0 0
5326 ``Don't look. Third row. Far right. Fake duck.'' 1.0000 0.00480 209 209 0 0
5327 I hate my job... 1.0000 0.00447 224 224 0 0
5328 And then -- poof -- they all turned into ducks. 1.0000 0.00722 139 139 0 0
5329 It's easy to recognize the one that is right-brained. 1.0000 0.00494 203 203 0 0
5330 Any idea why they turned down your grant request? 1.0000 0.00491 204 204 0 0
5331 When I said the funding was dependent on you getting your ducks in a row this is not what I meant! 1.0000 0.00484 207 207 0 0
5332 For two dollars a hour I’d rather lay eggs 1.0000 0.00519 193 193 0 0
5333 Well, it looks like we have our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00396 253 253 0 0
5334 Quack News 1.0000 0.00494 203 203 0 0
5335 Who here has migrated in the past? 1.0000 0.00454 221 221 0 0
5336 Hunt and Peck, Hunt and Peck. Will they ever learn ? 1.0000 0.00548 183 183 0 0
5337 I thought you had all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00409 245 245 0 0
5338 ...and if you have absolutely no idea what the passage means, just wing it. 1.0000 0.00533 188 188 0 0
5339 It’s our hope that one of them can tell us which came first 1.0000 0.00597 168 168 0 0
5340 Wait, did he just sink my battleship? 1.0000 0.00432 232 232 0 0
5341 When’s the water break? 1.0000 0.00432 232 232 0 0
5342 You know that every answer is going to be 'Quack', right? 1.0000 0.00393 255 255 0 0
5343 Did you hear that they are outsoucing our jobs to Antartic Penguins? 1.0000 0.00464 216 216 0 0
5344 Let's get them into columns. 1.0000 0.00580 173 173 0 0
5345 We did it! The first safe workplace for women. 1.0000 0.01143 88 88 0 0
5346 Test Subjects #34: The ducks don't seem to understand the logic his tweets either. 1.0000 0.00412 243 243 0 0
5347 Well, Jenson, when they fly south for the winter, what then? 1.0000 0.00551 182 182 0 0
5348 We found that monkeys were a barrel of trouble and chickens were tired of working for scratch. 1.0000 0.00375 267 267 0 0
5349 Last time I was here, we wrote Waiting For Godot. 1.0000 0.00406 247 247 0 0
5350 We couldn't get funding for monkeys. 1.0000 0.00401 250 250 0 0
5351 You have twenty minutes for Part I. If you find yourself having trouble with the keyboard, just wing it. 1.0000 0.00364 275 275 0 0
5352 The improved facial recognition software has been a godsend. 1.0000 0.00432 232 232 0 0
5353 They're trying to figure out which one of us is going to quack first. 1.0000 0.00428 234 234 0 0
5354 It's hard to tell what the pecking order is here. 1.0000 0.00388 258 258 0 0
5355 The call it "Twitter." It's therapy for birdbrains. 1.0000 0.00412 243 243 0 0
5356 Who knew there would be this many applicants to be the Aflac Duck? 1.0000 0.00407 246 246 0 0
5357 I'm still on "name." 1.0000 0.00368 272 272 0 0
5358 Looks like we've finally got all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00404 248 248 0 0
5359 Now that we have all our ducks in a row, let's begin. 1.0000 0.00576 174 174 0 0
5360 "Good morning! Today we'll be teaching you the hunt-and-peck method". 1.0000 0.00409 245 245 0 0
5361 As you see, we have all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00712 141 141 0 0
5362 Aren’t we supposed to use monkeys and typewriters? 1.0000 0.00451 222 222 0 0
5363 They've been working since the quack of dawn. 1.0000 0.00560 179 179 0 0
5364 Thank God for Spell Check, eh? 1.0000 0.00451 222 222 0 0
5365 Looks like we've found the quacker. 1.0000 0.00573 175 175 0 0
5366 Our diversity initiative doesnt seem to be working. For every duck duck we should have one goose. 1.0000 0.00445 225 225 0 0
5367 There is no particular pecking order 1.0000 0.00567 177 177 0 0
5368 I gotta say, I also hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.00560 179 179 0 0
5369 They are all quacks. 1.0000 0.00438 229 229 0 0
5370 Is this what you call having all your ducks in a row? 1.0000 0.00436 230 230 0 0
5371 Don't look now, but that one in the third row on the right seems clueless. 1.0000 0.00542 185 185 0 0
5372 If it hacks like a duck... 1.0000 0.00423 237 237 0 0
5373 This test should allow us to separate the clever ducks from the rubber ones. 1.0000 0.00536 187 187 0 0
5374 You certainly know how to keep all your ducks in a row 1.0000 0.00451 222 222 0 0
5375 So, this is the new pecking order. 1.0000 0.00501 200 200 0 0
5376 Notice who finished first again? 1.0000 0.00522 192 192 0 0
5377 I have all my ducks in a row, but my life is still a hot mess. 1.0000 0.00471 213 213 0 0
5378 This is the inner sanctum of the Presidential twitter feed. 1.0000 0.00462 217 217 0 0
5379 Duck #13 wonders if perhaps there’s more to life... 1.0000 0.00548 183 183 0 0
5380 I'm sure they'll just wing it. 1.0000 0.00421 238 238 0 0
5381 Doctor, believe the subject at the far right in the third row may be cheating. 1.0000 0.00421 238 238 0 0
5382 Uh, you know that these are migrant workers, right? 1.0000 0.01093 92 92 0 0
5383 We've bet the monkeys' team that we'll reproduce a Shakespeare play first. 1.0000 0.00449 223 223 0 0
5384 Well, Professor, it looks like you have all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.00399 251 251 0 0
5385 They don't even have thumbs, but somehow half of already gotten to Facebook 1.0000 0.00430 233 233 0 0
5386 Their favorite seems to be the duck dropping a bullseye on the hunter’s head. 1.0000 0.00464 216 216 0 0
5387 They think the dark web is a foot disease. 1.0000 0.01709 59 59 0 0
5388 Thank God Hitchcock never lived to see this. 1.0000 0.00567 177 177 0 0
5389 I heard if we write Hamlet we can go home early. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
5390 They're learning the "hunt and peck" method. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
5391 I am pretty sure he asked for a team of hackers, not quackers! 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
5392 I expect more from all of you than the class of lemmings that proceeded you! 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5393 So far, I've got, "Now is the winter of our something-something," but I don't know why. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5394 And the one little duck with a feather on his back. He led the others with a “quack, quack, quack”. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5395 We've noticed that more and more select 'goose.' 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
5396 We didn’t get Shakespeare with the chimps, but we think we can get Hans Christian Andersen here. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
5397 These are the habituated twitterers. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
5398 Bills, bills, bills! All we ever get are bills! 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
5399 So we're just waiting on the goose then. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5400 I have a deep sense that the denouement is imminent. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5401 What are our chances of getting them all in a row? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5402 I just quacked myself up. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5403 This is the rare case in which being a quack is actually an advantage. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5404 Remember, no bathroom breaks for one hour. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5405 Not a hackathon, Chris. A quackathon. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5406 They’re testing our new QuackBooks. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5407 If we end up on Quackwatch after this, I'll say it was all your idea. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5408 “...kinda puts a sterile twist on the whole mate-for-life thing... 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5409 Really, tax reform? I thought this was health care... 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5410 He's giving the pecking order order. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5411 Inside Facebook's Anti Propaganda Center (7/05/16) 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5412 Pigeons in the class, alas. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5413 Good, they don't seem to suspect anything. Fire up the George Foreman grills. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5414 Well, if chimps can write a novel, get your ducks lined up, you get the sequel. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5415 Duck 16: Hey what did you get on question 47? Duck 17: Quack. Duck 16: Ok. Just checking. That’s what I got too. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5416 I have a hunch they are going to ask for a mouse. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5417 Duck 13 - stay focused - you know Kim needs all the 'likes' she can get 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5418 The moment C4 was caught cheating. Only A3 came close to the answer. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5419 And when you ask them to do group work, remember to use the word, "flock". 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5420 Is it metamorphosis or evolution? 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5421 Look to your right, then look to your left. By holiday intersession, one of you won't be here. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5422 It makes sense, really. The Millennials all insisted that any app named 'Quack' be tested on ducks. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5423 Explain to me again how our people went from the pond to becoming cogs in The Machine! 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5424 Do you think they will do as well as the mice on the ABC program? 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5425 We can apply for funding now that we have all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5426 They were the only group that nailed the Trump victory. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5427 Cubicle-less Test Study Group 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5428 Who knew ducks could tweet! 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5429 Give a million ducks a million laptops and, eventually, one of them will quack the code. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5430 Quackers will soon be hackers. Watch out, Russia. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5431 You can call him an outlier. I still say he’s an odd duck. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5432 They're all tweeting the same answers. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5433 My money's on the monkeys. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5434 Twitter isn't whats its Quacked up to be ! 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5435 We're not even close to the complete works of Shakespeare. Bring in more ducks and tell them we need another week. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5436 Consider it your motherboard. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5437 No Shakespear yet. But there's some pretty steamy fan fiction. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5438 Are you sure they like those cat videos? 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5439 If he keeps quacking, feathers are going to fly. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5440 We got rid of the geese after yesterday's disruptions. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5441 Get the flock out of here! 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5442 Dr. Spock, with each passing year I feel like we're just producing more and more quacks. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5443 We really need to get all of our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5444 Unfortunately even with today's technology, we still can't answer that age old question of which came first.... 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5445 Well, I'm not surprised they're laying even less eggs now. These computers didn't really add any value with kids in schools either. What should we try them on next? 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5446 Looks like we have our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5447 Keep an eye on number 13, he looks very slippery to me. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5448 These are the closest things to platypuses we could find. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5449 All in a row, as per your request. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5450 I'm suing because I have developed carpal tunnel syndrome 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5451 It's a zoo out there, Helen. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
5452 Now please go to the class syllabus and review the “duck and cover” policy in case of emergency. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5453 How ow do you think they'll react when we tell them they're being replaced by robots? 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5454 Get rid of the one in the upper second row. She must realize that the screens are blank. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
5455 Should we use an African or a European swallow? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5456 Getting them all in a row was the easy part. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5457 Don't overthink it my fine feathered friend. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
5458 Except for the Democrat who snuck in, third row on the right, the other senators seem to have their ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5459 I find that it's worth the extra webroom. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5460 I'm not sure what we were expecting. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5461 Productivity has slipped badly ever since the monkeys went on strike. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5462 Now if we could just get them beyond ‘hunt and peck’... 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5463 No wise quacks here. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5464 Third row, far right - that's the guilty one. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5465 Third row right! Shoot him!! He's migrating!!! 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5466 Wonder what they are going to feed us today. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5467 Don't we need a goose for this? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5468 But their little feet are paddling like crazy. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5469 Ducks! Ducks! Ducks! There are too many ducks! 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5470 Who is pecking on the keys? 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5471 I prefer the online courses of duck and cover rather than imagining sexual harassment with these two quacks. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5472 Software glitch on computer #8. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5473 It's a telethon for the goose. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5474 Our grants have almost run out and the dean said to make do with what bread we have left 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5475 This call center would be perfect if we could get them to quit quacking like ducks. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5476 Let's review the recipe for grilled chicken tenders in soy sauce again. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5477 I'll press control, you hit alt, and we'll get Jimbo over there to hit delete. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5478 If it didn't work with monkeys what makes you think it will work with ducks? 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5479 Center front! No cheating! 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5480 There are twice as many peckers as hunters. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
5481 How many more will it take to write "The Duck Song"? 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5482 Here at Aflac, we’ve given operations over to our ad agency, with mixed results. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5483 You couldn't afford monkeys? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5484 Welcome to Medical school, we're here to train you to be Doctors, not quacks. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5485 We need to look for more diversity in our medical students. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5486 They'll only read Scandinavian literature: The Wild Duck eider/or A Duck's House. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5487 This is not working Shall we tryeth the monkeys? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5488 Did Matt say to put them all in one row? 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5489 It took the monkeys infinite time to come up with Hamlet, but they only had typewriters. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5490 It appears word has gotten out that this is a bird course. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
5491 But first, a trigger warning. This morning, Chef Charles will be discussing the preparation of duck a l'orange and foie gras. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
5492 The monkeys wrote Hamlet. These guys keep writing Aflac comercials. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5493 And they think we're quacks 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5494 They got Shakespeare out of monkeys but I hear it took forever. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5495 Yes, organic, no antibiotics, cage free, with Wi-Fi. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
5496 Phew! We finally got all our ducks in a ...... Wait a minute..... 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5497 After budget cuts, scientific research was left to the quacks. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5498 Swan Lake will be over shortly so you can take a swim soon. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5499 Keep an eye on C-1. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5500 It seems they're more efficient than the chimpanzees and typewriters... 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5501 He has ADHD. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5502 This row, eyes on your own computer! 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5503 This semester we’ll be grading our all eggs on a curve. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5504 Which one of you is a class clone? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5505 Perhaps by adding a goose we’d get better results. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5506 At long last, Congress finally announced a set of bills combat Russian hackers. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5507 Third row, far right ..... could be an outlier. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5508 and we only need one for the commercial 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5509 I wonder if the guy in the third row doesn't get it, or just doesn't care. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5510 Looks like they've got all their Macs in a row. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5511 The monkeys have unionized 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5512 That's the one; he's an outlier. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5513 There doesn't appear to be an increase in tweets. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5514 The whole office requested relocation to Miami by December. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5515 Perhaps they can quack the code. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5516 Are these the new replacements? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5517 ... so for all you carrier pigeons worried about losing your jobs, welcome to your future in communication. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5518 Those two think we're the quacks. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5519 I'm betting they will knock out Shakespeare faster than those damn monkeys. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5520 I can't believe we can't get all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5521 lets get the duck out of here 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5522 I'm involved in cutting edge research, but everyone still calls me a quack 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5523 we glued their beaks shut and now they do all their tweeting on Twitter. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5524 The chimps who were going to write the complete works of Shakespeare are on strike so we're hoping the ducks can manage Grisham's oeuvre. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5525 The monkeys had better results 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5526 We’ve got them all in rows. Now what? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5527 Calling the roll every days is a drag -- there's never a goose! 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5528 Shall I recall the monkeys? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5529 There always has to be a quack in the group. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5530 You idiot! I said hire a team to CRACK the code! 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
5531 Wait for the pecking order. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5532 We should take our webbing world wide. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5533 All of them have been trained to stop tweeting, except for the blonde one. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5534 I think we need a little more diversity in here. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5535 There's always one quack in every class. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5536 Number 3 - this is the second time - wings down until we say start. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5537 "Look like, birds with the same computer peck together". 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5538 If monkeys can write a Shakespeare play, let's see what ducks can do 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5539 Senator McConnell called today and said he'd make sure our latest trials get approved if we volunteer our call center team during open enrollment. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5540 Pasture-raised, free-range, and cage-free are fine--but this is going too far... 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5541 This isn't working. The Russians must have used a different animal for their internet farm. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5542 We'll show you how easily you can fill out the company's new claim forms. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5543 From free-range, to this- 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5544 Have you tried breadcrumbs? 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5545 Quack doctors are being bred everyday. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5546 We're researching alternate avian species responses to the question of 'Why did the chicken cross the road?'. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5547 This time you’re “Goose.” 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5548 We tried monkeys but they wouldn't sit still. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5549 Freud right before he slipped 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5550 Did you get to the part where they make fun of our bird legs? 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5551 Boy, when I took this Trump University professorship I was worried there'd be more right wingers. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
5552 Hey, up in row three, you two aren’t being paid to chirp all day 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
5553 I know, but can they hack like ducks? 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
5554 Only migrants will do this work. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
5555 Welcome to hunt and peck keyboard training. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5556 I guess this may not be the best way to mine bitcoin after all. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
5557 Psst- are these harassment depositions supposed to be against Donald or Daffy? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5558 I thought I told you. If you want Shakespeare you have to use monkeys. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5559 The exam is multiple choice, so you can peck and choose. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5560 They're getting a little unruly. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5561 Well, at least we've got all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5562 Is your Internet slow? 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5563 OK, we have our ducks lined up, now what? 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5564 I believe the first row center duck is an imposter. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5565 Do you really think they'll be faster than monkeys with typewriters? 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5566 The number of calls on the hotline drops off after hunting season 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5567 So this is how Duck Duck Go searches the net. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5568 I told you I had my doubts about Donald. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5569 As you can see Ms. Smith we have all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5570 No surprise, even as a young quacker, he was always an odd duck! 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5571 At least it’s not a cooking class! 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5572 The best fake Twitter tweets come from birds, of course. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5573 Looks like we'll get the best deal if we fly Southwest. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5574 They're mostly here for the insurance. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5575 Maybe he's just winging it? 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5576 Doctor, I hope we're not training a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5577 They won’t stop tweeting during class. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5578 I got the book for dummies... I should've gotten the one for ducks. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5579 You in the 2nd row upper right, “I don’t want to hear another quack out of you”. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5580 Class I said no hunting and pecking! 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5581 Once the monkeys finally reproduced the works of Shakespeare, we thought we'd see what the ducks would come up with. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5582 Looks like we have all our ducks in a row 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5583 Is it just me, or have they been ducking questions all semester? 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5584 Fight or flight, who knows? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5585 Well I guess you have all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5586 Satisfying to know I have my ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5587 These new programs will teach them how to fly, but we're really after is their data. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5588 Tonight, it's "Hitchcock and chill." 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5589 They are still working out the pecking order. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5590 I prefer chickens as focus groups. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5591 Well, if it blogs like a duck, and it posts like a duck, ... 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5592 Hunt and peck TYPING experts? I just heard the hunt and peck part. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5593 He refuses to hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5594 I was told there would be free bread in the lobby. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5595 This is how we keep our ducks in multiple rows. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5596 Did you remember install the mallardware? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5597 If I hear that "Walks like a duck" analogy one more time I'm migrating. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5598 They peck 70 WPM with no errors. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5599 When I said "We need to get all of our ducks in a row," I was speaking figuratively. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5600 Putting our ducks in row has proven to be more productive than cubicles 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5601 Welcome to the Duck Web. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5602 You will have 50 minutes to complete this test, and no pecking at your neighbor's answers! 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5603 should you act like a duck bc everyone else does? 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5604 Before publication, we must undergo peer review. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5605 We call this experiment "do birds of a feather click together" 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5606 The competition may have all their Ducks in a row, but we have ours in a 4x4 matrix. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5607 They are not good at note-taking but they do know their micro-biology. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5608 Hmm, we have a problem. I see we do not have all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5609 Do you ever get the feeling that may we are bunch of quacks? 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5610 I know you like your ducks in a row, but I didn’t know you were so literal. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5611 We relocate everyone to our southern office in the winter. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5612 And after 1,000 hours, we got the AFLAC commercial. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5613 You in the third row are out. I did not say "Simon says turn to the right". 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5614 Getting your ducks in a row does not require real ducks. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
5615 Apparently he doesn't know how to Tweet... 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5616 They're all good eggs. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5617 This is how we test them after the eggs hatch. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5618 We're training them to tweet properly. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5619 I'm starting to think they're all just on Facebook. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5620 If you are right winged you are asked to leave. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5621 Are you certain, with all the training we've given them, they will not fly south for the winter? winter? 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5622 So far, only a couple of abstract poems. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5623 Miss Farnsworth, I said make sure they're all in a row. I said nothing about teaching them to type. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5624 I took this class because I heard the professor was a quack. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5625 5,4,3,2,1. You may begin pecking. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5626 Finally we got the funding to do some real science! 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5627 We get a lot of reports saying we're quacks. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5628 Well, we know who's for dinner. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5629 Next, let's herd the cats. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5630 As a heads-up, there's a lot of squawking when I give them weekend homework. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5631 There always has to be an odd duck. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5632 Just make sure they all do their own work. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5633 There's always one in every class. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5634 The Bible?....We'll see if they can do as well as the Monkeys. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5635 So, you're cloning trial created a whole new freshman class? 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5636 Peakuliar. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5637 After they peck, we'll surprise them with the hunt. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5638 You know, even if we publish the results of our study, we'll be accused of fowl play. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5639 Once you've gone back to the womb, I can give you a clean restart. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5640 We know that most of you are PC, but suspect that one of you is a Quack! 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5641 It's another iteration of the 'infinite number of monkeys' theory.' 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5642 "What kind of quack-study is this?' 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5643 They are all planning to run for public office. We are teaching them how to duck questions. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5644 I miss the days when tweeting had lower stakes. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5645 None of them has typed Shakespeare but we did get the first three chapters of a Dean Koontz novel. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5646 You distract the humans. I'm gonna fly this coop. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5647 Nothing says all my ducks have to be in one row. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5648 Sorry, Ed, the ducks wouldn’t fit in a row. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5649 So just why do they want us all in a row? 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5650 I know you think you have all your ducks in a row ... 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5651 This could take all day. They're playing chicken. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5652 I'm confident that with these computers our ducks will best those monkeys with their typewriters. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5653 If you’re going to take it personally, don’t hire ducks next time. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5654 Why do we always have to flock together? 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5655 There's a quack out there 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5656 Duck One, Row Three has a concentration problem! 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5657 We're just waiting for the goose to arrive. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5658 Don't monkeys usually do this? 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5659 They were out of monkeys. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5660 Steve Jobs would be proud of these...we've just rolled out the new QuackBook. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5661 This is our billing department for Twitter. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5662 They are lobbying to be on the list of superfoods. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5663 Let's try a million monkeys. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5664 It worked with lemmings but these guys are too flighty. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5665 Well, if it logs on like a duck, and surfs like a duck, and emails like a duck, then... 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5666 Online reviewers say our telemedicine program has too many quacks. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5667 The 'how to tweet' classes are getting bigger and bigger. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5668 Creating egg emojis is a cinch! 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5669 Finally we can determine if they are still masters of organization in multiple rows. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5670 OK, birds now enter your passwords . . . HEY, no beaking!!! 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5671 These test subjects are far better than the students we usually get for our studies. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5672 By my calculations, 16 ducks should eventually produce Gary Garrison 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5673 See, I told you to book earlier for our flight south 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5674 We are studying how many geese will share their Amazon purchase experience on their "Facebeak" page. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5675 I can't stand the pressure of their standing there with their clipboards. Developing a vegan p.r. campaign might save some of us, but I, for one, am not willing to give up eating frogs and worms. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5676 OK you guys. You have 12 hours to write another Hamlet. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5677 Every class has its clown 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5678 We gotta get outta here, we're just sitting ducks! 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5679 Where's the goose today - down at the pub again? 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5680 Eventually, one of them will quack the code. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5681 Doctors schmocktors, they're just a couple of quacks like us! 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5682 dog 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5683 Except for Donald, we've got all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5684 Well, human subjects just wouldn’t fit the bill. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5685 Time is up all you mother duckers. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5686 That's not funny. Which one of you farted? 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5687 I have never done well on foreign languages. Just looks like hen scratching to me. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5688 “Viaduct?” We usually call it a “router,” Heinrich, but yes, they’re connected to the Internet. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5689 That pretty much kills Hamlet for this century. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5690 The hack army! 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5691 Keep an eye out for cheating, we need to flunk the quack quackers. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5692 Sorry Doctor, now I see why they call you a quack. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5693 They can’t expect a unanimous result since we’re all quite different. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5694 I'm not sure I agree with this pecking order. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5695 They want to know if we are the smarter substitute for chicken. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5696 Joe asked me to get approval from the higher ups for our revised Apple map directions. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5697 Yes, it's time to move headquarters south. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5698 I found 2 clichés, how about you? 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5699 It's going well, but the mockingbird keeps copying his neighbor's answers. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5700 So far, they've come up with The Godfather, Once is Not Enough and The Art of the Deal. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5701 And they call us a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5702 You really are a quack... 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
5703 They work for chicken feed, but their hunt-and-peck typing is slow. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5704 Please remain calm. Today's geography lesson includes Peking. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5705 Eddington was wrong about the monkeys, so now we're trying ducks. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5706 I did it, I quacked the system! 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5707 It really is a duck eat duck world. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5708 This focus group confirms it. We launch 240 characters. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
5709 If you say everything is just ducky one more time, I'm going to scream. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5710 Technology does make advanced learning more accessible to the masses. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
5711 We teach the hunt and peck method. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
5712 “Is there a way to breed a little creativity into them”. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
5713 that one in row three is cheating. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
5714 You have 1 minute to identify the quack! 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
5715 We call them "flaptops." 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
5716 He may be one of our best programmers but even after completing two sensitivity trainings he still calls his younger co-workers "chicks". 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
5717 The President has assigned a bunch of quacks to drain the swamp. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
5718 I don’t see “annoying noises” in methods of contact. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
5719 This test should determine who's a quack. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
5720 I just knew it would come to this. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
5721 This was working better with monkeys. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
5722 They've challenged some chimpanzees to a Shakespeare-writing contest. 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
5723 R3 S4 continues to refuse to data transcribe in protest of recent human job loss numbers. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5724 Well, we managed to get our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5725 They seem to duck any input. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5726 I don't think "ducksoup" is an appropriate password. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
5727 That wasn't a professional slur, doctor, that's just how they ask questions. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5728 Even with A.I., all they want to use is FaceTime! 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5729 And here, we’re attempting to establish pecking order. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5730 Which one's the goose? 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5731 Some days, I schedule the duck and cat focus groups for the same timeslot to liven things up a bit. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5732 The one at the end of the third row on the right is a quack. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5733 You take things too literally. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5734 No profiles. Head shots only please! 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5735 I’m afraid they all easily quacked into our server 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
5736 Our poultry is not only free range, it is also well educated. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5737 No, I said we don't test ON animals. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5738 ... and this group is testing our new QuackBook Pro. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5739 If the swim team is any indication, getting our student-athletes through their courses could be a challenge this year. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5740 This is the best class yet to come out of our incubator. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5741 After the monkeys finished Hamlet, we thought the ducks might do Hamilton. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5742 This poll's for Hannity. Don't sweat the margin of error. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5743 I heard the geese chickened out. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5744 Well, we finally have all our ducks in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5745 Ok, start pecking. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5746 Do you think "quackers" is a good title? 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5747 It looks like Drake is just going to wing it. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5748 As God is my witness, I thought ducks could tweet. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5749 At least attendance is up. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5750 There's always one who's still using DOS. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
5751 They're gonna need a lot more of us ducks if they're hoping to get Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5752 Right - Left pecking order contest: The winning team will be delivered to their sponsor in time for the holidays. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5753 Ironically, he's perfectly fine with pecking but objects to hunting. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5754 One more 'quack' during roll and I'll scream. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5755 They've got the peck down but the hunt looks hopeless. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5756 False Start, Number 3, penalty declined. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5757 Remember when adding your payment method not to select the "Put it on my bill" option. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5758 I know we are quack doctors but at least we have all of our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5759 Being in a row seems to come naturally for them. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5760 This group scored higher than the mice. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5761 They've started a meme page 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
5762 They teach the “Hunt and Peck” method here. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5763 If they were serious about us starting a troll farm they should have budgeted enough for us to get the mockingbirds. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5764 I expect one of them will soon quack under the pressure. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5765 When I applied, I thought it was to quack not hack. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5766 So, how many do you think are not paying attention and are checking their Facebook account? 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5767 please check to see that your rows are straight! 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5768 OK, we have them all in a row--now what? 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5769 ...but, we couldn't get a research grant for monkeys. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5770 Which instructor is which.....I can't tell them apart. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5771 What medical school did you say they graduated from? 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
5772 This time it only took 4 minutes to get all of our ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5773 We are monitoring the chick's flick 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
5774 Once again, we see there's always one quack in the bunch. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
5775 The problem is they all hunt and peck 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5776 How are we supposed to know the inner psyche of why he crossed the road? Because we have feathers?? 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5777 So, you've got all your ducks in a row - now what? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5778 How can he just fire all of the media ? 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5779 The quack recognition software still has some bugs. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5780 We do not refer to then as sitting ducks. Rather, we think of them as future quacks. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5781 If they start now we can still catch up to the team in Bombay. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5782 I don't care - animal testing is still cruel and inhuman! 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
5783 Eyes to the front please. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
5784 It's their induction. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
5785 But can they tweet in Russian? 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
5786 Your text said you wanted "a re-ducktion in class size." 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
5787 They only want to fly south virtually. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
5788 No, not the entire works of Shakespeare... we did manage to get a decent number of Donald Trump's tweets, though. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
5789 They actually "hunt and peck" less than the 60+ year old male demo. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
5790 I prefer the other way of tweeting. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
5791 Do they really think we all stick together in everything? I DO have my own opinion! 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
5792 This caption is for the previous contest, which should still be open at 11:47pm on Sunday, November 5th: "Now, repeat after me...I am clean and I am attractive to women." 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
5793 You, third row, far right. Beak front! 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5794 If it wasn't for those two lame ducks, we would have a great website! 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5795 Those fake migration stories we put on Facebeak seem quite effective. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5796 Well, we proved the infinite monkey theorem correct so now we decided to test it with ducks. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5797 Third row back, on the right... going rogue. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5798 I thought when you said 'bird course' it just meant it was easy... 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5799 Our cluck farms are adding millions of good paying jobs. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5800 It’s quite insulting being called a ‘quack’. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5801 I finally got all my ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5802 Maybe name tags are in order. Is it insensitive to say they all look alike? 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5803 If it looks like an Apple and has the logo of an Apple then it's not a carrot. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5804 Dude! And to think all we used to get to entertain ourselves was worms and birdseed. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5805 OMG Thelma. I know it was pitch dark but I would recognize that wing anywhere. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
5806 So, yes, social media is addictive for ducks. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
5807 These Linux distros are really very different, but they all carry an iPhone under their wings... 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5808 Just as we hypothesized, they are addicted to Crazy Humans. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
5809 Well, so far, the monkeys win. It ain't Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5810 We're not expecting Shakespeare; just hoping for a better insurance ad. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5811 I asked for you to find the Russian hackers, not Russian quakers. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
5812 Moving this leadership class before the Fall has worked really well. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5813 They quack if they find a bill. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5814 What's the point if they can't read Duck? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5815 Do you see what I see? One of them is a quack. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5816 Topic today is: Migration 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5817 ...this new quack-to-text feature is awesome! 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
5818 Well they sure have all their ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5819 I don't remember if it's this room where we're using AI to demonstrate Darwin's Theory of Evolution." "It is hard to tell anymore. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5820 Duck, duck, goose could get awfully confusing with this class. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5821 It was a combined grant; his from NIH and hers from the Interior Department. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5822 You, there--the one who said, 'Yeah, those are what I call down pillows'--what kind of website are you on? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5823 ... because they didn't need visas. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
5824 I really thought we could teach them something more than hunt and peck typing 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5825 This helps tremendously in studying geese flight formation. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
5826 This is our billing department. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
5827 I thought you told those two no mating during tax season. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5828 I see a harassment case looming in row 3. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5829 So much for the four and twenty blackbirds. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5830 I don't think that's what the boss meant when she said get all your ducks in a row 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
5831 We couldn't afford the monkeys 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5832 We're studying just how fowl social media can get. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5833 They've got flight schedules down cold. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
5834 We can afford to train them because they work for crumbs. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5835 Recipes!! Not good!! 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
5836 Well, this is one way to get all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5837 It’s working: they’re forgetting they’re a flock. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
5838 They can't get enough of Angry Birds. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5839 We have been quacked ! 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5840 Third row on the right is cheating. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5841 We're tracking how long it takes them to type the complete works of Duck Edwing. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5842 They really have their dueks in a row and what they pay is bird feed. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5843 Any quacks will be subject to disqualification. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5844 Monkey's and typewriters are so 20th century. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5845 Meanwhile at Peking Duck University.... 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5846 So either he's cheating or he has a low attention span. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5847 They are great at quacking hackers. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5848 Now that we have our ducks in a row ... 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5849 The purpose of this experiment is to determine how long a duck can be exposed to the blogosphere before it quacks. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5850 I know, but just say "Spring to it," and watch them migrate data. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5851 we couldn't find 100 monkeys 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5852 The crazy duck virus is spreading from computer to you. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5853 I fear that our Southern location is all this college has going for it anymore. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5854 Don't get me wrong, they are fantastic military drone pilots, but they seem too focused on bombing cars. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5855 At least they're better behaved than the monkeys. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5856 I guess they walk like penguins too? 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5857 Not what I meant when I said to test the "hunt-and-peck" method 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5858 On line dating has really caught on here 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5859 The boss hired fly-by-nights to disrupt the pecking order. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5860 True, the Shakespeare Monkeys were a bust, but we have high hopes for our Proust Ducks. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5861 Boris, do it now, they will never suspect a hacker duck. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5862 Its how we decide pecking order. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5863 I used to just count beaks, now I actually take roll. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5864 A more thorough investigation confirmed suspicion - the Equifax cybersecurity team was a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5865 Further proof that online polling sites are quack science. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5866 I don’t feel like pecking. I feel like schmecking. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5867 We've been having problems with that third row lately. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5868 They are virtual flight simulators." 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5869 And they call us a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5870 If we could just quack instead of tweet. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5871 Good response. But still nothing compared to the breadcrumbs. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5872 Any idea what "Four score" means? 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5873 He also has trouble facing forward when flying south for the winter. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5874 So, final question-why did the chicken cross the road? 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5875 Ever notice how you can't tell one professor from another? 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5876 Second row on the end is cheating. Move him to management right away. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5877 It was your idea to lower the MSAT admission scores. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5878 The Story about Ping, Xi Jinping that is. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5879 Yes, they are studious, but if you can't teach them to quack, they can't sell insurance. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5880 They're much more productive than monkeys. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5881 I hate Apple Computers. I'm a PC Duck! 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5882 Turns out that one hundred ducks are just as good at creative writing as one hundred monkeys AND they cost less. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5883 So...are my ducks in a row? 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5884 The pecking order seems to have magically established itself again. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5885 To be completely correct, they should all be in just one row. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5886 The data is pretty conclusive now: ducks are most adept at using the space bar. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5887 There’s one in the third row who’s been termed. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5888 Face it class, none of you will ever replace Gilbert Gottfried. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5889 Call of Duty has really helped egg production 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5890 so much for getting past the hunt and peck technique 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5891 We're seeing how long it takes for them to die from watching Lil Pump videos. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5892 Yes, but we still don't have all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5893 Finally a good PPO--Perfect Pecking Order 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5894 The lap tops are identical. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5895 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5896 First we study how they look. Next is the swim analysis. Finally, we see if they quack. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5897 Well, you certainly seem to have your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5898 Labor shortages force Russian troll farms to take desperate measures. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5899 All eyes forward and all feet off the desks. Enter your answers with your beaks only. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5900 I'm a little worried about our first-year medical school class. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5901 They are all free range and free thinkers. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5902 Well, at least your students have finally gotten their ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5903 Poly wants one. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5904 I distinctly heard one of them call you a quack. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5905 We are training the next generation of online medical professionals 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5906 Robin, in front here, found a glitch in the pecking order. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5907 If that's our goal, admissions have to be needs-based. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5908 This isn't what I imagined when you said "content farm." 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5909 They still haven't Instagrammed this - I owe you five bucks. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5910 I'd fly the coop if I didn't have to feather my nest. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5911 So, uh, any... um, quacktions? 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5912 I hate reading people's stuff in front of them. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5913 My ex-husband was a duck. Her passed away last year. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5914 Studies show one in sixteen ducks are libertarians. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5915 This study is to determine what percentage of them uses something other than the "hunt and peck" method of keyboarding. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5916 These two are quacks. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5917 now, everyone look to the left and look to your right. One of you will be a duck 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
5918 I'm completely blocked. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5919 I didn't think we had to study gun control. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5920 We've learned that having all your ducks in a row is no more productive than having your ducks in a jumble. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5921 ok, now that you have all your ducks in a row... 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5922 The monkey was able to randomly type the entire works of Shakespeare, so now the ducks are giving it a try. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5923 It looks like a bird strike. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5924 Row 3, Seat 4 is so good that he's already been verified on Twitter. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5925 Ka, ca, au, uc, ak, kc, uk, qc. Maybe they're trying to tell us something? 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5926 We’ve trained the 141st to hit “Delete” 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5927 watch the chick on the right - she's a bad egg. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5928 Face it. They're not monkeys. Let's shoot for "Chop Stjticks". 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5929 Today you all can have some free time on the computers, but no tweeting aloud 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5930 There's always one badling in every brace of ducks. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5931 The last video didn't make them taste any better, we'll keep trying though. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5932 They're all volunteers. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5933 The duck in row 3 wants to call this a quack-a-thon 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5934 I don't think the cat videos are going to get us the clicks we want with this group. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5935 Upon seeing a 'gray duck', they are to put their right wing on the desk and stand up. On seeing a goose, however, they are to turn their heads to the right in disgust. Got it? 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5936 Yes, I can read...and it’s a recipe for duck confit! 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5937 Third row right is cheating. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5938 So, can a finite number of ducks with a finite amount of time randomly write an orange fusion dossier? 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5939 That's odd. I thought it was only fish that schooled. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5940 After this do you wanna quack open a cold one with me? 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5941 Today's flock of testers are hand pecked. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5942 It lacks a human element. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5943 This will finally prove that what's good for the goose is good for the gander. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5944 #8 is cheating. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5945 Henry, let's call it THE WILD DUCK 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
5946 The best part is we pay them chickenfeed. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5947 I think I'll probably do much better in the field testing. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5948 Finally we have our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
5949 I think chimps would have been faster 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
5950 And they say we can’t get our ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5951 I'm sorry, but this whole rows and columns thing is lost on me. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5952 No need to worry about grades, as this University long ago ceased all animal testing. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5953 Third row, right: Target for director of marketing. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5954 Ok, they're all in a row but I suspect something is not quite right. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5955 Pssst..... is this a pop quiz? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5956 Well, maybe an infinite number of ducks will do better than the monkeys. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5957 But do they click like ducks? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5958 BIRDWATCH 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5959 Centre, bottom is winging it again 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5960 Is internet access humane to animals? 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5961 For a bunch of quacks they're quite productive. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5962 It appears we've lost one, Jim. But still, that's a 93.8% positive success rate. Not bad! 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5964 Third row, far right doesn't realize this is a class of decoys. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5965 Monkeys and typewriters-nothing, ducks and about myna birds and Echo? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5966 If it Tweets like a duck, it must be a duck. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5967 It's not exactly what I thought when you said twitter. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5968 What do you think we write after “It was the best of times,it was the worst of times “ ? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5969 No, I think it was monkeys who could eventually duplicate literature, ducks feet are better at web texing !! 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5970 I thought this was suppose to be cage-free? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5971 Welcome to Hunt & Peck Typing Class. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5972 How long, do you think, before patients realize their telemedicine doctor is a quack? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5973 They write better books than the monkeys... 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5974 Maybe they will do better job writing the winning caption than the monkeys on typewriters did. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
5975 You know, nice job getting them in a row. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5976 And here we have our randomized, double-blind study proving that if it types like a duck it is a duck. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5977 What did you peck for question six? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
5978 I used to get attached to the freshman, but as soon as I did they'd always transfer to some school in the south. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
5979 Listen up, there will be no ducking in and ducking out of this classroom. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
5980 Class discussions are a bit of a problem 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5981 Shouldn't we be monkeys? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5982 They still look like a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5983 Do you think they are testing us for our "infowlable" sense of direction or good taste?" 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5984 You wanted Florida? This is a Windows 10 migration class. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
5985 I hear they have a hundred chimps in the next room. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
5986 OK, now everybody try as best you can to click on Ease of Access. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
5987 Now what? I still think we should've just tossed the stale bread. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
5988 I used to be a goose. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5989 It may take an infinite number of monkeys, but we believe dozens of ducks could write all the great books. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
5990 This experiment is nothing but quackery! 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
5991 Pavlov would be salivating in his grave. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
5992 You 2 -- back there -- can you please share with the class what you are quacking about? 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
5993 Hey buddy. How do you spell quack? 1.0000 0.13363 8 8 0 0
5994 Now, let's try it without your rubber ducky. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
5995 Which ones are the quacks in the room? 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5996 Do you want them to touch type or hunt and peck? 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5997 Don’t look now but I think 2-E may be a Hunt-and-Pecker. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5998 Apparently how to turn it on flew over one of their heads. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
5999 Do you ever worry they think you're a quack? 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6000 Once again, you took my request to get all your ducks in a row a bit literally. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6001 We tried monkeys but they all kept quitting to become novelists 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
6002 Why is it only one of you is still using the "hunt and peck" method? 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
6003 There is always one who makes it impossible to line ALL your ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6004 Quacking not allowed in this eggsamination! 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6005 Who says we don't have a diverse student body? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6006 We expect that once we get them all in a row, we will finally see some improvement. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6007 I think I know who the quack hacker is. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6008 Is this the internet of things? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6009 What we need here is a goose. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6010 When the goose comes that's when we start the game. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6011 I see you have your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6012 The soap is free-floating and the brush is slip resistant. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6013 Cartesian dualism is wrong. The mind and body are one and that's why my new treatment is simple and works so well. First you tub it, then scrub it, and finally drub it. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6014 The alternative medicine field is really growing. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6015 Thank you for your support, which enables scientists to continue studying the duck machine interface. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6016 Yup, looks like we've got all our ducks in a row.... 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6017 If there's a test, We're ducked! 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6018 Those monkeys with typewriters look pretty good now. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6019 Third row, first on our right -- shows independent thought. Put it on the fast track for an executive position. Fire the rest. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6020 This "hunt and peck" method is for the birds. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6021 I think his internet is down. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6022 This isn’t for the birds, this is monkey business. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6023 How unfortunate that the "infinite number of monkeys" went out on strike. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6024 Wasn't that tale about 1,000,000,000 creatures writing "Gone With The Wind" about monkeys? 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6025 Sadly, they're our best focus group. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6026 There will be no chirping during this exam 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6027 Are you sure they are all Stanford ducks? 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6028 This will never fly. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6029 Well it's no Shakespeare, but they did come up with some pretty good tweets. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6030 You all ate your mouse? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6031 I told you that Artificial Intelligence is no match for bird brains 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6032 I don’t care if MIT figured out the right number of monkeys to get Shakespeare. I don’t like Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6033 I see you have all your ducks in a row, but there is always one odd duck in every crowd! 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6034 I'm not sure what the pecking order is. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6035 I don't think these millennials are taking notes; frankly, I think they're watching Star Trek reruns 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6036 I told you, Trump care is for the birds 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6037 Getting them in a row was the easy part. Convincing them to write good things about the president has proved to be the real challenge. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6038 We may have all our ducks in a row, but we'd better keep an eye on that one in the front. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6039 Who voted these Duck Heads into office? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6040 It's pretty much hunt and peck, but on the plus side, they dont care about benefits. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6041 Welcome to Homeopathy 101. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6042 Hope you’re not doing Iron Chef! 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6043 That's one way to get all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6044 Looks like Number 3 is going for the click bait. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6045 If they replaced the keys with bread crumbs, it wouldn't take as long for one of us to type the Gettysburg Address. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6046 Some experiment Doctor. All they did was type 'Quack.' 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6047 There's nothing like free-range thinking. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6048 Welcome to the Pidgin English Advanced Placement Test. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6049 We may need to switch to smartphones. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6050 Well, they're still not quite as hackneyed as the jews... 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6051 We used monkeys and typewriters in the old days. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6052 Not everyone has monkey money, you know. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6053 If it's not about Donald or Daffy, they could care less. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6054 They sure listen to instructions better than the monkeys 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6055 Did the proctor say "begin clicking or clucking"... 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6056 You look familiar 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6057 OK, which one of you quacked behind my back? 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6058 Sure it's more P.C., but I still say no thumbs, no Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6059 I knew there would be one that didn't hunt and peck 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6060 So far, it's all just derivative—'Jonathan Livingston Chicken' and 'Chicken Big' 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6061 We knew the effects of technology on children were severe, but we never imagined this. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6062 I wish I could do more than hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6063 Number three and number sixteen are four words behind. It’s my opinion they should be let go at the end of the week. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6064 It’s not Shakespeare but it is arguably Proust. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6065 Why do you suppose they want all of their ducks in a row? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6066 Why a duck, you ask? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6067 I sense brewing rebellion. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6068 This is our basic all your ducks sitting in a row room. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6069 "3rd row on the right, he seems distracted". 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6070 Who knew there would be such a good turn out for the quack books pro seminar? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6071 Who says the millenials aren't serious? They sure look it 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6072 Nobody will suspect anything as long as they control both the locomotion and speech synthesis of the drones. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6073 I'll fly 1000 miles every winter, but I'll never migrate to Windows 10. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6074 Our tech support staff prefers to be known as the 'World Wide Webbed.' 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6075 Ya think they'll do better than the monkeys last week? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6076 Look at that creature in the third row. He is a trouble maker! 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6077 Surprisingly, their favorite game is Duck Hunt 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6078 1st question: does it look like a duck? 2nd question: does it quack? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6079 is that who I think it is 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6080 The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog....... 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6081 They are all unique in some special way. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6082 It feels like we're back in the egg carton again. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6083 You're right, the ducks don't know the difference between computers and pizza. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6084 The lab confirms our suspicions, doctor. The online program is churning out quacks. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6085 I guess we won't have to worry about tweeting during class. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6086 They’re practicing their imprinting. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6087 If a million monkeys can do Hamlet, I figure a thousand ducks can knock out a decent murder mystery. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6088 This the big test. So don't lay an egg. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6089 It's an easy class to teach. They don't make a peep. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6090 Always one in every flock. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6091 This class is for the birds... 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6092 Good morning. Welcome to Stupid Facebook Tricks. So...let's muddy some elections, shall we? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6093 Damn it I forgot my Username & Password again. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6094 We’ll start when I get all my ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6095 More alert than college students... 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6096 They're easier to manage than all those monkeys. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6097 Psst. The answer is 4. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6098 We ordered hackers, not quackers! 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6099 Each of you has earned the name, Donald. But there can be no collusion. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6100 That one at the end of the third row keeps squawking about us taking away their cubicles. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6101 Good news, the southern office just confirmed your winter contract! 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6102 Don't ask me why, Row C always exposes the odd duck. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6103 They're cage-free. It makes such a difference. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6104 Something's fowl about this. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6105 The planned layoffs are going to ruffle a few feathers. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6106 It's been a real issue getting all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6107 This is like, the third time they've sent me to Diversity Training Class. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6108 It's the 100 duck theory. We're measuring how long it takes for one of them to type "AFLAC". 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6109 After Burning Man, Elon Musk had a vision to increase Peep sales 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6110 Why did the company send us all their hunt and peck typists? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6111 This is the first generation where all chicks ar using Expedia to book their migration. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6112 I like to keep my ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6113 Earthquake drill? When I say 'Duck', they all press the Delete button. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6114 I told that featherrbrain no cheating. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6115 Now they just Google Earth East for the winter. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6116 Did you see the one with a beak? 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6117 They haven't written the complete works of William Shakespeare yet, but one did set up a decent Twitter account. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6118 Do we count this as hunting or pecking? 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6119 Yes, I'm positive, it was right there in the boss' e-mail, "We need new ducking computers." 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6120 No duck left behind. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6121 You're frustrated? Imagine what it was like before we made them get voice recognition software. Just hunt and peck, hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6122 ...and this is our quack fact-checker team... 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6123 I’m tired of these students ducking my questions. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6124 They want to see how many Trump tweets it takes before we quack. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6125 We need to study the effects of the new "on-line billing" initiative. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6126 Okay I’ll remove him. But he really is just like all the others. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6127 No wonder they hacked the mainframe, our cyber security team is a bunch of sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6128 ... and on this test we got Tennessee Williams. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6129 We’ll, we’ve got em lined up. What’s next? 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6130 The monkeys were a lot better at this. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6131 We’re testing their reaction to Trump’s tweets. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6132 Well Doc, I see you have your ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6133 If it walks like a click farm, and quacks like a click farm... 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6134 Enough with the tweeting! 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6135 No, I am not Professor Von Drake. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6136 You need to get your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6137 Total efficiency, Yes! Ducks in FOUR rows. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6138 We're trying to teach them the hunt and peck method. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6139 They’re cheaper than Monkeys. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6140 one of you has been leaking very sensitive eggmails 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6141 I don't see a Shakespeare play coming out of this group either. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6142 I know that I asked you to put your “ducks in a row”, but this is ridiculous! 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6143 Don't mind them, ...they all just discovered DuckDuck Go. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6144 Do you think we should have tested Hulu instead? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6145 Why yes, their typing is somewhat limited. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6146 If any of you cheat you'll have to get the flock out of here. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6147 You said to get all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6148 Shakespeare? That's monkeys' work! 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6149 All of our ducks are in a row. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6150 I really miss the old days when they put us in one row. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6151 Hey, this is a test! No squawking! 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6152 Row three, first one onthe right is having Row three, first one on the right is confused. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6153 We can now say that nineteen of twenty quacks recommend schemotherapy. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6154 I think you'll all enjoy our guest lecturer today, Lady with Crackers! 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6155 Experiment 173: Can You Teach A Duck To Type? 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6156 Well, I'd like to see one of them lay an egg. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6157 So, finally we seem to have found the source of all those fake Twitter accounts 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6158 What should we do if they ask to work in groups? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6159 They book their own flights south for the winter. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6160 I just keep thinking, there must be a better way to make a pencil. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6161 They’re unparalleled tweeters. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6162 Impressive. The IT department really has their ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6163 One of them -- we don't know which -- is a hacker. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6164 Can one of you guys just paste in 'Hamlet' so we can blow this joint? 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6165 Looks like everyone has ducked class again 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6166 They're all down-loading. 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6167 Most of our students are forward looking , and appreciate a window of opportunity . only one seems to be undecided , exploring the right from the left . Apples and oranges , or apples and Windows ? 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
6168 We're testing to see if that thing they say about 1,000 monkeys and typewriters works for ducks and laptops. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6169 They're all writing poetry to send to the New Yorker Magazine. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6170 What you learn here today will reduce your migration times by up to 40%. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6171 They can't write Shakespeare, but they're a whiz at social media. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6172 I am really getting tired waiting for them to bring in the goose. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6173 All we have so far is, "Bernardo: Who's thernaxmtz?" 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6174 'A billing department?" he says. "No problem. I've have AI handle it." 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6175 New experiment. The monkeys turned out to be prolific at social media, not Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6176 They like to stay connected during hunting season. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6177 We plan to sell direct and call it U-bird 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6178 Honor among penguins? I still think he's cheating. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6179 I said I wanted them to fund Project Duck Duck Goose, not a project by ducks and geese. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6180 Doctor, I'm afraid your students won't ever become anything but a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6181 We conclude our tour of the White House with the rest of the tweeting quacks. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6182 Finally. All our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6183 "Each time we repeat the experiment the clutch always has a nonconformist -third row right, check her out. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6184 After that last one with the goats, Doctor, your true genius might be the ability to still secure grants for this stuff. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6185 Did he really just say that AFLAC is proud to have so much diversity in their workforce? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6186 Okay, you finally have your ducks in a row. I fail to see how that is going to organize anything. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6187 They're supposed to be in A row... 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6188 ...Duck, not-Goose, Duck, Duck, not-goose, Duck... 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6189 Our problem is speed .... right now, they're just hunt and peckers. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6190 Looks like you have your ducks in a row here. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6191 No Shakespeare yet, but at least they're cleaner than the monkeys. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6192 Willoughby, in the front row, is the only one who can really type. The rest have to hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6193 This isn't working any better than when they were in columns. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6194 They seem to expect platyping to be platypical 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6195 But, at least, the monkeys had fingers. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6196 Sadly this group imprinted on PCs in the nest and cannot adjust to Macs. Proving Steve's hyphothesis 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6197 Facebook ad editing team. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6198 Agree, pin that quack in the third row. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6199 You in the back stop ducking around! 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6200 It took a while, but we finally got them to go wireless. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6201 It’s fake news if it whats like a duck again? 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6202 pssst...text me the answer to number 5. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
6203 I'm out of water on this new operating system. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
6204 You are right, it’s odd. But, we all dealing with ducks! 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
6205 this thing goin south, er what? (quack, honk, whatever) 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
6206 Seond row from the back, on the end--no cheating! 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
6207 They're in charge of our phishing schemes. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
6208 Unfortunately I don't think any of them qualify to work at Twitter. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
6209 Let's hope this is more productive than with the monkeys. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
6210 And what quack scientist came up with this idea? 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
6211 Look out for that one in the third row—he might get out of line. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6212 If they pass this test, we won't need mechanical border drones. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
6213 You know you can just use Bots for tweets, right? 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
6214 Today we'll learn how to tweet. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
6215 So if "DuckFace" tests well, then it's on to chickens. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6216 I'm not sure this is what Johnson meant when he asked for a team of high-flyers... 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6217 Don't listen to them. I'm not a quack. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6218 Let's hope PETA doesn't find out we are testing the latest Macbook. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6219 They're just sitting there - like desks. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6220 They're dirty, but they don't ask for overtime and they don't complain about single-sex restrooms. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6221 So, this is what the Company meant when they said 'budget cuts'. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6222 It must take a long time to boot those things up..."non conformists meet in the next room on the left!" 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6223 There's always one cheater in every class. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6224 For those who've lose their quacks, it's a miracle. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
6225 That clipboard reminds me of a guy I once dated . . . something about his mouth. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6226 Hoping for multiple choice. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6227 How do you teach ethics to a bunch of quacks? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6228 All the sheep have already taken this course. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6229 Randolf, stop hunting and start pecking. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6230 The monkeys with typewriters just weren't getting anywhere, so we thought we'd mix it up a bit. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6231 We've got the monkeys next door working on Shakespeare, so we started them on Proust 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6232 Hey, I was cool with the "duck duck" part, but I'm staunchly anti-goose, right. So now I'm here. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6233, duck, duck, duck, goose? Anyone seen goose? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6234 Even with the new program we can't keep our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6235 At the very least, we’ve got all our ducks in rows. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6236 Trolls are more fowl than ever 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6237 What they don't know is that we control artificial intelligence. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6238 After this, they take a flying test and then a select few are chosen for cartoons. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6239 They have all been closely following the fate of Duck Dynasty. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6240 Wow, she came up with Hamlet in record time. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6241 I've got it! The one the middle is a Simpsons duck. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6242 Virtual migration 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6243 Well, we certainly have our ducks in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6244 The web enabled keyboard is a bust, but the quack recognition software is showing promise. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6245 We can't start until everyone has their wings down and is facing forward! 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6246 I thought this works of Shakespeare stunt was supposed to be performed by monkeys using typewriters. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6247 I don't think our new admissions policy to attract a more diverse group of students is working very well. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6248 And they say animals are dumb. They can't even put the letters in alphabetical order on the keyboard! 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6249 In my day, med school looked different. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6250 These guys are good. Too bad they go south every winter. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6251 We switched the research protocol after the monkeys failed on typewriters. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6252 I knew you take a duck to water, but I didn't know you could make him think? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6253 Give me sheep!!!OR GIVE ME DEATH!!! 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6254 Hopefully this telethon takes off soon. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6255 What can I say doctor? We lost faith in the human race. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6256 Are we in hell? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6257 Meet the future of artificial intelligence. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6258 Turns out they're lurkers—they just read Tweets all day. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6259 He'll just be another one of those quacks once he graduates. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6260 The monkeys wouldn't give up their typewriters 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6261 I am not hoping to get out of it "War and Peace" like in the experiment with monkeys, but "Fifty Shades of Gray" would not be bad for ducks, would it? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6262 He's sure an odd bird. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6263 The monkeys all got carpal tunnel, hence the new strategy 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6264 What do they mean by “it’s time to get quacking”? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6265 It's the birdbrain beta test. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6266 Pssst! What did you get for number 137? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6267 Well, it looks like you've got all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6268 no, squawking! 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6269 You allow one student to duck a class and guess what happens next. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6270 When would I need 280 characters? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6271 anomalous duck on 3rd row chair 1 will be pardoned 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6272 Monkeys just didn't have enough discipline. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6273 They're quackerjack workers. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6274 Duck Dynasty? No, haven't seen it. Is it on Netflix? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6275 Welcome to Abductive Reasoning 101. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6276 Who’s the odd duck? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6277 They're just a pair of quacks. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6278 Solving this problem will be like duck soup! 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6279 Our newest model is aimed at the hunt and peck market. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6280 No matter what class, there's always a cheater! 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6281 Our market research shows that people find automated customer service frustrating. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6282 We really do have excellent Grant writers. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6283 OK. Now don’t fowl this up. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6284 Ready. Set. Peck. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6285 Because I can't pronounce my F's 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6286 The seminar on writer's block starts at 2:00. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6287 This is our Social Media Monitoring Unit. They follow everything. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6288 I like my lab technicians all in a row. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6289 "It's a duck blind study". "Can you guess who's been given the placebo"? 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6290 That was me twenty year ago. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6291 Which row are your ducks in? 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6292 Where are the infinite monkeys? 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6293 If this is some kind of ducks in a row experiment, I’m outta here. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6294 We've tried everything, but they just won't tweet. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6295 These quacks can sell a lot of opioids for us. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6296 Are we really all just lame ducks? 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6297 Let's blow this chicken outfit. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6298 You asked me to find a bunch of quacks 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6299 I'm serious this time: the next one to Google corn is out of the program. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6300 Third row back on the far right looks like he's cheating. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6301 when it comes to push overs, they're sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6302 How come the guy in the front row has fingers? 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6303 birds of a feather flunk together .... 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6304 With attacks in the rise, it’s nice to see so many flocking to cyber-security. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6305 Are you sure they're in the right pecking order? 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6306 And those two think that we are quackers. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6307 At least they're not tweeting all day. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6308 We're ducks. We're in rows. What else do you need to know? 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6309 Just don’t say ‘duck’. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6310 For this survey we wanted a different perspective -- a bird's eye view... 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6311 I hope this goes quicker than the monkeys with typewriters. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6312 Sorry Bob, the goose couldn’t make it. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6313 They've been keeping a close eye on tweets since the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6314 How long do you think it'll take them to realize ducks can't tweet? 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6315 Monkeys on typewriters is so last century 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6316 Without computer literacy, our students are sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6317 Did you see my tweet? 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6318 As you know from your years of teaching experience, Dr. Trumbull, there's an odd duck in every class. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6319 Of course, in this funding climate, it doesn't help that the monkey next door is three acts into Julius Caesar. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6320 Okay, you got all your ducks in rows, now how will that help you solve the Navier-Stokes problem? 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6321 This isn't what it looks like 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6322 Thank you all for attending and showing interest in today's topic, Cloning. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6323 No cheating! 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6324 They say they're Duck Dynasty for Trump. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6325 Psst! Pass the word. We'll do the complete works of Proust instead of Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6326 Only one of the subjects doesn't seem interested in watching Donald's cartoon 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6327 The migration to Quack Recognition 2.0 has nearly eliminated the injury claims we saw with hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6328 Well, hell, the monkeys could do it. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6329 Welcome to the freshmen class of the University of Oregon. Home to the, well you know, Ducks. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6330 I knew we should have used monkeys. So far, the best we've got is one volume of Proust. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6331 I heard this school was full of quacks, but this was not what I was expecting. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6332 Well, I see you have all your ducks lined up in a row. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6333 Are you going to break the bad news tomorrow to the guys in tech support, or am I? 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6334 Now that we've got all our ducks in a row what next? 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6335 But do they tweet like ducks? 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6336 Well, yes, they are quacks. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6337 No wonder your alumni are a bunch of quacks! 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6338 Right now, we’re testing to see if they’ll ever run their updates, or if they’ll just continuously click “later”. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6339 They're all obsessed with some new video game called "Angry People" 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6340 Instagram, I thought we were here to tweet! 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6341 I taught them to spell 'Benghazi' 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6342 This should weed out the quacks. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6343 Why am I here? 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6344 Maybe that last joint was not a so brilliant idea. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6345 Applicants must answer all the questions. Any wise quacks and you'll be disqualified. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6346 Eyes on your screens. Peking ducks will be disqualified. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6347 Walks like a duck, talks like a duck, types like a duck... 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6348 We haven't got all of our ducks in a row quite yet. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6349 I hope that this works out better than those monkeys did. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6350 Well, at least you've all your ducks in a row 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6351 Sir, the ducks are in rows getting their ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6352 Sure they can type, but it's only hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6353 Do you think they’ll grade our eggs on a curve? 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6354 Hey, you with the long neck — keep your eyes on your own screen! 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6355 Is this Ichthyology 101? 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6356 I see Tech Support still can't quite manage to get all their ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6357 Did you know humans administered the LSAT? 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
6358 Row C. Seat 1. Eyes on your own screen please. 1.0000 0.05717 18 18 0 0
6359 You don't understand, our goal is to enhance peak performance. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6360 It's so we don't have to read their chicken scratchings. 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6361 So start typing: The Bible - by God. In the beginning... 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6362 we're doing a study to see if even a birdbrain can navigate our new app. 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6363 The new White House Press Corps... All tweets and no questions. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6364 They all flew in this morning 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6365 This class definitely isn't all its quacked up to be! 1.0000 0.04446 23 23 0 0
6366 Hunt and peck is for chickens. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6367 My grades make me want to fly South for the Winter 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6368 Yes, let's nominate him; he doesn't follow the crowd. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6369 They love the new touch screens. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6370 Most of them already know how to code, but the one in the third row is just a hunt and pecker. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6371 I don't get it. It's all hunt and no peck. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6372 One out of 15 not paying attention is not acceptable 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6373 I wish they still used notebooks. I can never tell if they're buying shoes. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6374 Well, you certainly have all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6375 I'm all for free-range, Deryl, but this just feels over the top. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6376 Duck number 12, Get your head back in the row. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6377 We've found that it cuts down on quacking by 50%. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6378 It's called ponding. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6379 I told you he was cheating 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6380 I think we can proceed. I have all my ducks in rows. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
6381 He never does his biology work--he thinks 'goose' and 'duck' are verbs! 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
6382 The monkey novel was hackneyed, so we going back to hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
6383 There's not one of you that seems to be ugly but there's always that one who doesn't want to be in a row. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
6384 Where is goose? 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
6385 Check out the brown-nose down in front. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6386 Welcome to Tweeting 101. Befriend POTUS but no physical descriptions allowed; begin pecking. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6387 How much are we going to bill the government for this scientific research? 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6388 I guess duck duck goose is out. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6389 They are all trying to come up with the perfect cartoon caption. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6390 Welcome to touch typing class. How many of you are hunt and peck typists ? 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6391 Just another randomized trial, headed for duck soup. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6392 I hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
6393 What does row mean 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
6394 I bet none of you realized how much actual study was involved in becoming a quack. 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
6395 The monkeys finished Shakespeare, so we thought the ducks could at least get through Tolstoy. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6396 All they do is tweet all day. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6397 Duck: Quack the code or it's Fake news for life. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6398 Cloud computing must be old hat to them. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6399 there is a bug in this software and it might be a worm. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6400 The only part they don't understand is the duck face trend. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6401 No. 7 has ADD. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6402 I still say the President shouldn't have changed the hiring criteria for air traffic controllers. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6403 I do miss the monkeys and typewriters. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6404 The one in the third row, right, needs a psychiatrist, or a new laptop. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6405 Once upon a time, you just put a monkey on a typewriter 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6406 To succeed in this class you’ll need to have all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6407 The duck in seat 3A looks to be cheating 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6408 Birds of a feather ... 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6409 I don't think number 112 types well enough to keep on. He's more of a hunt 'n' peck typist. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6410 They've begun a clever social media campaign to get Duck Dynasty cancelled. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6411 OK we've got our ducks in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6412 I said keep your wings below the counter until you are told to begin! 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6413 ... that's not what I meant by animal testing 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6414 This really quacks me up. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6415 Put these new laptops onto each student's bill. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6416 I can't really type; I just hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6417 Apparently, duck number 13 is not all he was quacked up to be. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6418 Sometimes I wonder who is really being examined here. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6419 Turns out they are very efficient at sifting through all the newsfeeds and picking out the quacks. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6420 The Drake University entrance exam begins now. You have thirty minutes to flutter your answers onto your screens. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6421 The monkeys were getting nowhere, so we thought we should goose it up. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6422 I know I'll have it down on this test if I can just quack the code. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6423 Sales are down, but bills are up. We need to goose our numbers. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6424 Yes, but the medical society still calls me a quack. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6425 Now that we have our ducks all in a row, how do we make sure they don’t cross the road to Microsoft? 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6426 There's one in every flock. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6427 They can't do any worse than the penguins. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6428 I wonder if we went too far with the Affirmative Action for Ducks Act. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6429 The result is a weapon that'll crush any tweet. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
6430 Yes, they only hunt and peck, but on the positive side, they work for chicken feed. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
6431 I asked for infinite monkeys 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
6432 I went to see him last week for a pain in my wing. What a quack! 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
6433 He misheard and is testing chicking on an app. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
6434 No Shakespeare yet, but they have outperformed the president. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6435 On the right....he's doing it again. We've convinced him he's a mirror! 19 years. 2.78 million dollars. Finally.....finally. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
6436 This would be a lot easier if we had hands 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
6437 If it browses like a duck, and codes like a duck, and hacks like a duck, . . . 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
6438 This focus group is trying out our new iQuack. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
6439 They're just quacks! 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
6440 Our offshore development team just finished the migration 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
6441 I think their system is down 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
6442 We don't tell them its a survey about duck liver pate'. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
6443 I’m pretty sure it was, “If you gave typewriters to a thousand MONKIES . . .” 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
6444 Just don't say worldwide-webbed feet. They hate that. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
6445 Fake Twitter accounts. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
6446 They show no literally aptitude, but the chimps use them as seat cushions. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6447 ‘They heard you were a quack.’ 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
6448 I see you all answered ‘quack’ for question one. That’s okay; there are no right or wrong answers. 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6449 READY....SET.....HUNT and PECK 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6450 Two of you will be removed from our research study for not following instructions. 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6451 I just can't seem to get beyond hunt-and-peck. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6452 All right, you may begin--whatever it is you think you're here for. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6453 I'd say the test is conclusive, that getting your ducks in a row takes proficiency, but it's not the least bit productive. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6454 If they pass this hunt and peck test we send them on to flight school. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6455 So you got all your ducks in rows, now what? 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6456 I'm glad to see that you have your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6457 Online billing is just not what it's quacked up to be. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6458 Don't even say it. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6459 We asked them who is wearing a hat. All but one think its a logic puzzle. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
6460 Attention, class. We won't begin this quiz until everyone has their wings at their sides and is facing forward. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
6461 It's in beta testing - we're calling it the "Quacktop". 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6462 If you hunt and peck, you'll be disqualified. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6463 I can't wait to see the bill from Ducks Unlimited. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6464 I think that one is quacking up 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
6465 No please provide your most honest quacks. This is all anonymous. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6466 Only one seemed offended by the chicken McNugget ad. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6467 This med school is full of quacks. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6468 Hard to believe we're not going to get 16 identical answers. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6469 I've been told they're good at finding bugs. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6470 Is it effect or affect? 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6471 At the risk of stating the obvious, I see you've got all your laptops in a row. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6472 They aren't monkeys, so instead of 'Hamlet,' they wrote 'Pride and Prejudice 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
6473 One sixteenth of the population is still right leaning. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
6474 These new interns are a bit disturbing. 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
6475 They might be more comfortable in a V-formation. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
6476 This is the control group, the treatment group got iPhones. 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6477 Look at 'em. Just like a lot of sheep. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6478 They must be a couple of quacks. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6479 So, you think they’ll finish the novel before the monkeys ? 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6480 The monkeys kept wandering off. 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6481 This course was described as a way to "duck" the foreign language requirement. Got lost in the translation. 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6482 IT costs are down, but Yelp says our experts are all quacks. 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6483 If they type for a million years they'll turn into monkeys." 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6484 Just like you asked, right-wingers who tweet. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6485 No results yet on the infinite duck theorem. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6486 Soon we will quantitatively determine the relative importance of having ducks in a row versus not counting chickens before they hatch. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6487 I’m telling you. I feels great to finally have my ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6488 This class is for training underworld stool pigeons. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6489 Linear ducks, the key to organization. Well, that and Macbooks. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6490 What a great idea to put the Duck Dynasty guy in charge of U.S. cyber warfare! 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6491 The exam will begin when all the ducks are in a row. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6492 That’s the one who ate the marshmallow. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6493 I see we have all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6494 Corporate wasn't lying when they said our outsourcing department really had wings. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6495 We've gone back to the hunting and pecking approach to data entry. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6496 The monkeys didn’t work out. But these penguins have already written two more sequels to Fifty Shades of Gray and a screenplay for the next Transformers film. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6497 Fred, if you don’t pay attention your name will be added to the already long list of quacks in your area. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6498 It's been slow, but center front's starting to show promise. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6499 These new med students are a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6500 They don't seem to understand this new pecking order. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6501 They look fried. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6502 Things must be going really badly.They've just cancelled migration. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6503 They’re our computer quackers. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6504 Careful, second row from the top, far end, Trump supporter? 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6505 If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6506 If they were monkeys, I’m sure we’d have Shakespeare by now. 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6507 They still pay us hens only 77 cents on the dollar for the same work the roosters do! 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
6508 That inquisitive duck in the third row is going to be a problem. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
6509 I'd just as soon give up my liver. 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6510 When you're the only one who heard the fart... 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
6511 Remember when they tweeted on an actual farm? 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
6512 Ten bucks says they all get the same score on the test. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
6513 Is it just me or do they look like a pair of quacks? 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6514 Now that you're all in a row, we can begin the test. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6515 Duck Lab is not what it used to be. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6516 After we upgraded from the typewriters, monkeys just weren't in the budget. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6517 Eventually, we should get a complete copy of 'Jonathon Livingston Seagull'. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6518 After that Ransomware attack, we wanted to get all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6519 Losing holiday fat is popular at the moment! 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6520 We're still looking for the goose... 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6521 They're migrating our servers. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6522 Eventually, one of them will tweet the new Hamlet. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6523 Listen up, you Clones, how many times do I have to tell you NOT to copy!? 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6524 our conclusion is birds of a feather blog together. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6525 Professors Mallard and Drake suddenly realize there's been a misunderstanding. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6526 This psyche lab is full of quacks... 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6527 You have to make sure they don't duck any question 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6528 Is the test question really "in 100 words or less state why you are not all just sitting ducks?" 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6529 The ducks are all in a row...what's your excuse now? 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6530 This year's graduates from this Medical School will be all quacks 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6531 He's the lone duck. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
6532 In 12 hours, we should have the complete text of Atlas Shrugged. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
6533 Well, we tried it with monkeys, but I have a theory that we might get a better result with penguins. 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6534 See what happens when we wing it Myrtle?" "All just a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6535 Well, at least we've got them in a row. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6536 They never tried this experiment with ducks. I bet they can't type something better than Shakespeare! 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6537 We got Hamlet from the monkeys, we expect Ibsen from you birds! 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6538 I agree that monitoring Trump's twitter account is for the birds... 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6539 Well, I'm glad to see that all of our platypuses are in a row. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6540 errr.... whats up ducks? 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6541 We've covered swimming and quacking. Now if it browses like one we'll know it's a duck. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6542 Okay, we've got all of them in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6543 Professor, so I see you finally got your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6544 So, you're cloning trial created a the whole new freshman class? 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6545 This is the proof we've needed - birds of a feather do tweet together. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6546 When naturalists first encountered this egg-laying, duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed mammal they considered it an elaborate hoax, but nowadays the platypus is seen as representing a perfect cross-section of society. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6547 Well, so these are tomorrow's leaders.. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6548 When I said we should start a dating site for ugly ducklings, I was using an idiom. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6549 Now that they've organized, they've taken up blogging. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
6550 It takes a lot of skill to remember the pecking order. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
6551 ...and they work for crumbs... 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
6552 It's not Shakespeare, but it is trending. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
6553 shit 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
6554 On the count of three, duck. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
6555 George, this must be some kind of a nightmare. Pinch me. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
6556 Are they clear that it’s the PC’s that are migrating? 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6557 I know the boss said to “have all your ducks in a row”, but I don’t think he meant this ... 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6558 I see you have all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6559 I can't seem to distinguish Uma Thurman for Scarlett Johansson. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6560 Howard, will you just teach them how to tweet?! 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6561 They resent being called "bird brains." 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6562 I'm not sure Quacking will replace Twitting anytime soon... 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6563 I know we’ve been been getting more complaints.... but they work for chicken feed. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6564 The best we can hope for is the complete works of Neil Simon. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6565 I'm not sure this gun control survey group is sufficiently randomised. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6566 The one in the back on the right is on to us. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6567 Our study of using birds for IT work has been highly effective. The problem is that too many are flocking to get the jobs. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6568 Which one is Donald? 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6569 It worked with monkeys... & Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
6570 Third row. Far right. Cheating. First row, middle. Keep an eye on the right wing. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
6571 Oh, so this is how Penguin Publishing works 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
6572 We still have a lot of work to do Doctor. Most of them are quackheads. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
6573 I keep telling them it’s hopeless: you can’t teach a duck to tweet. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6574 You've assembled a quack team, Chief. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
6575 Is this your experiment or theirs? 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
6576 It's the annual Telethon for the Stars to benefit our duck population. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6577 Maybe they’ll type something else if we take the Q and K off the keyboards. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6578 Of course they’re lucky. We gave them laptops! 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6579 So, looks like you finally got your ducks in a row... 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6580 That one in the second to the last row on the right is cheating again! 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6581 We should've stayed with the monkeys. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
6582 I can see where you think you're always in hot water. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
6583 Duck, Duck, Go! 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
6584 And this is what they call “Getting their ducks in a row”? 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
6585 Once you Skype south for the winter, there's no going back. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6586 OK, no tweets or quacks. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
6587 You say gifted pre-meds...I say they're all future quacks. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6588 Actually, every day they turn out a new Hollywood blockbuster. 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
6589 The analysis is complete but what will we do with all the people? 1.0000 0.01626 62 62 0 0
6590 Is there a Mr Quack present? 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6591 If one million monkeys can write Shakespeare, just think what the ducks will be able to do! 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6592 I thought this was a game show with Howie Mandel. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6593 And here's our quack staff of writers. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6594 Word has it the chimps in the next room are worried about their job security. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6595 You never could get your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6596 As an added incentive, the lowest two scores will be served with an orange sauce. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6597 He changed the war room into the tweet room. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
6598 Bet you can't guess which one is a writer for the NEW YORKER. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
6599 Will you touch type the report or hunt and peck? 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
6600 The seating order is supposed to be duck, duck, and THEN goose. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
6601 Everyone ready to get their feet wet? 1.0000 0.06063 17 17 0 0
6602 These students are from the upper east side so there are no wrong answers. 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
6603 Meanwhile at DuckDuckGo U... 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
6604 Well, I did tell you to get all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6605 I don't know why a duck. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6606 This course is strictly for the Birds." 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6607 Define Birdbrain?!! 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6608 I waited my whole life to be cage free for this! 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6609 He's onto us. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6610 Looks like you really can't use a laptop if you don't have a lap! 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6611 Their typing skills can best be described as "hunt and peck" 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6612 We didn't have the budget for a thousand monkeys and a thousand typewriters. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6613 And remember: be yourself. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
6614 'The College has a new Admissions Director". 1.0000 0.01905 53 53 0 0
6615 Yes, but we don't want King Lear, we want Duck Soup. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6616 Hey, if it types like a duck. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6617 Good progress. As of now, we've got all our ducks in a row, row, row, row. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6618 Extreme vetting of seasonal immigrants 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6619 We've got our best team of digihens on the problem but they won't work for peanuts. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6620 It's frustrating. They wrote the Da Vinci Code in a few hours, but so far, Hamlet eludes them. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6621 The monkeys are on strike. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6622 They're taking it literally. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6623 I don’t use clichès. Let’s just say I’m prepared. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6624 Explain to me again how touch typing is faster than hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6625 A great novel? It worked with monkeys in front of typewriters. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6626 She exhibits a strong negative reaction whenever I say "ducks in a row." 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6627 I think we’ve found our wingman. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
6628 For the next phase of the facial recognition software test, we’ll use crows. 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
6629 They’re just waiting for Adobe to update again. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6630 You know, I've got this feeling that the whole thing's going to go South sooner or later. 1.0000 0.03509 29 29 0 0
6631 On your mark, hunt, peck. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6632 This is what happens when the minority hiring manager tries to make up for past oversignts. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6633 You’re correct professor, there is always at least one that falls for the Breaking News banner! 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6634 The college's diversity outreach efforts really paid off big this year 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6635 Row 3 seat 5, are you logged on? 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6636 I do miss the monkeys and typewriters. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6637 What was the password? 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6638 Our research will finally prove that the monkeys with the typewriters didn’t actually write Hamlet. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6639 I said, "in a row," not "on line." 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6640 The chimps started to unionize. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6641 Would you say they're in, on, or at their websites? 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6642 OK, they've got us in rows. Now what? 1.0000 0.01739 58 58 0 0
6643 It'll be mighty hard for one of them to beat that monkey's poem. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6644 Is it racist if I say they all look the same to me? 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6645 Well. We've got our ducks in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6646 I'll bet they think they have their ducks in a row 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6647 How much do we have to Tweet before they feed us? 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6648 This time, forget the starter's pistol. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
6649 Welcome, class, to Quack Psychology 101. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
6650 Our focus group thinks our next phone should be made out of bread. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
6651 You've got quail. 1.0000 0.01681 60 60 0 0
6652 They're fed up with getting paid chicken feed 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6653 Hmmm... we got our ducks in a row, but that doesn't seem to have solved the problem. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6654 After the third pizza was served, Hank wondered if ‘foie gras’ was really French for ‘all you can eat.’ 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6655 Apples and ducks in a row. What’s next? 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6656 Regardless … what every they write, it'll quack you up 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6657 We've got all our ducks in rows. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6658 Nice, but how do we get them in a row? 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6659 They concentrate so much better since we took away their smart phones. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6660 They're actually pretty insightful, the president has been pleased with the results so far. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6661 Three deep on the right worries me a bit, but nobody's left his row. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6662 In Oregon, all your ducks are in a row, but none of them press "enter"... 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6663 So, you've got all your ducks in a row - now what? 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6664 I don't know, Harry, do you think the doctors can tell that we're quacks? 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6665 I remember when Stanley came up with 'Aflac'! 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6666 I don't have a good feeling about this new crop of med students. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6667 .....and as an added incentive, the one with the highest score will be pardoned. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6668 Too much time on the computer does something to people 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
6669 Shatterproof they said. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
6670 I would say it's very impressive, but I clearly said to get them in one row. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6671 FYI, that one doesn't flock together either. 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6672 We have one who is cheating. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6673 If monkeys can do it, so can ducks. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6674 Gets your ducks in a row should not be taken literally 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6675 The question is, “Can a free-range bot farm swing an election?” 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6676 But they're from India. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6677 When I said get all your duck in order and hire new personnel, this is not what I meant. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6678 Looks like they're all too chicken to start the exam 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
6679 Duck, Duck, Go! 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
6680 Not what I expected. I'm going to try and duck out. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6681 Let us be the first to welcome you to Purdue . . . 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
6682 They're very self-conscious. So the biggest problem, is getting one of them to go first. 1.0000 0.01869 54 54 0 0
6683 I think I will just wing it. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6684 I thought we finally flew in the best of the best poultry industry analysts, but it turns out they are all just a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6685 See how long it takes for them to tap out "Jonathan Livingston Seagull." 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6686 The clones at A-3 and C-1 appear to be defective. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6687 At least the gophers with the iPhones managed a sonnet. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6688 They say they won't write Hamlet, but would be open to a comedy. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6689 I see the company has all its ducks in row. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6690 So far they've recreated all of Trump's Tweets. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6691 What a bunch of quacks! 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6692 Someone always quacks in these high pressure tests. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6693 Not what I was expecting when they told me the new group was a bunch of bird brains. 1.0000 0.01770 57 57 0 0
6694 I told you we should have used sheep. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6695 My screen is Quacked so I'm going to duck out of here. 1.0000 0.05407 19 19 0 0
6696 As you might expect, there's a certain pecking order... 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6697 What a bunch of quacks. Only one of them looks right. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6698 They flock together, but can they edit? 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
6699 This outsourcing has finally crossed the line. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6700 Before we begin I must again remind you that any unnecessary wisequacks will be tabulated and put on your bill. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6701 As you can see here, our research continues to show that getting all of our ducks in a row is not going to solve those productivity issues... 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6702 Wait until we give the signal. And no quacking! 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6703 Of course they're terrible at detecting Russian propaganda ads, but they work for free. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6704 I thought we were using monkeys to do this. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6705 I hope they do better than the monkeys did. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6706 We realized hunt & peck works better with these new keyboards 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6707 Do your own work, number 13. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6708 If you need help, use the web. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6709 They're not doctors like us, but they are a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6710 Yes, they definitely work better when put in a row -- nice work . 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6711 Glad to see you have your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6712 We call it "virtual free-range" 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
6713 I bet Google will put the rest of us quacks out of business. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6714 Third row all the way to the right; that's the quack I told you about. 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
6715 We wanted something different. The monkey's kept redoing Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6716 If we have to find the virus, I expect a wild goose chase. 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
6717 It's too early to say they will never use it for a higher purpose, but we should not have taught them to find x-rated duck videos first. 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
6718 No, I don't know their names! 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
6719 It's pure quackery to think they could replace monkeys. 1.0000 0.01802 56 56 0 0
6720 Look, now there is only one leaning to the right. 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
6721 I hate Windows 10. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6722 I'd say you have all your ducks in a row Professor. 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
6723 At least they show up. 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
6724 This must be the lame duck period. 1.0000 0.01709 59 59 0 0
6725 Nobody's quacked yet. 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6726 But I don’t need flood insurance. 1.0000 0.04256 24 24 0 0
6727 I gotta hand it to you, Dave; I had no idea what we were going to do with all these old laptops. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6728 It's becoming increasingly clear that they are no better at this than we are. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6729 The monkeys didn't work out, but we have high hopes for this group! 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6730 What is justice for a platypus? 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6731 So, your ducks in a column were a failure. Let's see what happens when you get your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6732 Well, we haven't heard them quack yet, so we can't be sure. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6733 I hope you're satisfied. In three years, these jokers came up with two 'knock-knock' jokes, one poorly-reasoned Op-Ed piece, and four recipes for creme brule. And my monkeys just needed one or two more months to finish their novel! 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6734 Okay, so we are now in a row what do we do now? 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6735 This is your final exam for email billing. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6736 Yes, he figured out how to use the keyboard, but all he types are wingdings. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6737 They're waiting to see who quacks first. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6738 They do realize that, unlike chimps, we don't have fingers for typing, don't they? 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6739 Hey. You. In the 3rd row, no quacking during the test. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6740 Still no tweets? 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6741 We're testing to see if 'free range' video works. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6742 There's always one "odd duck" in every group. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6743 They promised free ranges, not laptops. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6744 With this keyboard, I guess we'll just have to wing it. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6745 Are you sure having them stream Hitchcock's The Birds won't give them wrong ideas? 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6746 I'm hearing we have a lot of quacks in this focus group. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
6747 So far, none of them seem to have hatched even one good idea. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
6748 Really... birds smarter than monkies? 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
6749 So far, they appear to be visiting quack news sites. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
6750 Facebook posts or Shakespeare; we're about to find out. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
6751 "If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and doesn't have a clue about computers...". 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
6752 There's Ralph, talking in class, again. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
6753 I have a feeling we're in the control group. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6754 Just remember, what we're interested in is your own unique point of view. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
6755 It's always the same, they spend the whole class tweeting. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6756 Third row far right gets the accommodations 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6757 Given enough time pecking at random, they'll code another engrossing social media platform. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6758 All the work is happening below the desk line. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6759 It probably won't be as compelling as 800 monkeys eventually typing Shakespeare, but with a little coaxing maybe we can get them to type out the next James Patterson. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6760 We're hoping that they can at least muster 50 Shades of Gray. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6761 They asked to sit in columns, but I wasn't having any of it. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6762 Should we point out the flaw in their research? We are not monkeys and these are not typewriters. 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
6763 The one in the middle of the first row looks aggressive. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6764 Not bad, but they'll never replace the monkeys and their typewriters. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6765 And I had thought the 'hunt and peck' method was a dying art! 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6766 One of them has the answer to his last tweet. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6767 ... and no flying south before semester end 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6768 I think we've effectively eliminated the need for quacking. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
6769 One of them wants to press the button. Should we stop him? 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6770 Yes, but why a duck? 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6771 They're ability to detect fake news is impressive, don't you think? 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6772 Now that all of our Duckbots are in an Irow, let's do a quick Tweet before the system gets Quacked. #Geesearedeplorables 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6773 We're hoping that one of them will come up with a good insurance policy. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6774 The scientists in Milwaukee are still using mice. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6775 Your approach to getting published borders on quackery, Doctor. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6776 The great leader's diktat is clear: We will be sitting ducks no more! We will unleash an army of quackers on their computer systems! 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6777 I heard this professor's a quack. 1.0000 0.04652 22 22 0 0
6778 Are we going for Shakespeare or Odyssey? 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
6779 Not being monkeys, the best we can hope for is Moby Dick. 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6780 And here we have the famose New Yorker cartoon testing lab 1.0000 0.03077 33 33 0 0
6781 They said hack-a-thon, not quack-a-thon! 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6782 So far, only one of them has typed a Shakespeare play. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
6783 They get the "pecking" part, but freeze up when I mention "hunting." 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
6784 I don't know if these are right or left wing. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
6785 If the video of the goose laying the golden eggs works, we could be filthy rich by morning. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6786 The boss said to farm out our tech support. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6787 The QUACK keyboard is definitely more efficient for them than the QWERTY keyboard. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6788 Try as I might, I just can't get all of my ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6789 I think you have finally captured it,Tabula Rasa for the birds. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6790 I am not convinced they will perform in the field. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6791 You're doctors -- don't let anyone tell you that you're just a bunch of quacks! 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6792 Mallard? 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6793 The pecking order is from Right to Left, Row 1, Row 2, et. owl. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6794 Okay, I've got my ducks in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6795 There's always an odd one in the group. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6796 Whatever you do, don't Google duck pâté! 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6797 They haven't written anything. I think we can conclude that global warming doesn't affect bird populations at all. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6798 Don't ask me how we're supposed to work the keyboard. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6799 I dunno, Fred, if 100 monkeys couldn't do it... 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6800 This is where all the bills come. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6801 Third row, far right: he,s a left-winger for sure. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6802 Productivity tripled with the touch screens. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6803 What was I thinking, they are never going to want to migrate now 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6804 We thrive on consistency. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6805 I never knew there were so many ways to fly to Capistrano. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6806 Three rows back, on the end: I think maybe he shows initiative 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6807 This is a replication of the caged monkeys with typewriters masterpiece experiment that produced only a classic Newhart routine. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6808 Forget healthcare and tax reform! May still have a chance for a gun control law... 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6809 He's literally an odd duck. Literally. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6810 How do you spell Polonius? 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6811 Wing it. Seriously? 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6812 Today's lecture will be on the breeding behaviors of the North American Mallard. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6813 Second row from the top,on the end, I think we have a troublemaker! 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
6814 This job isn't what it was quacked up to be. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
6815 They like the name 'iQuack.' 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
6816 That one on the right, second from the back, is cribbing 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
6817 I told you these for-profit medical schools were for the quacks. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6818 Swimming lessons are optional. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
6819 I'm hoping for Shakespeare but will settle for Stephen King. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6820 We're testing wether these computers fit the bill. 1.0000 0.05130 20 20 0 0
6821 Computers are for the birds. 1.0000 0.02062 49 49 0 0
6822 When all of these birdbrains are synced, they're smarter than you. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6823 And to think, they called us “Quacks.” 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6824 Eventually one of them will write the script for "Fly Away Home" 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6825 Who is Shakespeare anyway? 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6826 Nope. Still all hunt and peckers. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6827 Congratulations, Doctor. I think you have conclusively established that ducks are as computer-challenged as elderly Americans. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6828 With this new group of hirees, customer service complaints have gone down significantly. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6829 Remember, when you start, nobody will know that you're a duck on the internet. Donald, are you listening over there? 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6830 I think my screen is quacked. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6831 We think she's figured out copy-and-paste. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6832 Now that we have all our ducks in a row . . . 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6833 Fire every last one of these mother duckers! 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6834 O.K. which one of you is tweeting during class? 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6835 The sooner we start, the sooner we can get the flock out of here. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
6836 They got tired of everyone calling them quacks. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6837 Trigger warnings? Safe spaces? Ha! Wait until you're out in the real world where industrial farmers will fatten your livers into soccer balls and then wring your necks so we can nosh on a delightful, yummy pate at Christmastime. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6838 It appears that all of our ducks are in a row. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6839 Left quack. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6840 If they look like ducks, walk like ducks, quack like ducks can they write like monkeys? 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6841 I told him to set up a click farm... 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6842 I don't think this is how a neural network is supposed to work. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6843 I said give a million monkeys a typewriter not seventeen ducks a laptop. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6844 Well, it sounded funny at the time. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6845 These med students are all a bunch of quacks. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6846 I think we got the farm part right, but not the troll part. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6847 I don't understand what they meant by home row. I'm just going to hint and peck! 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6848 The funding to run these surveys isn’t what it used to be. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6849 The results came back, and they are definitely ducks. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6850 I see we're migrating to a new platform. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6851 Still not quite in a row. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6852 Test on following directions. "What do I do next?" 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6853 Corporate is very happy our ducks are finally in rows. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6854 I suggest calling it ADD: Attention Duck Disorder. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6855 Their hunting is mediocre, but their pecking is fantastic! 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6856 'To quack or not to quack.' Wow, that's really close. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6857 Hey!You on the 3rd row right.Let's get our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6858 I think we'll skip the touch typing lecture 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6859 If you're still trying to decide what to have for dinner tonight, how about number 7 over there? 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6860 Has anyone seen Goose today? 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6861 Admittedly a minor rebellion, but I'm about to uncork a magnificent tweet. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6862 Now that we have our ducks in a row, let's begin. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6863 I think we may have a couple people absent... 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6864 No cheating, Bro 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6865 Day 27 notes...We have still not figured out the pecking order. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6866 Can you believe they once believed they could do this with monkeys on typewriters? 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6867 It's just as I suspected. Ducks can't tweet. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6868 Our data suggest it's only matter of time before one of them writes the winning New Yorker cartoon caption contest. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6869 The freshman class isn't as diverse as last year's. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6870 One of these birds is our mole. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6871 keep your eye on the third one from the left...he's the troublemaker 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6872 We aren't expecting Shakespeare, but maybe, To Kill a Mockingbird. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6873 Even with the the online portal, they still struggle with the bill. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6874 So... no one has a pen? 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6875 Why do we need laptops again? Windows is a program not a way out buddy. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6876 All these pizzas were gluten free Joyce, and not one of them noticed. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6877 World Wide Webbed Feet. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6878 I don't think internet access will qualify them as "free-range" if their wings never touch the keys. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6879 Don't look so surprised, Mr. Duckworth ... you've had a move-up to the second row due you for a long time now. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6880 Beaks front! 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6881 I have to be honest, I'm not comfortable just being another duck in a row. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6882 King Lear it is. Ready, set, go. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6883 Even his digital entries look like chicken scratches. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6884 This is where the Aflac Duck was discovered. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6885 Can you believe these quacks will be running the EPA? 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6886 Yes, each one of these birds have high I.Q.s, and strangely the only thing they have in common is they're all wearing 'pelican briefs'. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6887 The next season of "Game of Nests" is testing well. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6888 They are divided into rows of hunters and peckers. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6889 Ready, set DuckDuckGo! 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6890 Are you sure? ... I thought she said our job is to guarantee the software generates as many buks as possible.... 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6891 This is not exactly what I meant when I told you to get your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6892 We have determined that birds of a feather tweet together. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6893 Looks like one has had outside help. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
6894 Duck....Duck....where's the Goose? 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6895 Here they are, professor. The next graduating class of homeopathic doctors. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6896 If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and computes like a duck, it's a duck. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6897 There's just something about being in a row that makes me hopeful. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6898 I only know hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6899 These birds of feather always flock together, its hopeless. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6900 Inside the Alflac Online Help Center 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6901 I have no idea why Mandarin is required with our major. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6902 And finally, this is the team in charge of identifying fake news on our social network... 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6903 Did she say quark or quack? 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6904 If you hadn't misspelled 'Tolstoy,' we would have beaten the monkeys. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6905 Infinite monkeys on infinite typewriters didn't work out, so we're trying sixteen ducks on sixteen laptops. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
6906 Now what? They ate the mouses. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6907 They are looking for bugs. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6908 We found the human focus groups where getting too whiny. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6909 Rate My Professor was not kind to these two. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6910 You have three seconds to decide: Are they ugly, hipster, or rugged? 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6911 Firstly, let me welcome you to Duck U.! 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6912 Eventually they will write all the jokes of Gilbert Gottfried. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6913 Why do our computer science classes attract so many odd ducks? 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6914 I thought we ordered monkeys! 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6915 Alert the publisher. I think they're about done. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6916 If they say, "We have all our ducks in a row" one more time, I'm gonna unleash the computer virus I been working on..... 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6917 It looks like they're all ducking the question. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6918 It's quack. Everybody's password is quack. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6919 If you scold them for pecking before they hunt, it will only ruffle their feathers. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6920 I’ll trust my instinct flying south – thank you very much. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6921 Don't look just yet, but there's Waldo, second from the left, third row. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
6922 I think they're quacks. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6923 The monkeys kept giving us Shakespeare. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6924 They’ll never do better than the chimps. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6925 Excellent work. I'll let the stakeholders know our content marketing strategy is in place. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6926 Ah, a cheater! Third row back on the far right. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6927 We had to take away their Q keys. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6928 When they said get your ducks in a row to test apples, I had something else in mind. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6929 A thousand ducks at a thousand typewriters...and all we have is "It was the best of times, it was the quacks of times"? 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6930 ...and each and every one a Crossing The Rhodes Scholar. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6931 The monkeys couldn't, let's see how the ducks do. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6932 Well, Doctor, you certainly have all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
6933 You sank my battleship. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6934 One more quack and we are cancelling recess. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6935 They no longer found mazes challenging. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6936 Let's call it Twitter 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6937 I'm sort of a "hunt and peck" typist. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6938 The hen who's not into rooster porn will get us another research grant. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6939 Finally we'll find out who is really "The Seagull." 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
6940 They never take us seriously. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
6941 Why don't they tweet? 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
6942 Unfortunately, they all duck the question. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
6943 It's your Earthworm Lumbricus 103 class. They're all early. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
6944 But it COULD BE the first small step to them taking over the world. 1.0000 0.03637 28 28 0 0
6945 Of course none of them has yet to take any notes or participate, but I have high hopes for the one in the front. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6946 One out of sixteen’s not bad for birdbrains. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
6947 Students these days are so flighty. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6948 'Get touch screens,' I said, but you never listen. 1.0000 0.03922 26 26 0 0
6949 There's nothing on my screen. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
6950 So, they type with their beaks? 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6951 They're not Russian, but they'll have to do. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6952 You certainly have your ducks in a row! 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
6953 Well, here they are. All my ducks wouldn't fit into just one row. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6954 They tend to be more focused during lectures than the freshmen ... just have to throw 'em breadcrumbs occasionally. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6955 Even if the experiment works, they will still call you a quack. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6956 Monkeys can’t use laptops, let alone tweet. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6957 It’s the “infinite monkey theorem”, only with ducks. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6958 For those that marked "yes" to being a goose. Stand up and chase Dr. Levitt around the room. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6959 I didn't know that many ducks were interested in law school. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6960 ... that's not what I meant by animal testing 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6961 I hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6962 This is going to be a real clustercluck. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6963 Hey, did anybody else just get a lot of Russian on their screen? 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6964 Today's topic: Using the Whole Bird 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6965 Told you number seven was unlucky 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6966 Don’t look now but they gave us an odd duck in the third row 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6967 Job training class, it was cheaper than buying robots. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6968 We're trying a new seasonal staffing model. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6969 Glad you got all your ducks in a row. It's much better than the stool pigeons. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6970 So which one is going to write the next Aflac commercial? 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6971 The AFLAC call center is all ready to go. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6972 And this is our online billing team. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6973 Looks like we finally have all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6974 Yes, but can they think? 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6975 If it types like a duck... 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6976 How did it make you feel when your parents threw you out with the bathwater? 1.0000 0.02247 45 45 0 0
6977 Who was the quack that came up with this market research study? 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6978 Third row up, second from the right: He's a real quack. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
6979 This experiment was more fun with monkeys. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6980 What in the flock is that birdbrain looking at? 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
6981 Are you sure these are medical students? They look like a bunch of quacks... 1.0000 0.01980 51 51 0 0
6982 No workplace romances allowed. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
6983 Just don't tell them that they're sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6984 I'd like to welcome all of you to your first day at Lucky Duck Corporation. Let's get started with the killing and bagging. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
6985 These ducks aren’t getting anywhere close to Shakespeare. Let’s go back to monkeys. 1.0000 0.07412 14 14 0 0
6986 Front row center - such an odd duck 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6987 The monkeys just kept writing Shakespeare so now we're going with ducks. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6988 You'll know who's who when the SAT scores come in. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6989 They don't get anything done. They spend all day tweeting. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6990 Eyes in front, Donald. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6991 For some as-yet unknown reason, we've been seeing a lot of duck porn on these laptops. 1.0000 0.04880 21 21 0 0
6992 He is cheating. Walk him out. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
6993 So, I says, "Free range is for chickens. Give us free wi-fi!" 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6994 It was the only group we could find to use for the test who consistently had no distracting phones. 1.0000 0.02410 42 42 0 0
6995 They're real tweeters. Legal says we're golden. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6996 And, tomorrow, we should be able to line them up. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6997 I'd like to duck out of this. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6998 So are these the free range tweeters? 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
6999 When I said to farm the work out, I meant overseas. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
7000 We finally got all our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
7001 After getting all of their ducks in a row, the researchers wondered what they would learn from this group of "quacks". 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
7002 Taking care of bills online? 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
7003 Platypus, you in the 3rd row far right, I said all duck-bills pointed toward me! 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
7004 The odd duck in the third row might skew the results. 1.0000 0.02151 47 47 0 0
7005 Well there's an odd duck for ya. 1.0000 0.02899 35 35 0 0
7006 Notice how the PC users flock in the center? 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
7007 That's Wilbur over there. You can see why we had to hold him back a grade. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7008 One more Afflack commercial will and their little bird brains will be in sync. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7009 My theory is that if an infinite number of monkeys on typewriters can come up with the complete works of Shakespeare, then 100 ducks on laptops ought to be able to as well. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7010 It's the two on the third row. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7011 This is curved, right? 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7012 Concealled carry permits make everyone feel like a sitting duck. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7013 I’m not so sure that given infinite time, a duck randomly striking keys on a keyboard will eventually produce the complete works of Shakespeare. You know it's hard to strike a key with a webbed foot. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7014 Pssst, pass it on. We're all flying south at midnight. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7015 The rest of the department thinks we're quacks. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7016 No- what I said was 'no peaking'. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7017 Corporate needs validation for their Digital Duck roll out. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7018 Their jobs are being outsourced to Canadian Geese and Indian Runners. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7019 We'll soon know if stress increases flight risk. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7020 I don't know. It worked with the monkeys and the typewriters. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7021 I suspect fowl play. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7022 If we can lead them to Java, C++, and Python, then we're all sitting pretty. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7023 Bueller...Bueller...Bueller? 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
7024 A whole gaggle of quacks have infected our computers. 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
7025 Donald keeps talking to Daffy 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
7026 Shouldn't we get them in a row before they start typing? 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
7027 Sure, animal testing has its critics, but the results speak for themselves. 1.0000 0.01835 55 55 0 0
7028 So far none of them has produced Hamlet; but, we did get an episode of Gilligan's Island. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7029 At least none of them knows I’m a quack. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7030 They keep treating us like we are a bunch of quacks! 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7031 The monkeys were cuter, but they wouldn't stop flinging feces. 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
7032 You 2 in the 3rd row, eyes and beak straight ahead, & I won't take quack for an answer! 1.0000 0.02105 48 48 0 0
7033 And here is the billing department 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7034 There's a quack in my squeen. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7035 It's remarkable. It was only last year we began duck-blind admissions. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7036 Just what the chiropractic profession needs, more quacks! 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7037 And THIS is the POTUS Tweeet crew... 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7038 We found that quacking, not tweeting, gets all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7039 Looking at the two of them, I’m betting it will be a yummy rom-com, not the usual fare. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7040 We're hoping for Hamlet, but I'd settle for "quack." 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7041 "We didn't get a 'Hamlet' yet, but yesterday one turned in 'The Brothers Mallard'. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7042 The chicken came first. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7043 Who came up with this sitting duck thing anyway? 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7044 Give it up -- they discovered their right to privacy. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7045 Just take a quack at it...they said no fowl play. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7046 If an infinity of monkeys can produce Shakespeare, just think what ducks could do! 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7047 Welcome to Birdbrains 101 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7048 1.21 gigapecks? Great Scott!!... 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7049 He walks like a duck, he talks like a duck--why can't he work like a duck? 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7050 Nice to see you keep your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7051 Now do you believe all of our tweets are real? 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7052 Now that they're in rows, we wait. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7053 We warned staff what might happen if they unionized. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7054 Psst! For question 18 did you come up with "quack quack"? 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7055 Old McDonald didn't realize how to monetize his poultry, with "A quack here, a quack quack there, everywhere a quack quack." 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7056 I have a feeling this seminar is laying an egg. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
7057 Look at that duck in row C seat 1. If he passes, he's got corporate lawyer written all over him. 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
7058 How many years till they get Hamlet? 1.0000 0.02020 50 50 0 0
7059 Now that we have our ducks are in a row we can start. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7060 No, there is no goose. 1.0000 0.03279 31 31 0 0
7061 I think the one at the end of the third row is cheating. 1.0000 0.02667 38 38 0 0
7062 Just keeping our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02532 40 40 0 0
7063 What if I already know how to tweet? 1.0000 0.02299 44 44 0 0
7064 How long ‘til we have the next great American novel? 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7065 Their homework now is so neat. No more chicken scratches. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7066 Apparently the horse couldn't even hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7067 Remember... no squawking! 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7068 My title is Missing My Confederate Statue 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7069 If they hack like a duck then them must be ducks. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7070 Our main objective is to get them all in a row. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7071 They are all quacks. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
7072 It may seem unorthodox, but trust me, it works. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
7073 We're working for chicken feed. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7074 These online medical exams really help weed out the quacks. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
7075 That's not what I meant when I said 'you better get all your ducks lined up in a row'. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
7076 You win, Dr. Smedley. I concede that you are the best grant application writer. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7077 So far the study shows they'd rather quack than tweet. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7078 This is for the contest ending 11/5 at 11:59 PM with the guy in the bathtub. The online cartoon changed too soon - it’s only 11:12 PM EST. I hope you’ll consider my entry: “It’s a new method... Lather, deconstruct your psyche, repeat.” 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7079 At least the monkeys tried. 1.0000 0.01942 52 52 0 0
7080 ' not one wise quack in the bunch' 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
7081 Do you think they're really here to learn? 1.0000 0.02353 43 43 0 0
7082 At first I found it offensive, but then I realized that they said it to everyone on the faculty. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
7083 They never listen; my lectures are like water off a student’s back. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
7084 Let the tweets begin! 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
7085 Third row, far right, touched me inappropriately. 1.0000 0.02985 34 34 0 0
7086 Sir, ducks gathered in a classroom is not called a flock, it's called, riduckulous. 1.0000 0.04082 25 25 0 0
7087 Just two potential flock leaders . . . 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
7088 This time let's go for the complete works of Herman Melville. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
7089 Monkeys still haven't recreated Shakespeare, so we're taking another approach. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
7090 Puhleeze, Bert, not that canard about 'ducks in a row' again! 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
7091 Their live chat typing skills are abysmal, but they don't take any guff from customers. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7092 We've successfully trained them all to use Twitter, but only one can receive the Republican nomination. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7093 This is our billing department. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
7094 Actually, teaching new software was simple. Getting all our Ducks in a row, however . . . 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7095 Would anyone like to take a quack at this? 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7096 We were going to bake them in a pie, but they all wanted to go online. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
7097 It's easy, once you get all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7098 Are numbers seven and eight cheating? 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7099 This hundred ducks pecking might work better than the thousand monkeys typing wheeze. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7100 They said, "No tweets", so what do they expect us to do? 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7101 "The system is down" has a whole new meaning. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7102 We're looking to a sequel to The Ugly Duckling. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7103 Let’s try hunt and peck. Maybe they will go away. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7104 What happens when they realize it's a recipe for duck a l’orange? 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7105 They were hired for their billing expertise. I’m not sure they are quite what they were quacked up to be. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7106 They look like a bunch of quacks if you ask me. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
7107 Okay...first guy, third row has figured out it's a pizza box. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7108 Don’t mention “hunt and peck.” They’ll panic. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7109 Two of them are non-conformists. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7110 Sure, they can peck...but can they hunt? 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7111 Obviously a right winger. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7112 By transferring a collection of fish genes, we created a school of ducks. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7113 Test scores have really gone south this winter. 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
7114 You have to give Putin credit. When we said it was time for Russia to get its cyberducks in a row, he's the one who said, 'Four rows.' 1.0000 0.03774 27 27 0 0
7115 The monkeys were too expensive . . . 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7116 This remake of "The Birds" isn't as scary as the original. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7117 With this group it's mostly hunt and peck. 1.0000 0.02817 36 36 0 0
7118 Yes, doctor, everyone knows what a million monkeys will type, but... 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7119 Shakespeare? They're halfway through War and Peace! 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
7120 But you said if I got all my ducks in a row... 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
7121 I can tell you right now there aren't more than a couple of good programmers in this bunch. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
7122 “These are not actual ducks, but part of the new duck meme training program ‘Duck Me 2.0’. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
7123 How often do they use the “q” key? 1.0000 0.03390 30 30 0 0
7124 They are sitting in the VPN formation. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7125 SOMEONE is not paying attention. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7126 This study's not all it's cracked up to be. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7127 You weren't kidding when you said you had all your ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7128 this isn't fair, the guy in front has fingers 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7129 So, I guess we use the 'hunt and peck' method? 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7130 They were supposed to fly south weeks ago, but YouTube autoplay... 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7131 Do they understand "Quack"? 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7132 Third row, far right, is (if you catch my drift) dangerously off task. 1.0000 0.02198 46 46 0 0
7133 Of course we are tweeting. That's what we birds do. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7134 The subject at the far right end of row 3 told me he doesn't think computers are all they're quacked up to be. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7135 I’m not sure junior is going to fit in here, dear 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7136 Myself, I’d go with monkeys, lots and lots of monkeys. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7137 I admit they look clever Elsie. But they're just sitting ducks. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7138 For some reason, "my tuition pays for your salary" stings more coming from them. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7139 It worked better when we did this with monkeys. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7140 As it turns out, selling car insurance IS the only thing ducks are good for. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7141 It must be the hunting and pecking that slows them down. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7142 They are doing basic research on Tweets. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7143 A bunch of quacks, if you ask me. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7144 Duck number 3 and Duck number 13, please close your fake laptops and leave the testing area immediately. You are disqualified! 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7145 First they wanted a free range, now it's an education. 1.0000 0.02740 37 37 0 0
7146 ...and that's how you spot a Chris Christie supporter. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
7147 Today in class we'll go over WWII Bomber Command techniques during hunting season. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
7148 So what the fuck am I supposed to be, a duck or a platypus. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
7149 The monkeys had their chance. Let's see if the hunt and peck method works any better. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
7150 Remember, if this thing falls apart, we have to be able to link it to the Russian hackers. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
7151 This isn't all what it's quacked up to be. 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
7152 We've got all our ducks in a row. Now what? 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
7153 So this is your brilliant solution to our computer bug? 1.0000 0.02469 41 41 0 0
7154 We need a goose. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
7155 You really think you can teach ducks how to tweet? 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
7156 What are the latest quack-ulations? 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
7157 well, it finally happened just like you thought it would; they ALL wrote, "Call me Duck. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
7158 We tried monkeys, but they were no good at hunt-and-peck. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
7159 It's time for us to get all of our ducks in a row. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
7160 No, you misunderstood. I asked whether you had all your docs in escrow. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
7161 Look to your left, look to your right, because one of you will be duck soup. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
7162 All these bird brain tweets should neutralize Trump's. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
7163 Peck, peck, peck, bleep, peck. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
7164 Looks like our face-recognition app isn't working. 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
7165 The ducks can't do it, either!? 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
7166 Who would have guessed they'd be so interested in kitty videos? 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
7167 We ducked up. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
7168 Quack your computers when done. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
7169 Except for Buckley, they all seem to be birds of a feather. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
7170 Ok, next on our survey. Please raise your hand if you enjoy the taste of duck. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
7171 Only one of them is watching a duck cooking show. 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
7172 Dang! I think I forgot my password once again...! 1.0000 0.02598 39 39 0 0
7173 Nothing like having all your ducks in a row(s). 1.0000 0.03175 32 32 0 0
7174 I can only hope independent thinking isn't contagious. 1.0000 0.11785 9 9 0 0